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Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- core/sql/structure/core.postgresql.sql
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET escape_string_warning = off;


SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_with_oids = false;

CREATE SEQUENCE actions_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;

  id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('actions_id_seq'::regclass),
  keyword character varying(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::bpchar,
  label_action character varying(255),
  id_status character varying(10),
  is_system character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_folder_action character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  action_page character varying(255),
  history character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  origin character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'apps'::bpchar,
  create_id  character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  category_id character varying(255),
  CONSTRAINT actions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

CREATE TABLE docserver_types
  docserver_type_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  docserver_type_label character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  is_container character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  container_max_number integer NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)::integer,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  is_compressed character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  compression_mode character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  is_meta character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  meta_template character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  is_logged character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  log_template character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  is_signed character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  fingerprint_mode character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  CONSTRAINT docserver_types_pkey PRIMARY KEY (docserver_type_id)

CREATE TABLE docservers
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'::character varying,
  docserver_type_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  device_label character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  is_readonly character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  size_limit_number bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)::bigint,
  actual_size_number bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)::bigint,
  path_template character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  ext_docserver_info character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  chain_before character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  chain_after character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  closing_date timestamp without time zone,
  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'coll_1'::character varying,
  priority_number integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 10,
  docserver_location_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  adr_priority_number integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  CONSTRAINT docservers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (docserver_id)

CREATE TABLE docserver_locations
  docserver_location_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  ipv4 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  ipv6 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  net_domain character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  mask character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  net_link character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT docserver_locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (docserver_location_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE doctypes_type_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  START 500
  CACHE 1;

  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying,
  type_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('doctypes_type_id_seq'::regclass),
  description character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying,
  enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  doctypes_first_level_id integer,
  doctypes_second_level_id integer,
  primary_retention  character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  secondary_retention  character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT doctypes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (type_id)

CREATE TABLE ext_docserver
  doc_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  path character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT ext_docserver_pkey PRIMARY KEY (doc_id)

CREATE TABLE groupsecurity
  group_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  resgroup_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  can_view character(1) NOT NULL,
  can_add character(1) NOT NULL,
  can_delete character(1) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT groupsecurity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_id, resgroup_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE history_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;

  id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('history_id_seq'::regclass),
  table_name character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  record_id character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  event_type character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  user_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  event_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  info text,
  id_module character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'admin'::character varying,
  remote_ip character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  event_id character varying(50),
  CONSTRAINT history_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

CREATE SEQUENCE history_batch_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE history_batch
  id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('history_batch_id_seq'::regclass),
  module_name character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  batch_id bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint,
  event_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  total_processed bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint,
  total_errors bigint DEFAULT NULL::bigint,
  info text,
  CONSTRAINT history_batch_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

CREATE TABLE parameters
  id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  description TEXT,
  param_value_string character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  param_value_int integer,
  param_value_date timestamp without time zone,
  CONSTRAINT parameters_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

CREATE TABLE resgroup_content
  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  resgroup_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  "sequence" integer NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT resgroup_content_pkey PRIMARY KEY (coll_id, res_id, resgroup_id)

CREATE TABLE resgroups
  resgroup_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  resgroup_desc character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  created_by character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT resgroups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (resgroup_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE security_security_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 600
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE "security"
  security_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('security_security_id_seq'::regclass),
  group_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  where_clause text,
  maarch_comment text,
  can_insert character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  can_update character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  can_delete character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  rights_bitmask integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  mr_start_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
  mr_stop_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
  where_target character varying(15) DEFAULT 'DOC'::character varying,
  CONSTRAINT security_pkey PRIMARY KEY (security_id)

  id character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  label_status character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  is_system character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  is_folder_status character(1) NOT NULL default 'N'::bpchar,
  img_filename character varying(255),
  maarch_module character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'apps'::character varying,
  can_be_searched character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  can_be_modified character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT status_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

CREATE TABLE usergroup_content
  user_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  group_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  primary_group character(1) NOT NULL,
  "role" character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  CONSTRAINT usergroup_content_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id, group_id)

CREATE TABLE usergroups
  group_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  group_desc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  administrator character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  custom_right1 character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  custom_right2 character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  custom_right3 character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  custom_right4 character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT usergroups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_id)

CREATE TABLE usergroups_services
  group_id character varying NOT NULL,
  service_id character varying NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT usergroups_services_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_id, service_id)

  user_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  "password" character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  firstname character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  lastname character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  phone character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  mail character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  department character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t1 character varying(50) DEFAULT '0'::character varying,
  custom_t2 character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t3 character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  cookie_key character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  cookie_date timestamp without time zone,
  enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  change_password character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  delay_number integer DEFAULT NULL,
  status character varying(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'OK'::character varying,
  loginmode character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  docserver_location_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  thumbprint text DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  signature_path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  signature_file_name character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  initials character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- modules/advanced_physical_archive/sql/structure/advanced_physical_archive.postgresql.sql

CREATE SEQUENCE arbox_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 10
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE  ar_boxes (
  arbox_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('arbox_id_seq'::regclass),
  title character varying(255)  default NULL::character varying,
  subject character varying(255)  default NULL::character varying,
  description text ,
  entity_id character varying(32)  default NULL::character varying,
  arcontainer_id integer NOT NULL,
  status character varying(3)  default NULL::character varying,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone,
  retention_time timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t1 character varying(3)  default NULL::character varying,
  custom_n1 integer default NULL,
  custom_f1 numeric default NULL,
  custom_d1 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t2 character varying(3)  default  NULL::character varying,
  custom_n2 integer default NULL,
  custom_f2 numeric default NULL,
  custom_d2 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t3 character varying(50)  default  NULL::character varying,
  custom_n3 integer default NULL,
  custom_f3 numeric default NULL,
  custom_d3 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t4 character varying(50)  default  NULL::character varying,
  custom_n4 integer default NULL,
  custom_f4 numeric default NULL,
  custom_d4 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t5 character varying(255)  default  NULL::character varying,
  custom_n5 integer default NULL,
  custom_f5 numeric default NULL,
  custom_d5 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t6 character varying(255)  default  NULL::character varying,
  custom_t7 character varying(255)  default  NULL::character varying,
  custom_t8 character varying(255)  default  NULL::character varying,
  custom_t9 character varying(255)  default  NULL::character varying,
  custom_t10 character varying(255)  default  NULL::character varying,
  custom_t11 character varying(255)  default  NULL::character varying,
   CONSTRAINT ar_boxes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (arbox_id)

CREATE TABLE  ar_containers (
  arcontainer_id integer NOT NULL,
  arcontainer_desc character varying(255)  default NULL,
  status character varying(3)  default NULL,
  ctype_id character varying(32)  default NULL,
  position_id bigint default NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone,
  entity_id character varying(32)  NOT NULL,
  retention_time timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t1 character varying(50)  default NULL,
  custom_n1 integer default NULL,
  custom_f1 numeric default NULL,
  custom_d1 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t2 character varying(3)  default NULL,
  custom_n2 integer default NULL,
  custom_f2 numeric default NULL,
  custom_d2 timestamp without time zone,
 CONSTRAINT ar_containers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (arcontainer_id)

CREATE TABLE  ar_container_types (
  ctype_id character varying(32)   NOT NULL,
  ctype_desc character varying(255)   NOT NULL,
  size_x float NOT NULL default '0',
  size_y float NOT NULL default '0',
  size_z float NOT NULL default '0',
  CONSTRAINT ar_container_types_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ctype_id)

CREATE TABLE  ar_deposits (
  deposit_id bigint NOT NULL,
  deposit_label character varying(255)  NOT NULL,
  deposit_desc text  NOT NULL,
  flg_closed smallint NOT NULL,
  closing_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  user_id character varying(128)  NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT ar_deposits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (deposit_id)

CREATE TABLE  ar_header (
  header_id bigserial NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  ctype_id character varying(32)   NOT NULL default '0',
  year_1 integer NOT NULL default '0',
  year_2 integer NOT NULL default '0',
  site_id character varying(32)   NOT NULL default '0',
  destruction_date timestamp without time zone,
  allow_transmission_date timestamp without time zone,
  weight integer default NULL,
  reservation_id bigint default NULL,
  deposit_id bigint default NULL,
  header_desc text  ,
  entity_id character varying(32)   default NULL,
  arnature_id character varying(32)   default NULL,
  arbox_id integer default NULL,
  arcontainer_id integer default NULL,
  CONSTRAINT ar_header_pkey PRIMARY KEY (header_id)

CREATE TABLE  ar_natures (
  arnature_id character varying(32)  NOT NULL,
  arnature_desc character varying(255)  default NULL,
  arnature_retention integer NOT NULL,
  entity_id character varying(32)  default NULL,
  enabled character varying(1)  default NULL,
 CONSTRAINT ar_natures_pkey PRIMARY KEY (arnature_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE position_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 200
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE  ar_positions (
  position_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('position_id_seq'::regclass),
  site_id character varying(32)  NOT NULL,
  pos_row character varying(32)  NOT NULL,
  pos_col integer NOT NULL,
  pos_level integer NOT NULL,
  pos_max_uc integer NOT NULL,
  pos_available_uc integer NOT NULL,
 CONSTRAINT ar_positions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (position_id)

CREATE TABLE  ar_sites (
  site_id character varying(32)  NOT NULL default '0',
  site_desc character varying(255)  NOT NULL,
  entity_id character varying(32)  default NULL,
 CONSTRAINT ar_sites_pkey PRIMARY KEY (site_id)

 CREATE  TABLE  res_apa (
 res_id serial  NOT  NULL ,
 title character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 subject text ,
 description text ,
 publisher character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 contributor character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 type_id integer  default  NULL ,
 format character varying(50)   default NULL ,
 typist character varying(128)   default NULL ,
 creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT  NULL ,
 author character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 author_name text ,
 identifier character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 source character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 doc_language character varying(50)    default NULL ,
 relation integer  default NULL ,
 coverage character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 doc_date timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 docserver_id character varying(32)   default NULL ,
 folders_system_id integer  default NULL ,
 arbox_id character varying(32)    default NULL ,
 path character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 filename character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 offset_doc character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 logical_adr character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 fingerprint character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 filesize integer  default NULL ,
 is_paper char(1)    default NULL ,
 page_count integer  default NULL ,
 scan_date timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 scan_user character varying(50)    default NULL ,
 scan_location character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 scan_wkstation character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 scan_batch character varying(50)    default NULL ,
 burn_batch character varying(50)    default NULL ,
 scan_postmark character varying(50)    default NULL ,
 envelop_id integer  default NULL ,
 status character varying(3)    default NULL ,
 destination character varying(50)    default NULL ,
 approver character varying(50)    default NULL ,
 validation_date timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 work_batch integer  default NULL ,
 origin character varying(50)    default NULL ,
 is_ingoing char(1)    default NULL ,
 priority smallint default NULL ,
 arbatch_id character varying(32)    default NULL ,
 fulltext_result character varying(10)  DEFAULT NULL,
 ocr_result character varying(10)  DEFAULT NULL,
 converter_result  character varying(10)  DEFAULT NULL,
 custom_t1  text default NULL,
 custom_n1 integer  default NULL ,
 custom_f1 numeric  default NULL ,
 custom_d1 timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 custom_t2 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_n2 integer  default NULL ,
 custom_f2 numeric  default NULL ,
 custom_d2 timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 custom_t3 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_n3 integer  default NULL ,
 custom_f3 numeric  default NULL ,
 custom_d3 timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 custom_t4 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_n4 integer  default NULL ,
 custom_f4 numeric  default NULL ,
 custom_d4 timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 custom_t5 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_n5 integer  default NULL ,
 custom_f5 numeric  default NULL ,
 custom_d5 timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 custom_t6 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_d6 timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 custom_t7 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_d7 timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 custom_t8 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_d8 timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 custom_t9 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_d9 timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 custom_t10 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_d10 timestamp without time zone  default NULL ,
 custom_t11 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_t12 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_t13 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_t14 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 custom_t15 character varying(255)    default NULL ,
 tablename character varying(32)   default  'res_apa',
 initiator character varying(50)    default NULL ,
 dest_user character varying(128)    default NULL ,
 video_batch integer  default NULL ,
 video_time timestamp NULL  default NULL ,
 video_user character varying(128)    default NULL ,
 video_date timestamp without time zone,
 CONSTRAINT res_apa_pkey PRIMARY KEY (res_id)

Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- modules/attachments/sql/structure/attachments.postgresql.sql

CREATE SEQUENCE res_attachment_res_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE res_attachments
  res_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('res_attachment_res_id_seq'::regclass),
  title character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  subject text,
  description text,
  publisher character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  contributor character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  type_id bigint ,
  format character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  typist character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  fulltext_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  ocr_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author_name text,
  identifier character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  source character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_language character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  relation bigint,
  coverage character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_date timestamp without time zone,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  folders_system_id bigint,
  arbox_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  logical_adr character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filesize bigint,
  is_paper character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  page_count integer,
  scan_date timestamp without time zone,
  scan_user character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_location character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_wkstation character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  burn_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_postmark character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  envelop_id bigint,
  status character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  destination character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  approver character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  validation_date timestamp without time zone,
  work_batch bigint,
  origin character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  is_ingoing character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  priority smallint,
  initiator character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  dest_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  res_id_master bigint,
  attachment_type character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  dest_contact_id bigint,
  dest_address_id bigint,
  updated_by character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  is_multicontacts character(1),
  is_multi_docservers character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  tnl_path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tnl_filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  CONSTRAINT res_attachments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (res_id)
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- modules/autofoldering/sql/structure/autofoldering.postgresql.sql

CREATE TABLE af_security
  af_security_id bigint NOT NULL,
  af_security_label character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  group_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  tree_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  where_clause text NOT NULL,
  start_date timestamp without time zone,
  stop_date timestamp without time zone,
  CONSTRAINT af_security_pkey PRIMARY KEY (af_security_id)

-- Filled during autofoldering load
-- If you create your on table for a new tree
-- It is very important to respect the order of fields : DO NOT PUT IDS IN THE END OF THE TABLE!!!
CREATE TABLE af_view_year_target
  level1 character varying(255) NOT NULL , -- Pays / Country : custom_t3
  level1_id integer NOT NULL,
  level2 character(4) ,          -- Année / Year : date_part('year', doc_date)
  level2_id integer NOT NULL,
  level3 character varying(255) ,          -- Client / Customer : custom_t4
  level3_id integer NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT af_view_year_target_pkey PRIMARY KEY (level1, level2, level3)

CREATE TABLE af_view_customer_target
  level1 character varying(255) NOT NULL , -- 1ère lettre client / Customer 1st letter : substring(custom_t4, 1, 1)
  level1_id integer NOT NULL,
  level2 character varying(255) ,          -- Client / Customer : custom_t4
  level2_id integer NOT NULL,
  level3 character(4) ,                    -- Année / Year : date_part('year', doc_date)
  level3_id integer NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT af_view_customer_target_pkey PRIMARY KEY (level1, level2, level3)
SNA's avatar
SNA committed

Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- modules/basket/sql/structure/basket.postgresql.sql
CREATE TABLE actions_groupbaskets
  id_action bigint NOT NULL,
  where_clause text,
  group_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  basket_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  used_in_basketlist character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  used_in_action_page character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  default_action_list character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT actions_groupbaskets_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_action, group_id, basket_id)

  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  basket_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  basket_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  basket_desc character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  basket_clause text NOT NULL,
  is_generic character varying(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::character varying,
  is_visible character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  is_folder_basket character (1) NOT NULL default 'N'::bpchar,
  enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  basket_order integer,
  CONSTRAINT baskets_pkey PRIMARY KEY (coll_id, basket_id)

CREATE TABLE basket_persistent_mode
  res_id bigint,
  user_id character varying(32),
  is_persistent character varying(1)

CREATE TABLE groupbasket
  group_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  basket_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  "sequence" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  redirect_basketlist character varying(2048) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  redirect_grouplist character varying(2048) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  result_page character varying(255) DEFAULT 'show_list1.php'::character varying,
  can_redirect character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  can_delete character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  can_insert character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  list_lock_clause text,
  sublist_lock_clause text,
  CONSTRAINT groupbasket_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_id, basket_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE user_abs_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;

  system_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('user_abs_seq'::regclass),
  user_abs character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  new_user character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  basket_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  basket_owner character varying(255),
  is_virtual character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT user_abs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (system_id)
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- modules/cases/sql/structure/cases.postgresql.sql
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;

  case_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('case_id_seq'::regclass),
  case_label character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::bpchar,
  case_description character varying(255),
  case_type character varying(32),
  case_closing_date timestamp without time zone,
  case_last_update_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  case_creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  case_typist character varying(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::bpchar,
  case_parent integer,
  case_custom_t1 character varying(255),
  case_custom_t2 character varying(255),
  case_custom_t3 character varying(255),
  case_custom_t4 character varying(255),
  CONSTRAINT cases_pkey PRIMARY KEY (case_id)

CREATE TABLE cases_res
  case_id integer NOT NULL,
  res_id integer NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT cases_res_pkey PRIMARY KEY (case_id,res_id)

Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- modules/entities/sql/structure/entities.postgresql.sql

  entity_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  entity_label character varying(255),
  short_label character varying(50),
  enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  adrs_1 character varying(255),
  adrs_2 character varying(255),
  adrs_3 character varying(255),
  zipcode character varying(32),
  city character varying(255),
  country character varying(255),
  email character varying(255),
  business_id character varying(32),
  parent_entity_id character varying(32),
  entity_type character varying(64),
  entity_path character varying(2048),
  CONSTRAINT entities_pkey PRIMARY KEY (entity_id)

Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed

CREATE SEQUENCE listinstance_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;

Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  listinstance_id BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('listinstance_id_seq'::regclass),
  coll_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  listinstance_type character varying(50) DEFAULT 'DOC'::character varying,
  "sequence" bigint NOT NULL,
  item_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  item_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  item_mode character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  added_by_user character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  added_by_entity character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  visible character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  viewed bigint,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  difflist_type character varying(50),
  process_date timestamp without time zone,
  process_comment character varying(255),
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  CONSTRAINT listinstance_pkey PRIMARY KEY (listinstance_id)

CREATE TABLE listmodels
  coll_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  object_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  object_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  "sequence" bigint NOT NULL,
  item_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  item_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  item_mode character varying(50) NOT NULL,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  listmodel_type character varying(50) DEFAULT 'DOC'::character varying,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  description character varying(255),
  process_comment character varying(255),
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  visible character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar
CREATE TABLE difflist_types 
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  difflist_type_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  difflist_type_label character varying(100) NOT NULL,
  difflist_type_roles TEXT,
  allow_entities character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_system character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT "difflist_types_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (difflist_type_id)
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed

  user_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  entity_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  user_role character varying(255),
  primary_entity character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT users_entities_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id, entity_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE groupbasket_redirect_system_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 600
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE groupbasket_redirect
  system_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('groupbasket_redirect_system_id_seq'::regclass),
  group_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  basket_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  action_id int NOT NULL,
  entity_id character varying(32),
  keyword character varying(255),
  redirect_mode character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT groupbasket_redirect_pkey PRIMARY KEY (system_id)
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- modules/folder/sql/structure/folder.postgresql.sql
CREATE SEQUENCE folders_system_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  START 10000
  CACHE 1;

  folders_system_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('folders_system_id_seq'::regclass),
  folder_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  foldertype_id integer,
  parent_id bigint DEFAULT (0)::bigint,
  folder_name character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  subject character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  description character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  typist character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  status character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'FOLDNEW'::character varying,
  folder_level smallint DEFAULT (1)::smallint,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  destination character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  dest_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL,
  folder_out_id bigint,
  video_status character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  video_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL,
  is_frozen character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
  custom_t1 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n1 bigint,
  custom_f1 numeric,
  custom_d1 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t2 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n2 bigint,
  custom_f2 numeric,
  custom_d2 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t3 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n3 bigint,
  custom_f3 numeric,
  custom_d3 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t4 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n4 bigint,
  custom_f4 numeric,
  custom_d4 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t5 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n5 bigint,
  custom_f5 numeric,
  custom_d5 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t6 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d6 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t7 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d7 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t8 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d8 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t9 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d9 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t10 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d10 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t11 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d11 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t12 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d12 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t13 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d13 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t14 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d14 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t15 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  is_complete character(1) DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_folder_out character(1) DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  last_modified_date timestamp without time zone,
  CONSTRAINT folders_pkey PRIMARY KEY (folders_system_id)

CREATE TABLE folders_out (
  folder_out_id serial NOT NULL,
  folder_system_id integer NOT NULL,
  last_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  first_name character varying(255)  NOT NULL,
  last_name_folder_out character varying(255)  NOT NULL,
  first_name_folder_out character varying(255)  NOT NULL,
  put_out_pattern character varying(255)  NOT NULL,
  put_out_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  return_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  return_flag character(1) NOT NULL default 'N'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT folders_out_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (folder_out_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE foldertype_id_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  START 200
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE foldertypes
  foldertype_id  bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('foldertype_id_id_seq'::regclass),
  foldertype_label character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  maarch_comment text,
  retention_time character varying(50),
  custom_d1 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_f1 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_n1 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t1 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_d2 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_f2 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_n2 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t2 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_d3 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_f3 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_n3 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t3 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_d4 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_f4 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_n4 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t4 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_d5 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_f5 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_n5 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t5 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_d6 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t6 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_d7 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t7 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_d8 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t8 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_d9 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t9 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_d10 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t10 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t11 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t12 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t13 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t14 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  custom_t15 character varying(10) DEFAULT '0000000000'::character varying,
  coll_id character varying(32),
  CONSTRAINT foldertypes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (foldertype_id)

CREATE TABLE foldertypes_doctypes
  foldertype_id integer NOT NULL,
  doctype_id integer NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT foldertypes_doctypes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (foldertype_id, doctype_id)

CREATE TABLE foldertypes_doctypes_level1
  foldertype_id integer NOT NULL,
  doctypes_first_level_id integer NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT foldertypes_doctypes_level1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (foldertype_id, doctypes_first_level_id)

CREATE TABLE foldertypes_indexes
  foldertype_id bigint NOT NULL,
  field_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  mandatory character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT foldertypes_indexes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (foldertype_id, field_name)
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- modules/full_text/sql/structure/full_text.postgresql.sql

  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  text_type character varying(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'CON'::character varying,
  fulltext_content text,
  CONSTRAINT coll_id_res_id PRIMARY KEY (coll_id, res_id)

Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- modules/life_cycle/sql/structure/life_cycle.postgresql.sql

CREATE TABLE lc_policies
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
   policy_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
   policy_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
   policy_desc character varying(255) NOT NULL,
   CONSTRAINT lc_policies_pkey PRIMARY KEY (policy_id)
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed

CREATE TABLE lc_cycles
   policy_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
   cycle_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
   cycle_desc character varying(255) NOT NULL,
   sequence_number integer NOT NULL,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
   where_clause text,
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
   break_key character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
   validation_mode character varying(32) NOT NULL,
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
   CONSTRAINT lc_cycle_pkey PRIMARY KEY (policy_id, cycle_id)
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed

CREATE TABLE lc_cycle_steps
   policy_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
   cycle_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
   cycle_step_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
   cycle_step_desc character varying(255) NOT NULL,
   docserver_type_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
   is_allow_failure character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
   step_operation character varying(32) NOT NULL,
   sequence_number integer NOT NULL,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
   is_must_complete character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
   preprocess_script character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
   postprocess_script character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
   CONSTRAINT lc_cycle_steps_pkey PRIMARY KEY (policy_id, cycle_id, cycle_step_id, docserver_type_id)
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed

   policy_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
   cycle_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
   cycle_step_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
   coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
   res_id bigint NOT NULL,
   cnt_retry integer DEFAULT NULL,
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
   status character(1) NOT NULL,
   work_batch bigint,
   regex character varying(32),
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
   CONSTRAINT lc_stack_pkey PRIMARY KEY (policy_id, cycle_id, cycle_step_id, res_id)
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed

-- modules/notes/sql/structure/notes.postgresql.sql
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 20
  CACHE 1;

  id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('notes_seq'::regclass),
  identifier bigint NOT NULL,
  tablename character varying(50),
  user_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  date_note date NOT NULL,
  note_text text NOT NULL,
  coll_id character varying(50),
  CONSTRAINT notes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
SNA's avatar
SNA committed
CREATE SEQUENCE notes_entities_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 20
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE note_entities
  id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('notes_entities_id_seq'::regclass),
  note_id bigint NOT NULL,
  item_id character varying(50),
  CONSTRAINT note_entities_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed

-- modules/notes/sql/structure/notifications.postgresql.sql
CREATE SEQUENCE notifications_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  START 100
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE notifications
  notification_sid bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('notifications_seq'::regclass),
  notification_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  description character varying(255),
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  is_enabled character varying(1) NOT NULL default 'Y'::bpchar,
  event_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  notification_mode character varying(30) NOT NULL,
  template_id bigint,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  rss_url_template text,
  diffusion_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  diffusion_properties character varying(255),
  attachfor_type character varying(50),
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  attachfor_properties character varying(2048),
  CONSTRAINT notifications_pkey PRIMARY KEY (notification_sid)

Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed

CREATE SEQUENCE notif_event_stack_seq
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE notif_event_stack
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  event_stack_sid bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('notif_event_stack_seq'::regclass),
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  notification_sid bigint NOT NULL,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  table_name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  record_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  user_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  event_info character varying(255) NOT NULL,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  event_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  exec_date timestamp without time zone,
  exec_result character varying(50),
  CONSTRAINT notif_event_stack_pkey PRIMARY KEY (event_stack_sid)
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed

CREATE SEQUENCE notif_email_stack_seq
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE notif_email_stack
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  email_stack_sid bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('notif_email_stack_seq'::regclass),
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  sender character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  reply_to character varying(255),
  recipient character varying(2000) NOT NULL,
  cc character varying(2000),
  bcc character varying(2000),
  subject character varying(255),
  html_body text,
  text_body text,
  charset character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  attachments character varying(2000),
  module character varying(50) NOT NULL,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  exec_date timestamp without time zone,
  exec_result character varying(50),
  CONSTRAINT notif_email_stack_pkey PRIMARY KEY (email_stack_sid)
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed

Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed

CREATE SEQUENCE notif_rss_stack_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;
CREATE TABLE notif_rss_stack
  rss_stack_sid bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('notif_rss_stack_seq'::regclass),
  rss_user_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  rss_event_stack_sid bigint NOT NULL,
  rss_event_url text,
  CONSTRAINT notif_rss_stack_pkey PRIMARY KEY (rss_stack_sid )

Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- modules/physical_archive/sql/structure/physical_archive.postgresql.sql
create or replace function update_the_db() returns void as

    if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_name = 'ar_boxes') then

      CREATE TABLE ar_boxes (
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
      arbox_id serial NOT NULL,
      title character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
      subject character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
      description text ,
      entity_id character varying(32)  DEFAULT NULL,
      arcontainer_id integer NOT NULL,
      status character varying(3)  DEFAULT NULL,
      creation_date  timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
      retention_time character varying(50)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t1 character varying(3)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_n1 integer,
      custom_f1 numeric,
      custom_d1 timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t2 character varying(3)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_n2 integer,
      custom_f2 numeric,
      custom_d2 timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t3 character varying(50)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_n3 integer,
      custom_f3 numeric,
      custom_d3 timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t4 character varying(50)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_n4 integer,
      custom_f4 numeric,
      custom_d4 timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t5 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_n5 integer,
      custom_f5 numeric,
      custom_d5 timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t6 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t7 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t8 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t9 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t10 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t11 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
      CONSTRAINT ar_boxes_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (arbox_id)
    ) ;

    end if;

language 'plpgsql';

select update_the_db();
drop function update_the_db();

create or replace function update_the_db() returns void as

    if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_name = 'ar_containers') then

        CREATE TABLE ar_containers
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
      arcontainer_id serial NOT NULL ,
      arcontainer_desc character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
      status character varying(3)  DEFAULT NULL,
      ctype_id character varying(32)  DEFAULT NULL,
      position_id bigint  DEFAULT NULL,
      creation_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
      entity_id character varying(32)  DEFAULT NULL,
      retention_time character varying(50)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t1 character varying(50)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_n1 integer,
      custom_f1 numeric,
      custom_d1 timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_t2 character varying(3)  DEFAULT NULL,
      custom_n2 integer,
      custom_f2 numeric,
      custom_d2 timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
      CONSTRAINT ar_containers_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (arcontainer_id)
    ) ;

    end if;

language 'plpgsql';

select update_the_db();
drop function update_the_db();

  arbatch_id serial NOT NULL ,
  title character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
  subject character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
  description text,
  arbox_id bigint,
  status character varying(3)  DEFAULT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
  retention_time character varying(50)  DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_t1 character varying(3)  DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_n1 integer,
  custom_f1 numeric,
  custom_d1 timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_t2 character varying(3)  DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_n2 integer,
  custom_f2 numeric,
  custom_d2 timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_t3 character varying(50)  DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_n3 integer,
  custom_f3 numeric,
  custom_d3 timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_t4 character varying(50)  DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_n4 integer,
  custom_f4 numeric,
  custom_d4 timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_t5 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_n5 integer,
  custom_f5 numeric,
  custom_d5 timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_t6 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_t7 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_t8 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_t9 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_t10 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
  custom_t11 character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT ar_batch_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (arbatch_id)
) ;
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- modules/postindexing/sql/structure/postindexing.postgresql.sql

-- modules/reports/sql/structure/reports.postgresql.sql

CREATE TABLE usergroups_reports
  group_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  report_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT usergroups_reports_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_id, report_id)

-- modules/templates/sql/structure/templates.postgresql.sql

CREATE SEQUENCE templates_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 110
  CACHE 1;

CREATE SEQUENCE templates_association_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 140
  template_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('templates_seq'::regclass),
  template_label character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  template_comment character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  template_content text,
  template_type character varying(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'HTML'::character varying,
  template_path character varying(255),
  template_file_name character varying(255),
  template_style character varying(255),
  template_datasource character varying(32),
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  template_target character varying(255),
  template_attachment_type character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  CONSTRAINT templates_pkey PRIMARY KEY (template_id)

CREATE TABLE templates_association
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  system_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('templates_association_seq'::regclass),
  template_id bigint NOT NULL,
  what character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  value_field character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  maarch_module character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'apps'::character varying,
  CONSTRAINT templates_association_pkey PRIMARY KEY (system_id)
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed

CREATE TABLE templates_doctype_ext
  template_id bigint DEFAULT NULL,
  type_id integer NOT NULL,
  is_generated character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI's avatar
Jean-Louis ERCOLANI committed
-- apps/maarch_entreprise/sql/structure/apps.postgresql.sql
CREATE SEQUENCE contact_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  START 200
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE contacts (
contact_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('contact_id_seq'::regclass),
lastname character varying(255),
firstname character varying(255),
society character varying(255),
function character varying(255),
address_num character varying(32)  ,
address_street character varying(255),
address_complement character varying(255),
address_town character varying(255),
address_postal_code character varying(255),
address_country character varying(255),
email character varying(255),
phone character varying(20),
is_corporate_person character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
user_id character varying(128),
title character varying(255),
business_id character varying(255),
ref_identifier character varying(255),
acc_number character varying(50),
entity_id character varying(32),
contact_type character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'letter'::character varying,
enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
is_private character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::character varying,
CONSTRAINT contacts_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (contact_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE query_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 10
  CACHE 1;

  -- multicontacts
CREATE TABLE contacts_res
  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  contact_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  address_id bigint NOT NULL
-- contacts v2
CREATE SEQUENCE contact_types_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE contact_types 
  id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('contact_types_id_seq'::regclass),
  label character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  can_add_contact character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::character varying,
  CONSTRAINT contact_types_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (id)

CREATE SEQUENCE contact_v2_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE contacts_v2 
  contact_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('contact_v2_id_seq'::regclass),
  contact_type bigint NOT NULL,
  is_corporate_person character(1) DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  society character varying(255),
  society_short character varying(32),
  firstname character varying(255),
  lastname character varying(255),
  title character varying(255),
  function character varying(255),
  other_data character varying(255),
  user_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  entity_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  update_date timestamp without time zone,
  enabled character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT contacts_v2_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (contact_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE contact_purposes_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 100
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE contact_purposes 
  id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('contact_purposes_id_seq'::regclass),
  label character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT contact_purposes_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (id)

CREATE SEQUENCE contact_addresses_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 100
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE contact_addresses 
  id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('contact_addresses_id_seq'::regclass),
  contact_id bigint NOT NULL,
  contact_purpose_id bigint DEFAULT 1,
  departement character varying(255),
  firstname character varying(255),
  lastname character varying(255),
  title character varying(255),
  function character varying(255),
  occupancy character varying(1024),
  address_num character varying(32)  ,
  address_street character varying(255),
  address_complement character varying(255),
  address_town character varying(255),
  address_postal_code character varying(255),
  address_country character varying(255),
  phone character varying(20),
  email character varying(255),
  website character varying(255),
  salutation_header character varying(255),
  salutation_footer character varying(255),
  other_data character varying(255),
  user_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  entity_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  is_private character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  enabled character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT contact_addresses_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (id)

CREATE TABLE saved_queries (
  query_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('query_id_seq'::regclass),
  user_id character varying(128)  default NULL,
  query_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  created_by character varying(128)  NOT NULL,
  query_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  query_txt text  NOT NULL,
  last_modification_date timestamp without time zone,
  CONSTRAINT saved_queries_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (query_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE doctypes_first_level_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  START 200
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE doctypes_first_level
  doctypes_first_level_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('doctypes_first_level_id_seq'::regclass),
  doctypes_first_level_label character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  css_style character varying(255),
  enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT doctypes_first_level_pkey PRIMARY KEY (doctypes_first_level_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE doctypes_second_level_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  START 200
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE doctypes_second_level
  doctypes_second_level_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('doctypes_second_level_id_seq'::regclass),
  doctypes_second_level_label character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  doctypes_first_level_id integer NOT NULL,
  css_style character varying(255),
  enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT doctypes_second_level_pkey PRIMARY KEY (doctypes_second_level_id)

-- Table: rp_history

CREATE SEQUENCE rp_history_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE rp_history
  system_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('rp_history_id_seq'::regclass),
  table_name character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  rp_cycle bigint NOT NULL,
  start_res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  stop_res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  start_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  stop_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  res_count bigint NOT NULL,
  fail_count bigint NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT rp_history_pkey PRIMARY KEY (system_id)

Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
  tag_label character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  coll_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT tagsjoin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (tag_label, coll_id, res_id )

  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 100
  CACHE 1;

  res_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('res_id_seq'::regclass),
  title character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  subject text,
  description text,
  publisher character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  contributor character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  type_id bigint NOT NULL,
  format character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  typist character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  fulltext_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  ocr_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  converter_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  author character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author_name text,
  identifier character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  source character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_language character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  relation bigint,
  coverage character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_date timestamp without time zone,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  folders_system_id bigint,
  arbox_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  logical_adr character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filesize bigint,
  is_paper character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  page_count integer,
  scan_date timestamp without time zone,
  scan_user character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_location character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_wkstation character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  burn_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_postmark character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  envelop_id bigint,
  status character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  destination character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  approver character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  validation_date timestamp without time zone,
  work_batch bigint,
  origin character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  is_ingoing character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  priority smallint,
  arbatch_id bigint DEFAULT NULL,
  policy_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  cycle_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
SNA's avatar
SNA committed
  cycle_date timestamp without time zone,
  is_multi_docservers character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_frozen character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  custom_t1 text,
  custom_n1 bigint,
  custom_f1 numeric,
  custom_d1 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t2 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n2 bigint,
  custom_f2 numeric,
  custom_d2 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t3 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n3 bigint,
  custom_f3 numeric,
  custom_d3 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t4 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n4 bigint,
  custom_f4 numeric,
  custom_d4 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t5 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n5 bigint,
  custom_f5 numeric,
  custom_d5 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t6 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d6 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t7 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d7 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t8 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d8 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t9 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d9 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t10 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d10 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t11 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t12 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t13 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t14 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t15 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  reference_number character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tablename character varying(32) DEFAULT 'res_x'::character varying,
  initiator character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  dest_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  video_batch integer DEFAULT NULL,
  video_time integer DEFAULT NULL,
  video_user character varying(128)  DEFAULT NULL,
  video_date timestamp without time zone,
  esign_proof_id character varying(255),
  esign_proof_content text,
  esign_content text,
  esign_date timestamp without time zone,
  locker_user_id character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  locker_time timestamp without time zone,
  tnl_path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tnl_filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  CONSTRAINT res_x_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (res_id)

  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  adr_priority integer NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT adr_x_pkey PRIMARY KEY (res_id, docserver_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE res_id_mlb_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 100
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE res_letterbox
  res_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('res_id_mlb_seq'::regclass),
  title character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  subject text,
  description text,
  publisher character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  contributor character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  type_id bigint NOT NULL,
  format character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  typist character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  fulltext_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  ocr_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  converter_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  author character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author_name text,
  identifier character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  source character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_language character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  relation bigint,
  coverage character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_date timestamp without time zone,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  folders_system_id bigint,
  arbox_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  logical_adr character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filesize bigint,
  is_paper character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  page_count integer,
  scan_date timestamp without time zone,
  scan_user character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_location character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_wkstation character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  burn_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_postmark character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  envelop_id bigint,
  status character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  destination character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  approver character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  validation_date timestamp without time zone,
  work_batch bigint,
  origin character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  is_ingoing character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  priority smallint,
  arbatch_id bigint DEFAULT NULL,
SNA's avatar
SNA committed
  policy_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  cycle_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  cycle_date timestamp without time zone,
  is_multi_docservers character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_frozen character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  custom_t1 text,
  custom_n1 bigint,
  custom_f1 numeric,
  custom_d1 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t2 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n2 bigint,
  custom_f2 numeric,
  custom_d2 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t3 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n3 bigint,
  custom_f3 numeric,
  custom_d3 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t4 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n4 bigint,
  custom_f4 numeric,
  custom_d4 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t5 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n5 bigint,
  custom_f5 numeric,
  custom_d5 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t6 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d6 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t7 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d7 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t8 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d8 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t9 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d9 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t10 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d10 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t11 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t12 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t13 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t14 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t15 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  reference_number character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tablename character varying(32) DEFAULT 'res_letterbox'::character varying,
  initiator character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  dest_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  video_batch integer DEFAULT NULL,
  video_time integer DEFAULT NULL,
  video_user character varying(128)  DEFAULT NULL,
  video_date timestamp without time zone,
  esign_proof_id character varying(255),
  esign_proof_content text,
  esign_content text,
  esign_date timestamp without time zone,
  locker_user_id character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  locker_time timestamp without time zone,
  confidentiality character(1),
  tnl_path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tnl_filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  CONSTRAINT res_letterbox_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (res_id)

Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
CREATE SEQUENCE res_linked_mlb_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 171
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE res_linked
  id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('res_linked_mlb_seq'::regclass),
  res_parent bigint NOT NULL,
  res_child bigint NOT NULL,
  coll_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT res_linked_primary PRIMARY KEY (id)

CREATE TABLE mlb_coll_ext (
  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  category_id character varying(50)  NOT NULL,
  exp_contact_id integer default NULL,
  exp_user_id character varying(128) default NULL,
  dest_contact_id integer default NULL,
  dest_user_id character varying(128) default NULL,
  nature_id character varying(50),
  alt_identifier character varying(255)  default NULL,
  admission_date timestamp without time zone,
  answer_type_bitmask character varying(7)  default NULL,
  other_answer_desc character varying(255)  DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  process_limit_date timestamp without time zone default NULL,
  process_notes text,
  closing_date timestamp without time zone default NULL,
  alarm1_date timestamp without time zone default NULL,
  alarm2_date timestamp without time zone default NULL,
  flag_notif char(1)  default 'N'::character varying ,
  flag_alarm1 char(1)  default 'N'::character varying ,
  flag_alarm2 char(1) default 'N'::character varying,
  is_multicontacts char(1),
  address_id bigint
CREATE SEQUENCE res_id_version_letterbox_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 100
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE res_version_letterbox
  res_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('res_id_version_letterbox_seq'::regclass),
  title character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  subject text,
  description text,
  publisher character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  contributor character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  type_id bigint NOT NULL,
  format character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  typist character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  fulltext_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  ocr_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  converter_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author_name text,
  identifier character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  source character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_language character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  relation bigint,
  coverage character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_date timestamp without time zone,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  folders_system_id bigint,
  arbox_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  logical_adr character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filesize bigint,
  is_paper character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  page_count integer,
  scan_date timestamp without time zone,
  scan_user character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_location character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_wkstation character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  burn_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_postmark character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  envelop_id bigint,
  status character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  destination character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  approver character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  validation_date timestamp without time zone,
  work_batch bigint,
  origin character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  is_ingoing character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  priority smallint,
  arbatch_id bigint,
  policy_id character varying(32),
  cycle_id character varying(32),
  is_multi_docservers character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_frozen character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  custom_t1 text,
  custom_n1 bigint,
  custom_f1 numeric,
  custom_d1 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t2 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n2 bigint,
  custom_f2 numeric,
  custom_d2 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t3 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n3 bigint,
  custom_f3 numeric,
  custom_d3 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t4 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n4 bigint,
  custom_f4 numeric,
  custom_d4 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t5 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n5 bigint,
  custom_f5 numeric,
  custom_d5 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t6 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d6 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t7 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d7 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t8 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d8 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t9 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d9 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t10 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d10 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t11 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t12 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t13 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t14 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t15 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tablename character varying(32) DEFAULT 'res_version_letterbox'::character varying,
  initiator character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  dest_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  video_batch integer,
  video_time integer,
  video_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  video_date timestamp without time zone,
  cycle_date timestamp without time zone,
  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  res_id_master bigint,
  tnl_path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tnl_filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  CONSTRAINT res_version_letterbox_pkey PRIMARY KEY (res_id)

CREATE SEQUENCE res_id_version_x_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 100
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE res_version_x
  res_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('res_id_version_x_seq'::regclass),
  title character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  subject text,
  description text,
  publisher character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  contributor character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  type_id bigint NOT NULL,
  format character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  typist character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  fulltext_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  ocr_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  converter_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author_name text,
  identifier character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  source character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_language character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  relation bigint,
  coverage character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_date timestamp without time zone,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  folders_system_id bigint,
  arbox_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  logical_adr character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filesize bigint,
  is_paper character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  page_count integer,
  scan_date timestamp without time zone,
  scan_user character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_location character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_wkstation character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  burn_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_postmark character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  envelop_id bigint,
  status character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  destination character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  approver character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  validation_date timestamp without time zone,
  work_batch bigint,
  origin character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  is_ingoing character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  priority smallint,
  arbatch_id bigint,
  policy_id character varying(32),
  cycle_id character varying(32),
  is_multi_docservers character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_frozen character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  custom_t1 text,
  custom_n1 bigint,
  custom_f1 numeric,
  custom_d1 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t2 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n2 bigint,
  custom_f2 numeric,
  custom_d2 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t3 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n3 bigint,
  custom_f3 numeric,
  custom_d3 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t4 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n4 bigint,
  custom_f4 numeric,
  custom_d4 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t5 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n5 bigint,
  custom_f5 numeric,
  custom_d5 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t6 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d6 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t7 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d7 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t8 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d8 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t9 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d9 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t10 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d10 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t11 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t12 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t13 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t14 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t15 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tablename character varying(32) DEFAULT 'res_version_x'::character varying,
  initiator character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  dest_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  video_batch integer,
  video_time integer,
  video_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  video_date timestamp without time zone,
  cycle_date timestamp without time zone,
  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  res_id_master bigint,
  tnl_path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tnl_filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  CONSTRAINT res_version_x_pkey PRIMARY KEY (res_id)

CREATE TABLE mlb_doctype_ext (
  type_id bigint NOT NULL,
  process_delay bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT '21',
  delay1 bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT '14',
  delay2 bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  CONSTRAINT type_id PRIMARY KEY (type_id)

CREATE TABLE doctypes_indexes
  type_id bigint NOT NULL,
  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  field_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  mandatory character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT doctypes_indexes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (type_id, coll_id, field_name)

CREATE TABLE groupbasket_status
  system_id serial NOT NULL,
  group_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  basket_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  action_id integer NOT NULL,
  status_id character varying(32),
  CONSTRAINT groupbasket_status_pkey PRIMARY KEY (system_id)
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed

CREATE TABLE groupbasket_difflist_types
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  system_id serial NOT NULL,
  group_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  basket_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  action_id integer NOT NULL,
  difflist_type_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT groupbasket_difflist_types_pkey PRIMARY KEY (system_id )
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed

CREATE TABLE groupbasket_difflist_roles
  system_id serial NOT NULL,
  group_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  basket_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  action_id integer NOT NULL,
  difflist_role_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT groupbasket_difflist_roles_pkey PRIMARY KEY (system_id)

Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
-- ************************************************************************* --
--                                                                           --
--                  RECORDS MANAGEMENT V1.0 DATABASE SCHEMA                  --
--                                                                           --
-- ************************************************************************* --

-- ************************************************************************* --
--                               DATA TABLES                                 --
-- ************************************************************************* --

-- ************************************************************************* --
--                             MESSAGES - IOS                                --
-- ************************************************************************* --
-- Records Management Messages
  io_type character varying(100) NOT NULL,
  io_status character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'IOS',
  io_path character varying(512),
  io_filename character varying(255),
  date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  reply_code character varying(50),
  operation_date timestamp without time zone default null,
  related_identifier character varying(100),
  identifier character varying(100) NOT NULL,
  reference_identifier character varying(100),
  CONSTRAINT "rm_ios_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (io_id)

-- Message comments
CREATE TABLE rm_comments
  comment_id SERIAL,
  io_id bigint NOT NULL,
  comment text NOT NULL,
  date timestamp without time zone,
  author character varying(255),
  CONSTRAINT "rm_comments_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (comment_id)

-- ************************************************************************* --
--                           ARCHIVES AND OBJECTS                            --
-- ************************************************************************* --
-- Archives and ArchiveObjects
  item_id SERIAL,
  item_type character varying(50),
  parent_item_id bigint,
  schedule_id bigint,
  archival_agency_item_identifier character varying(100),
  archival_agreement character varying(100),
  archival_profile character varying(100),
  description_language text NOT NULL default 'fra',
  name text NOT NULL,
  originating_agency_item_identifier character varying(100),
  service_level text,
  transferring_agency_item_identifier character varying(100),
  CONSTRAINT "rm_items_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (item_id)

-- Archives and ArchiveObjects ContentDescription
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rm_content_descriptions CASCADE;
CREATE TABLE rm_content_descriptions
  item_id bigint NOT NULL,
  description text,
  description_level character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'recordgrp',
  file_plan_position text,
  language text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'fra',
  latest_date date,
  oldest_date date,
  other_descriptive_data text,
  CONSTRAINT "rm_content_descriptions_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (item_id)

-- ContentDescription CustodialHistory
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rm_custodial_history CASCADE;
CREATE TABLE rm_custodial_history
  item_id bigint NOT NULL,
  "when" date,
  custodial_history_item text NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT "rm_custodial_history_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (item_id)

-- Archives and ArchiveObjects Appraisal Rules
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rm_appraisal_rules CASCADE;
CREATE TABLE rm_appraisal_rules
  appraisal_rule_id SERIAL,
  parent_id bigint NOT NULL,
  parent_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  code character varying(50),
  duration integer,
  start_date date,
  CONSTRAINT "rm_appraisal_rules_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (appraisal_rule_id)

-- Archives and ArchiveObjects Access Restriction Rules
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rm_access_restriction_rules CASCADE;
CREATE TABLE rm_access_restriction_rules
  access_restriction_rule_id SERIAL,
  parent_id bigint NOT NULL,
  parent_type character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  code character varying(50),
  start_date date,
  CONSTRAINT "rm_access_restriction_rules_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (access_restriction_rule_id)

-- Documents
CREATE TABLE rm_documents
  res_id SERIAL,
  coll_id character varying(32),
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  type_id bigint NOT NULL,
  item_id bigint,
  format character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  typist character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  logical_adr character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  policy_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  cycle_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  cycle_date timestamp without time zone,
  is_multi_docservers character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_frozen character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  publisher character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  contributor character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author_name text,
  identifier character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  source character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  coverage character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  destination character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  approver character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  archival_agency_document_identifier character varying(100),
  copy character varying(1),
  creation_date timestamp without time zone,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  doc_date timestamp without time zone,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
  description text, 
  fingerprint character varying(64),
  issue timestamp without time zone,
  doc_language text not null default 'fra'::bpchar,
  originating_agency_document_identifier character varying(100),
  subject text,
  receipt timestamp without time zone,
  response timestamp without time zone,
  filesize bigint default 0,
  unit_code character varying(10) default 'A99',
  status character varying(50),
  submission timestamp without time zone,
  transferring_agency_document_identifier character varying(100),
  content_type character varying(10) DEFAULT 'CDO',
  arbox_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  arbatch_id bigint DEFAULT NULL,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885
  CONSTRAINT "rm_documents_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (res_id)

  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  adr_priority integer NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT adr_rm_pkey PRIMARY KEY (res_id, docserver_id)

-- Archives and ArchiveObjects Keywords
CREATE TABLE rm_keywords
  keyword_id SERIAL,
  item_id bigint,
  keyword_content text NOT NULL,
  role character varying(50),
  keyword_reference character varying(50),
  keyword_type character varying(50),
  CONSTRAINT "rm_keywords_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (keyword_id)

-- ************************************************************************* --
--                            ORGANIZATIONS                                  --
-- ************************************************************************* --
-- Organizations
CREATE TABLE rm_organizations
    organization_id SERIAL,
    parent_id bigint NOT NULL, -- Id of parent
    parent_type character varying(50) NOT NULL, -- ArchiveTransfer, Archive, ArchiveObject, ArchiveTransferReply
    role character varying(50) NOT NULL,  -- TransferringAgency, ArchivalAgency, OriginatingAgency, Repository, ControlAuthority
    entity_id character varying(32), -- Entity_id if related to maarch entity
    business_type character varying(50),
    description character varying(255),
    identification character varying(100) NOT NULL,
    legal_classification character varying(50),
    name text,
    CONSTRAINT "rm_organizations_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (organization_id)

-- Addresses
CREATE TABLE rm_addresses
    address_id SERIAL,
    parent_id bigint NOT NULL, 
    parent_type character varying(50), -- TransferringAgency, Contact...
    entity_id character varying(32), -- Used if refAddress
    user_id character varying(128), -- Used if refAddress
    block_name character varying(255),
    building_name character varying(255),
    building_number character varying(255),
    city_name character varying(255),
    city_sub_division_name character varying(255),
    country character varying(50),
    floor_identification character varying(255),
    postcode character varying(50),
    post_office_box character varying(255),
    room_identification character varying(255),
    street_name character varying(255),

    CONSTRAINT "rm_addresses_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (address_id)

-- Contacts
CREATE TABLE rm_contacts
    contact_id SERIAL,
    organization_id bigint NOT NULL,
    user_id character varying(128), -- User_id of related to Maarch user
    department_name character varying(255),
    identification character varying(100),
    person_name character varying(255),
    responsibility character varying(255),
    CONSTRAINT "rm_contacts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (contact_id)

-- ************************************************************************* --
--                                RELATIONS                                  --
-- ************************************************************************* --
-- Relation between ios and archives
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rm_io_archives_relations CASCADE;
CREATE TABLE rm_io_archives_relations
    io_id bigint NOT NULL,
    item_id bigint NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT "rm_io_archives_relations_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (io_id, item_id)

-- ************************************************************************* --
--                                ENTITIES                                   --
-- ************************************************************************* --
CREATE TABLE rm_entities
  entity_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  is_archival_agency character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_originating_agency character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_transferring_agency character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_repository character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_control_authority character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  rm_entity_type character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Collectivité'::bpchar,
  parallel_forms_of_names text,
  other_normalized_names text,
  other_names text,
  oldest_date date,
  latest_date date,
  history text,
  places text,
  legal_status text,
  activities text,
  mandates text,
  structure text,
  context text,
  record_id character varying(100),
  institution_id character varying(255),
  rules text,
  status character varying(255),
  detail_level character varying(255),
  maintenance_dates text,
  description_language character varying(100),
  sources text,
  maintenance_notes text,
  CONSTRAINT "rm_entities_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (entity_id)

-- ************************************************************************* --
--                             AGREEMENTS                                    --
-- ************************************************************************* --
CREATE TABLE rm_agreements 
  agreement_id SERIAL,
  identifier character varying(100) NOT NULL,
  description character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  comment TEXT,
  archival_profile character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  archival_entity_id character varying(100) NOT NULL,
  transferring_entity_id character varying(100) NOT NULL,
  begin_date date NOT NULL,
  end_date date NOT NULL,
  coll_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  allowed_file_types TEXT NOT NULL,
  transfer_max_size bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 100000,
  transfer_max_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 300,
  transfer_count integer,
  transfer_count_period character varying(20) DEFAULT 'MONTH'::bpchar,
  transfer_total_size bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 100000000,
  is_enabled character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
  CONSTRAINT "rm_agreements_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (agreement_id)

-- ************************************************************************* --
--                             SCHEDULE                                    --
-- ************************************************************************* --
CREATE TABLE rm_schedule 
  type_id bigint not null,
  appraisal_code character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  appraisal_duration integer NOT NULL,
  access_restriction_code character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  service_level character varying(50),
  notes text,
  CONSTRAINT "rm_schedule_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (type_id)

-- ************************************************************************* --
--                                  VUES                                     --
-- ************************************************************************* --

-- Entities to organizations
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS rm_ref_organizations CASCADE;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW rm_ref_organizations AS
    null as business_type,
    null as description,
    business_id as identification,
    null as legal_classification,
    entity_label as name,
    null as organization_id,
    null as parent_id,
    null as parent_type,
    'TransferringAgency' as role
FROM entities 
JOIN rm_entities ON entities.entity_id = rm_entities.entity_id
WHERE business_id != '' AND is_transferring_agency = 'Y'
    null as business_type,
    null as description,
    business_id as identification,
    null as legal_classification,
    entity_label as name,
    null as organization_id,
    null as parent_id,
    null as parent_type,
    'ArchivalAgency' as role
FROM entities 
JOIN rm_entities ON entities.entity_id = rm_entities.entity_id
WHERE business_id != '' AND is_archival_agency = 'Y'
    null as business_type,
    null as description,
    business_id as identification,
    null as legal_classification,
    entity_label as name,
    null as organization_id,
    null as parent_id,
    null as parent_type,
    'OriginatingAgency' as role
FROM entities 
JOIN rm_entities ON entities.entity_id = rm_entities.entity_id
WHERE business_id != '' AND business_id != '' AND is_originating_agency = 'Y'
    null as business_type,
    null as description,
    business_id as identification,
    null as legal_classification,
    entity_label as name,
    null as organization_id,
    null as parent_id,
    null as parent_type,
    'Repository' as role
FROM entities 
JOIN rm_entities ON entities.entity_id = rm_entities.entity_id
WHERE business_id != '' AND is_repository = 'Y'
    null as business_type,
    null as description,
    business_id as identification,
    null as legal_classification,
    entity_label as name,
    null as organization_id,
    null as parent_id,
    null as parent_type,
    'ControlAuthority' as role
FROM entities 
JOIN rm_entities ON entities.entity_id = rm_entities.entity_id
WHERE business_id != '' AND is_control_authority = 'Y';

-- Entities/contacts to addresses
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW rm_ref_addresses AS
    null as address_id,
    null as parent_id,
    null as parent_type,
    '*' as user_id,
    adrs_1 as street_name,
    adrs_2 as block_name,
    adrs_3 as post_office_box,
    zipcode as postcode,
    city as city_name,

    null as building_name,
    null as building_number,
    null as city_sub_division_name,
    null as country,
    null as floor_identification, 
    null as room_identification
FROM entities
WHERE adrs_1 != '' OR adrs_1 != '' OR adrs_2 != '' OR adrs_3 != '' OR city != ''
    null as address_id,
    null as parent_id,
    null as parent_type,
    adrs_1 as street_name,
    adrs_2 as block_name,
    adrs_3 as post_office_box,
    zipcode as postcode,
    city as city_name,
    entity_label as room_identification, 
    null as building_name,
    null as building_number,
    null as city_sub_division_name,
    null as country,
    null as floor_identification
FROM users
LEFT JOIN users_entities ON users.user_id = users_entities.user_id
LEFT JOIN entities ON users_entities.entity_id = entities.entity_id
WHERE adrs_1 != '' OR adrs_1 != '' OR adrs_2 != '' OR adrs_3 != '' OR city != '';

-- Users to Contacts
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS rm_ref_contacts;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW rm_ref_contacts AS 
    NULL::bpchar AS contact_id, 
    NULL::bpchar AS organization_id, 
    NULL::bpchar AS identification, 
    entities.entity_label AS department_name, 
    users_entities.user_role AS responsibility, 
    (users.firstname::text || ' '::text) || users.lastname::text AS person_name
 FROM users
    JOIN users_entities ON users.user_id::text = users_entities.user_id::text
    JOIN entities ON users_entities.entity_id::text = entities.entity_id::text;

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS rm_ios_view;
    ArchivalAgency.entity_id AS archival_agency_entity_id,
    ArchivalContact.user_id AS archival_user_id,
    RequestingAgency.entity_id AS requesting_agency_entity_id,
    RequestingContact.user_id AS requesting_user_id,
    rm_comments.comment AS comment, as archive_name,
    count(ArchiveObjects) as nb_archive_objects
FROM rm_ios
    LEFT JOIN rm_organizations AS ArchivalAgency ON ArchivalAgency.parent_id = rm_ios.io_id AND ArchivalAgency.role = 'ArchivalAgency'
    LEFT JOIN rm_contacts AS ArchivalContact ON ArchivalContact.organization_id = 
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
        SELECT organization_id 
        FROM rm_contacts 
        WHERE rm_contacts.organization_id = ArchivalAgency.organization_id 
        ORDER BY contact_id
        LIMIT 1
    LEFT JOIN rm_organizations AS RequestingAgency ON RequestingAgency.parent_id = rm_ios.io_id AND RequestingAgency.role IN ('TransferringAgency', 'RequestingAgency')
    LEFT JOIN rm_contacts AS RequestingContact ON RequestingContact.organization_id = 
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
        SELECT organization_id 
        FROM rm_contacts 
        WHERE rm_contacts.organization_id = RequestingAgency.organization_id 
        ORDER BY contact_id
        LIMIT 1
    LEFT JOIN rm_io_archives_relations IOArchives ON IOArchives.io_id = rm_ios.io_id
    LEFT JOIN rm_items AS Archives ON Archives.item_id = IOArchives.item_id
    LEFT JOIN rm_items AS ArchiveObjects ON ArchiveObjects.parent_item_id = Archives.item_id
    LEFT JOIN rm_comments ON rm_comments.io_id = 
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
        SELECT io_id 
        FROM rm_comments 
        WHERE rm_comments.io_id = rm_ios.io_id
        ORDER BY comment_id 
        LIMIT 1

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS rm_documents_view;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW rm_documents_view AS 

Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
    rm_content_descriptions.description as content_description,

    doctypes.description as type_label,
    doctypes_first_level.css_style as doctype_first_level_style, 
    doctypes_second_level.css_style as doctype_second_level_style,
	schedule.folder_id as schedule_name,
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
    originating_agency.identification as originating_agency_identification,
    originating_agency.entity_id as originating_agency_entity_id, as originating_agency_name,
    rm_contacts.department_name as dest_user,
    rm_appraisal_rules.code as appraisal_code,
    rm_appraisal_rules.duration as appraisal_duration,
    rm_appraisal_rules.start_date as appraisal_start_date,
    rm_access_restriction_rules.code as access_restriction_code,
    rm_access_restriction_rules.start_date as access_restriction_start_date
FROM rm_documents
    LEFT JOIN rm_items on rm_items.item_id = rm_documents.item_id
    LEFT JOIN rm_content_descriptions on rm_items.item_id = rm_content_descriptions.item_id
    LEFT JOIN rm_custodial_history on rm_items.item_id = rm_custodial_history.item_id
    LEFT JOIN doctypes on rm_documents.type_id = doctypes.type_id
    LEFT JOIN doctypes_first_level ON doctypes.doctypes_first_level_id = doctypes_first_level.doctypes_first_level_id
    LEFT JOIN doctypes_second_level ON doctypes.doctypes_second_level_id = doctypes_second_level.doctypes_second_level_id
    LEFT JOIN rm_organizations AS originating_agency ON originating_agency.organization_id = 
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
        SELECT organization_id 
        FROM rm_organizations 
        WHERE rm_organizations.parent_id = rm_items.item_id AND rm_organizations.role = 'OriginatingAgency'
        ORDER BY organization_id
        LIMIT 1
    LEFT JOIN rm_contacts on originating_agency.organization_id = rm_contacts.organization_id and contact_id = 
Cyril Vazquez's avatar
Cyril Vazquez committed
        SELECT contact_id 
        FROM rm_contacts 
        WHERE rm_contacts.organization_id = originating_agency.organization_id
        ORDER BY contact_id
        LIMIT 1
    LEFT JOIN rm_appraisal_rules ON rm_appraisal_rules.parent_id = rm_items.item_id
    LEFT JOIN rm_access_restriction_rules ON rm_access_restriction_rules.parent_id = rm_items.item_id
    LEFT JOIN folders file_plan_position ON rm_content_descriptions.file_plan_position = file_plan_position.folder_id AND foldertype_id = '101'
    LEFT JOIN folders schedule ON rm_items.schedule_id = schedule.folders_system_id
WHERE item_type = 'ArchiveObject';

-- log collection
-- res_log
  res_id SERIAL,
  title character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  subject text,
  description text,
  publisher character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  contributor character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  type_id bigint NOT NULL,
  format character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  typist character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  fulltext_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  ocr_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  converter_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  author character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author_name text,
  identifier character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  source character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_language character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  relation bigint,
  coverage character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_date timestamp without time zone,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  folders_system_id bigint,
  arbox_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  logical_adr character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filesize bigint,
  is_paper character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  page_count integer,
  scan_date timestamp without time zone,
  scan_user character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_location character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_wkstation character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  burn_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_postmark character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  envelop_id bigint,
  status character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  destination character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  approver character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  validation_date timestamp without time zone,
  work_batch bigint,
  origin character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  is_ingoing character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  priority smallint,
  arbatch_id bigint DEFAULT NULL,
  policy_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  cycle_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  cycle_date timestamp without time zone,
  is_multi_docservers character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_frozen character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  custom_t1 text,
  custom_n1 bigint,
  custom_f1 numeric,
  custom_d1 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t2 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n2 bigint,
  custom_f2 numeric,
  custom_d2 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t3 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n3 bigint,
  custom_f3 numeric,
  custom_d3 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t4 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n4 bigint,
  custom_f4 numeric,
  custom_d4 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t5 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n5 bigint,
  custom_f5 numeric,
  custom_d5 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t6 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d6 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t7 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d7 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t8 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d8 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t9 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d9 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t10 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d10 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t11 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t12 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t13 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t14 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t15 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tablename character varying(32) DEFAULT 'res_log'::character varying,
  initiator character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  dest_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  video_batch integer DEFAULT NULL,
  video_time integer DEFAULT NULL,
  video_user character varying(128)  DEFAULT NULL,
  video_date timestamp without time zone,
  esign_proof_id character varying(255),
  esign_proof_content text,
  esign_content text,
  esign_date timestamp without time zone,
  CONSTRAINT res_log_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (res_id)

  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  adr_priority integer NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT adr_log_pkey PRIMARY KEY (res_id, docserver_id)

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS res_view_log;
 select * from res_log;

-- ************************************************************************* --
--                                                                           --
--                               BUSINESS COLLECTION                          --
--                                                                           --
-- ************************************************************************* --

CREATE TABLE res_business
  res_id SERIAL,
  title character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  subject text,
  description text,
  publisher character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  contributor character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  type_id bigint NOT NULL,
  format character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  typist character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  fulltext_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  ocr_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  converter_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  author character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author_name text,
  identifier character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  source character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_language character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  relation bigint,
  coverage character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_date timestamp without time zone,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  folders_system_id bigint,
  arbox_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  logical_adr character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filesize bigint,
  is_paper character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  page_count integer,
  scan_date timestamp without time zone,
  scan_user character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_location character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_wkstation character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  burn_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_postmark character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  envelop_id bigint,
  status character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  destination character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  approver character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  validation_date timestamp without time zone,
  work_batch bigint,
  origin character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  is_ingoing character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  priority smallint,
  arbatch_id bigint DEFAULT NULL,
  policy_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  cycle_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  cycle_date timestamp without time zone,
  is_multi_docservers character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_frozen character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  custom_t1 text,
  custom_n1 bigint,
  custom_f1 numeric,
  custom_d1 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t2 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n2 bigint,
  custom_f2 numeric,
  custom_d2 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t3 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n3 bigint,
  custom_f3 numeric,
  custom_d3 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t4 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n4 bigint,
  custom_f4 numeric,
  custom_d4 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t5 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n5 bigint,
  custom_f5 numeric,
  custom_d5 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t6 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d6 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t7 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d7 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t8 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d8 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t9 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d9 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t10 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d10 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t11 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t12 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t13 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t14 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t15 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  reference_number character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tablename character varying(32) DEFAULT 'res_business'::character varying,
  initiator character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  dest_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  video_batch integer DEFAULT NULL,
  video_time integer DEFAULT NULL,
  video_user character varying(128)  DEFAULT NULL,
  video_date timestamp without time zone,
  esign_proof_id character varying(255),
  esign_proof_content text,
  esign_content text,
  esign_date timestamp without time zone,
  locker_user_id character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  locker_time timestamp without time zone,
  CONSTRAINT res_business_pkey PRIMARY KEY  (res_id)

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS adr_business;
CREATE TABLE adr_business
  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  adr_priority integer NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT adr_business_pkey PRIMARY KEY (res_id, docserver_id)

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS res_version_business;
CREATE TABLE res_version_business
  res_id serial,
  title character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  subject text,
  description text,
  publisher character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  contributor character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  type_id bigint NOT NULL,
  format character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  typist character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  fulltext_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  ocr_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  converter_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author_name text,
  identifier character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  source character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_language character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  relation bigint,
  coverage character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_date timestamp without time zone,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  folders_system_id bigint,
  arbox_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  logical_adr character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filesize bigint,
  is_paper character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  page_count integer,
  scan_date timestamp without time zone,
  scan_user character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_location character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_wkstation character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  burn_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_postmark character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  envelop_id bigint,
  status character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  destination character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  approver character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  validation_date timestamp without time zone,
  work_batch bigint,
  origin character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  is_ingoing character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  priority smallint,
  arbatch_id bigint,
  policy_id character varying(32),
  cycle_id character varying(32),
  is_multi_docservers character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_frozen character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  custom_t1 text,
  custom_n1 bigint,
  custom_f1 numeric,
  custom_d1 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t2 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n2 bigint,
  custom_f2 numeric,
  custom_d2 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t3 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n3 bigint,
  custom_f3 numeric,
  custom_d3 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t4 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n4 bigint,
  custom_f4 numeric,
  custom_d4 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t5 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n5 bigint,
  custom_f5 numeric,
  custom_d5 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t6 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d6 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t7 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d7 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t8 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d8 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t9 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d9 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t10 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d10 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t11 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t12 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t13 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t14 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t15 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tablename character varying(32) DEFAULT 'res_version_business'::character varying,
  initiator character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  dest_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  video_batch integer,
  video_time integer,
  video_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  video_date timestamp without time zone,
  cycle_date timestamp without time zone,
  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  res_id_master bigint,
  CONSTRAINT res_version_business_pkey PRIMARY KEY (res_id)

CREATE TABLE business_coll_ext (
  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  category_id character varying(50)  NOT NULL,
  contact_id integer default NULL,
  currency character varying(10) default NULL,
  net_sum float default NULL,
  tax_sum float default NULL,
  total_sum float default NULL,
  process_limit_date timestamp without time zone default NULL,
  closing_date timestamp without time zone default NULL,
  alarm1_date timestamp without time zone default NULL,
  alarm2_date timestamp without time zone default NULL,
  flag_notif char(1)  default 'N'::character varying ,
  flag_alarm1 char(1)  default 'N'::character varying ,
  flag_alarm2 char(1) default 'N'::character varying,
  address_id bigint

CREATE TABLE invoice_types (
  invoice_type_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  invoice_type_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  invoice_movement char(2) default 'DR'::character varying

-- sendmail module
  email_id serial NOT NULL,
  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  user_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  to_list character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  cc_list character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  cci_list character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  email_object character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  email_body text,
  is_res_master_attached character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y',
  res_version_id_list character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  res_attachment_id_list character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  note_id_list character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  is_html character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y',
  email_status character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'D',
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  send_date timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
  sender_email character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT sendmail_pkey PRIMARY KEY (email_id )
-- fileplan module
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS fp_fileplan_positions_position_id_seq;
CREATE SEQUENCE fp_fileplan_positions_position_id_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 10
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE fp_fileplan
  fileplan_id serial NOT NULL,
  fileplan_label character varying(255),
  user_id character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL,
  entity_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  is_serial_id character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', 
  enabled character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y',
  CONSTRAINT fp_fileplan_pkey PRIMARY KEY (fileplan_id)
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fp_fileplan_positions;
CREATE TABLE fp_fileplan_positions 
  position_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('fp_fileplan_positions_position_id_seq'::regclass),
  position_label character varying(255),
  parent_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  fileplan_id bigint NOT NULL,
  enabled character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y',
  CONSTRAINT fp_fileplan_positions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (fileplan_id, position_id)

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fp_res_fileplan_positions;
CREATE TABLE fp_res_fileplan_positions 
  res_id bigint NOT NULL,
  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  fileplan_id bigint NOT NULL,
  position_id integer NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT fp_res_fileplan_positions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (res_id, coll_id, fileplan_id, position_id)

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS actions_categories;
CREATE TABLE actions_categories
  action_id bigint NOT NULL,
  category_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT actions_categories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (action_id,category_id)

DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS user_baskets_secondary_seq;
CREATE SEQUENCE user_baskets_secondary_seq
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_baskets_secondary;
CREATE TABLE user_baskets_secondary
  system_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('user_baskets_secondary_seq'::regclass),
  user_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  group_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  basket_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT user_baskets_secondary_pkey PRIMARY KEY (system_id)

DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS listinstance_history_id_seq;
CREATE SEQUENCE listinstance_history_id_seq
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS listinstance_history;
CREATE TABLE listinstance_history
listinstance_history_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('listinstance_history_id_seq'::regclass),
coll_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
res_id bigint NOT NULL,
updated_by_user character varying(128) NOT NULL,
updated_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT listinstance_history_pkey PRIMARY KEY (listinstance_history_id)

DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS listinstance_history_details_id_seq;
CREATE SEQUENCE listinstance_history_details_id_seq
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS listinstance_history_details;
CREATE TABLE listinstance_history_details
listinstance_history_details_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('listinstance_history_details_id_seq'::regclass),
listinstance_history_id bigint NOT NULL,
coll_id character varying(50) NOT NULL,
res_id bigint NOT NULL,
listinstance_type character varying(50) DEFAULT 'DOC'::character varying,
sequence bigint NOT NULL,
item_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
item_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
item_mode character varying(50) NOT NULL,
added_by_user character varying(128) NOT NULL,
added_by_entity character varying(50) NOT NULL,
visible character varying(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
viewed bigint,
difflist_type character varying(50),
process_date timestamp without time zone,
process_comment character varying(255),
CONSTRAINT listinstance_history_details_pkey PRIMARY KEY (listinstance_history_details_id)

--view for demo
 SELECT r.tablename, r.is_multi_docservers, r.res_id, r.title, r.subject, r.page_count, r.identifier, r.doc_date, r.type_id,
 d.description AS type_label, d.doctypes_first_level_id, dfl.doctypes_first_level_label, dfl.css_style as doctype_first_level_style,
 d.doctypes_second_level_id, dsl.doctypes_second_level_label, dsl.css_style as doctype_second_level_style,
 r.format, r.typist, r.creation_date, r.relation, r.docserver_id,
 r.folders_system_id, r.path, r.filename, r.fingerprint, r.offset_doc, r.filesize, r.status,
 r.work_batch, r.arbatch_id, r.arbox_id,  r.is_paper, r.scan_date, r.scan_user,r.scan_location,r.scan_wkstation,
 r.custom_t1 AS doc_custom_t1, r.custom_t2 AS doc_custom_t2, r.custom_t3 AS doc_custom_t3,
 r.custom_t4 AS doc_custom_t4, r.custom_t5 AS doc_custom_t5, r.custom_t6 AS doc_custom_t6,
 r.custom_t7 AS doc_custom_t7, r.custom_t8 AS doc_custom_t8, r.custom_t9 AS doc_custom_t9,
 r.custom_t10 AS doc_custom_t10, r.custom_t11 AS doc_custom_t11, r.custom_t12 AS doc_custom_t12,
 r.custom_t13 AS doc_custom_t13, r.custom_t14 AS doc_custom_t14, r.custom_t15 AS doc_custom_t15,
 r.custom_d1 AS doc_custom_d1, r.custom_d2 AS doc_custom_d2, r.custom_d3 AS doc_custom_d3,
 r.custom_d4 AS doc_custom_d4, r.custom_d5 AS doc_custom_d5, r.custom_d6 AS doc_custom_d6,
 r.custom_d7 AS doc_custom_d7, r.custom_d8 AS doc_custom_d8, r.custom_d9 AS doc_custom_d9,
 r.custom_d10 AS doc_custom_d10, r.custom_n1 AS doc_custom_n1, r.custom_n2 AS doc_custom_n2,
 r.custom_n3 AS doc_custom_n3, r.custom_n4 AS doc_custom_n4, r.custom_n5 AS doc_custom_n5,
 r.custom_f1 AS doc_custom_f1, r.custom_f2 AS doc_custom_f2, r.custom_f3 AS doc_custom_f3,
 r.custom_f4 AS doc_custom_f4, r.custom_f5 AS doc_custom_f5, r.is_frozen as res_is_frozen,  
 r.reference_number, r.locker_user_id, r.locker_time
   FROM  doctypes d, doctypes_first_level dfl, doctypes_second_level dsl, res_x r
   WHERE r.type_id = d.type_id
   AND d.doctypes_first_level_id = dfl.doctypes_first_level_id
   AND d.doctypes_second_level_id = dsl.doctypes_second_level_id;

--view for business
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS res_view_business;
CREATE VIEW res_view_business AS
    SELECT r.tablename, r.is_multi_docservers, r.res_id, r.type_id,
    d.description AS type_label, d.doctypes_first_level_id,
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
    d.doctypes_second_level_id, dfl.doctypes_first_level_label, 
    dfl.css_style as doctype_first_level_style,
    dsl.css_style as doctype_second_level_style, r.format, r.typist,
    r.creation_date, r.relation, r.docserver_id, r.folders_system_id,
    f.folder_id, f.is_frozen as folder_is_frozen, r.path, r.filename, 
    r.fingerprint, r.offset_doc, r.filesize,
    r.status, r.work_batch, r.arbatch_id, r.arbox_id, r.page_count, r.is_paper,
    r.doc_date, r.scan_date, r.scan_user, r.scan_location, r.scan_wkstation,
    r.scan_batch, r.doc_language, r.description, r.source,, r.reference_number,
    r.custom_t1 AS doc_custom_t1, r.custom_t2 AS doc_custom_t2,
    r.custom_t3 AS doc_custom_t3, r.custom_t4 AS doc_custom_t4,
    r.custom_t5 AS doc_custom_t5, r.custom_t6 AS doc_custom_t6,
    r.custom_t7 AS doc_custom_t7, r.custom_t8 AS doc_custom_t8,
    r.custom_t9 AS doc_custom_t9, r.custom_t10 AS doc_custom_t10,
    r.custom_t11 AS doc_custom_t11, r.custom_t12 AS doc_custom_t12,
    r.custom_t13 AS doc_custom_t13, r.custom_t14 AS doc_custom_t14,
    r.custom_t15 AS doc_custom_t15, r.custom_d1 AS doc_custom_d1,
    r.custom_d2 AS doc_custom_d2, r.custom_d3 AS doc_custom_d3,
    r.custom_d4 AS doc_custom_d4, r.custom_d5 AS doc_custom_d5,
    r.custom_d6 AS doc_custom_d6, r.custom_d7 AS doc_custom_d7,
    r.custom_d8 AS doc_custom_d8, r.custom_d9 AS doc_custom_d9,
    r.custom_d10 AS doc_custom_d10, r.custom_n1 AS doc_custom_n1,
    r.custom_n2 AS doc_custom_n2, r.custom_n3 AS doc_custom_n3,
    r.custom_n4 AS doc_custom_n4, r.custom_n5 AS doc_custom_n5,
    r.custom_f1 AS doc_custom_f1, r.custom_f2 AS doc_custom_f2,
    r.custom_f3 AS doc_custom_f3, r.custom_f4 AS doc_custom_f4,
    r.custom_f5 AS doc_custom_f5, f.foldertype_id,
    f.custom_t1 AS fold_custom_t1, f.custom_t2 AS fold_custom_t2,
    f.custom_t3 AS fold_custom_t3, f.custom_t4 AS fold_custom_t4,
    f.custom_t5 AS fold_custom_t5, f.custom_t6 AS fold_custom_t6,
    f.custom_t7 AS fold_custom_t7, f.custom_t8 AS fold_custom_t8,
    f.custom_t9 AS fold_custom_t9, f.custom_t10 AS fold_custom_t10,
    f.custom_t11 AS fold_custom_t11, f.custom_t12 AS fold_custom_t12,
    f.custom_t13 AS fold_custom_t13, f.custom_t14 AS fold_custom_t14,
    f.custom_t15 AS fold_custom_t15, f.custom_d1 AS fold_custom_d1,
    f.custom_d2 AS fold_custom_d2, f.custom_d3 AS fold_custom_d3,
    f.custom_d4 AS fold_custom_d4, f.custom_d5 AS fold_custom_d5,
    f.custom_d6 AS fold_custom_d6, f.custom_d7 AS fold_custom_d7,
    f.custom_d8 AS fold_custom_d8, f.custom_d9 AS fold_custom_d9,
    f.custom_d10 AS fold_custom_d10, f.custom_n1 AS fold_custom_n1,
    f.custom_n2 AS fold_custom_n2, f.custom_n3 AS fold_custom_n3,
    f.custom_n4 AS fold_custom_n4, f.custom_n5 AS fold_custom_n5,
    f.custom_f1 AS fold_custom_f1, f.custom_f2 AS fold_custom_f2,
    f.custom_f3 AS fold_custom_f3, f.custom_f4 AS fold_custom_f4,
    f.custom_f5 AS fold_custom_f5, f.is_complete AS fold_complete,
    f.status AS fold_status, f.subject AS fold_subject,
    f.parent_id AS fold_parent_id, f.folder_level, f.folder_name,
    f.creation_date AS fold_creation_date, r.initiator, r.destination,
    r.dest_user, busi.category_id, busi.contact_id, busi.address_id, busi.currency,
	r.locker_user_id, r.locker_time,	
    busi.net_sum, busi.tax_sum, busi.total_sum, 
    busi.process_limit_date, busi.closing_date, busi.alarm1_date, busi.alarm2_date,
    busi.flag_notif, busi.flag_alarm1, busi.flag_alarm2, r.video_user, r.video_time,
    r.video_batch, r.subject, r.identifier, r.title, r.priority,
    cont.firstname AS contact_firstname, cont.lastname AS contact_lastname,
    cont.society AS contact_society, list.item_id AS dest_user_from_listinstance,  list.viewed, 
    r.is_frozen as res_is_frozen, COALESCE(att.count_attachment, 0::bigint) AS count_attachment 
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
    FROM doctypes d, doctypes_first_level dfl, doctypes_second_level dsl, res_business r
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT res_attachments.res_id_master, coll_id, count(res_attachments.res_id_master) AS count_attachment
        FROM res_attachments WHERE res_attachments.status <> 'DEL' GROUP BY res_attachments.res_id_master, coll_id) att ON (r.res_id = att.res_id_master and att.coll_id = 'business_coll')
    LEFT JOIN entities en ON ((r.destination)::text = (en.entity_id)::text)
    LEFT JOIN folders f ON ((r.folders_system_id = f.folders_system_id))
    LEFT JOIN business_coll_ext busi ON (busi.res_id = r.res_id)
    LEFT JOIN contacts_v2 cont ON (busi.contact_id = cont.contact_id)
    LEFT JOIN listinstance list ON ((r.res_id = list.res_id)
        AND ((list.item_mode)::text = 'dest'::text))
Giovannoni Laurent's avatar
Giovannoni Laurent committed
    WHERE r.type_id = d.type_id 
    AND d.doctypes_first_level_id = dfl.doctypes_first_level_id
    AND d.doctypes_second_level_id = dsl.doctypes_second_level_id;

-- view for letterbox
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS res_view_letterbox;
CREATE VIEW res_view_letterbox AS
    SELECT r.tablename, r.is_multi_docservers, r.res_id, r.type_id, r.policy_id, r.cycle_id, 
    d.description AS type_label, d.doctypes_first_level_id,
    dfl.doctypes_first_level_label, dfl.css_style as doctype_first_level_style,
    d.doctypes_second_level_id, dsl.doctypes_second_level_label,
    dsl.css_style as doctype_second_level_style, r.format, r.typist,
    r.creation_date, r.relation, r.docserver_id, r.folders_system_id,
    f.folder_id, f.is_frozen as folder_is_frozen, r.path, r.filename, r.fingerprint, r.offset_doc, r.filesize,
    r.status, r.work_batch, r.arbatch_id, r.arbox_id, r.page_count, r.is_paper,
    r.doc_date, r.scan_date, r.scan_user, r.scan_location, r.scan_wkstation,
    r.scan_batch, r.doc_language, r.description, r.source,, r.reference_number,
    r.custom_t1 AS doc_custom_t1, r.custom_t2 AS doc_custom_t2,
    r.custom_t3 AS doc_custom_t3, r.custom_t4 AS doc_custom_t4,
    r.custom_t5 AS doc_custom_t5, r.custom_t6 AS doc_custom_t6,
    r.custom_t7 AS doc_custom_t7, r.custom_t8 AS doc_custom_t8,
    r.custom_t9 AS doc_custom_t9, r.custom_t10 AS doc_custom_t10,
    r.custom_t11 AS doc_custom_t11, r.custom_t12 AS doc_custom_t12,
    r.custom_t13 AS doc_custom_t13, r.custom_t14 AS doc_custom_t14,
    r.custom_t15 AS doc_custom_t15, r.custom_d1 AS doc_custom_d1,
    r.custom_d2 AS doc_custom_d2, r.custom_d3 AS doc_custom_d3,
    r.custom_d4 AS doc_custom_d4, r.custom_d5 AS doc_custom_d5,
    r.custom_d6 AS doc_custom_d6, r.custom_d7 AS doc_custom_d7,
    r.custom_d8 AS doc_custom_d8, r.custom_d9 AS doc_custom_d9,
    r.custom_d10 AS doc_custom_d10, r.custom_n1 AS doc_custom_n1,
    r.custom_n2 AS doc_custom_n2, r.custom_n3 AS doc_custom_n3,
    r.custom_n4 AS doc_custom_n4, r.custom_n5 AS doc_custom_n5,
    r.custom_f1 AS doc_custom_f1, r.custom_f2 AS doc_custom_f2,
    r.custom_f3 AS doc_custom_f3, r.custom_f4 AS doc_custom_f4,
    r.custom_f5 AS doc_custom_f5, f.foldertype_id, ft.foldertype_label,
    f.custom_t1 AS fold_custom_t1, f.custom_t2 AS fold_custom_t2,
    f.custom_t3 AS fold_custom_t3, f.custom_t4 AS fold_custom_t4,
    f.custom_t5 AS fold_custom_t5, f.custom_t6 AS fold_custom_t6,
    f.custom_t7 AS fold_custom_t7, f.custom_t8 AS fold_custom_t8,
    f.custom_t9 AS fold_custom_t9, f.custom_t10 AS fold_custom_t10,
    f.custom_t11 AS fold_custom_t11, f.custom_t12 AS fold_custom_t12,
    f.custom_t13 AS fold_custom_t13, f.custom_t14 AS fold_custom_t14,
    f.custom_t15 AS fold_custom_t15, f.custom_d1 AS fold_custom_d1,
    f.custom_d2 AS fold_custom_d2, f.custom_d3 AS fold_custom_d3,
    f.custom_d4 AS fold_custom_d4, f.custom_d5 AS fold_custom_d5,
    f.custom_d6 AS fold_custom_d6, f.custom_d7 AS fold_custom_d7,
    f.custom_d8 AS fold_custom_d8, f.custom_d9 AS fold_custom_d9,
    f.custom_d10 AS fold_custom_d10, f.custom_n1 AS fold_custom_n1,
    f.custom_n2 AS fold_custom_n2, f.custom_n3 AS fold_custom_n3,
    f.custom_n4 AS fold_custom_n4, f.custom_n5 AS fold_custom_n5,
    f.custom_f1 AS fold_custom_f1, f.custom_f2 AS fold_custom_f2,
    f.custom_f3 AS fold_custom_f3, f.custom_f4 AS fold_custom_f4,
    f.custom_f5 AS fold_custom_f5, f.is_complete AS fold_complete,
    f.status AS fold_status, f.subject AS fold_subject,
    f.parent_id AS fold_parent_id, f.folder_level, f.folder_name,
    f.creation_date AS fold_creation_date, r.initiator, r.destination,
    r.dest_user, r.confidentiality, mlb.category_id, mlb.exp_contact_id, mlb.exp_user_id,
    mlb.dest_user_id, mlb.dest_contact_id, mlb.address_id, mlb.nature_id, mlb.alt_identifier,
    mlb.admission_date, mlb.answer_type_bitmask, mlb.other_answer_desc,
    mlb.process_limit_date, mlb.closing_date, mlb.alarm1_date, mlb.alarm2_date,
    mlb.flag_notif, mlb.flag_alarm1, mlb.flag_alarm2, mlb.is_multicontacts, r.video_user, r.video_time,
    r.video_batch, r.subject, r.identifier, r.title, r.priority, mlb.process_notes,
	r.locker_user_id, r.locker_time,
    ca.case_id, ca.case_label, ca.case_description, en.entity_label, en.entity_type AS entityType,
    cont.contact_id AS contact_id, 
    cont.firstname AS contact_firstname, cont.lastname AS contact_lastname,
    cont.society AS contact_society, u.lastname AS user_lastname,
    u.firstname AS user_firstname, list.item_id AS dest_user_from_listinstance, list.viewed, 
    r.is_frozen as res_is_frozen, COALESCE(att.count_attachment, 0::bigint) AS count_attachment 
    FROM doctypes d, doctypes_first_level dfl, doctypes_second_level dsl,
    (((((((((((ar_batch a RIGHT JOIN res_letterbox r ON ((r.arbatch_id = a.arbatch_id)))
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT res_attachments.res_id_master, count(res_attachments.res_id_master) AS count_attachment
        FROM res_attachments WHERE res_attachments.status <> 'DEL' GROUP BY res_attachments.res_id_master) att ON (r.res_id = att.res_id_master))
    LEFT JOIN entities en ON (((r.destination)::text = (en.entity_id)::text)))
    LEFT JOIN folders f ON ((r.folders_system_id = f.folders_system_id)))
    LEFT JOIN cases_res cr ON ((r.res_id = cr.res_id)))
    LEFT JOIN mlb_coll_ext mlb ON ((mlb.res_id = r.res_id)))
    LEFT JOIN foldertypes ft ON (((f.foldertype_id = ft.foldertype_id)
        AND ((f.status)::text <> 'DEL'::text))))
    LEFT JOIN cases ca ON ((cr.case_id = ca.case_id)))
    LEFT JOIN contacts_v2 cont ON (((mlb.exp_contact_id = cont.contact_id)
        OR (mlb.dest_contact_id = cont.contact_id))))
    LEFT JOIN users u ON ((((mlb.exp_user_id)::text = (u.user_id)::text)
        OR ((mlb.dest_user_id)::text = (u.user_id)::text))))
    LEFT JOIN listinstance list ON (((r.res_id = list.res_id)
        AND ((list.item_mode)::text = 'dest'::text))))
    WHERE (((r.type_id = d.type_id) AND
    (d.doctypes_first_level_id = dfl.doctypes_first_level_id))
    AND (d.doctypes_second_level_id = dsl.doctypes_second_level_id));

--view for postindexing
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS view_postindexing;
CREATE VIEW view_postindexing AS
SELECT res_view_letterbox.video_user, (users.firstname::text || ' '::text) || users.lastname::text AS user_name, res_view_letterbox.video_batch, res_view_letterbox.video_time, count(res_view_letterbox.res_id) AS count_documents, res_view_letterbox.folders_system_id, (folders.folder_id::text || ' / '::text) || folders.folder_name::text AS folder_full_label, folders.video_status
FROM res_view_letterbox
LEFT JOIN users ON res_view_letterbox.video_user::text = users.user_id::text
LEFT JOIN folders ON folders.folders_system_id = res_view_letterbox.folders_system_id
WHERE res_view_letterbox.video_batch IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY res_view_letterbox.video_user, (users.firstname::text || ' '::text) || users.lastname::text, res_view_letterbox.video_batch, res_view_letterbox.video_time, res_view_letterbox.folders_system_id, (folders.folder_id::text || ' / '::text) || folders.folder_name::text, folders.video_status;

--view for APA
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS res_view_apa;
CREATE VIEW res_view_apa AS
select * from res_apa;

--views for autofoldering
-- Resource view used to fill af_target, we exclude from res_x the branches already in af_target table
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS af_view_year_view;
CREATE VIEW af_view_year_view AS
SELECT r.custom_t3 AS level1, date_part('year', r.doc_date) AS level2, r.custom_t4 AS level3,
    r.res_id, r.creation_date, r.status -- for where clause
FROM res_x r
WHERE  NOT (EXISTS (SELECT t.level1, t.level2, t.level3
    FROM af_view_year_target t
    WHERE r.custom_t3::text = t.level1::text AND cast(date_part('year', r.doc_date) as character) = t.level2 AND r.custom_t4 = t.level3));

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS af_view_customer_view;
CREATE VIEW af_view_customer_view AS
SELECT substring(r.custom_t4, 1, 1) AS level1,  r.custom_t4 AS level2, date_part('year', r.doc_date) AS level3,
    r.res_id, r.creation_date, r.status -- for where clause
FROM  res_x r
WHERE status <> 'DEL' and date_part('year', doc_date) is not null
AND NOT (EXISTS (SELECT t.level1, t.level2, t.level3
    FROM af_view_customer_target t
    WHERE substring(r.custom_t4, 1, 1)::text = t.level1::text AND r.custom_t4::text = t.level2::text
    AND cast(date_part('year', r.doc_date) as character) = t.level3)) ;

-- View used to display trees
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS af_view_year_target_view;
CREATE VIEW af_view_year_target_view AS
SELECT af.level1, af.level1_id, af.level1 as level1_label, af.level2, af.level2_id, af.level2 as level2_label, af.level3, af.level3_id, af.level3 as level3_label
FROM af_view_year_target af;

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS af_view_customer_target_view;
CREATE VIEW af_view_customer_target_view AS
SELECT af.level1, af.level1_id, af.level1 as level1_label, af.level2, af.level2_id, af.level2 as level2_label, af.level3, af.level3_id, af.level3 as level3_label
FROM af_view_customer_target af ;

-- View folders
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS view_folders;
CREATE VIEW view_folders AS 
SELECT folders.folders_system_id, folders.folder_id, folders.foldertype_id, foldertypes.foldertype_label, (folders.folder_id || ':') || folders.folder_name AS folder_full_label, folders.parent_id, folders.folder_name, folders.subject, folders.description,, folders.typist, folders.status, folders.folder_level, 
folders.creation_date, folders.destination, folders.dest_user, 
folders.folder_out_id, folders.custom_t1, folders.custom_n1, folders.custom_f1, folders.custom_d1, folders.custom_t2, folders.custom_n2, folders.custom_f2, folders.custom_d2, folders.custom_t3, folders.custom_n3, folders.custom_f3, folders.custom_d3, folders.custom_t4, folders.custom_n4, folders.custom_f4, folders.custom_d4, folders.custom_t5, folders.custom_n5, folders.custom_f5, folders.custom_d5, folders.custom_t6, folders.custom_d6, folders.custom_t7, folders.custom_d7, folders.custom_t8, folders.custom_d8, folders.custom_t9, folders.custom_d9, folders.custom_t10, folders.custom_d10, folders.custom_t11, folders.custom_d11, folders.custom_t12, folders.custom_d12, folders.custom_t13, folders.custom_d13, folders.custom_t14, folders.custom_d14, folders.custom_t15, folders.is_complete, folders.is_folder_out, folders.last_modified_date, folders.video_status, COALESCE(r.count_document, 0::bigint) AS count_document
   FROM foldertypes, folders
   LEFT JOIN ( SELECT res_letterbox.folders_system_id, count(res_letterbox.folders_system_id) AS count_document
           FROM res_letterbox
          GROUP BY res_letterbox.folders_system_id) r ON r.folders_system_id = folders.folders_system_id
  WHERE folders.foldertype_id = foldertypes.foldertype_id;

-- View fileplan
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fp_view_fileplan AS 
 SELECT fp_fileplan.fileplan_id, fp_fileplan.fileplan_label, 
    fp_fileplan.user_id, fp_fileplan.entity_id, fp_fileplan.enabled, 
    fp_fileplan_positions.position_id, fp_fileplan_positions.position_label, 
    fp_fileplan_positions.enabled AS position_enabled, 
    COALESCE(r.count_document, 0::bigint) AS count_document
   FROM fp_fileplan, 
   LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fp_res_fileplan_positions.position_id, 
            count(fp_res_fileplan_positions.res_id) AS count_document
           FROM fp_res_fileplan_positions
          GROUP BY fp_res_fileplan_positions.position_id) r ON r.position_id::text = fp_fileplan_positions.position_id::text
  WHERE fp_fileplan.fileplan_id = fp_fileplan_positions.fileplan_id;

--view for contacts_v2
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS view_contacts;
 SELECT c.contact_id, c.contact_type, c.is_corporate_person, c.society, c.society_short, c.firstname AS contact_firstname
, c.lastname AS contact_lastname, c.title AS contact_title, c.function AS contact_function, c.other_data AS contact_other_data
, c.user_id AS contact_user_id, c.entity_id AS contact_entity_id, c.creation_date, c.update_date, c.enabled AS contact_enabled, AS ca_id
, ca.contact_purpose_id, ca.departement, ca.firstname, ca.lastname, ca.title, ca.function, ca.occupancy
, ca.address_num, ca.address_street, ca.address_complement, ca.address_town, ca.address_postal_code, ca.address_country
,,,, ca.salutation_header, ca.salutation_footer, ca.other_data, ca.user_id, ca.entity_id, ca.is_private, ca.enabled
, cp.label as contact_purpose_label, ct.label as contact_type_label
   FROM contacts_v2 c
   RIGHT JOIN contact_addresses ca ON c.contact_id = ca.contact_id
   LEFT JOIN contact_purposes cp ON ca.contact_purpose_id =
   LEFT JOIN contact_types ct ON c.contact_type =;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS res_version_attachments;
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS res_id_version_attachments_seq;

   CREATE SEQUENCE res_id_version_attachments_seq
  MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
  START 100
  CACHE 1;

CREATE TABLE res_version_attachments
  res_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('res_id_version_attachments_seq'::regclass),
  title character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  subject text,
  description text,
  publisher character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  contributor character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  type_id bigint NOT NULL,
  format character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  typist character varying(128) NOT NULL,
  creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  fulltext_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  ocr_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  converter_result character varying(10) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  author_name text,
  identifier character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  source character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_language character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  relation bigint,
  coverage character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  doc_date timestamp without time zone,
  docserver_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  folders_system_id bigint,
  arbox_id character varying(32) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  path character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filename character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  offset_doc character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  logical_adr character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  fingerprint character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  filesize bigint,
  is_paper character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  page_count integer,
  scan_date timestamp without time zone,
  scan_user character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_location character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_wkstation character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  burn_batch character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  scan_postmark character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  envelop_id bigint,
  status character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  destination character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  approver character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  validation_date timestamp without time zone,
  work_batch bigint,
  origin character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  is_ingoing character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar,
  priority smallint,
  arbatch_id bigint,
  policy_id character varying(32),
  cycle_id character varying(32),
  is_multi_docservers character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  is_frozen character(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
  custom_t1 text,
  custom_n1 bigint,
  custom_f1 numeric,
  custom_d1 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t2 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n2 bigint,
  custom_f2 numeric,
  custom_d2 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t3 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n3 bigint,
  custom_f3 numeric,
  custom_d3 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t4 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n4 bigint,
  custom_f4 numeric,
  custom_d4 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t5 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_n5 bigint,
  custom_f5 numeric,
  custom_d5 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t6 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d6 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t7 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d7 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t8 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d8 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t9 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d9 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t10 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_d10 timestamp without time zone,
  custom_t11 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t12 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t13 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t14 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  custom_t15 character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  tablename character varying(32) DEFAULT 'res_version_attachments'::character varying,
  initiator character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  dest_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  video_batch integer,
  video_time integer,
  video_user character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  video_date timestamp without time zone,
  cycle_date timestamp without time zone,
  coll_id character varying(32) NOT NULL,
  attachment_type character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  dest_contact_id bigint,
  dest_address_id bigint,
  updated_by character varying(128) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
  is_multicontacts character(1),
  res_id_master bigint,
  attachment_id_master bigint,
  CONSTRAINT res_version_attachments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (res_id)

-- view for attachments
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS res_view_attachments;
CREATE VIEW res_view_attachments AS
  SELECT '0' as res_id, res_id as res_id_version, title, subject, description, publisher, contributor, type_id, format, typist,
  creation_date, fulltext_result, ocr_result, author, author_name, identifier, source,
  doc_language, relation, coverage, doc_date, docserver_id, folders_system_id, arbox_id, path,
  filename, offset_doc, logical_adr, fingerprint, filesize, is_paper, page_count,
  scan_date, scan_user, scan_location, scan_wkstation, scan_batch, burn_batch, scan_postmark,
  envelop_id, status, destination, approver, validation_date, work_batch, origin, is_ingoing, priority, initiator, dest_user,
  coll_id, dest_contact_id, dest_address_id, updated_by, is_multicontacts, is_multi_docservers, res_id_master, attachment_type, attachment_id_master
  FROM res_version_attachments
  SELECT res_id, '0' as res_id_version, title, subject, description, publisher, contributor, type_id, format, typist,
  creation_date, fulltext_result, ocr_result, author, author_name, identifier, source,
  doc_language, relation, coverage, doc_date, docserver_id, folders_system_id, arbox_id, path,
  filename, offset_doc, logical_adr, fingerprint, filesize, is_paper, page_count,
  scan_date, scan_user, scan_location, scan_wkstation, scan_batch, burn_batch, scan_postmark,
  envelop_id, status, destination, approver, validation_date, work_batch, origin, is_ingoing, priority, initiator, dest_user,
  coll_id, dest_contact_id, dest_address_id, updated_by, is_multicontacts, is_multi_docservers, res_id_master, attachment_type, '0'
  FROM res_attachments;