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Commit 45c4cfc2 authored by Hamza HRAMCHI's avatar Hamza HRAMCHI
Browse files

FEAT #15546 TIME 0:10 translate language variables

parent c294c13e
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{ {
"lang": { "lang": {
"actionDone" : "Action done", "actionDone": "Action done",
"actionDoneInPlaceOf" : "Action done in place of", "actionDoneInPlaceOf": "Action done in place of",
"administrations" : "Administrations", "administrations": "Administrations",
"afterClickingSendLinkChangePassword": "After clicking on <b>Send</b>, you will receive an email containing a link to change your password. This link will be active <b>1 hour</b>.", "afterClickingSendLinkChangePassword": "After clicking on <b>Send</b>, you will receive an email containing a link to change your password. This link will be active <b>1 hour</b>.",
"annotateDocument" : "Annotate this document", "annotateDocument": "Annotate this document",
"lockEdition" : "Lock edition", "lockEdition": "Lock edition",
"unlockEdition" : "Unlock edition", "unlockEdition": "Unlock edition",
"originalSize" : "Originale size", "originalSize": "Originale size",
"screenSize" : "Screen size", "screenSize": "Screen size",
"annotation" : "Annotation", "annotation": "Annotation",
"annotationAdded" : "Annotation added", "annotationAdded": "Annotation added",
"annotationMode" : "Annotation mode", "annotationMode": "Annotation mode",
"appleStylus" : "Apple stylus", "appleStylus": "Apple stylus",
"areYouSure" : "Are you sure?", "areYouSure": "Are you sure?",
"atRange" : "at", "atRange": "at",
"attachmentAdded" : "Attachment added", "attachmentAdded": "Attachment added",
"attachmentViewed" : "Attachment viewed", "attachmentViewed": "Attachment viewed",
"black" : "Black", "black": "Black",
"blue" : "Blue", "blue": "Blue",
"cancel" : "Cancel", "cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelPreviousNote" : "Cancel the previous note", "cancelPreviousNote": "Cancel the previous note",
"configurationAdded" : "Configuration added", "configurationAdded": "Configuration added",
"configurationUpdated" : "Configuration updated", "configurationUpdated": "Configuration updated",
"configurationDeleted" : "Configuration deleted", "configurationDeleted": "Configuration deleted",
"connect" : "Log in", "connect": "Log in",
"connectionServerFailed" : "The connection to the server failed. Please try again later.", "connectionServerFailed": "The connection to the server failed. Please try again later.",
"connexion" : "Connection...", "connexion": "Connection...",
"createNewSignature" : "Create a new signature", "createNewSignature": "Create a new signature",
"currentPassword" : "Actual password", "currentPassword": "Actual password",
"defaultColor" : "Default color", "defaultColor": "Default color",
"delete" : "Delete", "delete": "Delete",
"deleteAll" : "Delete all", "deleteAll": "Delete all",
"deleteNoteAndSignature" : "Delete all annotations and signatures?", "deleteNoteAndSignature": "Delete all annotations and signatures?",
"description" : "Description", "description": "Description",
"doc" : "Doc", "doc": "Doc",
"documentAdded" : "Document added", "documentAdded": "Document added",
"documentHistoryViewed" : "Document history viewed", "documentHistoryViewed": "Document history viewed",
"documentRefusedAs" : "Document refused as a:", "documentRefusedAs": "Document refused as a:",
"documentValidateAs" : "Document validated as:", "documentValidateAs": "Document validated as:",
"documentViewed" : "Document viewed", "documentViewed": "Document viewed",
"documentProofViewed" : "Document proof history viewed", "documentProofViewed": "Document proof history viewed",
"email" : "Email", "email": "Email",
"emailAdded" : "Email added", "emailAdded": "Email added",
"emailFailed" : "Sending email failed", "emailFailed": "Sending email failed",
"emailNoSubject" : "No subject", "emailNoSubject": "No subject",
"emittedBy" : "Emitted by", "emittedBy": "Emitted by",
"en" : "English", "en": "English",
"enterLogin" : "Enter your username", "enterLogin": "Enter your username",
"erase" : "Erase", "erase": "Erase",
"cancelAnnotation" : "Cancel", "cancelAnnotation": "Cancel",
"firstname" : "Firstname", "firstname": "Firstname",
"forgotPassword" : "Forgot password", "forgotPassword": "Forgot password",
"fr" : "Français", "fr": "Français",
"free" : "Other", "free": "Other",
"freeModeInfo" : "You will only be able to annotate documents with the Apple <b>stylus</b>.<br />This has the advantage of being able to put your hand on the tablet without disturbing the writing.", "freeModeInfo": "You will only be able to annotate documents with the Apple <b>stylus</b>.<br />This has the advantage of being able to put your hand on the tablet without disturbing the writing.",
"fromRange" : "From", "fromRange": "From",
"generation" : "Generation ...", "generation": "Generation ...",
"historyUseInfo" : "You can't use the last <b>{{countPwd}}</b> passwords.", "historyUseInfo": "You can't use the last <b>{{countPwd}}</b> passwords.",
"imageTooBig" : "Image is too big (5mo max.)", "imageTooBig": "Image is too big (5mo max.)",
"informations" : "Informations", "informations": "Informations",
"invalidToken" : "Invalid token", "invalidToken": "Invalid token",
"language" : "Language", "language": "Language",
"lastname" : "Lastname", "lastname": "Lastname",
"logAgain" : "Please log in again", "logAgain": "Please log in again",
"login" : "Login", "login": "Login",
"logInOncePasswordChanged" : "You will be asked to log in once the password has been changed.", "logInOncePasswordChanged": "You will be asked to log in once the password has been changed.",
"maxFileSizeReached" : "Max file size reached (1 MB)", "maxFileSizeReached": "Max file size reached (1 MB)",
"minLengthChar" : "{{charLength}} minimum character(s) required", "minLengthChar": "{{charLength}} minimum character(s) required",
"modificationSaved" : "Modification saved", "modificationSaved": "Modification saved",
"myProfil" : "My profile", "myProfil": "My profile",
"newPassword" : "New password", "newPassword": "New password",
"notAnImage" : "This is not an image", "notAnImage": "This is not an image",
"noteAndSignatureDeleted" : "Annotations / signatures deleted from the document", "noteAndSignatureDeleted": "Annotations / signatures deleted from the document",
"notificationDocumentAddedBody" : "A document has been sent to you on Maarch Parapheur.<br/>Click on the link below to consult it :<br/>", "notificationDocumentAddedBody": "A document has been sent to you on Maarch Parapheur.<br/>Click on the link below to consult it :<br/>",
"notificationDocumentAddedSubject" : "[Maarch Parapheur] New document to process", "notificationDocumentAddedSubject": "[Maarch Parapheur] New document to process",
"notificationFooter" : "<br/><br/>This email is automatically generated by Maarch Parapheur.<br/>If you don't want to receive these notifications, mark it on your profile.", "notificationFooter": "<br/><br/>This email is automatically generated by Maarch Parapheur.<br/>If you don't want to receive these notifications, mark it on your profile.",
"notificationForgotPasswordBody" : "Hello,<br/>You requested to reset the password for your Maarch Parapheur account.<br/>To change your password, please click on the link below :<br/>", "notificationForgotPasswordBody": "Hello,<br/>You requested to reset the password for your Maarch Parapheur account.<br/>To change your password, please click on the link below :<br/>",
"notificationForgotPasswordFooter" : "<br/><br/>If you did not perform this request, you can safely ignore this email.<br/>Please contact your administrator if you have any questions.", "notificationForgotPasswordFooter": "<br/><br/>If you did not perform this request, you can safely ignore this email.<br/>Please contact your administrator if you have any questions.",
"notificationForgotPasswordSubject" : "[Maarch Parapheur] Reset password informations", "notificationForgotPasswordSubject": "[Maarch Parapheur] Reset password informations",
"notifications" : "Notifications", "notifications": "Notifications",
"numberRequired" : "1 number required", "numberRequired": "1 number required",
"onRange" : "on", "onRange": "on",
"open" : "open", "open": "open",
"page" : "page", "page": "page",
"password" : "Password", "password": "Password",
"passwordChanged" : "Your password has been changed.", "passwordChanged": "Your password has been changed.",
"passwordConfirmation" : "New password confirmation", "passwordConfirmation": "New password confirmation",
"passwordNotMatch" : "Passwords does not match", "passwordNotMatch": "Passwords does not match",
"passwordOfUserUpdated" : "Password of {{user}} updated", "passwordOfUserUpdated": "Password of {{user}} updated",
"preferences" : "Preferences", "preferences": "Preferences",
"processingDeadline" : "Processing deadline", "processingDeadline": "Processing deadline",
"profileUpdated" : "Profile updated", "profileUpdated": "Profile updated",
"receiveNotif" : "Receive notifications", "receiveNotif": "Receive notifications",
"red" : "Red", "red": "Red",
"reference" : "Reference", "reference": "Reference",
"fileReference" : "File reference", "fileReference": "File reference",
"filename" : "Filename", "filename": "Filename",
"refuseDocumentWithoutSignature" : "You are about to refuse this document without annotation!", "refuseDocumentWithoutSignature": "You are about to refuse this document without annotation!",
"reject" : "Reject", "reject": "Reject",
"rejectDocument" : "Reject this document", "rejectDocument": "Reject this document",
"renewalInfo" : "Please note that this new password will only be valid on <b> {{time}} day(s) </ b>. After this time, you must choose a new one.", "renewalInfo": "Please note that this new password will only be valid on <b> {{time}} day(s) </ b>. After this time, you must choose a new one.",
"replicate" : "Replicate", "replicate": "Replicate",
"replicateSignatureAllPage" : "Replicate the signature on all pages", "replicateSignatureAllPage": "Replicate the signature on all pages",
"requestSentByEmail" : "The request has been sent to you by email.", "requestSentByEmail": "The request has been sent to you by email.",
"samePassword" : "Passwords match", "samePassword": "Passwords match",
"save" : "Save", "save": "Save",
"send" : "Send", "send": "Send",
"sending" : "Sending...", "sending": "Sending...",
"signature" : "Signature", "signature": "Signature",
"signatureDeleted" : "Signature deleted", "signatureDeleted": "Signature deleted",
"signatureRegistered" : "Signature registered", "signatureRegistered": "Signature registered",
"signatures" : "Signatures", "signatures": "Signatures",
"specialCharRequired" : "Special character required", "specialCharRequired": "Special character required",
"standardModeInfo" : "Standard mode, allowing annotation with any format (mouse, hand, stylus of any brand).", "standardModeInfo": "Standard mode, allowing annotation with any format (mouse, hand, stylus of any brand).",
"stylusWidh" : "Stylus width", "stylusWidh": "Stylus width",
"subject" : "Subject", "subject": "Subject",
"test" : "test", "test": "test",
"thumbnailFailed" : "Thumbnail conversion failed", "thumbnailFailed": "Thumbnail conversion failed",
"toBeProcessedBy" : "To be processed by", "toBeProcessedBy": "To be processed by",
"toRange" : "to", "toRange": "to",
"update" : "Update", "update": "Update",
"updatedListDocument" : "Updated list of documents", "updatedListDocument": "Updated list of documents",
"updatePassword" : "Update password", "updatePassword": "Update password",
"upperRequired" : "One upper character required", "upperRequired": "One upper character required",
"userAdded" : "User added", "userAdded": "User added",
"userForgottenPasswordUpdated" : "User password updated after forgot request", "userForgottenPasswordUpdated": "User password updated after forgot request",
"UserLogIn" : "User log in", "UserLogIn": "User log in",
"UserLogOut" : "User log out", "UserLogOut": "User log out",
"userPasswordForgotten" : "User password forgotten", "userPasswordForgotten": "User password forgotten",
"userPasswordUpdated" : "User password updated", "userPasswordUpdated": "User password updated",
"userSignatureAdded" : "User signature added", "userSignatureAdded": "User signature added",
"userSignatureDeleted" : "User signature deleted", "userSignatureDeleted": "User signature deleted",
"userUpdated" : "User updated", "userUpdated": "User updated",
"userDeleted" : "User deleted", "userDeleted": "User deleted",
"userViewed" : "User viewed", "userViewed": "User viewed",
"userHistoryViewed" : "User history viewed", "userHistoryViewed": "User history viewed",
"userHasCurrentDocuments" : "User has current documents", "userHasCurrentDocuments": "User has current documents",
"userLoginAlreadyExists" : "User login already exists", "userLoginAlreadyExists": "User login already exists",
"validate" : "Validate", "validate": "Validate",
"validateAnnotation" : "Validate the annotation", "validateAnnotation": "Validate the annotation",
"validateDocumentWithoutSignOrNote" : "You are about to validate this document without signature or annotation!", "validateDocumentWithoutSignOrNote": "You are about to validate this document without signature or annotation!",
"wantDeleteSignature" : "Do you want to delete this signature?", "wantDeleteSignature": "Do you want to delete this signature?",
"wantDeleteSignatureOtherPage" : "Do you want to delete the signature on the other pages?", "wantDeleteSignatureOtherPage": "Do you want to delete the signature on the other pages?",
"wantSignOtherPage" : "Do you want to sign the other pages?", "wantSignOtherPage": "Do you want to sign the other pages?",
"warning" : "Warning", "warning": "Warning",
"wouldLikeConfirm" : "Would you like to confirm?", "wouldLikeConfirm": "Would you like to confirm?",
"wrongLoginPassword" : "Wrong login or password", "wrongLoginPassword": "Wrong login or password",
"wrongPassword" : "Wrong password", "wrongPassword": "Wrong password",
"wsUser" : "Web service user", "wsUser": "Web service user",
"visaUser": "Visa user", "visaUser": "Visa user",
"signUser": "Sign user", "signUser": "Sign user",
"visaProcessInfo": "Visa to", "visaProcessInfo": "Visa to",
"signProcessInfo": "Sign to", "signProcessInfo": "Sign to",
"noteProcessInfo": "Note to", "noteProcessInfo": "Note to",
"inProgress": "In progress", "inProgress": "In progress",
"waiting": "Waiting", "waiting": "Waiting",
"visaLabel": "to approve", "visaLabel": "to approve",
"signLabel": "to sign", "signLabel": "to sign",
"noteLabel": "to note", "noteLabel": "to note",
"documents": "document(s)", "documents": "document(s)",
"visaWorkflow": "Visa workflow", "visaWorkflow": "Visa workflow",
"noteUser": "Note user", "noteUser": "Note user",
"mainDocument": "main document", "mainDocument": "main document",
"search": "Search", "search": "Search",
"substitute": "Substitute user", "substitute": "Substitute user",
"substitution": "Substitution", "substitution": "Substitution",
"signSubstituted": "Signatures to substitute", "signSubstituted": "Signatures to substitute",
"chooseSubstitute": "Choose a substitute", "chooseSubstitute": "Choose a substitute",
"noResult": "No result", "noResult": "No result",
"circuit": "Circuit", "circuit": "Circuit",
"actions": "Actions", "actions": "Actions",
"addNote": "Add note", "addNote": "Add note",
"filterInfo": "Filter by subject / reference", "filterInfo": "Filter by subject / reference",
"attachment": "attachment", "attachment": "attachment",
"deleteSubstitution": "Delete substitution", "deleteSubstitution": "Delete substitution",
"substitutionDeleted": "Substitution deleted", "substitutionDeleted": "Substitution deleted",
"substitutionInfo": "You are in substitution mode", "substitutionInfo": "You are in substitution mode",
"substitutedDoc": "Substituted document", "substitutedDoc": "Substituted document",
"substitutedSignature": "Substituted signature", "substitutedSignature": "Substituted signature",
"substituteMsg": "You act as", "substituteMsg": "You act as",
"substitutionWarn": "You choose a substitution, you will not be able to make any action.", "substitutionWarn": "You choose a substitution, you will not be able to make any action.",
"manage_users": "Users", "manage_users": "Users",
"manage_usersAlt": "User(s)", "manage_usersAlt": "User(s)",
"manage_usersDesc": "Add / Update / Delete users in application.", "manage_usersDesc": "Add / Update / Delete users in application.",
"manage_email_configuration": "Email server", "manage_email_configuration": "Email server",
"manage_email_configurationDesc": "Configure email server for users notifications.", "manage_email_configurationDesc": "Configure email server for users notifications.",
"administration": "Administration", "administration": "Administration",
"confirmMsg": "Are you sure ?", "confirmMsg": "Are you sure ?",
"yes": "Yes", "yes": "Yes",
"no": "No", "no": "No",
"ldapEnabled": "LDAP enabled", "ldapEnabled": "LDAP enabled",
"userCreation": "Add a user", "userCreation": "Add a user",
"manage_ldap_configurations": "Ldap", "manage_ldap_configurations": "Ldap",
"manage_ldap_configurationsDesc": "Add / Update / Delete ldap entries in order to authenticate users.", "manage_ldap_configurationsDesc": "Add / Update / Delete ldap entries in order to authenticate users.",
"ldapCreation": "Add an ldap entry", "ldapCreation": "Add an ldap entry",
"label": "Label", "label": "Label",
"sessionExpired": "Session expired, please login again", "sessionExpired": "Session expired, please login again",
"warnPrivateKeyTitle": "The private key is not updated !", "warnPrivateKeyTitle": "The private key is not updated !",
"warnPrivateKey": "This cause security issues", "warnPrivateKey": "This cause security issues",
"ok": "Ok", "ok": "Ok",
"groupAdded" : "Group added", "groupAdded": "Group added",
"groupdeleted" : "Group deleted", "groupdeleted": "Group deleted",
"groupUpdated" : "Group updated", "groupUpdated": "Group updated",
"privilegeUpdated" : "Privilege updated", "privilegeUpdated": "Privilege updated",
"removedFromGroup" : "User removed from group", "removedFromGroup": "User removed from group",
"manage_groups" : "Groups", "manage_groups": "Groups",
"manage_groupsDesc": "Add / Update / Delete groups in application.", "manage_groupsDesc": "Add / Update / Delete groups in application.",
"manage_connections" : "Connections", "manage_connections": "Connections",
"manage_connectionsDesc" : "Manage all available connections modes in application.", "manage_connectionsDesc": "Manage all available connections modes in application.",
"defaultConnection" : "Default", "defaultConnection": "Default",
"ldapConnection" : "Ldap", "ldapConnection": "Ldap",
"connectionMode" : "Connection mode", "connectionMode": "Connection mode",
"connectionModeUpdated" : "Connection mode updated", "connectionModeUpdated": "Connection mode updated",
"changeConnectionWarn" : "This cause a change in login mechanics for users !", "changeConnectionWarn": "This cause a change in login mechanics for users !",
"uri" : "IP / Alias", "uri": "IP / Alias",
"baseDN" : "DN base (required for open ldap)", "baseDN": "DN base (required for open ldap)",
"prefix" : "Connection prefix", "prefix": "Connection prefix",
"suffix" : "Connection suffix", "suffix": "Connection suffix",
"connectionTest" : "Test connection", "connectionTest": "Test connection",
"testAlt" : "Test", "testAlt": "Test",
"connectionInProgress" : "Connecting", "connectionInProgress": "Connecting",
"ldapConnectionSucceeded" : "Server connection succeeded", "ldapConnectionSucceeded": "Server connection succeeded",
"ldapInformations" : "Ldap informations", "ldapInformations": "Ldap informations",
"ldapAdded" : "Ldap Connection added", "ldapAdded": "Ldap Connection added",
"ldapUpdated" : "Ldap Connection updated", "ldapUpdated": "Ldap Connection updated",
"ldapDeleted" : "Ldap Connection deleted", "ldapDeleted": "Ldap Connection deleted",
"configurationType" : "Configuration type", "configurationType": "Configuration type",
"smtpAuth" : "Authentication methode", "smtpAuth": "Authentication methode",
"host" : "Host", "host": "Host",
"port" : "Port", "port": "Port",
"enableAuth" : "Activate authentication", "enableAuth": "Activate authentication",
"id" : "Login", "id": "Login",
"mailFrom" : "Mail address used", "mailFrom": "Mail address used",
"passwordModification" : "Password modification", "passwordModification": "Password modification",
"none" : "None", "none": "None",
"phpmail" : "Function php (mail)", "phpmail": "Function php (mail)",
"qmail" : "Local mail server (Qmail)", "qmail": "Local mail server (Qmail)",
"smtprelay" : "Smtp relay (sendmail)", "smtprelay": "Smtp relay (sendmail)",
"smtpclient" : "Smtp client (smtp)", "smtpclient": "Smtp client (smtp)",
"emailConfigurationUpdated" : "Email configuration updated", "emailConfigurationUpdated": "Email configuration updated",
"doNotReply" : "Do not reply", "doNotReply": "Do not reply",
"emailSendTest" : "Email send test", "emailSendTest": "Email send test",
"mailTo" : "Recipient", "mailTo": "Recipient",
"beginSendTest" : "Begin send test", "beginSendTest": "Begin send test",
"emailSendFailed" : "Email send failed", "emailSendFailed": "Email send failed",
"emailSendInProgress" : "Email send in progress", "emailSendInProgress": "Email send in progress",
"emailSendSuccess" : "Email send success", "emailSendSuccess": "Email send success",
"manage_groupsAlt" : "Group(s)", "manage_groupsAlt": "Group(s)",
"groupCreation" : "Add a group", "groupCreation": "Add a group",
"manage_usersAdmin" : "Manage users", "manage_usersAdmin": "Manage users",
"manage_groupsAdmin" : "Manage groups", "manage_groupsAdmin": "Manage groups",
"manage_connectionsAdmin" : "Manage connections", "manage_connectionsAdmin": "Manage connections",
"manage_email_configurationAdmin" : "Manage email server", "manage_email_configurationAdmin": "Manage email server",
"manage_documentsAdmin" : "Manage all documents and manage workflows", "manage_documentsAdmin": "Manage all documents and manage workflows",
"indexationAdmin" : "Save document for visa/signature", "indexationAdmin": "Save document for visa/signature",
"users" : "Users", "users": "Users",
"linkedUsers" : "Linked users", "linkedUsers": "Linked users",
"addUser" : "Add user", "addUser": "Add user",
"privileges" : "Privileges", "privileges": "Privileges",
"groupWarnMsg" : "You may no longer be able to access this page!", "groupWarnMsg": "You may no longer be able to access this page!",
"groupDeleted" : "Group deleted", "groupDeleted": "Group deleted",
"importNewSignature" : "Import a new signature", "importNewSignature": "Import a new signature",
"restUser" : "Webservice user", "restUser": "Webservice user",
"unlinkUser" : "Unlink user", "unlinkUser": "Unlink user",
"substituteEnabled" : "Substitute enabled", "substituteEnabled": "Substitute enabled",
"selectSignature" : "Put thids signature on the document", "selectSignature": "Put thids signature on the document",
"removeSignature" : "Remove signature", "removeSignature": "Remove signature",
"chooseValue" : "Choose a value", "chooseValue": "Choose a value",
"availableValues" : "Available values", "availableValues": "Available values",
"noAvailableValue" : "No available value", "noAvailableValue": "No available value",
"autocompleteInfo" : "The criteria must contain at least&nbsp;<b>3 letters</b>", "autocompleteInfo": "The criteria must contain at least&nbsp;<b>3 letters</b>",
"availableUsers" : "Available users", "availableUsers": "Available users",
"signatureInDocAdded" : "Signature added in bottom document", "signatureInDocAdded": "Signature added in bottom document",
"associatedDocuments" : "Associated documents", "associatedDocuments": "Associated documents",
"attachedElements" : "Attached elements", "attachedElements": "Attached elements",
"note" : "Note", "note": "Note",
"collapseNote" : "Collapse the note", "collapseNote": "Collapse the note",
"expandNote" : "Expand the note", "expandNote": "Expand the note",
"convertingDocument" : "Converting document...", "convertingDocument": "Converting document...",
"manage_password_rulesAdmin" : "Manage password rules", "manage_password_rulesAdmin": "Manage password rules",
"manage_password_rules" : "Password rules", "manage_password_rules": "Password rules",
"manage_password_rulesDesc" : "Manage password rules", "manage_password_rulesDesc": "Manage password rules",
"passwordRulesUpdated" : "Password rules updated", "passwordRulesUpdated": "Password rules updated",
"password_complexityNumber": "1 number minimum", "password_complexityNumber": "1 number minimum",
"password_complexityNumberRequired": "Number required", "password_complexityNumberRequired": "Number required",
"password_complexitySpecial": "1 special character minimum", "password_complexitySpecial": "1 special character minimum",
"password_complexitySpecialRequired": "Special character required", "password_complexitySpecialRequired": "Special character required",
"password_complexityUpper": "1 capital letter minimum", "password_complexityUpper": "1 capital letter minimum",
"password_complexityUpperRequired": "Capital letter required", "password_complexityUpperRequired": "Capital letter required",
"password_historyLastUseDesc": "You cannot use the last", "password_historyLastUseDesc": "You cannot use the last",
"password_historyLastUseDesc2": "passwords", "password_historyLastUseDesc2": "passwords",
"password_historyLastUseRequired": "Number of saved passwords", "password_historyLastUseRequired": "Number of saved passwords",
"password_lockAttemptsRequired": "Number of connection attempts", "password_lockAttemptsRequired": "Number of connection attempts",
"password_lockTimeRequired": "Time freeze", "password_lockTimeRequired": "Time freeze",
"password_minLength": "minimum characters", "password_minLength": "minimum characters",
"password_minLengthRequired": "minimum length", "password_minLengthRequired": "minimum length",
"password_renewal": "This new password will only be active for", "password_renewal": "This new password will only be active for",
"password_renewalRequired": "Password expiration", "password_renewalRequired": "Password expiration",
"chars": "char(s)", "chars": "char(s)",
"days": "day(s)", "days": "day(s)",
"minutes": "minute(s)", "minutes": "minute(s)",
"password2_renewal": "After this time, you will have to choose another one.", "password2_renewal": "After this time, you will have to choose another one.",
"hello": "Hello", "hello": "Hello",
"typeCurrentPassword": "Type your current password", "typeCurrentPassword": "Type your current password",
"typeNewPassword": "Type a new password", "typeNewPassword": "Type a new password",
"changePasswordInfo": "you must change your password", "changePasswordInfo": "you must change your password",
"requiredField": "Required field", "requiredField": "Required field",
"logout": "Log out", "logout": "Log out",
"setAPdfSignerError": "SetaPDF-Signer library is not installed", "setAPdfSignerError": "SetaPDF-Signer library is not installed",
"passwordMatch": "The passwords match", "passwordMatch": "The passwords match",
"passwordValid": "Password is valid", "passwordValid": "Password is valid",
"wrongCurrentPassword": "Wrong current password", "wrongCurrentPassword": "Wrong current password",
"alreadyUsedPassword": "The password has already been used", "alreadyUsedPassword": "The password has already been used",
"noAssociatedGroup": "The user does not belong to any group", "noAssociatedGroup": "The user does not belong to any group",
"thumbnailNotFound": "Thumbnail not found or not readable.<br>Check docservers or ImageMagick configuration", "thumbnailNotFound": "Thumbnail not found or not readable.<br>Check docservers or ImageMagick configuration",
"noUserInWorkflow": "No user found in workflow", "noUserInWorkflow": "No user found in workflow",
"newTemplate": "New template", "newTemplate": "New template",
"newTemplateDesc": "Current workflow will be saved", "newTemplateDesc": "Current workflow will be saved",
"deleteTemplate": "So you really want to delete this template ?", "deleteTemplate": "So you really want to delete this template ?",
"homePage": "Home page" "homePage": "Home page",
} "userLogIn": "User login",
} "userLogOut": "User logout",
"manage_ldap_configurationsAlt": "Ldap directory (s)",
"newDocumentToVisa": "Import new document (s)",
"searchUser": "Find a user",
"signatureModes": "Signature modes",
"documentsToUpload": "Document (s) to upload",
"chooseDocuments": "Choose files (pdf only)",
"dndDocuments": "or drag and drop files",
"stamp": "Claw",
"stampUser": "Signatory (Claw)",
"inca_cardUser": "Signatory (Agent Card)",
"eidasUser": "Signatory (Delegated Organization)",
"rgs_2starsUser": "Signatory (RGS** Key)",
"inca_card": "Agent Card",
"eidas": "Delegated organization",
"rgs_2stars": "RGS** Key",
"docToSign": "Document to be signed",
"attachDocToSign": "Annex attached to the document(s) to be signed",
"titleSearch": "Subject of the document to be signed",
"referenceSearch": "Reference of the document to be signed",
"workflowStatesSearch": "Workflow status",
"workflowUsersSearch": "Member of the workflow",
"end": "End",
"interrupt": "Interrupted",
"inprogress": "In progress",
"edit": "Edit",
"interruptWorkflow": "Interupt the workflow",
"newWorkflow": "Return the document",
"newWorkflowProg": "Interupt the workflow and return the document",
"workflowInterrupted": "Workflow interrupted",
"completeFolder": "Complete folder",
"processing": "Processing",
"mandatory": "Mandatory",
"addReason": "Enter a pattern",
"refused": "Refused",
"results": "Results",
"subjectMandatory": "Please fill in all the items in the documents",
"mainDocumentMandatory": "Please choose a document to sign",
"workflowUserstMandatory": "Please select users for the workflow",
"accessDocument": "Go to the document",
"warnInterrupt": "You are about to interrupt the processing of this document.",
"documentInterrupted": "Workflow interrupted",
"download": "Download",
"setSignaturesPosition": "Pre-position signatures",
"adminSignaturesPositions": "Manage signature positions",
"accessToPage": "Go to the page",
"createSignaturePosition": "Position the signature",
"prePositionings": "Pre-positioning(s)",
"back": "Back",
"documentsImported": "Imported document(s)",
"onlyPdfAuthorized": "Only pdf files are allowed",
"mustSetWorkflowBeforeSignPositions": "Please set up your workflow before you can position the signatures.",
"missingLang": "Missing language(s)",
"langChecking": "Verification of language(s)",
"generateLangVar": "Generate language variables",
"generateLangVarIgnoreTranslate": "Generate language variables (IGNORE __TO_TRANSLATE)",
"close": "Close",
"signatureInDocAddedAlt": "Signature affixed"
\ No newline at end of file
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