"afterClickingSendLinkChangePassword":"After clicking on <b>Send</b>, you will receive an email containing a link to change your password. This link will be active <b>1 hour</b>.",
"afterClickingSendLinkChangePassword":"After clicking on <b>Send</b>, you will receive an email containing a link to change your password. This link will be active <b>1 hour</b>.",
"annotateDocument":"Annotate this document",
"annotateDocument":"Annotate this document",
"lockEdition":"Lock edition",
"lockEdition":"Lock edition",
"unlockEdition":"Unlock edition",
"unlockEdition":"Unlock edition",
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"originalSize":"Originale size",
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"screenSize":"Screen size",
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"annotationAdded":"Annotation added",
"annotationMode":"Annotation mode",
"annotationMode":"Annotation mode",
"appleStylus":"Apple stylus",
"appleStylus":"Apple stylus",
"areYouSure":"Are you sure?",
"areYouSure":"Are you sure?",
"attachmentAdded":"Attachment added",
"attachmentAdded":"Attachment added",
"attachmentViewed":"Attachment viewed",
"attachmentViewed":"Attachment viewed",
"cancelPreviousNote":"Cancel the previous note",
"cancelPreviousNote":"Cancel the previous note",
"configurationAdded":"Configuration added",
"configurationAdded":"Configuration added",
"configurationUpdated":"Configuration updated",
"configurationUpdated":"Configuration updated",
"configurationDeleted":"Configuration deleted",
"configurationDeleted":"Configuration deleted",
"connect":"Log in",
"connect":"Log in",
"connectionServerFailed":"The connection to the server failed. Please try again later.",
"connectionServerFailed":"The connection to the server failed. Please try again later.",
"createNewSignature":"Create a new signature",
"createNewSignature":"Create a new signature",
"currentPassword":"Actual password",
"currentPassword":"Actual password",
"defaultColor":"Default color",
"defaultColor":"Default color",
"deleteAll":"Delete all",
"deleteAll":"Delete all",
"deleteNoteAndSignature":"Delete all annotations and signatures?",
"deleteNoteAndSignature":"Delete all annotations and signatures?",
"documentAdded":"Document added",
"documentAdded":"Document added",
"documentHistoryViewed":"Document history viewed",
"documentHistoryViewed":"Document history viewed",
"documentRefusedAs":"Document refused as a:",
"documentRefusedAs":"Document refused as a:",
"documentValidateAs":"Document validated as:",
"documentValidateAs":"Document validated as:",
"documentViewed":"Document viewed",
"documentViewed":"Document viewed",
"documentProofViewed":"Document proof history viewed",
"documentProofViewed":"Document proof history viewed",
"emailAdded":"Email added",
"emailAdded":"Email added",
"emailFailed":"Sending email failed",
"emailFailed":"Sending email failed",
"emailNoSubject":"No subject",
"emailNoSubject":"No subject",
"emittedBy":"Emitted by",
"emittedBy":"Emitted by",
"enterLogin":"Enter your username",
"enterLogin":"Enter your username",
"forgotPassword":"Forgot password",
"forgotPassword":"Forgot password",
"freeModeInfo":"You will only be able to annotate documents with the Apple <b>stylus</b>.<br />This has the advantage of being able to put your hand on the tablet without disturbing the writing.",
"freeModeInfo":"You will only be able to annotate documents with the Apple <b>stylus</b>.<br />This has the advantage of being able to put your hand on the tablet without disturbing the writing.",
"generation":"Generation ...",
"generation":"Generation ...",
"historyUseInfo":"You can't use the last <b>{{countPwd}}</b> passwords.",
"historyUseInfo":"You can't use the last <b>{{countPwd}}</b> passwords.",
"imageTooBig":"Image is too big (5mo max.)",
"imageTooBig":"Image is too big (5mo max.)",
"invalidToken":"Invalid token",
"invalidToken":"Invalid token",
"logAgain":"Please log in again",
"logAgain":"Please log in again",
"logInOncePasswordChanged":"You will be asked to log in once the password has been changed.",
"logInOncePasswordChanged":"You will be asked to log in once the password has been changed.",
"noteAndSignatureDeleted":"Annotations / signatures deleted from the document",
"noteAndSignatureDeleted":"Annotations / signatures deleted from the document",
"notificationDocumentAddedBody":"A document has been sent to you on Maarch Parapheur.<br/>Click on the link below to consult it :<br/>",
"notificationDocumentAddedBody":"A document has been sent to you on Maarch Parapheur.<br/>Click on the link below to consult it :<br/>",
"notificationDocumentAddedSubject":"[Maarch Parapheur] New document to process",
"notificationDocumentAddedSubject":"[Maarch Parapheur] New document to process",
"notificationFooter":"<br/><br/>This email is automatically generated by Maarch Parapheur.<br/>If you don't want to receive these notifications, mark it on your profile.",
"notificationFooter":"<br/><br/>This email is automatically generated by Maarch Parapheur.<br/>If you don't want to receive these notifications, mark it on your profile.",
"notificationForgotPasswordBody":"Hello,<br/>You requested to reset the password for your Maarch Parapheur account.<br/>To change your password, please click on the link below :<br/>",
"notificationForgotPasswordBody":"Hello,<br/>You requested to reset the password for your Maarch Parapheur account.<br/>To change your password, please click on the link below :<br/>",
"notificationForgotPasswordFooter":"<br/><br/>If you did not perform this request, you can safely ignore this email.<br/>Please contact your administrator if you have any questions.",
"notificationForgotPasswordFooter":"<br/><br/>If you did not perform this request, you can safely ignore this email.<br/>Please contact your administrator if you have any questions.",