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    * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
    * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
    * This file is part of Maarch software.
    * @brief Resource Controller
    * @author
    namespace Document\controllers;
    use Attachment\controllers\AttachmentController;
    use Docserver\models\AdrModel;
    use Email\controllers\EmailController;
    use Group\controllers\PrivilegeController;
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    use Respect\Validation\Validator;
    use setasign\Fpdi\Tcpdf\Fpdi;
    use SrcCore\models\CoreConfigModel;
    Damien's avatar
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    use Attachment\models\AttachmentModel;
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    use Docserver\controllers\DocserverController;
    use Docserver\models\DocserverModel;
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    use Document\models\DocumentModel;
    use Slim\Http\Request;
    use Slim\Http\Response;
    use SrcCore\models\DatabaseModel;
    use SrcCore\models\ValidatorModel;
    use User\controllers\SignatureController;
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    use User\models\UserModel;
    use History\controllers\HistoryController;
    use Workflow\models\WorkflowModel;
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    class DocumentController
        const ACTIONS   = [1 => 'VAL', 2 => 'REF'];
        const MODES     = ['visa', 'sign', 'note'];
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        public function get(Request $request, Response $response)
            $queryParams = $request->getQueryParams();
    Damien's avatar
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            $queryParams['offset'] = empty($queryParams['offset']) ? 0 : (int)$queryParams['offset'];
            $queryParams['limit'] = empty($queryParams['limit']) ? 0 : (int)$queryParams['limit'];
    Damien's avatar
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            $userId = $GLOBALS['id'];
            if (!empty($queryParams['userId'])) {
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                if (!PrivilegeController::hasPrivilege(['userId' => $GLOBALS['id'], 'privilege' => 'manage_documents'])) {
                    return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Privilege forbidden']);
    Damien's avatar
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                if (!Validator::intVal()->notEmpty()->validate($queryParams['userId'])) {
                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'QueryParams userId is not an integer']);
                $userId = $queryParams['userId'];
            $substitutedUsers = UserModel::get(['select' => ['id'], 'where' => ['substitute = ?'], 'data' => [$userId]]);
            $users = [$userId];
            foreach ($substitutedUsers as $value) {
                $users[] = $value['id'];
            $workflowSelect = "SELECT id FROM workflows ws WHERE workflows.main_document_id = main_document_id AND process_date IS NULL AND status IS NULL ORDER BY \"order\" LIMIT 1";
            $where = ['user_id in (?)', "(id) in ({$workflowSelect})"];
            $data = [$users];
            $countWorkflows = WorkflowModel::get([
                'select'    => ['count(mode)', 'mode'],
                'where'     => $where,
                'data'      => $data,
                'groupBy'   => ['mode']
            if (!empty($queryParams['mode']) && in_array($queryParams['mode'], DocumentController::MODES)) {
                $where[] = 'mode = ?';
                $data[] = $queryParams['mode'];
            $workflows = WorkflowModel::get([
                'select'    => ['main_document_id', 'mode', 'user_id'],
                'where'     => $where,
                'data'      => $data
            $documentIds = [];
            $workflowsShortcut = [];
            foreach ($workflows as $workflow) {
                $documentIds[] = $workflow['main_document_id'];
                $workflowsShortcut[$workflow['main_document_id']] = $workflow;
            $documents = [];
            if (!empty($documentIds)) {
                $where = ['id in (?)'];
                $data = [$documentIds];
                if (!empty($queryParams['search'])) {
                    $where[] = '(reference ilike ? OR translate(title, \'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûýýþÿŔŕ\', \'aaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnoooooouuuuybsaaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnoooooouuuyybyrr\') ilike translate(?, \'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûýýþÿŔŕ\', \'aaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnoooooouuuuybsaaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnoooooouuuyybyrr\'))';
                    $data[] = "%{$queryParams['search']}%";
                    $data[] = "%{$queryParams['search']}%";
                $documents = DocumentModel::get([
                    'select'    => ['id', 'title', 'reference', 'count(1) OVER()'],
                    'where'     => $where,
                    'data'      => $data,
                    'limit'     => $queryParams['limit'],
                    'offset'    => $queryParams['offset'],
                    'orderBy'   => ['creation_date desc']
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            $count = ['visa' => 0, 'sign' => 0, 'note' => 0, 'current' => empty($documents[0]['count']) ? 0 : $documents[0]['count']];
            foreach ($documents as $key => $document) {
                $documents[$key]['mode'] = $workflowsShortcut[$document['id']]['mode'];
                $documents[$key]['owner'] = $workflowsShortcut[$document['id']]['user_id'] == $userId;
            foreach ($countWorkflows as $mode) {
                $count[$mode['mode']] = $mode['count'];
            return $response->withJson(['documents' => $documents, 'count' => $count]);
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        public function getById(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
            if (!DocumentController::hasRightById(['id' => $args['id'], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']]) && !PrivilegeController::hasPrivilege(['userId' => $GLOBALS['id'], 'privilege' => 'manage_documents'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);
            $document = DocumentModel::getById(['select' => ['*'], 'id' => $args['id']]);
            if (empty($document)) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document does not exist']);
            $adr = AdrModel::getDocumentsAdr([
                'select'  => ['count(1)'],
                'where'   => ['main_document_id = ?', 'type != ?', 'type != ?'],
                'data'    => [$args['id'], 'DOC', 'ESIGN']
            if (empty($adr[0]['count']) && $document['status'] != 'CONVERTING') {
                $configPath = CoreConfigModel::getConfigPath();
                exec("php src/app/convert/scripts/ThumbnailScript.php '{$configPath}' {$args['id']} 'document' '{$GLOBALS['id']}' > /dev/null");
            $formattedDocument = [
                'id'                => $document['id'],
                'title'             => $document['title'],
                'reference'         => $document['reference'],
                'description'       => $document['description'],
                'sender'            => $document['sender'],
                'notes'             => !empty($document['notes']) ? json_decode($document['notes'], true) : null,
                'creationDate'      => $document['creation_date'],
                'modificationDate'  => $document['modification_date'],
                'pages'             => $adr[0]['count'],
                'status'            => $document['status']
            if (!empty($document['deadline'])) {
                $date = new \DateTime($document['deadline']);
                $formattedDocument['deadline'] = $date->format('d-m-Y H:i');
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            $formattedDocument['metadata'] = [];
            $metadata = json_decode($document['metadata'], true);
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            if (is_array($metadata)) {
                foreach ($metadata as $key => $value) {
                    $formattedDocument['metadata'][] = ['label' => $key, 'value' => $value];
            $workflow = WorkflowModel::getByDocumentId(['select' => ['user_id', 'mode', 'process_date', 'signature_mode', 'status', 'note', 'signature_positions', 'date_positions'], 'documentId' => $args['id'], 'orderBy' => ['"order"']]);
            $currentFound = false;
            foreach ($workflow as $value) {
                if (!empty($value['process_date'])) {
                    $date = new \DateTime($value['process_date']);
                    $value['process_date'] = $date->format('d-m-Y H:i');
                $userSignaturesModes = UserModel::getById(['id' => $value['user_id'], 'select' => ['signature_modes']]);
                $formattedDocument['workflow'][] = [
                    'userId'                => $value['user_id'],
                    'userDisplay'           => UserModel::getLabelledUserById(['id' => $value['user_id']]),
                    'mode'                  => $value['mode'],
                    'processDate'           => $value['process_date'],
                    'current'               => !$currentFound && empty($value['status']),
                    'signatureMode'         => $value['signature_mode'],
                    'signaturePositions'    => json_decode($value['signature_positions'], true),
                    'datePositions'         => json_decode($value['date_positions'], true),
                    'userSignatureModes'    => json_decode($userSignaturesModes['signature_modes'], true),
                    'note'                  => $value['note']
                if (empty($value['status'])) {
                    $currentFound = true;
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            $formattedDocument['attachments'] = [];
            $attachments = AttachmentModel::getByDocumentId(['select' => ['id', 'title'], 'documentId' => $args['id']]);
            foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
                $pagesCount = 0;
                $adr = AdrModel::getAttachmentsAdr([
                    'select'  => ['count(1)'],
                    'where'   => ['attachment_id = ?', 'type != ?'],
                    'data'    => [$attachment['id'], 'ATTACH']
                if (!empty($adr[0]['count'])) {
                    $pagesCount = $adr[0]['count'];
                $formattedDocument['attachments'][] = [
                    'id'    => $attachment['id'],
                    'title' => $attachment['title'],
                    'pages' => $pagesCount
            if (!empty($document['link_id'])) {
                $formattedDocument['linkedDocuments'] = DocumentController::getLinkedDocuments(['id' => $args['id'], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id'], 'linkId' => $document['link_id']]);
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                'code'          => 'OK',
                'objectType'    => 'main_documents',
                'objectId'      => $args['id'],
                'type'          => 'VIEW',
    Damien's avatar
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                'message'       => "{documentViewed} : {$document['title']}"
            return $response->withJson(['document' => $formattedDocument]);
        public function getContent(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
            if (!DocumentController::hasRightById(['id' => $args['id'], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']]) && !PrivilegeController::hasPrivilege(['userId' => $GLOBALS['id'], 'privilege' => 'manage_documents'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);
            $queryParams = $request->getQueryParams();
            $content = DocumentController::getContentPath(['id' => $args['id'], 'eSignDocument' => $queryParams['eSignDocument']]);
            if (!empty($content['errors'])) {
                return $response->withStatus($content['code'])->withJson(['errors' => $content['errors']]);
            } elseif (empty($content['path'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(404)->withJson(['encodedDocument' => null]);
            $pathToDocument = $content['path'];
            $document = DocumentModel::getById(['select' => ['title'], 'id' => $args['id']]);
                'code'          => 'OK',
                'objectType'    => 'main_documents',
                'objectId'      => $args['id'],
                'type'          => 'VIEW',
                'message'       => "{documentViewed} : {$document['title']}"
            $fileContent = file_get_contents($pathToDocument);
            $finfo       = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
            $mimeType    = $finfo->buffer($fileContent);
            $data = $request->getQueryParams();
            if (empty($data['mode']) || $data['mode'] == 'base64') {
                return $response->withJson(['encodedDocument' => base64_encode($fileContent)]);
            } else {
                $pathInfo = pathinfo($pathToDocument);
                $response = $response->withAddedHeader('Content-Disposition', "inline; filename=maarch.{$pathInfo['extension']}");
                return $response->withHeader('Content-Type', $mimeType);
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        public function create(Request $request, Response $response)
            if (!PrivilegeController::hasPrivilege(['userId' => $GLOBALS['id'], 'privilege' => 'indexation'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Privilege forbidden']);
            $body = $request->getParsedBody();
            if (empty($body)) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Body is not set or empty']);
            } elseif (!Validator::notEmpty()->validate($body['encodedDocument'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Body encodedDocument is empty']);
            } elseif (!Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($body['title'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Body title is empty or not a string']);
            } elseif (!Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($body['sender'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Body sender is empty or not a string']);
            } elseif (!Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($body['workflow'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Body workflow is empty or not an array']);
            $body['attachments'] = empty($body['attachments']) ? [] : $body['attachments'];
            foreach ($body['attachments'] as $key => $attachment) {
                if (!Validator::notEmpty()->validate($attachment['encodedDocument'])) {
                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => "Body attachments[{$key}] encodedDocument is empty"]);
                } elseif (!Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($attachment['title'])) {
                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => "Body attachments[{$key}] title is empty"]);
            foreach ($body['workflow'] as $key => $workflow) {
                if (!empty($workflow['processingUser'])) {
                    $processingUser = UserModel::getByLogin(['select' => ['id'], 'login' => strtolower($workflow['processingUser'])]);
                } elseif (!empty($workflow['userId'])) {
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                    $processingUser = UserModel::getById(['select' => ['id'], 'id' => $workflow['userId']]);
                if (empty($processingUser)) {
                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => "Body workflow[{$key}] processingUser/userId is empty or does not exist"]);
                } elseif (!Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($workflow['mode']) || !in_array($workflow['mode'], DocumentController::MODES)) {
                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => "Body workflow[{$key}] mode is empty or not a string in ('visa', 'sign', 'note')"]);
                if (!empty($workflow['signaturePositions'])) {
                    if (!Validator::arrayType()->validate($workflow['signaturePositions'])) {
                        return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => "Body workflow[{$key}] signaturePositions is not an array"]);
                    foreach ($workflow['signaturePositions'] as $keySP => $signaturePosition) {
                        if (empty($signaturePosition['positionX']) || empty($signaturePosition['positionY']) || empty($signaturePosition['page'])) {
                            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => "Body workflow[{$key}][signaturePositions][{$keySP}] is wrong formatted"]);
                if (!empty($workflow['datePositions'])) {
                    if (!Validator::arrayType()->validate($workflow['datePositions'])) {
                        return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => "Body workflow[{$key}] datePositions is not an array"]);
                    foreach ($workflow['datePositions'] as $keyDP => $datePosition) {
                        if (empty($datePosition['positionX']) || empty($datePosition['positionY']) || empty($datePosition['page'])) {
                            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => "Body workflow[{$key}][datePositions][{$keyDP}] is wrong formatted"]);
                        } elseif (empty($datePosition['color']) || empty($datePosition['font']) || empty($datePosition['format']) || empty($datePosition['size'])) {
                            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => "Body workflow[{$key}][datePositions][{$keyDP}] is wrong formatted"]);
                if ($workflow['signatureMode'] == 'eidas') {
                    $hasEidas = true;
                $body['workflow'][$key]['userId'] = $processingUser['id'];
            $libDir    = CoreConfigModel::getLibrariesDirectory();
            $loadedXml = CoreConfigModel::getConfig();
            if ($loadedXml->docaposteSignature->enable == 'true' && $hasEidas && (empty($libDir) || !is_file($libDir . 'SetaPDF-Signer/library/SetaPDF/Autoload.php'))) {
                return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => 'SetaPDF-Signer library is not installed', 'lang' => 'setAPdfSignerError']);
            $isZipped = (!isset($body['isZipped']) || $body['isZipped']) ? true : false;
            if ($isZipped) {
                $encodedDocument = DocumentController::getEncodedDocumentFromEncodedZip(['encodedZipDocument' => $body['encodedDocument']]);
            } else {
                $encodedDocument['encodedDocument'] = $body['encodedDocument'];
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            if (!empty($encodedDocument['errors'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => $encodedDocument['errors']]);
            $data     = base64_decode($encodedDocument['encodedDocument']);
            $finfo    = finfo_open();
            $mimeType = finfo_buffer($finfo, $data, FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
            if (strtolower($mimeType) != 'application/pdf') {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document is not a pdf']);
            if (!empty($libDir) && is_file($libDir . 'SetaPDF-FormFiller-Full/library/SetaPDF/Autoload.php')) {
                require_once($libDir . 'SetaPDF-FormFiller-Full/library/SetaPDF/Autoload.php');
    Damien's avatar
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                $targetFile = CoreConfigModel::getTmpPath() . "tmp_file_{$GLOBALS['id']}_" .rand(). "_target_watermark.pdf";
                $flattenedFile = CoreConfigModel::getTmpPath() . "tmp_file_{$GLOBALS['id']}_" .rand(). "_watermark.pdf";
                file_put_contents($targetFile, base64_decode($encodedDocument['encodedDocument']));
                $writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_File($flattenedFile);
                $document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($targetFile, $writer);
                $formFiller = new \SetaPDF_FormFiller($document);
                $fields = $formFiller->getFields();
                $file = file_get_contents($flattenedFile);
                $encodedDocument['encodedDocument'] = base64_encode($file);
            try {
                $storeInfos = DocserverController::storeResourceOnDocServer([
                    'encodedFile'       => $encodedDocument['encodedDocument'],
                    'format'            => 'pdf',
                    'docserverType'     => 'DOC'
                if (!empty($storeInfos['errors'])) {
                    return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => $storeInfos['errors']]);
                if (!empty($body['notes']) && !empty($body['notes']['value'])) {
                    $notes = [
                        'value'         => $body['notes']['value'],
                        'creator'       => $body['notes']['creator'] ?? null,
                        'creationDate'  => $body['notes']['creationDate'] ?? null
                    $notes = json_encode($notes);
                $id = DocumentModel::create([
                    'title'         => $body['title'],
                    'reference'     => empty($body['reference']) ? null : $body['reference'],
                    'description'   => empty($body['description']) ? null : $body['description'],
                    'sender'        => $body['sender'],
                    'deadline'      => empty($body['deadline']) ? null : $body['deadline'],
                    'notes'         => $notes ?? null,
                    'link_id'       => (string)$body['linkId'] ?? null,
                    'metadata'      => empty($body['metadata']) ? '{}' : json_encode($body['metadata']),
                    'status'        => 'CREATED',
                    'typist'        => $GLOBALS['id']
                    'documentId'     => $id,
                    'type'           => 'DOC',
                    'path'           => $storeInfos['path'],
                    'filename'       => $storeInfos['filename'],
                    'fingerprint'    => $storeInfos['fingerprint']
                foreach ($body['workflow'] as $key => $workflow) {
                    if (!SignatureController::isValidSignatureMode(['mode' => $workflow['signatureMode']])) {
                        $workflow['signatureMode'] = 'stamp';
                        'userId'                => $workflow['userId'],
                        'mainDocumentId'        => $id,
                        'mode'                  => $workflow['mode'],
                        'order'                 => $key + 1,
                        'signatureMode'         => $workflow['signatureMode'],
                        'signaturePositions'    => empty($workflow['signaturePositions']) ? '[]' : json_encode($workflow['signaturePositions'])
                foreach ($body['attachments'] as $key => $value) {
                    $value['mainDocumentId'] = $id;
                    $attachment = AttachmentController::create($value);
                    if (!empty($attachment['errors'])) {
                        return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => "An error occured for attachment {$key} : {$attachment['errors']}"]);
                $data = empty($body['reference']) ? [] : ['reference' => $body['reference']];
                if (!empty($body['metadata'])) {
                    foreach ($body['metadata'] as $key => $metadata) {
                        $data[ucwords($key)] = $metadata;
                    'code'          => 'OK',
                    'objectType'    => 'main_documents',
                    'objectId'      => $id,
                    'type'          => 'CREATION',
                    'message'       => "{documentAdded} : {$body['title']}",
                    'data'          => empty($data) ? [] : $data
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => $e->getMessage()]);
                'select'  => ['id', 'user_id', 'signature_mode'],
                'where'   => ['mode = ?', 'main_document_id = ?'],
                'data'    => ['sign', $id],
                'orderBy' => ['"order" asc']
            if ($loadedXml->docaposteSignature->enable == 'true' && $hasEidas) {
                $result = DigitalSignatureController::createTransaction(['documentId' => $id, 'workflow' => $workflow, 'encodedDocument' => $encodedDocument['encodedDocument']]);
                if (!empty($result['errors'])) {
                    return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => $result['errors']]);
            EmailController::sendNotificationToNextUserInWorkflow(['documentId' => $id, 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']]);
            $configPath = CoreConfigModel::getConfigPath();
            exec("php src/app/convert/scripts/ThumbnailScript.php '{$configPath}' {$id} 'document' '{$GLOBALS['id']}' > /dev/null &");
            return $response->withJson(['id' => $id]);
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        public function setAction(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
            if (!DocumentController::hasRightById(['id' => $args['id'], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
                return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);
            if (empty(DocumentController::ACTIONS[$args['actionId']])) {
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                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Action does not exist']);
            $workflow = WorkflowModel::getCurrentStep(['select' => ['id', 'mode', 'user_id', 'signature_mode', 'digital_signature_id'], 'documentId' => $args['id']]);
            $libDir   = CoreConfigModel::getLibrariesDirectory();
            $loadedXml = CoreConfigModel::getConfig();
            if ($loadedXml->docaposteSignature->enable == 'true' && $workflow['signature_mode'] == 'eidas' && (empty($libDir) || !is_file($libDir . 'SetaPDF-Signer/library/SetaPDF/Autoload.php'))) {
                return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => 'SetaPDF-Signer library is not installed', 'lang' => 'setAPdfSignerError']);
            $body = $request->getParsedBody();
            if (!empty($body['signatures'])) {
                foreach ($body['signatures'] as $signature) {
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                    foreach (['encodedImage', 'width', 'positionX', 'positionY', 'page', 'type'] as $value) {
                        if (!isset($signature[$value])) {
                            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => $value . ' is empty']);
    Damien's avatar
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                $adr = AdrModel::getDocumentsAdr([
                    'select'  => ['path', 'filename'],
                    'where'   => ['main_document_id = ?', 'type = ?'],
                    'data'    => [$args['id'], 'DOC']
                if (empty($adr)) {
                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document does not exist']);
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                $docserver = DocserverModel::getByType(['type' => 'DOC', 'select' => ['path']]);
                if (empty($docserver['path']) || !file_exists($docserver['path'])) {
                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Docserver does not exist']);
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                $pathToDocument = $docserver['path'] . $adr[0]['path'] . $adr[0]['filename'];
                if (!is_file($pathToDocument) || !is_readable($pathToDocument)) {
                    return $response->withStatus(404)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document not found on docserver or not readable']);
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                $tmpPath     = CoreConfigModel::getTmpPath();
                $tmpFilename = $tmpPath . $GLOBALS['id'] . '_' . rand() . '_' . $adr[0]['filename'];
    Damien's avatar
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                copy($pathToDocument, $tmpFilename);
                $pages      = [];
                $configPath = CoreConfigModel::getConfigPath();
                $overrideFile = "{$configPath}/override/setasign/fpdi_pdf-parser/src/autoload.php";
                if (file_exists($overrideFile)) {
                $pdf        = new Fpdi('P');
                $nbPages    = $pdf->setSourceFile($tmpFilename);
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                for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbPages; $i++) {
                    $page = $pdf->importPage($i);
                    $size = $pdf->getTemplateSize($page);
                    $pdf->AddPage($size['orientation'], $size);
                    $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 0);
                    $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0);
                    $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 0);
                    foreach ($body['signatures'] as $signature) {
                        if ($signature['page'] == $i) {
                            if (!in_array($i, $pages)) {
                                $pages[] = $i;
                            if ($signature['positionX'] == 0 && $signature['positionY'] == 0) {
                                $signWidth = $size['width'];
                                $signPosX = 0;
                                $signPosY = 0;
                            } else {
                                $signWidth = ($signature['width'] * $size['width']) / 100;
                                $signPosX = ($signature['positionX'] * $size['width']) / 100;
                                $signPosY = ($signature['positionY'] * $size['height']) / 100;
                            if ($signature['type'] == 'SVG') {
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                                $image = str_replace('data:image/svg+xml;base64,', '', $signature['encodedImage']);
                                $image = base64_decode($image);
                                if ($image === false) {
                                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'base64_decode failed']);
                                $imageTmpPath = $tmpPath . $GLOBALS['id'] . '_' . rand() . '_writing.svg';
                                file_put_contents($imageTmpPath, $image);
                                $pdf->ImageSVG($imageTmpPath, $signPosX, $signPosY, $signWidth);
                            } else {
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                                $image = base64_decode($signature['encodedImage']);
                                if ($image === false) {
                                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'base64_decode failed']);
                                $imageTmpPath = $tmpPath . $GLOBALS['id'] . '_' . rand() . '_writing.png';
                                file_put_contents($imageTmpPath, $image);
                                $pdf->Image($imageTmpPath, $signPosX, $signPosY, $signWidth);
                if (DocumentController::ACTIONS[$args['actionId']] == 'VAL' && $workflow['mode'] == 'sign') {
                    if ($loadedXml->electronicSignature->enable == 'true') {
                        $certPath       = realpath((string)$loadedXml->electronicSignature->certPath);
                        $privateKeyPath = realpath((string)$loadedXml->electronicSignature->privateKeyPath);
                        if (is_file($certPath) && is_file($privateKeyPath)) {
                            $certificate = 'file://' . $certPath;
                            $privateKey = 'file://' . $privateKeyPath;
                            $info = [
                                'Name'        => (string)$loadedXml->electronicSignature->certInfo->name,
                                'Location'    => (string)$loadedXml->electronicSignature->certInfo->location,
                                'Reason'      => (string)$loadedXml->electronicSignature->certInfo->reason,
                                'ContactInfo' => (string)$loadedXml->electronicSignature->certInfo->contactInfo
                            $pdf->setSignature($certificate, $privateKey, (string)$loadedXml->electronicSignature->password, '', 2, $info);
                        } else {
                            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'certPath or privateKeyPath is not valid']);
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                $fileContent = $pdf->Output('', 'S');
                $storeInfos = DocserverController::storeResourceOnDocServer([
                    'encodedFile'     => base64_encode($fileContent),
                    'format'          => 'pdf',
                    'docserverType'   => 'DOC'
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                if (!empty($storeInfos['errors'])) {
                    return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => $storeInfos['errors']]);
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                    'where' => ['main_document_id = ?', 'type = ?'],
                    'data'  => [$args['id'], 'DOC']
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                    'documentId'    => $args['id'],
                    'type'          => 'DOC',
                    'path'          => $storeInfos['path'],
                    'filename'      => $storeInfos['filename'],
                    'fingerprint'   => $storeInfos['fingerprint']
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                $tnlPages = [];
                foreach ($pages as $page) {
                    $tnlPages[] = "TNL{$page}";
                if (!empty($tnlPages)) {
                        'where' => ['main_document_id = ?', 'type in (?)'],
                        'data'  => [$args['id'], $tnlPages]
                $configPath = CoreConfigModel::getConfigPath();
                foreach ($pages as $page) {
                    exec("php src/app/convert/scripts/ThumbnailScript.php '{$configPath}' {$args['id']} 'document' '{$GLOBALS['id']}' {$page} > /dev/null &");
                if ($workflow['signature_mode'] == 'rgs_2stars') {
                    $hashInformations = CertificateSignatureController::getHashedCertificate(['document' => $fileContent, 'certificate' => $body['certificate']]);
                    return $response->withJson($hashInformations);
            if ($loadedXml->docaposteSignature->enable == 'true' && $workflow['signature_mode'] == 'eidas') {
                if ($workflow['mode'] == 'visa' && !empty($body['signatures'])) {
                    $adr = AdrModel::getDocumentsAdr([
                        'select' => ['path', 'filename'],
                        'where'  => ['main_document_id = ?', 'type = ?'],
                        'data'   => [$args['id'], 'DOC']
                    $docserver      = DocserverModel::getByType(['type' => 'DOC', 'select' => ['path']]);
                    $pathToDocument = $docserver['path'] . $adr[0]['path'] . $adr[0]['filename'];
                    $storeInfos = DocserverController::storeResourceOnDocServer([
                        'encodedFile'   => base64_encode(file_get_contents($pathToDocument)),
                        'format'        => 'pdf',
                        'docserverType' => 'ESIGN'
                    if (!empty($storeInfos['errors'])) {
                        return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => $storeInfos['errors']]);
                        'where' => ['main_document_id = ?', 'type = ?'],
                        'data'  => [$args['id'], 'ESIGN']
                        'documentId'  => $args['id'],
                        'type'        => 'ESIGN',
                        'path'        => $storeInfos['path'],
                        'filename'    => $storeInfos['filename'],
                        'fingerprint' => $storeInfos['fingerprint']
                } elseif (DocumentController::ACTIONS[$args['actionId']] == 'VAL' && $workflow['mode'] == 'sign') {
                    $imageSignature = false;
                    if (!empty($libDir) && is_file($libDir . 'SetaPDF-Signer/library/SetaPDF/Autoload.php')) {
                        require_once($libDir . 'SetaPDF-Signer/library/SetaPDF/Autoload.php');
                        $adr = AdrModel::getDocumentsAdr([
                            'select'  => ['path', 'filename'],
                            'where'   => ['main_document_id = ?', 'type = ?'],
                            'data'    => [$args['id'], 'ESIGN']
                        $docserver          = DocserverModel::getByType(['type' => 'ESIGN', 'select' => ['path']]);
                        $pathToDocument     = $docserver['path'] . $adr[0]['path'] . $adr[0]['filename'];
                        $tmpPath            = CoreConfigModel::getTmpPath();
                        $signedDocumentPath = $tmpPath . $GLOBALS['id'] . '_' . rand() . '_signedDocument.pdf';
                        $writer             = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_File($signedDocumentPath);
                        $document           = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($pathToDocument, $writer);
                        $pages = $document->getCatalog()->getPages();
                        $pageCount = $pages->count();
                        for ($pageNumber = 1; $pageNumber <= $pageCount; $pageNumber++) {
                            $page = $pages->getPage($pageNumber);
                            $format = \SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::getFormat($page->getWidthAndHeight(), \SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::ORIENTATION_AUTO);
                            foreach ($body['signatures'] as $key => $signature) {
                                if ($signature['page'] == $pageNumber) {
                                    $image = base64_decode($signature['encodedImage']);
                                    if ($image === false) {
                                        return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'base64_decode failed']);
                                    $imageTmpPath = $tmpPath . $GLOBALS['id'] . '_' . rand() . '_writing.png';
                                    if ($signature['type'] == 'SVG') {
                                        $Imagick = new \Imagick();
                                        file_put_contents($imageTmpPath, $image);
                                        if ($signature['positionX'] == 0 && $signature['positionY'] == 0) {
                                            $signWidth = $format['width'];
                                            $signPosX  = 0;
                                            $signPosY  = 0;
                                        } else {
                                            $signWidth = ($signature['width'] * $format['width']) / 100;
                                            $signPosX  = ($signature['positionX'] * $format['width']) / 100;
                                            $signPosY  = ($signature['positionY'] * $format['height']) / 100;
                                            'signatureId'   => $workflow['digital_signature_id'],
                                            'documentId'    => $args['id'],
                                            'signatureInfo' => [
                                                'page'          => $signature['page'],
                                                'positionX'     => $signPosX,
                                                'positionY'     => $signPosY,
                                                'filePath'      => $imageTmpPath,
                                                'signWidth'     => $signWidth
                                            'isLastSignature' => !isset($body['signatures'][$key + 1])
                                        $imageSignature = true;
                    if (!$imageSignature) {
                        DigitalSignatureController::signHashes(['signatureId' => $workflow['digital_signature_id'], 'documentId' => $args['id'], 'isLastSignature' => true]);
                } elseif (DocumentController::ACTIONS[$args['actionId']] == 'REF' && $workflow['mode'] == 'sign') {
                    DigitalSignatureController::abort(['signatureId' => $workflow['digital_signature_id'], 'documentId' => $args['id']]);
            } elseif ($workflow['signature_mode'] == 'rgs_2stars') {
                $return = CertificateSignatureController::signDocument([
                    'id'                     => $args['id'],
                    'certificate'            => $args['certificate'],
                    'signatureContentLength' => $args['signatureContentLength'],
                    'hashSignature'          => $args['hashSignature']
                if (!empty($return['errors'])) {
                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson($return);
            $set = ['process_date' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'status' => DocumentController::ACTIONS[$args['actionId']]];
            if (!empty($body['note'])) {
                $set['note'] = $body['note'];
                'set'   => $set,
    Florian Azizian's avatar
    Florian Azizian committed
                'where' => ['id = ?'],
                'data'  => [$workflow['id']]
    Florian Azizian's avatar
    Florian Azizian committed
            if (DocumentController::ACTIONS[$args['actionId']] == 'REF') {
                    'set'   => ['status' => 'END'],
                    'where' => ['main_document_id = ?', 'process_date is null'],
                    'data'  => [$args['id']]
            EmailController::sendNotificationToNextUserInWorkflow(['documentId' => $args['id'], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']]);
            $historyMessagePart = "{actionDone} : ";
            if ($workflow['user_id'] != $GLOBALS['id']) {
                $user = UserModel::getLabelledUserById(['id' => $workflow['user_id']]);
                $historyMessagePart = "{actionDoneInPlaceOf} {$user} : ";
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                'code'          => 'OK',
                'objectType'    => 'main_documents',
                'objectId'      => $args['id'],
                'type'          => 'ACTION',
                'message'       => $historyMessagePart . DocumentController::ACTIONS[$args['actionId']],
                'data'          => ['actionId' => $args['actionId'], 'mode' => $workflow['mode']]
            return $response->withJson(['success' => 'success']);
        public function getThumbnailContent(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
            if (!DocumentController::hasRightById(['id' => $args['id'], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']]) && !PrivilegeController::hasPrivilege(['userId' => $GLOBALS['id'], 'privilege' => 'manage_documents'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);
            $adr = AdrModel::getDocumentsAdr([
                'select'  => ['path', 'filename'],
                'where'   => ['main_document_id = ?', 'type = ?'],
                'data'    => [$args['id'], 'TNL' . $args['page']]
            $docserver = DocserverModel::getByType(['type' => 'DOC', 'select' => ['path']]);
            if (empty($docserver['path']) || !file_exists($docserver['path'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Docserver does not exist']);
            $pathToThumbnail = $docserver['path'] . $adr[0]['path'] . $adr[0]['filename'];
            if (!is_file($pathToThumbnail) || !is_readable($pathToThumbnail)) {
                $configPath = CoreConfigModel::getConfigPath();
                exec("php src/app/convert/scripts/ThumbnailScript.php '{$configPath}' {$args['id']} 'document' '{$GLOBALS['id']}' {$args['page']} > /dev/null");
                $adr = AdrModel::getDocumentsAdr([
                    'select'  => ['path', 'filename'],
                    'where'   => ['main_document_id = ?', 'type = ?'],
                    'data'    => [$args['id'], 'TNL' . $args['page']]
                $pathToThumbnail = $docserver['path'] . $adr[0]['path'] . $adr[0]['filename'];
                if (!is_file($pathToThumbnail) || !is_readable($pathToThumbnail)) {
                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Thumbnail not found on docserver or not readable', 'lang' => 'thumbnailNotFound']);
            $fileContent = file_get_contents($pathToThumbnail);
            if ($fileContent === false) {
                return $response->withStatus(404)->withJson(['errors' => 'Thumbnail not found on docserver']);
            $base64Content = base64_encode($fileContent);
            return $response->withJson(['fileContent' => $base64Content]);
        public static function hasRightById(array $args)
            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($args, ['id', 'userId']);
            ValidatorModel::intVal($args, ['id', 'userId']);
            $document = DocumentModel::getById(['select' => ['typist'], 'id' => $args['id']]);
            if ($document['typist'] == $GLOBALS['id']) {
                return true;
            $workflow = WorkflowModel::getCurrentStep(['select' => ['user_id'], 'documentId' => $args['id']]);
            if (empty($workflow)) {
            if ($workflow['user_id'] != $args['userId']) {
                $user = UserModel::getById(['id' => $workflow['user_id'], 'select' => ['substitute']]);
                if ($user['substitute'] != $args['userId']) {
                    return false;
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
        public static function getEncodedDocumentFromEncodedZip(array $args)
            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($args, ['encodedZipDocument']);
            ValidatorModel::stringType($args, ['encodedZipDocument']);
            $tmpPath = CoreConfigModel::getTmpPath();
            $zipDocumentOnTmp = $tmpPath . mt_rand() . '';
            file_put_contents($zipDocumentOnTmp, base64_decode($args['encodedZipDocument']));
            $zipArchive = new \ZipArchive();
            $open = $zipArchive->open($zipDocumentOnTmp);
            if ($open != true) {
                return ['errors' => "getDocumentFromEncodedZip : $open"];
            $dirOnTmp = $tmpPath . mt_rand() . '_parapheur';
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
            if (!@$zipArchive->extractTo($dirOnTmp)) {
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                return ['errors' => "getDocumentFromEncodedZip : Extract failed"];
            $filesOnTmp = scandir($dirOnTmp);
            foreach ($filesOnTmp as $fileOnTmp) {
                if ($fileOnTmp != '.' && $fileOnTmp != '..') {
    Florian Azizian's avatar
    Florian Azizian committed
                    $base64Content = base64_encode(file_get_contents("{$dirOnTmp}/{$fileOnTmp}"));
                    return ['encodedDocument' => $base64Content];
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
            return ['errors' => "getDocumentFromEncodedZip : No document was found in Zip"];
        public static function getLinkedDocuments(array $args)
            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($args, ['id', 'userId', 'linkId']);
            ValidatorModel::intVal($args, ['id', 'userId']);
            ValidatorModel::stringType($args, ['linkId']);
            $substitutedUsers = UserModel::get(['select' => ['id'], 'where' => ['substitute = ?'], 'data' => [$args['userId']]]);
            $users = [$args['userId']];
            foreach ($substitutedUsers as $value) {
                $users[] = $value['id'];
            $workflowSelect = "SELECT id FROM workflows ws WHERE workflows.main_document_id = main_document_id AND process_date IS NULL AND status IS NULL ORDER BY \"order\" LIMIT 1";
            $workflows = WorkflowModel::get([
                'select'    => ['main_document_id', 'mode', 'user_id'],
                'where'     => ['user_id in (?)', "(id) in ({$workflowSelect})", 'main_document_id != ?'],
                'data'      => [$users, $args['id']]
            $documentIds = array_column($workflows, 'main_document_id');
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
            $linkedDocuments = [];
            if (!empty($documentIds)) {
                $linkedDocuments = DocumentModel::get([
                    'select'    => ['id', 'title', 'reference'],
                    'where'     => ['id in (?)', 'link_id = ?'],
                    'data'      => [$documentIds, $args['linkId']],
                    'orderBy'   => ['creation_date desc']
        public static function getContentPath($args = [])
            if ($args['eSignDocument']) {
                $adr = AdrModel::getDocumentsAdr([
                    'select'    => ['path', 'filename', 'fingerprint', 'type'],
                    'where'     => ['main_document_id = ?', 'type = ?'],
                    'data'      => [$args['id'], 'ESIGN']
            if (empty($adr)) {
                $adr = AdrModel::getDocumentsAdr([
                    'select'    => ['path', 'filename', 'fingerprint', 'type'],
                    'where'     => ['main_document_id = ?', 'type = ?'],
                    'data'      => [$args['id'], 'DOC']
            if (empty($adr[0])) {
                return null;
            $docserver = DocserverModel::getByType(['type' => $adr[0]['type'], 'select' => ['path']]);
            if (empty($docserver['path']) || !file_exists($docserver['path'])) {
                return ['errors' => 'Docserver does not exist', 'code' => 400];
            $pathToDocument = $docserver['path'] . $adr[0]['path'] . $adr[0]['filename'];
            if (!is_file($pathToDocument)) {
                return ['errors' => 'Document not found on docserver', 'code' => 404];
            $fingerprint = DocserverController::getFingerPrint(['path' => $pathToDocument]);
            if ($adr[0]['fingerprint'] != $fingerprint) {
                return ['errors' => 'Fingerprints do not match', 'code' => 400];
            return ['path' => $pathToDocument];
        public static function getPdfCertificate(array $args)
            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($args, ['path', 'documentId']);
            ValidatorModel::intVal($args, ['documentId']);
            ValidatorModel::stringType($args, ['path']);
            $path = $args['path'];
            $documentId = $args['documentId'];