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- Florian Azizian added To Do Feature label
added To Do Feature label
- Florian Azizian assigned to @Alex
assigned to @Alex
- Alex ORLUC added Doing and removed To Do Feature labels
added Doing and removed To Do Feature labels
- Alex ORLUC assigned to @damien.burel and unassigned @Alex
assigned to @damien.burel and unassigned @Alex
- Alex ORLUC mentioned in commit f15cb0cd
mentioned in commit f15cb0cd
- Owner
renvoyer les entités dont les rôles sont utilisés
- Damien added To Do Feature and removed Doing labels
added To Do Feature and removed Doing labels
- Damien added Doing and removed To Do Feature labels
added Doing and removed To Do Feature labels
Faire le message comme quoi le role est utilisé + quand on ajoute ou supprime un role, le faire apparaitre directement dans la currentEntity
- Damien assigned to @Alex and unassigned @damien.burel
assigned to @Alex and unassigned @damien.burel
- Alex ORLUC mentioned in commit 812e9166
mentioned in commit 812e9166
- Alex ORLUC added Done and removed Doing labels
- Florian Azizian closed
- Alex ORLUC removed milestone
removed milestone
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