"infoImportNoIdToCreate":"The column <b>id</b> must be empty for creation"
"infoImportNoIdToCreate":"The column <b>id</b> must be empty for creation",
"stepDocserver_desc":"Any storage system can be used, as long as it has a direct access \"file system\". This can be the case of a direct or indirect NFS type attachment to a SAN or NAS array, or for simple cases a set of RAID disks.",
"authorizedRoutesNotWellFormatted":"The 'Allowed routes' field is not correctly formatted.",
"recordManagement_noAcknowledgement":"No acknowledgment of receipt found for this mail",
"recordManagement_acknowledgementNotReadable":"The acknowledgment of receipt of this letter is not correctly structured",
"recordManagement_noAcknowledgementReference":"No acknowledgment of receipt found with the reference of this mail",
"recordManagement_wrongAcknowledgement":"The acknowledgment of receipt is not linked to the correct mail",
"recordManagement_noReply":"No forwarding response found for this mail",
"recordManagement_replyNotReadable":"The forwarding response of this mail is not correctly structured",
"recordManagement_noReplyReference":"No slip matches the transfer response",
"recordManagement_wrongReply":"The forwarding response is not linked to the correct mail",
"noAccessRuleCode":"No access rule defined (accessRuleCode in config.json)",
"noDestination":"The courier has no processing entity",
"noRetentionInfo":"Mail type has no retention rule or final spell",
"noProducerService":"The processing entity does not have a producer service identifier",
"noSenderOrgRegNumber":"No pouring service defined (senderOrgRegNumber in config.json)",
"producerServiceDoesNotExists":"The producer service does not exist in MaarchRM",
"onlySingleResourceAllowed":"Only one resource can be processed by this action",