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  • <?php
    * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
    * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
    * This file is part of Maarch software.
    * @brief Summary Sheet Controller
    * @author
    namespace Resource\controllers;
    use Basket\models\BasketModel;
    use Contact\controllers\ContactController;
    use CustomField\models\CustomFieldModel;
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
    use Endroid\QrCode\QrCode;
    use Entity\models\EntityModel;
    use Entity\models\ListInstanceModel;
    use IndexingModel\models\IndexingModelFieldModel;
    use Note\models\NoteEntityModel;
    use Note\models\NoteModel;
    use Parameter\models\ParameterModel;
    use Priority\models\PriorityModel;
    use Resource\models\ResModel;
    use Respect\Validation\Validator;
    use setasign\Fpdi\Tcpdf\Fpdi;
    use Slim\Http\Request;
    use Slim\Http\Response;
    use SrcCore\controllers\PreparedClauseController;
    use SrcCore\models\CoreConfigModel;
    use SrcCore\models\TextFormatModel;
    use SrcCore\models\ValidatorModel;
    use Status\models\StatusModel;
    use User\models\UserModel;
    class SummarySheetController
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
        public function createList(Request $request, Response $response, array $aArgs)
            $errors = ResourceListController::listControl(['groupId' => $aArgs['groupId'], 'userId' => $aArgs['userId'], 'basketId' => $aArgs['basketId'], 'currentUserId' => $GLOBALS['id']]);
            if (!empty($errors['errors'])) {
                return $response->withStatus($errors['code'])->withJson(['errors' => $errors['errors']]);
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
            $bodyData = $request->getParsedBody();
            $units    = empty($bodyData['units']) ? [] : $bodyData['units'];
            if (!Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($bodyData['resources'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Resources is not set or empty']);
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
            $bodyData['resources'] = array_slice($bodyData['resources'], 0, 500);
            $basket = BasketModel::getById(['id' => $aArgs['basketId'], 'select' => ['basket_clause', 'basket_res_order', 'basket_name']]);
            $user   = UserModel::getById(['id' => $aArgs['userId'], 'select' => ['user_id']]);
            $whereClause = PreparedClauseController::getPreparedClause(['clause' => $basket['basket_clause'], 'login' => $user['user_id']]);
            $rawResourcesInBasket = ResModel::getOnView([
                'select'    => ['res_id'],
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                'where'     => [$whereClause, 'res_view_letterbox.res_id in (?)'],
                'data'      => [$bodyData['resources']]
            $allResourcesInBasket = array_column($rawResourcesInBasket, 'res_id');
    //        $order = 'CASE res_view_letterbox.res_id ';
            $order = '';
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
            foreach ($bodyData['resources'] as $key => $resId) {
                if (!in_array($resId, $allResourcesInBasket)) {
                    return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Resources out of perimeter']);
                $order .= "WHEN {$resId} THEN {$key} ";
            $order .= 'END';
            $orderTable = 'CASE res_id ' . $order;
            $resourcesByModelIds = ResModel::get([
                'select'  => ["string_agg(cast(res_id as text), ',' order by {$orderTable}) as res_ids", 'model_id'],
                'where'   => ['res_id in (?)'],
                'data'    => [$bodyData['resources']],
                'groupBy' => ['model_id']
            $pdf = new Fpdi('P', 'pt');
            $order = 'CASE res_view_letterbox.res_id ' . $order;
            foreach ($resourcesByModelIds as $resourcesByModelId) {
                $resourcesIdsByModel = $resourcesByModelId['res_ids'];
                $resourcesIdsByModel = explode(',', $resourcesIdsByModel);
                $indexingFields   = IndexingModelFieldModel::get([
                    'select' => ['identifier', 'unit'],
                    'where'  => ['model_id = ?'],
                    'data'   => [$resourcesByModelId['model_id']]
                $fieldsIdentifier = array_column($indexingFields, 'identifier');
                $select = ['res_id', 'subject', 'alt_identifier'];
                foreach ($units as $unit) {
                    $unit = (array)$unit;
                    if ($unit['unit'] == 'primaryInformations') {
                        $information = [
                            'documentDate' => 'doc_date',
                            'arrivalDate'  => 'admission_date',
                            'initiator'    => 'initiator'
                        $select[]    = 'type_label';
                        $select[]    = 'creation_date';
                        $select[]    = 'typist';
                        foreach ($information as $key => $item) {
                            if (in_array($key, $fieldsIdentifier)) {
                                $select[] = $item;
                    } elseif ($unit['unit'] == 'secondaryInformations') {
                        $information = [
                            'priority'         => 'priority',
                            'processLimitDate' => 'process_limit_date',
                        $select[] = 'category_id';
                        $select[] = 'status';
                        foreach ($information as $key => $item) {
                            if (in_array($key, $fieldsIdentifier)) {
                                $select[] = $item;
                    } elseif ($unit['unit'] == 'diffusionList') {
                        if (in_array('destination', $fieldsIdentifier)) {
                            $select[] = 'destination';
                $resources = ResModel::getOnView([
                    'select'  => $select,
                    'where'   => ['res_view_letterbox.res_id in (?)'],
                    'data'    => [$resourcesIdsByModel],
                    'orderBy' => [$order]
                $resourcesIds = array_column($resources, 'res_id');
                // Data for resources
                $data = SummarySheetController::prepareData(['units' => $units, 'resourcesIds' => $resourcesIds]);
                foreach ($resources as $resource) {
                    SummarySheetController::createSummarySheet($pdf, [
                        'resource'         => $resource, 'units' => $units,
                        'login'            => $GLOBALS['login'],
                        'data'             => $data,
                        'fieldsIdentifier' => $fieldsIdentifier
            $fileContent = $pdf->Output('', 'S');
            $finfo    = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
            $mimeType = $finfo->buffer($fileContent);
            $response = $response->withAddedHeader('Content-Disposition', "inline; filename=maarch.pdf");
            return $response->withHeader('Content-Type', $mimeType);
        public static function createSummarySheet(Fpdi $pdf, array $args)
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($args, ['resource', 'login']);
            ValidatorModel::arrayType($args, ['resource', 'units', 'data', 'fieldsIdentifier']);
            ValidatorModel::stringType($args, ['login']);
            $resource         = $args['resource'];
            $units            = $args['units'];
            $fieldsIdentifier = $args['fieldsIdentifier'];
            $dimensions     = $pdf->getPageDimensions();
            $widthNoMargins = $dimensions['w'] - $dimensions['rm'] - $dimensions['lm'];
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            $widthCell      = $widthNoMargins / 10;
            $widthNotes     = $widthNoMargins / 2;
            $specialWidth   = $widthNoMargins / 4;
            $widthAssignee  = $widthNoMargins / 6;
            $appName = CoreConfigModel::getApplicationName();
            $pdf->SetFont('', '', 8);
            $pdf->Cell(0, 20, "$appName / " . date('d-m-Y'), 0, 2, 'L', false);
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            $pdf->Cell(0, 20, _SUMMARY_SHEET, 0, 2, 'C', false);
            $pdf->SetFont('', '', 8);
            $pdf->Cell(0, 1, $resource['alt_identifier'], 0, 2, 'C', false);
            $subject = str_replace("\n", ' ', $resource['subject']);
            $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 15);
            $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 16);
            $pdf->MultiCell(0, 1, $subject, 1, 'C', false);
            foreach ($units as $key => $unit) {
                $units[$key] = (array)$unit;
                $unit        = (array)$unit;
                if ($unit['unit'] == 'qrcode') {
                    $parameter = ParameterModel::getById(['select' => ['param_value_int'], 'id' => 'QrCodePrefix']);
                    $prefix = '';
                    if ($parameter['param_value_int'] == 1) {
                        $prefix = 'MAARCH_';
                    $qrCode = new QrCode($prefix . $resource['res_id']);
                    $pdf->Image('@'.$qrCode->writeString(), 485, 10, 90, 90);
            foreach ($units as $key => $unit) {
                if ($unit['unit'] == 'primaryInformations') {
                    $admissionDate = null;
                    if (in_array('arrivalDate', $fieldsIdentifier)) {
                        $admissionDate = TextFormatModel::formatDate($resource['admission_date'], 'd-m-Y');
                        $admissionDate = empty($admissionDate) ? '<i>' . _UNDEFINED . '</i>' : "<b>{$admissionDate}</b>";
                    $creationdate  = TextFormatModel::formatDate($resource['creation_date'], 'd-m-Y');
                    $creationdate  = empty($creationdate) ? '<i>'._UNDEFINED.'</i>' : "<b>{$creationdate}</b>";
                    $docDate = null;
                    if (in_array('documentDate', $fieldsIdentifier)) {
                        $docDate = TextFormatModel::formatDate($resource['doc_date'], 'd-m-Y');
                        $docDate = empty($docDate) ? '<i>' . _UNDEFINED . '</i>' : "<b>{$docDate}</b>";
                    if (!empty($resource['initiator'])) {
                        $initiator = EntityModel::getByEntityId(['entityId' => $resource['initiator'], 'select' => ['short_label']]);
                    $initiatorEntity = empty($initiator) ? '' : "({$initiator['short_label']})";
                    $typist          = UserModel::getLabelledUserById(['id' => $resource['typist']]);
                    $doctype         = empty($resource['type_label']) ? '<i>'._UNDEFINED.'</i>' : "<b>{$resource['type_label']}</b>";
                    $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 40);
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                        $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 11);
                        $pdf->Cell(0, 15, $unit['label'], 0, 2, 'L', false);
                        $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 2);
                    $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
                    $pdf->MultiCell($widthMultiCell, 15, _CREATED . " : {$creationdate}", 0, 'L', false, 0, '', '', true, 0, true);
                    if (isset($docDate)) {
                        $pdf->Cell($widthCell, 15, '', 0, 0, 'L', false);
                        $pdf->MultiCell($widthMultiCell, 15, _DOC_DATE . " : {$docDate}", 0, 'L', false, 1, '', '', true, 0, true);
                    } else {
                        $pdf->Cell($widthCell, 15, '', 0, 1, 'L', false);
                    if (isset($admissionDate)) {
                        $pdf->MultiCell($widthMultiCell, 15, _ADMISSION_DATE . " : {$admissionDate}", 0, 'L', false, 1, '', '', true, 0, true);
                    $pdf->MultiCell($widthMultiCell * 2, 15, _TYPIST . " : <b>{$typist} {$initiatorEntity}</b>", 0, 'L', false, 1, '', '', true, 0, true);
                    $pdf->MultiCell($widthMultiCell * 2, 15, _DOCTYPE . " : {$doctype}", 0, 'L', false, 0, '', '', true, 0, true);
                    $pdf->Cell($widthCell, 15, '', 0, 0, 'L', false);
                } elseif ($unit['unit'] == 'secondaryInformations') {
                    $category = ResModel::getCategoryLabel(['categoryId' => $resource['category_id']]);
                    $category = empty($category) ? '<i>'._UNDEFINED.'</i>' : "<b>{$category}</b>";
                    $status = StatusModel::getById(['id' => $resource['status'], 'select' => ['label_status']]);
                    $status = empty($status['label_status']) ? '<i>' . _UNDEFINED . '</i>' : "<b>{$status['label_status']}</b>";
                    $priority = null;
                    if (in_array('priority', $fieldsIdentifier)) {
                        $priority = '';
                        if (!empty($resource['priority'])) {
                            $priority = PriorityModel::getById(['id' => $resource['priority'], 'select' => ['label']]);
                        $priority = empty($priority['label']) ? '<i>' . _UNDEFINED . '</i>' : "<b>{$priority['label']}</b>";
                    $processLimitDate = null;
                    if (in_array('processLimitDate', $fieldsIdentifier)) {
                        $processLimitDate = TextFormatModel::formatDate($resource['process_limit_date'], 'd-m-Y');
                        $processLimitDate = empty($processLimitDate) ? '<i>' . _UNDEFINED . '</i>' : "<b>{$processLimitDate}</b>";
                    // Custom fields
                    $customFieldsValues = ResModel::get([
                        'select' => ['custom_fields'],
                        'where' => ['res_id = ?'],
                        'data' => [$resource['res_id']]
                    // Get all the ids of the custom fields in the model
                    $customFieldsIds = [];
                    foreach ($fieldsIdentifier as $item) {
                        if (strpos($item, 'indexingCustomField_') !== false) {
                            $customFieldsIds[] = explode('_', $item)[1];
                    if (!empty($customFieldsIds)) {
                        // get the label of the custom fields
                        $customFields = CustomFieldModel::get([
                            'select' => ['id', 'label', 'values'],
                            'where'  => ['id in (?)'],
                            'data'   => [$customFieldsIds]
                        $customFieldsRawValues = array_column($customFields, 'values', 'id');
                        $customFields = array_column($customFields, 'label', 'id');
                        $customFieldsValues = $customFieldsValues[0]['custom_fields'] ?? null;
                        $customFieldsValues = json_decode($customFieldsValues, true);
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                    $nextLine = 1;
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                        $nextLine = isset($processLimitDate) || !empty($customFieldsIds) ? 0 : 1;
                        $pdf->MultiCell($widthNotes, 30, _PRIORITY . " : {$priority}", 1, 'L', false, $nextLine, '', '', true, 0, true);
                    if (isset($processLimitDate)) {
                        $nextLine = !empty($customFieldsIds) && $nextLine == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                        $pdf->MultiCell($widthNotes, 30, _PROCESS_LIMIT_DATE . " : {$processLimitDate}", 1, 'L', false, $nextLine, '', '', true, 0, true);
                    if (!empty($customFieldsIds)) {
                        foreach ($customFieldsIds as $customFieldsId) {
                            $label = $customFields[$customFieldsId];
                            $rawValues = json_decode($customFieldsRawValues[$customFieldsId], true);
                            if (!empty($rawValues['table'])) {
                                $rawValues = CustomFieldModel::getValuesSQL($rawValues);
                                $rawValues = array_column($rawValues, 'label', 'key');
                                if (is_array($customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId])) {
                                    foreach ($customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId] as $key => $value) {
                                        $customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId][$key] = $rawValues[$value];
                                } else {
                                    $customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId] = $rawValues[$customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId]];
                            if (is_array($customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId])) {
                                if (!empty($customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId])) {
                                    if (is_array($customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId][0])) { //Custom BAN
                                        $customValue = "{$customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId][0]['addressNumber']} {$customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId][0]['addressStreet']} {$customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId][0]['addressTown']} ({$customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId][0]['addressPostcode']})";
                                    } else {
                                        $customValue = implode(',', $customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId]);
                                $value = !empty($customValue) ? '<b>' . $customValue . '</b>' : '<i>' . _UNDEFINED . '</i>';
                                $value = $customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId] ? '<b>' . $customFieldsValues[$customFieldsId] . '</b>' : '<i>' . _UNDEFINED . '</i>';
                            $nextLine = ($nextLine + 1) % 2;
                            $pdf->MultiCell($widthNotes, 30, $label . " : {$value}", 1, 'L', false, $nextLine, '', '', true, 0, true);
                } elseif ($unit['unit'] == 'senderRecipientInformations') {
                    $senders = null;
                    if (in_array('senders', $fieldsIdentifier)) {
                        $senders = ContactController::getFormattedContacts([
                            'resId' => $resource['res_id'],
                            'mode'  => 'sender'
                        if (!empty($senders) && count($senders) > 2) {
                            $nbSenders = count($senders);
                            $senders = [];
                            $senders[0] = $nbSenders . ' ' . _CONTACTS;
                        } elseif (empty($senders)) {
                            $senders = [''];
                    $recipients = null;
                    if (in_array('recipients', $fieldsIdentifier)) {
                        $recipients = ContactController::getFormattedContacts([
                            'resId' => $resource['res_id'],
                            'mode'  => 'recipient'
                        if (!empty($recipients) && count($recipients) > 2) {
                            $nbRecipients = count($recipients);
                            $recipients = [];
                            $recipients[0] = $nbRecipients . ' ' . _CONTACTS;
                        } elseif (empty($recipients)) {
                            $recipients = [''];
                    // If senders and recipients are both null, they are not part of the model so we continue to the next unit
                    if ($senders === null && $recipients === null) {
                    $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 40);
                    if (($pdf->GetY() + 57) > $bottomHeight) {
                    $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 11);
                    $pdf->Cell(0, 15, $unit['label'], 0, 2, 'L', false);
                    $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 2);
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                    $correspondents = [];
                    if ($senders !== null && $recipients !== null) {
                        if (empty($senders[0]) && empty($recipients[0])) {
                            $correspondents = [null, null];
                        } else {
                            for ($i = 0; !empty($senders[$i]) || !empty($recipients[$i]); $i++) {
                                $correspondents[] = $senders[$i] ?? null;
                                $correspondents[] = $recipients[$i] ?? null;
                        $pdf->Cell($widthMultiCell, 15, _SENDERS, 1, 0, 'C', false);
                        $pdf->Cell($widthCell, 15, '', 0, 0, 'C', false);
                        $pdf->Cell($widthMultiCell, 15, _RECIPIENTS, 1, 1, 'C', false);
    Florian Azizian's avatar
    Florian Azizian committed
                    } elseif ($senders !== null && $recipients === null) {
                        $pdf->Cell($widthMultiCell, 15, _SENDERS, 1, 1, 'C', false);
    Florian Azizian's avatar
    Florian Azizian committed
                    } elseif ($senders === null && $recipients !== null) {
                        $correspondents = $recipients;
                        $pdf->Cell($widthMultiCell, 15, _RECIPIENTS, 1, 1, 'C', false);
                    // allow to skip an element in the senders or recipients column if we already printed UNDEFINED once
                    $columnUndefined = [false, false];
                    $nextLine = 1;
                    foreach ($correspondents as $correspondent) {
                        // if senders and recipients are not null, nextLine alternate between 0 and 1, otherwise its always 1
                        if ($senders !== null && $recipients !== null) {
                            $nextLine = ($nextLine + 1) % 2;
                            if ($columnUndefined[$nextLine]) {
                                $pdf->MultiCell($widthMultiCell, 40, '', 0, 'L', false, 0, '', '', true, 0, true);
                                $pdf->MultiCell($widthCell, 40, '', 0, 'L', false, $nextLine, '', '', true, 0, true);
                        } else {
                            $nextLine = 1;
                        if (empty($correspondent)) {
                            $columnUndefined[$nextLine] = true;
                            $pdf->MultiCell($widthMultiCell, 40, _UNDEFINED, 1, 'L', false, $nextLine, '', '', true, 0, true);
                        } else {
                            $pdf->MultiCell($widthMultiCell, 40, empty($correspondent) ? '' : $correspondent, empty($correspondent) ? 0 : 1, 'L', false, $nextLine, '', '', true, 0, true);
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                            $pdf->MultiCell($widthCell, 40, '', 0, 'L', false, 0, '', '', true, 0, true);
                } elseif ($unit['unit'] == 'diffusionList') {
                    $assignee    = '';
                    $destination = '';
                    $found       = false;
                    $roles = EntityModel::getRoles();
                    $rolesItems = [];
                    $nbItems = 0;
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                    foreach ($args['data']['listInstances'] as $listKey => $listInstance) {
                        if ($found && $listInstance['res_id'] != $resource['res_id']) {
                        } elseif ($listInstance['res_id'] == $resource['res_id']) {
                            $item = '';
                            if ($listInstance['item_type'] == 'user_id') {
                                $user = UserModel::getById(['id' => $listInstance['item_id'], 'select' => ['id', 'firstname', 'lastname']]);
                                $entity = UserModel::getPrimaryEntityById(['id' => $user['id'], 'select' => ['entities.entity_label']]);
                                    $item = $user['firstname'] . ' ' . $user['lastname'];
                                    $item = "{$user['firstname']} {$user['lastname']} ({$entity['entity_label']})";
                            } elseif ($listInstance['item_type'] == 'entity_id') {
                                $item = $listInstance['item_id'];
                                $entity = EntityModel::getById(['id' => $listInstance['item_id'], 'select' => ['short_label']]);
                                if (!empty($entity)) {
                                    $item = "{$entity['short_label']} ({$item})";
                            if ($listInstance['item_mode'] == 'dest') {
                                $assignee = $item;
                            } else {
                                foreach ($roles as $role) {
                                    if ($listInstance['item_mode'] == $role['id'] || ($listInstance['item_mode'] == 'cc' && $role['id'] == 'copy')) {
                                        $rolesItems[$role['id']]['item'][] = $item;
                                        $rolesItems[$role['id']]['label'] = $role['label'];
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                    // Sort keys to be in the same order defined in the roles.xml file
                    $rolesIDs = array_column($roles, 'id');
                    $tmp = [];
                    foreach ($rolesIDs as $key) {
                        if (!empty($rolesItems[$key])) {
                            $tmp[$key] = $rolesItems[$key];
                    $rolesItems = $tmp;
                    if (!empty($resource['destination'])) {
                        $destination = EntityModel::getByEntityId(['entityId' => $resource['destination'], 'select' => ['short_label']]);
                    $destinationEntity = empty($destination) ? '' : "({$destination['short_label']})";
                    if (empty($assignee)) {
                        $assignee = _UNDEFINED;
                    $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 40);
                    if (($pdf->GetY() + 37 + $nbItems * 20) > $bottomHeight) {
                    $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 11);
                    $pdf->Cell(0, 15, $unit['label'], 0, 2, 'L', false);
                    $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 2);
                    $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
                    $pdf->MultiCell($widthAssignee, 20, _ASSIGNEE, 1, 'C', false, 0, '', '', true, 0, false, true, 20, 'M');
                    $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
                    $pdf->Cell($widthAssignee * 5, 20, "- {$assignee} {$destinationEntity}", 1, 1, 'L', false);
                    foreach ($rolesItems as $rolesItem) {
                        $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
                        $pdf->MultiCell($widthAssignee, count($rolesItem['item']) * 20, $rolesItem['label'], 1, 'C', false, 0, '', '', true, 0, false, true, count($rolesItem['item']) * 20, 'M');
                        $nbItems = count($rolesItem['item']);
                        $i = 0;
                        foreach ($rolesItem['item'] as $item) {
                            $nextLine = $i == ($nbItems - 1) ? 1 : 2;
                            $pdf->Cell($widthAssignee * 5, 20, "- {$item}", 1, $nextLine, 'L', false);
                } elseif ($unit['unit'] == 'visaWorkflow') {
                    $users = [];
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                    foreach ($args['data']['listInstancesVisa'] as $listKey => $listInstance) {
                        if ($found && $listInstance['res_id'] != $resource['res_id']) {
                        } elseif ($listInstance['res_id'] == $resource['res_id']) {
                            $users[] = [
                                'user'  => UserModel::getLabelledUserById(['id' => $listInstance['item_id']]),
                                'mode'  => $listInstance['requested_signature'] ? 'Signataire' : 'Viseur',
                                'date'  => TextFormatModel::formatDate($listInstance['process_date']),
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                    if (!empty($users)) {
                        $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 40);
                        if (($pdf->GetY() + 37 + count($users) * 20) > $bottomHeight) {
                        $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 11);
                        $pdf->Cell(0, 15, $unit['label'], 0, 2, 'L', false);
                        $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 2);
                        $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
                        $pdf->Cell($specialWidth * 3, 20, _USERS, 1, 0, 'L', false);
                        $pdf->Cell($specialWidth, 20, _ACTION_DATE, 1, 1, 'L', false);
                        foreach ($users as $keyUser => $user) {
                            $pdf->Cell($specialWidth * 3, 20, $keyUser + 1 . ". {$user['user']} ({$user['mode']})", 1, 0, 'L', false);
                            $pdf->Cell($specialWidth, 20, $user['date'], 1, 1, 'L', false);
                } elseif ($unit['unit'] == 'opinionWorkflow') {
                    $users = [];
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                    foreach ($args['data']['listInstancesOpinion'] as $listKey => $listInstance) {
                        if ($found && $listInstance['res_id'] != $resource['res_id']) {
                        } elseif ($listInstance['res_id'] == $resource['res_id']) {
                            $user = UserModel::getById(['id' => $listInstance['item_id'], 'select' => ['id', 'firstname', 'lastname']]);
                            $entity = UserModel::getPrimaryEntityById(['id' => $user['id'], 'select' => ['entities.entity_label']]);
                            $userLabel = $user['firstname'] . ' ' .$user['lastname'] . " (" . $entity['entity_label'] . ")";
                                'date'  => TextFormatModel::formatDate($listInstance['process_date']),
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                    if (!empty($users)) {
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                    $user = UserModel::getByLogin(['select' => ['id'], 'login' => $args['login']]);
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                    foreach ($args['data']['notes'] as $noteKey => $rawNote) {
                        if ($found && $rawNote['identifier'] != $resource['res_id']) {
                        } elseif ($rawNote['identifier'] == $resource['res_id']) {
                            $allowed = false;
                            if ($rawNote['user_id'] == $user['id']) {
                                $allowed = true;
                            } else {
                                $noteEntities = NoteEntityModel::get(['select' => ['item_id'], 'where' => ['note_id = ?'], 'data' => [$rawNote['id']]]);
                                if (!empty($noteEntities)) {
                                    foreach ($noteEntities as $noteEntity) {
                                        if (in_array($noteEntity['item_id'], $args['data']['userEntities'])) {
                                            $allowed = true;
                                } else {
                                    $allowed = true;
                            if ($allowed) {
                                $notes[] = [
                                    'user'  => UserModel::getLabelledUserById(['id' => $rawNote['user_id']]),
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
                                    'date'  => TextFormatModel::formatDate($rawNote['creation_date']),
                                    'note'  => $noteText = str_replace('←', '<=', $rawNote['note_text'])
    Damien's avatar
    Damien committed
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        public static function prepareData(array $args)
            $units = $args['units'];
            $tmpIds = $args['resourcesIds'];
            $data = [];
            foreach ($units as $unit) {
                if ($unit['unit'] == 'notes') {
                    $data['notes'] = NoteModel::get([
                        'select'   => ['id', 'note_text', 'user_id', 'creation_date', 'identifier'],
                        'where'    => ['identifier in (?)'],
                        'data'     => [$tmpIds],
                        'order_by' => ['identifier']]);
                    $userEntities = EntityModel::getByUserId(['userId' => $GLOBALS['id'], 'select' => ['entity_id']]);
                    $data['userEntities'] = [];
                    foreach ($userEntities as $userEntity) {
                        $data['userEntities'][] = $userEntity['entity_id'];
                } elseif ($unit['unit'] == 'opinionWorkflow') {
                    $data['listInstancesOpinion'] = ListInstanceModel::get([
                        'select'    => ['item_id', 'process_date', 'res_id'],
                        'where'     => ['difflist_type = ?', 'res_id in (?)'],
                        'data'      => ['AVIS_CIRCUIT', $tmpIds],
                        'orderBy'   => ['listinstance_id']
                } elseif ($unit['unit'] == 'visaWorkflow') {
                    $data['listInstancesVisa'] = ListInstanceModel::get([
                        'select'    => ['item_id', 'requested_signature', 'process_date', 'res_id'],
                        'where'     => ['difflist_type = ?', 'res_id in (?)'],
                        'data'      => ['VISA_CIRCUIT', $tmpIds],
                        'orderBy'   => ['listinstance_id']
                } elseif ($unit['unit'] == 'diffusionList') {
                    $data['listInstances'] = ListInstanceModel::get([
                        'select' => ['item_id', 'item_type', 'item_mode', 'res_id'],
                        'where'  => ['difflist_type = ?', 'res_id in (?)'],
                        'data'   => ['entity_id', $tmpIds],
                        'orderBy' => ['listinstance_id']
            return $data;