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  • <?php
    * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
    * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
    * This file is part of Maarch software.
    * @brief   Pre Process Action Controller
    * @author  dev <>
    * @ingroup core
    namespace Action\controllers;
    use AcknowledgementReceipt\models\AcknowledgementReceiptModel;
    use Basket\models\BasketModel;
    use Basket\models\GroupBasketRedirectModel;
    use Contact\models\ContactModel;
    use Docserver\models\DocserverModel;
    use Doctype\models\DoctypeExtModel;
    use Entity\models\EntityModel;
    use Group\models\GroupModel;
    use Parameter\models\ParameterModel;
    use Resource\controllers\ResController;
    use Resource\controllers\ResourceListController;
    use Resource\models\ResModel;
    use Respect\Validation\Validator;
    use Slim\Http\Request;
    use Slim\Http\Response;
    use SrcCore\controllers\PreparedClauseController;
    use SrcCore\models\DatabaseModel;
    use Template\models\TemplateModel;
    use User\models\UserEntityModel;
    use User\models\UserModel;
    class PreProcessActionController
        public static function getRedirectInformations(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
            $currentUser = UserModel::getByLogin(['login' => $GLOBALS['userId'], 'select' => ['id']]);
            $errors = ResourceListController::listControl(['groupId' => $args['groupId'], 'userId' => $args['userId'], 'basketId' => $args['basketId'], 'currentUserId' => $currentUser['id']]);
            if (!empty($errors['errors'])) {
                return $response->withStatus($errors['code'])->withJson(['errors' => $errors['errors']]);
            $basket = BasketModel::getById(['id' => $args['basketId'], 'select' => ['basket_id']]);
            $group = GroupModel::getById(['id' => $args['groupId'], 'select' => ['group_id']]);
            $user = UserModel::getById(['id' => $args['userId'], 'select' => ['user_id']]);
            $keywords = [
                'ALL_ENTITIES'          => '@all_entities',
                'ENTITIES_JUST_BELOW'   => '@immediate_children[@my_primary_entity]',
                'ENTITIES_BELOW'        => '@subentities[@my_entities]',
                'ALL_ENTITIES_BELOW'    => '@subentities[@my_primary_entity]',
                'ENTITIES_JUST_UP'      => '@parent_entity[@my_primary_entity]',
                'MY_ENTITIES'           => '@my_entities',
                'MY_PRIMARY_ENTITY'     => '@my_primary_entity',
                'SAME_LEVEL_ENTITIES'   => '@sisters_entities[@my_primary_entity]'
            $users = [];
            $allEntities = [];
            foreach (['ENTITY', 'USERS'] as $mode) {
                $entityRedirects = GroupBasketRedirectModel::get([
                    'select'    => ['entity_id', 'keyword'],
                    'where'     => ['basket_id = ?', 'group_id = ?', 'action_id = ?', 'redirect_mode = ?'],
                    'data'      => [$basket['basket_id'], $group['group_id'], $args['actionId'], $mode]
                $allowedEntities = [];
                $clauseToProcess = '';
                foreach ($entityRedirects as $entityRedirect) {
                    if (!empty($entityRedirect['entity_id'])) {
                        $allowedEntities[] = $entityRedirect['entity_id'];
                    } elseif (!empty($entityRedirect['keyword'])) {
                        if (!empty($keywords[$entityRedirect['keyword']])) {
                            if (!empty($clauseToProcess)) {
                                $clauseToProcess .= ', ';
                            $clauseToProcess .= $keywords[$entityRedirect['keyword']];
                if (!empty($clauseToProcess)) {
                    $preparedClause = PreparedClauseController::getPreparedClause(['clause' => $clauseToProcess, 'login' => $user['user_id']]);
                    $preparedEntities = EntityModel::get(['select' => ['entity_id'], 'where' => ['enabled = ?', "entity_id in {$preparedClause}"], 'data' => ['Y']]);
                    foreach ($preparedEntities as $preparedEntity) {
                        $allowedEntities[] = $preparedEntity['entity_id'];
                $allowedEntities = array_unique($allowedEntities);
                if ($mode == 'USERS') {
                    if (!empty($allowedEntities)) {
                        $users = UserEntityModel::getWithUsers([
                            'select'    => ['DISTINCT', 'users.user_id', 'firstname', 'lastname'],
                            'where'     => ['users_entities.entity_id in (?)', 'status not in (?)'],
                            'data'      => [$allowedEntities, ['DEL', 'ABS']],
                            'orderBy'   => ['lastname', 'firstname']
                        foreach ($users as $key => $user) {
                            $users[$key]['labelToDisplay'] = "{$user['firstname']} {$user['lastname']}";
                            $users[$key]['descriptionToDisplay'] = UserModel::getPrimaryEntityByUserId(['userId' => $user['user_id']])['entity_label'];
                } elseif ($mode == 'ENTITY') {
                    $primaryEntity = UserModel::getPrimaryEntityByUserId(['userId' => $GLOBALS['userId']]);
                    $allEntities = EntityModel::get(['select' => ['id', 'entity_id', 'entity_label', 'parent_entity_id'], 'where' => ['enabled = ?'], 'data' => ['Y'], 'orderBy' => ['parent_entity_id']]);
                    foreach ($allEntities as $key => $value) {
                        $allEntities[$key]['id'] = $value['entity_id'];
                        $allEntities[$key]['serialId'] = $value['id'];
                        if (empty($value['parent_entity_id'])) {
                            $allEntities[$key]['parent'] = '#';
                            $allEntities[$key]['icon'] = "fa fa-building";
                        } else {
                            $allEntities[$key]['parent'] = $value['parent_entity_id'];
                            $allEntities[$key]['icon'] = "fa fa-sitemap";
                        $allEntities[$key]['state']['opened'] = false;
                        if (in_array($value['entity_id'], $allowedEntities)) {
                            $allEntities[$key]['allowed'] = true;
                            if ($primaryEntity['entity_id'] == $value['entity_id']) {
                                $allEntities[$key]['state']['opened'] = true;
                                $allEntities[$key]['state']['selected'] = true;
                        } else {
                            $allEntities[$key]['allowed'] = false;
                            $allEntities[$key]['state']['disabled'] = true;
                        $allEntities[$key]['text'] = $value['entity_label'];
            $parameter = ParameterModel::getById(['select' => ['param_value_int'], 'id' => 'keepDestForRedirection']);
            return $response->withJson(['entities' => $allEntities, 'users' => $users, 'keepDestForRedirection' => !empty($parameter['param_value_int'])]);
        public function checkAcknowledgementReceipt(Request $request, Response $response, array $aArgs)
            $currentUser = UserModel::getByLogin(['login' => $GLOBALS['userId'], 'select' => ['id']]);
            $errors = ResourceListController::listControl(['groupId' => $aArgs['groupId'], 'userId' => $aArgs['userId'], 'basketId' => $aArgs['basketId'], 'currentUserId' => $currentUser['id']]);
            if (!empty($errors['errors'])) {
                return $response->withStatus($errors['code'])->withJson(['errors' => $errors['errors']]);
            $data = $request->getParsedBody();
            if (!Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['resources'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Data resources is empty or not an array']);
            $sendList = [];
            $sendEmail = 0;
            $sendPaper = 0;
            $noSendAR = [
                'number'    => 0,
                'list'      => [],
            $alreadyGenerated = [
                'number'    => 0,
                'list'      => [],
            $alreadySend = [
                'number'    => 0,
                'list'      => [],
            $data['resources'] = array_slice($data['resources'], 0, 500);
            foreach ($data['resources'] as $resId) {
                $ext = ResModel::getExtById(['select' => ['res_id', 'category_id', 'address_id', 'is_multicontacts', 'alt_identifier'], 'resId' => $resId]);
                if (empty($ext)) {
                    $noSendAR['number'] += 1;
                    $noSendAR['list'][] = ['resId' => $resId, 'alt_identifier' => $ext['alt_identifier'], 'info' => _DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND ];
                if (!ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$resId], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['userId']])) {
                    $noSendAR['number'] += 1;
                    $noSendAR['list'][] = ['resId' => $resId, 'alt_identifier' => $ext['alt_identifier'], 'info' => _DOCUMENT_OUT_PERIMETER ];
                if ($ext['category_id'] != 'incoming') {
                    $noSendAR['number'] += 1;
                    $noSendAR['list'][] = ['resId' => $resId, 'alt_identifier' => $ext['alt_identifier'], 'info' => _NOT_INCOMING_CATEGORY ];
                //Verify template
                $resource = ResModel::getById(['select' => ['type_id', 'destination'], 'resId' => $resId]);
                $doctype = DoctypeExtModel::getById(['id' => $resource['type_id'], 'select' => ['process_mode']]);
                if (empty($resource['destination'])) {
                    $noSendAR['number'] += 1;
                    $noSendAR['list'][] = ['resId' => $resId, 'alt_identifier' => $ext['alt_identifier'], 'info' => _NO_ENTITY];
                $entity = EntityModel::getByEntityId(['select' => ['entity_label'], 'entityId' => $resource['destination']]);
                if ($doctype['process_mode'] == 'SVA') {
                    $templateAttachmentType = 'sva';
                } elseif ($doctype['process_mode'] == 'SVR') {
                    $templateAttachmentType = 'svr';
                } else {
                    $templateAttachmentType = 'simple';
                $template = TemplateModel::getWithAssociation([
                    'select'    => ['template_content', 'template_path', 'template_file_name'],
                    'where'     => ['templates.template_id = templates_association.template_id', 'template_target = ?', 'template_attachment_type = ?', 'value_field = ?'],
                    'data'      => ['acknowledgementReceipt', $templateAttachmentType, $resource['destination']]
                if (empty($template[0])) {
                    $noSendAR['number'] += 1;
                    $noSendAR['list'][] = ['resId' => $resId, 'alt_identifier' => $ext['alt_identifier'], 'info' => _NO_TEMPLATE . ' \'' . $templateAttachmentType . '\' ' . _FOR_ENTITY . ' ' .$entity['entity_label'] ];
                $docserver = DocserverModel::getByDocserverId(['docserverId' => 'TEMPLATES', 'select' => ['path_template']]);
                $pathToDocument = $docserver['path_template'] . str_replace('#', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $template[0]['template_path']) . $template[0]['template_file_name'];
                //Verify sending
                $acknowledgements = AcknowledgementReceiptModel::get([
                    'select'    => ['res_id', 'type', 'format', 'creation_date', 'send_date'],
                    'where'     => ['res_id = ?', 'type = ?'],
                    'data'      => [$resId, $templateAttachmentType],
                if (!empty($acknowledgements)) {
                    $sended = 0;
                    $generated = 0;
                    foreach ($acknowledgements as $acknowledgement) {
                        if (!empty($acknowledgement['creation_date']) && !empty($acknowledgement['send_date'])) {
                            $sended += 1;
                        } elseif (!empty($acknowledgement['creation_date']) && empty($acknowledgement['send_date'])) {
                            $generated += 1;
                    if ($sended > 0) {
                        $alreadySend['number'] += $sended;
                        $alreadySend['list'][] = ['resId' => $resId, 'alt_identifier' => $ext['alt_identifier']];
                    if ($generated > 0) {
                        $alreadyGenerated['number'] += $generated;
                        $alreadyGenerated['list'][] = ['resId' => $resId, 'alt_identifier' => $ext['alt_identifier']];
                //Verify associated contact
                $contactsToProcess = [];
                if ($ext['is_multicontacts'] == 'Y') {
                    $multiContacts = DatabaseModel::select([
                        'select'    => ['address_id'],
                        'table'     => ['contacts_res'],
                        'where'     => ['res_id = ?', 'mode = ?', 'address_id != ?'],
                        'data'      => [$resId, 'multi', 0]
                    foreach ($multiContacts as $multiContact) {
                        $contactsToProcess[] = $multiContact['address_id'];
                } else {
                    $contactsToProcess[] = $ext['address_id'];
                //Verify contact informations
                $email = 0;
                $paper = 0;
                foreach ($contactsToProcess as $contactToProcess) {
                    if (empty($contactToProcess)) {
                        $noSendAR['number'] += 1;
                        $noSendAR['list'][] = ['resId' => $resId, 'alt_identifier' => $ext['alt_identifier'], 'info' => _NO_CONTACT ];
                        continue 2;
                    $contact = ContactModel::getByAddressId(['addressId' => $contactToProcess, 'select' => ['email', 'address_street', 'address_town', 'address_postal_code']]);
                    if (empty($contact['email']) && (empty($contact['address_street']) || empty($contact['address_town']) || empty($contact['address_postal_code']))) {
                        $noSendAR['number'] += 1;
                        $noSendAR['list'][] = ['resId' => $resId, 'alt_identifier' => $ext['alt_identifier'], 'info' => _USER_MISSING_INFORMATIONS ];
                        continue 2;
                    if (!empty($contact['email'])) {
                        if (empty($template[0]['template_content'])) {
                            $noSendAR['number'] += 1;
                            $noSendAR['list'][] = ['resId' => $resId, 'alt_identifier' => $ext['alt_identifier'], 'info' => _NO_EMAIL_TEMPLATE . ' \'' . $templateAttachmentType . '\' ' . _FOR_ENTITY . ' ' . $entity['entity_label'] ];
                            continue 2;
                        } else {
                            $email += 1;
                    } elseif (!empty($contact['address_street']) && !empty($contact['address_town']) && !empty($contact['address_postal_code'])) {
                        if (!file_exists($pathToDocument) || !is_file($pathToDocument)) {
                            $noSendAR['number'] += 1;
                            $noSendAR['list'][] = ['resId' => $resId, 'alt_identifier' => $ext['alt_identifier'], 'info' => _NO_PAPER_TEMPLATE . ' \'' . $templateAttachmentType . '\' ' . _FOR_ENTITY . ' ' . $entity['entity_label'] ];
                            continue 2;
                        } else {
                            $paper += 1;
                if ($email > 0) {
                    $sendEmail += $email;
                if ($paper > 0) {
                    $sendPaper += $paper;
                if ($email > 0 || $paper > 0) {
                    $sendList[] = $resId;
            return $response->withJson(['sendEmail' => $sendEmail, 'sendPaper' => $sendPaper, 'sendList' => $sendList,  'noSendAR' => $noSendAR, 'alreadySend' => $alreadySend, 'alreadyGenerated' => $alreadyGenerated]);
        public function isDestinationChanging(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
            if (!ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$args['resId']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['userId']])) {
                return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);
            $user = UserModel::getById(['id' => $args['userId'], 'select' => ['user_id']]);
            if (empty($user)) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'User does not exist']);
            $changeDestination = true;
            $entities = UserEntityModel::get(['select' => ['entity_id'], 'where' => ['user_id = ?'], 'data' => [$user['user_id']]]);
            $resource = ResModel::getById(['select' => ['destination'], 'resId' => $args['resId']]);
            foreach ($entities as $entity) {
                if ($entity['entity_id'] == $resource['destination']) {
                    $changeDestination = false;
            return $response->withJson(['isDestinationChanging' => $changeDestination]);