INSERT INTO contact_types (id, label, can_add_contact, contact_target) VALUES (108, '8. CCI', 'Y', 'corporate');
INSERT INTO contact_types (id, label, can_add_contact, contact_target) VALUES (109, 'NON DEFINI', 'N', 'no_corporate');
select setval('contact_types_id_seq', (select max(id)+1 from contact_types), false);
TRUNCATE TABLE contact_purposes;
INSERT INTO contact_purposes (id, label) VALUES (1, 'Siège social France');
INSERT INTO contact_purposes (id, label) VALUES (2, 'Siège social Sénégal');
INSERT INTO contact_purposes (id, label) VALUES (3, 'Adresse principale');
Select setval('contact_purposes_id_seq', (select max(id)+1 from contact_purposes), false);
TRUNCATE TABLE contacts_v2;
INSERT INTO contacts_v2 (contact_id, contact_type, is_corporate_person, society, society_short, firstname, lastname, title, function, other_data, user_id, entity_id, creation_date, update_date, enabled) VALUES (1, 100, 'Y', 'MAARCH', '', '', '', '', '', 'Editeur du logiciel libre Maarch', 'bblier', 'VILLE', '2015-04-24 12:43:54.97424', '2016-07-25 16:28:38.498185', 'Y');
INSERT INTO contacts_v2 (contact_id, contact_type, is_corporate_person, society, society_short, firstname, lastname, title, function, other_data, user_id, entity_id, creation_date, update_date, enabled) VALUES (2, 102, 'Y', 'Préfecture de Maarch Les Bains', '', '', '', '', '', 'Préfecture de Maarch Les Bains', 'bblier', 'VILLE', '2018-04-18 12:43:54.97424', '2018-04-18 16:28:38.498185', 'Y');
INSERT INTO contacts_v2 (contact_id, contact_type, is_corporate_person, society, society_short, firstname, lastname, title, function, other_data, user_id, entity_id, creation_date, update_date, enabled) VALUES (3, 100, 'Y', 'ACME', '', '', '', '', '', 'Archivage et Conservation des Mémoires Electroniques', 'bblier', 'VILLE', '2015-04-24 12:43:54.97424', '2016-07-25 16:28:38.498185', 'Y');
INSERT INTO contacts_v2 (contact_id, contact_type, is_corporate_person, society, society_short, firstname, lastname, title, function, other_data, user_id, entity_id, creation_date, update_date, enabled) VALUES (4, 106, 'N', '', '', 'Bernard', 'PASCONTENT', 'title1', '', '', 'bblier', 'VILLE', '2019-03-20 13:59:09.23436', NULL, 'Y');
INSERT INTO contacts_v2 (contact_id, contact_type, is_corporate_person, society, society_short, firstname, lastname, title, function, other_data, user_id, entity_id, creation_date, update_date, enabled) VALUES (5, 106, 'N', '', '', 'Jacques', 'DUPONT', 'title1', '', '', 'bblier', 'VILLE', '2019-03-20 13:59:09.23436', NULL, 'Y');
INSERT INTO contacts_v2 (contact_id, contact_type, is_corporate_person, society, society_short, firstname, lastname, title, function, other_data, user_id, entity_id, creation_date, update_date, enabled) VALUES (6, 106, 'N', '', '', 'Pierre', 'BRUNEL', 'title1', '', '', 'bblier', 'VILLE', '2019-03-20 13:59:09.23436', NULL, 'Y');
INSERT INTO contacts_v2 (contact_id, contact_type, is_corporate_person, society, society_short, firstname, lastname, title, function, other_data, user_id, entity_id, creation_date, update_date, enabled) VALUES (7, 106, 'N', '', '', 'Eric', 'MACKIN', 'title1', '', '', 'bblier', 'VILLE', '2019-03-20 13:59:09.23436', NULL, 'Y');
INSERT INTO contacts_v2 (contact_id, contact_type, is_corporate_person, society, society_short, firstname, lastname, title, function, other_data, user_id, entity_id, creation_date, update_date, enabled) VALUES (8, 106, 'N', '', '', 'Martin Donald', 'PELLE', 'title1', '', '', 'bblier', 'VILLE', '2019-03-20 13:59:09.23436', NULL, 'Y');
Select setval('contact_v2_id_seq', (select max(contact_id)+1 from contacts_v2), false);
-- Default adresses
TRUNCATE TABLE contact_addresses;
INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, departement, firstname, lastname, title, function, occupancy, address_num, address_street, address_complement, address_town, address_postal_code, address_country, phone, email, website, salutation_header, salutation_footer, other_data, user_id, entity_id, is_private, enabled) VALUES (1, 1, 1, '', 'Jean-Louis', 'ERCOLANI', 'title1', 'Directeur Général', '', '11', 'Boulevard du Sud-Est', '', 'MAARCH LES BAINS', '99000', 'France', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'bblier', 'VILLE', 'N', 'Y');
INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, departement, firstname, lastname, title, function, occupancy, address_num, address_street, address_complement, address_town, address_postal_code, address_country, phone, email, website, salutation_header, salutation_footer, other_data, user_id, entity_id, is_private, enabled) VALUES (2, 1, 2, '', 'Karim', 'SY', 'title1', 'Administrateur', '', '', 'Sacré Coeur 3', 'Villa 9653 4ème phase', 'DAKAR', '', 'SENEGAL', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'bblier', 'VILLE', 'N', 'Y');
INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, departement, firstname, lastname, title, function, occupancy, address_num, address_street, address_complement, address_town, address_postal_code, address_country, phone, email, website, salutation_header, salutation_footer, other_data, user_id, entity_id, is_private, enabled) VALUES (3, 1, 1, '', 'Laurent', 'GIOVANNONI', 'title1', 'Directeur Général Adjoint', NULL, '11', 'Boulevard du Sud-Est', '', 'MAARCH LES BAINS', '99000', 'FRANCE', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'bblier', 'COU', 'N', 'Y');
INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, departement, firstname, lastname, title, function, occupancy, address_num, address_street, address_complement, address_town, address_postal_code, address_country, phone, email, website, salutation_header, salutation_footer, other_data, user_id, entity_id, is_private, enabled, external_id) VALUES (4, 2, 1, '', 'Nicolas', 'MARTIN', 'title1', '', NULL, '13', 'RUE LA PREFECTURE', '', 'MAARCH LES BAINS', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'bblier', 'COU', 'N', 'Y', '{"m2m":"org_987654321_DGS_SF"}');
INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, departement, firstname, lastname, title, function, occupancy, address_num, address_street, address_complement, address_town, address_postal_code, address_country, phone, email, website, salutation_header, salutation_footer, other_data, user_id, entity_id, is_private, enabled) VALUES (5, 3, 1, '', 'Brigitte', 'BERGER', 'title1', 'Directrice Générale', NULL, '25', 'PLACE DES MIMOSAS', '', 'MAARCH LES BAINS', '99000', 'FRANCE', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'bblier', 'COU', 'N', 'Y');
INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, departement, firstname, lastname, title, function, occupancy, address_num, address_street, address_complement, address_town, address_postal_code, address_country, phone, email, website, salutation_header, salutation_footer, other_data, user_id, entity_id, is_private, enabled) VALUES (6, 4, 3, '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '25', 'route de Pampelone', '', 'MAARCH-LES-BAINS', '99000', '', '06 08 09 07 55', '', '', '', '', '', 'bblier', 'COU', 'N', 'Y');
INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, departement, firstname, lastname, title, function, occupancy, address_num, address_street, address_complement, address_town, address_postal_code, address_country, phone, email, website, salutation_header, salutation_footer, other_data, user_id, entity_id, is_private, enabled) VALUES (7, 5, 3, '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '1', 'rue du Peuplier', '', 'NANTERRE', '92000', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'bblier', 'COU', 'N', 'Y');
INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, departement, firstname, lastname, title, function, occupancy, address_num, address_street, address_complement, address_town, address_postal_code, address_country, phone, email, website, salutation_header, salutation_footer, other_data, user_id, entity_id, is_private, enabled) VALUES (8, 6, 3, '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '5', 'allée des Pommiers', '', 'MAARCH-LES-BAINS', '99000', '', '06 08 09 07 55', '', '', '', '', '', 'bblier', 'COU', 'N', 'Y');
INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, departement, firstname, lastname, title, function, occupancy, address_num, address_street, address_complement, address_town, address_postal_code, address_country, phone, email, website, salutation_header, salutation_footer, other_data, user_id, entity_id, is_private, enabled) VALUES (9, 7, 3, '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '13', 'rue du Square Carré', '', 'MAARCH-LES-BAINS', '99000', '', '06 11 12 13 14', '', '', '', '', '', 'bblier', 'COU', 'N', 'Y');
INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, departement, firstname, lastname, title, function, occupancy, address_num, address_street, address_complement, address_town, address_postal_code, address_country, phone, email, website, salutation_header, salutation_footer, other_data, user_id, entity_id, is_private, enabled) VALUES (10, 1, 1, '', 'Carole', 'COTIN', 'title1', 'Directrice Administrative et Qualité', NULL, '11', 'Boulevard du Sud-Est', '', 'MAARCH LES BAINS', '99000', 'FRANCE', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'bblier', 'COU', 'N', 'Y');
INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, departement, firstname, lastname, title, function, occupancy, address_num, address_street, address_complement, address_town, address_postal_code, address_country, phone, email, website, salutation_header, salutation_footer, other_data, user_id, entity_id, is_private, enabled) VALUES (11, 8, 3, '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '17', 'rue de la Demande', '', 'MAARCH-LES-BAINS', '99000', '', '01 23 24 21 22', '', '', '', '', '', 'bblier', 'COU', 'N', 'Y');
Select setval('contact_addresses_id_seq', (select max(id)+1 from contact_addresses), false);
-- Default contact_communication
TRUNCATE TABLE contact_communication;
INSERT INTO contact_communication (contact_id, type, value) VALUES (2, 'url', '');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('ATT', 'En attente', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-attr', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('COU', 'En cours', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-inprogress', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('DEL', 'Supprimé', 'Y', 'fm-letter-del', 'apps', 'N', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('END', 'Clos / fin du workflow', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-end', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('NEW', 'Nouveau courrier pour le service', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-new', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('RET', 'Retour courrier ou document en qualification', 'N', 'fm-letter-status-rejected', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('VAL', 'Courrier signalé', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-aval', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('INIT', 'Nouveau courrier ou document non qualifié', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-attr', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('VALSG', 'Nouveau courrier ou document en validation SG', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-attr', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('ATT_MP', 'En attente tablette (MP)', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-wait', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('EAVIS', 'Avis demandé', 'N', 'fa-lightbulb', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('EENV', 'A e-envoyer', 'N', 'fm-letter-status-aenv', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('ESIG', 'A e-signer', 'N', 'fm-file-fingerprint', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('EVIS', 'A e-viser', 'N', 'fm-letter-status-aval', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('ESIGAR', 'AR à e-signer', 'N', 'fm-file-fingerprint', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('EENVAR', 'AR à e-envoyer', 'N', 'fm-letter-status-aenv', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('SVX', 'En attente de traitement SVE', 'N', 'fm-letter-status-wait', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('SSUITE', 'Sans suite', 'Y', 'fm-letter-del', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('A_TRA', 'PJ à traiter', 'Y', 'fa-question', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('FRZ', 'PJ gelée', 'Y', 'fa-pause', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('TRA', 'PJ traitée', 'Y', 'fa-check', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('OBS', 'PJ obsolète', 'Y', 'fa-pause', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('TMP', 'PJ brouillon', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-inprogress', 'apps', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('EXP_SEDA', 'A archiver', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-acla', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('SEND_SEDA', 'Courrier envoyé au système d''archivage', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-inprogress', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('ACK_SEDA', 'Accusé de réception reçu', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-acla', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('REPLY_SEDA', 'Courrier archivé', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-acla', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('GRC', 'Envoyé en GRC', 'N', 'fm-letter-status-inprogress', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('GRC_TRT', 'En traitement GRC', 'N', 'fm-letter-status-inprogress', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('GRC_ALERT', 'Retourné par la GRC', 'N', 'fm-letter-status-inprogress', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('RETRN', 'Retourné', 'Y', 'fm-letter-outgoing', 'apps', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('NO_RETRN', 'Pas de retour', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-rejected', 'apps', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('PJQUAL', 'PJ à réconcilier', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-attr', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('NUMQUAL', 'Plis à qualifier', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-attr', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('SEND_MASS', 'Pour publipostage', 'Y', 'fa-mail-bulk', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('SIGN', 'PJ signée', 'Y', 'fa-check', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('STDBY', 'Clôturé avec suivi', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-wait', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('ENVDONE', 'Courrier envoyé', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-aenv', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
--INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('AR_OK', 'Accusé de réception créé', 'Y', 'fa-mail-bulk', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO status (id, label_status, is_system, img_filename, maarch_module, can_be_searched, can_be_modified) VALUES ('REJ_SIGN', 'Signature refusée sur la tablette (MP)', 'Y', 'fm-letter-status-rejected', 'apps', 'Y', 'Y');
TRUNCATE TABLE status_images;
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-new');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-inprogress');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-info');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-wait');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-validated');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-rejected');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-end');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-newmail');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-attr');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-arev');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-aval');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-aimp');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-imp');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-aenv');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-acla');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-status-aarch');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-add');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-search');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-del');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-incoming');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-outgoing');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-letter-internal');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-file-fingerprint');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fm-classification-plan-l1');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fa-question');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fa-check');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fa-pause');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fa-mail-bulk');
INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fa-lightbulb');
INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('apa_reservation_batch', NULL, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('workbatch_rec', '', 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('folder_id_increment', '', 200, NULL);
INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('work_batch_autoimport_id', NULL, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('postindexing_workbatch', NULL, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('database_version', '19.12.1', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('user_quota', '', 0, NULL);
INSERT INTO parameters (id, description, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('defaultDepartment', 'Département par défaut sélectionné dans le formulaire des adresses', NULL, 75, NULL);
INSERT INTO parameters (id, description, param_value_string) VALUES ('homepage_message', 'Texte apparaissant dans la bannière sur la page d''accueil, mettre un espace pour supprimer la bannière.', '<p>Découvrez <strong>Maarch Courrier 19.12</strong> avec <a title="notre guide de visite" href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#f99830;"><strong>notre guide de visite en ligne</strong></span></a>.</p>');
INSERT INTO parameters (id, description, param_value_string) VALUES ('loginpage_message', 'Texte apparaissant sur la page de login.', '<h3><span style="color:#24b0ed"><strong>Découvrez votre application via</strong></span> <a title="le guide de visite" href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#f99830;"><strong>le guide de visite en ligne</strong></span></a></h3>');
INSERT INTO parameters (id, description, param_value_string) VALUES ('thumbnailsSize', 'Résolution des imagettes', '750x900');
INSERT INTO parameters (id, description, param_value_int) VALUES ('keepDestForRedirection', 'Si activé (1), met le destinataire en copie de la liste de diffusion lors d''une action de redirection', 0);
INSERT INTO parameters (id, description, param_value_int) VALUES ('QrCodePrefix', 'Si activé (1), ajoute "Maarch_" dans le contenu des QrCode générés. (Utilisable avec MaarchCapture >= 1.4)', 0);
TRUNCATE TABLE difflist_types;
INSERT INTO difflist_types (difflist_type_id, difflist_type_label, difflist_type_roles, allow_entities, is_system) VALUES ('entity_id', 'Diffusion aux services', 'dest copy avis', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO difflist_types (difflist_type_id, difflist_type_label, difflist_type_roles, allow_entities, is_system) VALUES ('type_id', 'Diffusion selon le type de document', 'dest copy', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO difflist_types (difflist_type_id, difflist_type_label, difflist_type_roles, allow_entities, is_system) VALUES ('VISA_CIRCUIT', 'Circuit de visa', 'visa sign ', 'N', 'Y');
INSERT INTO difflist_types (difflist_type_id, difflist_type_label, difflist_type_roles, allow_entities, is_system) VALUES ('AVIS_CIRCUIT', 'Circuit d''avis', 'avis ', 'N', 'Y');
TRUNCATE TABLE actions_categories;
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (1, 'redirect', 'Rediriger', 'NEW', 'Y', 'redirect', 'Y', 'redirectAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (2, '', 'Attribuer au service', 'NEW', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (3, '', 'Retourner au service Courrier', 'RET', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (4, '', 'Enregistrer les modifications', '_NOSTATUS_', 'N', 'process', 'N', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (5, '', 'Remettre en traitement', 'COU', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (6, '', 'Supprimer le courrier', 'DEL', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (18, 'indexing', 'Qualifier le courrier', '_NOSTATUS', 'N', 'validate_mail', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (19, '', 'Traiter courrier', 'COU', 'N', 'process', 'N', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (20, '', 'Cloturer', 'END', 'N', 'close_mail', 'Y', 'closeMailAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, label_action, id_status, is_system, history, component) VALUES (21, 'Enregistrer le courrier', 'INIT', 'N', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (22, '', 'Attribuer au service', 'NEW', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (23, 'indexing', 'Attribuer au(x) service(s)', 'NEW', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (24, 'indexing', 'Remettre en validation', 'VAL', 'N', 'validate_mail', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (36, '', 'Envoyer pour avis', 'EAVIS', 'N', 'send_docs_to_recommendation', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (37, '', 'Donner un avis', '_NOSTATUS_', 'N', 'avis_workflow_simple', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (100, '', 'Voir le document', '', 'N', 'view', 'N', 'viewDoc');
--INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (101, '', 'Envoyer pour visa', 'VIS', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (113, 'redirect', 'Ajouter en copie', '', 'N', 'put_in_copy', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (114, '', 'Marquer comme lu', '', 'N', 'mark_as_read', 'N', 'resMarkAsReadAction');
--INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (122, '', 'Attribuer au service', 'NEW', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (123, 'indexing', 'Attribuer au(x) service(s)', 'NEW', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
--INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (210, '', 'Transmettre l''AR signé', 'EENVAR', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (400, '', 'Envoyer un AR', '_NOSTATUS_', 'N', 'send_attachments_to_contact', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (405, '', 'Viser le courrier', '_NOSTATUS_', 'N', 'visa_mail', 'Y', 'signatureBookAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (407, '', 'Renvoyer pour traitement', 'COU', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (408, '', 'Refuser le visa et remonter le circuit', '_NOSTATUS_', 'N', 'rejection_visa_previous', 'N', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (410, '', 'Transmettre la réponse signée', 'EENV', 'N', 'interrupt_visa', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (414, '', 'Envoyer au parapheur', '_NOSTATUS_', 'N', 'send_to_visa', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (416, '', 'Valider et poursuivre le circuit', '_NOSTATUS_', 'N', 'visa_workflow', 'Y', 'v1Action');
--INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (417, '', 'Envoyer l''AR', 'SVX', 'N', 'send_to_contact_with_mandatory_attachment', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (420, '', 'Classer sans suite', 'SSUITE', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (421, '', 'Retourner au Service Courrier', 'RET', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (431, '', 'Envoyer en GRC', 'GRC', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (500, '', 'Transférer au système d''archivage', 'SEND_SEDA', 'N', 'export_seda', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (501, '', 'Valider la réception du courrier par le système d''archivage', 'ACK_SEDA', 'N', 'check_acknowledgement', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (502, '', 'Valider l''archivage du courrier', 'REPLY_SEDA', 'N', 'check_reply', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (503, '', 'Supprimer courrier', 'DEL', 'N', 'purge_letter', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (504, '', 'Remise à zero du courrier', 'END', 'N', 'reset_letter', 'Y', 'v1Action');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (505, '', 'Clôturer avec suivi', 'STDBY', 'N', 'close_mail', 'Y', 'closeMailAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (506, '', 'Terminer le suivi', 'END', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (507, '', 'Acter l’envoi', 'ENVDONE', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
--INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (522, '', 'Envoyer en validation DGS', 'VAL', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
--INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (523, 'indexing', 'Envoyer en validation DGS', 'VAL', 'N', 'confirm_status', 'Y', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (524, '', 'Activer la persistance', '_NOSTATUS_', 'N', 'set_persistent_mode_on', 'N', 'enabledBasketPersistenceAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (525, '', 'Désactiver la persistance', '_NOSTATUS_', 'N', 'set_persistent_mode_off', 'N', 'disabledBasketPersistenceAction');
--INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (526, '', 'Libérer les courriers', 'VAL', 'Y', 'Y', 'confirm_status', 'N', 'confirmAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (527, '', 'Envoyer sur la tablette (Maarch Parapheur)', 'ATT_MP', 'N', 'sendToExternalSignatureBook', 'Y', 'sendExternalSignatoryBookAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (528, '', 'Générer les accusés de réception', '_NOSTATUS_', 'N', 'create_acknowledgement_receipt', 'Y', 'createAcknowledgementReceiptsAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (529, '', 'Envoyer un pli postal Maileva', '_NOSTATUS_', 'N', 'send_shipping', 'Y', 'sendShippingAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (530, '', 'Re-Générér les accusés de réception papier si pb impression', '_NOSTATUS_', 'N', 'create_acknowledgement_receipt', 'Y', 'createAcknowledgementReceiptsAction');
INSERT INTO actions (id, keyword, label_action, id_status, is_system, action_page, history, component) VALUES (531, '', 'Envoyer pour annotation sur la tablette (Maarch Parapheur)', 'ATT_MP', 'N', 'sendToExternalSignatureBook', 'Y', 'sendExternalSignatoryBookAction');
Select setval('actions_id_seq', (select max(id)+1 from actions), false);
TRUNCATE TABLE users_baskets_preferences;
INSERT INTO users_baskets_preferences (user_serial_id, group_serial_id, basket_id, display)
SELECT,, groupbasket.basket_id, TRUE FROM users, usergroups, groupbasket, usergroup_content
WHERE groupbasket.group_id = usergroup_content.group_id AND users.user_id = usergroup_content.user_id AND usergroups.group_id = usergroup_content.group_id
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (24, '', 'COURRIER', 'RetourCourrier', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (22, '', 'COURRIER', 'RetourCourrier', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (531, '', 'COURRIER', 'RetourCourrier', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (18, '', 'COURRIER', 'QualificationBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (18, '', 'COURRIER', 'NumericBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (18, '', 'RESP_COURRIER', 'ValidationBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (22, '', 'RESP_COURRIER', 'ValidationBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (23, '', 'RESP_COURRIER', 'ValidationBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (3, '', 'RESP_COURRIER', 'ValidationBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (420, '', 'RESP_COURRIER', 'ValidationBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (531, '', 'RESP_COURRIER', 'ValidationBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'AGENT', 'CopyMailBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (114, '', 'AGENT', 'CopyMailBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (19, '', 'AGENT', 'MyBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (1, '', 'AGENT', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (414, '', 'AGENT', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (36, '', 'AGENT', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (3, '', 'AGENT', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (20, 'closing_date IS NULL', 'AGENT', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (505, 'closing_date IS NULL', 'AGENT', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (506, 'closing_date IS NOT NULL', 'AGENT', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (400, '', 'AGENT', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'AGENT', 'DepartmentBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (20, '', 'AGENT', 'DepartmentBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (3, '', 'AGENT', 'DepartmentBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (1, '', 'AGENT', 'DepartmentBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (4, '', 'AGENT', 'RetAvisBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (5, '', 'AGENT', 'RetAvisBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (37, '', 'AGENT', 'DdeAvisBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (4, '', 'AGENT', 'DdeAvisBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (4, '', 'AGENT', 'SupAvisBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (5, '', 'AGENT', 'SupAvisBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'AGENT', 'EenvBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (507, '', 'AGENT', 'EenvBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (529, '', 'AGENT', 'EenvBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'AGENT', 'SuiviParafBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (527, '', 'AGENT', 'MyBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'AGENT', 'AR_Create', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (528, '', 'AGENT', 'AR_Create', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'AGENT', 'AR_AlreadySend', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (530, '', 'AGENT', 'AR_AlreadySend', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (19, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (1, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (414, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (36, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (3, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (20, 'closing_date IS NULL', 'RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (505, 'closing_date IS NULL', 'RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (506, 'closing_date IS NOT NULL', 'RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (400, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (527, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'AR_Create', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (528, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'AR_Create', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'AR_AlreadySend', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (530, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'AR_AlreadySend', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'CopyMailBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (113, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'CopyMailBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (114, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'CopyMailBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (19, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'ValidAnswerBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'DepartmentBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (20, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'DepartmentBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (3, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'DepartmentBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (1, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'DepartmentBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (37, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'DdeAvisBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (4, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'DdeAvisBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (4, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'SupAvisBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (5, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'SupAvisBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (4, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'RetAvisBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (5, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'RetAvisBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (405, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'ParafBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (416, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'ParafBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (407, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'ParafBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (408, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'ParafBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (410, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'ParafBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'EenvBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (507, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'EenvBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (529, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'EenvBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'SuiviParafBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'AGENT', 'SendToSignatoryBook', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (5, '', 'AGENT', 'SendToSignatoryBook', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'SendToSignatoryBook', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (5, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'SendToSignatoryBook', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (19, '', 'ELU', 'MyBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (37, '', 'ELU', 'DdeAvisBasket', 'N', 'Y', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (4, '', 'ELU', 'DdeAvisBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'ARCHIVISTE', 'ToArcBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (500, '', 'ARCHIVISTE', 'ToArcBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (501, '', 'ARCHIVISTE', 'ToArcBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (502, '', 'ARCHIVISTE', 'SentArcBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'ARCHIVISTE', 'SentArcBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'ARCHIVISTE', 'AckArcBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (503, '', 'ARCHIVISTE', 'AckArcBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (504, '', 'ARCHIVISTE', 'AckArcBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'CABINET', 'SuiviBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (524, '', 'CABINET', 'SuiviBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (525, '', 'CABINET', 'SuiviBasket', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'SERVICE', 'ValidationBasket', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'AGENT', 'Maileva_Sended', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO actions_groupbaskets (id_action, where_clause, group_id, basket_id, used_in_basketlist, used_in_action_page, default_action_list) VALUES (100, '', 'RESPONSABLE', 'Maileva_Sended', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('AGENT', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'MY_ENTITIES', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('AGENT', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'ENTITIES_BELOW', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('AGENT', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'ENTITIES_JUST_UP', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('AGENT', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'SAME_LEVEL_ENTITIES', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('AGENT', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'MY_ENTITIES', 'USERS');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'MY_ENTITIES', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'ENTITIES_BELOW', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'ENTITIES_JUST_UP', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'SAME_LEVEL_ENTITIES', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'MY_ENTITIES', 'USERS');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('RESPONSABLE', 'DepartmentBasket', 1, '', 'MY_ENTITIES', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('RESPONSABLE', 'DepartmentBasket', 1, '', 'ENTITIES_BELOW', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('RESPONSABLE', 'DepartmentBasket', 1, '', 'ENTITIES_JUST_UP', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('RESPONSABLE', 'DepartmentBasket', 1, '', 'SAME_LEVEL_ENTITIES', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('RESPONSABLE', 'DepartmentBasket', 1, '', 'MY_ENTITIES', 'USERS');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('ELU', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'ALL_ENTITIES', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('AGENT', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'ALL_ENTITIES', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('AGENT', 'DepartmentBasket', 1, '', 'ALL_ENTITIES', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('RESPONSABLE', 'MyBasket', 1, '', 'ALL_ENTITIES', 'ENTITY');
INSERT INTO groupbasket_redirect (group_id, basket_id, action_id, entity_id, keyword, redirect_mode) VALUES ('RESPONSABLE', 'DepartmentBasket', 1, '', 'ALL_ENTITIES', 'ENTITY');
Select setval('groupbasket_redirect_system_id_seq', (select max(system_id)+1 from groupbasket_redirect), false);
INSERT INTO templates_doctype_ext (template_id, type_id, is_generated) VALUES (3, 1201, 'Y');
INSERT INTO templates_doctype_ext (template_id, type_id, is_generated) VALUES (9, 1202, 'Y');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('SEMINAIRE', 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('INNOVATION', 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('MAARCH', 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('ENVIRONNEMENT', 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('PARTENARIAT', 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('JUMELAGE', 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('ECONOMIE', 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('ASSOCIATIONS', 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('RH', 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('BUDGET', 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('QUARTIERS', 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('LITTORAL', 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags (label, entity_id_owner) VALUES ('SPORT', 'COU');
TRUNCATE TABLE tags_entities;
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (1, 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (2, 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (3, 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (4, 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (5, 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (6, 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (7, 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (8, 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (9, 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (10, 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (11, 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (12, 'COU');
INSERT INTO tags_entities (tag_id, entity_id) VALUES (13, 'COU');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (3, 'AppelTel', 'Appel téléphonique', '<h2><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Appel téléphonique</strong></span></h2>
<p>Vous avez reçu un appel téléphonique dont voici les informations :</p>
<table style="height: 61px; border-color: #f0f0f0;" border="1" width="597"><caption> </caption>
<td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Date</strong></td>
<td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Heure</strong></td>
<td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Société</strong></td>
<td style="text-align: center;"><strong>Contact</strong></td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<p> </p>', 'HTML', NULL, NULL, '', '', 'doctypes', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target)
VALUES (2, '[notification] Notifications événement', 'Notifications des événements système',
'<p><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1">Bonjour [recipient.firstname] [recipient.lastname],</font></p>
<p><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1"> </font></p>
<p><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1">Voici la liste des événements de l''application qui vous sont notifiés ([notification.description]) :</font></p>
<table style="width: 800px; height: 36px;" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td style="width: 150px; background-color: #0099ff;"><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1"><strong><font color="#FFFFFF">Date</font></strong></font></td>
<td style="width: 150px; background-color: #0099ff;"><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1"><strong><font color="#FFFFFF">Utilisateur </font></strong></font><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1"><strong></strong></font></td>
<td style="width: 500px; background-color: #0099ff;"><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1"><strong><font color="#FFFFFF">Description</font></strong></font></td>
<td><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1">[events.event_date;block=tr;frm=dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss]</font></td>
<td><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1">[events.user_id]</font></td>
<td><font face="verdana,geneva" size="1">[events.event_info]</font></td>
'HTML', NULL, NULL, '', 'notif_events', 'notifications');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target)
VALUES (5, '[notification courrier] Alerte 2', '[notification] Alerte 2', '<p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">Bonjour [recipient.firstname] [recipient.lastname],</font></p>
<p> </p>
<p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">Voici la liste des courriers dont la date limite de traitement est dépassée :n</font></p>
<table style="border: 1pt solid #000000; width: 1582px; height: 77px;" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" frame="box">
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><strong><font size="2">Référence</font></strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><strong><font size="2">Origine</font></strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><strong><font size="2">Emetteur</font></strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000"><strong>Date</strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000"><strong>Objet</strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000"><strong>Type</strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#FFFFFF"><strong>Liens</strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">[res_letterbox.res_id]</font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">[res_letterbox.typist]</font></td>
<p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">[res_letterbox.contact_society] [res_letterbox.contact_firstname] [res_letterbox.contact_lastname][res_letterbox.function][res_letterbox.address_num][res_letterbox.address_street][res_letterbox.address_postal_code][res_letterbox.address_town]</font></p>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">[res_letterbox.doc_date;block=tr;frm=dd/mm/yyyy]</font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" color="#FF0000"><strong><font size="2">[res_letterbox.subject]</font></strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">[res_letterbox.type_label]</font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><a href="[res_letterbox.linktoprocess]" name="traiter">traiter</a> <a href="[res_letterbox.linktodoc]" name="doc">Afficher</a></font></td>
</table>', 'HTML', NULL, NULL, 'ODP: open_office_presentation', 'letterbox_events', 'notifications');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target)
VALUES (6, '[notification courrier] Alerte 1', '[notification] Alerte 1', '<p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">Bonjour [recipient.firstname] [recipient.lastname],</font></p>
<p> </p>
<p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2"> </font></p>
<p> </p>
<p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">Voici la liste des courriers toujours en attente de traitement :</font></p>
<p> </p>
<table style="border: 1pt solid #000000; width: 1582px; height: 77px;" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" frame="box">
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><strong><font size="2">Référence</font></strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><strong><font size="2">Origine</font></strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><strong><font size="2">Emetteur</font></strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000"><strong>Date</strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000"><strong>Objet</strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000"><strong>Type</strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#FFFFFF"><strong>Liens</strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">[res_letterbox.res_id]</font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">[res_letterbox.typist]</font></td>
<p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">[res_letterbox.contact_society] [res_letterbox.contact_firstname] [res_letterbox.contact_lastname][res_letterbox.function][res_letterbox.address_num][res_letterbox.address_street][res_letterbox.address_postal_code][res_letterbox.address_town]</font></p>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">[res_letterbox.doc_date;block=tr;frm=dd/mm/yyyy]</font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" color="#FF0000"><strong><font size="2">[res_letterbox.subject]</font></strong></font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">[res_letterbox.type_label]</font></td>
<td><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><a href="[res_letterbox.linktoprocess]" name="traiter">traiter</a> <a href="[res_letterbox.linktodoc]" name="doc">Afficher</a></font></td>
</table>', 'HTML', NULL, NULL, 'ODP: open_office_presentation', 'letterbox_events', 'notifications');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target)
VALUES (7, '[notification courrier] Diffusion de courrier', 'Alerte de courriers présents dans les bannettes', '<p style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Bonjour <strong>[recipient.firstname] [recipient.lastname]</strong>,</p>
<p> </p>
<p style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Voici la liste des nouveaux courriers présents dans cette bannette :</p>
<table style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;">
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Référence</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Origine</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Emetteur</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Date</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Objet</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Type</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;"> </th>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[res_letterbox.res_id]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[res_letterbox.typist]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[res_letterbox.contact_society] [res_letterbox.contact_firstname] [res_letterbox.contact_lastname][res_letterbox.function][res_letterbox.address_num][res_letterbox.address_street][res_letterbox.address_postal_code][res_letterbox.address_town]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[res_letterbox.doc_date;block=tr;frm=dd/mm/yyyy]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[res_letterbox.subject]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[res_letterbox.type_label]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: right;"><a style="text-decoration: none; background: #135f7f; padding: 5px; color: white; -webkit-box-shadow: 6px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75); -moz-box-shadow: 6px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75); box-shadow: 6px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);" href="[res_letterbox.linktodetail]" name="detail">Détail</a> <a style="text-decoration: none; background: #135f7f; padding: 5px; color: white; -webkit-box-shadow: 6px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75); -moz-box-shadow: 6px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75); box-shadow: 6px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);" href="[res_letterbox.linktodoc]" name="doc">Afficher</a></td>
<p> </p>
<p style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 9px; font-style: italic; opacity: 0.5;">Message généré via l''application MaarchCourrier</p>', 'HTML', NULL, NULL, 'ODP: open_office_presentation', 'letterbox_events', 'notifications');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target)
VALUES (8, '[notification courrier] Nouvelle annotation', '[notification] Nouvelle annotation', '<p style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Bonjour <strong>[recipient.firstname] [recipient.lastname]</strong>,</p>
<p> </p>
<p style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Voici les nouvelles annotations sur les courriers suivants :</p>
<table style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;">
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Référence</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Num</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Date</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Objet</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Note</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Ajouté par</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;">Contact</th>
<th style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #135f7f; color: white;"> </th>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[notes.identifier]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[notes.# ;frm=0000]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[notes.doc_date;block=tr;frm=dd/mm/yyyy]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[notes.subject]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[notes.note_text]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[notes.user_id]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px;">[notes.contact_society] [notes.contact_firstname] [notes.contact_lastname]</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: right;"><a style="text-decoration: none; background: #135f7f; padding: 5px; color: white; -webkit-box-shadow: 6px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75); -moz-box-shadow: 6px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75); box-shadow: 6px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);" href="[notes.linktodetail]" name="detail">Détail</a> <a style="text-decoration: none; background: #135f7f; padding: 5px; color: white; -webkit-box-shadow: 6px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75); -moz-box-shadow: 6px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75); box-shadow: 6px 4px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);" href="[notes.linktodoc]" name="doc">Afficher</a></td>
<p> </p>
<p style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 9px; font-style: italic; opacity: 0.5;">Message généré via l''application MaarchCourrier</p>', 'HTML', NULL, NULL, 'ODP: open_office_presentation', 'notes', 'notifications');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (9, 'Demande - Voirie', 'Demande - Voirie', '<h2>Demande Intervention VOIRIE</h2>
<hr />
<table style="border: 1pt solid #000000; width: 597px; background-color: #f0f0f0; height: 172px;" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5"><caption> </caption>
<td style="width: 200px; background-color: #ffffff;"><strong>NOM, PRENOM demandeur</strong></td>
<td style="width: 200px; background-color: #ffffff;"> </td>
<tr style="background-color: #ffffff;">
<td style="width: 200px;">Adresse</td>
<td> </td>
<tr style="background-color: #ffffff;">
<td style="width: 200px;"><strong>Contact</strong></td>
<td> </td>
<tr style="background-color: #ffffff;">
<td style="width: 200px;"><strong>Intitulé demande</strong></td>
<td> </td>
<tr style="background-color: #ffffff;">
<td style="width: 200px;">Complément</td>
<td> </td>
</table>', 'HTML', NULL, NULL, 'DOCX: demo_document_msoffice', '', 'doctypes', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates VALUES (10, '[maarch mairie] Clôture de demande', '[maarch mairie] Clôture de demande', '<p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: small;"> </span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="font-size: small;">CLOTURE DEMANDE Maarch Mairie - [res_letterbox.type_label] - [res_letterbox.res_id] </span></span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"> </p>
<table style="background-color: #a8c33c; width: 800px; border: #000000 1pt solid;" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5">
<td style="width: 200px;">CLOTURE DE LA DEMANDE</td>
<td>DATE: [dates]</td>
<td>HEURE: [time]</td>
<table style="width: 800px; border: #000000 1pt solid;" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5">
<td style="width: 200px; background-color: #a8c33c;">OBJET</td>
<td style="background-color: #e1f787;"> [res_letterbox.subject]</td>
<td style="width: 200px; background-color: #a8c33c;">ACTIONS CONDUITES</td>
<td> </td>
<td style="width: 200px; background-color: #a8c33c;">DATE DE REMISE EN ETAT / SERVICE</td>
<td style="background-color: #e1f787;"> </td>
<td style="width: 200px; background-color: #a8c33c;">CONSIGNES COMPLEMENTAIRES</td>
<td> </td>
<td style="width: 200px; background-color: #a8c33c;">AUTRES OBSERVATIONS</td>
<td style="background-color: #e1f787;"> </td>
<td style="width: 200px; background-color: #a8c33c;"> </td>
<td> </td>
<td style="width: 200px; background-color: #a8c33c;"> </td>
<td style="background-color: #e1f787;"> </td>
</table>', 'HTML', NULL, NULL, 'DOCX: demo_document_msoffice', '', 'doctypes');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (20, 'Accompagnement courriel', 'Modèle de courriel d''''accompagnement', '<p>Bonjour,</p>
<p>En réponse à votre courrier en date du [res_letterbox.doc_date], veuillez trouver notre réponse en pièce-jointe.</p>
<p><strong>Ville de Maarch-les-Bains</strong><br /><em>[user.firstname] [user.lastname]</em><br /><em>[]</em></p>', 'HTML', NULL, NULL, 'DOCX: standard_nosign', 'letterbox_attachment', 'sendmail', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (21, 'AR dérogation LO', 'AR derogation carte scolaire', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'ar_derogation.odt', 'ODT: ARderogation', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'response_project');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (22, 'Réponse crèche LO', 'Réponse à une demande de place en crèche', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'rep_creche.odt', 'ODT: Repddeplacecreche', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'response_project');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (23, 'Réponse générique LO', 'Modèle de réponse générique', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'rep_standard.odt', 'ODT: standard_sign', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'response_project');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (24, 'Réponse générique MS', 'Modèle de réponse MS Office', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'rep_standard.docx', 'DOCX: standard_sign', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'response_project');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (25, 'AR SVA LO', 'AR SVA LO', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'ar_sva.odt', 'ODT: ar_sva', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'sva');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (26, 'AR SVR LO', 'AR SVR LO', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'ar_svr.odt', 'ODT: ar_svr', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'svr');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (27, 'Réponse avec transmission LO', 'Réponse avec transmission LO', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'rep_transmission.odt', 'ODT: rep_transmission', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'response_project');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (28, 'Transmission LO', 'Transmission LO', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'transmission.odt', 'ODT: transmission', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'transmission');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (29, 'Courrier invitation PME LO', 'Courrier invitation PME LO', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'invitation.odt', 'ODT: invitation', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'outgoing_mail');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (30, 'AR dérogation LO sans carré', 'AR derogation carte scolaire sans carré', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'ar_derogation_sans_carre.odt', 'ODT: ARderogation', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'response_project');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (31, 'Réponse crèche LO sans carré', 'Réponse à une demande de place en crèche sans carré', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'rep_creche_sans_carre.odt', 'ODT: Repddeplacecreche', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'response_project');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (32, 'Réponse générique LO sans carré', 'Modèle de réponse générique sans carré', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'rep_standard_sans_carre.odt', 'ODT: standard_sign', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'response_project');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (33, 'Réponse générique MS sans carré', 'Modèle de réponse MS Office sans carré', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'rep_standard_sans_carre.docx', 'DOCX: standard_sign', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'response_project');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (34, 'AR SVA LO sans carré', 'AR SVA LO sans carré', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'ar_sva_sans_carre.odt', 'ODT: ar_sva', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'sva');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (35, 'AR SVR LO sans carré', 'AR SVR LO sans carré', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'ar_svr_sans_carre.odt', 'ODT: ar_svr', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'svr');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (36, 'Réponse avec transmission LO sans carré', 'Réponse avec transmission LO sans carré', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'rep_transmission_sans_carre.odt', 'ODT: rep_transmission', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'response_project');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (37, 'Transmission LO sans carré', 'Transmission LO sans carré', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'transmission_sans_carre.odt', 'ODT: transmission', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'transmission');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (38, 'Courrier invitation PME LO sans carré', 'Courrier invitation PME LO sans carré', '', 'OFFICE', '0000#', 'invitation_sans_carre.odt', 'ODT: invitation', 'letterbox_attachment', 'attachments', 'outgoing_mail');
--TEMPLATES réponses mail SVE
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (900, '[TRT] Passer me voir', 'Passer me voir', 'Passer me voir à mon bureau, merci.', 'TXT', NULL, NULL, 'XLSX: demo_spreadsheet_msoffice', '', 'notes', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (901, '[TRT] Compléter', 'Compléter', 'Le projet de réponse doit être complété/révisé sur les points suivants : \n\n- ', 'TXT', NULL, NULL, 'XLSX: demo_spreadsheet_msoffice', '', 'notes', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (902, '[AVIS] Demande avis', 'Demande avis', 'Merci de me fournir les éléments de langage pour répondre à ce courrier.', 'TXT', NULL, NULL, 'XLSX: demo_spreadsheet_msoffice', '', 'notes', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (904, '[AVIS] Avis favorable', 'Avis favorable', 'Merci de répondre favorablement à la demande inscrite dans ce courrier', 'TXT', NULL, NULL, 'XLSX: demo_spreadsheet_msoffice', '', 'notes', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (905, '[CLOTURE] Clôture pour REJET', 'Clôture pour REJET', 'Clôture pour REJET', 'TXT', NULL, NULL, 'XLSX: demo_spreadsheet_msoffice', '', 'notes', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (906, '[CLOTURE] Clôture pour ABANDON', 'Clôture pour ABANDON', 'Clôture pour ABANDON', 'TXT', NULL, NULL, 'XLSX: demo_spreadsheet_msoffice', '', 'notes', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (907, '[CLOTURE] Clôture RAS', 'Clôture RAS', 'Clôture NORMALE', 'TXT', NULL, NULL, 'XLSX: demo_spreadsheet_msoffice', '', 'notes', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (908, '[CLOTURE] Clôture AUTRE', 'Clôture AUTRE', 'Clôture pour ce motif : ', 'TXT', NULL, NULL, 'XLSX: demo_spreadsheet_msoffice', '', 'notes', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (909, '[REJET] Erreur affectation', 'Erreur affectation', 'Ce courrier ne semble pas concerner mon service', 'TXT', NULL, NULL, 'XLSX: demo_spreadsheet_msoffice', '', 'notes', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (910, '[REJET] Anomalie de numérisation', 'Anomalie de numérisation', 'Le courrier présente des anomalies de numérisation', 'TXT', NULL, NULL, 'XLSX: demo_spreadsheet_msoffice', '', 'notes', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (1000, '[MAIL] AR TYPE Réorientation d’une saisine électronique vers l’autorité compétente', '[MAIL] AR TYPE Réorientation d’une saisine électronique vers l’autorité compétente', '<h2>Ville de Maarch-les-Bains</h2>
<p><em>[entities.adrs_1]</em><br /><em>[entities.adrs_2]</em><br /><em>[entities.zipcode] []<br /></em></p>
<p>(Veuillez renseigner le numero de telephone de votre service)</p>
<p>Le [res_letterbox.doc_date], vous avez transmis par voie électronique à la Ville une demande qui ne relève pas de sa compétence.</p>
<p>Votre demande concerne [res_letterbox.subject].</p>
<p>Cette demande a été transmise à (veuillez renseigner le nom de l''AUTORITE COMPETENTE).</p>', 'HTML', NULL, NULL, 'ODP: open_office_presentation', 'letterbox_attachment', 'sendmail', 'all');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (1020, 'AR EN MASSE TYPE SVR dans le cas d’une décision implicite de rejet', 'AR EN MASSE TYPE SVR dans le cas d’une décision implicite de rejet', '<h2>Ville de Maarch-les-Bains</h2>
<p>[contact.title] [contact.lastname]</p>
<p>Le [res_letterbox.doc_date], vous avez transmis par voie électronique à la Ville une demande qui relève de sa compétence.</p>
<p>Votre demande concerne : [res_letterbox.subject].</p>
<p>Le présent accusé réception atteste la réception de votre demande, il ne préjuge pas de la conformité de son contenu qui dépend entre autres de l''étude des pièces fournies. Pour tout renseignement concernant votre dossier, vous pouvez contacter le service chargé du dossier par téléphone [] ou par messagerie [user.mail].</p>
<p>Votre demande est susceptible de faire l''objet d''une décision implicite de rejet en l''absence de réponse dans les jours suivant sa réception, soit le [res_letterbox.process_limit_date].</p>
<p>Si l''instruction de votre demande nécessite des informations ou pièces complémentaires, la Ville vous contactera afin de les fournir, dans un délai de production qui sera fixé.</p>
<p>Dans ce cas, le délai de décision implicite de rejet serait alors suspendu le temps de produire les pièces demandées.</p>
<p>Si vous estimez que la décision qui sera prise par l''administration est contestable, vous pourrez formuler :</p>
<p>- Soit un recours gracieux devant l''auteur de la décision</p>
<p>- Soit un recours hiérarchique devant le Maire</p>
<p>- Soit un recours contentieux devant le Tribunal Administratif territorialement compétent.</p>
<p>Le recours gracieux ou le recours hiérarchique peuvent être faits sans condition de délais.</p>
<p>Le recours contentieux doit intervenir dans un délai de deux mois à compter de la notification de la décision.</p>
<p>Toutefois, si vous souhaitez en cas de rejet du recours gracieux ou du recours hiérarchique former un recours contentieux, ce recours gracieux ou hiérarchique devra avoir été introduit dans le délai sus-indiqué du recours contentieux.</p>
<p>Vous conserverez ainsi la possibilité de former un recours contentieux, dans un délai de deux mois à compter de la décision intervenue sur ledit recours gracieux ou hiérarchique.</p>', 'OFFICE_HTML', '0000#', 'ar_masse_svr_sans_carre.odt', 'ODT: ar_svr', 'letterbox_attachment', 'acknowledgementReceipt', 'svr');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (1010, 'AR EN MASSE TYPE SVA dans le cas d’une décision implicite d’acceptation', 'AR EN MASSE TYPE SVA dans le cas d’une décision implicite d’acceptation', '<h2>Ville de Maarch-les-Bains</h2>
<p>[contact.title] [contact.lastname]</p>
<p>Le [res_letterbox.doc_date], vous avez transmis par voie électronique à la Ville une demande qui relève de sa compétence.</p>
<p>Votre demande concerne [res_letterbox.subject].</p>
<p>Le présent accusé de réception atteste de la réception de votre demande. il ne préjuge pas de la conformité de son contenu qui dépend entre autres de l''''étude des pièces fournies.</p>
<p>Pour tout renseignement concernant votre dossier, vous pouvez contacter le service chargé du dossier par téléphone [] ou par messagerie [user.mail].</p>
<p>Votre demande est susceptible de faire l''objet d''''une décision implicite d''''acceptation en l''absence de réponse dans les jours suivant sa réception, soit le [res_letterbox.process_limit_date].</p>
<p>Si l''instruction de votre demande nécessite des informations ou pièces complémentaires, la Ville vous contactera afin de les fournir, dans un délai de production qui sera fixé.</p>
<p>Le cas échéant, le délai de décision implicite d''acceptation ne débutera qu''''après la production des pièces demandées.</p>
<p>En cas de décision implicite d''''acceptation vous avez la possibilité de demander au service chargé du dossier une attestation conformément aux dispositions de l''article 22 de la loi n° 2000-321 du 12 avril 2000 relative aux droits des citoyens dans leurs relations avec les administrations modifiée.</p>', 'OFFICE_HTML', '0000#', 'ar_masse_sva_sans_carre.odt', 'ODT: ar_sva', 'letterbox_attachment', 'acknowledgementReceipt', 'sva');
INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (1030, 'AR EN MASSE TYPE SIMPLE dans le cas d’une demande n’impliquant pas de décision implicite de l’administration', 'AR EN MASSE TYPE SIMPLE dans le cas d’une demande n’impliquant pas de décision implicite de l’administration', '<h2>Ville de Maarch-les-Bains</h2>
<p>[contact.title] [contact.lastname]</p>
<p>Le [res_letterbox.doc_date], vous avez transmis par voie électronique à la Ville une demande qui relève de sa compétence.</p>
<p>Votre demande concerne [res_letterbox.subject].</p>
<p>Le présent accusé de réception atteste de la réception de votre demande. Il ne préjuge pas de la conformité de son contenu qui dépend entre autres de l''étude des pièces fournies.</p>
<p>Si l''instruction de votre demande nécessite des informations ou pièces complémentaires, la Ville vous contactera afin de les fournir, dans un délai de production qui sera fixé.</p>
<p>Pour tout renseignement concernant votre dossier, vous pouvez contacter le service chargé du dossier par téléphone [] ou par messagerie [user.mail].</p>', 'OFFICE_HTML', '0000#', 'ar_masse_simple_sans_carre.odt', 'ODT: rep_standard', 'letterbox_attachment', 'acknowledgementReceipt', 'simple');
INSERT INTO templates (template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_style, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES ('Quota d''utilisateur', 'Modèle de notification pour le quota utilisateur', '<p>Quota utilisateur atteint</p>', 'HTML', 'ODT: rep_standard', 'notifications', 'all');
--INSERT INTO templates (template_id, template_label, template_comment, template_content, template_type, template_path, template_file_name, template_style, template_datasource, template_target, template_attachment_type) VALUES (1033, 'AccuseReceptionPapier', 'Modèle d''accusé de réception papier', '', 'OFFICE_HTML', '0000#', 'ar_derogation.odt', 'ODT: ar_derogation', 'letterbox_attachment', 'acknowledgementReceipt', 'simple');
Select setval('templates_seq', (select max(template_id)+1 from templates), false);
INSERT INTO priorities (id, label, color, working_days, delays, default_priority, "order") VALUES ('poiuytre1357nbvc', 'Normal', '#009dc5', TRUE, null, TRUE, 1);
INSERT INTO priorities (id, label, color, working_days, delays, default_priority, "order") VALUES ('poiuytre1379nbvc', 'Urgent', '#ffa500', TRUE, 8, FALSE, 2);
INSERT INTO priorities (id, label, color, working_days, delays, default_priority, "order") VALUES ('poiuytre1391nbvc', 'Très urgent', '#ff0000', TRUE, 4, FALSE, 3);
TRUNCATE TABLE notifications;
INSERT INTO notifications (notification_sid, notification_id, description, event_id, notification_mode, template_id, diffusion_type, diffusion_properties, attachfor_type, attachfor_properties)
VALUES (1, 'USERS', '[administration] Actions sur les utilisateurs de l''application', 'users%', 'EMAIL', 2, 'user', 'superadmin', '', '');
INSERT INTO notifications (notification_sid, notification_id, description, event_id, notification_mode, template_id, diffusion_type, diffusion_properties, attachfor_type, attachfor_properties, is_enabled)
VALUES (2, 'RET2', 'Courriers en retard de traitement', 'alert2', 'EMAIL', 5, 'dest_user', '', '', '', 'Y');
INSERT INTO notifications (notification_sid, notification_id, description, event_id, notification_mode, template_id, diffusion_type, diffusion_properties, attachfor_type, attachfor_properties, is_enabled)
VALUES (3, 'RET1', 'Courriers arrivant à échéance', 'alert1', 'EMAIL', 6, 'dest_user', '', '', '', 'Y');
INSERT INTO notifications (notification_sid, notification_id, description, event_id, notification_mode, template_id, diffusion_type, diffusion_properties, attachfor_type, attachfor_properties, is_enabled)
VALUES (4, 'BASKETS', 'Notification de bannettes', 'baskets', 'EMAIL', 7, 'dest_user', '', '', '', 'Y');
INSERT INTO notifications (notification_sid, notification_id, description, event_id, notification_mode, template_id, diffusion_type, diffusion_properties, attachfor_type, attachfor_properties, is_enabled)
VALUES (5, 'ANC', 'Nouvelle annotation sur courrier en copie', 'noteadd', 'EMAIL', 8, 'copy_list', '', '', '', 'Y');
INSERT INTO notifications (notification_sid, notification_id, description, event_id, notification_mode, template_id, diffusion_type, diffusion_properties, attachfor_type, attachfor_properties, is_enabled)
VALUES (6, 'AND', 'Nouvelle annotation sur courrier destinataire', 'noteadd', 'EMAIL', 8, 'dest_user', '', '', '', 'Y');
INSERT INTO notifications (notification_sid, notification_id, description, event_id, notification_mode, template_id, diffusion_type, diffusion_properties, attachfor_type, attachfor_properties, is_enabled)
VALUES (7, 'RED', 'Redirection de courrier', '1', 'EMAIL', 7, 'dest_user', '', '', '', 'Y');
INSERT INTO notifications (template_id, notification_id, description, is_enabled, event_id, notification_mode, diffusion_type, diffusion_properties) SELECT template_id, 'QUOTA', 'Alerte lorsque le quota est dépassé', 'Y', 'user_quota', 'EMAIL', 'user', 'superadmin' FROM templates WHERE template_label = 'Quota d''utilisateur';
Select setval('notifications_seq', (select max(notification_sid)+1 from notifications), false);
--Rebuild template association for OFFICE documents
INSERT INTO templates_association
(template_id, value_field)
SELECT template_id, entity_id
WHERE template_type in ('OFFICE','TXT') or template_target = 'acknowledgementReceipt';
Select setval('templates_association_id_seq', (select max(id)+1 from templates_association), false);
-- Archive identifiers
UPDATE entities SET business_id = 'org_987654321_DGS_SF';
UPDATE entities SET archival_agency = 'org_123456789_Archives';
UPDATE entities SET archival_agreement = 'MAARCH_LES_BAINS_ACTES_V2';
--UPDATE entities SET business_id = 'org_987654321_DGS_SF' WHERE entity_id = 'COU';
--UPDATE entities SET business_id = 'org_123456789_CAB_SF' WHERE entity_id = 'CAB';
UPDATE doctypes SET retention_final_disposition = 'destruction';
UPDATE doctypes SET retention_rule = 'compta_3_03';
UPDATE doctypes SET duration_current_use = 12;
-- Password management
TRUNCATE TABLE password_rules;
INSERT INTO password_rules (label, "value", enabled) VALUES ('minLength', 6, true);
INSERT INTO password_rules (label, "value") VALUES ('complexityUpper', 0);
INSERT INTO password_rules (label, "value") VALUES ('complexityNumber', 0);
INSERT INTO password_rules (label, "value") VALUES ('complexitySpecial', 0);
INSERT INTO password_rules (label, "value") VALUES ('lockAttempts', 3);
INSERT INTO password_rules (label, "value") VALUES ('lockTime', 5);
INSERT INTO password_rules (label, "value") VALUES ('historyLastUse', 2);
INSERT INTO password_rules (label, "value") VALUES ('renewal', 90);
-- Contacts completion ratio
INSERT INTO contacts_filling (enable, rating_columns, first_threshold, second_threshold) VALUES (true, '["address_street","address_postal_code","address_town","lastname","firstname","phone","email"]', 33, 66);
INSERT INTO configurations (service, value) VALUES ('admin_email_server', '{"type":"smtp","host":"","port":465,"user":"","password":"NUraUORbrlN2X1oL::a941cfa4de03b52cd5388459d66b5fef","auth":true,"secure":"ssl","from":"","charset":"utf-8"}');
/* Modèle d’envois postaux */
TRUNCATE TABLE shipping_templates;
INSERT INTO shipping_templates (id, label, description, options, fee, entities, account) VALUES (1, 'Modèle d''exemple d''envoi postal', 'Modèle d''exemple d''envoi postal', '{"shapingOptions":[],"sendMode":"fast"}', '{"firstPagePrice":0.4,"nextPagePrice":0.5,"postagePrice":0.9}', '["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "17", "18", "16", "19", "20"]', '{"id":"sandbox.562","password":"VPh5AY6i::82f88fe97cead428e0885084f93a684c"}');
Select setval('shipping_templates_id_seq', (select max(id)+1 from shipping_templates), false);
INSERT INTO folders (label, public, user_id, parent_id, level) VALUES ('RH', FALSE, 1, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO folders (label, public, user_id, parent_id, level) VALUES ('COMMERCE', FALSE, 1, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO folders (label, public, user_id, parent_id, level) VALUES ('CLIENTS', FALSE, 1, 2, 1);
TRUNCATE TABLE indexing_models;
INSERT INTO indexing_models (id, label, "default", owner, private) VALUES (1, 'Courrier arrivée', TRUE, 23, FALSE);
Select setval('indexing_models_id_seq', (select max(id)+1 from shipping_templates), false);
TRUNCATE TABLE indexing_models_fields;
INSERT INTO indexing_models_fields (model_id, type, identifier, mandatory, default_value, unit) VALUES (1, 'select', 'category_id', TRUE, '"incoming"', 'mail');
INSERT INTO indexing_models_fields (model_id, type, identifier, mandatory, default_value, unit) VALUES (1, 'select', 'doctype', TRUE, '""', 'mail');
INSERT INTO indexing_models_fields (model_id, type, identifier, mandatory, default_value, unit) VALUES (1, 'date', 'docDate', TRUE, '""', 'mail');
INSERT INTO indexing_models_fields (model_id, type, identifier, mandatory, default_value, unit) VALUES (1, 'date', 'arrivalDate', TRUE, '""', 'mail');
INSERT INTO indexing_models_fields (model_id, type, identifier, mandatory, default_value, unit) VALUES (1, 'string', 'subject', TRUE, '""', 'mail');
INSERT INTO indexing_models_fields (model_id, type, identifier, mandatory, default_value, unit) VALUES (1, 'string', 'contact', TRUE, '""', 'contact');
INSERT INTO indexing_models_fields (model_id, type, identifier, mandatory, default_value, unit) VALUES (1, 'select', 'destination', TRUE, '""', 'process');
INSERT INTO indexing_models_fields (model_id, type, identifier, mandatory, default_value, unit) VALUES (1, 'string', 'folder', TRUE, '""', 'classement');