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* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
* This file is part of Maarch software.

* @brief Resource Controller
* @author

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namespace Resource\controllers;
use AcknowledgementReceipt\models\AcknowledgementReceiptModel;
use Attachment\models\AttachmentModel;
use Basket\models\BasketModel;
use Basket\models\GroupBasketModel;
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use Basket\models\RedirectBasketModel;
use Contact\models\ContactModel;
use Convert\controllers\ConvertPdfController;
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use Convert\controllers\ConvertThumbnailController;
use Convert\models\AdrModel;
use CustomField\models\CustomFieldModel;
use Docserver\models\DocserverModel;
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use Docserver\models\DocserverTypeModel;
use Doctype\models\DoctypeModel;
use Email\models\EmailModel;
use Entity\models\EntityModel;
use Entity\models\ListInstanceModel;
use Folder\controllers\FolderController;
use Folder\models\FolderModel;
use Folder\models\ResourceFolderModel;
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use Group\controllers\GroupController;
use Group\controllers\PrivilegeController;
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use History\controllers\HistoryController;
use IndexingModel\models\IndexingModelFieldModel;
use IndexingModel\models\IndexingModelModel;
use Note\models\NoteModel;
use Priority\models\PriorityModel;
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use Resource\models\ResModel;
use Resource\models\ResourceContactModel;
use Resource\models\UserFollowedResourceModel;
use Respect\Validation\Validator;
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use setasign\Fpdi\Tcpdf\Fpdi;
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use Slim\Http\Request;
use Slim\Http\Response;
use SrcCore\controllers\PreparedClauseController;
use SrcCore\models\CoreConfigModel;
use SrcCore\models\ValidatorModel;
use Status\models\StatusModel;
use Tag\models\TagModel;
use Tag\models\TagResModel;
use User\models\UserGroupModel;
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use User\models\UserModel;
class ResController
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    public function create(Request $request, Response $response)
        if (!PrivilegeController::canIndex(['userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Service forbidden']);

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        $body = $request->getParsedBody();
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Giovannoni Laurent committed

        $control = ResController::controlResource(['body' => $body]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => $control['errors']]);
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        $resId = StoreController::storeResource($body);
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        if (empty($resId) || !empty($resId['errors'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => '[ResController create] ' . $resId['errors']]);

        ResController::createAdjacentData(['body' => $body, 'resId' => $resId]);
                'userId'    => $GLOBALS['id'],
                'resId'     => $resId
        if (!empty($body['encodedFile'])) {
                'resId'     => $resId,
                'collId'    => 'letterbox_coll',
            $customId = CoreConfigModel::getCustomId();
            $customId = empty($customId) ? 'null' : $customId;
            exec("php src/app/convert/scripts/FullTextScript.php --customId {$customId} --resId {$resId} --collId letterbox_coll --userId {$GLOBALS['id']} > /dev/null &");
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            'tableName' => 'res_letterbox',
            'recordId'  => $resId,
            'eventType' => 'ADD',
            'info'      => _DOC_ADDED,
            'moduleId'  => 'resource',
            'eventId'   => 'resourceCreation',
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        return $response->withJson(['resId' => $resId]);

    public function getById(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
        if (!Validator::intVal()->validate($args['resId']) || !ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$args['resId']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);

        $queryParams = $request->getQueryParams();

        $select = ['model_id', 'category_id', 'priority', 'subject', 'alt_identifier', 'process_limit_date', 'closing_date', 'creation_date', 'modification_date', 'integrations'];
        if (empty($queryParams['light'])) {
            $select = array_merge($select, ['type_id', 'typist', 'status', 'destination', 'initiator', 'confidentiality', 'doc_date', 'admission_date', 'departure_date', 'barcode', 'custom_fields']);
        $document = ResModel::getById([
            'select'    => $select,
            'resId'     => $args['resId']
        if (empty($document)) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document does not exist']);

        $unchangeableData = [
            'resId'             => (int)$args['resId'],
            'modelId'           => $document['model_id'],
            'categoryId'        => $document['category_id'],
            'chrono'            => $document['alt_identifier'],
            'closingDate'       => $document['closing_date'],
            'creationDate'      => $document['creation_date'],
            'modificationDate'  => $document['modification_date'],
            'integrations'      => json_decode($document['integrations'], true)
        $formattedData = [
            'subject'           => $document['subject'],
            'processLimitDate'  => $document['process_limit_date'],
            'priority'          => $document['priority']
        if (empty($queryParams['light'])) {
            $formattedData = array_merge($formattedData, [
                'doctype'           => $document['type_id'],
                'typist'            => $document['typist'],
                'typistLabel'       => UserModel::getLabelledUserById(['id' => $document['typist']]),
                'status'            => $document['status'],
                'destination'       => $document['destination'],
                'initiator'         => $document['initiator'],
                'confidentiality'   => $document['confidentiality'] == 'Y',
                'documentDate'      => $document['doc_date'],
                'arrivalDate'       => $document['admission_date'],
                'departureDate'     => $document['departure_date'],
                'barcode'           => $document['barcode']
        $modelFields = IndexingModelFieldModel::get([
            'select'    => ['identifier'],
            'where'     => ['model_id = ?'],
            'data'      => [$document['model_id']]
        $modelFields = array_column($modelFields, 'identifier');

        foreach ($formattedData as $key => $data) {
            if (!in_array($key, $modelFields)) {
        $formattedData = array_merge($unchangeableData, $formattedData);

        if (!empty($formattedData['destination'])) {
            $entity = EntityModel::getByEntityId(['entityId' => $formattedData['destination'], 'select' => ['entity_label', 'id']]);
            $formattedData['destination'] = $entity['id'];
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            $formattedData['destinationLabel'] = $entity['entity_label'];
        if (!empty($formattedData['initiator'])) {
            $entity = EntityModel::getByEntityId(['entityId' => $formattedData['initiator'], 'select' => ['entity_label', 'id']]);
            $formattedData['initiator'] = $entity['id'];
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            $formattedData['initiatorLabel'] = $entity['entity_label'];
        if (!empty($formattedData['status'])) {
            $status = StatusModel::getById(['id' => $formattedData['status'], 'select' => ['label_status']]);
Damien's avatar
Damien committed
            $formattedData['statusLabel'] = $status['label_status'];
        if (!empty($formattedData['priority'])) {
            $priority = PriorityModel::getById(['id' => $formattedData['priority'], 'select' => ['label', 'color']]);
Damien's avatar
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            $formattedData['priorityLabel'] = $priority['label'];
            $formattedData['priorityColor'] = $priority['color'];
        if (in_array('senders', $modelFields)) {
            $formattedData['senders'] = ResourceContactModel::get([
                'select'    => ['item_id as id', 'type'],
                'where'     => ['res_id = ?', 'mode = ?'],
                'data'      => [$args['resId'], 'sender']
        if (in_array('recipients', $modelFields) && empty($queryParams['light'])) {
            $formattedData['recipients'] = ResourceContactModel::get([
                'select'    => ['item_id as id', 'type'],
                'where'     => ['res_id = ?', 'mode = ?'],
                'data'      => [$args['resId'], 'recipient']

        if (empty($queryParams['light'])) {
            $formattedData['customFields'] = !empty($document['custom_fields']) ? json_decode($document['custom_fields'], true) : [];

            $entities = EntityModel::getWithUserEntities([
                'select' => [''],
                'where'  => ['user_id = ?'],
                'data'   => [$GLOBALS['userId']]
            $entities = array_column($entities, 'id');
            $folders = FolderModel::getWithEntitiesAndResources([
                'select'    => ['resources_folders.folder_id'],
                'where'     => ['resources_folders.res_id = ?', '(entities_folders.entity_id in (?) OR folders.user_id = ?)'],
                'data'      => [$args['resId'], $entities, $GLOBALS['id']]
            $formattedData['folders'] = array_column($folders, 'folder_id');

            $tags = TagResModel::get(['select' => ['tag_id'], 'where' => ['res_id = ?'], 'data' => [$args['resId']]]);
            $formattedData['tags'] = array_column($tags, 'tag_id');
        } else {
            $followed = UserFollowedResourceModel::get([
                'select'    => [1],
                'where'     => ['user_id = ?', 'res_id = ?'],
                'data'      => [$GLOBALS['id'], $args['resId']]
            $formattedData['followed'] = !empty($followed);
        return $response->withJson($formattedData);

    public function update(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
        $queryParams = $request->getQueryParams();
        $control = PrivilegeController::canUpdateResource(['currentUserId' => $GLOBALS['id'], 'resId' => $args['resId'], 'queryParams' => $queryParams]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => $control['errors']]);
        $body = $request->getParsedBody();
        $isProcessing = !empty($queryParams['basketId']);
        if ($isProcessing) {
        $control = ResController::controlUpdateResource(['body' => $body, 'resId' => $args['resId'], 'isProcessing' => $isProcessing]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => $control['errors']]);

        $resource = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $args['resId'], 'select' => ['alt_identifier', 'filename', 'docserver_id', 'path', 'fingerprint', 'version']]);
        if (!empty($resource['filename']) && !empty($body['encodedFile'])) {
                'resId'         => $args['resId'],
                'type'          => 'DOC',
                'docserverId'   => $resource['docserver_id'],
                'path'          => $resource['path'],
                'filename'      => $resource['filename'],
                'version'       => $resource['version'],
                'fingerprint'   => $resource['fingerprint']

        $body['resId'] = $args['resId'];
        $resId = StoreController::storeResource($body);
        if (empty($resId) || !empty($resId['errors'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => '[ResController update] ' . $resId['errors']]);

        ResController::updateAdjacentData(['body' => $body, 'resId' => $args['resId']]);

        if (!empty($body['encodedFile'])) {
                'resId'     => $args['resId'],
                'collId'    => 'letterbox_coll',
                'version'   => $resource['version'] + 1

            $customId = CoreConfigModel::getCustomId();
            $customId = empty($customId) ? 'null' : $customId;
            exec("php src/app/convert/scripts/FullTextScript.php --customId {$customId} --resId {$args['resId']} --collId letterbox_coll --userId {$GLOBALS['id']} > /dev/null &");

                'tableName' => 'res_letterbox',
                'recordId'  => $args['resId'],
                'eventType' => 'UP',
                'info'      => _FILE_UPDATED . " : {$resource['alt_identifier']}",
                'moduleId'  => 'resource',
                'eventId'   => 'fileModification'

            'tableName' => 'res_letterbox',
            'recordId'  => $args['resId'],
            'eventType' => 'UP',
            'info'      => _DOC_UPDATED . " : {$resource['alt_identifier']}",
            'moduleId'  => 'resource',
            'eventId'   => 'resourceModification'

        return $response->withStatus(204);

    public function updateStatus(Request $request, Response $response)
Damien's avatar
Damien committed
        $data = $request->getParams();

        if (empty($data['status'])) {
            $data['status'] = 'COU';
Damien's avatar
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        if (empty(StatusModel::getById(['id' => $data['status']]))) {
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            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => _STATUS_NOT_FOUND]);
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        if (empty($data['historyMessage'])) {
            $data['historyMessage'] = _UPDATE_STATUS;

        $check = Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['chrono']) || Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['resId']);
        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['status']);
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        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['historyMessage']);
        if (!$check) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request']);
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Damien committed

        $identifiers = !empty($data['chrono']) ? $data['chrono'] : $data['resId'];
        foreach ($identifiers as $id) {
            if (!empty($data['chrono'])) {
                $document = ResModel::getByAltIdentifier(['altIdentifier' => $id, 'select' => ['res_id']]);
                $document = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $id, 'select' => ['res_id']]);
            if (empty($document)) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => _DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND]);
            if (!ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$document['res_id']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
                return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);
            ResModel::update(['set' => ['status' => $data['status']], 'where' => ['res_id = ?'], 'data' => [$document['res_id']]]);
                'tableName' => 'res_letterbox',
                'recordId'  => $document['res_id'],
                'eventType' => 'UP',
                'info'      => $data['historyMessage'],
                'moduleId'  => 'apps',
                'eventId'   => 'resup',
Damien's avatar
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Damien's avatar
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        return $response->withJson(['success' => 'success']);
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    public function getFileContent(Request $request, Response $response, array $aArgs)
        if (!Validator::intVal()->validate($aArgs['resId']) || !ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$aArgs['resId']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);

        $document = ResModel::getById(['select' => ['docserver_id', 'path', 'filename', 'fingerprint', 'category_id', 'alt_identifier'], 'resId' => $aArgs['resId']]);
        if (empty($document)) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document does not exist']);

        if (empty($document['filename'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document has no file']);

        $convertedDocument = ConvertPdfController::getConvertedPdfById(['resId' => $aArgs['resId'], 'collId' => 'letterbox_coll']);
        if (!empty($convertedDocument['errors'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Conversion error : ' . $convertedDocument['errors']]);
        if ($document['docserver_id'] == $convertedDocument['docserver_id']) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document can not be converted']);
        $document = $convertedDocument;

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        $docserver = DocserverModel::getByDocserverId(['docserverId' => $document['docserver_id'], 'select' => ['path_template', 'docserver_type_id']]);
        if (empty($docserver['path_template']) || !file_exists($docserver['path_template'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Docserver does not exist']);

        $pathToDocument = $docserver['path_template'] . str_replace('#', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $document['path']) . $document['filename'];
Alex ORLUC's avatar
Alex ORLUC committed
        if (!file_exists($pathToDocument)) {
            return $response->withStatus(404)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document not found on docserver']);
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        $docserverType = DocserverTypeModel::getById(['id' => $docserver['docserver_type_id'], 'select' => ['fingerprint_mode']]);
        $fingerprint = StoreController::getFingerPrint(['filePath' => $pathToDocument, 'mode' => $docserverType['fingerprint_mode']]);
        if (!empty($document['fingerprint']) && $document['fingerprint'] != $fingerprint) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Fingerprints do not match']);

        $loadedXml = CoreConfigModel::getXmlLoaded(['path' => 'apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/features.xml']);
        if ($loadedXml) {
            $watermark = (array)$loadedXml->FEATURES->watermark;
            if ($watermark['enabled'] == 'true') {
                $text = "watermark by {$GLOBALS['userId']}";
                if (!empty($watermark['text'])) {
                    $text = $watermark['text'];
                    preg_match_all('/\[(.*?)\]/i', $watermark['text'], $matches);

                    foreach ($matches[1] as $value) {
                        $tmp = '';
                        if ($value == 'date_now') {
                            $tmp = date('d-m-Y');
                        } elseif ($value == 'hour_now') {
                            $tmp = date('H:i');
                        } elseif ($value == 'alt_identifier') {
                            $tmp = $document['alt_identifier'];
                        } else {
                            $backFromView = ResModel::getOnView(['select' => $value, 'where' => ['res_id = ?'], 'data' => [$aArgs['resId']]]);
                            if (!empty($backFromView[0][$value])) {
                                $tmp = $backFromView[0][$value];
                        $text = str_replace("[{$value}]", $tmp, $text);

                $color = ['192', '192', '192']; //RGB
                if (!empty($watermark['text_color'])) {
                    $rawColor = explode(',', $watermark['text_color']);
                    $color = count($rawColor) == 3 ? $rawColor : $color;

                $font = ['helvetica', '10']; //Familly Size
                if (!empty($watermark['font'])) {
                    $rawFont = explode(',', $watermark['font']);
                    $font = count($rawFont) == 2 ? $rawFont : $font;

                $position = [30, 35, 0, 0.5]; //X Y Angle Opacity
                if (!empty($watermark['position'])) {
                    $rawPosition = explode(',', $watermark['position']);
                    $position = count($rawPosition) == 4 ? $rawPosition : $position;

                try {
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                    $pdf = new Fpdi('P', 'pt');
                    $nbPages = $pdf->setSourceFile($pathToDocument);
Damien's avatar
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                    for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbPages; $i++) {
Damien's avatar
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                        $page = $pdf->importPage($i, 'CropBox');
                        $size = $pdf->getTemplateSize($page);
                        $pdf->AddPage($size['orientation'], $size);
                        $pdf->SetFont($font[0], '', $font[1]);
                        $pdf->SetTextColor($color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);
                        $pdf->Text($position[0], $position[1], $text);
                    $fileContent = $pdf->Output('', 'S');
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    $fileContent = null;

        if (empty($fileContent)) {
            $fileContent = file_get_contents($pathToDocument);
        if ($fileContent === false) {
            return $response->withStatus(404)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document not found on docserver']);

            'postSet'   => ['viewed' => 'viewed + 1'],
Damien's avatar
Damien committed
            'where'     => ['item_id = ?', 'res_id = ?'],
            'data'      => [$GLOBALS['userId'], $aArgs['resId']]
Damien's avatar
Damien committed
            'tableName' => 'res_letterbox',
            'recordId'  => $aArgs['resId'],
            'eventType' => 'VIEW',
            'info'      => _DOC_DISPLAYING . " : {$aArgs['resId']}",
            'moduleId'  => 'res',
            'eventId'   => 'resview',

        $data = $request->getQueryParams();
        if ($data['mode'] == 'base64') {
            return $response->withJson(['encodedDocument' => base64_encode($fileContent)]);
        } else {
            $finfo    = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
            $mimeType = $finfo->buffer($fileContent);
            $pathInfo = pathinfo($pathToDocument);

            $contentDisposition = $data['mode'] == 'view' ? 'inline' : 'attachment';
            $response = $response->withAddedHeader('Content-Disposition', "{$contentDisposition}; filename=maarch.{$pathInfo['extension']}");
            return $response->withHeader('Content-Type', $mimeType);
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    public function getOriginalFileContent(Request $request, Response $response, array $aArgs)
        if (!Validator::intVal()->validate($aArgs['resId']) || !ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$aArgs['resId']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
Damien's avatar
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            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);

        $document = ResModel::getById(['select' => ['docserver_id', 'path', 'filename', 'category_id'], 'resId' => $aArgs['resId']]);
        if (empty($document)) {
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            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document does not exist']);

        if (empty($document['filename'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document has no file']);

Damien's avatar
Damien committed
        $docserver = DocserverModel::getByDocserverId(['docserverId' => $document['docserver_id'], 'select' => ['path_template', 'docserver_type_id']]);
        if (empty($docserver['path_template']) || !file_exists($docserver['path_template'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Docserver does not exist']);

        $pathToDocument = $docserver['path_template'] . str_replace('#', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $document['path']) . $document['filename'];
        if (!file_exists($pathToDocument)) {
            return $response->withStatus(404)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document not found on docserver']);

        $docserverType = DocserverTypeModel::getById(['id' => $docserver['docserver_type_id'], 'select' => ['fingerprint_mode']]);
        $fingerprint = StoreController::getFingerPrint(['filePath' => $pathToDocument, 'mode' => $docserverType['fingerprint_mode']]);
        if (!empty($document['fingerprint']) && $document['fingerprint'] != $fingerprint) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Fingerprints do not match']);

        if (empty($fileContent)) {
            $fileContent = file_get_contents($pathToDocument);
        if ($fileContent === false) {
            return $response->withStatus(404)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document not found on docserver']);

        $finfo    = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
        $mimeType = $finfo->buffer($fileContent);
        $pathInfo = pathinfo($pathToDocument);

        $response = $response->withAddedHeader('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename=maarch.{$pathInfo['extension']}");
Damien's avatar
Damien committed

            'postSet'   => ['viewed' => 'viewed + 1'],
Damien's avatar
Damien committed
            'where'     => ['item_id = ?', 'res_id = ?'],
            'data'      => [$GLOBALS['userId'], $aArgs['resId']]
            'tableName' => 'res_letterbox',
            'recordId'  => $aArgs['resId'],
            'eventType' => 'VIEW',
            'info'      => _DOC_DISPLAYING . " : {$aArgs['resId']}",
            'moduleId'  => 'res',
            'eventId'   => 'resview',

        return $response->withHeader('Content-Type', $mimeType);

    public function getThumbnailContent(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
Damien's avatar
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        if (!Validator::intVal()->validate($args['resId'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'resId param is not an integer']);
Damien's avatar
Damien committed

        $pathToThumbnail = 'apps/maarch_entreprise/img/noThumbnail.png';
        $document = ResModel::getById(['select' => ['filename', 'version'], 'resId' => $args['resId']]);
        if (empty($document)) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document does not exist']);

        if (!empty($document['filename']) && ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$args['resId']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
            $tnlAdr = AdrModel::getDocuments(['select' => ['docserver_id', 'path', 'filename'], 'where' => ['res_id = ?', 'type = ?', 'version = ?'], 'data' => [$args['resId'], 'TNL', $document['version']]]);
            if (empty($tnlAdr[0])) {
                $control = ConvertThumbnailController::convert(['type' => 'resource', 'resId' => $args['resId']]);
                if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => $control['errors']]);
                $tnlAdr = AdrModel::getDocuments(['select' => ['docserver_id', 'path', 'filename'], 'where' => ['res_id = ?', 'type = ?', 'version = ?'], 'data' => [$args['resId'], 'TNL', $document['version']]]);
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            if (!empty($tnlAdr[0])) {
                $docserver = DocserverModel::getByDocserverId(['docserverId' => $tnlAdr[0]['docserver_id'], 'select' => ['path_template']]);
                if (empty($docserver['path_template']) || !file_exists($docserver['path_template'])) {
                    return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Docserver does not exist']);

                $pathToThumbnail = $docserver['path_template'] . str_replace('#', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $tnlAdr[0]['path']) . $tnlAdr[0]['filename'];
Damien's avatar
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        $fileContent = file_get_contents($pathToThumbnail);
        if ($fileContent === false) {
            return $response->withStatus(404)->withJson(['errors' => 'Thumbnail not found on docserver']);

        $finfo    = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
        $mimeType = $finfo->buffer($fileContent);
        $pathInfo = pathinfo($pathToThumbnail);

        $response = $response->withAddedHeader('Content-Disposition', "inline; filename=maarch.{$pathInfo['extension']}");

        return $response->withHeader('Content-Type', $mimeType);

    public function getItems(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
        if (!Validator::intVal()->validate($args['resId']) || !ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$args['resId']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);

        $document = ResModel::getById([
            'select'    => ['linked_resources'],
            'resId'     => $args['resId']
        if (empty($document)) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document does not exist']);

        $linkedResources = json_decode($document['linked_resources'], true);
        $formattedData['linkedResources'] = count($linkedResources);

        $attachments = AttachmentModel::get(['select' => ['count(1)'], 'where' => ['res_id_master = ?', 'status in (?)'], 'data' => [$args['resId'], ['TRA', 'A_TRA', 'FRZ']]]);
        $formattedData['attachments'] = $attachments[0]['count'];

        $formattedData['diffusionList'] = 0;
        $formattedData['visaCircuit'] = 0;
        $formattedData['opinionCircuit'] = 0;
        $listInstanceItems = ListInstanceModel::get(['select' => ['count(1)', 'difflist_type'], 'where' => ['res_id = ?'], 'data' => [$args['resId']], 'groupBy' => ['difflist_type']]);
        foreach ($listInstanceItems as $item) {
            $type = $item['difflist_type'] == 'entity_id' ? 'diffusionList' : ($item['difflist_type'] == 'VISA_CIRCUIT' ? 'visaCircuit' : 'opinionCircuit');
            $formattedData[$type] = $item['count'];

        $formattedData['notes'] = NoteModel::countByResId(['resId' => $args['resId'], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id'], 'login' => $GLOBALS['userId']]);

        $emails = EmailModel::get(['select' => ['count(1)'], 'where' => ["document->>'id' = ?"], 'data' => [$args['resId']]]);
        $formattedData['emails'] = $emails[0]['count'];

        return $response->withJson($formattedData);

    public function getCategories(Request $request, Response $response)
        return $response->withJson(['categories' => ResModel::getCategories()]);

    public function isAllowedForCurrentUser(Request $request, Response $response, array $aArgs)
        if (!Validator::intVal()->validate($aArgs['resId']) || !ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$aArgs['resId']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
            return $response->withJson(['isAllowed' => false]);

        return $response->withJson(['isAllowed' => true]);

    public function updateExternalInfos(Request $request, Response $response)
Damien's avatar
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        //TODO Revoir cette fonction
        $data = $request->getParams();

        if (empty($data['externalInfos'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request : externalInfos is empty']);
        if (empty($data['status'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request : status is empty']);
        foreach ($data['externalInfos'] as $mail) {
            if (!Validator::intType()->validate($mail['res_id'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request: invalid res_id']);
            if (!Validator::StringType()->notEmpty()->validate($mail['external_id'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request: invalid external_id for element : '.$mail['res_id']]);
            if (!Validator::StringType()->notEmpty()->validate($mail['external_link'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request:  invalid external_link for element'.$mail['res_id']]);
        foreach ($data['externalInfos'] as $mail) {
Damien's avatar
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            $document = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $mail['res_id'], 'select' => ['res_id', 'external_id']]);
            if (empty($document)) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => _DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND]);
            if (!ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$document['res_id']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
                return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);
Damien's avatar
Damien committed
            $externalId = json_decode($document['external_id'], true);
            $externalId['publikId'] = $mail['external_id'];
            ResModel::update(['set' => ['external_id' => json_encode($externalId), 'external_link' => $mail['external_link'], 'status' => $data['status']], 'where' => ['res_id = ?'], 'data' => [$document['res_id']]]);
        return $response->withJson(['success' => 'success']);

    public static function setInIntegrations(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
        if (!Validator::intVal()->validate($args['resId']) || !ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$args['resId']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);

        $body = $request->getParsedBody();

        if (empty($body['integrations'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Body  param integrations is missing']);

        $resource = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $args['resId'], 'select' => ['integrations']]);
        $integrations = json_decode($resource['integrations'], true);

        if (Validator::boolType()->validate($body['integrations']['inSignatureBook'])) {
            $integrations['inSignatureBook'] = $body['integrations']['inSignatureBook'];
        } else {
            $integrations['inSignatureBook'] = $integrations['inSignatureBook'] ?? false;

        if (Validator::boolType()->validate($body['integrations']['inShipping'])) {
            $integrations['inShipping'] = $body['integrations']['inShipping'];
        } else {
            $integrations['inShipping'] = $integrations['inShipping'] ?? false;

            'set' => [
                'integrations' => json_encode($integrations)
            'where' => ['res_id = ?'],
            'data'  => [$args['resId']]

        return $response->withStatus(204);
Damien's avatar
Damien committed
    public static function getEncodedDocument(array $aArgs)
        ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['resId']);
        ValidatorModel::intVal($aArgs, ['resId']);
        ValidatorModel::boolType($aArgs, ['original']);

        $document = ResModel::getById(['select' => ['docserver_id', 'path', 'filename', 'subject'], 'resId' => $aArgs['resId']]);
Damien's avatar
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        if (empty($aArgs['original'])) {
            $convertedDocument = ConvertPdfController::getConvertedPdfById(['resId' => $aArgs['resId'], 'collId' => 'letterbox_coll']);
            if (empty($convertedDocument['errors'])) {
                $document['docserver_id'] = $convertedDocument['docserver_id'];
                $document['path'] = $convertedDocument['path'];
                $document['filename'] = $convertedDocument['filename'];
                $document['fingerprint'] = $convertedDocument['fingerprint'];
Damien's avatar
Damien committed

        $docserver = DocserverModel::getByDocserverId(['docserverId' => $document['docserver_id'], 'select' => ['path_template', 'docserver_type_id']]);
        if (empty($docserver['path_template']) || !file_exists($docserver['path_template'])) {
            return ['errors' => 'Docserver does not exist'];

        $pathToDocument = $docserver['path_template'] . str_replace('#', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $document['path']) . $document['filename'];
        if (!file_exists($pathToDocument)) {
            return ['errors' => 'Document not found on docserver'];

        $docserverType = DocserverTypeModel::getById(['id' => $docserver['docserver_type_id'], 'select' => ['fingerprint_mode']]);
        $fingerprint = StoreController::getFingerPrint(['filePath' => $pathToDocument, 'mode' => $docserverType['fingerprint_mode']]);
        if (!empty($document['fingerprint']) && $document['fingerprint'] != $fingerprint) {
            ['errors' => 'Fingerprints do not match'];

        $fileContent = file_get_contents($pathToDocument);
        if ($fileContent === false) {
            return ['errors' => 'Document not found on docserver'];

        $encodedDocument = base64_encode($fileContent);

Damien's avatar
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        if (!empty($document['subject'])) {
            $document['subject'] = preg_replace(utf8_decode('@[\\/:*?"<>|]@i'), '_', substr($document['subject'], 0, 30));
Damien's avatar
Damien committed
        $pathInfo = pathinfo($pathToDocument);
        $fileName = (empty($document['subject']) ? 'document' : $document['subject']) . ".{$pathInfo['extension']}";

        return ['encodedDocument' => $encodedDocument, 'fileName' => $fileName];

    public static function hasRightByResId(array $args)
        ValidatorModel::notEmpty($args, ['resId', 'userId']);
        ValidatorModel::intVal($args, ['userId']);
        ValidatorModel::arrayType($args, ['resId']);
        $resources = array_unique($args['resId']);
        $user = UserModel::getById(['id' => $args['userId'], 'select' => ['user_id']]);

        if ($user['user_id'] == 'superadmin') {
            return true;
        $whereClause = '(res_id in (select res_id from users_followed_resources where user_id = ?))';
        $entities = UserModel::getEntitiesByLogin(['login' => $user['user_id'], 'select' => ['id']]);
        $entities = array_column($entities, 'id');

        $foldersClause = 'res_id in (select res_id from folders LEFT JOIN entities_folders ON = entities_folders.folder_id LEFT JOIN resources_folders ON = resources_folders.folder_id ';
        $foldersClause .= 'WHERE entities_folders.entity_id in (?) OR folders.user_id = ?)';
        $whereClause .= " OR ({$foldersClause})";
        $groups = UserModel::getGroupsByLogin(['login' => $user['user_id'], 'select' => ['where_clause']]);
        $groupsClause = '';
        foreach ($groups as $key => $group) {
            if (!empty($group['where_clause'])) {
                $groupClause = PreparedClauseController::getPreparedClause(['clause' => $group['where_clause'], 'login' => $user['user_id']]);
                if ($key > 0) {
                    $groupsClause .= ' or ';
                $groupsClause .= "({$groupClause})";
        if (!empty($groupsClause)) {
            $whereClause .= " OR ({$groupsClause})";
        $baskets = BasketModel::getBasketsByLogin(['login' => $user['user_id']]);
        $basketsClause = '';
Damien's avatar
Damien committed
        foreach ($baskets as $basket) {
            if (!empty($basket['basket_clause'])) {
                $basketClause = PreparedClauseController::getPreparedClause(['clause' => $basket['basket_clause'], 'login' => $user['user_id']]);
Damien's avatar
Damien committed
                if (!empty($basketsClause)) {
                    $basketsClause .= ' or ';
                $basketsClause .= "({$basketClause})";
        $assignedBaskets = RedirectBasketModel::getAssignedBasketsByUserId(['userId' => $args['userId']]);
Damien's avatar
Damien committed
        foreach ($assignedBaskets as $basket) {
            if (!empty($basket['basket_clause'])) {
                $basketOwner = UserModel::getById(['id' => $basket['owner_user_id'], 'select' => ['user_id']]);
                $basketClause = PreparedClauseController::getPreparedClause(['clause' => $basket['basket_clause'], 'login' => $basketOwner['user_id']]);
                if (!empty($basketsClause)) {
                    $basketsClause .= ' or ';
                $basketsClause .= "({$basketClause})";
        if (!empty($basketsClause)) {
            $whereClause .= " OR ({$basketsClause})";
        try {
            $res = ResModel::getOnView(['select' => [1], 'where' => ['res_id in (?)', "({$whereClause})"], 'data' => [$resources, $args['userId'], $entities, $args['userId']]]);
            if (!empty($res) && count($res) == count($resources)) {
                return true;
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return false;
        return false;
    private static function createAdjacentData(array $args)
        ValidatorModel::notEmpty($args, ['resId', 'body']);
        ValidatorModel::intVal($args, ['resId']);
        ValidatorModel::arrayType($args, ['body']);
        $body = $args['body'];
        if (!empty($body['diffusionList'])) {
            foreach ($body['diffusionList'] as $diffusion) {
                if ($diffusion['type'] == 'user') {
                    $item = UserModel::getById(['id' => $diffusion['id'], 'select' => ['user_id']]);
                    $diffusion['id'] = $item['user_id'];
                } else {
                    $item = EntityModel::getById(['id' => $diffusion['id'], 'select' => ['entity_id']]);
                    $diffusion['id'] = $item['entity_id'];

                if ($diffusion['mode'] == 'dest') {
                    ResModel::update(['set' => ['dest_user' => $diffusion['id']], 'where' => ['res_id = ?'], 'data' => [$args['resId']]]);
                    'res_id'            => $args['resId'],
                    'sequence'          => 0,
                    'item_id'           => $diffusion['id'],
                    'item_type'         => $diffusion['type'] == 'user' ? 'user_id' : 'entity_id',
                    'item_mode'         => $diffusion['mode'],
                    'added_by_user'     => $GLOBALS['userId'],
                    'difflist_type'     => 'entity_id'
        if (!empty($body['folders'])) {
            foreach ($body['folders'] as $folder) {
                ResourceFolderModel::create(['res_id' => $args['resId'], 'folder_id' => $folder]);
        if (!empty($body['tags'])) {
            foreach ($body['tags'] as $tag) {
                TagResModel::create(['res_id' => $args['resId'], 'tag_id' => $tag]);
        if (!empty($body['senders'])) {
            foreach ($body['senders'] as $sender) {
                ResourceContactModel::create(['res_id' => $args['resId'], 'item_id' => $sender['id'], 'type' => $sender['type'], 'mode' => 'sender']);
        if (!empty($body['recipients'])) {
            foreach ($body['recipients'] as $recipient) {
                ResourceContactModel::create(['res_id' => $args['resId'], 'item_id' => $recipient['id'], 'type' => $recipient['type'], 'mode' => 'recipient']);
    private static function updateAdjacentData(array $args)
        ValidatorModel::notEmpty($args, ['resId', 'body']);
        ValidatorModel::intVal($args, ['resId']);
        ValidatorModel::arrayType($args, ['body']);

        $body = $args['body'];

        $entities = EntityModel::getWithUserEntities([
            'select' => [''],
            'where'  => ['user_id = ?'],
            'data'   => [$GLOBALS['userId']]
        $entities = array_column($entities, 'id');
        $idToDelete = FolderModel::getWithEntitiesAndResources([
            'select'    => [''],
            'where'     => ['resources_folders.res_id = ?', '(entities_folders.entity_id in (?) OR folders.user_id = ?)'],
            'data'      => [$args['resId'], $entities, $GLOBALS['id']]
        $idToDelete = array_column($idToDelete, 'id');
        if (!empty($idToDelete)) {
            ResourceFolderModel::delete(['where' => ['id in (?)'], 'data' => [$idToDelete]]);
        if (!empty($body['folders'])) {
            foreach ($body['folders'] as $folder) {
                ResourceFolderModel::create(['res_id' => $args['resId'], 'folder_id' => $folder]);
        TagResModel::delete(['where' => ['res_id = ?'], 'data' => [$args['resId']]]);
        if (!empty($body['tags'])) {
            foreach ($body['tags'] as $tag) {
                TagResModel::create(['res_id' => $args['resId'], 'tag_id' => $tag]);
        ResourceContactModel::delete(['where' => ['res_id = ?'], 'data' => [$args['resId']]]);
        if (!empty($body['senders'])) {
            foreach ($body['senders'] as $sender) {
                ResourceContactModel::create(['res_id' => $args['resId'], 'item_id' => $sender['id'], 'type' => $sender['type'], 'mode' => 'sender']);
        if (!empty($body['recipients'])) {
            foreach ($body['recipients'] as $recipient) {
                ResourceContactModel::create(['res_id' => $args['resId'], 'item_id' => $recipient['id'], 'type' => $recipient['type'], 'mode' => 'recipient']);
    private static function controlResource(array $args)
        $currentUser = UserModel::getById(['id' => $GLOBALS['id'], 'select' => ['loginmode']]);
        $isWebServiceUser = $currentUser['loginmode'] == 'restMode';

        $body = $args['body'];

        if (empty($body)) {
            return ['errors' => 'Body is not set or empty'];
        } elseif (!Validator::intVal()->notEmpty()->validate($body['doctype'])) {
            return ['errors' => 'Body doctype is empty or not an integer'];
        } elseif (!Validator::intVal()->notEmpty()->validate($body['modelId'])) {
            return ['errors' => 'Body modelId is empty or not an integer'];
        } elseif ($isWebServiceUser && !Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($body['status'])) {
            return ['errors' => 'Body status is empty or not a string'];
        $doctype = DoctypeModel::getById(['id' => $body['doctype'], 'select' => [1]]);
        if (empty($doctype)) {
            return ['errors' => 'Body doctype does not exist'];

        $indexingModel = IndexingModelModel::getById(['id' => $body['modelId'], 'select' => ['master', 'enabled']]);
        if (empty($indexingModel)) {
            return ['errors' => 'Body modelId does not exist'];
        } elseif (!$indexingModel['enabled']) {
            return ['errors' => 'Body modelId is disabled'];
        } elseif (!empty($indexingModel['master'])) {
            return ['errors' => 'Body modelId is not public'];

        $control = ResController::controlFileData(['body' => $body]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return ['errors' => $control['errors']];

        $control = ResController::controlAdjacentData(['body' => $body, 'isWebServiceUser' => $isWebServiceUser]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return ['errors' => $control['errors']];

        if (!$isWebServiceUser) {
            $control = ResController::controlIndexingModelFields(['body' => $body]);
            if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
                return ['errors' => $control['errors']];

            if (!empty($body['initiator'])) {
                $userEntities = UserModel::getEntitiesByLogin(['login' => $GLOBALS['userId']]);
                $userEntities = array_column($userEntities, 'id');
                if (!in_array($body['initiator'], $userEntities)) {
                    return ['errors' => "Body initiator does not belong to your entities"];

        $control = ResController::controlDestination(['body' => $body]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return ['errors' => $control['errors']];
        $control = ResController::controlDates(['body' => $body]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return ['errors' => $control['errors']];

        if (!empty($body['status'])) {
            $status = StatusModel::getById(['id' => $body['status'], 'select' => [1]]);
            if (empty($status)) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body status does not exist'];

        if (!empty($body['linkedResources'])) {
            if (!ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$body['linkedResources']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body linkedResources out of perimeter'];

    private static function controlUpdateResource(array $args)
        $body = $args['body'];

        $resource = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $args['resId'], 'select' => ['status', 'model_id', 'external_id->>\'signatureBookId\' as signaturebookid']]);
        if (empty($resource['status'])) {
            return ['errors' => 'Resource status is empty. It can not be modified'];
        $status = StatusModel::getById(['id' => $resource['status'], 'select' => ['can_be_modified']]);
        if ($status['can_be_modified'] != 'Y') {
            return ['errors' => 'Resource can not be modified because of status'];

        if (empty($body)) {
            return ['errors' => 'Body is not set or empty'];
        } elseif (!Validator::intVal()->notEmpty()->validate($body['doctype'])) {
            return ['errors' => 'Body doctype is empty or not an integer'];
        } elseif (!empty($body['encodedFile']) && !empty($resource['signaturebookid'])) {
            return ['errors' => 'Resource is in external signature book, file can not be modified'];

        $doctype = DoctypeModel::getById(['id' => $body['doctype'], 'select' => [1]]);
        if (empty($doctype)) {
            return ['errors' => 'Body doctype does not exist'];

        $control = ResController::controlFileData(['body' => $body]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return ['errors' => $control['errors']];

        $control = ResController::controlAdjacentData(['body' => $body, 'isWebServiceUser' => false]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return ['errors' => $control['errors']];

        $body['modelId'] = $resource['model_id'];
        $control = ResController::controlIndexingModelFields(['body' => $body, 'isProcessing' => $args['isProcessing']]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return ['errors' => $control['errors']];

        if (!empty($body['initiator'])) {
            $userEntities = UserModel::getEntitiesByLogin(['login' => $GLOBALS['userId']]);
            $userEntities = array_column($userEntities, 'id');
            if (!in_array($body['initiator'], $userEntities)) {
                return ['errors' => "Body initiator does not belong to your entities"];

        $control = ResController::controlDestination(['body' => $body]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return ['errors' => $control['errors']];
        $control = ResController::controlDates(['body' => $body, 'resId' => $args['resId']]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return ['errors' => $control['errors']];

        return true;

    private static function controlFileData(array $args)
        if (!empty($body['encodedFile'])) {
            if (!Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($body['format'])) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body format is empty or not a string'];
            $file     = base64_decode($body['encodedFile']);
            $finfo    = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
            $mimeType = $finfo->buffer($file);
            if (!StoreController::isFileAllowed(['extension' => $body['format'], 'type' => $mimeType])) {
                return ['errors' => "Format with this mimeType is not allowed : {$body['format']} {$mimeType}"];
        return true;

    private static function controlAdjacentData(array $args)
        $body = $args['body'];
        if (!empty($body['customFields'])) {
            if (!Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($body['customFields'])) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body customFields is not an array'];
            $customFields = CustomFieldModel::get(['select' => ['count(1)'], 'where' => ['id in (?)'], 'data' => [array_keys($body['customFields'])]]);
            if (count($body['customFields']) != $customFields[0]['count']) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body customFields : One or more custom fields do not exist'];
        if (!empty($body['folders'])) {
            if (!Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($body['folders'])) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body folders is not an array'];
            if (!FolderController::hasFolders(['folders' => $body['folders'], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body folders : One or more folders do not exist or are out of perimeter'];
        if (!empty($body['tags'])) {
            if (!Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($body['tags'])) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body tags is not an array'];
            $tags = TagModel::get(['select' => ['count(1)'], 'where' => ['id in (?)'], 'data' => [$body['tags']]]);
            if (count($body['tags']) != $tags[0]['count']) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body tags : One or more tags do not exist'];
        if (!empty($body['senders'])) {
            if (!Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($body['senders'])) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body senders is not an array'];
            foreach ($body['senders'] as $key => $sender) {
                if (!Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($sender)) {
                    return ['errors' => "Body senders[{$key}] is not an array"];
                if ($sender['type'] == 'contact') {
                    $senderItem = ContactModel::getById(['id' => $sender['id'], 'select' => [1]]);
                } elseif ($sender['type'] == 'user') {
                    $senderItem = UserModel::getById(['id' => $sender['id'], 'select' => [1]]);
                } elseif ($sender['type'] == 'entity') {
                    $senderItem = EntityModel::getById(['id' => $sender['id'], 'select' => [1]]);
                } else {
                    return ['errors' => "Body senders[{$key}] type is not valid"];
                if (empty($senderItem)) {
                    return ['errors' => "Body senders[{$key}] id does not exist"];
        if (!empty($body['recipients'])) {
            if (!Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($body['recipients'])) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body recipients is not an array'];
            foreach ($body['recipients'] as $key => $recipient) {
                if (!Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($recipient)) {
                    return ['errors' => "Body recipients[{$key}] is not an array"];
                if ($recipient['type'] == 'contact') {
                    $recipientItem = ContactModel::getById(['id' => $recipient['id'], 'select' => [1]]);
                } elseif ($recipient['type'] == 'user') {
                    $recipientItem = UserModel::getById(['id' => $recipient['id'], 'select' => [1]]);
                } elseif ($recipient['type'] == 'entity') {
                    $recipientItem = EntityModel::getById(['id' => $recipient['id'], 'select' => [1]]);
                } else {
                    return ['errors' => "Body recipients[{$key}] type is not valid"];
                if (empty($recipientItem)) {
                    return ['errors' => "Body recipients[{$key}] id does not exist"];
        if (!empty($body['diffusionList'])) {
            if (!Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($body['diffusionList'])) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body diffusionList is not an array'];
            foreach ($body['diffusionList'] as $key => $diffusion) {
                if ($diffusion['mode'] == 'dest') {
                        return ['errors' => "Body diffusionList has multiple dest"];
                if ($diffusion['type'] == 'user' || $diffusion['mode'] == 'dest') {
                    $item = UserModel::getById(['id' => $diffusion['id'], 'select' => [1]]);
                    $item = EntityModel::getById(['id' => $diffusion['id'], 'select' => [1]]);
                if (empty($item)) {
                    return ['errors' => "Body diffusionList[{$key}] id does not exist"];
            if (!$destFound) {
                return ['errors' => 'Body diffusion has no dest'];
        if (!$args['isWebServiceUser'] && !empty($body['destination']) && empty($destFound)) {
            return ['errors' => 'Body diffusion has no dest'];
    private static function controlIndexingModelFields(array $args)
        $body = $args['body'];

        $indexingModelFields = IndexingModelFieldModel::get(['select' => ['identifier', 'mandatory'], 'where' => ['model_id = ?'], 'data' => [$body['modelId']]]);
        foreach ($indexingModelFields as $indexingModelField) {
            if (strpos($indexingModelField['identifier'], 'indexingCustomField_') !== false) {
                $customFieldId = explode('_', $indexingModelField['identifier'])[1];
                if ($indexingModelField['mandatory'] && empty($body['customFields'][$customFieldId])) {
                    return ['errors' => "Body customFields[{$customFieldId}] is empty"];
                if (!empty($body['customFields'][$customFieldId])) {
                    $customField = CustomFieldModel::getById(['id' => $customFieldId, 'select' => ['type', 'values']]);
                    $possibleValues = empty($customField['values']) ? [] : json_decode($customField['values']);
                    if (($customField['type'] == 'select' || $customField['type'] == 'radio') && !in_array($body['customFields'][$customFieldId], $possibleValues)) {
                        return ['errors' => "Body customFields[{$customFieldId}] has wrong value"];
                    } elseif ($customField['type'] == 'checkbox') {
                        if (!is_array($body['customFields'][$customFieldId])) {
                            return ['errors' => "Body customFields[{$customFieldId}] is not an array"];
                        foreach ($body['customFields'][$customFieldId] as $value) {
                            if (!in_array($value, $possibleValues)) {
                                return ['errors' => "Body customFields[{$customFieldId}] has wrong value"];
                    } elseif ($customField['type'] == 'string' && !Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($body['customFields'][$customFieldId])) {
                        return ['errors' => "Body customFields[{$customFieldId}] is not a string"];
                    } elseif ($customField['type'] == 'integer' && !Validator::intVal()->notEmpty()->validate($body['customFields'][$customFieldId])) {
                        return ['errors' => "Body customFields[{$customFieldId}] is not an integer"];
                    } elseif ($customField['type'] == 'date' && !Validator::date()->notEmpty()->validate($body['customFields'][$customFieldId])) {
                        return ['errors' => "Body customFields[{$customFieldId}] is not a date"];
            } elseif ($indexingModelField['identifier'] == 'destination' && !empty($args['isProcessing'])) {
            } elseif ($indexingModelField['mandatory'] && !isset($body[$indexingModelField['identifier']])) {
                return ['errors' => "Body {$indexingModelField['identifier']} is not set"];
    private static function controlDates(array $args)
        $body = $args['body'];

        if (!empty($body['documentDate'])) {
            if (!Validator::date()->notEmpty()->validate($body['documentDate'])) {
                return ['errors' => "Body documentDate is not a date"];

            $documentDate = new \DateTime($body['documentDate']);
            $tmr = new \DateTime('tomorrow');
            if ($documentDate > $tmr) {
                return ['errors' => "Body documentDate is not a valid date"];
        if (!empty($body['arrivalDate'])) {
            if (!Validator::date()->notEmpty()->validate($body['arrivalDate'])) {
                return ['errors' => "Body arrivalDate is not a date"];

            $arrivalDate = new \DateTime($body['arrivalDate']);
            $tmr = new \DateTime('tomorrow');
            if ($arrivalDate > $tmr) {
                return ['errors' => "Body arrivalDate is not a valid date"];
        if (!empty($body['departureDate'])) {
            if (!Validator::date()->notEmpty()->validate($body['departureDate'])) {
                return ['errors' => "Body departureDate is not a date"];
            $departureDate = new \DateTime($body['departureDate']);
            if (!empty($documentDate) && $departureDate < $documentDate) {
                return ['errors' => "Body departureDate is not a valid date"];
        if (!empty($body['processLimitDate'])) {
            if (!Validator::date()->notEmpty()->validate($body['processLimitDate'])) {
                return ['errors' => "Body processLimitDate is not a date"];

            if (!empty($args['resId'])) {
                $resource = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $args['resId'], 'select' => ['process_limit_date']]);
                if (!empty($resource['process_limit_date'])) {
                    $originProcessLimitDate = new \DateTime($resource['process_limit_date']);
            $processLimitDate = new \DateTime($body['processLimitDate']);
            if (empty($originProcessLimitDate) || $originProcessLimitDate != $processLimitDate) {
                $today = new \DateTime();
                $today->setTime(00, 00, 00);
                if ($processLimitDate < $today) {
                    return ['errors' => "Body processLimitDate is not a valid date"];
        } elseif (!empty($body['priority'])) {
            $priority = PriorityModel::getById(['id' => $body['priority'], 'select' => [1]]);
            if (empty($priority)) {
                return ['errors' => "Body priority does not exist"];

    private static function controlDestination(array $args)
        $body = $args['body'];
        if (!empty($body['destination'])) {
            $groups = UserGroupModel::getWithGroups([
                'select'    => ['usergroups.indexation_parameters'],
                'where'     => ['usergroup_content.user_id = ?', 'usergroups.can_index = ?'],
                'data'      => [$GLOBALS['id'], true]

            $clauseToProcess = '';
            $allowedEntities = [];
            foreach ($groups as $group) {
                $group['indexation_parameters'] = json_decode($group['indexation_parameters'], true);
                foreach ($group['indexation_parameters']['keywords'] as $keywordValue) {
                    if (strpos($clauseToProcess, IndexingController::KEYWORDS[$keywordValue]) === false) {
                        if (!empty($clauseToProcess)) {
                            $clauseToProcess .= ', ';
                        $clauseToProcess .= IndexingController::KEYWORDS[$keywordValue];
                $allowedEntities = array_merge($allowedEntities, $group['indexation_parameters']['entities']);
                $allowedEntities = array_unique($allowedEntities);

            if (!empty($clauseToProcess)) {
                $preparedClause = PreparedClauseController::getPreparedClause(['clause' => $clauseToProcess, 'login' => $GLOBALS['userId']]);
                $preparedEntities = EntityModel::get(['select' => ['id'], 'where' => ['enabled = ?', "entity_id in {$preparedClause}"], 'data' => ['Y']]);
                $preparedEntities = array_column($preparedEntities, 'id');
                $allowedEntities = array_merge($allowedEntities, $preparedEntities);
                $allowedEntities = array_unique($allowedEntities);
            if (!in_array($body['destination'], $allowedEntities)) {
                return ['errors' => "Body destination is out of your indexing parameters"];

    public function getList(Request $request, Response $response)
        $data = $request->getParams();

        if (!Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['select'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request: select is not valid']);
        if (!Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['clause'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request: clause is not valid']);
        if (!empty($data['withFile'])) {
            if (!Validator::boolType()->validate($data['withFile'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request: withFile parameter is not a boolean']);

        if (!empty($data['orderBy'])) {
            if (!Validator::arrayType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['orderBy'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request: orderBy parameter not valid']);

        if (!empty($data['limit'])) {
            if (!Validator::intType()->validate($data['limit'])) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request: limit parameter not valid']);
        $select = explode(',', $data['select']);

        $sve_start_date = false;
        $keySve = array_search('sve_start_date', array_map('trim', $select));
        if ($keySve !== false) {
            $sve_start_date = true;

        if ($sve_start_date && empty($select)) {
            $select[] = 'res_id';

        if (!PreparedClauseController::isRequestValid(['select' => $select, 'clause' => $data['clause'], 'orderBy' => $data['orderBy'], 'limit' => $data['limit'], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['userId']])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => _INVALID_REQUEST]);

        $where = [$data['clause']];
        if ($GLOBALS['userId'] != 'superadmin') {
            $groupsClause = GroupController::getGroupsClause(['userId' => $GLOBALS['userId']]);
            if (empty($groupsClause)) {
                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'User has no groups']);
            $where[] = "({$groupsClause})";

        if ($data['withFile'] === true) {
            $select[] = 'res_id';

        $resources = ResModel::getOnView(['select' => $select, 'where' => $where, 'orderBy' => $data['orderBy'], 'limit' => $data['limit']]);
        if (!empty($resources) && $data['withFile'] === true) {
            foreach ($resources as $key => $res) {
                $document = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $res['res_id'], 'select' => ['path', 'filename', 'docserver_id']]);
                $docserver = DocserverModel::getByDocserverId(['docserverId' => $document['docserver_id'], 'select' => ['path_template', 'docserver_type_id']]);
                if (empty($docserver['path_template']) || !file_exists($docserver['path_template'])) {
                $pathToDocument = $docserver['path_template'] . str_replace('#', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $document['path']) . $document['filename'];
                if (!file_exists($pathToDocument)) {
                $file = file_get_contents($pathToDocument);
                $base64Content = base64_encode($file);
                $resources[$key]['fileBase64Content'] = $base64Content;
        if (!empty($resources) && $sve_start_date) {
            $aResId = [];
            foreach ($resources as $res) {
                $aResId[] = $res['res_id'];
            $aSveStartDate = AcknowledgementReceiptModel::getByResIds([
                'select'  => ['res_id', 'min(send_date) as send_date'],
                'resIds'  => $aResId,
                'where'   => ['send_date IS NOT NULL', 'send_date != \'\''],
                'groupBy' => ['res_id']
            foreach ($resources as $key => $res) {
                $resources[$key]['sve_start_date'] = null;
                foreach ($aSveStartDate as $valueSveStartDate) {
                    if ($res['res_id'] == $valueSveStartDate['res_id']) {
                        $resources[$key]['sve_start_date'] = $valueSveStartDate['send_date'];

        return $response->withJson(['resources' => $resources, 'count' => count($resources)]);

    public function getProcessingData(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
        if (!Validator::intVal()->validate($args['groupId'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'resId param is not an integer']);
        if (!Validator::intVal()->validate($args['userId'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'userId param is not an integer']);
        if (!Validator::intVal()->validate($args['basketId'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'basketId param is not an integer']);
        if (!Validator::intVal()->validate($args['resId'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'resId param is not an integer']);

        $control = ResourceListController::listControl(['groupId' => $args['groupId'], 'userId' => $args['userId'], 'basketId' => $args['basketId'], 'currentUserId' => $GLOBALS['id']]);
        if (!empty($control['errors'])) {
            return $response->withStatus($control['code'])->withJson(['errors' => $control['errors']]);

        $basket = BasketModel::getById(['id' => $args['basketId'], 'select' => ['basket_id']]);
        $group = GroupModel::getById(['id' => $args['groupId'], 'select' => ['group_id']]);

        $groupBasket = GroupBasketModel::get(['select' => ['list_event_data'], 'where' => ['basket_id = ?', 'group_id = ?'], 'data' => [$basket['basket_id'], $group['group_id']]]);

        if (empty($groupBasket[0]['list_event_data'])) {
            return $response->withJson(['listEventData' => null]);

        $listEventData = json_decode($groupBasket[0]['list_event_data'], true);

        $resource = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $args['resId'], 'select' => ['status']]);
        if (empty($resource['status'])) {
            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Resource does not exists']);
        $status = StatusModel::getById(['id' => $resource['status'], 'select' => ['can_be_modified']]);
        if ($status['can_be_modified'] != 'Y') {
            $listEventData['canUpdate'] = false;

        return $response->withJson(['listEventData' => $listEventData]);