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Feat/24620 journal 24h

Merged Jerome Boucher requested to merge feat/24620_journal_24h into develop
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@@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ class journal
protected $sdoFactory;
protected $eventController;
protected $logController;
protected $archiveController;
protected $separateInstance;
* Constructor
* @param \dependency\sdo\Factory $sdoFactory
@@ -42,94 +43,120 @@ class journal
$this->sdoFactory = $sdoFactory;
$this->eventController = \laabs::newController('audit/event');
$this->logController = \laabs::newController('recordsManagement/log');
$this->archiveController = \laabs::newController('recordsManagement/archive');
$this->separateInstance = $separateInstance;
* Chain the last journal
* @return string The chained journal file name
public function chainJournal()
$logController = \laabs::newController('recordsManagement/log');
$tmpdir = \laabs::getTmpDir();
// Get start date from previous journal or first event ever written
$previousJournal = $this->logController->getLastJournal('application');
if ($previousJournal) {
$previousJournalId = $previousJournal->archiveId;
$fromDate = $previousJournal->toDate;
} else {
$previousJournalId = null;
$firstEvents = $this->sdoFactory->find('audit/event', null, null, "<eventDate", 0, 1);
$firstEvent = $firstEvents[0];
$fromDate = $firstEvent->eventDate;
$newJournal = \laabs::newInstance('recordsManagement/log');
$newJournal->archiveId = \laabs::newId();
$newJournal->type = "application";
$newJournal->toDate = \laabs::newTimestamp();
// End date is now, will be lowered to start of current second
$toDate = \laabs::newTimestamp();
// Get ranges of max 24h
$dateRanges = $this->getTimeRanges($fromDate, $toDate);
// Lopp over ranges to create journals
$startTime = $fromDate;
foreach ($dateRanges as $endTime) {
// Event after startTime up to endTime
$journal = $this->getJournal($startTime, $endTime, $previousJournal);
$events = $this->eventController->byDate($startTime, $endTime);
$this->writeJournalFile($journal, $events, $previousJournal);
$previousJournal = $journal;
$startTime = $endTime;
protected function getTimeRanges($fromDate, $toDate)
// If less than 24 hours ellapsed since last journal consider all range up to start of current second
$diff = $toDate->diff($fromDate);
if ($diff->d == 0) {
return [
// Get events to write in the new journal
$previousJournal = $logController->getLastJournal('application');
if ($previousJournal) {
$newJournal->fromDate = $previousJournal->toDate;
$newJournal->previousJournalId = $previousJournal->archiveId;
// If more than 24 hours ellapsed since last journal get ranges for max 24h
$interval = \laabs::newDuration('PT24H');
$eod = "T23:59:59.999999Z";
$sod = "T00:00:00.000000Z";
$sos = ".000000Z";
// Keep only days discard time
$fromDay = \laabs::newDate($fromDate->format('Y-m-d'));
$toDay = \laabs::newDate($toDate->format('Y-m-d'));
$timeRanges = [];
// First range finishes the start day
$timeRanges[] = \laabs::newTimestamp($fromDay.$eod);
// Get range exclusing start date
$dateRange = new \DatePeriod($fromDay, $interval, $toDay, 1);
foreach ($dateRange as $date) {
$timeRanges[] = \laabs::newTimestamp($date->format('Y-m-d').$eod);
$queryString = "eventDate > '$newJournal->fromDate' AND eventDate <= '$newJournal->toDate'";
// Last range starts the end day
$timeRanges[] = \laabs::newTimestamp($toDate->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s').$sos);
if ($this->separateInstance) {
$queryString .= "AND instanceName = '".\laabs::getInstanceName()."'";
return $timeRanges;
$events = $this->sdoFactory->find('audit/event', $queryString, [], "<eventDate");
public function getJournal($fromDate, $toDate, $previousJournal = null)
$journal = \laabs::newInstance('recordsManagement/log');
$journal->archiveId = \laabs::newId();
$journal->type = "application";
// If end of previous day, set start time to 00:00 current day
if ($fromDate->format('u') == '999999') {
$interval = \laabs::newDuration('PT1S');
$sos = ".000000Z";
$fromDate = \laabs::newTimestamp($fromDate->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s').$sos);
} else {
// No previous journal, select all events
$events = $this->sdoFactory->find('audit/event', "eventDate <= '$newJournal->toDate'", null, "<eventDate");
if (count($events) > 0) {
$newJournal->fromDate = reset($events)->eventDate;
} else {
$newJournal->fromDate = \laabs::newTimestamp('1970-01-01');
$journal->fromDate = $fromDate;
$journal->toDate = $toDate;
if ($previousJournal) {
$journal->previousJournalId = $previousJournal->archiveId;
$journalFilename = $tmpdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.(string) $newJournal->archiveId.".csv";
$journalFile = fopen($journalFilename, "w");
return $journal;
// First event : chain with previous journal
$eventLine = array();
$eventLine[0] = (string) $newJournal->archiveId;
$eventLine[1] = (string) $newJournal->fromDate;
$eventLine[2] = (string) $newJournal->toDate;
protected function writeJournalFile($journal, $events, $previousJournal = null)
$tmpdir = \laabs::getTmpDir();
$journalFilename = $tmpdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.(string) $journal->archiveId.".csv";
$journalFile = fopen($journalFilename, "w");
// Write previous journal informations
if ($previousJournal) {
$eventLine[3] = (string) $previousJournal->archiveId;
$archiveController = \laabs::newController('recordsManagement/archive');
$resources = $archiveController->getDigitalResources($previousJournal->archiveId);
$journalResource = $resources[0];
$eventLine[4] = (string) $journalResource->hashAlgorithm;
$eventLine[5] = (string) $journalResource->hash;
$eventLine = $this->getPreviousJournalEvent($journal, $previousJournal);
fputcsv($journalFile, $eventLine);
fputcsv($journalFile, $eventLine);
// Write events
foreach ($events as $event) {
$eventLine = array();
$eventLine[] = (string) $event->eventDate;
$eventLine[] = (string) $event->accountId;
$eventLine[] = (string) $event->path;
$eventLine[] = (string) $event->status;
if (isset($event->output) && !empty($output)) {
$output = json_decode($event->output);
if (is_object($output) || is_array($output)) {
$messages = [];
foreach ($output as $value) {
$messages[] = $value->fullMessage;
$eventLine[] = implode(' ', $messages);
} elseif (is_scalar($output)) {
$eventLine[] = $output;
$eventLine = $this->getEventLine($event);
fputcsv($journalFile, $eventLine);
@@ -147,6 +174,51 @@ class journal
return $logController->archiveJournal($journalFilename, $newJournal, $timestampFileName);
return $this->logController->archiveJournal($journalFilename, $journal, $timestampFileName);
protected function getPreviousJournalEvent($journal, $previousJournal)
// First event : chain with previous journal
$eventLine = array();
$eventLine[0] = (string) $journal->archiveId;
$eventLine[1] = (string) $journal->fromDate;
$eventLine[2] = (string) $journal->toDate;
// Write previous journal informations
if ($previousJournal) {
$eventLine[3] = (string) $previousJournal->archiveId;
$resources = $this->archiveController->getDigitalResources($previousJournal->archiveId);
$journalResource = $resources[0];
$eventLine[4] = (string) $journalResource->hashAlgorithm;
$eventLine[5] = (string) $journalResource->hash;
return $eventLine;
protected function getEventLine($event)
$eventLine = array();
$eventLine[] = (string) $event->eventDate;
$eventLine[] = (string) $event->accountId;
$eventLine[] = (string) $event->path;
$eventLine[] = (string) $event->status;
if (isset($event->output)) {
$output = json_decode($event->output);
if ($output) {
$messages = [];
foreach ($output as $value) {
$messages[] = $value->fullMessage;
$eventLine[] = implode(' ', $messages);
return $eventLine;