Update home.md
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- Behiry Rached authored
@@ -10,3 +10,62 @@ Tous les courriers de mes entités et des entités sœurs de mon entité primair
@@ -10,3 +10,62 @@ Tous les courriers de mes entités et des entités sœurs de mon entité primair
destination in (select e1.entity_id from entities e1, entities e2 where e1.parent_entity_id = e2.parent_entity_id and e2.entity_id = @my_primary_entity) or destination in (@my_entities)
(res_id in (select res_id from listinstance WHERE item_type = 'user_id' and item_id = @user_id and item_mode = 'cc') or res_id in (select res_id from listinstance WHERE item_type = 'entity_id' and item_mode = 'cc' and item_id in (@my_entities_id))) and status not in ( 'DEL', 'END', 'SSUITE') and res_id not in (select res_id from res_mark_as_read WHERE user_id = @user_id)
(res_id in (select res_id from listinstance WHERE item_type = 'user_id' and item_id = @user_id and item_mode = 'cc') or res_id in (select res_id from listinstance WHERE item_type = 'entity_id' and item_mode = 'cc' and item_id in (@my_entities_id))) and status in ( 'END') and res_id not in (select res_id from res_mark_as_read WHERE user_id = @user_id)
destination in (@my_entities, @subentities[@my_primary_entity]) and (status <> 'DEL' AND status<>'END' AND status <> 'REP' and status <> 'VAL' and status <> 'VALID_DGA' and status <>'VALID_DGS' and status <> 'RET' and status<> 'EAVIS' and status <>'EVIS' and status <> 'EENV' and status <> 'RET_VISA') and dest_user <> @user_id
status in ('ESIG', 'EVIS', 'ATT_MP') and res_id in (Select res_id from listinstance where (item_id = @user_id and process_date is not null and difflist_type = 'VISA_CIRCUIT' AND destination in (@my_entities))OR(item_id != @user_id and difflist_type = 'VISA_CIRCUIT' AND destination in (@my_entities)))
res_id IN (SELECT list1.res_id FROM listinstance as list1 LEFT JOIN (SELECT list_lj.* FROM listinstance as list_lj WHERE list_lj.difflist_type = 'VISA_CIRCUIT' AND list_lj.process_date IS NULL AND list_lj.res_id = res_view_letterbox.res_id ORDER BY list_lj.listinstance_id asc LIMIT 1) as list2 ON list1.listinstance_id = list2.listinstance_id WHERE list2.requested_signature = false AND list2.item_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM users_entities WHERE entity_id in(@my_entities)))