diff --git a/MaarchREST.class.php b/MaarchREST.class.php
index f64460b6582f9560aa8fdbea9df00e733e22a2f2..4250d882fe2a6ce1fead59d51d7986fcc8a4edaf 100644
--- a/MaarchREST.class.php
+++ b/MaarchREST.class.php
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ class MaarchREST extends SAEConnecteur {
 		$tmpFile = new TmpFile();
 		$bordereau_file = $tmpFile->create();
 		file_put_contents($bordereau_file, $bordereauSEDA);
 		try {
 			$this->callSedaMessage($bordereau_file, $archivePath);
         } catch (Exception $e){
@@ -55,11 +54,88 @@ class MaarchREST extends SAEConnecteur {
 	public function callSedaMessage($seda_message_path, $attachments_path){
 		$curlWrapper = $this->curlWrapperFactory->getInstance();
-		$bodyPackage = $this->createObjectPackage($seda_message_path, $attachments_path);
+		$bodyPackage = $this->createPackageSource($seda_message_path, $attachments_path);
-		return $this->getWS('/medona/archiveTransfer', "application/json", $curlWrapper);
+		return $this->getWS('/medona/archiveTransfer/source', "application/json", $curlWrapper);
+	}
+	public function createPackageSource($seda_message_path, $attachments_path) {
+		$tmpFolder = dirname($attachments_path);
+		mkdir($tmpFolder."/tmpFiles");
+		try {
+			$phar = new PharData($attachments_path);
+			$phar->extractTo($tmpFolder."/tmpFiles", null, true);
+		} catch (Exception $e) {
+			return ($e);
+		}
+		copy($seda_message_path, $tmpFolder."/tmpFiles/bordereau.xml");
+		$directoryToZip = $tmpFolder."/tmpFiles"; // Path to the directory to be zipped
+		$zipFilePath = $tmpFolder."/archive.zip"; // Path where the ZIP file will be saved
+		if (!$this->zipDirectory($directoryToZip, $zipFilePath)) {
+			echo "Error creating ZIP archive.";
+		}
+		$sourcePackage = [];
+		$package = base64_encode(file_get_contents($zipFilePath));
+		$sourcePackage['package'] = new stdClass();
+		$sourcePackage['package']->data = $package;
+		$sourcePackage['package']->encoding = "base64";
+		$sourcePackage['params'] = [];
+		$sourcePackage['params']['manifest'] = "bordereau.xml";
+		$sourcePackage['connector'] = "seda2zip";
+		unset($zipFilePath);
+		return $sourcePackage;
+	}
+	public function zipDirectory($sourcePath, $zipPath) {
+		$zip = new ZipArchive();
+		if ($zip->open($zipPath, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE) === TRUE) {
+			// Normalize the source path to ensure proper directory traversal
+			$sourcePath = realpath($sourcePath);
+			if ($sourcePath === false) {
+				// Could not determine the real path, possibly because the source directory does not exist
+				return false;
+			}
+			// Create recursive directory iterator
+			$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
+				new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sourcePath, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS),
+				RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST
+			);
+			foreach ($files as $file) {
+				$fileRealPath = $file->getRealPath();
+				if ($fileRealPath === false) {
+					// Continue upon realpath errors, but this could indicate a deeper problem
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Preserve folder structure in the ZIP archive
+				$relativePath = substr($fileRealPath, strlen($sourcePath) + 1);
+				if ($file->isDir()) {
+					// Add empty directory into the archive
+					$zip->addEmptyDir($relativePath);
+				} else {
+					// Add file into the archive
+					$zip->addFile($fileRealPath, $relativePath);
+				}
+			}
+			// Close the ZIP archive
+			$zip->close();
+			return true; // Success
+		} else {
+			return false; // Failure
+		}
 	public function createObjectPackage($seda_message_path, $attachments_path) {
@@ -79,21 +155,45 @@ class MaarchREST extends SAEConnecteur {
 		$bodyPackage['format'] = "seda";
 		$bodyPackage['attachments'] = [];
-		foreach(scandir($tmpFolder."/tmpFiles") as $filename) {
-			if ($filename != ".." && $filename != ".") {
-				$attachment = new stdClass();
-				$attachment->filename = $filename;
-				$attachment->data = base64_encode(file_get_contents($tmpFolder."/tmpFiles/".$filename));
-				unlink($tmpFolder."/tmpFiles/".$filename);
-				array_push($bodyPackage['attachments'], $attachment);
-			}
-		}
+		// foreach(scandir($tmpFolder."/tmpFiles") as $filename) {
+		// 	if ($filename != ".." && $filename != ".") {
+		// 		$attachment = new stdClass();
+		// 		$attachment->filename = $filename;
+		// 		$attachment->data = base64_encode(file_get_contents($tmpFolder."/tmpFiles/".$filename));
+		// 		unlink($tmpFolder."/tmpFiles/".$filename);
+		// 		array_push($bodyPackage['attachments'], $attachment);
+		// 	}
+		// }
+		// Chemin de base où les fichiers et dossiers sont stockés
+		$baseDirectory = $tmpFolder . "/tmpFiles";
+		$this->addFilesFromDirectory($baseDirectory, $bodyPackage);
 		return $bodyPackage;
+	public function addFilesFromDirectory($directory, &$bodyPackage, $root="") {
+		foreach (scandir($directory) as $filename) {
+			if ($filename != ".." && $filename != ".") {
+				$filePath = $directory . "/" . $filename;
+				if (is_dir($filePath)) {
+					// Si c'est un dossier, appel récursif pour traiter les fichiers dans ce dossier
+					$this->addFilesFromDirectory($filePath, $bodyPackage, $root . $filename . "/");
+				} else {
+					// Traiter le fichier
+					$attachment = new stdClass();
+					$attachment->filename = $root . $filename;
+					$attachment->data = base64_encode(file_get_contents($filePath));
+					unlink($filePath);  // Supprimer le fichier après traitement
+					array_push($bodyPackage['attachments'], $attachment);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	public function getErrorString($number){
 		return "Erreur non identifié";
@@ -104,7 +204,7 @@ class MaarchREST extends SAEConnecteur {
 	 * @throws Exception
 	public function getAcuseReception($id_transfert) {
-		return $this->getAck($id_transfert, $this->originatingAgency);
+		return $this->getAck($id_transfert, "test");
@@ -258,6 +358,7 @@ class MaarchREST extends SAEConnecteur {
 		$result = $curlWrapper->get($this->url.$url);
 		if (! $result){
 			throw new Exception($curlWrapper->getLastError());