diff --git a/lang/en.json b/lang/en.json
index 0ea7fa167f2a1363847f5fbb67e40750481829c5..ff804e70248807ce8c0cb22ccc8bbdf9f7f95ca1 100755
--- a/lang/en.json
+++ b/lang/en.json
@@ -521,6 +521,9 @@
         "noConnector": "The associated connector does not exist",
         "otpVisaUser": "The user will be notified by <b> email </b> at the time of his turn in the workflow.",
         "messageSaved": "Message saved",
-        "manage_customizationAdmin": "Customize the login page"
+        "manage_customizationAdmin": "Customize the login page",
+        "internalUserOtpMsg": "The other signature modes will no longer be available for <b> {{user}} </b> after validation.",
+        "external": "External",
+        "otpSignaturePositionMandatory": "The signature position for external users is mandatory."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/fr.json b/lang/fr.json
index 4f8f659a4b44b406946439a6ef75ae771cd857ab..c53544614daedd221989fe6e0ab49db43686f586 100755
--- a/lang/fr.json
+++ b/lang/fr.json
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
 		"otpVisaUser": "L'utilisateur sera notifié par <b>courriel</b> au moment de son tour dans le circuit.",
 		"messageSaved": "Message enregistré",
 		"manage_customizationAdmin": "Personnaliser la page de connexion",
-		"internalUserOtpMsg": "<b>{{user}}</b> sera converti en utilisateur externe, vous ne pourrez plus choisir les autres modes de signature.",
+		"internalUserOtpMsg": "Les autres modes de signatures ne seront plus disponibles pour <b>{{user}}</b> après validation.",
 		"externalUser": "Role externe",
 		"external": "Externe",
 		"otpSignaturePositionMandatory": "La position de signature pour les utilisateurs externes est obligatoire."