import { COMMA, SEMICOLON, FF_SEMICOLON } from '@angular/cdk/keycodes'; import { Component, OnInit, Inject, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { NotificationService } from '@service/notification/notification.service'; import { MatChipInputEvent } from '@angular/material/chips'; import { MatDialog, MAT_DIALOG_DATA, MatDialogRef } from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { switchMap, map, catchError, filter, exhaustMap, tap, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, finalize } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms'; import { FunctionsService } from '@service/functions.service'; import { CdkDragDrop, transferArrayItem } from '@angular/cdk/drag-drop'; import { ContactService } from '@service/contact.service'; import { AppService } from '@service/app.service'; import { ConfirmComponent } from '../../../plugins/modal/confirm.component'; import { PrivilegeService } from '@service/privileges.service'; import { HeaderService } from '@service/header.service'; import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs'; import { SummarySheetComponent } from '../../list/summarySheet/summary-sheet.component'; declare var $: any; declare var tinymce: any; @Component({ selector: 'app-sent-resource-page', templateUrl: 'sent-resource-page.component.html', styleUrls: ['sent-resource-page.component.scss'], providers: [ContactService, AppService], }) export class SentResourcePageComponent implements OnInit { loading: boolean = true; readonly separatorKeysCodes: number[] = [COMMA, SEMICOLON, FF_SEMICOLON, 190]; availableEmailModels: any[] = []; availableSignEmailModels: any[] = []; resourceData: any = null; availableSenders: any[] = []; currentSender: any = {}; recipients: any[] = []; copies: any[] = []; invisibleCopies: any[] = []; recipientsInput: FormControl = new FormControl(); emailSignListForm = new FormControl(); templateEmailListForm = new FormControl(); filteredEmails: Observable<string[]>; showCopies: boolean = false; showInvisibleCopies: boolean = false; emailCreatorId: number = null; emailId: number = null; emailsubject: string = ''; emailStatus: string = 'WAITING'; emailContent: string = ''; currentEmailAttachTool: string = ''; emailAttachTool: any = { document: { icon: 'fa fa-file', title: this.translate.instant('lang.attachMainDocument'), list: [] }, notes: { icon: 'fas fa-pen-square', title: this.translate.instant('lang.attachNote'), list: [] }, attachments: { icon: 'fa fa-paperclip', title: this.translate.instant('lang.attachAttachment'), list: [] }, summarySheet: { icon: 'fas fa-scroll', title: this.translate.instant('lang.attachSummarySheet'), list: [] }, }; emailAttach: any = {}; encodedSummarySheet: any = null; summarySheetUnits: any = []; canManage: boolean = false; pdfMode: boolean = false; htmlMode: boolean = true; @ViewChild('recipientsField', { static: true }) recipientsField: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement>; @ViewChild('copiesField', { static: false }) copiesField: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement>; @ViewChild('invisibleCopiesField', { static: false }) invisibleCopiesField: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement>; constructor( public http: HttpClient, private notify: NotificationService, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any, public dialog: MatDialog, public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<SentResourcePageComponent>, public functions: FunctionsService, private contactService: ContactService, public privilegeService: PrivilegeService, public headerService: HeaderService, public translate: TranslateService ) { } async ngOnInit(): Promise<void> { Object.keys(this.emailAttachTool).forEach(element => { if (element === 'document') { this.emailAttach[element] = { id:, isLinked: false, original: false }; } else { this.emailAttach[element] = []; } }); await this.getAttachElements(); if ( && === 'email') { await this.getEmailData(; } else if ( && === 'acknowledgementReceipt') { await this.getAcknowledgementReceiptData(; } if (this.canManageMail()) { this.initEmailModelsList(); this.initEmailsList(); this.initSignEmailModelsList(); await this.getResourceData(); await this.getUserEmails(); if (this.emailStatus !== 'DRAFT') { this.setDefaultInfo(); } } // this.loading = false; setTimeout(() => { this.initMce(); }, 0); } initMce() { tinymce.init({ selector: 'textarea#emailSignature', base_url: '../node_modules/tinymce/', setup: (editor: any) => { editor.on('init', (e: any) => { this.loading = false; }); }, readonly: this.emailStatus === 'SENT', height: '400', suffix: '.min', language: this.translate.instant('lang.langISO').replace('-', '_'), language_url: `../node_modules/tinymce-i18n/langs/${this.translate.instant('lang.langISO').replace('-', '_')}.js`, menubar: false, statusbar: false, plugins: [ 'autolink' ], external_plugins: { 'maarch_b64image': '../../src/frontend/plugins/tinymce/maarch_b64image/plugin.min.js' }, toolbar_sticky: true, toolbar_drawer: 'floating', toolbar: this.emailStatus !== 'SENT' ? 'undo redo | fontselect fontsizeselect | bold italic underline strikethrough forecolor | maarch_b64image | \ alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify \ bullist numlist outdent indent | removeformat' : false }); } add(event: MatChipInputEvent, type: string): void { const input = event.input; const value = event.value; if ((value || '').trim()) { this[type].push( { label: value.trim(), email: value.trim(), badFormat: this.isBadEmailFormat(value.trim()) }); } if (input) { input.value = ''; } } isBadEmailFormat(email: string) { const regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$/g; return email.trim().match(regex) === null; } closeModal(state: string = '') { tinymce.remove(); this.dialogRef.close(state); } addEmail(item: any, type: string) { this[type].splice(this[type].length - 1, 1); if (item.type === 'contactGroup') { this.http.get(`../rest/contactsGroups/${}`).pipe( map((data: any) => { data = data.contactsGroup.contacts.filter((contact: any) => !this.functions.empty( any) => { return { label:, email: }; }); return data; }), tap((data: any) => { this[type] = this[type].concat(data); }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } else { this[type].push({ label: item.label, email: }); } } mergeEmailTemplate(templateId: any) { this.templateEmailListForm.reset();`../rest/templates/${templateId}/mergeEmail`, { data: { resId: } }).pipe( tap((data: any) => { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = tinymce.get('emailSignature').getContent(); if (div.getElementsByClassName('signature').length > 0) { const signatureContent = div.getElementsByClassName('signature')[0].innerHTML; div.getElementsByClassName('signature')[0].remove(); tinymce.get('emailSignature').setContent(`${div.innerHTML}${data.mergedDocument}<div class="signature">${signatureContent}</div>`); } else { tinymce.get('emailSignature').setContent(`${tinymce.get('emailSignature').getContent()}${data.mergedDocument}`); } if (!this.htmlMode) { tinymce.get('emailSignature').setContent(tinymce.get('emailSignature').getContent({ format: 'text' })); } if (!this.functions.empty(data.mergedSubject)) { this.emailsubject = data.mergedSubject; } }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } mergeSignEmailTemplate(templateId: any) { this.emailSignListForm.reset(); this.http.get(`../rest/currentUser/emailSignatures/${templateId}`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = tinymce.get('emailSignature').getContent(); if (div.getElementsByClassName('signature').length > 0) { div.getElementsByClassName('signature')[0].remove(); tinymce.get('emailSignature').setContent(`${div.innerHTML}<div class="signature">${data.emailSignature.content}</div>`); } else { tinymce.get('emailSignature').setContent(`${tinymce.get('emailSignature').getContent()}<div class="signature">${data.emailSignature.content}</div>`); } if (!this.htmlMode) { tinymce.get('emailSignature').setContent(tinymce.get('emailSignature').getContent({ format: 'text' })); } }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } remove(item: any, type: string): void { if (this.canManageMail()) { const index = this[type].indexOf(item); if (index >= 0) { this[type].splice(index, 1); } } } getEmailData(emailId: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.http.get(`../rest/emails/${emailId}`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { this.emailCreatorId = data.userId; this.recipients = any) => { return { label: item, email: item, badFormat: this.isBadEmailFormat(item) }; }); this.copies = any) => { return { label: item, email: item, badFormat: this.isBadEmailFormat(item) }; }); this.invisibleCopies = any) => { return { label: item, email: item, badFormat: this.isBadEmailFormat(item) }; }); this.showCopies = this.copies.length > 0; this.showInvisibleCopies = this.invisibleCopies.length > 0; this.emailsubject = data.object; this.emailStatus = data.status; this.currentSender = { entityId: data.sender.entityId, label: data.sender.label, email: }; this.emailContent = data.body; Object.keys(data.document).forEach(element => { if (['id', 'isLinked', 'original'].indexOf(element) === -1) { this.emailAttach[element] = []; data.document[element].forEach((dataAttach: any) => { const elem = this.emailAttachTool[element].list.filter((item: any) => === || === dataAttach); if (elem.length > 0) { this.emailAttach[element] = this.emailAttach[element].concat( any) => { return { ...item, format: dataAttach.original || dataAttach.original === undefined ? item.format : 'pdf', original: dataAttach.original, size: dataAttach.original || dataAttach.original === undefined ? item.size : item.convertedDocument.size }; })); } }); } else if (element === 'isLinked' && data.document.isLinked === true) { this.emailAttach.document.isLinked = true; this.emailAttach.document.format = data.document.original || data.document.original === undefined ? this.emailAttachTool.document.list[0].format : 'pdf'; this.emailAttach.document.original = data.document.original; this.emailAttach.document.size = this.emailAttach.document.original ? this.emailAttachTool.document.list[0].size : this.emailAttachTool.document.list[0].convertedDocument.size; } }); resolve(true); }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); resolve(false); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); }); } getAcknowledgementReceiptData(emailId: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.http.get(`../rest/acknowledgementReceipts/${emailId}`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { this.currentSender = { label: data.acknowledgementReceipt.userLabel, email: data.acknowledgementReceipt.userLabel }; this.recipients = [{ label: !this.functions.empty( ? this.contactService.formatContact( : this.translate.instant('lang.contactDeleted'), email: !this.functions.empty( ? : this.translate.instant('lang.withoutEmail') }]; this.emailStatus = 'SENT'; }), exhaustMap(() => this.http.get(`../rest/acknowledgementReceipts/${emailId}/content`)), tap((data: any) => { this.pdfMode = data.format === 'pdf'; if (this.pdfMode) { this.emailsubject = this.translate.instant('lang.ARPaper'); this.emailContent = data.encodedDocument; this.loading = false; } else { this.emailsubject = this.translate.instant('lang.ARelectronic'); this.emailContent = this.b64DecodeUnicode(data.encodedDocument); } resolve(true); }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); resolve(false); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); }); } getResourceData() { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.http.get(`../rest/resources/${}?light=true`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { this.resourceData = data; this.emailAttach.document.chrono = this.resourceData.chrono; this.emailAttach.document.label = this.resourceData.subject; resolve(true); }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); resolve(false); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); }); } setDefaultInfo() { this.emailsubject = `[${this.resourceData.chrono}] ${this.resourceData.subject}`; this.emailsubject = this.emailsubject.substring(0, 70); if (this.headerService.user.entities.length === 0) { this.currentSender = this.availableSenders[0]; } else { this.currentSender = this.availableSenders.filter(sender => sender.entityId === this.headerService.user.entities[0].id).length > 0 ? this.availableSenders.filter(sender => sender.entityId === this.headerService.user.entities[0].id)[0] : this.availableSenders[0]; } if (!this.functions.empty(this.resourceData.senders)) { this.resourceData.senders.forEach((sender: any) => { this.setSender(sender); }); } } setSender(sender: any) { switch (sender.type) { case 'contact': this.http.get(`../rest/contacts/${}`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { if (!this.functions.empty( { this.recipients.push( { label: this.contactService.formatContact(data), email: } ); } }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); break; case 'user': this.http.get(`../rest/users/${}`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { if (!this.functions.empty(data.mail)) { this.recipients.push( { label: this.contactService.formatContact(data), email: data.mail } ); } }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); break; default: break; } } getUserEmails() { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.http.get('../rest/currentUser/availableEmails').pipe( tap((data: any) => { this.availableSenders = data.emails; resolve(true); }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); resolve(false); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); }); } getAttachElements() { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.http.get(`../rest/resources/${}/emailsInitialization`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { Object.keys(data).forEach(element => { if (element === 'resource') { this.emailAttachTool.document.list = []; if (!this.functions.empty(data[element])) { this.emailAttachTool.document.list = [data[element]]; } } else { this.emailAttachTool[element].list = data[element].map((item: any) => { if (item.attachInMail) { this.toggleAttachMail(item, element, item.status === 'SIGN' ? 'pdf' : 'original'); } return { ...item, original: item.original !== undefined ? item.original : true, title: item.chrono !== undefined ? `${item.chrono} - ${item.label} (${item.typeLabel})` : `${item.label} (${item.typeLabel})` }; }); } }); resolve(true); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); resolve(false); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); }); } initEmailsList() { this.recipientsInput.valueChanges.pipe( filter(value => value !== null), debounceTime(300), tap((value) => { if (value.length === 0) { this.filteredEmails = of([]); } }), filter(value => value.length > 2), distinctUntilChanged(), switchMap(data => this.http.get('../rest/autocomplete/correspondents', { params: { 'search': data, 'searchEmails': 'true' } })), tap((data: any) => { data = data.filter((contact: any) => !this.functions.empty( || contact.type === 'contactGroup').map((contact: any) => { let label = ''; if (contact.type === 'user' || contact.type === 'contact') { if (!this.functions.empty(contact.firstname) || !this.functions.empty(contact.lastname)) { label = contact.firstname + ' ' + contact.lastname; } else { label =; } } else if (contact.type === 'contactGroup') { label = `${contact.firstname} ${contact.lastname}`; } else { label = `${contact.lastname}`; } return { id:, type: contact.type, label: label, email: }; }); this.filteredEmails = of(data); }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } initEmailModelsList() { this.http.get(`../rest/resources/${}/emailTemplates`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { this.availableEmailModels = data.templates; }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } initSignEmailModelsList() { this.http.get(`../rest/currentUser/emailSignatures`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { this.availableSignEmailModels = data.emailSignatures; }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } resetAutocomplete() { this.filteredEmails = of([]); } onSubmit() { this.emailStatus = 'WAITING'; if ( === null) { if (!this.isAllEmailRightFormat()) { this.notify.error(this.translate.instant('lang.badEmailsFormat')); } else { if (this.emailsubject === '') { const dialogRef =, { panelClass: 'maarch-modal', autoFocus: false, disableClose: true, data: { title: this.translate.instant('lang.confirm'), msg: this.translate.instant('lang.warnEmptySubject') } }); dialogRef.afterClosed().pipe( filter((data: string) => data === 'ok'), tap(() => { this.createEmail(true); }) ).subscribe(); } else { this.createEmail(true); } } } else { this.updateEmail(true); } } async createEmail(closeModal: boolean = true) { if (this.summarySheetUnits.length !== 0) { await this.createSummarySheet(); }`../rest/emails`, this.formatEmail()).pipe( tap(() => { if (this.emailStatus === 'DRAFT') { // this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.draftSaved')); } else { this.notify.success(`${this.translate.instant('lang.sendingEmail')}...`); } if (closeModal) { this.closeModal('success'); } }), finalize(() => { if (this.emailStatus === 'DRAFT') { this.closeModal('success'); } }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } deleteEmail() { const dialogRef =, { panelClass: 'maarch-modal', autoFocus: false, disableClose: true, data: { title: this.translate.instant('lang.delete'), msg: this.translate.instant('lang.confirmAction') } }); dialogRef.afterClosed().pipe( filter((data: string) => data === 'ok'), exhaustMap(() => this.http.delete(`../rest/emails/${}`)), tap(() => { this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.emailDeleted')); this.closeModal('success'); }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } async updateEmail(closeModal: boolean = true) { if (this.summarySheetUnits.length !== 0) { await this.createSummarySheet(); } this.http.put(`../rest/emails/${}`, this.formatEmail()).pipe( tap(() => { if (this.emailStatus === 'DRAFT') { // this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.draftUpdated')); } else { this.notify.success(`${this.translate.instant('lang.sendingEmail')}...`); } if (closeModal) { this.closeModal('success'); } }), finalize(() => { if (this.emailStatus === 'DRAFT') { this.closeModal('success'); } }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } saveDraft() { if (this.canManageMail()) { this.emailStatus = 'DRAFT'; if ( === null) { if (!this.functions.empty(tinymce.get('emailSignature').getContent())) { this.createEmail(true); } else { this.closeModal(); } } else { this.updateEmail(true); } } else { this.closeModal(); } } drop(event: CdkDragDrop<string[]>) { if (event.previousContainer !== event.container) { transferArrayItem(,, event.previousIndex, event.currentIndex); } } toggleAttachMail(item: any, type: string, mode: 'original' | 'pdf') { if (type === 'document') { if (this.emailAttach.document.isLinked === false) { this.emailAttach.document.isLinked = true; this.emailAttach.document.format = mode !== 'pdf' ? item.format : 'pdf'; this.emailAttach.document.original = mode !== 'pdf'; this.emailAttach.document.size = mode === 'pdf' ? item.convertedDocument.size : item.size; } } else { if (this.emailAttach[type].filter((attach: any) => === === 0) { this.emailAttach[type].push({ ...item, format: mode !== 'pdf' ? item.format : 'pdf', original: mode !== 'pdf', size: mode === 'pdf' ? item.convertedDocument.size : item.size }); } } } removeAttachMail(index: number, type: string) { if (type === 'document') { this.emailAttach.document.isLinked = false; this.emailAttach.document.original = false; } else { this.emailAttach[type].splice(index, 1); } } switchEditionMode() { this.htmlMode = !this.htmlMode; if (this.htmlMode) { $('.tox-editor-header').show(); tinymce.get('emailSignature').setContent(tinymce.get('emailSignature').getContent()); } else { const dialogRef =, { panelClass: 'maarch-modal', autoFocus: false, disableClose: true, data: { title: this.translate.instant('lang.switchInPlainText'), msg: this.translate.instant('lang.confirmSwitchInPlanText') } }); dialogRef.afterClosed().pipe( tap((data: string) => { if (data === 'ok') { $('.tox-editor-header').hide(); tinymce.get('emailSignature').setContent(tinymce.get('emailSignature').getContent({ format: 'text' })); } else { this.htmlMode = !this.htmlMode; } }) ).subscribe(); } } formatEmail() { let objAttach: any = {}; Object.keys(this.emailAttach).forEach(element => { if (!this.functions.empty(this.emailAttach[element])) { if (element === 'document') { objAttach = { id: this.emailAttach[element].id, isLinked: this.emailAttach[element].isLinked, original: this.emailAttach[element].original }; } else if (element === 'notes') { objAttach[element] = this.emailAttach[element].map((item: any) =>; } else { objAttach[element] = this.emailAttach[element].map((item: any) => { return { id:, original: item.original }; }); } } }); const formatSender = { email:, entityId: !this.functions.empty(this.currentSender.entityId) ? this.currentSender.entityId : null }; return { document: objAttach, sender: formatSender, recipients: =>, cc: this.showCopies ? => : [], cci: this.showInvisibleCopies ? => : [], object: this.emailsubject, body: this.htmlMode ? tinymce.get('emailSignature').getContent() : tinymce.get('emailSignature').getContent({ format: 'text' }), isHtml: true, status: this.emailStatus }; } isSelectedAttachMail(item: any, type: string) { if (type === 'document') { return this.emailAttach.document.isLinked; } else { return this.emailAttach[type].filter((attach: any) => === > 0; } } canManageMail() { if (( === null) || (this.emailStatus !== 'SENT' && === this.emailCreatorId)) { this.recipientsInput.enable(); return true; } else { this.recipientsInput.disable(); return false; } } isAllEmailRightFormat() { let state = true; const allEmail = this.recipients.concat(this.copies).concat(this.invisibleCopies); => => { if (this.isBadEmailFormat(email)) { state = false; } }); return state; } compareSenders(sender1: any, sender2: any) { return (sender1.label === sender2.label || ((sender1.label === null || sender2.label === null) && (sender1.entityId === null || sender2.entityId === null))) && sender1.entityId === sender2.entityId && ===; } b64DecodeUnicode(str: string) { // Going backwards: from bytestream, to percent-encoding, to original string. return decodeURIComponent(atob(str).split('').map(function (c) { return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2); }).join('')); } onPaste(event: ClipboardEvent, type: string) { const clipboardData = event.clipboardData; const pastedText = clipboardData.getData('text'); this.formatEmailAddress(pastedText, type); } formatEmailAddress(rawAddresses: string, type: string) { const arrRawAdd: string[] = rawAddresses.split(/[,;]+/); if (!this.functions.empty(arrRawAdd)) { setTimeout(() => { this.recipientsInput.setValue(null); this[type + 'Field'].nativeElement.value = ''; }, 0); arrRawAdd.forEach((rawAddress: any) => { rawAddress = rawAddress.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/gi); if (!this.functions.empty(rawAddress)) { this[type].push({ label: rawAddress[0], email: rawAddress[0] }); } }); } } openSummarySheetModal(keyVal: any): void { if (keyVal !== 'summarySheet') { return; } let today: any; let dd: any; let mm: any; let yyyy: any; today = new Date(); dd = today.getDate(); mm = today.getMonth() + 1; yyyy = today.getFullYear(); if (dd < 10) { dd = '0' + dd; } if (mm < 10) { mm = '0' + mm; } today = dd + '-' + mm + '-' + yyyy; const title = this.translate.instant('lang.summarySheet') + ' ' + today; const dialogRef =, { panelClass: 'maarch-full-height-modal', width: '800px', data: { paramMode: true } }); dialogRef.afterClosed().pipe( filter((data: string) => data !== undefined), tap((data: any) => { this.summarySheetUnits = data; this.emailAttach['summarySheet'].push({ label: title, format: 'pdf', title: title, list: [] }); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } async createSummarySheet() { return new Promise(resolve => {'../rest/resourcesList/summarySheets?mode=base64', { units: this.summarySheetUnits, resources: [] }) .pipe( tap(async (sheetData: any) => { await this.saveSummarySheet(sheetData.encodedDocument); this.loading = false; resolve(true); }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleErrors(err); resolve(false); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); }); } async saveSummarySheet(encodedDocument: any) { return new Promise(resolve => { let today: any; let dd: any; let mm: any; let yyyy: any; today = new Date(); dd = today.getDate(); mm = today.getMonth() + 1; yyyy = today.getFullYear(); if (dd < 10) { dd = '0' + dd; } if (mm < 10) { mm = '0' + mm; } today = dd + '-' + mm + '-' + yyyy; const title = this.translate.instant('lang.summarySheet') + ' ' + today;'../rest/attachments', {resIdMaster:, encodedFile: encodedDocument, type: 'summary_sheet', format: 'PDF', title: title}) .pipe( tap((dataAttachment: any) => { this.emailAttach['summarySheet'] = undefined; this.emailAttach['attachments'].push({ id:, label: title, format: 'pdf', title: title, original: true }); this.loading = false; resolve(true); }), catchError((err) => { this.notify.handleErrors(err); resolve(false); return of(false); }) ) .subscribe(); }); } }