    "ABS": "Absent",
    "ADD": "Add",
    "ARPaper": "Paper acknowledgement of receipt",
    "ARelectronic": "Electronic acknowledgement of receipt",
    "ARsimple": "AR simple",
    "ARsva": "AR SVA",
    "ARsvr": "AR SVR",
    "DEL": "Delete",
    "DIR": "Manager",
    "DLP": "Permanent delegation",
    "ERROR": "Error",
    "EXE": "Community representative",
    "FON": "Agent",
    "IdMaarch2Maarch": "MAARCH2MAARCH identifier",
    "LOGIN": "Login",
    "LOGOUT": "Logout",
    "NOTE_version": "Annotated version",
    "NotificationDiffusionType": "Diffusion type",
    "NotificationEnabled": "Enabled",
    "NotificationEvent": "Event",
    "NotificationScheduleInfo": "As a reminder,\n\ncrontab format : [minute][hour][day of month][month][day of week]",
    "NotificationToEnable": "Enable",
    "PER": "Natural person (personnel)",
    "PRE": "Back from absence",
    "RESETPSW": "Password reset",
    "SIGN": "Sign document",
    "SIGN_version": "Original version",
    "SPH": "Superior",
    "UNSIGN": "Un-sign document",
    "UP": "Update",
    "VIEW": "View",
    "aboutUs": "About Maarch Courrier",
    "abs": "Absent",
    "absOff": "Absence deactivated",
    "absOn": "Absence activated",
    "accordingTemplateParameters": "According to the parameters defined in the model",
    "accountAdded": "Account added",
    "accountDeleted": "Account deleted",
    "accountLinked": "Account linked",
    "accountUnlinked": "Account unlinked",
    "acknowledgementReceipt": "Acknowledgement of receipt",
    "acknowledgementReceiptType": "Type of acknowledgement of receipt",
    "acknowledgementReceipts": "Acknowledgement of receipts",
    "acknowledgementSendDate": "Acknowledgement send date",
    "action": "Action",
    "actionAdded": "Action added",
    "actionAvailable": "Available actions",
    "actionCarriedOut": "System action",
    "actionChosen": "Action(s) chosen",
    "actionCreation": "Action creation",
    "actionDeleted": "Action deleted",
    "actionDone": "Action done",
    "actionHistory": "Log action in history",
    "actionHistoryDesc": "Log this action in the mail history. It is strongly recommended to check this option",
    "actionMassForbidden": "This action cannot be used in mass",
    "actionModification": "Action modification",
    "actionName": "Action name",
    "actionNotExist": "This action does not exist",
    "actionPage": "Action result page",
    "actionParameters": "Action parameters",
    "actionUpdated": "Action updated",
    "actions": "Actions",
    "actionsAdmin": "Create or update actions",
    "actionsAlt": "Actions",
    "actionsGroupBasketUpdated": "Actions settings updated",
    "actionsHistory": "Actions history",
    "actionsInfo": "The available actions will be the ones with the parameter <b>System action<\/b> set as : \"Simple confirmation\", \"No confirmation\", \"Send for visa\" and \"Close a mail\"",
    "activateAbsence": "Activate absence",
    "activateMyAbs": "Activate my absence",
    "activateNotification": "Activate notification",
    "activationNotificationSend": "E-mail activation sent",
    "active": "Active",
    "activeCron": "Active task(s)",
    "actives": "Active(s)",
    "add": "Add",
    "addAll": "Add all",
    "addAllData": "Add all available data",
    "addAttachment": "Add an attachment",
    "addContacts": "Add contacts",
    "addCustomUnit": "Add a custom unit",
    "addDoctype": "Add a document type",
    "addFirstLevel": "Add a first level",
    "addFolder": "New folder",
    "addLinks": "Add\/remove links",
    "notEnoughAlfrescoInformations": "User primary entity has not enough alfresco informations",
    "missingAlfrescoConfig": "Alfresco configuration is not enabled or incomplete",
    "alreadySentToAlfresco": "Document already sent to Alfresco",
    "addNewAccount": "Add a new account",
    "addNote": "Add a note",
    "addNoteToNumericPackage": "Add a note to mail to transmit",
    "addOpinion": "Give your opinion",
    "addOpinionReason": "Please fill the opinion reason",
    "addPerson": "Add a person",
    "addPrivateIndexingModelMsg": "This model will be <b>private<\/b> and will be a copy of the model",
    "addPrivateIndexingModelMsg2": "with the values <b>currently filled<\/b>.",
    "addRootFolder": "New root folder",
    "addSecondLevel": "Add second level",
    "addStatus": "Add a status",
    "addSubFolder": "New sub-folder",
    "addUser": "Add a user",
    "addUserOrEntity": "Add a user \/ an entity",
    "addUsers": "Add users",
    "addValue": "Add a value",
    "addVisaSignUser": "Add an approver or a signatory",
    "additionalRoles": "Additional Role(s)",
    "additionals": "Additional",
    "address": "Address",
    "adminBasketsDesc": "Define the baskets content and associate them to users groups. List available actions in the basket for a group. Set the display format for each group",
    "adminDocumentTypesDesc": "Define the internal layout of document types (file\/ sub-file\/ document type)",
    "adminEntitiesDesc": "Manage your organization structure (poles,services, etc.). Also manage diffusion models and visa workflow linked to entities.",
    "adminGroupsDesc": "Add, suspend, or update groups. Add privileges or access to resources.",
    "adminParamsUsers": "Settings for users administration",
    "adminTagsDesc": "Add, delete, update, or merge tags",
    "adminUsersDesc": "Add, suspend or modify users profiles.",
    "adminWorkflowModelsDesc": "Manage opinion and visa workflow models, which can be used in mails",
    "administration": "Administration",
    "administrationServices": "Administration privileges",
    "admissionDate": "Admission date",
    "adrPriority": "Sequence priority",
    "afterClickingSendLinkChangePassword": "After clicking on <b>Send<\/b>, you will receive an email containing a link to change your password. This link will be active for <b>1 hour<\/b>.",
    "alignCenter": "Center",
    "alignLeft": "Left",
    "alignRight": "Right",
    "all": "All",
    "allActions": "All actions",
    "allAttachments": "All attachments",
    "allEntities": "All entities",
    "allRoles": "All roles",
    "allowedExtensions": "Allowed extensions",
    "alreadyExist": "Identifier already exists",
    "alt_identifier": "Chrono number",
    "appName": "Application name",
    "appUpToDate": "Your application is up to date",
    "application": "Application",
    "approvedUserDate": "Approved",
    "april": "April",
    "aprilShort": "Apr.",
    "arAlreadyGenerated": "Acknowledgement receipt generated but not sent",
    "arAlreadySend": "Acknowledgement receipt already sent",
    "arGenWithModelMessage": "The summary sheets will be generated with the fields defined in the resource's indexing model.",
    "archival": "Archival",
    "archivalAgency": "Archival agency",
    "archivalAgreement": "Archival agreement",
    "arrivalDate": "Arrival date",
    "ascOrder": "Ascending order",
    "ascending": "Ascending",
    "askOpinion": "Several users want your opinion",
    "askOpinionUser": "ask you for your opinion",
    "askRedirectBasketBeforeAbsence": "Do you want to redirect your baskets before being absent ?",
    "assignBy": "Assigned by",
    "associatedStatus": "Associated status",
    "at": "At",
    "atRange": "at",
    "attachAttachment": "Link an attachment",
    "attachItemToNumericPackage": "Attach an element to sending mail",
    "attachMainDocument": "Link main document",
    "attachNote": "Link a note",
    "attachSummarySheet": "Attach the summary sheet",
    "attachment": "Attachment",
    "attachmentAdded": "Attachment added",
    "attachmentCreation": "Attachment creation",
    "attachmentDeleted": "Attachment deleted",
    "attachmentGenerated": "Attachment generated",
    "attachmentShort": "Attachment",
    "attachmentSignature": "Signature of attachments in signature book",
    "attachmentType": "Attachment type",
    "attachmentUpdated": "Attachment updated",
    "attachment_A_TRA": "To process",
    "attachment_FRZ": "Frozen",
    "attachment_SEND_MASS": "Send to mailing",
    "attachment_SIGN": "Signed",
    "attachment_TRA": "Processed",
    "attachments": "Attachments",
    "attachmentsNumericPackage": "Attachments of sent mail",
    "attachmentsNumericPackageToSend": "Attachments of sending mail",
    "august": "August",
    "augustShort": "Aug.",
    "authorize": "Authorize",
    "authorizedEntities": "Authorized entities destination",
    "autoAR": "Automatic",
    "autoLogoutAbsence": "You are going to be automatically disconnected after having defined your basket's redirection",
    "autocompleteInfo": "Your search must contain at least&nbsp;<b>3 characters<\/b>",
    "autocompleteInput": "Autocomplete input",
    "autocompletionDisplayable": "Displayable in autocompletion",
    "autocompletionSearchable": "Searchable in autocompletion",
    "avaiblableCustomFieldsTypes": "Available custom type(s)",
    "available": "available",
    "availableContacts": "Available contact",
    "availableCustomFields": "Available custom field(s)",
    "availableDatas": "Available data",
    "availableFields": "Available field(s)",
    "availableGroups": "Available groups",
    "availableIndexingActions": "Available actions when indexing",
    "availableMinorVersions": "Available versions",
    "availableStatuses": "Available statuses",
    "availableUsers": "Available users",
    "availableValues": "Available values",
    "avis": "Opinion workflow",
    "avisAnswer": "Give oneself's opinion",
    "avisAnswerDesc": "Allow this group to appear in the counsellor's list (opinion workflow)",
    "avisSent": "Opinion given",
    "avisUserAsk": "for opinion",
    "avisUserState": "opinion",
    "avisWorkflowDeleted": "Opinion workflow deleted",
    "avisWorkflowUpdated": "Opinion workflow updated",
    "back": "Back",
    "backBasket": "Back to basket",
    "backHome": "Back to home",
    "badActionParam": "Wrong action setting",
    "badEmailsFormat": "Some email addresses are not correct",
    "badFormat": "Bad format",
    "banAutocompleteInput": "Autocomplete BAN input",
    "barcode": "Barcode",
    "basket": "Basket",
    "basketAdded": "Basket added",
    "basketCreation": "Basket creation",
    "basketDeleted": "Basket deleted",
    "basketHelpDesc": "Drag and drop baskets to change the order",
    "basketModification": "Basket modification",
    "basketNotFound": "Basket not found",
    "basketNotification": "Toggle notification for this basket",
    "basketUpdated": "Basket updated",
    "baskets": "Baskets",
    "basketsAssigned": "Assigned basket(s)",
    "basketsAssignedShort": "Assigned basket(s)",
    "basketsColor": "Baskets color",
    "basketsColorAdmin": "Manage your baskets color",
    "basketsOrder": "Manage baskets order",
    "basketsRedirected": "Redirected baskets",
    "basketsUpdated": "Basket(s) updated",
    "beginSendTest": "Begin send test",
    "belowAllMyEntities": "Below all my entities",
    "belowMyPrimaryEntity": "Below my primary entity",
    "bothAR": "Automatic and manual",
    "browsing": "Browsing",
    "by": "By",
    "calDays": "calendar days",
    "canBeModified": "Index modification",
    "canBeSearched": "Searchable",
    "canManageFolder": "Can manage this folder",
    "canNotDeleteIndexingModel": "This indexing model cannot be deleted because at least one mail uses it",
    "canNotMakeAction": "Impossible to do action on the following mails",
    "canNotSendAr": "acknowledgement of receipts impossible to send",
    "canNotUpdateApplication": "Some files have been modified on the server. Cannot update the application",
    "canUpdateData": "Can update resource data",
    "cancel": "Cancel",
    "cannotCloseMails": "Some mails cannot be closed because at least one of the mandatory fields are empty",
    "cannotCloseThisMail": "This mail cannot be closed because at least one of the mandatory fields are empty",
    "cannotMergeTags": "This tag has a parent or children : impossible to merge tags",
    "cantMoveDoctype": "The document type can only be moved in a sub-folder",
    "cantMoveFirstLevel": "Sub-folder can only be moved in folder",
    "categories": "Categories",
    "category_id": "Category",
    "changeMyPassword": "Change my password",
    "changePassword": "Change password",
    "changePasswordInfo": "you must change your password",
    "chars": "character(s)",
    "checkEmptyFields": "Required fields to make this action",
    "checkOnlyofficeServer": "Establish contact with the Onlyoffice server",
    "checkSendmail": "Check mail server status",
    "checkboxInput": "Checkbox input",
    "choice": "Choice",
    "chooseAllowedGroups": "Choose allowed groups",
    "chooseAnotherEntityUser": "Choose another person from the entity",
    "chooseBAN": "Choose an address",
    "chooseBasket": "Choose a basket",
    "chooseCategoryAssociation": "Choose one or some associated categories",
    "chooseColor": "Choose a color",
    "chooseContactType": "Choose a contact type",
    "chooseDate": "Choose a date",
    "chooseDefaultAction": "Choose main action",
    "chooseEntity": "Choose a entity",
    "chooseEntityAssociationModel": "Choose entities who will be able to use this model",
    "chooseFile": "Choose a file",
    "chooseGroup": "Choose a group",
    "chooseIndexationProfil": "Choose an indexation group",
    "chooseModel": "Choose a model",
    "chooseNewDest": "is <b>recipient<\/b> of following diffusion list models, please choose a <b>replacement<\/b> user",
    "chooseNewDestUser": "is <b>recipient<\/b> of mail being processed, please select a <b>replacement user<\/b>",
    "chooseRedirectGroup": "Choose another group",
    "chooseValue": "Choose a value",
    "chosenDatas": "Chosen data",
    "chosenModel": "Chosen model",
    "chrono": "Chrono",
    "chronoNumber": "Chrono number",
    "chronoNumberShort": "Chrono Num",
    "circuitNotStarted": "The workflow has not yet started",
    "city": "City",
    "classify": "Classify",
    "classifyIn": "Classify in ...",
    "classifyInFolder": "Classify this mail in a folder",
    "classifyQuestion": "Do you want to classify",
    "classifying": "Classifying",
    "clause": "Clause",
    "clauseGroup": "Group's document perimeter",
    "click": "Click",
    "clickOn": "Click on",
    "close": "Close",
    "closeEditor": "Close the editor",
    "closeFullscreen": "Disable fullscreen",
    "closeMailAddNoteMandatory": "Please enter a note below, or add an attachment to the mails.",
    "closeSidePanel": "Close side panel",
    "closed": "Closed",
    "closingDate": "Closing date",
    "collection": "Collection",
    "color": "Color",
    "comment": "Comment",
    "comments": "Comments",
    "communicationMean": "Communication mean",
    "communicationMeanDesc": "Link a contact with another Maarch instance",
    "community": "Community",
    "complementaryFields": "Complementary fields",
    "confidential": "Confidential",
    "confidentiality": "Confidentiality",
    "confidentialityAndSecurity": "Confidentiality and security",
    "configAvisWorkflow": "Opinion workflow configuration",
    "configAvisWorkflowDesc": "Allows to set up the mail opinion workflow",
    "configAvisWorkflowInDetail": "Opinion workflow configuration from the detailed page",
    "configAvisWorkflowInDetailDesc": "Allows to define the opinion workflow directly from the mail detailed page",
    "configVisaWorkflow": "Visa workflow configuration",
    "configVisaWorkflowDesc": "Allows to set up the mail visa workflow",
    "configVisaWorkflowInDetail": "Visa workflow configuration from detailed page",
    "configVisaWorkflowInDetailDesc": "Allows to define the visa workflow directly from the mail detailed page",
    "configurationType": "Configuration type",
    "configurationUpdated": "Configuration updated",
    "confirm": "Confirm",
    "confirmAction": "Do you really want to do this action ?",
    "confirmCloseEditor": "Do you really want to close the editor ? All modifications will be canceled",
    "confirmDeleteAccount": "Do you want to delete this account ?",
    "confirmDeleteMailSignature": "Do you really want to delete the mail signature ?",
    "confirmDeleteSignature": "Do you really want to delete the signature ?",
    "confirmDuplicate": "Do you really want to duplicate this template ?",
    "confirmRemoveNote": "Note deletion",
    "confirmSwitchInPlanText": "Text formatting will be removed. Do you want to continue ?",
    "confirmToBeAbsent": "Do you really want to be absent ? You will be automatically logged out",
    "connectionFailed": "Connection to server failed, please try later.",
    "conservation": "Retention",
    "contact": "Contact",
    "contactAdded": "Contact(s) added",
    "contactCreation": "Contact creation",
    "contactDeleted": "Contact deleted",
    "contactDeletedFromGroup": "Contact was removed from the group",
    "contactDetails": "Details",
    "contactDisabled": "Contact disabled",
    "contactEnabled": "Contact enabled",
    "contactFilledTo": "Contact filled at",
    "contactGroupCreate": "Create contacts group",
    "contactGroupCreation": "Contacts group creation",
    "contactGroupList": "Contacts group list",
    "contactInfo": "Contact card",
    "contactLinkedToMails": "Contact linked to mails",
    "contactModification": "Contact modification",
    "contactReplacement": "Replacement contact",
    "contactUpdated": "Contact updated",
    "contact_contact": "Contact",
    "contact_contactGroup": "Contacts group",
    "contact_corporate": "Legal contact",
    "contact_entity": "Entity",
    "contact_internal": "Internal user",
    "contact_physical": "Natural contact",
    "contact_third": "Contact third",
    "contact_user": "User",
    "contacts": "Contacts",
    "contactsAdmin": "Contacts administration",
    "contactsAlt": "Contact(s)",
    "contactsFillingAdministration": "Contact information filling",
    "contactsFillingCriteria": "Filling criteria",
    "contactsFillingRate": "Filling rate",
    "contactsFillingStep1": "First step",
    "contactsFillingStep2": "Second step",
    "contactsFillingStep3": "Last step",
    "contactsFillingStr": "filled",
    "contactsGroupAdded": "Contacts group added",
    "contactsGroupDeleted": "Contacts group deleted",
    "contactsGroupDesc": "If the group is public, all the users will be able to use it. Otherwise it is private, and only the creator can use it",
    "contactsGroupModification": "Contacts group modification",
    "contactsGroupUpdated": "Contacts group updated",
    "contactsGroups": "Contacts groups",
    "contactsGroupsAlt": "Contact(s) group(s)",
    "contactsList": "Contacts list",
    "contactsParameters": "Contacts settings",
    "contactsParameters_addressAdditional1": "Building",
    "contactsParameters_addressAdditional2": "Additional Line",
    "contactsParameters_addressCountry": "Country",
    "contactsParameters_addressNumber": "Street number",
    "contactsParameters_addressPostcode": "Post code",
    "contactsParameters_addressStreet": "Street",
    "contactsParameters_addressTown": "City",
    "contactsParameters_civility": "Civility",
    "contactsParameters_company": "Company",
    "contactsParameters_department": "Department",
    "contactsParameters_email": "Email",
    "contactsParameters_firstname": "First name",
    "contactsParameters_function": "Function",
    "contactsParameters_lastname": "Last name",
    "contactsParameters_phone": "Phone",
    "contactsReassign": "Contacts reassign",
    "content": "Content",
    "contentHtmlTemplate": "Html template content",
    "contentTxtTemplate": "Text template content",
    "content_management": "Resource revision",
    "contextParaph": "Context",
    "convertingFile": "Converting file",
    "copieShort": "Cc",
    "copyUsersEntities": "Users \/ Entities in copy",
    "country": "Country",
    "createAtt": "Create an attachment",
    "createContact": "Create a contact",
    "createFolder": "Create a folder",
    "createNewEntity": "Create new entity",
    "createNewVersion": "Create a new version",
    "createPrivateIndexingModel": "Create an indexing model with current data",
    "createScriptNotification": "Create the script",
    "createUserInMaarchParapheur": "Create in Maarch Parapheur",
    "created": "Created",
    "createdAlt": "Created",
    "createdBy": "Created by",
    "createdOn": "Created on",
    "creationDate": "Creation date",
    "creation_date": "Creation date",
    "criteria": "Criteria",
    "criteriaContactField": "Sender \/ Recipient",
    "criteriaContactFieldDesc": "Search the company, the last name, the first name or a part of these elements",
    "criteriaResourceField": "Subject \/ Chrono number",
    "criteriaResourceFieldDesc": "Search a subject \/ chrono or a part of these elements",
    "criteriaSearch": "Search criteria",
    "currentApplicationVersion": "Current application version",
    "currentFilters": "Current filters",
    "currentIndexingMail": "the mail currently being indexed",
    "currentPsw": "Current password",
    "currentVersion": "Current version",
    "customField": "custom field",
    "customFieldAdded": "Custom field added",
    "customFieldAlreadyExists": "A custom field with this namealready exists",
    "customFieldDeleted": "Custom field deleted",
    "customFieldUpdated": "Custom field updated",
    "customFields": "custom field(s)",
    "customFieldsAdmin": "Custom fields",
    "customFieldsTypesAvailable": "Available custom fields types",
    "dashboard": "Dashboard",
    "dataOfMonth": "Month data",
    "dataUpdated": "Data updated",
    "databaseColumn": "DB column",
    "datasToExport": "Data to export",
    "date": "Date",
    "dateAgo": "Since",
    "dateInput": "Date input",
    "dateTo": "The",
    "day": "Day",
    "dayOfMonth": "Day of month",
    "dayS": "Day(s)",
    "days": "day(s)",
    "december": "December",
    "decemberShort": "Dec.",
    "default": "default",
    "defaultAction": "Default action",
    "defaultModel": "Default model",
    "defaultOrder": "Default order",
    "defaultSort": "Default sort",
    "defaultTemplate": "Template nature",
    "defaultValue": "Default value",
    "delAttachment": "Delete this attachment",
    "delay1": "Reminder period 1 before term (in days)",
    "delay2": "Reminder period 2 after term (in days)",
    "delete": "Delete",
    "deleteAll": "Delete all",
    "deleteAssignation": "Delete assignation",
    "deleteAtt": "Delete the attachment",
    "deleteContactInformations": "Links between contact and resources, attachments or acknowledgement receipts will be deleted.",
    "deleteContactwithtoutReassign": "Delete contact without reassigning it",
    "deleteDocumentInDetail": "Delete a mail in detail page",
    "deleteMsg": "Do you really want to delete this element ?",
    "deleteRedirection": "Delete redirection",
    "deleteResource": "Delete document",
    "deleteSignedVersion": "Delete signed version",
    "deleteUnit": "Delete unit",
    "delimiter": "Delimiter",
    "delivery": "Delivery",
    "denomination": "Denomination",
    "department": "Senders' department",
    "departureDate": "Departure date",
    "desactivateAbsence": "Deactivate absence",
    "descOrder": "Descending order",
    "descending": "Descending",
    "description": "Description",
    "destUserSetToDefault": "Assignee will be the assignee of the initiator entity diffusion list",
    "dest_user": "Assignee",
    "destination": "Entity destination",
    "destinationChangingInfo": "This mail will be reassigned to this entity",
    "destinationChangingInfoMass": "The mails coming from an entity outside of",
    "destinationChangingInfoMass2": "will be redirected to the entity",
    "destinationEntity": "Destination entity name",
    "destinationEntityType": "Destination entity type",
    "destruction": "Destruction",
    "detailDoc": "Detail page",
    "detailLink": "Link to detail page",
    "details": "Details",
    "diffListPrivilegeMsgDetails": "In <b>details page<\/b>, update users in roles: ",
    "diffListPrivilegeMsgIndexing": "In <b>indexing page<\/b>, update users in roles: ",
    "diffListPrivilegeMsgProcess": "In <b>process page<\/b>, update users in roles: ",
    "diffNoDestmsg": "No <b>assignee<\/b> defined, you <b>cannot<\/b> update the diffusion list.",
    "diffusionList": "Diffusion list",
    "diffusionListUpdated": "Diffusion list updated",
    "diffusionModelAdded": "Workflow model added",
    "diffusionModelCreation": "Workflow model creation",
    "diffusionModelDeleted": "Diffusion model deleted",
    "diffusionModelModification": "Diffusion model modification",
    "diffusionModelUpdated": "Diffusion model updated",
    "diffusionModels": "Diffusion models",
    "diffusionType": "Diffusion type",
    "disable": "Disable",
    "disableBasket": "Disable basket",
    "disableIndex": "Disable mail indexing",
    "disableMailing": "Disable mailing",
    "disabledContactsFilling": "Contacts filling enabled",
    "disabledMailevaConfig": "Maileva configuration is disabled",
    "display": "display",
    "displayAtt": "Display attachments list",
    "displayProcessLimitRes": "Display documents with passed process limit",
    "displayWebserviceAccount": "Display webservice accounts",
    "dlAttachment": "Download the attachment",
    "doNotModifyUnlessExpert": "Do not edit this section unless you know what you are doing. Incorrect settings can cause the application to malfunction !",
    "doNotReply": "Do not reply",
    "doNothingRedirect": "Unlink entity from the user's profile",
    "doNothingRedirectInformations": "The diffusion lists from mails and entity's model will not be modified",
    "doShippingParameter": "Please set up a template in <b>Administration<\/b> > <b>Shippings Maileva templates<\/b>",
    "docDate": "Document date",
    "docserverAdded": "Document server added",
    "docserverCreation": "Document server creation",
    "docserverDeleted": "Doctype deleted",
    "docserverDoesNotExists": "Document server does not exists",
    "docserverType": "Document server type",
    "docserverUpdated": "Document server updated",
    "docserverdeleteWarning": "This document server contains files, these files will not be available in the application.\n\nDo you want to continue ?",
    "docservers": "Document servers",
    "docserversAdmin": "Add, suspend or update document servers. Put the document server by kind of affiliations and define their primary group",
    "doctype": "Document type",
    "doctypes": "Document types",
    "documentEditor": "Document editor",
    "canNotEditImportedDocumentWhenJava": "You can not edit imported document with Java applet",
    "documentEditor_java": "Open your default document editor in a new window",
    "documentEditor_onlyoffice": "Open OnlyOffice directly inside Maarch Courrier",
    "documentOutOfPerimeter": "This document is out of your perimeter",
    "documentsOutOfPerimeter": "Some documents are out of your perimeter",
    "documentSignedMsg": "The document has been signed, you cannot edit this document",
    "documentTypeAdded": "Document type added",
    "documentTypeDeleted": "Document type deleted",
    "documentTypeReplacement": "Document type replacement",
    "documentTypeUpdated": "Document type updated",
    "documentTypes": "Document types",
    "documentTypesAlt": "Document(s) types",
    "documentUnsigned": "This document has been unsigned",
    "documentation": "Documentation",
    "documents": "document(s)",
    "done": "done",
    "downloadConvertedFile": "Download converted file",
    "downloadNumericPackage": "Download the numeric package",
    "downloadOriginalFile": "Download the original file",
    "draft": "Draft",
    "draftSaved": "Draft saved",
    "draftUpdated": "Draft updated",
    "dragAndDrop": "Drag and drop",
    "duplicate": "Duplicate",
    "durationCurrentUse": "Current usage duration (in month)",
    "eachDay": "Each day",
    "eachHour": "Each hour",
    "eachMinute": "Each minute",
    "eachMonth": "Each month",
    "editAcknowledgementReceipt": "Edit the acknowledgement receipt",
    "editAttachment": "Edit the attachment",
    "editDocument": "Edit the document",
    "editInProgress": "Edit in progress",
    "editModelFirst": "Please edit the model first",
    "editNote": "Edit note",
    "editResource": "Edit a document",
    "editResourceDesc": "Edit a document. Il will also depend on status setting (Index modification)",
    "editingAttachmentInterrupted": "Editing of the attachment has been interrupted. <br\/><sub>Please re-edit it.<\/sub>",
    "editingDocumentMsg": "The document is being edited, do you want to continue ?",
    "edition": "Edition",
    "editionAttachmentConfirmFirst": "All merge variables will be replaced taking into account what you have entered in the form on the left.",
    "editionAttachmentConfirmSecond": "Only <b> chrono number <\/b> ([res_letterbox.alt_identifier]) will be replaced after mail creation",
    "editionAttachmentConfirmThird": "Only <b> chrono number <\/b> ([res_letterbox.alt_identifier]) and <b>barcode<\/b> will be replaced after attachment creation",
    "editorOption": "Editor option",
    "editorOptionAdmin": "Manage editor option",
    "electronicSignature": "Electronic signature",
    "electronicTemplate": "Electronic template",
    "elements": "element(s)",
    "email": "Email",
    "emailCannotSent": "Error while sending email",
    "emailDeleted": "Email deleted",
    "emailModel": "Email model",
    "emailSendFailed": "Failed to send email",
    "emailSendInProgress": "Sending email...",
    "emailSendSuccess": "Email sent",
    "emailSendTest": "Email send test",
    "emailSent": "Email sent",
    "emailServerParam": "Mail server",
    "emailServerParamDesc": "Connect your mail server with Maarch Courrier in order to send emails",
    "emailSignatureAdded": "Email signature added",
    "emailSignatureDeleted": "Email signature deleted",
    "emailSignatureUpdated": "Email signature updated",
    "emailSignatures": "Email signatures",
    "emails": "Emails",
    "emptyBasket": "Empty basket",
    "emptySubject": "Empty subject",
    "enable": "Enable",
    "enableAuth": "Activate authentication",
    "enableBasket": "Enable basket",
    "enableGroupMsg": "This group could access to all the app features.",
    "enableIndex": "Enable mail indexation",
    "enableMailing": "Enable mailing",
    "enabledContactsFilling": "Contacts filling disabled",
    "endWorkflow": "You will end the workflow",
    "endedCircuit": "Workflow ended",
    "enterLogin": "Enter your login",
    "enterValue": "You must enter a value",
    "entities": "Entities",
    "entitiesSeparator": "Print separators",
    "entityAdded": "Entity added",
    "entityDeleted": "Entity deleted",
    "entityDeletedButAnnuaryUnreachable": "Entity deleted but annuary is unreachable",
    "entityFullName": "Full name",
    "entityReplacement": "Entity replacement",
    "entityTooglePrimary": "Set as primary entity",
    "entityTreeInfo": "Click on entity tree to access entity information",
    "entityTreeInfoCreation": "Click on entity tree to link an entity to the new entity",
    "entityTreeInfoSeparator": "Click on entity tree in order to generate the separator",
    "entityType": "Entity type",
    "entityUpdated": "Entity updated",
    "entityWithoutParentMessage": "If you're not a member of this entity, you will automatically become part of it.",
    "entity_label": "Entity",
    "entries": "entries",
    "eraseAll": "Erase all",
    "eraseAllFilters": "Erase all filters",
    "eraseValue": "Erase value",
    "errorOccured": "An error occurred",
    "errorOnlyoffice1": "Cannot launch onlyoffice, you are using a local address",
    "errorOnlyoffice2": "Cannot launch onlyoffice. Check if the onlyoffice server is available",
    "event": "Event",
    "eventList": "Open page",
    "eventProcessDoc": "Process document",
    "eventViewDoc": "View document",
    "eventVisaMail": "Electronic signature book",
    "expectedReturnDate": "Expected return date",
    "exportDatas": "Export data",
    "export_seda": "Seda export",
    "externalComponents": "External components",
    "externalVisaWorkflow": "Maarch Parapheur visa workflow",
    "february": "February",
    "februaryShort": "Feb.",
    "fewSeconds": "few seconds",
    "field": "Field",
    "fieldNature": "Field nature",
    "fieldNotExist": "Field does not exist",
    "fieldType": "Field type",
    "file": "File",
    "fileAlreadySentToSignatureBook": "File already send to signature book",
    "fileDoesNotExists": "File does not exists",
    "filterBy": "Filter by",
    "filteredFrom": "filtered on",
    "filters": "Filters",
    "fingerprint": "Digital fingerprint",
    "fingerprintsDoNotMatch": "Fingerprints do not match",
    "firstLevelAdded": "Folder added",
    "firstLevelAttached": "Attach to folder",
    "firstLevelDeleted": "Folder deleted",
    "firstLevelDoctype": "Folder",
    "firstLevelUpdated": "Folder updated",
    "firstSummarySheetsGenerated": "Only the first 500 summary sheets will be generated.",
    "firstname": "First name",
    "folder": "Folder",
    "folderAdded": "Folder added",
    "folderDeleted": "Folder deleted",
    "folderInformations": "Folder Information",
    "folderName": "Folder name",
    "folderPinned": "Folder pinned",
    "folderStatus": "Folder status",
    "folderTypeList": "Folder types list",
    "folderUnpinned": "Folder unpinned",
    "folderUpdated": "Folder updated",
    "folders": "Folders",
    "foldersTree": "Folders tree",
    "followedMail": "Followed mail(s)",
    "fontBig": "Big",
    "fontBold": "Bold",
    "for": "for",
    "forCapital": "For",
    "format": "Format",
    "found": "found",
    "freeNote": "Free note",
    "friday": "Friday",
    "from": "From",
    "fromRange": "From",
    "functionnalities": "Features",
    "ged_doc": "GED Document",
    "genSummarySheets": "Generate Summary sheets",
    "generateARMode": "Acknowledgement receipt mode allowed",
    "generateAndDownload": "Generate and download",
    "generateAndDownloadPrintedFolder": "Generate the printed folder",
    "generateSeparators": "Generate separators for each attachments and acknowledgement receipt",
    "generation": "Generating...",
    "generic": "Generic",
    "getAssignee": "User destination (entity destination)",
    "getAssigneeSample": "Barbara BAIN (Finance division)",
    "getCategory": "Category",
    "getCreationAndProcessLimitDates": "Creation date - Process limit date",
    "getCreationAndProcessLimitDatesSample": "Jan. 1st - <i class=\"fa fa-stopwatch\"><\/i>&nbsp;<b color=\"warn\">3 day(s)<\/b>",
    "getDoctype": "Mail type",
    "getDoctypeSample": "Reclamation",
    "getFolders": "Folders (fixed postion)",
    "getFoldersSample": "Litigation",
    "getModificationDate": "Modification date",
    "getOpinionLimitDate": "Opinion limit date",
    "getParallelOpinionsNumber": "Number of opinions sent",
    "getParallelOpinionsNumberSample": "<b>3<\/b> opinion(s) sent",
    "getPriority": "Priority",
    "getPrioritySample": "Urgent",
    "getRecipients": "Recipient",
    "getSenders": "Sender",
    "getSignatories": "Signatories",
    "getVisaWorkflow": "Visa workflow",
    "goToAdminParams": "Access to administration settings",
    "goToBasket": "Go to basket...",
    "goToFolder": "Go to folder",
    "groupAdded": "Group added",
    "groupCreation": "Group creation",
    "groupDeleted": "Group deleted",
    "groupModification": "Update group",
    "groupRedirect": "Group redirection",
    "groupServicesUpdated": "Privileges updated",
    "groupUpdated": "Group updated",
    "groupeCompany": ", a Xelians group company",
    "grouping": "Grouping",
    "groups": "Groups",
    "handwrittenSignature": "Handwritten signature",
    "hasInterruptedWorkflow": "Has interrupted the workflow",
    "hasNoAttachmentsNotes": "The following mails have no notes and no attachments",
    "hasNoEntity": "The following mails do not have an initiator entity",
    "hello": "Hello",
    "here": "here",
    "hideFoldersTree": "Hide tree",
    "history": "History",
    "historyBatch": "Batch history",
    "historyBatchAdmin": "Read batch history",
    "historyDisabled": "History disabled",
    "home": "Home",
    "homePage": "Home page",
    "host": "Host",
    "hour": "Hour",
    "hours": "hours",
    "html": "HTML",
    "id": "ID",
    "imgRelated": "Associated image",
    "immediatelyBelowMyPrimaryEntity": "Immediately below my primary entity",
    "immediatelySuperiorMyPrimaryEntity": "Immediately above to my primary entity",
    "importFile": "Import a file",
    "in": "in",
    "inShipping": "In shipping",
    "inShipping_doc": "Put the main document in Maileva shipping",
    "inSignatureBook": "In signature book",
    "inSignatureBook_doc": "Put the main document in signature book",
    "inactive": "Inactive",
    "inactives": "Inactive(s)",
    "incoming": "Incoming",
    "incompleteAddressForPostal": "Incomplete address for postal mailing",
    "indexDisabled": "Mail indexation disabled",
    "indexEnabled": "Mail indexation enabled",
    "indexation": "Mail indexation",
    "indexing": "Indexing",
    "indexingFile": "Indexation",
    "indexingForm": "Indexing form",
    "indexingModel": "Indexing model",
    "indexingModelAdded": "Indexing model added",
    "indexingModelCreation": "Indexing model creation",
    "indexingModelDeleted": "Indexing model deleted",
    "indexingModelDisabled": "Indexing model disabled",
    "indexingModelEnabled": "Indexing model enabled",
    "indexingModelModification": "Indexing model modification",
    "indexingModelUpdated": "Indexing model updated",
    "indexingModels": "Indexing models",
    "indexing_ged_doc": "GED",
    "indexing_incoming": "incoming",
    "indexing_internal": "internal",
    "indexing_outgoing": "outgoing",
    "infoMailevaAccount": "Indicate here your username and the INITIAL password communicated by Maileva when opening your account",
    "information": "Information",
    "informations": "Information",
    "infosActions": "You must choose at least one status and \/ or a script.",
    "initials": "Initials",
    "initiator": "Initiator",
    "initiatorEntity": "Initiator entity name",
    "initiatorEntityAlt": "Initiator entity",
    "insufficientPrivilege": "Not enough privilege",
    "integer": "Integer",
    "integerInput": "Integer input",
    "internal": "Internal",
    "interruptVisaWorkflow": "The following users will not be able to approve or sign the mail",
    "interrupted": "Interrupted",
    "invalidToken": "Token has expired or does not exist",
    "invisibleCopyShort": "Cci",
    "ip": "IP address",
    "isAssociatedTo": "is associated to",
    "isAvailable": "is available",
    "isCopyTo": "is in copy to",
    "isDestTo": "is in destination to",
    "isFolderStatus": "Folder status",
    "isLinkedTo": "Is linked to",
    "isMulticontact": "Multi-contact",
    "isNotAvailable": "is not available",
    "isSearchBasket": "Search basket",
    "isSearchBasketInfo": "Basket only used in advanced search. Not visible in home page.",
    "isSytemAction": "System action",
    "itemRemovedFromAvisTemplate": "The following users have been removed because they cannot give an opinion",
    "itemRemovedFromVisaTemplate": "The following users have been removed because they cannot approve or sign",
    "january": "January",
    "januaryShort": "Jan.",
    "july": "July",
    "julyShort": "July",
    "june": "June",
    "juneShort": "June",
    "keyword": "Keyword",
    "keywordAdded": "Keyword added",
    "keywordDeleted": "Keyword deleted",
    "keywordHelp": "Keyword help",
    "keywordHelpDesc_1": "Identifier of logged user",
    "keywordHelpDesc_10": "Immediate sub-entities (n-1) of entities passed as argument",
    "keywordHelpDesc_11": "Document perimeter example : access to resource of logged user's main entity, or sub-entity of this entity",
    "keywordHelpDesc_12": "Technical user id of logged user",
    "keywordHelpDesc_2": "Email of logged user",
    "keywordHelpDesc_3": "All logged user's entities. Sub-entities are not included",
    "keywordHelpDesc_13": "All logged user's identifier entities. Sub-entities are not included",
    "keywordHelpDesc_4": "Logged user's primary entity",
    "keywordHelpDesc_14": "Logged user's identifier primary entity",
    "keywordHelpDesc_5": "Sub-entities of argument list, can be @my_entities or @my_primary_entity",
    "keywordHelpDesc_6": "Parent entity passed as argument",
    "keywordHelpDesc_7": "All entities to the same level of entity passed as argument",
    "keywordHelpDesc_8": "All entities with de same type passed as argument",
    "keywordHelpDesc_9": "All entities (enabled)",
    "keywordHelper": "Hide \/ Display keyword help",
    "label": "Label",
    "langISO": "en-US",
    "language": "en",
    "last": "last",
    "lastname": "Last name",
    "less": "Less",
    "life_cycle": "Life cycle",
    "limitDataReached": "You have reached maximum amount of displayable data (<b>25000 data<\/b>), refine your <b>date range<\/b>",
    "limitDataReached_1000": "You have reached maximum amount of displayable data (<b>1000 data<\/b>).",
    "linkAccount": "Link Maarch Parapheur account",
    "linkContact": "Link a contact",
    "linkDetails": "Go to detail page",
    "linkEntityToUserInfo": "Click on an entity in the tree to link \/ unlink it to this user",
    "linkGroup": "Link a group",
    "linkNewAction": "Link new action",
    "linkResource": "Link to a new mail",
    "linkSelectedResources": "Link selected mails",
    "linkUser": "Link a user",
    "links": "Links",
    "listConfiguration": "Manage group order",
    "listTemplatesRolesUpdated": "Roles updated",
    "loaded": "loaded",
    "loadedFile": "File loaded",
    "loading": "Loading",
    "loadingFile": "Loading file",
    "lockDocserver": "Lock this document server (read only)",
    "lockedBy": "locked by",
    "logInOncePasswordChanged": "You will be asked to log in once the password has been changed.",
    "loginAlreadyExistsInMaarchParapheur": "Login already exists in Maarch Parapheur",
    "loginIxbus": "Ixbus login",
    "logout": "Log out",
    "m2mContactInfo": "Expected Format : SIRET\/ENTITY_ID of destination entity",
    "m2m_ARCHIVETRANSFER": "Archive transfer",
    "m2m_ARCHIVETRANSFERREPLY": "Archive transfer reply",
    "maarchApplication": "Maarch Application",
    "maarchLicence": "Maarch Courrier is distributed under the terms of",
    "maarchParapheurAccountMsg": "A <b>new<\/b> account with login",
    "maarchParapheurAccountMsg2": " will be created in Maarch Parapheur.",
    "maarchParapheurDocuments": "My mails in Maarch Parapheur",
    "maarchParapheurLinkbroken": "User does not exist in Maarch Parapheur anymore",
    "mail": "Mail",
    "mailAttachments": "mail attachment(s)",
    "mailClassified": "Mail(s) classified",
    "mailDate": "Mail date",
    "mailEntitiesList": "List of entities attached to mails",
    "mailFrom": "Sending address",
    "mailInformations": "Mail information",
    "mailNotPresentInBasket": "Mail not present in any basket",
    "mailNote": "Main document's note",
    "mailSubject": "Mail subject",
    "mailTo": "Mail address destination",
    "mailType": "Mail type",
    "mailevaAccount": "Maileva account",
    "mailevaAdmin": "Maileva shipping",
    "mailevaAdminDesc": "Configure mailing templates for Maileva",
    "maileva_addressPage": "Address page",
    "maileva_color": "Color",
    "maileva_duplexPrinting": "Both sides",
    "maileva_economic": "Economic : Ecopli grand compte (D+4)",
    "maileva_fast": "Fast : Lettre grand compte (D+2)",
    "maileva_firstPagePrice": "1st page",
    "maileva_nextPagePrice": "Next page(s)",
    "maileva_postagePrice": "Postage up to 20g",
    "maileva_registered_mail": "Registered mail",
    "maileva_registered_mail_ar": "Registered mail AR",
    "mailing": "Mailing",
    "mailingActionInformations": "Following mails contain mailing attachments, mailing will be done after action validation :",
    "mailingMsg": "Mailing enbled<br><br>In this mode, an attachment will be generated for each contacts of the mail. <br><br>To create them immediately, click on <b>\"Mailing\"<\/b><br><br> Click on <b>\"Validate\"<\/b> if you want them to be generated when transferred to the first signatory of the visa workflow",
    "mails": "mails",
    "mailsInFolder": "mail(s) in folder",
    "mailsSent": "Resource(s) sent",
    "mailsSentAlt": "Resources sent",
    "mainDocNumericPackage": "Main document of sent mail",
    "mainDocNumericPackageToSend": "Main document of mail to send",
    "mainDocument": "Main document",
    "makeActionOn": "Do you want to do this action on",
    "makeUpdate": "Update",
    "manageAbsences": "Redirect my baskets",
    "manageAttachments": "Update or delete attachments",
    "manageCreateContacts": "Create contacts",
    "manageCreateContactsDesc": "Create contacts from indexing\/processing\/detail page",
    "manageNumericPackage": "Send and save numeric package",
    "managePersonalData": "Viewable and updatable",
    "manageSignatures": "Manage signatures",
    "manageTagsInApplication": "Create tags",
    "manageTagsInApplicationDesc": "Create tags while indexing and processing, and in the detail page",
    "manageUpdateContacts": "Update contacts",
    "manageUpdateContactsDesc": "Update contacts from indexing\/processing\/detail page",
    "mandatory": "Mandatory",
    "mandatoryField": "Mandatory field",
    "manualAR": "Manual",
    "manualSendingAR": "Generated for manual sending...",
    "march": "March",
    "marchShort": "Mar.",
    "maxFileSize": "Maximum file size",
    "maxFileSizeReached": "Maximum file size reached",
    "maxSize": "Maximum size",
    "may": "May",
    "mayShort": "May",
    "memberAllUsers": "All users member of ",
    "memberDiffTypeUsers": "Diffusion type users member",
    "memberUserDest": "Dest user member",
    "memberUsersCopy": "Copy users member",
    "menu": "Menu",
    "menus": "Menus",
    "mergeTagWith": "Merge this tag with",
    "mergeWith": "Merge with",
    "minute": "Minute",
    "minutes": "minute(s)",
    "missingAdvert": "This account is currently set as absent.",
    "missingAdvert2": "If you want to connect with this account, the 'absent' mode will be disabled.",
    "missingAdvertTitle": "Absences management",
    "missingBasket": "Select the baskets for which you want to delete the redirection :",
    "missingChoose": "Do you want to reactivate your account ?",
    "missingMailevaConfig": "Maileva configuration does not exist",
    "modelDeleted": "Model deleted",
    "modelName": "Model name",
    "modelSaved": "Model saved",
    "modelUpdated": "Model updated",
    "modificationSaved": "Modification saved",
    "modified": "Modified",
    "modifiedBy": "Modified by",
    "modifiedOn": "Modified on",
    "modifyDiffusionList": "Modify diffusion list",
    "modifyVisaInSignatureBook": "Modify current approver from signature book",
    "modifyVisaInSignatureBookDesc": "Useful if signature book is used as a supervision signature book",
    "module": "Module",
    "modules": "Modules",
    "monday": "Monday",
    "month": "Month",
    "more": "More",
    "moreInfos": "More data",
    "moreOptions": "More options",
    "move": "Move",
    "moveAvisUserErr1": "You cannot move",
    "moveAvisUserErr2": "with users who have already given an opinion",
    "moveQuestion": "Do you want to move",
    "moveVisaUserErr": "You cannot move <p>{0}<\/p> with users who have already approved \/ signed or approval \/ sign is in progress.",
    "mustCompleteAR": "You must complete one of two acknowledgement of receipts model",
    "mustCompleteAllAttachments": "Please complete all attachments",
    "mustDeleteUsersWithNoPrivileges": "You must delete users with insufficient privileges",
    "mustEditAttachmentFirst": "You must edit the attachment first",
    "mustEditDocument": "You must <b>edit<\/b> the document in order to <b>validate<\/b> modifications.",
    "mustFixErrors": "You must fix the errors.",
    "mustReconnect": "Please reconnect",
    "myBaskets": "My baskets",
    "myBasketsDesc": "Redirect my baskets to others users",
    "myContactsGroups": "My contacts groups",
    "myContactsGroupsDesc": "Manage my contacts lists",
    "myEntities": "My entities",
    "myHistoric": "My history",
    "myInformations": "My information",
    "myLastResources": "My last consulted mails",
    "myMenu": "Personal menu",
    "myParameters": "My parameters",
    "myPinnedFolder": "My pinned folders",
    "myPreferences": "My preferences",
    "myPrimaryEntity": "My primary entity",
    "myProfile": "My profile",
    "myProfileAccess": "Access to my profile",
    "mySignMail": "My signatures (email)",
    "mySignMailDesc": "Manage my email signatures",
    "mySignSignatureBook": "My signatures (signature book)",
    "mySignSignatureBookDesc": "Manage my signature book signatures",
    "nature": "Nature",
    "natureIxbusParapheur": "Document nature",
    "newAccount": "New account",
    "newAction": "New action",
    "newAssignee": "New assignee",
    "newAttachment": "New attachment",
    "newDest": "New recipient for",
    "newDestRes": "New recipient for mails",
    "newElement": "New element",
    "newField": "New field",
    "newLoginInMaarchParapheur": "New Maarch Parapheur login",
    "newPsw": "New password",
    "newSignature": "New signature",
    "newValue": "New value",
    "newVersion": "New version",
    "newVersionAdded": "New version added",
    "newVersionAvailable": "A new version is available",
    "newsFeed": "News feed",
    "next": "Next",
    "no": "No",
    "noAction": "No action",
    "noActionProcessed": "No action processed",
    "noAttachment": "No attachment",
    "noAttachmentClickToAddOne": "No attachments available<br\/><sub>Click on <i class=\"fa fa-paperclip fa-lg\" ><\/i><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"><\/i> to add one.<\/sub>",
    "noAttachmentContact": "No (external) contact linked to this attachment",
    "noAttachmentConversion": "No PDF conversion for this attachment",
    "noAttachmentInSignatoryBook": "No available items : not in signature book or frozen",
    "noAttachmentToSend": "No attachment to send",
    "noAvailableAction": "<b>No available action<\/b>, please set an action in <b>Administration > Groups > Mail indexation<\/b>.",
    "noAvailableActionProcess": "<b>No available action<\/b>, please set an action in <b>Administration > Baskets > Current basket<\/b>.",
    "noAvailableBasket": "No available basket",
    "noAvailableFolder": "No available folder",
    "noAvailableIndexingModel": "No indexing model found<br \/><br \/><small>Please create a model in Administration > Indexing models<\/small>",
    "noAvailableMenu": "No available menu",
    "noAvailablePreview": "No available preview",
    "noAvailableValue": "No available value",
    "noCircuitAvailable": "No workflow defined",
    "noCustomFieldInfo": "<b>No custom field<\/b> available, choose available custom fields types on <b>right panel<\/b> in order to create new custom fields.",
    "noDataAvailable": "No available data",
    "noDatasource": "No data sources",
    "noDefaultIndexingModel": "No default indexing model found, loaded the first model of the list.",
    "noDest": "No <b>assignee<\/b> defined",
    "noDiffusionList": "No diffusion list",
    "noDoctypeSelected": "No document type selected",
    "noDocument": "No document",
    "noDocumentToSend": "No document to send",
    "noEntity": "No entity",
    "noEvent": "No event",
    "noEventList": "Do nothing",
    "noFieldInModelMsg": "No fields found ! Default fields have been loaded",
    "noFile": "No file",
    "noFileMsg": "<b>Warning<\/b>, no file uploaded.<br\/><br\/>Do you want to continue ?",
    "noFirstLevelSelected": "No sub-folder selected",
    "noFranceContact": "Address is not in France for this contact",
    "noMailContact": "No (external) contact linked to this mail",
    "noMailConversion": "Mail does not have PDF conversion",
    "noMove": "This entity \/ user cannot be moved",
    "noNote": "No note",
    "noNumericPackageSelected": "No numeric package selected",
    "noOpinionLimitDate": "The opinion limit date is not defined",
    "noOpinionNote": "No reason is defined",
    "noOverviewAvailable": "No overview available",
    "noPerson": "No person",
    "noPinnedFolder": "No pinned folder",
    "noPrivileges": "Not enough privileges",
    "noRecord": "No elements",
    "noReplacement": "No replacement",
    "noResult": "No results",
    "noRole": "No role",
    "noSelectedAddress": "No selected address",
    "noSelectedContact": "No associated contact",
    "noSelectedFolder": "No selected folder",
    "noSelectedTag": "No selected tag",
    "noSelectedValue": "No selected value",
    "noSendmail": "No mail sent",
    "noSettingsAvailable": "No settings available",
    "noShippingTemplate": "No common shipping Maileva templates available for these entities",
    "noSignableAttachmentInSignatoryBook": "No attachment available : not signable or frozen",
    "noTemplate": "No template",
    "noUserDefinedInMaarchParapheur": "No user created in Maarch Parapheur",
    "noUserReplacement": "No user replacement",
    "noVisaWorkflow": "No visa workflow set up.",
    "noVisaWorkflowNoSignature": "No visa workflow set up. <br><sub>No signature possible. <\/sub>",
    "none": "None",
    "notAllowedExtension": "Extension not allowed",
    "notInAuthorizedEntities": "is not in one of the <b>authorized entities<\/b>.",
    "notSavedBecauseInvalid": "Configuration not updated because some data are invalid",
    "notSent": "Not sent",
    "notUsed": "Not used",
    "notVisible": "Not visible",
    "note": "Note",
    "noteRemoved": "Note deleted",
    "noteTemplates": "Note templates",
    "noteVisibleBy": "Note visible by :",
    "notes": "Note(s)",
    "notesAlt": "Notes",
    "noticeGroupeOrder": "Drag and drop groups to set order",
    "notificationAdded": "Notification added",
    "notificationCreation": "Notification creation",
    "notificationDeleted": "Notification deleted",
    "notificationJoinDocument": "Attachment main document to notification",
    "notificationModel": "Sendmail template",
    "notificationModification": "Notification modification",
    "notificationSchedule": "Schedule notifications",
    "notificationScheduleUpdated": "Schedule updated",
    "notificationUpdated": "Notification updated",
    "notifications": "Notifications",
    "notificationsAdmin": "Create and manage users' notifications based on application event",
    "notificationsSchedule": "Notifications schedule",
    "november": "November",
    "novemberShort": "Nov.",
    "numericPackageDeleted": "Numeric package deleted",
    "numericPackageImported": "Numeric package imported",
    "numericPackageSent": "Numeric package sent",
    "object": "Subject",
    "objectSample": "Subject sample",
    "october": "October",
    "octoberShort": "Oct.",
    "office": "Office",
    "officialWebsite": "Official website",
    "ok": "Ok",
    "onRange": "on",
    "oneHour": "one hour",
    "oneMinute": "one minute",
    "onlyNumber": "Numbers only",
    "onlyOfficeNotEnabled": "The onlyoffice server is not enabled in documentEditorsConfig.xml",
    "onlyofficeEditDenied": "This document with extension",
    "onlyofficeEditDenied2": "cannot be edited with onlyoffice",
    "openFullscreen": "Enable fullscreen",
    "openInExternalModal": "Open in external modal",
    "openIndexation": "Indexing page will open so that you can create a new mail",
    "openSidePanel": "Open side panel",
    "openedInExternalModal": "Opened in external modal",
    "opinionCircuit": "Opinion workflow",
    "opinionLimitDate": "Opinion limit date",
    "opinionLimitDateOutdated": "The opinion limit date is outdated",
    "opinionsSent": "opinion(s) sent",
    "optional": "Optional",
    "optionalField": "Optional field",
    "or": "or",
    "orderBy": "Order",
    "orderValues": "Order values",
    "organization": "ORGANIZATION",
    "otherActions": "Other(s) action(s)",
    "otherInformations": "Other(s) information",
    "otherParameters": "Other(s) parameter(s)",
    "others": "Other(s)",
    "othersBaskets": "Others baskets",
    "othersInfos": "Other(s) information",
    "outOf": "of",
    "outdated": "Outdated",
    "outgoing": "Outgoing",
    "owner": "Owner",
    "page": "Page",
    "paperTemplate": "Paper template",
    "parameter": "Parameter",
    "parameterAdded": "Parameter added",
    "parameterCreation": "Parameter creation",
    "parameterDeleted": "Parameter deleted",
    "parameterModification": "Parameter modification",
    "parameterUpdated": "Parameter updated",
    "parameters": "Parameters",
    "parentFolder": "Parent folder",
    "password": "Password",
    "password2renewal": "After this delay, you must choose another one.",
    "passwordChanged": "Your password has been changed",
    "passwordIxbus": "Ixbus password",
    "passwordMatch": "The passwords match",
    "passwordModification": "Password modification",
    "passwordNotMatch": "The passwords do not match",
    "passwordRulesUpdated": "Security constraints updated",
    "passwordUpdated": "Password updated",
    "passwordValid": "Password is valid",
    "passwordcomplexityNumber": "At least 1 number",
    "passwordcomplexityNumberRequired": "Number required",
    "passwordcomplexitySpecial": "At least 1 special character",
    "passwordcomplexitySpecialRequired": "Special character required",
    "passwordcomplexityUpper": "At least 1 capital letter",
    "passwordcomplexityUpperRequired": "Capital letter required",
    "passwordhistoryLastUseDesc": "You cannot use your the last",
    "passwordhistoryLastUseDesc2": "passwords",
    "passwordhistoryLastUseRequired": "Number of saved passwords",
    "passwordlockAttemptsRequired": "Number of connection attempts",
    "passwordlockTimeRequired": "Time freeze",
    "passwordminLength": "minimum characters",
    "passwordminLengthRequired": "Minimum password length",
    "passwordrenewal": "This new password will only be active when",
    "passwordrenewalRequired": "Password expiration",
    "path": "Path",
    "patternId": "Value must contain only alphanumeric, dot, underscore or dash characters",
    "pdfVersion": "PDF version",
    "pdfVersionFile": "The PDF version of the file",
    "perimeter": "Perimeter",
    "personalDataMsg": "User's personal data are",
    "phoneNumber": "Phone number",
    "phpmail": "Php function (mail)",
    "pinFolder": "Pin folder",
    "port": "Port",
    "portIsEmpty": "Onlyoffice server port is empty in documentEditorsConfig.xml",
    "preRequisiteMissing": "Requirement missing for OnlyOffice : netcat",
    "preview": "Preview",
    "previous": "Previous",
    "pricesInformations": "Prices information",
    "primary": "Primary",
    "primaryEntity": "Primary entity",
    "primaryInformations": "Primary information",
    "printDate": "Print date",
    "printFolderDoc": "Print the entire folder",
    "printResultList": "Print list",
    "printSeparators": "Print separators",
    "printSeparatorInfo": "You can print <b>entity<\/b> or <b>generic<\/b> separators to use with <b>maarchCapture<\/b> to record scanned mails in correct entity.",
    "printedFolder": "Printed folder",
    "priorities": "Priorities",
    "prioritiesAlt": "Priorities",
    "prioritiesHelpDesc": "Drag and drop priorities to change the order",
    "prioritiesOrder": "Manage priorities order",
    "priority": "Priority",
    "priorityAdded": "Priority added",
    "priorityCreation": "Priority creation",
    "priorityDeleted": "Priority deleted",
    "priorityModification": "Priority modification",
    "priorityUpdated": "Priority updated",
    "private": "Private",
    "privateFolder": "Private folder",
    "privateIndexingModelCreation": "Private indexing model creation",
    "privateModel": "Private model",
    "privileges": "Privileges",
    "process": "Process",
    "processAction": "Process action(s)",
    "processDate": "Process date",
    "processDelay": "Process time limit",
    "processDelayDay": "Process time limit (in days)",
    "processLimitDate": "Processing deadline",
    "processMode": "Process modes for acknowledgement receipt",
    "processType": "Process type",
    "process_limit_date": "Process limit date",
    "production": "PRODUCTION",
    "progression": "Progression",
    "properties": "Properties",
    "pswReseted": "Password reset",
    "public": "Public",
    "publicModel": "Public model",
    "putInSendAttach": "Put in Maileva shipping",
    "putInSignatureBook": "Put in signature book",
    "qmail": "Local mail server (Qmail)",
    "qrcode": "QR code",
    "quickSearchInfo": "Search on ",
    "quickSearchTarget": "subject (mail \/ attachment), chrono number (mail \/ attachment), notes content, barcode, EDM number (mail)",
    "quota": "Quota",
    "quotaExceeded": "Quota exceeded",
    "radioInput": "Radio input",
    "reactivateUserDeleted": "This id is linked to a deleted user. Do you want to reactivate it ?",
    "readyToGeneratePaperAr": "paper acknowledgement receipt ready to be generated",
    "readyToSendElectronicAr": "electronic acknowledgement receipt ready to be sent",
    "reaffect": "Reassign",
    "reaffectContactInformations": "Links between contact and resources, attachments or acknowledgement receipts will be reassigned to the chosen contact.",
    "reaffectContactRedirect": "Reassign to a contact",
    "reaffectUserRedirect": "Reassign to user",
    "reaffectUserRedirectInformations": "The user will be replaced by the selected user in the mails and entity's diffusion lists",
    "reallyWantToDeleteContactFromGroup": "Do you really want to remove this contact from the group",
    "reallyWantToDeleteThisGroup": "Do you really want to remove this group ?",
    "reassign": "Reassign",
    "recipient": "Recipient",
    "recipientShort": "To",
    "recipients": "Recipient(s)",
    "reconcileMsg": "The mails will be converted into <b>signed version<\/b> and linked to the selected mail.",
    "reconcileMsg2": "If an <b>outgoing mail<\/b> is selected, only the <b>last mail<\/b> will be converted into a signed version. The others will be <b>deleted<\/b> !",
    "record": "element(s)",
    "recordMail": "Record a mail",
    "recordingMail": "Record a mail",
    "records": "result(s)",
    "recordsPerPage": "result per page",
    "redirectBasket": "Redirect basket",
    "redirectBaskets": "Redirect selected baskets",
    "redirectConfidentialInfo": "This user has confidential mails linked to this service.<br\/>You could link to an other user in this service.",
    "redirectModelInfo": "This user is in the <b>diffusion list model<\/b> of this entity.",
    "redirectTo": "Redirect to",
    "redirectUserListDiff": "Change destination user of diffusion list model",
    "redirectUserListInstances": "Change of recipient for mail being processed",
    "redirectWhenAbscence": "Redirect the basket to a user",
    "redirectedTo": "Redirected to",
    "redirects": "Redirection",
    "reference": "Reference",
    "rejectVisaBack": "Mail will be sent to the previous user",
    "rejectVisaBackUser": "Mail will be sent back to",
    "relatedBaskets": "Related basket(s)",
    "relatedContactNumber": "Number of contacts related",
    "relatedContacts": "Related contacts",
    "relatedUsers": "Related users",
    "removeAllDatas": "Remove all data",
    "removeFile": "Remove file",
    "removeFromFolder": "Remove from folder",
    "removeNote": "Remove note",
    "removeSignature": "Remove signature",
    "removeUserRedirect": "Remove the user from the diffusion lists",
    "removeUserRedirectInformations": "<em>The user will be removed from the mails and entity's diffusion lists <b>except in the case where it is assignee<\/b><\/em>",
    "removedFromFolder": "Mail(s) removed",
    "renewPsw": "Enter the password again",
    "requestSentByEmail": "The request has been sent to you by email.",
    "requiredField": "Required field",
    "resId": "EDM Identifier",
    "resetColor": "Reset color",
    "resetVisaWorkflow": "The visa workflow actions will be <b>reset<\/b>",
    "resourceUnlinked": "Resource unlinked",
    "resourcesLinked": "Resources linked",
    "restrictedEntity": "Restricted entity",
    "restrictions": "Restrictions",
    "resultPage": "Result page",
    "retentionFinalDisposition": "Fate",
    "retentionRule": "Retention rules",
    "returnDate": "Return date",
    "retypeNewPassword": "Re-type the new password",
    "role": "Role",
    "roleUsedInTemplateInfo": "This role is used in the following entities",
    "roleUsedInTemplateInfo2": "Users linked to this role will be removed from diffusion list.",
    "roles": "Roles",
    "rolesExceptAssignee": "Role(s) excluding assignee",
    "sameLevelMyPrimaryEntity": "Same level of my primary entity",
    "saturday": "Saturday",
    "save": "Save",
    "saveAndClose": "Save and close",
    "saveAsModel": "Save as model",
    "saveAsPrivateModel": "Save as private model",
    "saveDraft": "Save draft",
    "saveModifications": "Save modifications",
    "saveModifiedData": "Do you want to save your modifications ?",
    "saveNumericPackage": "Save numeric package",
    "sbSignatures": "Signature book signatures",
    "script": "Script",
    "scriptCreated": "Script created",
    "search": "Search",
    "searchAddressBan": "Search an address",
    "searchAddressDb": "Search in the address database",
    "searchByAttachmentType": "Search by attachment type",
    "searchCommunicationMean": "Search a communication mean",
    "searchContact": "Search a contact",
    "searchDatas": "Search data",
    "searchEntities": "Search entity",
    "searchExternalIdM2M": "Search M2M Identifier",
    "searchFolder": "Search folder",
    "searchMailInBasket": "Search mails in basket",
    "searchMailInFolder": "Search mails in folder",
    "searchMails": "Search mails",
    "searchNewAssignee": "Search for a new assignee",
    "searchTag": "Search tag",
    "searchTrackedMail": "Search in followed mails",
    "searchUserInMaarchParapheur": "Search a Maarch Parapheur user",
    "searchValue": "Search a value",
    "secondLevelAdded": "Sub-folder added",
    "secondLevelAttached": "Attach to sub-folder",
    "secondLevelDeleted": "Sub-folder deleted",
    "secondLevelDoctype": "Sub-folder",
    "secondLevelUpdated": "Sub-folder updated",
    "secondaryEntity": "Secondary entity",
    "secondaryInformations": "Secondary information",
    "securities": "Securities",
    "securitiesAdministration": "Security administration",
    "securityConstraints": "Security constraints",
    "see": "see",
    "selectAction": "Perform an action",
    "selectAll": "Select all",
    "selectAllResInBasket": "Select all mails in basket",
    "selectContact": "select a contact",
    "selectInput": "Select input",
    "selectMailToReconcile": "Please, select a mail to reconcile",
    "selected": "selected",
    "selectedAccount": "Selected account",
    "selectedDocumentStatus": "Mail status",
    "selectedElements": "selected element(s)",
    "selectedValue": "Selected value",
    "send": "Send",
    "sendActivationNotification": "Send activation email",
    "sendElement": "Send an element",
    "sendError": "Send error",
    "sendMode": "Send mode",
    "sendModes": "Send modes",
    "sendNumericPackage": "Send a numeric package",
    "sendNumericPackageInfo": "You can send mail and attachments between <b> two Maarch Courrier instances <\/b>. <br><br> You will receive <b> an acknowledgment of receipt <\/b> and you will be able <b>to follow the progress<\/b> of the mail at the recipient. (see <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\"> Maarch2GEC <\/a> for more information).",
    "sendTo": "Send to",
    "sendToDocTo": "You will send this mail to",
    "sender": "Sender",
    "senderRecipientInformations": "Sender \/ Recipient information",
    "senderShort": "From",
    "senders": "Sender(s)",
    "sendingEmail": "Sending email...",
    "sendmail": "Send emails",
    "sendmailShort": "Send emails",
    "sent": "Sent",
    "sentToFastParapheur": "Send to FAST-Parapheur",
    "sentToIParapheur": "Send to IParapheur",
    "sentToIxbusParapheur": "Send to Ixbus Parapheur",
    "separatorTarget": "Separator target",
    "separatorType": "Separator type",
    "separators": "Separator(s)",
    "september": "September",
    "septemberShort": "Sept.",
    "setByDefault": "set by default",
    "setInParentFolder": "Set in folder ...",
    "settingsList": "Display settings",
    "shapingOptions": "Layout options",
    "shareToEntities": "Share to entities ...",
    "sharedFolder": "Shared folder",
    "shipping": "Maileva shipping",
    "shippingAdded": "Maileva shipping added",
    "shippingCreation": "Maileva shipping creation",
    "shippingDeleted": "Maileva shipping deleted",
    "shippingModification": "Maileva shipping modification",
    "shippingNotEligible": "Ineligible mail(s) ",
    "shippingReadyToSend": "document(s) ready to be sent",
    "shippingUnavailable": "<b>Warning <\/b> Shipping is not activated. Check the configuration file mailevaConfig.xml",
    "shippingUpdated": "Maileva shipping updated",
    "shippings": "Maileva shipping templates",
    "shortLabel": "Short label",
    "shortcut": "Shortcut",
    "showFoldersTree": "Show tree",
    "showMore": "Show more",
    "signAdded": "Signature added",
    "signDeleted": "Signature deleted",
    "signDocs": "Sign the documents",
    "signUpdated": "Signature updated",
    "signUser": "Signatory",
    "signUserRequired": "At least one signatory is required",
    "signatureAdded": "Signature added",
    "signatureDate": "Signature date",
    "signatureDeleted": "Signature deleted",
    "signatureUpdated": "Signature updated",
    "signatures": "Signatures",
    "signed": "Signed",
    "signedAlt": "Signed",
    "signedAttachment": "Signed attachment",
    "signedUserDate": "Signed",
    "signedVersionDeleted": "Signed version deleted",
    "signsSynchronized": "Signatures have been updated in Maarch Parapheur",
    "since": "Since",
    "siret": "SIRET number",
    "siretCode": "SIRET code",
    "siretGenerated": "SIRET number generated",
    "siretGeneratedAndSynchronizationDone": "SIRET number generated and annuary synchronization done",
    "siretGeneratedButAnnuaryUnreachable": "SIRET number generated but annuary is unreachable",
    "smtpAuth": "Authentication method",
    "smtpclient": "Smtp client (smtp)",
    "smtprelay": "Smtp relay (sendmail)",
    "status": "Status",
    "statusAdded": "Status added",
    "statusCreation": "Status creation",
    "statusDeleted": "Status deleted",
    "statusModification": "Status modification",
    "statusName": "Status name",
    "statusUpdated": "Status updated",
    "statuses": "Statuses",
    "statusesAdmin": "Create or update statuses",
    "stopFollowingAlert": "Do you want to stop following these mails ?",
    "stringInput": "String",
    "subEntities": "Entities (and sub-entities)",
    "subject": "Subject",
    "summarySheet": "Summary sheet",
    "summarySheets": "Summary sheet(s)",
    "summarySheetsAlt": "Summary sheets",
    "sunday": "Sunday",
    "supervision": "SUPERVISION",
    "suspend": "Suspend",
    "suspendNotification": "Suspend notification",
    "suspended": "Suspended",
    "sveStartDate": "SVE start date",
    "switchInHtml": "Switch to HTML",
    "switchInPlainText": "Switch to plain text",
    "switchManualAddress": "Switch to manual input",
    "syncSignsToMaarchParapheur": "Synchronize signatures to Maarch Parapheur",
    "system": "System",
    "systemActions": "System event(s)",
    "systemParameters": "System parameters",
    "tabProcessPosition": "Tab opened by default",
    "tagAdded": "Tag added",
    "tagCreation": "Tag creation",
    "tagDeleted": "Tag deleted",
    "tagMerged": "Tag merged",
    "tagModification": "Tag modification",
    "tagUpdated": "Tag updated",
    "tags": "Tags",
    "targetDepartment": "Target department",
    "targetFillingField": "Target field for filling",
    "technicalId": "Technical identifier",
    "templateAdded": "Template added",
    "templateAssociateEntities": "List of entities already associated with a template",
    "templateCheckEntities": "The following entities already have a registered template for the type : ",
    "templateCreation": "Template creation",
    "templateDatasource": "Template data source",
    "templateDeleted": "Template deleted",
    "templateDuplicated": "Template duplicated",
    "templateEdition": "Template edition",
    "templateModification": "Template modification",
    "templateName": "Template name",
    "templateServiceInfo": "Choose the entity\/entities that you want to associate to this template",
    "templateTarget": "Template target",
    "templateType": "Template type",
    "templateUpdated": "Template updated",
    "templates": "Templates",
    "templatesAdmin": "Manage templates for attachments, notifications, document generation, send email and notes",
    "thanksToCommunity": "And all of Maarch's community !",
    "thanksToExtDev": "Maarch Courrier depends on some external components. A thank-you to their developers !",
    "theTag": "The tag",
    "thisRes": "Following mail(s)",
    "tuesday": "Tuesday",
    "thursday": "Thursday",
    "title": "Title",
    "to": "to",
    "toAService": "To a service",
    "toAnUser": "To a user",
    "toCopyAddress": "to copy its address",
    "toEntities": "To entities",
    "toExport": "Export",
    "toRange": "to",
    "toSchedule": "Schedule",
    "toStatuses": "To statuses",
    "toStatusesDesc": "You cannot choose a status, a default status has been chosen for this action.",
    "toUsersEntities": "To users in entities",
    "to_note": "To note",
    "to_sign": "To sign",
    "to_visa": "To approve",
    "todayDate": "Today's date",
    "toggleQrcode": "Display \/ Hide QRCode (mail identifier)",
    "tooMuchDatas": "Too much data to export",
    "toolTipDeleteDoctype": "If mails are attached to this type of document, a reassignment screen will be displayed.",
    "tools": "Tools",
    "tooltipFolderStatus": "If checked, status can be used for folder baskets",
    "tooltipIndexStatus": "If checked, you can edit the metadata of the mails having this status",
    "tooltipSearchStatus": "If checked, the status will be available in the search criteria STATUS of the advanced search",
    "totalErrors": "Errors element(s)",
    "totalPrice": "Total price",
    "totalProcessed": "Processed element(s)",
    "trackThisMail": "Follow this mail",
    "transferToDoctype": "Replace by document type",
    "triggerAction": "Trigger action",
    "triggerSystem": "System trigger",
    "txt": "Text",
    "type": "Type",
    "typeCurrentPassword": "Type your current password",
    "typeEnterToCreate": "Type on <b>enter<\/b> to create element",
    "typeNewPassword": "Type a new password",
    "typeValue": "Type a value",
    "type_label": "Document type",
    "typist": "Typist",
    "unableToDelete": "Unable to delete",
    "unableToSuspend": "Unable to suspend",
    "unclassifyQuestion": "Do you want to un-classify",
    "undefined": "Undefined",
    "undefinedStatus": "Undefined status",
    "unlink": "Unlink this resource",
    "unlinkAccount": "Unlink account",
    "unlinkAction": "Unlink action",
    "unlinkGroup": "Unlink group",
    "unlockDocserver": "Unlock this document server (read and write)",
    "unpinFolder": "Unpin folder",
    "unselectAll": "Unselect all",
    "unsign": "Un-sign",
    "until": "Until",
    "untrackThisMail": "Un-follow this mail",
    "update": "Update",
    "updateAcknowledgementSendDate": "This will update the send date for paper acknowledgement receipt",
    "updateAtt": "Update the attachment",
    "updateClosingDate": "This will update the mails' <b class=\"highlight\">closing date<\/b>.",
    "updateControl": "Check for updates",
    "updateControlDesc": "Check for new tags of Maarch Courrier and update the application to the latest tag",
    "updateDepartureDate": "This will update the mails' <b class=\"highlight\">departure date<\/b>.",
    "updateDiffusionExceptRecipientWhileDetails": "Update diffusion list except Assignee when in detail page.",
    "updateDiffusionExceptRecipientWhileIndexing": "Update diffusion list except Assignee when indexing.",
    "updateDiffusionExceptRecipientWhileProcess": "Update diffusion list except Assignee when processing.",
    "updateDiffusionWhileDetails": "Update all parts of diffusion list when in detail page.",
    "updateDiffusionWhileIndexing": "Update all parts of diffusion list when indexing.",
    "updateDiffusionWhileProcess": "Update all parts of diffusion list when processing.",
    "updateInProgress": "Update in progress ...",
    "updateInfo": "This action cannot be undone and will update all instances of the application! Do not make any actions during process and make sure no users are connected.",
    "updateOk": "Update successful !",
    "updateStatus": "Mail status modification",
    "updateStatusInformationsChrono": "When typing the CHRONO of a mail, you will update its status. The document will be present in the basket depending of the status you have chosen.",
    "updateStatusInformationsGed": "When typing the EDM NUMBER of a mail, you will update its status. The document will be present in the basket depending of the status you have chosen.",
    "updateVersionControl": "Check for updates",
    "updateWarn": "Update is not possible.<br\/>These files have been modified : <br\/>",
    "uploadAnOtherFile": "Upload an other file",
    "uploadSignFile": "Upload a signature",
    "uploadSignFileInfo": "Click to add a signature from your computer",
    "uriIsEmpty": "URI of onlyoffice server is empty in documentEditorsConfig.xml",
    "usableFields": "Usable field(s)",
    "usage": "Used for",
    "useMailServices": "Use emails services as sender",
    "used": "Used",
    "usedInActionPage": "Used in action page",
    "usedInBasketlist": "Used in basket list",
    "user": "user",
    "userABS": "Absent",
    "userAdded": "User added",
    "userAuthorized": "User authorized",
    "userCreatedInMaarchParapheur": "Created in Maarch Parapheur",
    "userCreation": "User Creation",
    "userDeleted": "User deleted",
    "userHasntSigned": "The signatory has not signed any document",
    "userIsDeletableBy": "Only a user with the <b>all access rights<\/b> will be able delete or suspend this user.",
    "userIsNotDeletable": "You do not have <b>all access rights<\/b> to diffusion list or mails of this user ",
    "userMaarchParapheur": "Maarch Parapheur assignee",
    "userModification": "User modification",
    "userNotInDiffusionList": "You are not in the opinion diffusion list",
    "userOK": "Active",
    "userReplacement": "User replacement",
    "userSPD": "Inactive",
    "userSuspended": "User suspended",
    "userUnauthorized": "Unauthorized user",
    "userUpdated": "User updated",
    "users": "Users",
    "usersAlt": "User(s)",
    "usersMissingInSignatureBook": "missing in Maarch Parapheur",
    "usersNotExistedInMaarchParapheur": "Some users do not exist in Maarch Parapheur",
    "validate": "Validate",
    "validateAction": "Validate action(s)",
    "validateAvisParallel": "Your are validating an opinion request",
    "validateAvisParallelSingle": "Your are validating an opinion request of",
    "validateBy": "Approved by",
    "value": "value",
    "valuesList": "List of values",
    "version": "Version",
    "versions": "Versions",
    "view": "View",
    "viewActionsHistory": "View actions history",
    "viewAllHistory": "View all history",
    "viewDocHistory": "View mail actions history",
    "viewDocumentsWithNotes": "View mail with notes",
    "viewDocumentsWithNotesDesc": "View annotated mails from Maarch Parapheur",
    "viewFullHistory": "View all mail history",
    "viewFullHistoryDesc": "View the complete events history related to the usage of Maarch.",
    "viewHistoryDesc": "View the events history related to the usage of Maarch.",
    "viewPersonalData": "Viewable",
    "viewResource": "View document",
    "viewTechnicalInformation": "See technical information",
    "visa": "Visa",
    "visaAnswers": "Approve the responses projects",
    "visaAnswersDesc": "Allows to approve response projects",
    "visaCircuit": "Visa workflow",
    "visaNote": "Instructions",
    "visaUser": "Approver",
    "visaWorkflow": "Visa workflow",
    "visaWorkflowDeleted": "Visa workflow deleted",
    "visaWorkflowInterrupted": "Workflow interrupted",
    "visaWorkflowUpdated": "Visa workflow updated",
    "visaWorkflowWillBeSend": "Visa workflow will be sent to Maarch Parapheur",
    "visibleBy": "Visible by",
    "warnEmptySubject": "You will send an email without subject, continue ?",
    "warnIndex": "This group cannot index mails.",
    "warnLockRes": "mail(s) are locked by",
    "warnLockRes2": "\n\nThis action will ONLY process the NOT locked mails",
    "warnLockResInProgress": "This mail is being processed by",
    "warnMaxDataList": "Maximum amount of displayable data has been reached",
    "warnShapingOption": "<b>Warning !<\/b> The address will be set in the first page of the sent documents",
    "warnTooMuchSelect": "only the first 500 elements will be processed when an action is lauched",
    "webserviceAccount": "Webservice account",
    "webserviceAccountDesc": "If enabled, this account will not be able to log in and use the application UI.",
    "wednesday": "Wednesday",
    "welcomeInGEC": "Welcome to your <b>E<\/b>lectronic <b>M<\/b>ail <b>M<\/b>anagement app, today is",
    "whereClauseAction": "Emergence condition of the action (where clause)",
    "willBeAutomaticallyInCopy": "will be automatically put <b>in copy<\/b>",
    "willBeDeletedAndMerged": "will be deleted and merged with the tag",
    "willBeTransferredToNewTag": "Number of mails that will be transferred to the tag",
    "withoutEmail": "Without email",
    "workflowModelIxbus": "Ixbus visa workflow",
    "workflowModels": "Public workflow models",
    "workingDays": "Working days",
    "yes": "Yes",
    "zipcode": "Zip code",
    "forgotPassword": "Forgot password",
    "wrongLoginPassword": "Wrong user name or wrong password",
    "sessionExpired": "Session expired",
    "accountSuspended": "Your user account has been suspended",
    "accountLocked": "Too many connections attemps. Retry in",
    "modelUsedByResources": "This model is used by resources, you can't delete it.",
    "mustChangePassword": "Please, you must change your password.",
    "linkedResources": "Main document (Linked mails)",
    "linkedResourcesAttachments": "Attachments (linked mails)",
    "accessNotFound": "Access not found",
    "moreOneCustom": "This url is not an available instance of this application, please verify your address.",
    "linkedEntities": "Linked entities",
    "accounts": "Accounts",
    "alfrescoCreation": "Alfresco account creation",
    "alfrescoModification": "Alfresco account modification",
    "showTreeMsg": "Click here to show the Alfresco tree.",
    "mustFillAccountMsg": "Please fill the Alfresco account information in order to choose a root folder.",
    "accountUpdated": "Account updated",
    "alfrescoAccount": "Alfresco account",
    "rootFolder": "Root folder",
    "chooseEntityAssociationAccount": "Choose entities who will be able to use this account",
    "alfrescoAPI": "API Alfresco address",
    "testSucceeded": "Test succeeded",
    "test": "Test",
    "invalidClause": "Invalid clause",
    "invalidColumnType": "One of selected columns does not match type",
    "forbiddenDelimiterType": "Delimiters are forbidden for this type",
    "canUpdateIndexingModel": "Can change indexing model",
    "options": "Options",
    "contactsDuplicates": "Contacts duplicates",
    "contactsMerged": "Contacts merged",
    "addCriteria": "Add a criteria",
    "launchSearch": "Launch search",
    "duplicatesContactDisplayed": "{0} duplicates ({1} displayed)",
    "duplicatesContactsAdmin": "Manage contacts duplicates",
    "merge": "Merge",
    "associatedElements": "associated elements",
    "selectedContact": "Target contact selected",
    "modificationsProcessed": "Modifications processed",
    "updateIndexingFieldWarning": "Warning:if you remove a field from the model, this field will be reset for <b>ALL<\/b> resources linked to this model. Do you want to continue ?",
    "selectDuplicatedContact": "Merge with this contact",
    "noDuplicatesFound": "No duplicates found",
    "exludeContact": "Exclude contact",
    "contactExcluded": "Contact excluded",
    "exportContacts": "Export contacts",
    "advancedMode": "Advanced mode",
    "defaultMode": "Default mode",
    "linkedTags": "Linked tags",
    "selectParentTag": "Select a parent tag",
    "openThesaurus": "Open the thesaurus",
    "bddModeCustomFieldMsg": "This field use database values (see the custom's configration in custom fields administration)",
    "database": "Database",
    "targetLabel": "Target label",
    "targetTable": "Target table",
    "targetIdentifier": "Target identifier",
    "companyLastname": "Company \/ Lastname",
    "warnPrivateKeyTitle": "Security alert",
    "warnPrivateKey": "<b>The private key has not been updated !<\/b> <br>This compromises the security of the application.",
    "indexingModelUsedBy": "This model is already used by : ",
    "mailsWithStatus": " mail(s) with the status ",
    "indexingModelReplaceToDelete": "To delete this model you have to replace it by another.",
    "indexingModelFieldsReset": "The following fields are not in the selected model and will be reset for all mails : ",
    "indexingModelReassign": "Reassign indexing model",
    "addColumn": "Add a column",
    "collaboraOnlineNotEnabled": "The Collabora Online server is not enabled in documentEditorsConfig.xml",
    "install_unoconv": "unoconv",
    "install_pdoPgsql": "pdo_pgsql",
    "install_pgsql": "pgsql",
    "install_mbstring": "mbstring",
    "install_fileinfo": "fileinfo",
    "install_gd": "gd",
    "install_imagick": "imagick",
    "install_imap": "imap",
    "install_xsl": "xsl",
    "install_gettext": "gettext",
    "install_xmlrpc": "xmlrpc",
    "install_curl": "curl",
    "stepDocserversActionDesc": "Docserver creation",
    "prerequisite": "Prerequisites",
    "customization": "Personalization",
    "alfresco": "Alfresco",
    "instanceId": "instance identifier",
    "dbSample": "Dataset",
    "chooseLogo": "Choose your logo",
    "stepEmptyDb": "This database already exists but seems empty.",
    "stepInstanceActionDesc": "Instance initialization",
    "loginMsg": "Message on the login screen",
    "homeMsg": "Message on the home screen",
    "chooseLoginBg": "Choose the login screen wallpaper",
    "stepCustomization_desc": "Maarch Courrier allows you to customize your application to integrate it perfectly into your work environment.",
    "userAdmin": "Root user",
    "stepUserAdmin_desc": "Define a root user to log in to the application.",
    "launchInstall": "Start installation",
    "updateInformations": "Update information",
    "stepDatabaseActionDesc": "Database creation",
    "checkInformations": "Check information",
    "badInformations": "The information is incorrect",
    "rightInformations": "The information is correct",
    "docserverPath": "Docserver path",
    "docserver": "Docserver",
    "applicationName": "Application name",
    "install_errorReporting": "error_reporting parameter (php.ini)",
    "install_errorReporting_desc": "error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE",
    "install_netcatOrNmap": "netcat \/ nmap",
    "install_netcatOrNmap_desc": "Utility for opening network connections (netcat \/ nmap)",
    "general": "General",
    "phpExtensions": "PHP extensions",
    "phpConfiguration": "PHP configuration",
    "dbName": "Database name",
    "stepDatabase_desc": "Maarch Courrier requires a connection to a database in order to store the metadata of the stored documents as well as the configuration of the application.",
    "adminAlfrescoDesc": "Manage alfresco accounts linked to entities",
    "stepPrerequisite_desc": "Installing Maarch Courrier requires a number of prerequisites for installing PHP. For more information",
    "install_phpVersionValid": "Minimum version of PHP (> = 7.2)",
    "install_unoconv_desc": "Office soffice \/ unoconv document conversion tools installed",
    "install_pgsql_desc": "PostgreSQL database",
    "install_zip": "zip",
    "install_zip_desc": "File packaging and compacting tool.",
    "install_writable": "Read and write permissions to the Maarch Courrier root directory",
    "install_displayErrors": "display_errors parameter (php.ini)",
    "install_displayErrors_desc": "display_errors = On",
    "install_shortOpenTag": "short_open_tags parameter (php.ini)",
    "install_shortOpenTag_desc": "short_open_tags = On",
    "install_pdoPgsql_desc": "PHP extension for connection to PostgreSQL databases",
    "install_mbstring_desc": "Extension PHP which provides multibyte specific string functions that help you deal with multibyte encodings in PHP.",
    "install_fileinfo_desc": "PHP extension trying to guess the content type and encoding of a file by looking for certain magic byte sequences at specific positions within the file.",
    "install_gd_desc": "PHP extension providing image manipulation, in a variety of formats, such as GIF, PNG, JPEG, WBMP and XPM.",
    "install_imagick_desc": "PHP extension to create and modify images, using the ImageMagick API.",
    "install_imap_desc": "PHP extension enable you to operate with the IMAP protocol, as well as the NNTP, POP3 and local mailbox access methods.",
    "install_xsl_desc": "PHP extension which implements the XSL standard, performing \u00bb XSLT transformations using the \u00bb libxslt library",
    "install_gettext_desc": "PHP extension allowing the implementation of the NLS (Native Language Support) API which can be used to internationalize your PHP applications.",
    "install_xmlrpc_desc": "PHP extension providing functions used to write XML-RPC servers and clients.",
    "install_curl_desc": "Tool to transfer data from or to a server, using some protocols",
    "onlyExtensionsAllowed": "Only \"<b> {0} <\/b>\" extensions are allowed",
    "customAlreadyExist": "This custom already seems to exist.",
    "onlySpecialCharAllowed": "Only special characters {0} are allowed.",
    "dbNotEmpty": "This database already exists and is not empty",
    "stepMailServer": "Mail server",
    "stepMailServer_desc": "Configure your mail server to notify users by email of the the application activities. <br\/> This step can be skipped and can be configured later.",
    "stepMailServer_warning": "If no mail server is configured, the new users will not receive their first login token!",
    "checkCollaboraOnlineServer": "Connecting to the Collabora Online server",
    "install_json": "json",
    "install_json_desc": "PHP extension implementing the \u00bb JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data-interchange format.",
    "install_wkhtmlToPdf": "wkhtmlToPdf",
    "install_wkhtmlToPdf_desc": "Command line tools to render HTML into PDF and various image formats using the Qt WebKit rendering engine. ",
    "install_xml": "xml",
    "install_xml_desc": "PHP extension implementing support for James Clark's expat in PHP. ",
    "stepMailServerActionDesc": "Mail server configuration",
    "stepUserAdminActionDesc": "Root user creation",
    "pathUnreacheable": "Unreachable path",
    "stepCustomizationActionDesc": "Implementation of personalized settings",
    "goToNewInstance": "Access to the new instance",
    "maxFileSizeExceeded": "File size must not exceed {0}",
    "badImageResolution": "The image must be at least {0}",
    "prerequisiteCheck": "Prerequisites controls",
    "databaseCreation": "Database creation",
    "dataSampleCreation": "Dataset injection",
    "frFull": "Fran\u00e7ais",
    "enFull": "English",
    "chooseAppLanguage": "Choose the language of the application",
    "welcomeApp": "Welcome to Maarch Courrier {0}",
    "adminUserCreation": "Root user creation",
    "externalInfoSite": "For more information, go to",
    "installDescription": "This wizard will guide you step by step through the installation of Maarch Courrier in particular",
    "maarchLicenceInstall": "<b>Maarch Courrier<\/b> is under <a href=\"https:\/\/www.gnu.org\/licenses\/gpl-3.0.html\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"link\"> GNU General Public License <\/a>",
    "errorCollaboraOnline1": "Cannot launch Collabora Online, you are using a local address",
    "errorCollaboraOnline2": "Cannot launch Collabora Online. Check if the Collabora Online server is available",
    "collaboraOnlineEditDenied": "This document cannot be edited with Collabora Online",
    "collaboraOnlineEditDenied2": "cannot be edited with Collabora Online",
    "documentEditor_collaboraonline": "Open Collabora Online directly inside Maarch Courrier",
    "canUpdateResourcesInSignatureBook": "Can modify the documents included in the signature book",
    "includeFolderPerimeter": "Access out-of-scope mails in folders and followed mails",
    "admin_email_serverTour": "You must configure a mail server in order to be able to create users or activate notifications.",
    "admin_notifTour": "We advise you to configure the notifications of baskets.",
    "getIt": "I get it",
    "admin_email_serverTitle": "Configure a mail server",
    "emailTourTitle": "Server information",
    "emailTourDescription": "Fill the necessary information.",
    "emailTour2Title": "Test connection",
    "emailTour2Description": "It is strongly recommended to test the information provided to ensure that the connection is effective.",
    "admin_notifTitle": "Manage notifications",
    "notifTourTitle": "Plan",
    "notifTourDescription": "You can schedule your notifications precisely.",
    "notifTour2Title": "Baskets notification",
    "notifTour2Description": "We will schedule the <b color=\"primary\">baskets notification<\/b> for <b color=\"primary\">each day at 8:00 am<b>. <br\/><br\/>This will notify users of new contents in their baskets.",
    "notifTour3Title": "Task period",
    "notifTour3Description": "You can choose different periods to configure your task.",
    "notifTour4Title": "To do-list",
    "notifTour4Description": "The list of your active tasks appears here.",
    "welcomeTourTitle": "welcome",
    "welcomeTourDescription": "We will show you some configuration points : <ul><li>Configure a <b color=\"primary\">mail server<\/b><\/li><li>Configure your first <b color=\"primary\">notification<\/b><\/li><\/ul><br\/>To begin, click on <img style=\"width: 32px;\" src=\"assets\/admin_button.png\" \/>",
    "createScriptTourTitle": "Create the script",
    "createScriptTourDescription": "Before scheduling the task, we need to create the script.",
    "updateKO": "Update failed !",
    "saveInDocserversInfo": "Update history saved in docserver <b>migration<\/b>.",
    "root_visible": "Administrator",
    "root_invisible": "Administrator (invisible)",
    "standard": "Default",
    "accountType": "Account type",
    "beginInstall": "Start installation",
    "hideTool": "Hide toolbar",
    "showTool": "Show toolbar",
    "rest": "Webservice account",
    "mustSuperadmin": "You must be an administrator yourself to define administrators."