import { Component, OnInit, NgZone, ViewChild, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Router, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router'; import { LANG } from './translate.component'; import { NotificationService } from '../service/notification/notification.service'; import { tap, catchError, filter } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { PrivilegeService } from '../service/privileges.service'; import { MatDialogRef, MatDialog } from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { AttachmentCreateComponent } from './attachments/attachment-create/attachment-create.component'; import { FunctionsService } from '../service/functions.service'; import { AttachmentPageComponent } from './attachments/attachments-page/attachment-page.component'; import { VisaWorkflowComponent } from './visa/visa-workflow.component'; import { ActionsService } from './actions/actions.service'; import { HeaderService } from '../service/header.service'; import { AppService } from '../service/app.service'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/internal/Subscription'; import { of } from 'rxjs/internal/observable/of'; import { DocumentViewerComponent } from './viewer/document-viewer.component'; declare var $: any; @Component({ templateUrl: 'signature-book.component.html', styleUrls: ['signature-book.component.scss'], }) export class SignatureBookComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { resId: number; basketId: number; groupId: number; userId: number; lang: any = LANG; signatureBook: any = { consigne: '', documents: [], attachments: [], resList: [], resListIndex: 0, lang: {} }; rightSelectedThumbnail: number = 0; leftSelectedThumbnail: number = 0; rightViewerLink: string = ''; leftViewerLink: string = ''; headerTab: string = 'document'; showTopRightPanel: boolean = false; showTopLeftPanel: boolean = false; showResLeftPanel: boolean = true; showLeftPanel: boolean = true; showRightPanel: boolean = true; showAttachmentPanel: boolean = false; showSignaturesPanel: boolean = false; loading: boolean = false; loadingSign: boolean = false; canUpdateDocument: boolean = false; subscription: Subscription; currentResourceLock: any = null; leftContentWidth: string = '44%'; rightContentWidth: string = '44%'; dialogRef: MatDialogRef<any>; processTool: any[] = [ { id: 'notes', icon: 'fas fa-pen-square fa-2x', label: this.lang.notesAlt, count: 0 }, { id: 'visaCircuit', icon: 'fas fa-list-ol fa-2x', label: this.lang.visaWorkflow, count: 0 }, { id: 'history', icon: 'fas fa-history fa-2x', label: this.lang.history, count: 0 }, { id: 'linkedResources', icon: 'fas fa-link fa-2x', label: this.lang.links, count: 0 } ]; @ViewChild('appVisaWorkflow', { static: false }) appVisaWorkflow: VisaWorkflowComponent; @ViewChild('appDocumentViewer', { static: false }) appDocumentViewer: DocumentViewerComponent; constructor( public http: HttpClient, private appService: AppService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private zone: NgZone, private notify: NotificationService, public privilegeService: PrivilegeService, public dialog: MatDialog, public functions: FunctionsService, public actionService: ActionsService, public headerService: HeaderService, ) { (<any>window).pdfWorkerSrc = '../node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.min.js'; // Event after process action this.subscription = this.actionService.catchAction().subscribe(message => { this.processAfterAction(); }); } ngOnInit(): void { this.loading = true; this.route.params.subscribe(params => { this.resId = +params['resId']; this.basketId = params['basketId']; this.groupId = params['groupId']; this.userId = params['userId']; this.signatureBook.resList = []; // This line is added because of manage action behaviour (processAfterAction is called twice) this.actionService.lockResource(this.userId, this.groupId, this.basketId, [this.resId]); this.http.get(`../rest/resources/${this.resId}/users/${this.userId}/groups/${this.groupId}/baskets/${this.basketId}/processingData`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { this.canUpdateDocument = data.listEventData.canUpdateDocument; }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); this.http.get('../rest/signatureBook/users/' + this.userId + '/groups/' + this.groupId + '/baskets/' + this.basketId + '/resources/' + this.resId) .subscribe((data: any) => { if (data.error) { location.hash = ''; = ''; return; } this.signatureBook = data; this.headerTab = 'document'; this.leftSelectedThumbnail = 0; this.rightSelectedThumbnail = 0; this.leftViewerLink = ''; this.rightViewerLink = ''; this.showLeftPanel = true; this.showRightPanel = true; this.showResLeftPanel = true; this.showTopLeftPanel = false; this.showTopRightPanel = false; this.showAttachmentPanel = false; this.leftContentWidth = '44%'; this.rightContentWidth = '44%'; if (this.signatureBook.documents[0]) { this.leftViewerLink = this.signatureBook.documents[0].viewerLink; if (this.signatureBook.documents[0].inSignatureBook) { this.headerTab = 'visaCircuit'; } } if (this.signatureBook.attachments[0]) { this.rightViewerLink = this.signatureBook.attachments[0].viewerLink; } this.signatureBook.resListIndex = any) => e.res_id).indexOf(this.resId); this.displayPanel('RESLEFT'); this.loading = false; setTimeout(() => { $('#rightPanelContent').niceScroll({ touchbehavior: false, cursorcolor: '#666', cursoropacitymax: 0.6, cursorwidth: '4' }); if ($('.tooltipstered').length === 0) { $('#obsVersion').tooltipster({ theme: 'tooltipster-light', interactive: true }); } }, 0); this.loadBadges(); this.loadActions(); if (this.appDocumentViewer !== undefined) { this.appDocumentViewer.loadRessource(this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].signed ? this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].viewerId : this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].res_id, this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].isResource ? 'mainDocument' : 'attachment'); } }, (err) => { this.notify.error(err.error.errors); setTimeout(() => { this.backToBasket(); }, 2000); }); }); } loadActions() { this.http.get('../rest/resourcesList/users/' + this.userId + '/groups/' + this.groupId + '/baskets/' + this.basketId + '/actions?resId=' + this.resId) .subscribe((data: any) => { this.signatureBook.actions = data.actions; }, (err) => { this.notify.error(err.error.errors); }); } processAfterAction() { let idToGo = -1; const c = this.signatureBook.resList.length; for (let i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (this.signatureBook.resList[i].res_id === this.resId) { if (this.signatureBook.resList[i + 1]) { idToGo = this.signatureBook.resList[i + 1].res_id; } else if (i > 0) { idToGo = this.signatureBook.resList[i - 1].res_id; } } } if (c > 0) { // This (if)line is added because of manage action behaviour (processAfterAction is called twice) if (idToGo >= 0) { $('#send').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#send').css('opacity', '1'); this.changeLocation(idToGo, 'action'); } else { this.backToBasket(); } } } changeSignatureBookLeftContent(id: string) { this.headerTab = id; this.showTopLeftPanel = false; } changeRightViewer(index: number) { this.showAttachmentPanel = false; if (this.signatureBook.attachments[index]) { this.rightViewerLink = this.signatureBook.attachments[index].viewerLink; } else { this.rightViewerLink = ''; } this.rightSelectedThumbnail = index; this.appDocumentViewer.loadRessource(this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].signed ? this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].viewerId : this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].res_id, this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].isResource ? 'mainDocument' : 'attachment'); } changeLeftViewer(index: number) { this.leftViewerLink = this.signatureBook.documents[index].viewerLink; this.leftSelectedThumbnail = index; } displayPanel(panel: string) { if (panel === 'TOPRIGHT') { this.showTopRightPanel = !this.showTopRightPanel; } else if (panel === 'TOPLEFT') { this.showTopLeftPanel = !this.showTopLeftPanel; } else if (panel === 'LEFT') { this.showLeftPanel = !this.showLeftPanel; this.showResLeftPanel = false; if (!this.showLeftPanel) { this.rightContentWidth = '96%'; $('#hideLeftContent').css('background', 'none'); } else { this.rightContentWidth = '48%'; this.leftContentWidth = '48%'; $('#hideLeftContent').css('background', '#fbfbfb'); } } else if (panel === 'RESLEFT') { this.showResLeftPanel = !this.showResLeftPanel; if (!this.showResLeftPanel) { this.rightContentWidth = '48%'; this.leftContentWidth = '48%'; } else { this.rightContentWidth = '44%'; this.leftContentWidth = '44%'; if (this.signatureBook.resList.length === 0 || typeof this.signatureBook.resList[0].creation_date === 'undefined') { this.http.get('../rest/signatureBook/users/' + this.userId + '/groups/' + this.groupId + '/baskets/' + this.basketId + '/resources') .subscribe((data: any) => { this.signatureBook.resList = data.resources; this.signatureBook.resList.forEach((value: any, index: number) => { if (value.res_id == this.resId) { this.signatureBook.resListIndex = index; } }); setTimeout(() => { $('#resListContent').niceScroll({ touchbehavior: false, cursorcolor: '#666', cursoropacitymax: 0.6, cursorwidth: '4' }); $('#resListContent').scrollTop(0); $('#resListContent').scrollTop($('.resListContentFrameSelected').offset().top - 42); }, 0); }); } } } else if (panel === 'MIDDLE') { this.showRightPanel = !this.showRightPanel; this.showResLeftPanel = false; if (!this.showRightPanel) { this.leftContentWidth = '96%'; $('#contentLeft').css('border-right', 'none'); } else { this.rightContentWidth = '48%'; this.leftContentWidth = '48%'; $('#contentLeft').css('border-right', 'solid 1px'); } } } displayAttachmentPanel() { this.showAttachmentPanel = !this.showAttachmentPanel; this.rightSelectedThumbnail = 0; if (this.signatureBook.attachments[0]) { this.rightViewerLink = this.signatureBook.attachments[0].viewerLink; } } refreshAttachments(mode: string = 'rightContent') { if (mode === 'rightContent') { this.http.get('../rest/signatureBook/' + this.resId + '/incomingMailAttachments') .subscribe((data: any) => { this.signatureBook.documents = data; }); } else { this.http.get('../rest/signatureBook/' + this.resId + '/attachments') .subscribe((data: any) => { let i = 0; if (mode === 'add') { let found = false; data.forEach((elem: any, index: number) => { if (!found && (!this.signatureBook.attachments[index] || elem.res_id != this.signatureBook.attachments[index].res_id)) { i = index; found = true; } }); } else if (mode === 'edit') { const id = this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].res_id; data.forEach((elem: any, index: number) => { if (elem.res_id == id) { i = index; } }); } this.signatureBook.attachments = data; if (mode === 'add' || mode === 'edit') { this.changeRightViewer(i); } else if (mode === 'del') { this.changeRightViewer(0); } }); } } delAttachment(attachment: any) { if (this.canUpdateDocument) { let r = false; if (this.signatureBook.attachments.length <= 1) { r = confirm('Attention, ceci est votre dernière pièce jointe pour ce courrier, voulez-vous vraiment la supprimer ?'); } else { r = confirm('Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer la pièce jointe ?'); } if (r) { this.http.delete('../rest/attachments/' + attachment.res_id).pipe( tap(() => { this.refreshAttachments('del'); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } } } signFile(attachment: any, signature: any) { if (!this.loadingSign && this.signatureBook.canSign) { this.loadingSign = true; const route = attachment.isResource ? '../rest/resources/' + attachment.res_id + '/sign' : '../rest/attachments/' + attachment.res_id + '/sign'; this.http.put(route, { 'signatureId': }) .subscribe((data: any) => { if (!attachment.isResource) { this.appDocumentViewer.loadRessource(, 'attachment'); this.rightViewerLink = '../rest/attachments/' + + '/content'; this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].status = 'SIGN'; this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].idToDl = data.new_id; this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].signed = true; this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].viewerId =; } else { this.appDocumentViewer.loadRessource(attachment.res_id, 'mainDocument'); this.rightViewerLink += '?tsp=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].status = 'SIGN'; } this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].viewerLink = this.rightViewerLink; let allSigned = true; this.signatureBook.attachments.forEach((value: any) => { if (value.sign && value.status !== 'SIGN') { allSigned = false; } }); if (this.signatureBook.resList.length > 0) { this.signatureBook.resList[this.signatureBook.resListIndex].allSigned = allSigned; } this.showSignaturesPanel = false; this.loadingSign = false; }, (error: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(error); this.loadingSign = false; }); } } unsignFile(attachment: any) { if (attachment.isResource) { this.http.put('../rest/resources/' + attachment.res_id + '/unsign', {}) .subscribe(() => { this.appDocumentViewer.loadRessource(attachment.res_id, 'maintDocument'); this.rightViewerLink += '?tsp=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].status = 'A_TRA'; if (this.signatureBook.resList.length > 0) { this.signatureBook.resList[this.signatureBook.resListIndex].allSigned = false; } if (this.headerTab === 'visaCircuit') { this.changeSignatureBookLeftContent('document'); setTimeout(() => { this.changeSignatureBookLeftContent('visaCircuit'); }, 0); } }); } else { this.http.put('../rest/attachments/' + attachment.res_id + '/unsign', {}) .subscribe(() => { this.appDocumentViewer.loadRessource(attachment.res_id, 'attachment'); this.rightViewerLink = '../rest/attachments/' + attachment.res_id + '/content'; this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].viewerLink = this.rightViewerLink; this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].status = 'A_TRA'; this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].idToDl = attachment.res_id; this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].signed = false; this.signatureBook.attachments[this.rightSelectedThumbnail].viewerId = attachment.res_id; if (this.signatureBook.resList.length > 0) { this.signatureBook.resList[this.signatureBook.resListIndex].allSigned = false; } if (this.headerTab === 'visaCircuit') { this.changeSignatureBookLeftContent('document'); setTimeout(() => { this.changeSignatureBookLeftContent('visaCircuit'); }, 0); } }); } } backToBasket() { const path = '/basketList/users/' + this.userId + '/groups/' + this.groupId + '/baskets/' + this.basketId; this.router.navigate([path]); } backToDetails() { this.http.put('../rest/resourcesList/users/' + this.userId + '/groups/' + this.groupId + '/baskets/' + this.basketId + '/unlock', { resources: [this.resId] }) .subscribe((data: any) => { this.router.navigate([`/resources/${this.resId}`]); }, (err: any) => { }); } async changeLocation(resId: number, origin: string) { if (resId !== this.resId) { const data: any = await this.actionService.canExecuteAction([resId], this.userId, this.groupId, this.basketId); if (data === true) { this.actionService.stopRefreshResourceLock(); if (!this.actionService.actionEnded) { this.actionService.unlockResource(this.userId, this.groupId, this.basketId, [this.resId]); } const path = 'signatureBook/users/' + this.userId + '/groups/' + this.groupId + '/baskets/' + this.basketId + '/resources/' + resId; this.router.navigate([path]); } else { this.backToBasket(); } } } validForm() { if ($('#signatureBookActions option:selected').val() !== '') { this.processAction(); } else { alert('Aucune action choisie'); } } processAction() { this.http.get(`../rest/resources/${this.resId}?light=true`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { const actionId = $('#signatureBookActions option:selected').val(); const selectedAction = this.signatureBook.actions.filter((action: any) => == actionId)[0]; this.actionService.launchAction(selectedAction, this.userId, this.groupId, this.basketId, [this.resId], data, false); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } refreshBadge(nbRres: any, id: string) { this.processTool.filter(tool => === id)[0].count = nbRres; } loadBadges() { this.http.get(`../rest/resources/${this.resId}/items`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { this.processTool.forEach(element => { element.count = data[] !== undefined ? data[] : 0; }); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } createAttachment() { this.dialogRef =, { disableClose: true, panelClass: 'attachment-modal-container', height: '90vh', width: '90vw', data: { resIdMaster: this.resId } }); this.dialogRef.afterClosed().pipe( filter((data: string) => data === 'success'), tap(() => { this.refreshAttachments('add'); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } showAttachment(attachment: any) { if (this.canUpdateDocument && attachment.status !== 'SIGN') { if (attachment.isResource) { this.appDocumentViewer.editResource(); } else { this.dialogRef =, { height: '99vh', width: this.appService.getViewMode() ? '99vw' : '90vw', maxWidth: this.appService.getViewMode() ? '99vw' : '90vw', panelClass: 'attachment-modal-container', disableClose: true, data: { resId: attachment.res_id } }); this.dialogRef.afterClosed().pipe( filter((data: string) => data === 'success'), tap(() => { this.refreshAttachments('edit'); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } } } saveVisaWorkflow() { this.appVisaWorkflow.saveVisaWorkflow(); } downloadOriginalFile(resId: any) { const downloadLink = document.createElement('a'); this.http.get(`../rest/attachments/${resId}/originalContent?mode=base64`).pipe( tap((data: any) => { downloadLink.href = `data:${data.mimeType};base64,${data.encodedDocument}`; downloadLink.setAttribute('download', `${resId}.${data.extension}`); document.body.appendChild(downloadLink);; }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } ngOnDestroy() { this.actionService.stopRefreshResourceLock(); if (!this.actionService.actionEnded) { this.actionService.unlockResource(this.userId, this.groupId, this.basketId, [this.resId]); } // unsubscribe to ensure no memory leaks this.subscription.unsubscribe(); } pdfViewerError(viewerLink: any) { this.http.get(viewerLink) .pipe( catchError((err: any) => { if (err.status !== 200) { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); } return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } }