import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, EventEmitter, ViewContainerRef, OnDestroy, TemplateRef } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { NotificationService } from '../../service/notification/notification.service'; import { MatDialog, MatDialogRef } from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { MatPaginator } from '@angular/material/paginator'; import { MatSidenav } from '@angular/material/sidenav'; import { MatSort } from '@angular/material/sort'; import { DomSanitizer, SafeHtml } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { startWith, switchMap, map, catchError, takeUntil, tap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { HeaderService } from '../../service/header.service'; import { Overlay } from '@angular/cdk/overlay'; import { PanelListComponent } from '../list/panel/panel-list.component'; import { AppService } from '../../service/app.service'; import { BasketHomeComponent } from '../basket/basket-home.component'; import { FolderActionListComponent } from '../folder/folder-action-list/folder-action-list.component'; import { FiltersListService } from '../../service/filtersList.service'; import { FoldersService } from '../folder/folders.service'; import { FunctionsService } from '../../service/functions.service'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs/internal/Subject'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/internal/Subscription'; import { merge } from 'rxjs/internal/observable/merge'; import { of } from 'rxjs/internal/observable/of'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/internal/Observable'; import { CriteriaToolComponent } from './criteria-tool/criteria-tool.component'; import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms'; import { IndexingFieldsService } from '../../service/indexing-fields.service'; import { ValueConverter } from '@angular/compiler/src/render3/view/template'; declare var $: any; @Component({ templateUrl: 'adv-search.component.html', styleUrls: ['adv-search.component.scss'] }) export class AdvSearchComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { loading: boolean = false; docUrl: string = ''; public innerHtml: SafeHtml; searchUrl: string = '../rest/search'; searchTerm: string = ''; criteria: any = {}; homeData: any; injectDatasParam = { resId: 0, editable: false }; currentResource: any = {}; filtersChange = new EventEmitter(); dragInit: boolean = true; dialogRef: MatDialogRef<any>; @ViewChild('snav2', { static: true }) sidenavRight: MatSidenav; displayedColumnsBasket: string[] = ['resId']; displayedMainData: any = [ { 'value': 'chrono', 'cssClasses': ['softColorData', 'align_centerData', 'chronoData'], 'icon': '' }, { 'value': 'subject', 'cssClasses': ['longData'], 'icon': '' } ]; resultListDatabase: ResultListHttpDao | null; data: any = []; resultsLength = 0; isLoadingResults = true; listProperties: any = {}; currentChrono: string = ''; currentMode: string = ''; thumbnailUrl: string = ''; selectedRes: Array<number> = []; allResInBasket: number[] = []; selectedDiffusionTab: number = 0; folderInfo: any = { id: 0, 'label': '', 'ownerDisplayName': '', 'entitiesSharing': [] }; folderInfoOpened: boolean = false; private destroy$ = new Subject<boolean>(); subscription: Subscription; @ViewChild('adminMenuTemplate', { static: true }) adminMenuTemplate: TemplateRef<any>; @ViewChild('actionsListContext', { static: true }) actionsList: FolderActionListComponent; @ViewChild('appPanelList', { static: true }) appPanelList: PanelListComponent; @ViewChild('appCriteriaTool', { static: true }) appCriteriaTool: CriteriaToolComponent; currentSelectedChrono: string = ''; @ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: true }) paginator: MatPaginator; @ViewChild('tableBasketListSort', { static: true }) sort: MatSort; @ViewChild('basketHome', { static: true }) basketHome: BasketHomeComponent; constructor( private _activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, public translate: TranslateService, private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute, public http: HttpClient, public dialog: MatDialog, private sanitizer: DomSanitizer, private headerService: HeaderService, public filtersListService: FiltersListService, private notify: NotificationService, public overlay: Overlay, public viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, public appService: AppService, public foldersService: FoldersService, public functions: FunctionsService, public indexingFieldService: IndexingFieldsService) { _activatedRoute.queryParams.subscribe( params => { if (!this.functions.empty(params.value)) { this.searchTerm = params.value; this.criteria = { meta : { values : this.searchTerm } }; } } ); } ngOnInit(): void { this.headerService.sideBarAdmin = true; this.loading = false; this.isLoadingResults = false; this.headerService.injectInSideBarLeft(this.adminMenuTemplate, this.viewContainerRef, 'adminMenu'); this.headerService.setHeader(this.translate.instant('lang.searchMails'), '', ''); this.initResultList(); /*this.route.params.subscribe(params => { this.folderInfoOpened = false; this.dragInit = true; this.destroy$.next(true); this.http.get('../rest/folders/' + params['folderId']) .subscribe((data: any) => { const keywordEntities = [{ keyword: 'ALL_ENTITIES', text: this.translate.instant('lang.allEntities'), }]; this.folderInfo = { 'id': params['folderId'], 'label': data.folder.label, 'ownerDisplayName': data.folder.ownerDisplayName, 'entitiesSharing': any) => { if (!this.functions.empty(entity.label)) { return entity.label; } else { return keywordEntities.filter((element: any) => element.keyword === entity.keyword)[0].text; } }), }; this.foldersService.setFolder(this.folderInfo); this.headerService.setHeader(this.folderInfo.label, '', 'fa fa-folder-open'); }); this.searchUrl = '../rest/folders/' + params['folderId'] + '/resources'; this.filtersListService.filterMode = false; this.selectedRes = []; this.sidenavRight.close(); this.listProperties = this.filtersListService.initListsProperties(, 0, params['folderId'], 'folder'); setTimeout(() => { this.dragInit = false; }, 1000); this.initResultList(); }, (err: any) => { this.notify.handleErrors(err); });*/ } ngOnDestroy() { this.destroy$.next(true); } launchSearch(criteria: any) { this.criteria = criteria; this.refreshDao(); } initResultList() { this.resultListDatabase = new ResultListHttpDao(this.http, this.filtersListService); // If the user changes the sort order, reset back to the first page. this.paginator.pageIndex =; this.paginator.pageSize = this.listProperties.pageSize; this.sort.sortChange.subscribe(() => this.paginator.pageIndex = 0); // When list is refresh (sort, page, filters) merge(this.sort.sortChange,, this.filtersChange) .pipe( takeUntil(this.destroy$), startWith({}), switchMap(() => { this.isLoadingResults = true; return this.resultListDatabase!.getRepoIssues(, this.sort.direction, this.paginator.pageIndex, this.searchUrl, null, this.paginator.pageSize, this.criteria); }), map((data: any) => { // Flip flag to show that loading has finished. this.isLoadingResults = false; data = this.processPostData(data); this.resultsLength = data.count; this.allResInBasket = data.allResources; // this.headerService.setHeader('Dossier : ' + this.folderInfo.label); return data.resources; }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleErrors(err); // this.router.navigate(['/home']); this.isLoadingResults = false; return of(false); }) ).subscribe(data => = data); } goTo(row: any) { this.filtersListService.filterMode = false; if (this.docUrl === '../rest/resources/' + row.resId + '/content' && this.sidenavRight.opened) { this.sidenavRight.close(); } else { this.docUrl = '../rest/resources/' + row.resId + '/content'; this.currentChrono = row.chrono; this.innerHtml = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml( '<iframe style=\'height:100%;width:100%;\' src=\'' + this.docUrl + '\' class=\'embed-responsive-item\'>' + '</iframe>');; } } goToDetail(row: any) { this.router.navigate([`/resources/${row.resId}`]); } goToFolder(folder: any) { this.router.navigate([`/folders/${}`]); } togglePanel(mode: string, row: any) { const thisSelect = { checked: true }; const thisDeselect = { checked: false }; row.checked = true; this.toggleAllRes(thisDeselect); this.toggleRes(thisSelect, row); if (this.currentResource.resId === row.resId && this.sidenavRight.opened && this.currentMode === mode) { this.sidenavRight.close(); } else { this.currentMode = mode; this.currentResource = row; this.appPanelList.loadComponent(mode, row);; } } refreshBadgeNotes(nb: number) { this.currentResource.countNotes = nb; } refreshFolderInformations() { this.http.get('../rest/folders/' + .subscribe((data: any) => { const keywordEntities = [{ keyword: 'ALL_ENTITIES', text: this.translate.instant('lang.allEntities'), }]; this.folderInfo = { 'id':, 'label': data.folder.label, 'ownerDisplayName': data.folder.ownerDisplayName, 'entitiesSharing': any) => { if (!this.functions.empty(entity.label)) { return entity.label; } else { return keywordEntities.filter((element: any) => element.keyword === entity.keyword)[0].text; } }), }; this.headerService.setHeader(this.folderInfo.label, '', 'fa fa-folder-open'); }); } refreshBadgeAttachments(nb: number) { this.currentResource.countAttachments = nb; } refreshDao() { this.paginator.pageIndex =; this.filtersChange.emit(); } refreshDaoAfterAction() { this.sidenavRight.close(); this.refreshDao(); const e: any = { checked: false }; this.toggleAllRes(e); } viewThumbnail(row: any) { if (row.hasDocument) { this.thumbnailUrl = '../rest/resources/' + row.resId + '/thumbnail'; $('#viewThumbnail').show(); $('#listContent').css({ 'overflow': 'hidden' }); } } closeThumbnail() { $('#viewThumbnail').hide(); $('#listContent').css({ 'overflow': 'auto' }); } processPostData(data: any) { data.resources.forEach((element: any) => { // Process main datas Object.keys(element).forEach((key) => { if (key === 'statusImage' && element[key] == null) { element[key] = 'fa-question undefined'; } else if ((element[key] == null || element[key] === '') && ['closingDate', 'countAttachments', 'countNotes', 'display', 'mailTracking', 'hasDocument'].indexOf(key) === -1) { element[key] = this.translate.instant('lang.undefined'); } }); element['checked'] = this.selectedRes.indexOf(element['resId']) !== -1; }); return data; } toggleRes(e: any, row: any) { if (e.checked) { if (this.selectedRes.indexOf(row.resId) === -1) { this.selectedRes.push(row.resId); row.checked = true; } } else { const index = this.selectedRes.indexOf(row.resId); this.selectedRes.splice(index, 1); row.checked = false; } } toggleAllRes(e: any) { this.selectedRes = []; if (e.checked) { any) => { element['checked'] = true; }); this.selectedRes = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.allResInBasket)); } else { any) => { element['checked'] = false; }); } } selectSpecificRes(row: any) { const thisSelect = { checked: true }; const thisDeselect = { checked: false }; this.toggleAllRes(thisDeselect); this.toggleRes(thisSelect, row); } open({ x, y }: MouseEvent, row: any) { const thisSelect = { checked: true }; const thisDeselect = { checked: false }; if (row.checked === false) { row.checked = true; this.toggleAllRes(thisDeselect); this.toggleRes(thisSelect, row); }, y, row); // prevents default return false; } listTodrag() { return this.foldersService.getDragIds(); } toggleMailTracking(row: any) { if (!row.mailTracking) {'../rest/resources/follow', { resources: [row.resId] }).pipe( tap(() => { this.headerService.nbResourcesFollowed++; row.mailTracking = !row.mailTracking; }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } else { this.http.request('DELETE', '../rest/resources/unfollow', { body: { resources: [row.resId] } }).pipe( tap(() => { this.headerService.nbResourcesFollowed--; row.mailTracking = !row.mailTracking; }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } } viewDocument(row: any) { this.http.get(`../rest/resources/${row.resId}/content?mode=view`, { responseType: 'blob' }).pipe( tap((data: any) => { const file = new Blob([data], { type: 'application/pdf' }); const fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file); const newWindow =; newWindow.document.write(`<iframe style="width: 100%;height: 100%;margin: 0;padding: 0;" src="${fileURL}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>`); newWindow.document.title = row.chrono; }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } emptyCriteria() { return Object.keys(this.criteria).length === 0; } isArrayType(value: any) { return (Array.isArray(value)); } removeCriteria(identifier: string, value: any = null) { const tmpArrCrit = []; if (value === null || this.criteria[identifier].values.length === 1) { this.criteria[identifier].values = []; } else { const indexArr = this.criteria[identifier].values.indexOf(value); this.criteria[identifier].values.splice(indexArr, 1); } this.appCriteriaTool.refreshCriteria(this.criteria); } } export interface BasketList { folder: any; resources: any[]; countResources: number; allResources: number[]; } export class ResultListHttpDao { constructor(private http: HttpClient, private filtersListService: FiltersListService) { } getRepoIssues(sort: string, order: string, page: number, href: string, filters: string, pageSize: number, criteria: any): Observable<BasketList> { // this.filtersListService.updateListsPropertiesPage(page); // this.filtersListService.updateListsPropertiesPageSize(pageSize); const offset = page * pageSize; const requestUrl = `${href}?limit=${pageSize}&offset=${offset}`; // console.log(criteria); return<BasketList>(requestUrl, criteria); } }