import { Component, OnInit, Input, Inject, ViewChildren, QueryList } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { catchError, tap, filter, distinctUntilChanged, take } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { of } from 'rxjs'; import { NotificationService } from '@service/notification/notification.service'; import { MatDialog, MAT_DIALOG_DATA, MatDialogRef } from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { AppService } from '@service/app.service'; import { DocumentViewerComponent } from '../../viewer/document-viewer.component'; import { SortPipe } from '../../../plugins/sorting.pipe'; import { FormControl, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { ConfirmComponent } from '../../../plugins/modal/confirm.component'; import { FunctionsService } from '@service/functions.service'; import { ContactService } from '@service/contact.service'; import { ContactAutocompleteComponent } from '../../contact/autocomplete/contact-autocomplete.component'; @Component({ templateUrl: 'attachment-create.component.html', styleUrls: [ 'attachment-create.component.scss', '../../indexation/indexing-form/indexing-form.component.scss' ], providers: [SortPipe, ContactService], }) export class AttachmentCreateComponent implements OnInit { loading: boolean = true; sendMassMode: boolean = false; sendingData: boolean = false; attachmentsTypes: any[] = []; creationMode: boolean = true; attachFormGroup: FormGroup[] = []; attachments: any[] = []; now: Date = new Date(); // To catch previous index to update file asyncIndexTab: number = 0; indexTab: number = 0; resourceSubject: string = ''; resourceContacts: any[] = []; selectedContact = new FormControl(); loadingContact: boolean = false; @Input('resId') resId: number = null; @ViewChildren('appDocumentViewer') appDocumentViewer: QueryList<DocumentViewerComponent>; @ViewChildren('contactAutocomplete') contactAutocomplete: ContactAutocompleteComponent; constructor( public translate: TranslateService, public http: HttpClient, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any, public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<AttachmentCreateComponent>, public appService: AppService, private notify: NotificationService, private sortPipe: SortPipe, public dialog: MatDialog, public functions: FunctionsService, private contactService: ContactService,) { } async ngOnInit(): Promise<void> { await this.loadAttachmentTypes(); await this.loadResource(); this.loading = false; } loadAttachmentTypes() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.http.get('../rest/attachmentsTypes').pipe( tap((data: any) => { Object.keys(data.attachmentsTypes).forEach(templateType => { if (data.attachmentsTypes[templateType].visible) { this.attachmentsTypes.push({[templateType], id: templateType }); } }); this.attachmentsTypes = this.sortPipe.transform(this.attachmentsTypes, 'label'); resolve(true) }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); this.dialogRef.close(''); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); }); } loadResource() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.http.get(`../rest/resources/${}?light=true`).pipe( tap(async (data: any) => { let contact: any = ''; if (data.categoryId === 'outgoing') { if (!this.functions.empty(data.recipients) && data.recipients.length > 0) { data.recipients = data.recipients.filter((contact: any) => contact.type !== 'entity'); await this.getContacts(data.recipients); contact = !this.functions.empty(data.recipients) ? [{ id: this.resourceContacts[0].id, type: this.resourceContacts[0].type }] : ''; } } else { if (!this.functions.empty(data.senders) && data.senders.length > 0) { data.senders = data.senders.filter((contact: any) => contact.type !== 'entity'); await this.getContacts(data.senders); contact = !this.functions.empty(data.senders) ? [{ id: this.resourceContacts[0].id, type: this.resourceContacts[0].type }] : ''; } } this.resourceSubject = data.subject; this.attachments.push({ title: new FormControl({ value: data.subject, disabled: false }, [Validators.required]), recipient: new FormControl({ value: contact, disabled: false }), type: new FormControl({ value: 'response_project', disabled: false }, [Validators.required]), validationDate: new FormControl({ value: '', disabled: false }), format: new FormControl({ value: '', disabled: false }, [Validators.required]), encodedFile: new FormControl({ value: '', disabled: false }, [Validators.required]) }); setTimeout(() => { this.getAttachType('response_project', 0); }, 800); this.attachFormGroup.push(new FormGroup(this.attachments[0])); if (data.categoryId === 'outgoing') { if (!this.functions.empty(data.recipients) && data.recipients.length > 1) { this.toggleSendMass(); } } else { if (!this.functions.empty(data.senders) && data.senders.length > 1) { this.toggleSendMass(); } } resolve(true); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); this.dialogRef.close(''); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); }); } async getContacts(contacts: any) { this.resourceContacts = []; await Promise.all( (elem: any) => { await this.getContact(, elem.type); })); this.resourceContacts = this.sortPipe.transform(this.resourceContacts, 'label'); } selectContact(contact: any) { this.loadingContact = true; const contactChosen = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.resourceContacts.filter(resContact => === && resContact.type === contact.type)[0])); this.attachments[this.indexTab].recipient.setValue([contactChosen]); setTimeout(() => { this.loadingContact = false; }, 0); this.selectedContact.reset(); } getContact(contactId: number, type: string) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (type === 'contact') { this.http.get('../rest/contacts/' + contactId).pipe( tap((data: any) => { this.resourceContacts.push({ id:, type: 'contact', label: this.contactService.formatContact(data) }); resolve(true); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); resolve(false); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } else if (type === 'user') { this.http.get('../rest/users/' + contactId).pipe( tap((data: any) => { this.resourceContacts.push({ id:, type: 'user', label: `${data.firstname} ${data.lastname}` }); resolve(true); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); resolve(false); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } else if (type === 'entity') { this.http.get('../rest/entities/' + contactId).pipe( tap((data: any) => { this.resourceContacts.push({ id:, type: 'entity', label: data.entity_label }); resolve(true); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); resolve(false); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } }); } selectAttachType(attachment: any, type: any) { attachment.type =; } formatAttachments() { let formattedAttachments: any[] = []; this.attachments.forEach((element, index: number) => { formattedAttachments.push({ resIdMaster:, type: element.type.value, title: element.title.value, recipientId: element.recipient.value.length > 0 ? element.recipient.value[0].id : null, recipientType: element.recipient.value.length > 0 ? element.recipient.value[0].type : null, validationDate: element.validationDate.value !== '' ? element.validationDate.value : null, encodedFile: element.encodedFile.value, format: element.format.value }); }); return formattedAttachments; } onSubmit(mode: string = 'default') { this.appDocumentViewer.toArray()[this.indexTab].getFile().pipe( distinctUntilChanged(), tap((data) => { this.attachments[this.indexTab].encodedFile.setValue(data.content); this.attachments[this.indexTab].format.setValue(data.format); }), tap(async () => { if (this.isValid()) { let resId: any = null; this.sendingData = true; const attach = this.formatAttachments(); for (const attachment of attach) { resId = await this.saveAttachment(attachment); } if (this.sendMassMode && resId !== null && mode === 'mailing') { await this.generateMailling(resId); } this.sendingData = false; this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.attachmentAdded')); this.dialogRef.close('success'); } else { this.sendingData = false; this.notify.error(this.translate.instant('lang.mustCompleteAllAttachments')); } }) ).subscribe(); } saveAttachment(attachment: any) { attachment.status = this.sendMassMode ? 'SEND_MASS' : 'A_TRA'; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {`../rest/attachments`, attachment).pipe( tap((data: any) => { resolve(; }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); this.dialogRef.close(''); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); }); } generateMailling(resId: number) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {`../rest/attachments/${resId}/mailing`, {}).pipe( tap(() => { resolve(true); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err); this.dialogRef.close(''); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); }); } isValid() { let state = true; this.attachFormGroup.forEach(formgroup => { Object.keys(formgroup.controls).forEach(key => { formgroup.controls[key].markAsTouched(); }); if (formgroup.status === 'INVALID') { state = false; } }); return state; } isPjValid(index: number) { let state = true; if (this.attachFormGroup[index].status === 'INVALID') { state = false; } return state; } isDocLoading() { let state = false; this.appDocumentViewer.toArray().forEach((app, index: number) => { if (app.isEditingTemplate()) { state = true; } }); return state; } canValidatePj() { let state = false; this.appDocumentViewer.toArray().forEach((app, index: number) => { if (app.isEditingTemplate() && app.editor.async) { state = true; } }); return state; } setDatasViewer(i: number) { let datas: any = {}; Object.keys(this.attachments[i]).forEach(element => { if (['title', 'validationDate', 'recipient'].indexOf(element) > -1) { if (element === 'recipient' && this.attachments[i][element].value.length > 0) { datas['recipientId'] = this.attachments[i][element].value[0].id; datas['recipientType'] = this.attachments[i][element].value[0].type; } else { datas['attachment_' + element] = this.attachments[i][element].value; } } }); let trKey = 1; this.attachments.forEach((attachment) => { if (attachment.type.value == 'transmission') { datas['transmissionRecipientId' + trKey] = attachment.recipient.value[0].id; datas['transmissionRecipientType' + trKey] = attachment.recipient.value[0].type; trKey++; } }); datas['resId'] =; if (this.sendMassMode) { datas['inMailing'] = true; } this.appDocumentViewer.toArray()[i].setDatas(datas); } newPj() { this.attachments.push({ title: new FormControl({ value: this.resourceSubject, disabled: false }, [Validators.required]), recipient: new FormControl({ value: !this.functions.empty(this.resourceContacts[this.attachments.length]) ? [{ id: this.resourceContacts[this.attachments.length].id, type: this.resourceContacts[this.attachments.length].type }] : null, disabled: false }), type: new FormControl({ value: 'response_project', disabled: false }, [Validators.required]), validationDate: new FormControl({ value: null, disabled: false }), encodedFile: new FormControl({ value: '', disabled: false }, [Validators.required]), format: new FormControl({ value: '', disabled: false }, [Validators.required]) }); this.attachFormGroup.push(new FormGroup(this.attachments[this.attachments.length - 1])); this.indexTab = this.attachments.length - 1; setTimeout(() => { this.getAttachType('response_project', this.indexTab); }, 800); } updateFile(index: number) { if (this.functions.empty(this.attachments[this.asyncIndexTab].encodedFile.value)) { this.appDocumentViewer.toArray()[this.asyncIndexTab].getFile().pipe( take(1), tap((data) => { this.attachments[this.asyncIndexTab].encodedFile.setValue(data.content); this.attachments[this.asyncIndexTab].format.setValue(data.format); this.asyncIndexTab = index; }), ).subscribe(); } else { this.asyncIndexTab = index; } } removePj(i: number) { const dialogRef =, { panelClass: 'maarch-modal', autoFocus: false, disableClose: true, data: { title: this.translate.instant('lang.delete') + ' : ' + this.translate.instant('lang.attachmentShort') + ' n°' + (i + 1), msg: this.translate.instant('lang.confirmAction') } }); dialogRef.afterClosed().pipe( filter((data: string) => data === 'ok'), tap(() => { this.indexTab = 0; this.asyncIndexTab = this.indexTab; this.attachments.splice(i, 1); this.attachFormGroup.splice(i, 1); }), catchError((err: any) => { this.notify.handleErrors(err); return of(false); }) ).subscribe(); } getAttachType(attachType: any, i: number) { this.appDocumentViewer.toArray()[i].loadTemplatesByResId(, attachType); } isEmptyField(field: any) { if (field.value === null) { return true; } else if (Array.isArray(field.value)) { if (field.value.length > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } else if (String(field.value) !== '') { return false; } else { return true; } } toggleSendMass() { if (this.sendMassMode) { this.sendMassMode = !this.sendMassMode; this.selectedContact.enable(); } else { if (this.attachments.length === 1) { this.sendMassMode = !this.sendMassMode; this.selectedContact.disable(); } else { this.notify.error('Veuillez supprimer les <b>autres onglets PJ</b> avant de passer en <b>publipostage</b>.'); } } } }