diff --git a/rest/index.php b/rest/index.php
index 2493c04bc64b19132566be0aac6d7aed147a7ac7..78633d39d1ecb6df0a2dfd1ddc432dfc6aa3410e 100755
--- a/rest/index.php
+++ b/rest/index.php
@@ -367,6 +367,7 @@ $app->put('/res/externalInfos', \Resource\controllers\ResController::class . ':u
 $app->get('/categories', \Resource\controllers\ResController::class . ':getCategories');
 $app->get('/resources/{resId}/users/{userId}/isDestinationChanging', \Action\controllers\PreProcessActionController::class . ':isDestinationChanging');
 $app->get('/resources/{resId}/users/{userId}/groups/{groupId}/baskets/{basketId}/processingData', \Resource\controllers\ResController::class . ':getProcessingData');
+$app->get('/resources/{resId}/exportData', \Resource\controllers\ResourceDataExportController::class . ':get');
 $app->get('/resourcesList/users/{userId}/groups/{groupId}/baskets/{basketId}', \Resource\controllers\ResourceListController::class . ':get');
diff --git a/src/app/resource/controllers/ResourceDataExportController.php b/src/app/resource/controllers/ResourceDataExportController.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..317f9e98a4804a583f631f5efdbd99a9f6e6d4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/resource/controllers/ResourceDataExportController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
+ * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
+ * This file is part of Maarch software.
+ *
+ */
+ * @brief Resource Data Export Controller
+ * @author dev@maarch.org
+ */
+namespace Resource\controllers;
+use Attachment\models\AttachmentModel;
+use Convert\controllers\ConvertPdfController;
+use Docserver\models\DocserverModel;
+use Docserver\models\DocserverTypeModel;
+use Note\models\NoteModel;
+use Resource\models\ResModel;
+use Respect\Validation\Validator;
+use setasign\Fpdi\Tcpdf\Fpdi;
+use Slim\Http\Request;
+use Slim\Http\Response;
+use SrcCore\models\CoreConfigModel;
+use SrcCore\models\ValidatorModel;
+use User\models\UserModel;
+class ResourceDataExportController
+    public static function get(Request $request, Response $response, array $args)
+    {
+        if (!Validator::intVal()->validate($args['resId']) || !ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$args['resId']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
+            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);
+        }
+        $queryParams = $request->getQueryParams();
+        $documentPaths = [];
+        if (!empty($queryParams['document'])) {
+            $document = ResModel::getById([
+                'select' => ['res_id', 'docserver_id', 'path', 'filename', 'fingerprint', 'category_id', 'alt_identifier'],
+                'resId' => $args['resId']
+            ]);
+            if (empty($document)) {
+                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document does not exist']);
+            }
+            if (empty($document['filename'])) {
+                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document has no file']);
+            }
+            $path = ResourceDataExportController::getDocumentFilePath(['document' => $document, 'collId' => 'letterbox_coll']);
+            $documentPaths[] = $path;
+        }
+        if (!empty($queryParams['attachments'])) {
+            if (!Validator::arrayType()->validate($queryParams['attachments'])) {
+                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Query param attachments is not an array']);
+            }
+            if (!ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => $queryParams['attachments'], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
+                return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);
+            }
+            foreach ($queryParams['attachments'] as $attachmentId) {
+                $attachment = AttachmentModel::get([
+                    'select' => ['res_id', 'docserver_id', 'res_id_master'],
+                    'where'  => ['res_id = ?', 'status not in (?)'],
+                    'data'   => [$attachmentId, ['DEL']],
+                    'limit'  => 1
+                ]);
+                if (empty($attachment[0])) {
+                    return ['errors' => 'Attachment not found', 'code' => 404];
+                }
+                $attachment = $attachment[0];
+                $path = ResourceDataExportController::getDocumentFilePath(['document' => $attachment, 'collId' => 'attachments_coll']);
+                if (!empty($path['errors'])) {
+                    return $response->withStatus($path['code'])->withJson(['errors' => $path['errors']]);
+                }
+                $documentPaths[] = $path;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!empty($queryParams['notes'])) {
+            if (!Validator::arrayType()->validate($queryParams['notes'])) {
+                return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Query param notes is not an array']);
+            }
+            $noteFilePath = ResourceDataExportController::getNotesFilePath(['notes' => $queryParams['notes']]);
+            if (file_exists($noteFilePath)) {
+                $documentPaths[] = $noteFilePath;
+            } else {
+                return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => 'Notes file not created']);
+            }
+        }
+        if (!empty($documentPaths)) {
+            $tmpDir = CoreConfigModel::getTmpPath();
+            $filePathOnTmp = $tmpDir . 'mergedFile2.pdf';
+            $command = "pdfunite " . implode(" ", $documentPaths) . ' ' . $filePathOnTmp;
+            exec($command . ' 2>&1', $output, $return);
+            if (!file_exists($filePathOnTmp)) {
+                return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => 'Merged file not created']);
+            } else {
+                $finfo = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
+                $fileContent = file_get_contents($filePathOnTmp);
+                $mimeType = $finfo->buffer($fileContent);
+                $response->write($fileContent);
+                $response = $response->withAddedHeader('Content-Disposition', "inline; filename=maarch.pdf");
+                return $response->withHeader('Content-Type', $mimeType);
+            }
+        }
+        return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'No document to merge']);
+    }
+    private static function getDocumentFilePath(array $args)
+    {
+        ValidatorModel::notEmpty($args, ['document']);
+        ValidatorModel::arrayType($args, ['document']);
+        $resourceDocument = $args['document'];
+        $document = ConvertPdfController::getConvertedPdfById(['resId' => $resourceDocument['res_id'], 'collId' => $args['collId']]);
+        if (!empty($document['errors'])) {
+            return ['errors' => 'Conversion error : ' . $document['errors'], 'code' => 400];
+        }
+        if ($document['docserver_id'] == $resourceDocument['docserver_id']) {
+            return ['errors' => 'Document can not be converted', 'code' => 400];
+        }
+        $docserver = DocserverModel::getByDocserverId([
+            'docserverId' => $document['docserver_id'], 'select' => ['path_template', 'docserver_type_id']
+        ]);
+        if (empty($docserver['path_template']) || !file_exists($docserver['path_template'])) {
+            return ['errors' => 'Docserver does not exist', 'code' => 400];
+        }
+        $pathToDocument = $docserver['path_template'] . str_replace('#', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $document['path']) . $document['filename'];
+        if (!file_exists($pathToDocument)) {
+            return ['errors' => 'Attachment not found on docserver', 'code' => 404];
+        }
+        $docserverType = DocserverTypeModel::getById(['id' => $docserver['docserver_type_id'], 'select' => ['fingerprint_mode']]);
+        $fingerprint = StoreController::getFingerPrint(['filePath' => $pathToDocument, 'mode' => $docserverType['fingerprint_mode']]);
+        if (!empty($document['fingerprint']) && $document['fingerprint'] != $fingerprint) {
+            return ['errors' => 'Fingerprints do not match', 'code' => 400];
+        }
+        return $pathToDocument;
+    }
+    private static function getNotesFilePath(array $args)
+    {
+        ValidatorModel::notEmpty($args, ['notes']);
+        ValidatorModel::arrayType($args, ['notes']);
+        $notes = [];
+        foreach ($args['notes'] as $noteId) {
+            $note = NoteModel::getById(['id' => $noteId]);
+            $user = UserModel::getById(['id' => $note['user_id'], 'select' => ['firstname', 'lastname']]);
+            $userName = $user['firstname'] . ' ' . $user['lastname'];
+            $noteText = str_replace('←', '<=', $note['note_text']);
+            $date = explode('-', date('d-m-Y', strtotime($note['creation_date'])));
+            $date = $date[0].'/'.$date[1].'/'.$date[2].' '.date('H:i', strtotime($note['creation_date']));
+            $notes[] = ['user' => $userName, 'note' => $noteText, 'date' => $date];
+        }
+        $pdf = new Fpdi('P', 'pt');
+        $pdf->setPrintHeader(false);
+        $pdf->AddPage();
+        $dimensions     = $pdf->getPageDimensions();
+        $widthNoMargins = $dimensions['w'] - $dimensions['rm'] - $dimensions['lm'];
+        $bottomHeight   = $dimensions['h'] - $dimensions['bm'];
+        $widthNotes     = $widthNoMargins / 2;
+        $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 40);
+        if (($pdf->GetY() + 80) > $bottomHeight) {
+            $pdf->AddPage();
+        }
+        $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 11);
+        $pdf->Cell(0, 15, 'Annotations', 0, 2, 'L', false);
+        $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 2);
+        $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
+        foreach ($notes as $note) {
+            if (($pdf->GetY() + 65) > $bottomHeight) {
+                $pdf->AddPage();
+            }
+            $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
+            $pdf->Cell($widthNotes, 20, $note['user'], 1, 0, 'L', false);
+            $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
+            $pdf->Cell($widthNotes, 20, $note['date'], 1, 1, 'L', false);
+            $pdf->MultiCell(0, 40, $note['note'], 1, 'L', false);
+            $pdf->SetY($pdf->GetY() + 5);
+        }
+        $tmpDir = CoreConfigModel::getTmpPath();
+        $filePathOnTmp = $tmpDir . '/' . 'listNotes_' . $GLOBALS['id'] . '.pdf';
+        $pdf->Output($filePathOnTmp, 'F');
+        return $filePathOnTmp;
+    }