From f33b91ba28a7fe2459a902282da9f5d2584d3267 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "florian.azizian" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2020 17:47:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] FEAT #13679 continue refactoring notification scripts

 .../controllers/DatasourceController.php      | 201 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 201 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 src/app/template/controllers/DatasourceController.php

diff --git a/src/app/template/controllers/DatasourceController.php b/src/app/template/controllers/DatasourceController.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..d8b14daa58c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/template/controllers/DatasourceController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
+ * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
+ * This file is part of Maarch software.
+ *
+ */
+ * @brief Datasource Controller
+ * @author
+ */
+namespace Template\controllers;
+use Basket\models\BasketModel;
+use Contact\controllers\ContactController;
+use Contact\models\ContactModel;
+use Entity\models\EntityModel;
+use Resource\models\ResourceContactModel;
+use SrcCore\models\DatabaseModel;
+use User\models\UserBasketPreferenceModel;
+use Note\models\NoteModel;
+use Resource\models\ResModel;
+use SrcCore\models\TextFormatModel;
+use User\models\UserModel;
+class DatasourceController
+    public static function notifEvents(array $aArgs)
+    {
+        $datasources['notification'][0] = $aArgs['params']['notification'];
+        $datasources['recipient'][0]    = $aArgs['params']['recipient'];
+        $datasources['events']          = [];
+        foreach ($aArgs['params']['events'] as $event) {
+            $datasources['events'][] = $event;
+        }
+        return $datasources;
+    }
+    public static function letterboxEvents(array $aArgs)
+    {
+        $datasources['recipient'][0]  = $aArgs['params']['recipient'];
+        $datasources['res_letterbox'] = [];
+        $datasources['contact']       = [];
+        $urlToApp = trim($aArgs['params']['maarchUrl'], '/').'/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php?';
+        $basket = BasketModel::getByBasketId(['select' => ['id'], 'basketId' => 'MyBasket']);
+        $preferenceBasket = UserBasketPreferenceModel::get([
+            'select'  => ['group_serial_id'],
+            'where'   => ['user_serial_id = ?', 'basket_id = ?'],
+            'data'    => [$aArgs['params']['recipient']['id'], 'MyBasket']
+        ]);
+        foreach ($aArgs['params']['events'] as $event) {
+            $table    = [$aArgs['params']['res_view'] . ' lb'];
+            $leftJoin = [];
+            $where    = [];
+            $arrayPDO = [];
+            switch ($event['table_name']) {
+                case 'notes':
+                    $table[]    = 'notes';
+                    $leftJoin[] = 'notes.identifier = lb.res_id';
+                    $where[]    = ' = ?';
+                    $arrayPDO[] = $event['record_id'];
+                    break;
+                case 'listinstance':
+                    $table[]    = 'listinstance li';
+                    $leftJoin[] = 'lb.res_id = li.res_id';
+                    $where[]    = 'listinstance_id = ?';
+                    $arrayPDO[] = $event['record_id'];
+                    break;
+                case 'res_letterbox':
+                case 'res_view_letterbox':
+                default:
+                    $where[]    = 'lb.res_id = ?';
+                    $arrayPDO[] = $event['record_id'];
+            }
+            // Main document resource from view
+            $res = DatabaseModel::select([
+                'select'    => ['lb.*'],
+                'table'     => $table,
+                'left_join' => $leftJoin,
+                'where'     => $where,
+                'data'      => $arrayPDO,
+            ])[0];
+            // Lien vers la page detail
+            $res['linktodoc']     = $urlToApp . 'linkToDoc='.$res['res_id'];
+            $res['linktodetail']  = $urlToApp . 'linkToDetail='.$res['res_id'];
+            if (!empty($res['res_id']) && !empty($preferenceBasket[0]['group_serial_id']) && !empty($basket['id']) && !empty($aArgs['params']['recipient']['user_id'])) {
+                $res['linktoprocess'] = $urlToApp . 'linkToProcess='.$res['res_id'].'&groupId='.$preferenceBasket[0]['group_serial_id'].'&basketId='.$basket['id'].'&userId='.$aArgs['params']['recipient']['user_id'];
+            }
+            if (!empty($res['initiator'])) {
+                $entityInfo = EntityModel::getByEntityId(['select' => ['*'], 'entityId' => $res['initiator']]);
+                foreach ($entityInfo as $key => $value) {
+                    $res['initiator_'.$key] = $value;
+                }
+            }
+            $datasources['res_letterbox'][] = $res;
+            $resourceContacts = ResourceContactModel::get([
+                'where' => ['res_id = ?', "mode='sender'", "type='contact'"],
+                'data'  => [$res['res_id']],
+                'limit' => 1
+            ]);
+            $resourceContacts = $resourceContacts[0];
+            if (!empty($resourceContacts)) {
+                $contact = ContactModel::getById(['id' => $resourceContacts['item_id'], 'select' => ['*']]);
+                $postalAddress = ContactController::getContactAfnor($contact);
+                unset($postalAddress[0]);
+                $contact['postal_address'] = implode("\n", $postalAddress);
+                $datasources['sender'][] = $contact;
+            }
+        }
+        return $datasources;
+    }
+    public static function noteEvents(array $aArgs)
+    {
+        $datasources['recipient'][0] = $aArgs['params']['recipient'];
+        $datasources['notes']        = array();
+        // Link to detail page
+        $urlToApp = trim($aArgs['params']['maarchUrl'], '/').'/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php?';
+        $basket = BasketModel::getByBasketId(['select' => ['id'], 'basketId' => 'MyBasket']);
+        $preferenceBasket = UserBasketPreferenceModel::get([
+            'select'  => ['group_serial_id'],
+            'where'   => ['user_serial_id = ?', 'basket_id = ?'],
+            'data'    => [$aArgs['params']['recipient']['user_id'], 'MyBasket']
+        ]);
+        foreach ($aArgs['params']['events'] as $event) {
+            $note = [];
+            if ($event['table_name'] != 'notes') {
+                $note = DatabaseModel::select([
+                    'select'    => ['mlb.*', 'notes.*', 'users.*'],
+                    'table'     => ['listinstance', $aArgs['params']['res_view'] . ' mlb', 'notes', 'users'],
+                    'left_join' => ['mlb.res_id = li.res_id', 'notes.identifier = li.res_id', ' = notes.user_id'],
+                    'where'     => ['li.item_id = ?', 'li.item_mode = \'dest\'', 'li.item_type = \'user_id\'', 'li.res_id = ?'],
+                    'data'      => [$aArgs['params']['recipient']['user_id'], $event['record_id']],
+                ])[0];
+                $resId = $note['identifier'];
+            } else {
+                $note         = NoteModel::getById(['id' => $event['record_id']]);
+                $resId        = $note['identifier'];
+                $resLetterbox = ResModel::getById(['select' => ['*'], 'resId'  => $resId]);
+                $datasources['res_letterbox'][] = $resLetterbox;
+            }
+            $note['linktodoc']     = $urlToApp . 'linkToDoc='.$resId;
+            $note['linktodetail']  = $urlToApp . 'linkToDetail='.$resId;
+            if (!empty($resId) && !empty($preferenceBasket[0]['group_serial_id']) && !empty($basket['id']) && !empty($aArgs['params']['recipient']['user_id'])) {
+                $note['linktoprocess'] = $urlToApp . 'linkToProcess='.$resId.'&groupId='.$preferenceBasket[0]['group_serial_id'].'&basketId='.$basket['id'].'&userId='.$aArgs['params']['recipient']['user_id'];
+            }
+            $resourceContacts = ResourceContactModel::get([
+                'where' => ['res_id = ?', "type = 'contact'", "mode = 'sender'"],
+                'data'  => [$resId],
+                'limit' => 1
+            ]);
+            $resourceContacts = $resourceContacts[0];
+            if ($event['table_name'] == 'notes') {
+                $datasources['res_letterbox'][0]['linktodoc']     = $note['linktodoc'];
+                $datasources['res_letterbox'][0]['linktodetail']  = $note['linktodetail'];
+                $datasources['res_letterbox'][0]['linktoprocess'] = $note['linktodoc'];
+                $labelledUser = UserModel::getLabelledUserById(['id' => $note['user_id']]);
+                $creationDate = TextFormatModel::formatDate($note['creation_date'], 'd/m/Y');
+                $note = "{$labelledUser}  {$creationDate} : {$note['note_text']}\n";
+            }
+            if (!empty($resourceContacts)) {
+                $contact = ContactModel::getById(['id' => $resourceContacts['item_id'], 'select' => ['*']]);
+                $datasources['sender'][] = $contact;
+            }
+            $datasources['notes'] = $note;
+        }
+        return $datasources;
+    }