diff --git a/src/frontend/app/administration/administration.module.ts b/src/frontend/app/administration/administration.module.ts
index 02f3c146982393e7f74583b7a03751ffb0182659..07034f29afef8288cb25406461d6232492d76569 100755
--- a/src/frontend/app/administration/administration.module.ts
+++ b/src/frontend/app/administration/administration.module.ts
@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ import { UpdateStatusAdministrationComponent } from './updateStatus/update-statu
 import { UserAdministrationComponent, UserAdministrationRedirectModalComponent } from './user/user-administration.component';
 import { VersionsUpdateAdministrationComponent } from './versionUpdate/versions-update-administration.component';
 import { AdministrationComponent } from './home/administration.component';
-import { UsersAdministrationComponent, UsersAdministrationRedirectModalComponent } from './user/users-administration.component';
+import { UsersAdministrationComponent } from './user/users-administration.component';
+import { UsersAdministrationRedirectModalComponent } from './user/redirect-modal/users-administration-redirect-modal.component';
 import { UsersImportComponent } from './user/import/users-import.component';
 import { UsersExportComponent } from './user/export/users-export.component';
 import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
diff --git a/src/frontend/app/administration/user/redirect-modal/users-administration-redirect-modal.component.html b/src/frontend/app/administration/user/redirect-modal/users-administration-redirect-modal.component.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba5f355bd31a8a6a213db9a665bb6d267a38ceeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frontend/app/administration/user/redirect-modal/users-administration-redirect-modal.component.html
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+<div class="mat-dialog-content-container">
+    <h1 mat-dialog-title>{{modalTitle | translate}}</h1>
+    <mat-dialog-content>
+        <ng-container *ngIf="isDeletable">
+            <ng-container *ngIf="userDestTemplates.length > 0">
+                <h2>{{'lang.redirectUserListDiff' | translate}}</h2>
+                <div class="alert-message alert-message-info" role="alert">
+                    <b>{{data.user.firstname}} {{data.user.lastname}}</b>&nbsp;<span
+                        [innerHTML]="'lang.chooseNewDest' | translate"></span> :
+                </div>
+                <div *ngFor="let redirectModel of userDestTemplates; index as i" id="{{redirectModel.object_id}}"
+                    class="form-group">
+                    <plugin-autocomplete [labelPlaceholder]="('lang.newDest' | translate) + ' : ' + redirectModel.title"
+                        [labelList]="('lang.availableUsers' | translate)" [routeDatas]="['/rest/autocomplete/users']"
+                        [targetSearchKey]="'idToDisplay'" [subInfoKey]="'descriptionToDisplay'"
+                        (triggerEvent)="setRedirectUserListModels(i, $event)" singleMode required></plugin-autocomplete>
+                </div>
+            </ng-container>
+            <ng-container *ngIf="userDestDifflists.length > 0">
+                <h2>{{'lang.redirectUserListInstances' | translate}}</h2>
+                <div class="alert-message alert-message-info" role="alert">
+                    <b>{{data.user.firstname}} {{data.user.lastname}}</b>&nbsp;<span
+                        [innerHTML]="'lang.chooseNewDestUser' | translate"></span> :
+                </div>
+                <div id="{{data.user.user_id}}" class="form-group">
+                    <plugin-autocomplete [labelPlaceholder]="('lang.newDestRes' | translate)" [labelList]="('lang.availableUsers' | translate)"
+                        [routeDatas]="['/rest/autocomplete/users']" [targetSearchKey]="'idToDisplay'"
+                        [subInfoKey]="'descriptionToDisplay'" (triggerEvent)="setRedirectUserRes($event)" singleMode
+                        required></plugin-autocomplete>
+                </div>
+            </ng-container>
+            <ng-container *ngIf="userVisaWorkflowResources.length > 0">
+                <h2>{{'lang.redirectUserListInstances' | translate}}</h2>
+                <div class="alert-message alert-message-info" role="alert">
+                    <b>{{data.user.firstname}} {{data.user.lastname}}</b>&nbsp;<span
+                        [innerHTML]="'lang.chooseNewDestUser' | translate"></span> :
+                </div>
+                <div id="{{data.user.user_id}}" class="form-group">
+                    <plugin-autocomplete [labelPlaceholder]="('lang.newDestRes' | translate)" [labelList]="('lang.availableUsers' | translate)"
+                        [routeDatas]="['/rest/autocomplete/users/circuit']" [targetSearchKey]="'idToDisplay'"
+                        [subInfoKey]="'descriptionToDisplay'" (triggerEvent)="setRedirectUserVisaWorkflowRes($event)" singleMode
+                        required></plugin-autocomplete>
+                </div>
+            </ng-container>
+            <ng-container *ngIf="userDestTemplates.length === 0 && userDestDifflists.length === 0 && userVisaWorkflowResources.length === 0">
+                <div class="alert-message alert-message-info" role="alert">
+                    {{'lang.' + data.user.actionMode | translate}} {{data.user.firstname}} {{data.user.lastname}}
+                </div>
+            </ng-container>
+        </ng-container>
+        <ng-container *ngIf="!isDeletable">
+            <div class="alert-message alert-message-info" role="alert">
+                <p><span [innerHTML]="'lang.userIsNotDeletable' | translate"></span> <b>{{data.user.firstname}}
+                        {{data.user.lastname}}</b>&nbsp;</p>
+                <p><span [innerHTML]="'lang.userIsDeletableBy' | translate"></span></p>
+            </div>
+            <div class="modal-body" *ngIf="userDestTemplates.length > 0" class="col-md-6">
+                <mat-list>
+                    <p mat-line>{{'lang.diffusionList' | translate}}</p>
+                    <mat-list-item *ngFor="let templateEntity of userDestTemplates">
+                        <mat-icon mat-list-icon><i class="fa fa-share-alt" color="primary"></i></mat-icon>
+                        <p mat-line><span> {{templateEntity}} </span></p>
+                    </mat-list-item>
+                </mat-list>
+            </div>
+            <div class="modal-body" *ngIf="userDestDifflists.length > 0" class="col-md-6">
+                <mat-list>
+                    <p mat-line>{{'lang.mailEntitiesList' | translate}}</p>
+                    <mat-list-item *ngFor="let instanceEntity of userDestDifflists">
+                        <mat-icon mat-list-icon><i class="fa fa-inbox" color="primary"></i></mat-icon>
+                        <p mat-line><span> {{instanceEntity}} </span></p>
+                    </mat-list-item>
+                </mat-list>
+            </div>
+        </ng-container>
+    </mat-dialog-content>
+    <span class="divider-modal"></span>
+    <mat-dialog-actions>
+        <button mat-raised-button color="warn" *ngIf="data.user.actionMode == 'delete' && isDeletable"
+            type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" (click)="onSubmit()"
+            [disabled]="!isValid()">{{'lang.delete' | translate}}
+            {{'lang.user' | translate}}</button>
+        <button mat-raised-button color="primary" *ngIf="data.user.actionMode == 'suspend' && isDeletable"
+            type="submit" (click)="onSubmit()" [disabled]="!isValid()">{{'lang.suspend' | translate}}
+            {{'lang.user' | translate}}</button>
+        <button mat-raised-button color="default" *ngIf="!data.isDeletable" type="submit"
+            (click)="dialogRef.close()">{{'lang.close' | translate}}</button>
+    </mat-dialog-actions>
diff --git a/src/frontend/app/administration/user/redirect-modal/users-administration-redirect-modal.component.ts b/src/frontend/app/administration/user/redirect-modal/users-administration-redirect-modal.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06f6be3fcb9aae410a5804e38df35da2625f0d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frontend/app/administration/user/redirect-modal/users-administration-redirect-modal.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
+import { Component, Inject, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
+import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';
+import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
+import { NotificationService } from '@service/notification/notification.service';
+import { of } from 'rxjs';
+import { catchError, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
+    templateUrl: 'users-administration-redirect-modal.component.html',
+    styleUrls: ['users-administration-redirect-modal.scss'],
+export class UsersAdministrationRedirectModalComponent implements OnInit {
+    modalTitle: string = 'lang.confirmAction';
+    isDeletable: boolean = false;
+    userDestTemplates: any[] = [];
+    userDestDifflists: any[] = [];
+    userDestDifflistsRedirectUserId: any = null;
+    userVisaWorkflowResources: any[] = [];
+    userVisaWorkflowResourcesRedirectUserId: any = null;
+    constructor(
+        public translate: TranslateService,
+        public http: HttpClient,
+        @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any,
+        public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<UsersAdministrationRedirectModalComponent>,
+        private notify: NotificationService
+    ) { }
+    async ngOnInit(): Promise<void> {
+        await this.getActionInfo();
+    }
+    async onSubmit() {
+        if (this.userDestTemplates.length > 0) {
+            await this.updateListmodels();
+        }
+        if (this.userDestDifflists.length > 0) {
+            await this.updateListinstances();
+        }
+        if (this.userVisaWorkflowResources.length > 0) {
+            await this.updateVisaWorkflow();
+        }
+        if (this.data.user.actionMode === 'delete') {
+            await this.deleteUser();
+        } else {
+            await this.suspendUser();
+        }
+        this.dialogRef.close('success');
+    }
+    getActionInfo() {
+        return new Promise((resolve) => {
+            this.http.get(`../rest/users/${this.data.user.id}/isDeletable`).pipe(
+                tap((response: any) => {
+                    if (response && response.hasOwnProperty('errors')) {
+                        this.notify.error(response.errors);
+                        this.dialogRef.close('');
+                    } else {
+                        this.isDeletable = response.isDeletable;
+                        if (this.isDeletable) {
+                            this.userDestTemplates = response.listTemplates;
+                            this.userDestDifflists = response.listInstances;
+                            this.userVisaWorkflowResources = response.visaWorflow;
+                        } else {
+                            this.modalTitle = this.data.user.actionMode === 'delete' ? 'lang.unableToDelete' : 'lang.unableToSuspend';
+                            this.userDestTemplates = response.listTemplateEntities;
+                            this.userDestDifflists = response.listInstanceEntities;
+                        }
+                        resolve(true);
+                    }
+                }),
+                catchError((err: any) => {
+                    this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err);
+                    return of(false);
+                })
+            ).subscribe();
+        });
+    }
+    setRedirectUserListModels(index: number, user: any) {
+        if (this.data.user.user_id != user.id) {
+            this.userDestTemplates[index].redirectUserId = user.id;
+        } else {
+            this.userDestTemplates[index].redirectUserId = null;
+            this.notify.error(this.translate.instant('lang.userUnauthorized'));
+        }
+    }
+    setRedirectUserRes(user: any) {
+        if (this.data.user.user_id != user.id) {
+            this.userDestDifflistsRedirectUserId = user.id;
+        } else {
+            this.userDestDifflistsRedirectUserId = null;
+            this.notify.error(this.translate.instant('lang.userUnauthorized'));
+        }
+    }
+    setRedirectUserVisaWorkflowRes(user: any) {
+        if (this.data.user.user_id != user.id) {
+            this.userVisaWorkflowResourcesRedirectUserId = user.id;
+        } else {
+            this.userVisaWorkflowResourcesRedirectUserId = null;
+            this.notify.error(this.translate.instant('lang.userUnauthorized'));
+        }
+    }
+    isValid() {
+        let valid = true;
+        if (this.userDestTemplates.length > 0) {
+            this.userDestTemplates.forEach((element: any) => {
+                if (!element.redirectUserId) {
+                    valid = false;
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        if (this.userDestDifflists.length > 0) {
+            if (!this.userDestDifflistsRedirectUserId) {
+                valid = false;
+            }
+        }
+        return valid;
+    }
+    updateListmodels() {
+        return new Promise((resolve) => {
+            this.http.put(`../rest/listTemplates/entityDest/itemId/${this.data.user.id}`, { redirectListModels: this.userDestTemplates }).pipe(
+                tap((data: any) => {
+                    if (data != null && data.errors) {
+                        this.notify.error(data.errors);
+                    } else {
+                        resolve(true);
+                    }
+                }),
+                catchError((err: any) => {
+                    this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err);
+                    return of(false);
+                })
+            ).subscribe();
+        });
+    }
+    updateListinstances() {
+        this.userDestDifflists.forEach((res: any, index: number) => {
+            this.userDestDifflists[index].listInstances = this.userDestDifflists[index].listInstances.map((item: any) => {
+                return {
+                    ...item,
+                    item_id: (item.item_mode === 'dest' && item.item_id === this.data.user.id) ? this.userDestDifflistsRedirectUserId : item.item_id
+                };
+            });
+        });
+        return new Promise((resolve) => {
+            this.http.put(`../rest/listinstances`, this.userDestDifflists).pipe(
+                tap((data: any) => {
+                    if (data && data.hasOwnProperty('errors')) {
+                        this.notify.error(data.errors);
+                    } else {
+                        resolve(true);
+                    }
+                }),
+                catchError((err: any) => {
+                    this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err);
+                    return of(false);
+                })
+            ).subscribe();
+        });
+    }
+    updateVisaWorkflow() {
+        this.userVisaWorkflowResources.forEach((res: any, index: number) => {
+            this.userVisaWorkflowResources[index].listInstances = this.userVisaWorkflowResources[index].workflow.map((item: any) => {
+                return {
+                    ...item,
+                    item_id: (item.process_mode !== null && item.item_id === this.data.user.id) ? this.userVisaWorkflowResourcesRedirectUserId : item.item_id
+                };
+            });
+        });
+        return new Promise((resolve) => {
+            this.http.put(`../rest/circuits/visaCircuit`, { resources: this.userVisaWorkflowResources }).pipe(
+                tap((data: any) => {
+                    if (data && data.hasOwnProperty('errors')) {
+                        this.notify.error(data.errors);
+                    } else {
+                        resolve(true);
+                    }
+                }),
+                catchError((err: any) => {
+                    this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err);
+                    return of(false);
+                })
+            ).subscribe();
+        });
+    }
+    deleteUser() {
+        return new Promise((resolve) => {
+            this.http.delete(`../rest/users/${this.data.user.id}`).pipe(
+                tap((data: any) => {
+                    this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.userDeleted') + ' « ' + this.data.user.user_id + ' »');
+                    resolve(true);
+                }),
+                catchError((err: any) => {
+                    this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err);
+                    return of(false);
+                })
+            ).subscribe();
+        });
+    }
+    suspendUser() {
+        return new Promise((resolve) => {
+            this.http.put(`../rest/users/${this.data.user.id}/suspend`, this.data.user).pipe(
+                tap((data: any) => {
+                    this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.userSuspended'));
+                    resolve(true);
+                }),
+                catchError((err: any) => {
+                    this.notify.handleSoftErrors(err);
+                    return of(false);
+                })
+            ).subscribe();
+        });
+    }
diff --git a/src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration-redirect-modal.scss b/src/frontend/app/administration/user/redirect-modal/users-administration-redirect-modal.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration-redirect-modal.scss
rename to src/frontend/app/administration/user/redirect-modal/users-administration-redirect-modal.scss
diff --git a/src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration-redirect-modal.component.html b/src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration-redirect-modal.component.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f3c092b40074c31f0a4b9fb6130217472a88c5e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration-redirect-modal.component.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-<div class="mat-dialog-content-container">
-    <h1 mat-dialog-title>{{modalTitle}}</h1>
-    <mat-dialog-content>
-        <ng-container *ngIf="data.isDeletable">
-            <ng-container *ngIf="data.inDiffListDest">
-                <h2>{{'lang.redirectUserListDiff' | translate}}</h2>
-                <div class="alert-message alert-message-info" role="alert">
-                    <b>{{this.data.userDestRedirect.firstname}} {{this.data.userDestRedirect.lastname}}</b>&nbsp;<span
-                        [innerHTML]="this.translate.instant('lang.chooseNewDest')"></span> :
-                </div>
-                <div *ngFor="let redirectModel of data.redirectListModels; index as i" id="{{redirectModel.object_id}}"
-                    class="form-group">
-                    <plugin-autocomplete [labelPlaceholder]="this.translate.instant('lang.newDest') + ' : ' + redirectModel.title"
-                        [labelList]="this.translate.instant('lang.availableUsers')" [routeDatas]="['/rest/autocomplete/users']"
-                        [targetSearchKey]="'idToDisplay'" [subInfoKey]="'descriptionToDisplay'"
-                        (triggerEvent)="setRedirectUserListModels(i, $event)" singleMode required></plugin-autocomplete>
-                </div>
-            </ng-container>
-            <ng-container *ngIf="data.isResDestUser">
-                <h2>{{'lang.redirectUserListInstances' | translate}}</h2>
-                <div class="alert-message alert-message-info" role="alert">
-                    <b>{{this.data.userDestRedirect.firstname}} {{this.data.userDestRedirect.lastname}}</b>&nbsp;<span
-                        [innerHTML]="this.translate.instant('lang.chooseNewDestUser')"></span> :
-                </div>
-                <div id="{{this.data.userDestRedirect.user_id}}" class="form-group">
-                    <plugin-autocomplete [labelPlaceholder]="this.translate.instant('lang.newDestRes')" [labelList]="this.translate.instant('lang.availableUsers')"
-                        [routeDatas]="['/rest/autocomplete/users']" [targetSearchKey]="'idToDisplay'"
-                        [subInfoKey]="'descriptionToDisplay'" (triggerEvent)="setRedirectUserRes($event)" singleMode
-                        required></plugin-autocomplete>
-                </div>
-            </ng-container>
-            <ng-container *ngIf="!data.inDiffListDest && !data.isResDestUser">
-                <div class="alert" role="alert">
-                    <b *ngIf="data.userDestRedirect.actionMode == 'delete'">{{'lang.delete' | translate}}
-                        {{this.data.userDestRedirect.firstname}} {{this.data.userDestRedirect.lastname}}</b>&nbsp;
-                    <b *ngIf="data.userDestRedirect.actionMode == 'suspend'">{{'lang.suspend' | translate}}
-                        {{this.data.userDestRedirect.firstname}} {{this.data.userDestRedirect.lastname}}</b>&nbsp;
-                </div>
-            </ng-container>
-        </ng-container>
-        <ng-container *ngIf="!data.isDeletable">
-            <div class="alert-message alert-message-info" role="alert">
-                <p><span [innerHTML]="this.translate.instant('lang.userIsNotDeletable')"></span> <b>{{this.data.userDestRedirect.firstname}}
-                        {{this.data.userDestRedirect.lastname}}</b>&nbsp;</p>
-                <p><span [innerHTML]="this.translate.instant('lang.userIsDeletableBy')"></span></p>
-            </div>
-            <div class="modal-body" *ngIf="data.inTemplateList" class="col-md-6">
-                <mat-list>
-                    <p mat-line>{{'lang.diffusionList' | translate}}</p>
-                    <mat-list-item *ngFor="let templateEntity of data.listTemplateEntities">
-                        <mat-icon mat-list-icon><i class="fa fa-share-alt" color="primary"></i></mat-icon>
-                        <p mat-line><span> {{templateEntity}} </span></p>
-                    </mat-list-item>
-                </mat-list>
-            </div>
-            <div class="modal-body" *ngIf="data.inInstanceList" class="col-md-6">
-                <mat-list>
-                    <p mat-line>{{'lang.mailEntitiesList' | translate}}</p>
-                    <mat-list-item *ngFor="let instanceEntity of data.listInstanceEntities">
-                        <mat-icon mat-list-icon><i class="fa fa-inbox" color="primary"></i></mat-icon>
-                        <p mat-line><span> {{instanceEntity}} </span></p>
-                    </mat-list-item>
-                </mat-list>
-            </div>
-        </ng-container>
-    </mat-dialog-content>
-    <span class="divider-modal"></span>
-    <mat-dialog-actions>
-        <button mat-raised-button color="warn" *ngIf="data.userDestRedirect.actionMode == 'delete' && data.isDeletable"
-            type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" (click)="dialogRef.close(this.data)"
-            [disabled]="!sendFunction()">{{'lang.delete' | translate}}
-            {{'lang.user' | translate}}</button>
-        <button mat-raised-button color="primary" *ngIf="data.userDestRedirect.actionMode == 'suspend' && data.isDeletable"
-            type="submit" (click)="dialogRef.close(this.data)" [disabled]="!sendFunction()">{{'lang.suspend' | translate}}
-            {{'lang.user' | translate}}</button>
-        <button mat-raised-button color="primary" *ngIf="!data.isDeletable" type="submit"
-            (click)="dialogRef.close()">{{'lang.close' | translate}}</button>
-    </mat-dialog-actions>
diff --git a/src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration.component.html b/src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration.component.html
index ba1ca24257669a8f86a5545dacc56384fb34416f..08ed4d39c0cbb8cb7bd6e05e0e038bfc9b1a16ed 100755
--- a/src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration.component.html
+++ b/src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration.component.html
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
                             <mat-cell *matCellDef="let element" style="justify-content: flex-end;">
                                 <button mat-icon-button color="primary" [disabled]="element.id===user.id || (['root_visible', 'root_invisible'].indexOf(element.mode) > -1 && headerService.user.mode === 'standard')"
                                     *ngIf="element.status != 'SPD'" matTooltip="{{'lang.suspend' | translate}}"
-                                    (click)="$event.stopPropagation();deleteUser(element, 'suspend')">
+                                    (click)="$event.stopPropagation();actionUserPrompt(element, 'suspend')">
                                     <mat-icon class="fa fa-pause fa-2x" aria-hidden="true"></mat-icon>
                                 <button mat-icon-button color="accent" *ngIf="element.status == 'SPD'"
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
                                 <button mat-icon-button color="warn" [disabled]="element.id===user.id || ['root_visible', 'root_invisible'].indexOf(element.mode) > -1"
                                     matTooltip="{{'lang.delete' | translate}}" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#changeDiffListDest"
-                                    (click)="$event.stopPropagation();deleteUser(element, 'delete')">
+                                    (click)="$event.stopPropagation();actionUserPrompt(element, 'delete')">
                                     <mat-icon class="fa fa-trash-alt fa-2x"></mat-icon>
diff --git a/src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration.component.ts b/src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration.component.ts
index ccb6167b61cfc035460e2a660e9449f15fbb46fa..ae8dcfed4c99aec8821370a52d38dcbffe8442fa 100755
--- a/src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration.component.ts
+++ b/src/frontend/app/administration/user/users-administration.component.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, Inject, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef, ElementRef, ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';
+import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
 import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
 import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
 import { MatDialog, MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import { UsersImportComponent } from './import/users-import.component';
 import { UsersExportComponent } from './export/users-export.component';
 import { catchError, filter, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
 import { AdministrationService } from '../administration.service';
+import { UsersAdministrationRedirectModalComponent } from './redirect-modal/users-administration-redirect-modal.component';
     templateUrl: 'users-administration.component.html',
@@ -109,13 +110,7 @@ export class UsersAdministrationComponent implements OnInit {
             this.http.put('../rest/users/' + user.id, user)
                 .subscribe(() => {
-                    if (this.quota.userQuota) {
-                        this.quota.inactives--;
-                        this.quota.actives++;
-                        if (this.quota.actives > this.quota.userQuota) {
-                            this.notify.error(this.translate.instant('lang.quotaExceeded'));
-                        }
-                    }
+                    this.updateQuota(user, 'activate');
                 }, (err) => {
                     user.status = 'SPD';
@@ -123,275 +118,49 @@ export class UsersAdministrationComponent implements OnInit {
-    deleteUser(user: any, mode: string) {
-        user.actionMode = mode;
-        this.http.get('../rest/users/' + user.id + '/isDeletable')
-            .subscribe((response: any) => {
-                if (response && response.hasOwnProperty('errors')) {
-                    this.notify.error(response.errors);
-                } else {
-                    user.isDeletable = response.isDeletable;
-                    if (response.isDeletable) {
-                        this.config = {
-                            panelClass: 'maarch-modal',
-                            data: {
-                                userDestRedirect: user,
-                                isDeletable: response.isDeletable,
-                                redirectListInstances: response.listInstances,
-                                redirectListModels: response.listTemplates
-                            }
-                        };
-                    } else {
-                        this.config = {
-                            panelClass: 'maarch-modal',
-                            data: {
-                                userDestRedirect: user,
-                                isDeletable: response.isDeletable,
-                                listInstanceEntities: response.listInstanceEntities,
-                                listTemplateEntities: response.listTemplateEntities
-                            }
-                        };
-                    }
-                    // open modale
-                    this.dialogRef = this.dialog.open(UsersAdministrationRedirectModalComponent, this.config);
-                    this.dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result: any) => {
-                        if (result && user.isDeletable) {
-                            user.inDiffListDest = result.inDiffListDest;
-                            user.isResDestUser = result.isResDestUser;
-                            if (result.inDiffListDest) {
-                                user.redirectListModels = result.redirectListModels;
-                            }
-                            if (result.isResDestUser) {
-                                user.redirectDestResUserId = result.redirectDestResUserId;
-                                result.redirectListInstances.forEach((list: any) => {
-                                    list.listInstances.forEach((element: any) => {
-                                        if (element.item_mode === 'dest' && element.item_id === user.user_id) {
-                                            element.item_id = user.redirectDestResUserId;
-                                        }
-                                    });
-                                });
-                                user.redirectListInstances = result.redirectListInstances;
-                            }
-                            if (user.inDiffListDest && user.isResDestUser) { // user is inDiffListDest and isResDestUser
-                                // update listModels
-                                this.http.put('../rest/listTemplates/entityDest/itemId/' + user.id, user)
-                                    .subscribe(() => {
-                                        this.http.put('../rest/listinstances', user.redirectListInstances)
-                                            .subscribe((data: any) => {
-                                                if (data != null && data.errors) {
-                                                    this.notify.error(data.errors);
-                                                } else {
-                                                    // delete user
-                                                    if (user.actionMode === 'delete') {
-                                                        this.http.delete('../rest/users/' + user.id)
-                                                            .subscribe(() => {
-                                                                for (const i in this.data) {
-                                                                    if (this.data[i].id == user.id) {
-                                                                        this.data.splice(Number(i), 1);
-                                                                    }
-                                                                }
-                                                                this.adminService.setDataSource('admin_users', this.data, this.sort, this.paginator, this.filterColumns);
-                                                                if (this.quota.userQuota && user.status !== 'SPD') {
-                                                                    this.quota.actives--;
-                                                                } else if (this.quota.userQuota && user.status === 'SPD') {
-                                                                    this.quota.inactives--;
-                                                                }
-                                                                this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.userDeleted') + ' « ' + user.user_id + ' »');
-                                                                // end delete user
-                                                            }, (err) => {
-                                                                this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-                                                            });
-                                                        // suspend user
-                                                    } else if (user.actionMode === 'suspend') {
-                                                        this.http.put('../rest/users/' + user.id + '/suspend', user)
-                                                            .subscribe(() => {
-                                                                user.status = 'SPD';
-                                                                this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.userSuspended'));
-                                                                if (this.quota.userQuota) {
-                                                                    this.quota.inactives++;
-                                                                    this.quota.actives--;
-                                                                }
-                                                            }, (err) => {
-                                                                user.status = 'OK';
-                                                                this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-                                                            });
-                                                    }
-                                                }
-                                                // end update listInstances
-                                            }, (err) => {
-                                                this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-                                            });
-                                    }, (err) => {
-                                        this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-                                    });
-                            } else if (user.inDiffListDest && !user.isResDestUser) { // user is inDiffListDest
-                                // update listModels
-                                this.http.put('../rest/listTemplates/entityDest/itemId/' + user.id, user)
-                                    .subscribe(() => {
-                                        // delete user
-                                        if (user.actionMode === 'delete') {
-                                            this.http.delete('../rest/users/' + user.id)
-                                                .subscribe(() => {
-                                                    for (const i in this.data) {
-                                                        if (this.data[i].id == user.id) {
-                                                            this.data.splice(Number(i), 1);
-                                                        }
-                                                    }
-                                                    this.adminService.setDataSource('admin_users', this.data, this.sort, this.paginator, this.filterColumns);
-                                                    if (this.quota.userQuota && user.status === 'OK') {
-                                                        this.quota.actives--;
-                                                    } else if (this.quota.userQuota && user.status === 'SPD') {
-                                                        this.quota.inactives--;
-                                                    }
-                                                    this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.userDeleted') + ' « ' + user.user_id + ' »');
-                                                    // end delete user
-                                                }, (err) => {
-                                                    this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-                                                });
-                                            // suspend user
-                                        } else if (user.actionMode === 'suspend') {
-                                            this.http.put('../rest/users/' + user.id + '/suspend', user)
-                                                .subscribe(() => {
-                                                    user.status = 'SPD';
-                                                    this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.userSuspended'));
-                                                    if (this.quota.userQuota) {
-                                                        this.quota.inactives++;
-                                                        this.quota.actives--;
-                                                    }
-                                                }, (err) => {
-                                                    user.status = 'OK';
-                                                    this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-                                                });
-                                        }
-                                    }, (err) => {
-                                        this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-                                    });
-                            } else if (!user.inDiffListDest && user.isResDestUser) { // user isResDestUser
-                                // update listInstances
-                                this.http.put('../rest/listinstances', user.redirectListInstances)
-                                    .subscribe((data: any) => {
-                                        if (data && data.hasOwnProperty('errors')) {
-                                            this.notify.error(data.errors);
-                                        } else {
-                                            // delete user
-                                            if (user.actionMode === 'delete') {
-                                                this.http.delete('../rest/users/' + user.id)
-                                                    .subscribe(() => {
-                                                        for (const i in this.data) {
-                                                            if (this.data[i].id === user.id) {
-                                                                this.data.splice(Number(i), 1);
-                                                            }
-                                                        }
-                                                        this.adminService.setDataSource('admin_users', this.data, this.sort, this.paginator, this.filterColumns);
-                                                        if (this.quota.userQuota && user.status === 'OK') {
-                                                            this.quota.actives--;
-                                                        } else if (this.quota.userQuota && user.status === 'SPD') {
-                                                            this.quota.inactives--;
-                                                        }
-                                                        this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.userDeleted') + ' « ' + user.user_id + ' »');
-                                                        // end delete user
-                                                    }, (err) => {
-                                                        this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-                                                    });
-                                                // suspend user
-                                            } else if (user.actionMode === 'suspend') {
-                                                this.http.put('../rest/users/' + user.id + '/suspend', user)
-                                                    .subscribe(() => {
-                                                        user.status = 'SPD';
-                                                        this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.userSuspended'));
-                                                        if (this.quota.userQuota) {
-                                                            this.quota.inactives++;
-                                                            this.quota.actives--;
-                                                        }
-                                                    }, (err) => {
-                                                        user.status = 'OK';
-                                                        this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-                                                    });
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                        // end update listInstances
-                                    }, (err) => {
-                                        this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-                                    });
-                            } else if (!user.inDiffListDest && !user.isResDestUser) { // user is not inDiffListDest and is not isResDestUser
-                                // delete user
-                                if (user.actionMode === 'delete') {
-                                    this.http.delete('../rest/users/' + user.id)
-                                        .subscribe(() => {
-                                            for (const i in this.data) {
-                                                if (this.data[i].id == user.id) {
-                                                    this.data.splice(Number(i), 1);
-                                                }
-                                            }
-                                            this.adminService.setDataSource('admin_users', this.data, this.sort, this.paginator, this.filterColumns);
-                                            if (this.quota.userQuota && user.status === 'OK') {
-                                                this.quota.actives--;
-                                            } else if (this.quota.userQuota && user.status === 'SPD') {
-                                                this.quota.inactives--;
-                                            }
-                                            this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.userDeleted') + ' « ' + user.user_id + ' »');
+    updateQuota(user: any, mode: string) {
+        if (mode === 'delete') {
+            if (this.quota.userQuota && user.status === 'OK') {
+                this.quota.actives--;
+            } else if (this.quota.userQuota && user.status === 'SPD') {
+                this.quota.inactives--;
+            }
+        } else if (mode === 'suspend') {
+            if (this.quota.userQuota) {
+                this.quota.inactives++;
+                this.quota.actives--;
+            }
+        } else if (mode === 'activate') {
+            if (this.quota.userQuota) {
+                this.quota.inactives--;
+                this.quota.actives++;
+                if (this.quota.actives > this.quota.userQuota) {
+                    this.notify.error(this.translate.instant('lang.quotaExceeded'));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
-                                            // end delete user
-                                        }, (err) => {
-                                            this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-                                        });
-                                    // suspend user
-                                } else if (user.actionMode === 'suspend') {
-                                    this.http.put('../rest/users/' + user.id + '/suspend', user)
-                                        .subscribe(() => {
-                                            user.status = 'SPD';
-                                            this.notify.success(this.translate.instant('lang.userSuspended'));
-                                            if (this.quota.userQuota) {
-                                                this.quota.inactives++;
-                                                this.quota.actives--;
-                                            }
+    actionUserPrompt(user: any, mode: string) {
+        user.actionMode = mode;
-                                        }, (err) => {
-                                            user.status = 'OK';
-                                            this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-                                        });
-                                }
-                            }
+        this.dialogRef = this.dialog.open(UsersAdministrationRedirectModalComponent, { panelClass: 'maarch-modal', data: { user: user } });
+        this.dialogRef.afterClosed().pipe(
+            filter((res: any) => res === 'success'),
+            tap((res: any) => {
+                this.updateQuota(user, mode);
+                if (user.actionMode === 'delete') {
+                    for (const i in this.data) {
+                        if (this.data[i].id == user.id) {
+                            this.data.splice(Number(i), 1);
-                        // close modale
-                    });
+                    }
+                    this.adminService.setDataSource('admin_users', this.data, this.sort, this.paginator, this.filterColumns);
+                } else {
+                    user.status = 'SPD';
-                // end isDeletable
-            }, (err) => {
-                this.notify.error(err.error.errors);
-            });
+            })
+        ).subscribe();
     toggleWebserviceAccount() {
@@ -428,93 +197,4 @@ export class UsersAdministrationComponent implements OnInit {
         this.dialog.open(UsersExportComponent, { panelClass: 'maarch-modal', width: '400px', autoFocus: false });
-    templateUrl: 'users-administration-redirect-modal.component.html',
-    styleUrls: ['users-administration-redirect-modal.scss'],
-export class UsersAdministrationRedirectModalComponent implements OnInit {
-    loadModel: boolean = false;
-    loadInstance: boolean = false;
-    modalTitle: string = this.translate.instant('lang.confirmAction');
-    constructor(
-        public translate: TranslateService,
-        public http: HttpClient,
-        @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any,
-        public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<UsersAdministrationRedirectModalComponent>,
-        private notify: NotificationService) {
-    }
-    ngOnInit(): void {
-        if (this.data.isDeletable) {
-            // get listModel
-            if (this.data.redirectListModels.length > 0) {
-                this.data.inDiffListDest = true;
-            }
-            // get listInstances
-            if (this.data.redirectListInstances.length > 0) {
-                this.data.isResDestUser = true;
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (this.data.userDestRedirect.actionMode === 'delete') {
-                this.modalTitle = this.translate.instant('lang.unableToDelete');
-            } else {
-                this.modalTitle = this.translate.instant('lang.unableToSuspend');
-            }
-            // get listModel
-            if (this.data.listTemplateEntities.length > 0) {
-                this.data.inTemplateList = true;
-            }
-            // get listInstances
-            if (this.data.listInstanceEntities.length > 0) {
-                this.data.inInstanceList = true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    setRedirectUserListModels(index: number, user: any) {
-        if (this.data.userDestRedirect.user_id != user.id) {
-            this.data.redirectListModels[index].redirectUserId = user.id;
-        } else {
-            this.data.redirectListModels[index].redirectUserId = null;
-            this.notify.error(this.translate.instant('lang.userUnauthorized'));
-        }
-    }
-    setRedirectUserRes(user: any) {
-        if (this.data.userDestRedirect.user_id != user.id) {
-            this.data.redirectDestResUserId = user.id;
-        } else {
-            this.data.redirectDestResUserId = null;
-            this.notify.error(this.translate.instant('lang.userUnauthorized'));
-        }
-    }
-    sendFunction() {
-        let valid = true;
-        if (this.data.inDiffListDest) {
-            this.data.redirectListModels.forEach((element: any) => {
-                if (!element.redirectUserId) {
-                    valid = false;
-                }
-            });
-        }
-        if (this.data.isResDestUser) {
-            if (!this.data.redirectDestResUserId) {
-                valid = false;
-            }
-        }
-        return valid;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lang/lang-fr.json b/src/lang/lang-fr.json
index 5683afa7a697c8c03a91e061d037e6bf1899b658..6e4b8761122730682684106422c2421022f3d206 100644
--- a/src/lang/lang-fr.json
+++ b/src/lang/lang-fr.json
@@ -2151,5 +2151,6 @@
     "insteadOf": "À la place de",
     "doNotDefine": "Ne pas définir",
     "infoImportNoIdToCreate": "La colonne <b>id</b> doit être vide pour la création",
-    "almostThere": "Vous y êtes presque !"
+    "almostThere": "Vous y êtes presque !",
+    "redirectUserVisaWorkflow": "Changement de viseur / signataire pour les courriers en cours de visa / signature"