diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/Views/user-administration.component.html b/apps/maarch_entreprise/Views/user-administration.component.html
index b3d1dba7b47da8495650ed7847857cc675250612..eb310aacf314bd93142cbfd9364ef17a688d4cca 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/Views/user-administration.component.html
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/Views/user-administration.component.html
@@ -256,7 +256,10 @@
                             <mat-icon class="fa fa-arrow-up"></mat-icon>
-                    <h4 mat-line [ngStyle]="{'font-weight': userEntity.primary_entity == 'Y' ? 'bold' : 'normal'}" matTooltip="{{userEntity.entity_label}}">{{userEntity.entity_label}}</h4>
+                    <h4 mat-line [ngStyle]="{'font-weight': userEntity.primary_entity == 'Y' ? 'bold' : 'normal'}" matTooltip="{{userEntity.entity_label}}">
+                        {{userEntity.entity_label}}
+                        <span *ngIf="userEntity.primary_entity == 'Y'" class="label label-primary" style="font-weight:normal">{{lang.primary}}</span>
+                    </h4>
                     <p mat-line>
                         <mat-form-field style="font-size:10px;">
                             <input matInput type="text" id="role" name="role" title="{{lang.role}}" placeholder="{{lang.role}}" [(ngModel)]="userEntity.user_role"
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/js/angular/lang/lang-en.ts b/apps/maarch_entreprise/js/angular/lang/lang-en.ts
index 9fa045c17e7e944cafbe68609f49fd7cccd19f39..3b3a88b20828c70d4eee37ed32511ed6468bdb5a 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/js/angular/lang/lang-en.ts
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/js/angular/lang/lang-en.ts
@@ -138,69 +138,69 @@ export const LANG_EN = {
     "imgRelated"                : "Associated image",
     "inactive"                  : "Inactive",
     "indexing"                          : "Indexing",
-    "informations"              : "Informations",
-    "initials"                  : "Initials",
-    "isAssociatedTo"            : "is associated to",
-    "isCopyTo"                  : "is in copy to",
-    "isDestTo"                  : "is in destination to",
-    "isFolderAction"            : "Folder action",
-    "isFolderActionDesc"        : "Use this action in a folder folder",
-    "isFolderBasket"            : "Folder basket",
-    "isFolderStatus"            : "Folder status",
-    "isLinkedTo"                : "Is linked to",
-    "isSearchBasket"            : "Only search basket",
-    "isSytemAction"             : "System action",
-    "january"                   : "January",
-    "july"                      : "July",
-    "june"                      : "June",
-    "keyword"                   : "Keyword",
-    "keywordHelp"               : "Keyword help",
-    "keywordHelpDesc_1"         : "Identifier of logged user",
-    "keywordHelpDesc_10"        : "Immediate sub-entities (n-1) of entities passed in argument",
-    "keywordHelpDesc_11"        : "Example of security definition for a group (where clause) : access of main entity of logged user or sub-entity of this entity",
-    "keywordHelpDesc_2"         : "Email of logged user",
+    "informations"                      : "Informations",
+    "initials"                          : "Initials",
+    "isAssociatedTo"                    : "is associated to",
+    "isCopyTo"                          : "is in copy to",
+    "isDestTo"                          : "is in destination to",
+    "isFolderAction"                    : "Folder action",
+    "isFolderActionDesc"                : "Use this action in a folder folder",
+    "isFolderBasket"                    : "Folder basket",
+    "isFolderStatus"                    : "Folder status",
+    "isLinkedTo"                        : "Is linked to",
+    "isSearchBasket"                    : "Only search basket",
+    "isSytemAction"                     : "System action",
+    "january"                           : "January",
+    "july"                              : "July",
+    "june"                              : "June",
+    "keyword"                           : "Keyword",
+    "keywordHelp"                       : "Keyword help",
+    "keywordHelpDesc_1"                 : "Identifier of logged user",
+    "keywordHelpDesc_10"                : "Immediate sub-entities (n-1) of entities passed in argument",
+    "keywordHelpDesc_11"                : "Example of security definition for a group (where clause) : access of main entity of logged user or sub-entity of this entity",
+    "keywordHelpDesc_2"                 : "Email of logged user",
     "keywordHelpDesc_3"                 : "All entities linked to logged user. Sub-entities are excludes",
-    "keywordHelpDesc_4"         : "Primary entity of logged user",
-    "keywordHelpDesc_5"         : "Sub-entities of argument list, can be @my_entities or @my_primary_entity",
-    "keywordHelpDesc_6"         : "Parent entity passed to argument",
-    "keywordHelpDesc_7"         : "All entities to the same level of entity in argument",
-    "keywordHelpDesc_8"         : "All entities with de same type passed in argument",
-    "keywordHelpDesc_9"         : "All entities (enabled)",
-    "keywordHelper"             : "Hide / Display keyword help",
-    "label"                     : "Label",
-    "lastname"                  : "Lastname",
-    "life_cycle"                : "Life cycle",
-    "linkGroup"                 : "Link a group",
+    "keywordHelpDesc_4"                 : "Primary entity of logged user",
+    "keywordHelpDesc_5"                 : "Sub-entities of argument list, can be @my_entities or @my_primary_entity",
+    "keywordHelpDesc_6"                 : "Parent entity passed to argument",
+    "keywordHelpDesc_7"                 : "All entities to the same level of entity in argument",
+    "keywordHelpDesc_8"                 : "All entities with de same type passed in argument",
+    "keywordHelpDesc_9"                 : "All entities (enabled)",
+    "keywordHelper"                     : "Hide / Display keyword help",
+    "label"                             : "Label",
+    "lastname"                          : "Lastname",
+    "life_cycle"                        : "Life cycle",
+    "linkGroup"                         : "Link a group",
     "listTemplatesRolesUpdated"         : "Roles updated",
-    "logout"                    : "Logout",
-    "maarchApplication"         : "Maarch App",
-    "manageAbsences"            : "Manage absences",
-    "manageSignatures"          : "Manage signatures",
-    "march"                     : "March",
-    "may"                       : "May",
-    "memberAllUsers"            : "All users member",
-    "memberDiffTypeUsers"       : "Diffusion type users member",
-    "memberUserDest"            : "Dest user member",
-    "memberUsersCopy"           : "Copy users member",
+    "logout"                            : "Logout",
+    "maarchApplication"                 : "Maarch App",
+    "manageAbsences"                    : "Manage absences",
+    "manageSignatures"                  : "Manage signatures",
+    "march"                             : "March",
+    "may"                               : "May",
+    "memberAllUsers"                    : "All users member",
+    "memberDiffTypeUsers"               : "Diffusion type users member",
+    "memberUserDest"                    : "Dest user member",
+    "memberUsersCopy"                   : "Copy users member",
     "menus"                             : "Menus",
-    "minute"                    : "Minute",
-    "modificationSaved"         : "Modification has been saved",
-    "module"                    : "Module",
-    "modules"                   : "Modules",
-    "monday"                    : "Monday",
-    "month"                     : "Month",
-    "moreOptions"               : "More options",
-    "move"                      : "Move",
-    "myMenu"                    : "Personal menu",
-    "myProfile"                 : "My profile",
-    "newAction"                 : "New action",
-    "newElement"                : "New element",
-    "newPsw"                    : "New password",
-    "newSignature"              : "New signature",
-    "no"                        : "No",
-    "noAttachment"              : "No attachment",
-    "noReplacement"             : "No replacement",
-    "notes"                     : "Notes",
+    "minute"                            : "Minute",
+    "modificationSaved"                 : "Modification has been saved",
+    "module"                            : "Module",
+    "modules"                           : "Modules",
+    "monday"                            : "Monday",
+    "month"                             : "Month",
+    "moreOptions"                       : "More options",
+    "move"                              : "Move",
+    "myMenu"                            : "Personal menu",
+    "myProfile"                         : "My profile",
+    "newAction"                         : "New action",
+    "newElement"                        : "New element",
+    "newPsw"                            : "New password",
+    "newSignature"                      : "New signature",
+    "no"                                : "No",
+    "noAttachment"                      : "No attachment",
+    "noReplacement"                     : "No replacement",
+    "notes"                             : "Notes",
     "notificationAdded"                 : "Notification added",
     "notificationCreation"              : "Notification creation",
     "notificationDeleted"               : "Notification deleted",
@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ export const LANG_EN = {
     "parameters"                        : "Parameters",
     "parameterUpdated"                  : "Parameter updated",
     "phoneNumber"                       : "Phone number",
+    "primary"                           : "Primaire",
     "primaryEntity"                     : "Primary entity",
     "priorities"                        : "Priorities",
     "priorityAdded"                     : "Priority added",
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/js/angular/lang/lang-fr.ts b/apps/maarch_entreprise/js/angular/lang/lang-fr.ts
index 7ef27386298ba7f47360b8ae19dde3103d1e1e45..71bbc69969c1500d18721a8b36f0c208b2549555 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/js/angular/lang/lang-fr.ts
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/js/angular/lang/lang-fr.ts
@@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ export const LANG_FR = {
     "parameterUpdated"                  : "Paramètre modifié",
     "phoneNumber"                       : "Numéro de téléphone",
     "previous"                          : "Précédent",
+    "primary"                           : "Primaire",
     "primaryEntity"                     : "Entité primaire",
     "priorities"                        : "Priorité(s)",
     "priorityAdded"                     : "Priorité ajoutée",
diff --git a/sql/data_fr.sql b/sql/data_fr.sql
index 164d80724585319d760e3a0ff4819714376a27e3..5305f324b0a5a5edb952b853c8f1af89a326c60b 100755
--- a/sql/data_fr.sql
+++ b/sql/data_fr.sql
@@ -1758,3 +1758,12 @@ INSERT INTO users_baskets_preferences (user_serial_id, group_serial_id, basket_i
 SELECT users.id, usergroups.id, groupbasket.basket_id, TRUE FROM users, usergroups, groupbasket, usergroup_content
 WHERE usergroup_content.primary_group = 'Y' AND groupbasket.group_id = usergroup_content.group_id AND users.user_id = usergroup_content.user_id AND usergroups.group_id = usergroup_content.group_id
 ORDER BY users.id;
+INSERT INTO users_baskets_preferences (user_serial_id, group_serial_id, basket_id, display)
+SELECT users.id, usergroups.id, 'EvisBasket', TRUE FROM users, usergroups
+WHERE usergroups.group_id = 'RESPONSABLE' AND users.user_id = 'ddaull';
+INSERT INTO users_baskets_preferences (user_serial_id, group_serial_id, basket_id, display)
+SELECT users.id, usergroups.id, 'ValidationBasket', TRUE FROM users, usergroups
+WHERE usergroups.group_id = 'DIRECTEUR' AND users.user_id = 'rrenaud';
+INSERT INTO users_baskets_preferences (user_serial_id, group_serial_id, basket_id, display)
+SELECT users.id, usergroups.id, 'ValidationBasket', TRUE FROM users, usergroups
+WHERE usergroups.group_id = 'DIRECTEUR' AND users.user_id = 'eerina';