diff --git a/src/app/attachment/controllers/AttachmentController.php b/src/app/attachment/controllers/AttachmentController.php
index e3121042b60738f34a8f8b60914f98fdbed100c3..451e1fa7601e41042f62e89f0339499eb1d2b0c7 100755
--- a/src/app/attachment/controllers/AttachmentController.php
+++ b/src/app/attachment/controllers/AttachmentController.php
@@ -452,37 +452,31 @@ class AttachmentController
             return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Route id must be an integer val']);
-        $attachment = AttachmentModel::getById(['id' => $args['id'], 'select' => ['origin_id', 'res_id_master', 'attachment_type', 'res_id', 'title', 'typist']]);
-        if (empty($attachment)) {
+        $attachment = AttachmentModel::getById(['id' => $args['id'], 'select' => ['origin_id', 'res_id_master', 'attachment_type', 'res_id', 'title', 'typist', 'status']]);
+        if (empty($attachment) || $attachment['status'] == 'DEL') {
             return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Attachment not found']);
         $user = UserModel::getById(['id' => $GLOBALS['id']]);
         if ($user['user_id'] != $attachment['typist']
             && !PrivilegeController::hasPrivilege(['privilegeId' => 'manage_attachments', 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
-            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter2']);
+            return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);
         if (!ResController::hasRightByResId(['resId' => [$attachment['res_id_master']], 'userId' => $GLOBALS['id']])) {
             return $response->withStatus(403)->withJson(['errors' => 'Document out of perimeter']);
-        if ($attachment['attachment_type'] == 'signed_response') {
-            AttachmentModel::delete([
-                'where' => ['res_id = ?'],
-                'data'  => [$attachment['res_id']]
-            ]);
+        if (empty($attachment['origin_id'])) {
+            $idToDelete = $attachment['res_id'];
         } else {
-            if (empty($attachment['origin_id'])) {
-                $idToDelete = $attachment['res_id'];
-            } else {
-                $idToDelete = $attachment['origin_id'];
-            }
-            AttachmentModel::delete([
-                'where' => ['res_id = ? or origin_id = ?'],
-                'data'  => [$idToDelete, $idToDelete]
-            ]);
+            $idToDelete = $attachment['origin_id'];
+        AttachmentModel::delete([
+            'where' => ['res_id = ? or origin_id = ?'],
+            'data'  => [$idToDelete, $idToDelete]
+        ]);
             'tableName' => 'res_attachments',
             'recordId'  => $args['id'],