From 949d270d8ceff8c6e305c5c65ae1f5da1ed9a31e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Damien <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2019 10:19:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] FEAT #10525 TIME 1:00 Clean useless code

 .../xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml          |   6 -
 .../Controllers/ProcessConvertController.php  | 430 ------------
 .../Controllers/ProcessFulltextController.php | 626 ------------------
 .../ProcessManageConvertController.php        | 224 -------
 .../ProcessThumbnailsController.php           | 343 ----------
 .../convert/Models/ProcessConvertModel.php    |  21 -
 .../Models/ProcessConvertModelAbstract.php    | 218 ------
 .../convert/Models/ProcessFulltextModel.php   |  21 -
 .../Models/ProcessFulltextModelAbstract.php   | 246 -------
 .../convert/Models/ProcessThumbnailsModel.php |  21 -
 .../Models/ProcessThumbnailsModelAbstract.php | 240 -------
 modules/convert/Test/ProcessConvertTest.php   | 117 ----
 modules/convert/Test/ProcessFulltextTest.php  |  53 --
 .../convert/Test/ProcessManageConvertTest.php | 373 -----------
 .../convert/Test/ProcessThumbnailsTest.php    |  52 --
 modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.html        |   8 -
 modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.odt         | Bin 8726 -> 0 bytes
 modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.pdf         | Bin 7945 -> 0 bytes
 modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.txt         |   1 -
 modules/convert/ajax_convert.php              |  35 -
 modules/convert/batch/LoggerLog4php.php       | 321 ---------
 modules/convert/batch/batch_tools.php         | 291 --------
 modules/convert/batch/config/config.xml       |  65 --
 .../convert/batch/config/config.xml.default   |  65 --
 .../config/config_only_convert.xml.default    |  67 --
 .../config/config_only_indexes.xml.default    |  67 --
 .../config/parallel/config_0.xml.default      |  65 --
 .../config/parallel/config_1.xml.default      |  65 --
 .../config/parallel/config_2.xml.default      |  65 --
 .../config/parallel/config_3.xml.default      |  65 --
 .../config/parallel/config_4.xml.default      |  65 --
 modules/convert/batch/fill_stack.php          | 247 -------
 modules/convert/batch/load_fill_stack.php     | 383 -----------
 modules/convert/batch/process_stack.php       | 233 -------
 .../        |  15 -
 .../     |   6 -
 .../       |   6 -
 .../       |  15 -
 .../    |   9 -
 .../      |   9 -
 .../convert/batch/scripts/  |   2 -
 .../convert/batch/scripts/    |   2 -
 .../     |   8 -
 .../     |   8 -
 .../     |   8 -
 .../     |   8 -
 .../     |   8 -
 .../batch/scripts/parallel/param_cron.txt     |   6 -
 modules/convert/batch/verif_index.php         |  23 -
 modules/convert/class/class_modules_tools.php | 101 ---
 modules/convert/class/ws.php                  |   5 -
 modules/convert/css/module.css                |   0
 modules/convert/js/functions.js               |   1 -
 modules/convert/lang/en.php                   |  22 -
 modules/convert/lang/fr.php                   |  22 -
 modules/convert/lang/nl.php                   |   7 -
 modules/convert/optimizeLuceneIndex.php       |  70 --
 modules/convert/test_convert.php              | 106 ---
 modules/convert/xml/IVS/data_types.xml        |   2 -
 .../convert/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml  |   2 -
 modules/convert/xml/IVS/validation_rules.xml  |   2 -
 modules/convert/xml/config.xml                |  15 -
 modules/convert/xml/menu.xml                  |   3 -
 modules/convert/xml/services.xml              |   3 -
 modules/entities/admin_entities.php           |  91 ---
 modules/entities/choose_tree.php              |  48 --
 modules/entities/redirect.php                 |   2 +-
 modules/entities/show_trees.php               | 152 -----
 modules/entities/view_tree_entities.php       |  57 --
 .../entities/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml |   9 -
 modules/entities/xml/IVS/validation_rules.xml |   4 -
 modules/folder/get_folder_view_stats_val.php  |   2 +-
 .../controllers/FullTextController.php        |  39 +-
 73 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 5974 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessConvertController.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessFulltextController.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessManageConvertController.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessThumbnailsController.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Models/ProcessConvertModel.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Models/ProcessConvertModelAbstract.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Models/ProcessFulltextModel.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Models/ProcessFulltextModelAbstract.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Models/ProcessThumbnailsModel.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Models/ProcessThumbnailsModelAbstract.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Test/ProcessConvertTest.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Test/ProcessFulltextTest.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Test/ProcessManageConvertTest.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Test/ProcessThumbnailsTest.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.html
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.odt
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.pdf
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.txt
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/ajax_convert.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/LoggerLog4php.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/batch_tools.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/config/config.xml
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/config/config.xml.default
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/config/config_only_convert.xml.default
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/config/config_only_indexes.xml.default
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_0.xml.default
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_1.xml.default
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_2.xml.default
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_3.xml.default
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_4.xml.default
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/fill_stack.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/load_fill_stack.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/process_stack.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/param_cron.txt
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/batch/verif_index.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/class/class_modules_tools.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/class/ws.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/css/module.css
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/js/functions.js
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/lang/en.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/lang/fr.php
 delete mode 100644 modules/convert/lang/nl.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/optimizeLuceneIndex.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/test_convert.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/xml/IVS/data_types.xml
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/xml/IVS/validation_rules.xml
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/xml/config.xml
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/xml/menu.xml
 delete mode 100755 modules/convert/xml/services.xml
 delete mode 100755 modules/entities/admin_entities.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/entities/choose_tree.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/entities/show_trees.php
 delete mode 100755 modules/entities/view_tree_entities.php

diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml b/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml
index bc1edd1b0ae..a8cc98c5d88 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml
@@ -17,12 +17,6 @@
     <!-- Admin architecture -->
-    <requestDefinition method="GET" path="/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php" validationRule="admin_architecture" >
-      <parameter name="admin" value="architecture"/>
-      <parameter name="page" value="choose_tree"/>
-      <parameter name="display" value="true"/>
-      <parameter name="tree_id"/>
-    </requestDefinition>
     <requestDefinition method="POST" path="/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php" validationRule="admin_structure" >
       <parameter name="page" value="structure_up"/>
       <parameter name="display" value="true"/>
diff --git a/modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessConvertController.php b/modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessConvertController.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c7af694ac8..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessConvertController.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
- * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
- * This file is part of Maarch software.
- *
- */
-* @brief process convert class
-* <ul>
-* <li>Services to process the convertion of resources</li>
-* </ul>
-* @file
-* @author Laurent Giovannoni <>
-* @date $date$
-* @version $Revision$
-* @ingroup convert
-namespace Convert\Controllers;
-use Attachment\models\AttachmentModel;
-use Docserver\controllers\DocserverController;
-use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
-use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
-use Resource\models\ResModel;
-use Respect\Validation\Validator;
-use Convert\Models\ProcessConvertModel;
-use Docserver\models\DocserverModel;
-use Docserver\models\ResDocserverModel;
-use SrcCore\controllers\LogsController;
-class ProcessConvertController
-    protected $libreOfficeExecutable;
-    //public function __construct($libreOfficeExecutable = 'cloudooo')
-    public function __construct($libreOfficeExecutable = 'soffice')
-    //public function __construct($libreOfficeExecutable = 'unoconv')
-    {
-        $this->libreOfficeExecutable = $libreOfficeExecutable;
-    }
-    public function create(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
-    {
-        $data = $request->getParams();
-        $check = Validator::notEmpty()->validate($data['collId']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['resTable']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['adrTable']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::intType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['resId']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['tmpDir']);
-        if (!$check) {
-            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request']);
-        }
-        $return = ProcessConvertController::convert($data);
-        if (empty($return) || !empty($return['errors'])) {
-            return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => '[ProcessConvertController create] ' . $return['errors']]);
-        }
-        return $response->withJson($return);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Ask for conversion
-     *
-     * @param string $collId collection
-     * @param string $resTable resource table
-     * @param string $adrTable adr table
-     * @param long $resId res_id
-     * @param string $tmpDir path to tmp
-     * @param array $tgtfmt array of target format
-     * @return array $returnArray the result
-     */
-    public function convert(array $args=[])
-    {
-        $timestart = microtime(true);
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>'debut convert', 'code'=>111, ]);
-        $returnArray = array();
-        if (empty($args['collId'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'collId empty',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $collId = $args['collId'];
-        }
-        if (empty($args['resTable'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'resTable empty',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $resTable = $args['resTable'];
-        }
-        if (empty($args['adrTable'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'adrTable empty',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $adrTable = $args['adrTable'];
-        }
-        if (empty($args['resId'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'resId empty',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $resId = $args['resId'];
-        }
-        if (!isset($args['tmpDir']) || $args['tmpDir'] == '') {
-            $tmpDir = $_SESSION['config']['tmppath'];
-        } else {
-            $tmpDir = $args['tmpDir'];
-        }
-        if ($args['resTable'] == 'res_letterbox') {
-            $res = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $resId]);
-        } elseif ($args['resTable'] == 'res_attachments') {
-            $res = AttachmentModel::getById(['id' => $resId, 'isVersion' => 'false']);
-        } else {
-            $res = AttachmentModel::getById(['id' => $resId, 'isVersion' => 'true']);
-        }
-        if ($res['res_id'] <> '') {
-            $resourcePath = ResDocserverModel::getSourceResourcePath(
-                [
-                    'resTable' => $resTable,
-                    'adrTable' => $adrTable,
-                    'resId' => $res['res_id'],
-                    'adrType' => 'DOC'
-                ]
-            );
-        }
-        if (!file_exists($resourcePath)) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'file not exists : ' . $resourcePath,
-            );
-            ProcessConvertModel::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        //copy the resource on tmp directory
-        $fileNameOnTmp = $tmpDir . rand() . rand();
-        if (!copy($resourcePath, $fileNameOnTmp)) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'copy on tmp failed',
-            );
-            ProcessConvertModel::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        //now do the conversion !
-        if (strtoupper($res['format']) <> 'PDF') {
-            $resultOfConversion = $this->launchConvert(
-                $fileNameOnTmp,
-                'pdf',
-                $tmpDir,
-                pathinfo($resourcePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)
-            );
-        } else {
-            copy($fileNameOnTmp, $fileNameOnTmp . '.pdf');
-            $resultOfConversion = array(
-                'status' => '0',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => '',
-            );
-        }
-        if ($resultOfConversion['status'] <> '0') {
-            ProcessConvertModel::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-        );
-            return $resultOfConversion;
-        }
-        //copy the result on docserver
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>'avant cp ds', 'code'=>1112, ]);
-        $storeResult = DocserverController::storeResourceOnDocServer([
-            'collId'    => $collId,
-            'fileInfos' => [
-                'tmpDir'        => $tmpDir,
-                'tmpFileName'   => pathinfo($fileNameOnTmp, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.pdf',
-            ],
-            'docserverTypeId'   => 'CONVERT'
-        ]);
-        if (empty($storeResult)) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'Ds of collection and ds type not found for convert:'
-                    . $collId . ' CONVERT',
-            );
-            ProcessConvertModel::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        if (!empty($storeResult['errors'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => $storeResult['errors'] . ' error for convert:'
-                    . $fileNameOnTmp,
-            );
-            ProcessConvertModel::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        $targetDs = DocserverModel::getByDocserverId(['docserverId' => $storeResult['docserver_id']]);
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>'avant update', 'code'=>19, ]);
-        //update the \Database
-        $resultOfUpDb = ProcessConvertModel::updateDatabase(
-            [
-                'collId'     => $collId,
-                'resTable'   => $resTable,
-                'adrTable'   => $adrTable,
-                'resId'      => $resId,
-                'docserver'  => $targetDs,
-                'path'       => $storeResult['destination_dir'],
-                'fileName'   => $storeResult['file_destination_name']
-            ]
-        );
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>var_export($resultOfUpDb, true), 'code'=>111111, ]);
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>$collId, 'code'=>2, ]);
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>$resTable, 'code'=>3, ]);
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>$adrTable, 'code'=>4, ]);
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>$resId, 'code'=>5, ]);
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>'apres res_id', 'code'=>6, ]);
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>$targetDs, 'code'=>6, ]);
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>var_export($resultCopyDs, true), 'code'=>7, ]);
-        if ($resultOfUpDb['status'] <> '0') {
-            ProcessConvertModel::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $resultOfUpDb;
-        }
-        unlink($fileNameOnTmp);
-        unlink($fileNameOnTmp . '.pdf');
-        $returnArray = array(
-            'status' => '0',
-            'value' => '',
-            'error' => '',
-        );
-        LogsController::executionTimeLog(
-            $timestart,
-            '',
-            'debug',
-            '[TIMER] Convert_ProcessConvertAbstract_Service::convert'
-        );
-        return $returnArray;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Launch the conversion
-     *
-     * @param string $srcfile source file
-     * @param string $tgtfmt target format
-     * @param string $tgtdir target dir
-     * @param string $srcfmt source format
-     * @return array $returnArray the result
-     */
-    public function launchConvert(
-        $srcfile,
-        $tgtfmt,
-        $tgtdir=false,
-        $srcfmt=null
-    ) {
-        $timestart=microtime(true);
-        $processHtml = false;
-        $executable='';
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>'[TIMER] Debut Convert_ProcessConvertAbstract_Service::launchConvert']);
-        if (strtoupper($srcfmt) == 'MAARCH' || strtoupper($srcfmt) == 'HTML') {
-            $processHtml = true;
-            // LogsController::info(['message'=>'[TIMER] srcfmt ' . $srcfmt]);
-            copy($srcfile, str_ireplace('.maarch', '.', $srcfile) . '.html');
-            if (file_exists('/usr/bin/mywkhtmltopdf')) {
-                $command = "mywkhtmltopdf "
-                    . escapeshellarg(str_ireplace('.maarch', '.', $srcfile) . '.html') . " "
-                    . escapeshellarg($tgtdir . basename(str_ireplace('.maarch', '.', $srcfile)) . '.pdf');
-            } else {
-                $envVar = "export DISPLAY=FRPAROEMINT:0.0 ; ";
-                $command = $envVar . "wkhtmltopdf "
-                    . escapeshellarg(str_ireplace('.maarch', '.', $srcfile) . '.html') . " "
-                    . escapeshellarg($tgtdir . basename(str_ireplace('.maarch', '.', $srcfile)) . '.pdf');
-            }
-            $executable='wkhtmltopdf';
-        } else {
-            $executable='soffice';
-            // LogsController::info(['message'=>'[TIMER] let LO do it ' . $this->libreOfficeExecutable]);
-            if ($this->libreOfficeExecutable == "cloudooo") {
-                $serverAddress = "";
-                $tokens = array();
-                require_once 'apps/maarch_entreprise/tools/phpxmlrpc/lib/';
-                require_once 'apps/maarch_entreprise/tools/phpxmlrpc/lib/';
-                require_once 'apps/maarch_entreprise/tools/phpxmlrpc/lib/';
-                $fileContent = file_get_contents($srcfile, FILE_BINARY);
-                $encodedContent = base64_encode($fileContent);
-                $params = array();
-                array_push($params, new PhpXmlRpc\Value($encodedContent));
-                array_push($params, new PhpXmlRpc\Value($srcfmt));
-                array_push($params, new PhpXmlRpc\Value($tgtfmt));
-                array_push($params, new PhpXmlRpc\Value(false));
-                $v = new PhpXmlRpc\Value($params, "array");
-            } elseif ($this->libreOfficeExecutable == "unoconv") {
-                $tokens = array('"' . $this->libreOfficeExecutable . '"');
-                $tokens[] = "-f";
-                $tokens[] = $tgtfmt;
-                $tokens[] = '-o "' . $srcfile . '.' . $tgtfmt . '"';
-                $tokens[] = '"' . $srcfile . '"';
-            } else {
-                $tokens = array('"' . $this->libreOfficeExecutable . '"');
-                $tokens[] = "--headless";
-                $tokens[] = "--convert-to";
-                $tokens[] = $tgtfmt;
-                $tokens[] = '"' . $srcfile . '"';
-                if (!$tgtdir) {
-                    $tgtdir = dirname($srcfile);
-                }
-                $tokens[] = '--outdir "' . $tgtdir . '"';
-            }
-            if (!$srcfmt) {
-                $tokens[] = $srcfmt;
-            }
-            $command = implode(' ', $tokens);
-            $output = array();
-            $return = null;
-            $this->errors = array();
-        }
-        //echo $command . '<br />';exit;
-        if ($this->libreOfficeExecutable == "cloudooo" && !$processHtml) {
-            // LogsController::info(['message'=>'[TIMER] commande : cloudooo url ' . $serverAddress]);
-            // LogsController::info(['message'=>'[TIMER] Debut Convert_ProcessConvertAbstract_Service::launchConvert__exec']);
-            $req = new PhpXmlRpc\Request('convertFile', $v);
-            //LogsController::info(['message'=>'[TIMER] commande : cloudooo url ' . $serverAddress]);
-            // LogsController::info(['message'=>'[TIMER] Fin Convert_ProcessConvertAbstract_Service::launchConvert__exec']);
-            $client = new PhpXmlRpc\Client($serverAddress);
-            $resp = $client->send($req);
-            if (!$resp->faultCode()) {
-                $encoder = new PhpXmlRpc\Encoder();
-                $value = $encoder->decode($resp->value());
-                $theFile = fopen($srcfile . '.' . $tgtfmt, 'w+');
-                fwrite($theFile, base64_decode($value));
-                fclose($theFile);
-                $returnArray = array(
-                    'status' => '0',
-                    'value' => '',
-                    'error' => '',
-                );
-            } else {
-                //print "An error occurred: ";
-                //print "Code: " . htmlspecialchars($resp->faultCode())
-                //    . " Reason: '" . htmlspecialchars($resp->faultString()) . "'\n";
-                $returnArray = array(
-                    'status' => '1',
-                    'value' => '',
-                    'error' => "Code: " . htmlspecialchars($resp->faultCode())
-                        . " Reason: '" . htmlspecialchars($resp->faultString()),
-                );
-            }
-        } else {
-            $timestart_command = microtime(true);
-            exec("timeout -k 5m 3m " . $command, $output, $return);
-            // LogsController::debug(['message'=>'[TIMER] commande : ' . $command]);
-            LogsController::executionTimeLog($timestart_command, '', 'info', '[TIMER] ' . $executable . ' - Convert_ProcessConvertAbstract_Service::launchConvert__exec');
-            if ($return === 0) {
-                $returnArray = array(
-                    'status' => '0',
-                    'value' => '',
-                    'error' => '',
-                );
-            } else {
-                $returnArray = array(
-                    'status' => '1',
-                    'value' => '',
-                    'error' => $return . $output,
-                );
-            }
-        }
-        if (strtoupper($srcfmt) == 'MAARCH' || strtoupper($srcfmt) == 'HTML') {
-            $returnArray = array();
-            unlink(str_ireplace('.maarch', '.', $srcfile) . '.html');
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '0',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => '',
-            );
-        }
-        LogsController::executionTimeLog(
-            $timestart,
-            '',
-            'info',
-            '[TIMER] Fin Convert_ProcessConvertAbstract_Service::launchConvert'
-        );
-        return $returnArray;
-    }
diff --git a/modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessFulltextController.php b/modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessFulltextController.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 36ec2f73262..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessFulltextController.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
- * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
- * This file is part of Maarch software.
- *
- */
-* @brief process fulltext class
-* <ul>
-* <li>Services to process the fulltext of resources</li>
-* </ul>
-* @file
-* @author Laurent Giovannoni <>
-* @date $date$
-* @version $Revision$
-* @ingroup convert
-namespace Convert\Controllers;
-use Attachment\models\AttachmentModel;
-use Docserver\controllers\DocserverController;
-use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
-use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
-use Resource\models\ResModel;
-use Respect\Validation\Validator;
-use Convert\Models\ProcessFulltextModel;
-use Docserver\models\DocserverModel;
-use Docserver\models\ResDocserverModel;
-use SrcCore\controllers\LogsController;
-use SrcCore\models\TextFormatModel;
-class ProcessFulltextController
-    protected $pdftotext;
-    public function __construct($pdftotext = 'pdftotext')
-    {
-        // Storing text in lucene index
-        set_include_path('apps/maarch_entreprise/tools/' 
-            . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()
-        );
-        //if(!@include('Zend/Search/Lucene.php')) {
-            set_include_path($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] 
-                . 'apps/maarch_entreprise/tools/' 
-                . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()
-            );
-            require_once("Zend/Search/Lucene.php");
-        //}
-        $this->pdftotext = $pdftotext;
-    }
-    public function create(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
-    {
-        $data = $request->getParams();
-        $check = Validator::notEmpty()->validate($data['collId']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['resTable']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['adrTable']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::intType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['resId']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['tmpDir']);
-        if (!$check) {
-            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request']);
-        }
-        if ($data['createZendIndex']) {
-            $countColl = count($_SESSION['collections']);
-            for ($i=0;$i<$countColl;$i++) {
-                if ($_SESSION['collections'][$i]['id'] == 'letterbox_coll') {
-                    $pathToLucene = $_SESSION['collections'][$i]['path_to_lucene_index'];
-                }
-            }
-            $data['zendIndex'] = ProcessFulltextController::createZendIndexObject(
-                $pathToLucene
-            );
-        }
-        $return = ProcessFulltextController::fulltext($data);
-        if (empty($return) || !empty($return['errors'])) {
-            return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => '[ProcessFulltextController create] ' . $return['errors']]);
-        }
-        return $response->withJson($return);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Ask for fulltext
-     *
-     * @param string $collId collection
-     * @param string $resTable resource table
-     * @param string $adrTable adr table
-     * @param long $resId res_id
-     * @param string $tmpDir path to tmp
-     * @param array $tgtfmt array of target format
-     * @return array $returnArray the result
-     */
-    public function fulltext(array $args=[])
-    {
-        $timestart = microtime(true);
-        $returnArray = array();
-        if (empty($args['collId'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'collId empty for fulltext',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $collId = $args['collId'];
-        }
-        if (empty($args['resTable'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'resTable empty for fulltext',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $resTable = $args['resTable'];
-        }
-        if (empty($args['adrTable'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'adrTable empty for fulltext',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $adrTable = $args['adrTable'];
-        }
-        if (empty($args['resId'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'resId empty for fulltext',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $resId = $args['resId'];
-        }
-        if (!isset($args['tmpDir']) || $args['tmpDir'] == '') {
-            $tmpDir = $_SESSION['config']['tmppath'];
-        } else {
-            $tmpDir = $args['tmpDir'];
-        }
-        if (isset($args['path_to_lucene']) && !empty($args['path_to_lucene'])) {
-            $indexFileDirectory = $args['path_to_lucene'];
-        } else {
-            $countColl = count($_SESSION['collections']);
-            for ($i=0;$i<$countColl;$i++) {
-                if ($_SESSION['collections'][$i]['id'] == $collId) {
-                    $indexFileDirectory 
-                        = $_SESSION['collections'][$i]['path_to_lucene_index'];
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if ($args['createZendIndex']) {
-            $countColl = count($_SESSION['collections']);
-            for ($i=0;$i<$countColl;$i++) {
-                if ($_SESSION['collections'][$i]['id'] == 'letterbox_coll') {
-                    $pathToLucene = $_SESSION['collections'][$i]['path_to_lucene_index'];
-                }
-            }
-            $args['zendIndex'] = ProcessFulltextController::createZendIndexObject(
-                $pathToLucene
-            );
-        }
-        if ($args['resTable'] == 'res_letterbox') {
-            $res = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $resId]);
-        } elseif ($args['resTable'] == 'res_attachments') {
-            $res = AttachmentModel::getById(['id' => $resId, 'isVersion' => 'false']);
-        } else {
-            $res = AttachmentModel::getById(['id' => $resId, 'isVersion' => 'true']);
-        }
-        if ($res['res_id'] <> '') {
-            $resourcePath = ResDocserverModel::getSourceResourcePath(
-                [
-                    'resTable' => $resTable, 
-                    'adrTable' => $adrTable, 
-                    'resId' => $res['res_id'],
-                    'adrType' => 'CONV'
-                ]
-            );
-        }
-        if (!file_exists($resourcePath)) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'file not already converted in pdf for fulltext. path :' 
-                    . $resourcePath . ", adrType : CONV, adr_table : " . $adrTable,
-            );
-            ProcessFulltextController::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        //copy the resource on tmp directory
-        $fileNameOnTmp = $tmpDir . rand() . rand();
-        if (!copy($resourcePath, $fileNameOnTmp)) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'copy on tmp failed for fulltext. Copy ' . $resourcePath . ' to ' . $fileNameOnTmp,
-            );
-            ProcessFulltextController::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        //now do the fulltext !
-        if (!empty($args['zendIndex'])) {
-            $resultOfConversion = $this->launchFulltext(
-                $fileNameOnTmp, 
-                $resId, 
-                $indexFileDirectory, 
-                $tmpDir,
-                $args['zendIndex']
-            );
-        } else {
-            $resultOfConversion = $this->launchFulltext(
-                $fileNameOnTmp, 
-                $resId, 
-                $indexFileDirectory, 
-                $tmpDir
-            );
-        }
-        if ($resultOfConversion['status'] <> '0') {
-            ProcessFulltextController::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            LogsController::executionTimeLog(
-                $timestart, 
-                '', 
-                'debug', 
-                '[TIMER] Convert_ProcessFulltextAbstract_Service::fulltext aucunContenuAIndexer'
-            );
-            return $resultOfConversion;
-        }
-        //copy the result on docserver
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>'avant cp ds', 'code'=>1112, ]);
-        $storeResult = DocserverController::storeResourceOnDocServer([
-            'collId'    => $collId,
-            'fileInfos' => [
-                'tmpDir'        => $tmpDir,
-                'tmpFileName'   => pathinfo($fileNameOnTmp, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.txt',
-            ],
-            'docserverTypeId'   => 'FULLTEXT'
-        ]);
-        if (empty($storeResult)) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'Ds of collection and ds type not found for fulltext:' 
-                    . $collId . ' FULLTEXT',
-            );
-            ProcessFulltextController::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        $targetDs = DocserverModel::getByDocserverId(['docserverId' => $storeResult['docserver_id']]);
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>'avant update', 'code'=>19, ]);
-        //update the Database
-        $resultOfUpDb = ProcessFulltextModel::updateDatabase(
-            [
-                'collId'     => $collId,
-                'resTable'   => $resTable, 
-                'adrTable'   => $adrTable, 
-                'resId'      => $resId,
-                'docserver'  => $targetDs,
-                'path'       => $storeResult['destination_dir'],
-                'fileName'   => $storeResult['file_destination_name'],
-                'zendIndex'  => $args['zendIndex']
-            ]
-        );
-        if ($resultOfUpDb['status'] <> '0') {
-            ProcessFulltextModel::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $resultOfUpDb;
-        }
-        unlink($fileNameOnTmp);
-        unlink($fileNameOnTmp . '.txt');
-        $returnArray = array(
-            'status' => '0',
-            'value' => '',
-            'error' => '',
-        );
-        LogsController::executionTimeLog(
-            $timestart, 
-            '', 
-            'debug', 
-            '[TIMER] Convert_ProcessFulltextAbstract_Service::fulltext'
-        );
-        return $returnArray;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Launch the fulltext process
-     *
-     * @param string $srcfile source file
-     * @param string $tgtdir target dir
-     * @param string $srcfmt source format
-     * @return array $returnArray the result
-     */
-    private function launchFulltext(
-        $srcfile, 
-        $resId,
-        $indexFileDirectory, 
-        $tgtdir=false,
-        $zendIndex=''
-    ) {
-        if (!empty($zendIndex)) {
-            $return = $this->prepareIndexFullTextPdf(
-                $srcfile, 
-                $tgtdir, 
-                $indexFileDirectory,
-                $resId,
-                $zendIndex
-            );
-        } else {
-            $return = $this->prepareIndexFullTextPdf(
-                $srcfile, 
-                $tgtdir, 
-                $indexFileDirectory,
-                $resId
-            );
-        }
-        if ($return === 0) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '0',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => '',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => $return . $output,
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-    * Read a txt file
-    * @param  $file string path of the file to read
-    * @return string contents of the file
-    */
-    private function readFileF($file)
-    {
-        $result = "";
-        if (is_file($file)) {
-            $fp = fopen($file, "r");
-            $result = fread($fp, filesize($file));
-            fclose($fp);
-        }
-        return $result;
-    }
-    private function prepareIndexFullTextPdf($pathToFile, $tmpDir, $indexFileDirectory, $resId, $zendIndex = "")
-    {
-        $timestart = microtime(true);
-        if (is_file($pathToFile)) {
-            $tmpFile = $tmpDir . basename($pathToFile) . ".txt";
-            $timestart_fulltext = microtime(true);
-            $resultExtraction = exec("pdftotext " . escapeshellarg($pathToFile)
-                    . " " . escapeshellarg($tmpFile) 
-                );
-            LogsController::executionTimeLog(
-                $timestart_fulltext, 
-                '', 
-                'debug', 
-                '[TIMER] Convert_ProcessFulltextAbstract_Service::prepareIndexFullTextPdf__exec'
-            );
-            $fileContent = trim($this->readFileF($tmpFile));
-            if (!empty($zendIndex)) {
-                $result = $this->launchIndexFullTextWithZendIndex(
-                        $fileContent, 
-                        $indexFileDirectory, 
-                        $resId, 
-                        $zendIndex
-                );
-            } else {
-                // TODO : will be done only by the batch convert in OnlyIndexes mode
-                //$result = $this->launchIndexFullText($fileContent, $indexFileDirectory, $resId);
-                $result = 0;
-            }
-        } else {
-            $result = 'file not found ' . $pathToFile;
-        }
-        LogsController::executionTimeLog(
-            $timestart, 
-            '', 
-            'debug', 
-            '[TIMER] Convert_ProcessFulltextAbstract_Service::prepareIndexFullTextPdf'
-        );
-        return $result;
-    }
-    /**
-    * Return zend index object for batch mode
-    * @param  $indexFileDirectory string directory of the lucene index
-    * @return zend index object
-    */
-    public function createZendIndexObject($tempIndexFileDirectory, $numberOfIndexes = 1000) 
-    {
-        //echo 'createZendIndexObject : ' . $numberOfIndexes . PHP_EOL;
-        $indexFileDirectory = (string) $tempIndexFileDirectory; 
-        // with version 1.12, we need a string, not an XML element
-        if (!is_dir($indexFileDirectory)) {
-            $index = \Zend_Search_Lucene::create($indexFileDirectory);
-        } else {
-            if ($this->isDirEmpty($indexFileDirectory)) {
-                $index = \Zend_Search_Lucene::create($indexFileDirectory);
-            } else {
-                $index = \Zend_Search_Lucene::open($indexFileDirectory);
-            }
-        }
-        $index->setFormatVersion(\Zend_Search_Lucene::FORMAT_2_3); 
-        // we set the lucene format to 2.3
-        \Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer::setDefault(
-            new \Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8Num_CaseInsensitive()
-        );
-        //$index->MaxBufferedDocs();
-        $index->setMaxBufferedDocs($numberOfIndexes);
-        return $index;
-    }
-    /**
-    *  Checks if a directory is empty
-    *
-    * @param  $dir string The directory to check
-    * @return bool True if empty, False otherwise
-    */
-    function isDirEmpty($dir)
-    {
-        $dir = opendir($dir);
-        $isEmpty = true;
-        while (($entry = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
-            if ($entry !== '.' && $entry !== '..'  && $entry !== '.svn') {
-                $isEmpty = false;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        closedir($dir);
-        return $isEmpty;
-    }
-    /**
-    * Commit the zend index at the end of the batch
-    * @return nothing
-    */
-    public function commitZendIndex($index) 
-    {
-        //echo 'the commit' . PHP_EOL;
-        $index->commit();
-    }
-    /**
-    * Retrieve the text of a pdftext and launch the lucene engine
-    * @param  $pathToFile string path of the file to index
-    * @param  $indexFileDirectory string directory of the lucene index
-    * @param  $id integer id of the document to index
-    * @return integer user exit code is stored in fulltext_result column of the
-    * document in "res_x"
-    */
-    private function launchIndexFullText($fileContent, $tempIndexFileDirectory, $Id) 
-    {
-        // $IndexFileDirectory is replace by tempIndexFileDirectory
-        $fileContent = TextFormatModel::normalize(['string' => $fileContent]);
-        $fileContent = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $fileContent);
-        $indexFileDirectory = (string) $tempIndexFileDirectory; 
-        // with version 1.12, we need a string, not an XML element
-        $result = -1;
-        if (strlen($fileContent) > 2) {
-            if (!is_dir($indexFileDirectory)) {
-                //$_ENV['logger']->write($indexFileDirectory . " not exists !", "ERROR", 2);
-                $index = Zend_Search_Lucene::create($indexFileDirectory);
-            } else {
-                if ($this->isDirEmpty($indexFileDirectory)) {
-                    //$_ENV['logger']->write($indexFileDirectory . " empty !");
-                    $index = Zend_Search_Lucene::create($indexFileDirectory);
-                } else {
-                    $index = Zend_Search_Lucene::open($indexFileDirectory);
-                }
-            }
-            $index->setFormatVersion(Zend_Search_Lucene::FORMAT_2_3); 
-            // we set the lucene format to 2.3
-            Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer::setDefault(
-                new \Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8Num_CaseInsensitive()
-            );
-            // we need utf8 for accents
-            $term = new \Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Term($Id, 'Id');
-            foreach ($index->termDocs($term) as $id) {
-                $index->delete($id);
-            }
-            //echo $fileContent;
-            $doc = new \Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
-            $doc->addField(\Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnIndexed('Id', (integer) $Id));
-            $doc->addField(\Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnStored(
-                'contents', $fileContent)
-            );
-            $index->addDocument($doc);
-            $index->commit();
-            //$index->optimize();
-            $result = 0;
-        } else {
-            $result = 1;
-        }
-        return $result;
-    }
-    /**
-    * Retrieve the text of a pdftext and launch the lucene engine
-    * @param  $pathToFile string path of the file to index
-    * @param  $indexFileDirectory string directory of the lucene index
-    * @param  $id integer id of the document to index
-    * @return integer user exit code is stored in fulltext_result column of the
-    * document in "res_x"
-    */
-    private function launchIndexFullTextWithZendIndex($fileContent, $tempIndexFileDirectory, $Id, $index) 
-    {
-        //echo 'launchIndexFullTextWithZendIndex' . PHP_EOL;
-        // $IndexFileDirectory is replace by tempIndexFileDirectory
-        $fileContent = TextFormatModel::normalize(['string' => $fileContent]);
-        $fileContent = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $fileContent);
-        // with version 1.12, we need a string, not an XML element
-        $result = -1;
-        if (strlen($fileContent) > 2) {
-            try {
-                // we need utf8 for accents
-                $term = new \Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Term($Id, 'Id');
-                foreach ($index->termDocs($term) as $id) {
-                    $index->delete($id);
-                }
-                //echo $fileContent;
-                $doc = new \Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
-                $doc->addField(\Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnIndexed('Id', (integer) $Id));
-                $doc->addField(\Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnStored(
-                    'contents', $fileContent)
-                );
-                //$func->show_array($doc);
-                $index->addDocument($doc);
-                //$index->commit();
-                //$func->show_array($index);
-                //$index->optimize();
-                $result = 0;
-            } catch (Exception $e) {
-                $result = $e->getMessage();
-            }
-        } else if (strlen($fileContent) >= 0){
-            $result = 0;
-        }
-        return $result;
-    }
-    public static function optimizeLuceneIndex(array $args=[]){
-        $timestart = microtime(true);
-        // prerequisites
-        self::checkRequired($args, ['collId']);
-        self::checkString($args, ['collId']); 
-        $collId = $args['collId'];
-        $countColl = count($_SESSION['collections']);
-        for ($i=0;$i<$countColl;$i++) {
-            if ($_SESSION['collections'][$i]['id'] == $collId) {
-                $path_to_lucene = $_SESSION['collections'][$i]['path_to_lucene_index'];
-            }
-        }
-        if(!empty($path_to_lucene)){
-            exec(
-                'php '.$_SESSION['config']['corepath'] . 
-                'modules/convert/optimizeLuceneIndex.php ' . 
-                $path_to_lucene . ' ' . 
-                $_SESSION['config']['corepath'] . ' > /dev/null 2>&1 &'
-            );
-        }
-        LogsController::executionTimeLog(
-            $timestart, 
-            '', 
-            'debug', 
-            '[TIMER] Convert_ProcessFulltextAbstract_Service::optimizeLuceneIndex'
-        );
-        return true;
-    }
diff --git a/modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessManageConvertController.php b/modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessManageConvertController.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 3b85205b816..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessManageConvertController.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
- * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
- * This file is part of Maarch software.
- *
- */
-* @brief process manageConvert class
-* <ul>
-* <li>Services to process the management of convertion of resources</li>
-* </ul>
-* @file
-* @author Laurent Giovannoni <>
-* @date $date$
-* @version $Revision$
-* @ingroup convert
-namespace Convert\Controllers;
-use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
-use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
-use Respect\Validation\Validator;
-use Convert\Controllers\ProcessConvertController;
-use Convert\Controllers\ProcessFulltextController;
-use Convert\Controllers\ProcessThumbnailsController;
-use SrcCore\controllers\LogsController;
-class ProcessManageConvertController
-    protected $libreOfficeExecutable;
-    //public function __construct($libreOfficeExecutable = 'cloudooo')
-    public function __construct($libreOfficeExecutable = 'soffice')
-    //public function __construct($libreOfficeExecutable = 'unoconv')
-    {
-        $this->libreOfficeExecutable = $libreOfficeExecutable;
-    }
-    public function create(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
-    {
-        $data = $request->getParams();
-        $check = Validator::notEmpty()->validate($data['collId']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['resTable']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['adrTable']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::intType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['resId']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['tmpDir']);
-        if (!$check) {
-            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request']);
-        }
-        $return = ProcessManageConvertController::convertAll($data);
-        if (empty($return) || !empty($return['errors'])) {
-            return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => '[ProcessConvertController create] ' . $return['errors']]);
-        }
-        return $response->withJson($return);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Ask for conversion in all mode
-     *
-     * @param string $collId collection
-     * @param string $resTable resource table
-     * @param string $adrTable adr table
-     * @param long $resId res_id
-     * @param string $tmpDir path to tmp
-     * @throws Exception Check des valeurs d'entrées
-     * @return array $returnArray the result
-     */
-    public function convertAll(array $args=[])
-    {
-        $timestart = microtime(true);
-        // prerequisites
-        $returnArray = array();
-        if (empty($args['collId'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'collId empty for manage convert',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $collId = $args['collId'];
-        }
-        if (empty($args['resTable'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'resTable empty for manage convert',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $resTable = $args['resTable'];
-        }
-        if (empty($args['adrTable'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'adrTable empty for manage convert',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $adrTable = $args['adrTable'];
-        }
-        if (empty($args['resId'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'resId empty for manage convert',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $resId = $args['resId'];
-        }
-        if (!isset($args['tmpDir']) || $args['tmpDir'] == '') {
-            $tmpDir = $_SESSION['config']['tmppath'];
-        } else {
-            $tmpDir = $args['tmpDir'];
-        }
-        $path_to_lucene = '';
-        if (isset($args['path_to_lucene']) && !empty($args['path_to_lucene'])){
-            $path_to_lucene = $args['path_to_lucene'];
-        }
-        $params = array(
-            'collId'         => $collId, 
-            'resTable'       => $resTable, 
-            'adrTable'       => $adrTable, 
-            'resId'          => $resId,
-            'tmpDir'         => $tmpDir,
-            'path_to_lucene' => $path_to_lucene
-        );
-        //CONV
-        $ProcessConvertService = new ProcessConvertController();
-        $resultOfConversion = $ProcessConvertService->convert($params);
-        if ($resultOfConversion['status'] <> '0') {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'CONV:' . $resultOfConversion['error'],
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        //TNL
-        $ProcessConvertService = new ProcessThumbnailsController();
-        $resultOfConversion = $ProcessConvertService->thumbnails($params);
-        if ($resultOfConversion['status'] <> '0') {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'TNL:' . $resultOfConversion['error'],
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        //FULLTEXT
-        if ($args['createZendIndex']) {
-            $params = array(
-                'collId'         => $collId, 
-                'resTable'       => $resTable, 
-                'adrTable'       => $adrTable, 
-                'resId'          => $resId,
-                'tmpDir'         => $tmpDir,
-                'path_to_lucene' => $path_to_lucene,
-                'createZendIndex' => true
-            );
-        } else {
-            $params = array(
-                'collId'         => $collId, 
-                'resTable'       => $resTable, 
-                'adrTable'       => $adrTable, 
-                'resId'          => $resId,
-                'tmpDir'         => $tmpDir,
-                'path_to_lucene' => $path_to_lucene
-            );
-        }
-        $ProcessConvertServiceFulltext = new ProcessFulltextController();
-        $resultOfConversion = $ProcessConvertServiceFulltext->fulltext($params);
-        if ($resultOfConversion['status'] <> '0') {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'TXT:' . $resultOfConversion['error'],
-            );
-            LogsController::executionTimeLog(
-                $timestart, 
-                '', 
-                'debug', 
-                '[TIMER] Convert_ManageConvertAbstract_Service::convertAll aucun contenu a indexer dans fulltext'
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        $returnArray = array(
-            'status' => '0',
-            'value' => '',
-            'error' => '',
-        );
-        LogsController::executionTimeLog(
-            $timestart, 
-            '', 
-            'debug', 
-            '[TIMER] Convert_ManageConvertAbstract_Service::convertAll'
-        );
-        return $returnArray;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessThumbnailsController.php b/modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessThumbnailsController.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 78d02acee16..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Controllers/ProcessThumbnailsController.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
- * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
- * This file is part of Maarch software.
- *
- */
-* @brief process thumbnails class
-* <ul>
-* <li>Services to process the thumbnails of resources</li>
-* </ul>
-* @file
-* @author Laurent Giovannoni <>
-* @date $date$
-* @version $Revision$
-* @ingroup convert
-namespace Convert\Controllers;
-use Attachment\models\AttachmentModel;
-use Docserver\controllers\DocserverController;
-use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
-use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
-use Resource\models\ResModel;
-use Respect\Validation\Validator;
-use Convert\Models\ProcessThumbnailsModel;
-use Docserver\models\DocserverModel;
-use Docserver\models\ResDocserverModel;
-use SrcCore\controllers\LogsController;
-class ProcessThumbnailsController
-    protected $tnlExecutable;
-    public function __construct($tnlExecutable = 'convert')
-    {
-        $this->tnlExecutable = $tnlExecutable;
-    }
-    public function create(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
-    {
-        $data = $request->getParams();
-        $check = Validator::notEmpty()->validate($data['collId']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['resTable']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['adrTable']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::intType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['resId']);
-        $check = $check && Validator::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($data['tmpDir']);
-        if (!$check) {
-            return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request']);
-        }
-        $return = ProcessThumbnailsController::thumbnails($data);
-        if (empty($return) || !empty($return['errors'])) {
-            return $response->withStatus(500)->withJson(['errors' => '[ProcessThumbnailsController create] ' . $return['errors']]);
-        }
-        return $response->withJson($return);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Ask for thumbnails
-     *
-     * @param string $collId collection
-     * @param string $resTable resource table
-     * @param string $adrTable adr table
-     * @param long $resId res_id
-     * @param string $tmpDir path to tmp
-     * @param array $tgtfmt array of target format
-     * @return array $returnArray the result
-     */
-    public function thumbnails(array $args=[])
-    {
-        $timestart = microtime(true);
-        $returnArray = array();
-        if (empty($args['collId'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'collId empty for thumbnails',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $collId = $args['collId'];
-        }
-        if (empty($args['resTable'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'resTable empty for thumbnails',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $resTable = $args['resTable'];
-        }
-        if (empty($args['adrTable'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'adrTable empty for thumbnails',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $adrTable = $args['adrTable'];
-        }
-        if (empty($args['resId'])) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'resId empty for thumbnails',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } else {
-            $resId = $args['resId'];
-        }
-        if (!isset($args['tmpDir']) || $args['tmpDir'] == '') {
-            $tmpDir = $_SESSION['config']['tmppath'];
-        } else {
-            $tmpDir = $args['tmpDir'];
-        }
-        if ($args['resTable'] == 'res_letterbox') {
-            $res = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $resId]);
-        } elseif ($args['resTable'] == 'res_attachments') {
-            $res = AttachmentModel::getById(['id' => $resId, 'isVersion' => 'false']);
-        } else {
-            $res = AttachmentModel::getById(['id' => $resId, 'isVersion' => 'true']);
-        }
-        if ($res['res_id'] <> '') {
-            $adrType = 'CONV';
-            if (
-                strtoupper($res['format']) == 'HTML' ||
-                strtoupper($res['format']) == 'MAARCH'
-            ) {
-                $adrType = 'DOC';
-            }
-            $resourcePath = ResDocserverModel::getSourceResourcePath(
-                [
-                    'resTable' => $resTable,
-                    'adrTable' => $adrTable,
-                    'resId'    => $res['res_id'],
-                    'adrType'  => $adrType
-                ]
-            );
-        }
-        if (!file_exists($resourcePath)) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'file not already converted in pdf for thumbnails. path :'
-                    . $resourcePath . ", adrType : CONV, adr_table : " . $adrTable,
-            );
-            ProcessThumbnailsModel::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        //copy the resource on tmp directory
-        $fileNameOnTmp = $tmpDir . rand() . rand();
-        if (!copy($resourcePath, $fileNameOnTmp)) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'copy on tmp failed for thumbnails. Copy ' . $resourcePath . ' to ' . $fileNameOnTmp,
-            );
-            ProcessThumbnailsModel::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        //now do the thumbnails !
-        $resultOfConversion = $this->launchThumbnails(
-            $fileNameOnTmp,
-            $tmpDir,
-            pathinfo($resourcePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)
-        );
-        if ($resultOfConversion['status'] <> '0') {
-            ProcessThumbnailsModel::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            LogsController::executionTimeLog(
-                $timestart,
-                '',
-                'debug',
-                '[TIMER] Convert_ProcessThumbnailsAbstract_Service::thumbnails aucunContenuAIndexer'
-            );
-            return $resultOfConversion;
-        }
-        //copy the result on docserver
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>'avant cp ds', 'code'=>1112, ]);
-        $storeResult = DocserverController::storeResourceOnDocServer([
-            'collId'    => $collId,
-            'fileInfos' => [
-                'tmpDir'        => $tmpDir,
-                'tmpFileName'   => pathinfo($fileNameOnTmp, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.png',
-            ],
-            'docserverTypeId'   => 'TNL'
-        ]);
-        if (empty($storeResult)) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => 'Ds of collection and ds type not found for thumbnails:'
-                    . $collId . ' THUMBNAILS',
-            );
-            ProcessThumbnailsModel::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-        $targetDs = DocserverModel::getByDocserverId(['docserverId' => $storeResult['docserver_id']]);
-        // LogsController::info(['message'=>'avant update', 'code'=>19, ]);
-        //update the Database
-        $resultOfUpDb = ProcessThumbnailsModel::updateDatabase(
-            [
-                'collId'     => $collId,
-                'resTable'   => $resTable,
-                'adrTable'   => $adrTable,
-                'resId'      => $resId,
-                'docserver'  => $targetDs,
-                'path'       => $storeResult['destination_dir'],
-                'fileName'   => $storeResult['file_destination_name']
-            ]
-        );
-        if ($resultOfUpDb['status'] <> '0') {
-            ProcessThumbnailsModel::manageErrorOnDb(
-                ['resTable' => $resTable, 'resId' => $resId, 'result' => '-1']
-            );
-            return $resultOfUpDb;
-        }
-        unlink($fileNameOnTmp);
-        unlink($fileNameOnTmp . '.png');
-        $returnArray = array(
-            'status' => '0',
-            'value' => '',
-            'error' => '',
-        );
-        LogsController::executionTimeLog(
-            $timestart,
-            '',
-            'debug',
-            '[TIMER] Convert_ProcessThumbnailsAbstract_Service::thumbnails'
-        );
-        return $returnArray;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Launch the thumbnails process
-     *
-     * @param string $srcfile source file
-     * @param string $tgtdir target dir
-     * @param string $srcfmt source format
-     * @return array $returnArray the result
-     */
-    private function launchThumbnails(
-        $srcfile,
-        $tgtdir=false,
-        $srcfmt
-    ) {
-        $timestart = microtime(true);
-        if (!$tgtdir) {
-            $tgtdir = dirname($srcfile);
-        }
-        $output = array();
-        $return = null;
-        $this->errors = array();
-        //wkhtmltoimage must be installed with compiled sources
-        if (strtoupper($srcfmt) == 'MAARCH' || strtoupper($srcfmt) == 'HTML') {
-            copy($srcfile, str_ireplace('.maarch', '.', $srcfile) . '.html');
-            if (file_exists('/usr/bin/mywkhtmltoimage')) {
-                $command = "mywkhtmltoimage  --width 164 --height 105 --quality 100 --zoom 0.2 "
-                    . escapeshellarg(str_ireplace('.maarch', '.', $srcfile) . '.html') . " "
-                    . escapeshellarg($tgtdir . basename(str_ireplace('.maarch', '.', $srcfile)) . '.png');
-            } else {
-                $envVar = "export DISPLAY=FRPAROEMINT:0.0 ; ";
-                $command = $envVar . "wkhtmltoimage --width 164 --height 105 --quality 100 --zoom 0.2 "
-                    . escapeshellarg(str_ireplace('.maarch', '.', $srcfile) . '.html') . " "
-                    . escapeshellarg($tgtdir . basename(str_ireplace('.maarch', '.', $srcfile)) . '.png');
-            }
-        } else {
-            $command = "convert -thumbnail 200x300 -background white -alpha remove "
-                . escapeshellarg($srcfile) . "[0] "
-                . escapeshellarg($tgtdir . basename($srcfile) . '.png');
-        }
-        //echo $command . PHP_EOL;exit;
-        $timestart_command = microtime(true);
-        exec($command, $output, $return);
-        // LogsController::debug(['message'=>'[TIMER] Commande : ' . $command]);
-        LogsController::executionTimeLog($timestart_command, '', 'debug', '[TIMER] Convert_ProcessThumbnailsAbstract_Service::launchThumbnails__exec');
-        if ($return === 0) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '0',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => '',
-            );
-        } else {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => $return . $output,
-            );
-        }
-        if (strtoupper($srcfmt) == 'MAARCH' || strtoupper($srcfmt) == 'HTML') {
-            $returnArray = array();
-            unlink(str_ireplace('.maarch', '.', $srcfile) . '.html');
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '0',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => '',
-            );
-        }
-        LogsController::executionTimeLog(
-            $timestart,
-            '',
-            'debug',
-            '[TIMER] Convert_ProcessThumbnailsAbstract_Service::launchThumbnails
-        ');
-        return $returnArray;
-    }
diff --git a/modules/convert/Models/ProcessConvertModel.php b/modules/convert/Models/ProcessConvertModel.php
deleted file mode 100755
index e8abb657f83..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Models/ProcessConvertModel.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
-* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
-* This file is part of Maarch software.
-* @brief Process Convert Model
-* @author
-* @ingroup convert
-namespace Convert\Models;
-class ProcessConvertModel extends ProcessConvertModelAbstract
-    // Do your stuff in this class
diff --git a/modules/convert/Models/ProcessConvertModelAbstract.php b/modules/convert/Models/ProcessConvertModelAbstract.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 9b48b17b46d..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Models/ProcessConvertModelAbstract.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
-* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
-* This file is part of Maarch software.
-* @brief ProcessConvert Model
-* @author
-* @ingroup convert
-namespace Convert\Models;
-use History\controllers\HistoryController;
-use SrcCore\models\DatabaseModel;
-use SrcCore\models\ValidatorModel;
-class ProcessConvertModelAbstract
-    /**
-     * Updating the database with the location information of the document on the
-     * new docserver
-     * @param string $collId collection
-     * @param string $resTable res table
-     * @param string $adrTable adr table
-     * @param bigint $resId Id of the resource to process
-     * @param docserver $docserver docserver object
-     * @param string $path location of the resource on the docserver
-     * @param string $fileName file name of the resource on the docserver
-     * @return array $returnArray the result
-     */
-    public static function updateDatabase(array $aArgs = [])
-    {
-        try {
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['collId']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['resTable']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['adrTable']);
-            ValidatorModel::intVal($aArgs, ['resId']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['docserver']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['path']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['fileName']);
-            $aArgs['docserver']['path_template'] = str_replace(
-                DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 
-                '#', 
-                $aArgs['docserver']['path_template']
-            );
-            $aArgs['path'] = str_replace(
-                $aArgs['docserver']['path_template'], 
-                '', 
-                $aArgs['path']
-            );
-            DatabaseModel::update([
-                'table'     => 'convert_stack',
-                'set'       => [
-                    'status'    => 'P'
-                ],
-                'where'     => ['coll_id = ?', 'res_id = ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['collId'], $aArgs['resId']]
-            ]);
-            $returnAdr = DatabaseModel::select([
-                'select'    => ['*'],
-                'table'     => [$aArgs['adrTable']],
-                'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']],
-                'order'      => ['adr_priority'],
-            ]);
-            if (empty($returnAdr)) {
-                $returnRes = DatabaseModel::select([
-                    'select'    => ['docserver_id, path, filename, offset_doc, fingerprint'],
-                    'table'     => [$aArgs['resTable']],
-                    'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-                    'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']]
-                ]);
-                $returnRes = $returnRes[0];
-                // LogsController::info(['message'=>$returnRes, 'code'=>8, ]);
-                $resDocserverId = $returnRes['docserver_id'];
-                $resPath = $returnRes['path'];
-                $resFilename = $returnRes['filename'];
-                $resOffsetDoc = $returnRes['offset_doc'];
-                $fingerprintInit = $returnRes['fingerprint'];
-                DatabaseModel::insert([
-                    'table'         => $aArgs['adrTable'],
-                    'columnsValues' => [
-                        'res_id'        => $aArgs['resId'],
-                        'docserver_id'  => $resDocserverId,
-                        'path'          => $resPath,
-                        'filename'      => $resFilename,
-                        'offset_doc'    => $resOffsetDoc,
-                        'fingerprint'   => $fingerprintInit,
-                        'adr_priority'  => 1,
-                    ]
-                ]);
-            }
-            $returnAdr = DatabaseModel::select([
-                'select'    => ['*'],
-                'table'     => [$aArgs['adrTable']],
-                'where'     => ['res_id = ?', 'adr_type= ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['resId'], 'CONV'],
-            ]);
-            if (empty($returnAdr)) {
-                DatabaseModel::insert([
-                    'table'         => $aArgs['adrTable'],
-                    'columnsValues' => [
-                        'res_id'        => $aArgs['resId'],
-                        'docserver_id'  => $aArgs['docserver']['docserver_id'],
-                        'path'          => $aArgs['path'],
-                        'filename'      => $aArgs['fileName'],
-                        'offset_doc'    => '',
-                        'fingerprint'   => '',
-                        'adr_priority'  => 1,
-                        'adr_type'      => 'CONV',
-                    ]
-                ]);
-            } else {
-                DatabaseModel::update([
-                    'table'     => $aArgs['adrTable'],
-                    'set'       => [
-                        'docserver_id'  => $aArgs['docserver']['docserver_id'],
-                        'path'          => $aArgs['path'],
-                        'filename'      => $aArgs['fileName'],
-                        'offset_doc'    => '',
-                        'fingerprint'   => '',
-                        'adr_priority'  => 1,
-                    ],
-                    'where'     => ['res_id = ?', "adr_type = ?"],
-                    'data'      => [$aArgs['resId'], 'CONV']
-                ]);
-            }
-            HistoryController::add([
-                'tableName' => $aArgs['resTable'],
-                'recordId'  => (string) $aArgs['resId'],
-                'eventType' => 'ADD',
-                'info'      => 'process convert done',
-                'moduleId'  => 'convert',
-                'eventId'   => 'convert',
-            ]);
-            $queryCpt = DatabaseModel::select([
-                'select'    => ["convert_attempts"],
-                'table'     => [$aArgs['resTable']],
-                'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']],
-            ]);
-            $cptConvert = $queryCpt[0]['convert_attempts'] + 1;
-            DatabaseModel::update([
-                'table'     => $aArgs['resTable'],
-                'set'       => [
-                    'convert_result'      => '1',
-                    'is_multi_docservers' => 'Y',
-                    'convert_attempts'    => $cptConvert,
-                ],
-                'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']]
-            ]);
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '0',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => '',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } catch (Exception $e) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => $e->getMessage(),
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Updating the database with the error code
-     * @param string $resTable res table
-     * @param bigint $resId Id of the resource to process
-     * @param string $result error code
-     * @return nothing
-     */
-    public static function manageErrorOnDb(array $aArgs = [])
-    {
-        $attemptsRecord = DatabaseModel::select([
-            'select'    => ['convert_attempts'],
-            'table'     => [$aArgs['resTable']],
-            'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-            'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']],
-        ]);
-        if (empty($attemptsRecord)) {
-            $attempts = 0;
-        } else {
-            $attempts = $attemptsRecord[0]['convert_attempts'] + 1;
-        }
-        DatabaseModel::update([
-            'table'     => $aArgs['resTable'],
-            'set'       => [
-                'convert_result'   => $aArgs['result'],
-                'convert_attempts' => $attempts,
-            ],
-            'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-            'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']]
-        ]);
-    }
diff --git a/modules/convert/Models/ProcessFulltextModel.php b/modules/convert/Models/ProcessFulltextModel.php
deleted file mode 100755
index ce546d414fe..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Models/ProcessFulltextModel.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
-* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
-* This file is part of Maarch software.
-* @brief Process Fulltext Model
-* @author
-* @ingroup convert
-namespace Convert\Models;
-class ProcessFulltextModel extends ProcessFulltextModelAbstract
-    // Do your stuff in this class
diff --git a/modules/convert/Models/ProcessFulltextModelAbstract.php b/modules/convert/Models/ProcessFulltextModelAbstract.php
deleted file mode 100755
index f6e123fd77b..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Models/ProcessFulltextModelAbstract.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
-* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
-* This file is part of Maarch software.
-* @brief ProcessFulltext Model
-* @author
-* @ingroup convert
-namespace Convert\Models;
-use History\controllers\HistoryController;
-use SrcCore\models\DatabaseModel;
-use SrcCore\models\ValidatorModel;
-class ProcessFulltextModelAbstract
-    /**
-     * Updating the database with the location information of the document on the
-     * new docserver
-     * @param string $collId collection
-     * @param string $resTable res table
-     * @param string $adrTable adr table
-     * @param bigint $resId Id of the resource to process
-     * @param docserver $docserver docserver object
-     * @param string $path location of the resource on the docserver
-     * @param string $fileName file name of the resource on the docserver
-     * @param complex $zendIndex zend index object
-     * @return array $returnArray the result
-     */
-    public static function updateDatabase(array $aArgs = [])
-    {
-        try {
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['collId']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['resTable']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['adrTable']);
-            ValidatorModel::intVal($aArgs, ['resId']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['docserver']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['path']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['fileName']);
-            $aArgs['docserver']['path_template'] = str_replace(
-                DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 
-                '#', 
-                $aArgs['docserver']['path_template']
-            );
-            $aArgs['path'] = str_replace(
-                $aArgs['docserver']['path_template'], 
-                '', 
-                $aArgs['path']
-            );
-            DatabaseModel::update([
-                'table'     => 'convert_stack',
-                'set'       => [
-                    'status'    => 'P'
-                ],
-                'where'     => ['coll_id = ?', 'res_id = ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['collId'], $aArgs['resId']]
-            ]);
-            $returnAdr = DatabaseModel::select([
-                'select'    => ['*'],
-                'table'     => [$aArgs['adrTable']],
-                'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']],
-                'order'      => ['adr_priority'],
-            ]);
-            if (empty($returnAdr)) {
-                $returnRes = DatabaseModel::select([
-                    'select'    => ['docserver_id, path, filename, offset_doc, fingerprint'],
-                    'table'     => [$aArgs['resTable']],
-                    'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-                    'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']]
-                ]);
-                $returnRes = $returnRes[0];
-                // LogsController::info(['message'=>$returnRes, 'code'=>8, ]);
-                $resDocserverId = $returnRes['docserver_id'];
-                $resPath = $returnRes['path'];
-                $resFilename = $returnRes['filename'];
-                $resOffsetDoc = $returnRes['offset_doc'];
-                $fingerprintInit = $returnRes['fingerprint'];
-                DatabaseModel::insert([
-                    'table'         => $aArgs['adrTable'],
-                    'columnsValues' => [
-                        'res_id'        => $aArgs['resId'],
-                        'docserver_id'  => $resDocserverId,
-                        'path'          => $resPath,
-                        'filename'      => $resFilename,
-                        'offset_doc'    => $resOffsetDoc,
-                        'fingerprint'   => $fingerprintInit,
-                        'adr_priority'  => 1,
-                    ]
-                ]);
-            }
-            $returnAdr = DatabaseModel::select([
-                'select'    => ['*'],
-                'table'     => [$aArgs['adrTable']],
-                'where'     => ['res_id = ?', 'adr_type= ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['resId'], 'TXT'],
-            ]);
-            if (empty($returnAdr)) {
-                DatabaseModel::insert([
-                    'table'         => $aArgs['adrTable'],
-                    'columnsValues' => [
-                        'res_id'        => $aArgs['resId'],
-                        'docserver_id'  => $aArgs['docserver']['docserver_id'],
-                        'path'          => $aArgs['path'],
-                        'filename'      => $aArgs['fileName'],
-                        'offset_doc'    => '',
-                        'fingerprint'   => '',
-                        'adr_priority'  => 1,
-                        'adr_type'      => 'TXT',
-                    ]
-                ]);
-            } else {
-                DatabaseModel::update([
-                    'table'     => $aArgs['adrTable'],
-                    'set'       => [
-                        'docserver_id'  => $aArgs['docserver']['docserver_id'],
-                        'path'          => $aArgs['path'],
-                        'filename'      => $aArgs['fileName'],
-                        'offset_doc'    => '',
-                        'fingerprint'   => '',
-                        'adr_priority'  => 1,
-                    ],
-                    'where'     => ['res_id = ?', "adr_type = ?"],
-                    'data'      => [$aArgs['resId'], 'TXT']
-                ]);
-            }
-            HistoryController::add([
-                'tableName' => $aArgs['resTable'],
-                'recordId'  => (string) $aArgs['resId'],
-                'eventType' => 'ADD',
-                'info'      => 'process fulltext done',
-                'moduleId'  => 'convert',
-                'eventId'   => 'fulltext',
-            ]);
-            $queryCpt = DatabaseModel::select([
-                'select'    => ["fulltext_attempts"],
-                'table'     => [$aArgs['resTable']],
-                'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']],
-            ]);
-            $cptFulltext = $queryCpt[0]['fulltext_attempts'] + 1;
-            if (!empty($aArgs['zendIndex'])) {
-                $fResult = 1;
-            } else {
-                $fResult = 0;
-            }
-            DatabaseModel::update([
-                'table'     => $aArgs['resTable'],
-                'set'       => [
-                    'fulltext_result'     => $fResult,
-                    'is_multi_docservers' => 'Y',
-                    'fulltext_attempts'   => $cptFulltext,
-                ],
-                'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']]
-            ]);
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '0',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => '',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } catch (Exception $e) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => $e->getMessage(),
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-    }
-    public static function getById(array $aArgs = [])
-    {
-        ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['resId']);
-        ValidatorModel::intVal($aArgs, ['resId']);
-        $aReturn = DatabaseModel::select([
-            'select'    => empty($aArgs['select']) ? ['*'] : $aArgs['select'],
-            'table'     => ['res_letterbox'],
-            'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-            'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']]
-        ]);
-        if (empty($aReturn[0])) {
-            return [];
-        }
-        return $aReturn[0];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Updating the database with the error code
-     * @param string $resTable res table
-     * @param bigint $resId Id of the resource to process
-     * @param string $result error code
-     * @return nothing
-     */
-    public static function manageErrorOnDb(array $aArgs = [])
-    {
-        $attemptsRecord = DatabaseModel::select([
-            'select'    => ['fulltext_attempts'],
-            'table'     => [$aArgs['resTable']],
-            'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-            'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']],
-        ]);
-        if (empty($attemptsRecord)) {
-            $attempts = 0;
-        } else {
-            $attempts = $attemptsRecord[0]['fulltext_attempts'] + 1;
-        }
-        DatabaseModel::update([
-            'table'     => $aArgs['resTable'],
-            'set'       => [
-                'fulltext_result' => $aArgs['result'],
-                'fulltext_attempts' => $attempts,
-            ],
-            'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-            'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']]
-        ]);
-    }
diff --git a/modules/convert/Models/ProcessThumbnailsModel.php b/modules/convert/Models/ProcessThumbnailsModel.php
deleted file mode 100755
index c334b9fbcce..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Models/ProcessThumbnailsModel.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
-* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
-* This file is part of Maarch software.
-* @brief Process Thumbnails Model
-* @author
-* @ingroup convert
-namespace Convert\Models;
-class ProcessThumbnailsModel extends ProcessThumbnailsModelAbstract
-    // Do your stuff in this class
diff --git a/modules/convert/Models/ProcessThumbnailsModelAbstract.php b/modules/convert/Models/ProcessThumbnailsModelAbstract.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 63a23ebde95..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Models/ProcessThumbnailsModelAbstract.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
-* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
-* This file is part of Maarch software.
-* @brief ProcessThumbnails Model
-* @author
-* @ingroup convert
-namespace Convert\Models;
-use History\controllers\HistoryController;
-use SrcCore\models\DatabaseModel;
-use SrcCore\models\ValidatorModel;
-class ProcessThumbnailsModelAbstract
-    /**
-     * Updating the database with the location information of the document on the
-     * new docserver
-     * @param string $collId collection
-     * @param string $resTable res table
-     * @param string $adrTable adr table
-     * @param bigint $resId Id of the resource to process
-     * @param docserver $docserver docserver object
-     * @param string $path location of the resource on the docserver
-     * @param string $fileName file name of the resource on the docserver
-     * @param complex $zendIndex zend index object
-     * @return array $returnArray the result
-     */
-    public static function updateDatabase(array $aArgs = [])
-    {
-        try {
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['collId']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['resTable']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['adrTable']);
-            ValidatorModel::intVal($aArgs, ['resId']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['docserver']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['path']);
-            ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['fileName']);
-            $aArgs['docserver']['path_template'] = str_replace(
-                DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 
-                '#', 
-                $aArgs['docserver']['path_template']
-            );
-            $aArgs['path'] = str_replace(
-                $aArgs['docserver']['path_template'], 
-                '', 
-                $aArgs['path']
-            );
-            DatabaseModel::update([
-                'table'     => 'convert_stack',
-                'set'       => [
-                    'status'    => 'P'
-                ],
-                'where'     => ['coll_id = ?', 'res_id = ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['collId'], $aArgs['resId']]
-            ]);
-            $returnAdr = DatabaseModel::select([
-                'select'    => ['*'],
-                'table'     => [$aArgs['adrTable']],
-                'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']],
-                'order'      => ['adr_priority'],
-            ]);
-            if (empty($returnAdr)) {
-                $returnRes = DatabaseModel::select([
-                    'select'    => ['docserver_id, path, filename, offset_doc, fingerprint'],
-                    'table'     => [$aArgs['resTable']],
-                    'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-                    'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']]
-                ]);
-                $returnRes = $returnRes[0];
-                // LogsController::info(['message'=>$returnRes, 'code'=>8, ]);
-                $resDocserverId = $returnRes['docserver_id'];
-                $resPath = $returnRes['path'];
-                $resFilename = $returnRes['filename'];
-                $resOffsetDoc = $returnRes['offset_doc'];
-                $fingerprintInit = $returnRes['fingerprint'];
-                DatabaseModel::insert([
-                    'table'         => $aArgs['adrTable'],
-                    'columnsValues' => [
-                        'res_id'        => $aArgs['resId'],
-                        'docserver_id'  => $resDocserverId,
-                        'path'          => $resPath,
-                        'filename'      => $resFilename,
-                        'offset_doc'    => $resOffsetDoc,
-                        'fingerprint'   => $fingerprintInit,
-                        'adr_priority'  => 1,
-                    ]
-                ]);
-            }
-            $returnAdr = DatabaseModel::select([
-                'select'    => ['*'],
-                'table'     => [$aArgs['adrTable']],
-                'where'     => ['res_id = ?', 'adr_type= ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['resId'], 'TNL'],
-            ]);
-            if (empty($returnAdr)) {
-                DatabaseModel::insert([
-                    'table'         => $aArgs['adrTable'],
-                    'columnsValues' => [
-                        'res_id'        => $aArgs['resId'],
-                        'docserver_id'  => $aArgs['docserver']['docserver_id'],
-                        'path'          => $aArgs['path'],
-                        'filename'      => $aArgs['fileName'],
-                        'offset_doc'    => '',
-                        'fingerprint'   => '',
-                        'adr_priority'  => 1,
-                        'adr_type'      => 'TNL',
-                    ]
-                ]);
-            } else {
-                DatabaseModel::update([
-                    'table'     => $aArgs['adrTable'],
-                    'set'       => [
-                        'docserver_id'  => $aArgs['docserver']['docserver_id'],
-                        'path'          => $aArgs['path'],
-                        'filename'      => $aArgs['fileName'],
-                        'offset_doc'    => '',
-                        'fingerprint'   => '',
-                        'adr_priority'  => 1,
-                    ],
-                    'where'     => ['res_id = ?', "adr_type = ?"],
-                    'data'      => [$aArgs['resId'], 'TNL']
-                ]);
-            }
-            HistoryController::add([
-                'tableName' => $aArgs['resTable'],
-                'recordId'  => (string) $aArgs['resId'],
-                'eventType' => 'ADD',
-                'info'      => 'process thumbnails done',
-                'moduleId'  => 'convert',
-                'eventId'   => 'thumbnails',
-            ]);
-            $queryCpt = DatabaseModel::select([
-                'select'    => ["tnl_attempts"],
-                'table'     => [$aArgs['resTable']],
-                'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']],
-            ]);
-            $cptThumbnails = $queryCpt[0]['tnl_attempts'] + 1;
-            DatabaseModel::update([
-                'table'     => $aArgs['resTable'],
-                'set'       => [
-                    'tnl_result'          => 1,
-                    'is_multi_docservers' => 'Y',
-                    'tnl_attempts'        => $cptThumbnails,
-                ],
-                'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-                'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']]
-            ]);
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '0',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => '',
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        } catch (Exception $e) {
-            $returnArray = array(
-                'status' => '1',
-                'value' => '',
-                'error' => $e->getMessage(),
-            );
-            return $returnArray;
-        }
-    }
-    public static function getById(array $aArgs = [])
-    {
-        ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['resId']);
-        ValidatorModel::intVal($aArgs, ['resId']);
-        $aReturn = DatabaseModel::select([
-            'select'    => empty($aArgs['select']) ? ['*'] : $aArgs['select'],
-            'table'     => ['res_letterbox'],
-            'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-            'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']]
-        ]);
-        if (empty($aReturn[0])) {
-            return [];
-        }
-        return $aReturn[0];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Updating the database with the error code
-     * @param string $resTable res table
-     * @param bigint $resId Id of the resource to process
-     * @param string $result error code
-     * @return nothing
-     */
-    public static function manageErrorOnDb(array $aArgs = [])
-    {
-        $attemptsRecord = DatabaseModel::select([
-            'select'    => ['tnl_attempts'],
-            'table'     => [$aArgs['resTable']],
-            'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-            'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']],
-        ]);
-        if (empty($attemptsRecord)) {
-            $attempts = 0;
-        } else {
-            $attempts = $attemptsRecord[0]['tnl_attempts'] + 1;
-        }
-        DatabaseModel::update([
-            'table'     => $aArgs['resTable'],
-            'set'       => [
-                'tnl_result' => $aArgs['result'],
-                'tnl_attempts' => $attempts,
-            ],
-            'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-            'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']]
-        ]);
-    }
diff --git a/modules/convert/Test/ProcessConvertTest.php b/modules/convert/Test/ProcessConvertTest.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 14537a76d43..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Test/ProcessConvertTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
-* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
-* This file is part of Maarch software.
-namespace MaarchTest;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class ProcessConvertTest extends TestCase
-    public function testconvert ()
-    {
-        $action = new \Resource\controllers\ResController();
-        $environment = \Slim\Http\Environment::mock(
-            [
-                'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'POST',
-            ]
-        );
-        $samplePath = 'modules/convert/Test/Samples/';
-        //SAMPLE TXT
-        $fileSource = 'test.txt';
-        $fileFormat = 'txt';
-        $fileContent = file_get_contents($samplePath . $fileSource, FILE_BINARY);
-        $encodedFile = base64_encode($fileContent);
-        //echo $encodedFile . PHP_EOL;exit;
-        $data = [];
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'subject',
-                'value' => 'UNIT TEST CONVERT from slim',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'type_id',
-                'value' => 110,
-                'type' => 'integer',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'custom_t1',
-                'value' => 'TEST',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'custom_t10',
-                'value' => '',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        $aArgs = [
-            'encodedFile'   => $encodedFile,
-            'data'          => $data,
-            'collId'        => 'letterbox_coll',
-            'table'         => 'res_letterbox',
-            'fileFormat'    => $fileFormat,
-            'status'        => 'new',
-        ];
-        $request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-        $response = new \Slim\Http\Response();
-        $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
-        $response = $action->create($fullRequest, $response);
-        $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
-        $resId = $responseBody->resId;
-        if (!defined("_RES_ID_TEST_CONVERT")) {
-            define("_RES_ID_TEST_CONVERT", $resId);
-        }
-        //real test
-        $request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-        $action = new \Convert\Controllers\ProcessConvertController();
-        $aArgs = [
-            'collId' => 'letterbox_coll', 
-            'resTable' => 'res_letterbox', 
-            'adrTable' => 'adr_letterbox', 
-            'resId' => _RES_ID_TEST_CONVERT, 
-            'tmpDir' => $_SESSION['config']['tmppath']
-        ];
-        $response = new \Slim\Http\Response();
-        $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
-        $response = $action->create($fullRequest, $response);
-        //var_dump($response);
-        $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
-        $status = $responseBody->status;
-        $this->assertEquals('0', $status);
-    }
diff --git a/modules/convert/Test/ProcessFulltextTest.php b/modules/convert/Test/ProcessFulltextTest.php
deleted file mode 100755
index fa01d225016..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Test/ProcessFulltextTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
-* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
-* This file is part of Maarch software.
-namespace MaarchTest;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class ProcessFulltextTest extends TestCase
-    public function testfulltext ()
-    {
-        if (!defined("_RES_ID_TEST_CONVERT")) {
-            define("_RES_ID_TEST_CONVERT", 100);
-        }
-        $action = new \Convert\Controllers\ProcessFulltextController();
-        $environment = \Slim\Http\Environment::mock(
-            [
-                'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'POST',
-            ]
-        );
-        $request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-        $aArgs = [
-            'collId' => 'letterbox_coll', 
-            'resTable' => 'res_letterbox', 
-            'adrTable' => 'adr_letterbox', 
-            'resId' => _RES_ID_TEST_CONVERT,
-            'tmpDir' => $_SESSION['config']['tmppath'],
-            'createZendIndex' => true
-        ];
-        $response = new \Slim\Http\Response();
-        $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
-        $response = $action->create($fullRequest, $response);
-        //var_dump($response);
-        $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
-        //var_dump($responseBody);
-        $status = $responseBody->status;
-        $this->assertEquals('0', $status);
-    }
diff --git a/modules/convert/Test/ProcessManageConvertTest.php b/modules/convert/Test/ProcessManageConvertTest.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 3a61a1a123d..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Test/ProcessManageConvertTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
-* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
-* This file is part of Maarch software.
-namespace MaarchTest;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class ManageProcessConvertTest extends TestCase
-    public function testmanageConvert ()
-    {
-        $action = new \Resource\controllers\ResController();
-        $environment = \Slim\Http\Environment::mock(
-            [
-                'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'POST',
-            ]
-        );
-        $samplePath = 'modules/convert/Test/Samples/';
-        //SAMPLE TXT
-        $fileSource = 'test.txt';
-        $fileFormat = 'txt';
-        $fileContent = file_get_contents($samplePath . $fileSource, FILE_BINARY);
-        $encodedFile = base64_encode($fileContent);
-        //echo $encodedFile . PHP_EOL;exit;
-        $data = [];
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'subject',
-                'value' => 'UNIT TEST CONVERT ALL from slim with ' . $fileFormat . ' file',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'type_id',
-                'value' => 110,
-                'type' => 'integer',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'custom_t1',
-                'value' => 'TEST',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'custom_t10',
-                'value' => '',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        $aArgs = [
-            'encodedFile'   => $encodedFile,
-            'data'          => $data,
-            'collId'        => 'letterbox_coll',
-            'table'         => 'res_letterbox',
-            'fileFormat'    => $fileFormat,
-            'status'        => 'new',
-        ];
-        $request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-        $response = new \Slim\Http\Response();
-        $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
-        $response = $action->create($fullRequest, $response);
-        $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
-        $resIdTxt = $responseBody->resId;
-        //SAMPLE PDF
-        $fileSource = 'test.pdf';
-        $fileFormat = 'pdf';
-        $fileContent = file_get_contents($samplePath . $fileSource, FILE_BINARY);
-        $encodedFile = base64_encode($fileContent);
-        //echo $encodedFile . PHP_EOL;exit;
-        $data = [];
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'subject',
-                'value' => 'UNIT TEST CONVERT ALL from slim with ' . $fileFormat . ' file',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'type_id',
-                'value' => 110,
-                'type' => 'integer',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'custom_t1',
-                'value' => 'TEST',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'custom_t10',
-                'value' => '',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        $aArgs = [
-            'encodedFile'   => $encodedFile,
-            'data'          => $data,
-            'collId'        => 'letterbox_coll',
-            'table'         => 'res_letterbox',
-            'fileFormat'    => $fileFormat,
-            'status'        => 'new',
-        ];
-        $request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-        $response = new \Slim\Http\Response();
-        $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
-        $response = $action->create($fullRequest, $response);
-        $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
-        $resIdPdf = $responseBody->resId;
-        //SAMPLE ODT
-        $fileSource = 'test.odt';
-        $fileFormat = 'odt';
-        $fileContent = file_get_contents($samplePath . $fileSource, FILE_BINARY);
-        $encodedFile = base64_encode($fileContent);
-        //echo $encodedFile . PHP_EOL;exit;
-        $data = [];
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'subject',
-                'value' => 'UNIT TEST CONVERT ALL from slim with ' . $fileFormat . ' file',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'type_id',
-                'value' => 110,
-                'type' => 'integer',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'custom_t1',
-                'value' => 'TEST',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'custom_t10',
-                'value' => '',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        $aArgs = [
-            'encodedFile'   => $encodedFile,
-            'data'          => $data,
-            'collId'        => 'letterbox_coll',
-            'table'         => 'res_letterbox',
-            'fileFormat'    => $fileFormat,
-            'status'        => 'new',
-        ];
-        $request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-        $response = new \Slim\Http\Response();
-        $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
-        $response = $action->create($fullRequest, $response);
-        $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
-        $resIdOdt = $responseBody->resId;
-        //SAMPLE HTML
-        $fileSource = 'test.html';
-        $fileFormat = 'html';
-        $fileContent = file_get_contents($samplePath . $fileSource, FILE_BINARY);
-        $encodedFile = base64_encode($fileContent);
-        //echo $encodedFile . PHP_EOL;exit;
-        $data = [];
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'subject',
-                'value' => 'UNIT TEST CONVERT ALL from slim with ' . $fileFormat . ' file',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'type_id',
-                'value' => 110,
-                'type' => 'integer',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'custom_t1',
-                'value' => 'TEST',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        array_push(
-            $data,
-            array(
-                'column' => 'custom_t10',
-                'value' => '',
-                'type' => 'string',
-            )
-        );
-        $aArgs = [
-            'encodedFile'   => $encodedFile,
-            'data'          => $data,
-            'collId'        => 'letterbox_coll',
-            'table'         => 'res_letterbox',
-            'fileFormat'    => $fileFormat,
-            'status'        => 'new',
-        ];
-        $request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-        $response = new \Slim\Http\Response();
-        $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
-        $response = $action->create($fullRequest, $response);
-        $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
-        $resIdHtml = $responseBody->resId;
-        /***************************************************************************/
-        //test TXT
-        $request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-        $action = new \Convert\Controllers\ProcessManageConvertController();
-        $aArgs = [
-            'collId' => 'letterbox_coll', 
-            'resTable' => 'res_letterbox', 
-            'adrTable' => 'adr_letterbox', 
-            'resId' => $resIdTxt, 
-            'tmpDir' => $_SESSION['config']['tmppath'],
-            'createZendIndex' => true
-        ];
-        $response = new \Slim\Http\Response();
-        $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
-        $response = $action->create($fullRequest, $response);
-        $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
-        $status = $responseBody->status;
-        $this->assertEquals('0', $status);
-        //test PDF
-        $request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-        $action = new \Convert\Controllers\ProcessManageConvertController();
-        $aArgs = [
-            'collId' => 'letterbox_coll', 
-            'resTable' => 'res_letterbox', 
-            'adrTable' => 'adr_letterbox', 
-            'resId' => $resIdPdf, 
-            'tmpDir' => $_SESSION['config']['tmppath'],
-            'createZendIndex' => true
-        ];
-        $response = new \Slim\Http\Response();
-        $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
-        $response = $action->create($fullRequest, $response);
-        $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
-        $status = $responseBody->status;
-        $this->assertEquals('0', $status);
-        //test ODT
-        $request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-        $action = new \Convert\Controllers\ProcessManageConvertController();
-        $aArgs = [
-            'collId' => 'letterbox_coll', 
-            'resTable' => 'res_letterbox', 
-            'adrTable' => 'adr_letterbox', 
-            'resId' => $resIdOdt, 
-            'tmpDir' => $_SESSION['config']['tmppath'],
-            'createZendIndex' => true
-        ];
-        $response = new \Slim\Http\Response();
-        $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
-        $response = $action->create($fullRequest, $response);
-        $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
-        $status = $responseBody->status;
-        $this->assertEquals('0', $status);
-        //test HTML
-        $request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-        $action = new \Convert\Controllers\ProcessManageConvertController();
-        $aArgs = [
-            'collId' => 'letterbox_coll', 
-            'resTable' => 'res_letterbox', 
-            'adrTable' => 'adr_letterbox', 
-            'resId' => $resIdHtml, 
-            'tmpDir' => $_SESSION['config']['tmppath'],
-            'createZendIndex' => true
-        ];
-        $response = new \Slim\Http\Response();
-        $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
-        $response = $action->create($fullRequest, $response);
-        $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
-        $status = $responseBody->status;
-        $this->assertEquals('0', $status);
-    }
diff --git a/modules/convert/Test/ProcessThumbnailsTest.php b/modules/convert/Test/ProcessThumbnailsTest.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 0007f083f24..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Test/ProcessThumbnailsTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
-* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
-* This file is part of Maarch software.
-namespace MaarchTest;
-use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
-class ProcessThumbnailsTest extends TestCase
-    public function testthumbnails ()
-    {
-        if (!defined("_RES_ID_TEST_CONVERT")) {
-            define("_RES_ID_TEST_CONVERT", 100);
-        }
-        $action = new \Convert\Controllers\ProcessThumbnailsController();
-        $environment = \Slim\Http\Environment::mock(
-            [
-                'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'POST',
-            ]
-        );
-        $request = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-        $aArgs = [
-            'collId' => 'letterbox_coll', 
-            'resTable' => 'res_letterbox', 
-            'adrTable' => 'adr_letterbox', 
-            'resId' => _RES_ID_TEST_CONVERT,
-            'tmpDir' => $_SESSION['config']['tmppath']
-        ];
-        $response = new \Slim\Http\Response();
-        $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
-        $response = $action->create($fullRequest, $response);
-        //var_dump($response);
-        $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
-        //var_dump($responseBody);
-        $status = $responseBody->status;
-        $this->assertEquals('0', $status);
-    }
diff --git a/modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.html b/modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 974952b211c..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"></head>
-        <!--<body id="validation_page" 
-        onload="javascript:moveTo(0,0);">
-            <div id="template_content" style="width:100%;">-->
-            <body><p style="text-align: center;" data-mce-style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: small; text-decoration: underline;" data-mce-style="font-size: small; text-decoration: underline;">ENREGISTREMENT DEMANDE Allo Mairie - DIVERS</span></p><p style="text-align: center;" data-mce-style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;</p><table style="border: 1pt solid #000000; width: 800px; background-color: #40a497;" data-mce-style="border: 1pt solid #000000; width: 800px; background-color: #40a497;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" border="1"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 200px;" data-mce-style="width: 200px;">DECLARATION DU BESOIN</td><td>DATE: 17-11-2015</td><td>HEURE: 18:01:46</td></tr></tbody></table><table style="border: 1pt solid #000000; width: 800px;" data-mce-style="border: 1pt solid #000000; width: 800px;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" border="1"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;" data-mce-style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;">OBJET</td><td style="background-color: #bef3ec;" data-mce-style="background-color: #bef3ec;">&nbsp;laurent</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;" data-mce-style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;">DATE ET HEURE ESTIMEES DU DECLENCHEMENT</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;" data-mce-style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;">IMPLANTATION / LOCALISATION</td><td style="background-color: #bef3ec;" data-mce-style="background-color: #bef3ec;">&nbsp;montest</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;" data-mce-style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;">DESCRIPTION</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;" data-mce-style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;">ETENDUE DU PROBLEME</td><td style="background-color: #bef3ec;" data-mce-style="background-color: #bef3ec;">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;" data-mce-style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;">NATURE DU DESAGREMENT</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;" data-mce-style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;">DELAIS DE TRAITEMENT SOUHAITE</td><td style="background-color: #bef3ec;" data-mce-style="background-color: #bef3ec;">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;" data-mce-style="width: 200px; background-color: #40a497;">AUTRES OBSERVATIONS</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table><p><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p>            <!--</div>
-        </body>
-        </html>-->
-        </body></html>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.odt b/modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.odt
deleted file mode 100755
index 3038c23914d8df78dbda22d8437ab599bf36509b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0

literal 8726

diff --git a/modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.pdf b/modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.pdf
deleted file mode 100755
index f698ff53d41575b222e6778f87f9e9fd8da4f2b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0

literal 7945

diff --git a/modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.txt b/modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 322dd17d9e0..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/Test/Samples/test.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-a unit test for PHP CONVERSION lorem ipsum...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/ajax_convert.php b/modules/convert/ajax_convert.php
deleted file mode 100755
index c6975a255fb..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/ajax_convert.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// sample for attachments in allMode :
-// http://urltomaarch/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php?page=ajax_convert&module=convert&id=1&collId=attachments_coll
-$func = new functions();
-for ($i=0;$i<count($_SESSION['collections']);$i++) {
-    if ($_SESSION['collections'][$i]['id'] == $_REQUEST['collId']) {
-        $resTable = $_SESSION['collections'][$i]['table'];
-        $adrTable = $_SESSION['collections'][$i]['adr'];
-    }
-// echo $_REQUEST['collId'] . '<br />';
-// echo $resTable . PHP_EOL . '<br />';
-// echo $adrTable . PHP_EOL . '<br />';
-// echo $_REQUEST['id'] . PHP_EOL . '<br />';
-$params = array(
-    'collId' => $_REQUEST['collId'], 
-    'resTable' => $resTable, 
-    'adrTable' => $adrTable, 
-    'resId' => $_REQUEST['id'],
-    'tmpDir' => $_SESSION['config']['tmppath']
-require_once 'core/services/ManageDocservers.php';
-$ManageDocservers = new Core_ManageDocservers_Service();
-require_once 'modules/convert/services/ManageConvert.php';
-$ManageConvertService = new Convert_ManageConvert_Service();
-$resultOfConversion = $ManageConvertService->convertAll($params);
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/LoggerLog4php.php b/modules/convert/batch/LoggerLog4php.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 22eb7fab0ec..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/LoggerLog4php.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
- * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
- * This file is part of Maarch software.
- *
- */
-/** Logger class
- *
- * @author Laurent Giovannoni <>
- **/
-class Logger4Php
-    /**
-     * Array of errors levels
-     *
-     * @protected
-     **/
-    protected $error_levels = array('DEBUG' => 0, 'INFO' => 1, 'NOTICE' => 2, 'WARNING' => 3, 'ERROR' => 4);
-    /**
-     * Maps each handler with its log threshold.
-     *
-     * @protected
-     **/
-    protected $mapping;
-    /**
-     * Minimum log level
-     *
-     * @protected
-     **/
-    protected $threshold_level;
-    /**
-     * Path to log4Php library
-     *
-     * @protected
-     **/
-    protected $log4PhpLibrary;
-    /**
-     * Name of the logger
-     *
-     * @protected
-     **/
-    protected $log4PhpLogger;
-    /**
-     * Name of the business code
-     *
-     * @protected
-     **/
-    protected $log4PhpBusinessCode;
-    /**
-     * Path of the param of log4php
-     *
-     * @protected
-     **/
-    protected $log4PhpConfigPath;
-    /**
-     * Name of the batch
-     *
-     * @protected
-     **/
-    protected $log4PhpBatchName;
-    /** Class constructor
-     *
-     * Inits the threshold level
-     *
-     * @param $threshold_level (string) Threshold level (set to 'INFO' by default)
-     **/
-    function __construct($threshold_level = 'WARNING')
-    {
-        $this->threshold_level = $threshold_level;
-        $this->mapping = array_fill(0, count($this->error_levels), array());
-    }
-    /** Writes error message in current handlers
-     *
-     * writes only if the error level is greater or equal the threshold level
-     *
-     * @param $msg (string) Error message
-     * @param $error_level (string) Error level (set to 'INFO' by default)
-     * @param $error_code (integer) Error code (set to 0 by default)
-     **/
-    public function write($msg, $error_level = 'INFO', $error_code = 0, $other_params = array())
-    {
-        if (!array_key_exists($error_level, $this->error_levels)) {
-            $error_level = 'INFO';
-        }
-        $foundLogger = false;
-        if ($this->error_levels[$error_level] >= $this->error_levels[$this->threshold_level]) {
-            for ($i=$this->error_levels[$error_level];$i>=0;$i--) {
-                foreach ($this->mapping[$i] as $handler) {
-                    $handler->write($msg, $error_level, $error_code, $other_params);
-                    if (
-                        get_class($handler) == 'FileHandler'
-                        && (isset($this->log4PhpLibrary)
-                        && !empty($this->log4PhpLibrary))
-                    ) {
-                        if ($error_code == 0) {
-                            $result = 'OK';
-                        } else {
-                            $result = 'KO';
-                            $msg = '%error_code:' . $error_code . '% ' . $msg;
-                        }
-                        require_once($this->log4PhpLibrary);
-                        $remote_ip = '';
-                        Logger::configure($this->log4PhpConfigPath);
-                        $logger = Logger::getLogger($this->log4PhpLogger);
-                        $searchPatterns = array('%ACCESS_METHOD%',
-                            '%RESULT%',
-                            '%BUSINESS_CODE%',
-                            '%HOW%',
-                            '%WHAT%',
-                            '%REMOTE_IP%',
-                            '%BATCH_NAME%'
-                        );
-                        $replacePatterns = array('Script',
-                            $result,
-                            $this->log4PhpBusinessCode,
-                            'UP',
-                            $msg,
-                            $remote_ip,
-                            $this->log4PhpBatchName
-                        );
-                        $logLine = str_replace($searchPatterns,
-                            $replacePatterns,
-                            '[%ACCESS_METHOD%][%RESULT%]'
-                            . '[%BUSINESS_CODE%][%HOW%][%WHAT%][%BATCH_NAME%]'
-                        );
-                        $this->writeLog4php($logger, $logLine, $error_level);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     * write a log entry with a specific log level
-     * @param object $logger Log4php logger
-     * @param string $logLine Line we want to trace
-     * @param enum $level Log level
-     */
-    function writeLog4php($logger, $logLine, $level) {
-        switch ($level) {
-            case 'DEBUG':
-                $logger->debug($logLine);
-                break;
-            case 'INFO':
-                $logger->info($logLine);
-                break;
-            case 'WARNING':
-                $logger->warn($logLine);
-                break;
-            case 'ERROR':
-                $logger->error($logLine);
-                break;
-            case 'FATAL':
-                $logger->fatal($logLine);
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    /** Adds a new handler in the current handlers array
-     *
-     * @param $handler (object) Handler object
-     **/
-    public function add_handler(&$handler, $error_level = NULL)
-    {
-        if(!isset($handler))
-            return false;
-        if(!isset($error_level) || !array_key_exists($error_level, $this->error_levels))
-        {
-            $error_level = $this->threshold_level;
-        }
-        $this->mapping[$this->error_levels[$error_level]][] = $handler;
-        return true;
-    }
-    /** Adds a new handler in the current handlers array
-     *
-     * @param $handler (object) Handler object
-     **/
-    public function change_handler_log_level(&$handler, $log_level )
-    {
-        if (!isset($handler) || !isset($log_level))
-            return false;
-        if (!array_key_exists($log_level, $this->error_levels)) {
-           return false;
-        }
-        for ($i=0; $i<count($this->mapping);$i++) {
-            for($j=0;$j<count($this->mapping[$i]);$j++) {
-                if($handler == $this->mapping[$i][$j]) {
-                    unset($this->mapping[$i][$j]);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        $this->mapping = array_values($this->mapping);
-        $this->mapping[$this->error_levels[$log_level]][] = $handler;
-        return true;
-    }
-    /** Sets treshold level
-     *
-     * @param $treshold (string) treshold level
-     **/
-    public function set_threshold_level($treshold)
-    {
-        if (isset($treshold) && array_key_exists($treshold, $this->error_levels)) {
-            $this->threshold_level = $treshold;
-            return true;
-        }
-        $this->threshold_level = 'WARNING';
-        return false;
-    }
-    /** Sets log4Php library path
-     *
-     * @param $log4PhpLibrary (string) path
-     **/
-    public function set_log4PhpLibrary($log4PhpLibrary)
-    {
-        if (isset($log4PhpLibrary) && !empty($log4PhpLibrary)) {
-            if (file_exists($log4PhpLibrary)) {
-                $this->log4PhpLibrary = $log4PhpLibrary;
-                return true;
-            } else {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    /** Sets log4php logger name
-     *
-     * @param $log4PhpLogger (string) logger name
-     **/
-    public function set_log4PhpLogger($log4PhpLogger)
-    {
-        if (isset($log4PhpLogger) && !empty($log4PhpLogger)) {
-            $this->log4PhpLogger = $log4PhpLogger;
-            return true;
-        }
-        $this->log4PhpLogger = 'loggerTechnique';
-        return false;
-    }
-    /** Sets log4php path to log4php xml config
-     *
-     * @param $log4PhpPath (string) path to log4php xml config
-     **/
-    public function set_log4PhpConfigPath($log4PhpConfigPath)
-    {
-        if (isset($log4PhpConfigPath) && !empty($log4PhpConfigPath)) {
-            if (file_exists($log4PhpConfigPath)) {
-                $this->log4PhpConfigPath = $log4PhpConfigPath;
-                return true;
-            } else {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    /** Sets log4php business code
-     *
-     * @param $log4PhpBusinessCode (string) business code
-     **/
-    public function set_log4PhpBusinessCode($log4PhpBusinessCode)
-    {
-        if (isset($log4PhpBusinessCode) && !empty($log4PhpBusinessCode)) {
-            $this->log4PhpBusinessCode = $log4PhpBusinessCode;
-            return true;
-        }
-        $this->log4PhpBusinessCode = 'Maarch';
-        return false;
-    }
-    /** Sets log4php batch name
-     *
-     * @param $log4PhpBatchName (string) BatchName
-     **/
-    public function set_log4PhpBatchName($log4PhpBatchName)
-    {
-        if (isset($log4PhpBatchName) && !empty($log4PhpBatchName)) {
-            $this->log4PhpBatchName = $log4PhpBatchName;
-            return true;
-        }
-        $this->log4PhpBatchName = 'MaarchBatch';
-        return false;
-    }
-    /** Class destructor
-     *
-     * Calls handlers destructors
-     **/
-    function __destruct()
-    {
-        for($i=0; $i<count($this->mapping);$i++)
-        {
-            foreach($this->mapping[$i] as $handler)
-            {
-                unset($handler);
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/batch_tools.php b/modules/convert/batch/batch_tools.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 8b55200228f..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/batch_tools.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
- * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
- * This file is part of Maarch software.
- *
- */
- * @brief API to manage batchs
- *
- * @file
- * @author Laurent Giovannoni
- * @date $date$
- * @version $Revision$
- * @ingroup convert
- */
- * Execute a sql query
- *
- * @param object $dbConn connection object to the database
- * @param string $queryTxt path of the file to include
- * @param boolean $transaction for rollback if error
- * @return true if ok, exit if ko and rollback if necessary
- */
-function Bt_doQuery($dbConn, $queryTxt, $param=array(), $transaction=false)
-    if (count($param) > 0) {
-        $stmt = $dbConn->query($queryTxt, $param);
-    } else {
-        $stmt = $dbConn->query($queryTxt);
-    }
-    if (!$stmt) {
-        if ($transaction) {
-            $GLOBALS['logger']->write('ROLLBACK', 'INFO');
-            $dbConn->query('ROLLBACK');
-        }
-        $GLOBALS['logger']->write('SQL query error:' . $queryTxt, 'WARNING');
-    }
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->write('SQL query:' . $queryTxt, 'DEBUG');
-    return $stmt;
- * Exit the batch with a return code, message in the log and
- * in the database if necessary
- *
- * @param int $returnCode code to exit (if > O error)
- * @param string $message message to the log and the DB
- * @return nothing, exit the program
- */
-function Bt_exitBatch($returnCode, $message='', $logLevel='')
-    if (file_exists($GLOBALS['lckFile'])) {
-        unlink($GLOBALS['lckFile']);
-    }
-    if ($returnCode > 0) {
-        $GLOBALS['totalProcessedResources']--;
-        if ($GLOBALS['totalProcessedResources'] == -1) {
-            $GLOBALS['totalProcessedResources'] = 0;
-        }
-        if($returnCode < 100) {
-            if (file_exists($GLOBALS['errorLckFile'])) {
-                unlink($GLOBALS['errorLckFile']);
-            }
-            $semaphore = fopen($GLOBALS['errorLckFile'], "a");
-            fwrite($semaphore, '1');
-            fclose($semaphore);
-        }
-        if($logLevel == 'WARNING'){
-            $GLOBALS['logger']->write($message, 'WARNING', $returnCode);
-        } else {
-            $GLOBALS['logger']->write($message, 'ERROR', $returnCode);
-        }
-        Bt_logInDataBase($GLOBALS['totalProcessedResources'], 1, 'return code:'
-                         . $returnCode . ', ' . $message);
-    } elseif ($message <> '') {
-        $GLOBALS['logger']->write($message, 'INFO', $returnCode);
-        Bt_logInDataBase($GLOBALS['totalProcessedResources'], 0, 'return code:'
-                         . $returnCode . ', ' . $message);
-    }
-    $query = "delete from convert_stack "
-                   . " where coll_id = ? ";
-    $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-        $GLOBALS['db'], 
-        $query,
-        array(
-            $GLOBALS['collection']
-        )
-    );
-    exit($returnCode);
-* Insert in the database the report of the batch
-* @param long $totalProcessed total of resources processed in the batch
-* @param long $totalErrors total of errors in the batch
-* @param string $info message in db
-function Bt_logInDataBase($totalProcessed=0, $totalErrors=0, $info='')
-    $query = "insert into history_batch(module_name, batch_id, event_date, "
-           . "total_processed, total_errors, info) values(?, ?, "
-           . $GLOBALS['db']->current_datetime() . ", ?, ?, ?)";
-    $stmt = $GLOBALS['dbLog']->query(
-        $query, 
-        array(
-            $GLOBALS['batchName'],
-            $GLOBALS['wb'],
-            $totalProcessed,
-            $totalErrors,
-            substr(str_replace('\\', '\\\\', str_replace("'", "`", $info)), 0, 999)
-        )
-    );
- * Get the batch if of the batch
- *
- * @return nothing
- */
-function Bt_getWorkBatch()
-    $req = "select param_value_int from parameters where id = ?";
-    $stmt = $GLOBALS['db']->query($req, array($GLOBALS['batchName'] . "_id"));
-    while ($reqResult = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-        $GLOBALS['wbCompute'] = $reqResult->param_value_int + 1;
-    }
-    if ($GLOBALS['wbCompute'] == '') {
-        $req = "insert into parameters(id, param_value_int) values "
-             . "(?, 1)";
-        $stmt = $GLOBALS['db']->query($req, array($GLOBALS['batchName'] . "_id"));
-        $GLOBALS['wbCompute'] = 1;
-    }
- * Update the database with the new batch id of the batch
- *
- * @return nothing
- */
-function Bt_updateWorkBatch()
-    $req = "update parameters set param_value_int = ? where id = ?";
-    $stmt = $GLOBALS['db']->query($req, array($GLOBALS['wbCompute'], $GLOBALS['batchName'] . "_id"));
- * Include the file requested if exists
- *
- * @param string $file path of the file to include
- * @return nothing
- */
-function Bt_myInclude($file)
-    if (file_exists($file)) {
-        include_once ($file);
-    } else {
-        throw new IncludeFileError($file);
-    }
- * Get the current date to process
- *
- * @return nothing
- */
-function Bt_getCurrentDateToProcess()
-    $req = "select param_value_date from parameters where id = ?";
-    $stmt = $GLOBALS['db']->query(
-        $req, 
-        array(
-            $GLOBALS['batchName'] . "_" . $GLOBALS['collection'] . "_current_date"
-        )
-    );
-    $reqResult = $stmt->fetchObject();
-    if ($reqResult->param_value_date == '') {
-        $req = "insert into parameters(id, param_value_date) values (?, ?)";
-        $stmt = $GLOBALS['db']->query(
-            $req, 
-            array(
-                $GLOBALS['batchName'] . "_" . $GLOBALS['collection'] . "_current_date",
-                $GLOBALS['startDateRecovery']
-            )
-        );
-        $GLOBALS['currentDate'] = $GLOBALS['startDateRecovery'];
-    } else {
-        $resultDate = formatDateFromDb($reqResult->param_value_date);
-        if (
-            $GLOBALS['func']->compare_date(
-                $GLOBALS['startDateRecovery'], 
-                $resultDate
-            ) == 'date1'
-        ) {
-            $GLOBALS['currentDate'] = $GLOBALS['startDateRecovery'];
-        } else {
-            $GLOBALS['currentDate'] = $resultDate;
-        }
-    }
- * Update the database with the current date to process
- *
- * @return nothing
- */
-function Bt_updateCurrentDateToProcess()
-    $req = "update parameters set param_value_date  = ? where id = ?";
-    $stmt = $GLOBALS['db']->query(
-        $req,
-        array(
-            $GLOBALS['currentDate'], 
-            $GLOBALS['batchName'] . "_" . $GLOBALS['collection'] . "_current_date"
-        )
-    );
- * Compute the end current date to process
- *
- * @return nothing
- */
-function Bt_getEndCurrentDateToProcess()
-    $dateArray = array();
-    $tabDate = explode('/' , $GLOBALS['currentDate']);
-    $theDate  = $tabDate[2] . '-' . $tabDate[1] . '-' . $tabDate[0];
-    $dateArray = date_parse($theDate);
-    $GLOBALS['endCurrentDate'] = strftime(
-        "%d/%m/%Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, $dateArray['month'] +1 , 0, $dateArray['year'])
-    );
- * Compute the next month currentDate
- *
- * @return nothing
- */
-function Bt_computeNextMonthCurrentDate()
-    $tabDate = array();
-    $tabDate = explode('/' , $GLOBALS['currentDate']);
-    $theDate = $tabDate[2] . '-' . $tabDate[1] . '-' . $tabDate[0];
-    $GLOBALS['currentDate'] = date("d/m/Y", strtotime('+1 month', strtotime($theDate)));
-    Bt_getEndCurrentDateToProcess();
- * Compute the creation date clause
- *
- * @return nothing
- */
-function Bt_computeCreationDateClause()
-    $GLOBALS['creationDateClause'] = '';
-    if ($GLOBALS['currentDate'] <> '') {
-        $GLOBALS['creationDateClause'] = " and (creation_date >= '" . $GLOBALS['currentDate'] . "'";
-        if ($GLOBALS['endCurrentDate'] <> '') {
-            $GLOBALS['creationDateClause'] .= " and creation_date <= '" . $GLOBALS['endCurrentDate'] . "'";
-        }
-        $GLOBALS['creationDateClause'] .= ")";
-    }
-* Formats a datetime to a dd/mm/yyyy format (date)
-* @param    $date datetime The date to format
-* @return   datetime The formated date
-function formatDateFromDb($date)
-    $lastDate = '';
-    if ($date <> "") {
-        if (strpos($date," ")) {
-            $date_ex = explode(" ",$date);
-            $theDate = explode("-",$date_ex[0]);
-            $lastDate = $theDate[0] . "/" . $theDate[1] . "/" . $theDate[2];
-        } else {
-            $theDate = explode("-",$date);
-            $lastDate = $theDate[0] . "/" . $theDate[1] . "/" . $theDate[2];
-        }
-    }
-    return $lastDate;
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/config/config.xml b/modules/convert/batch/config/config.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index c3ee180b529..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/config/config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <CONFIG>
-        <Lang>fr</Lang> <!-- fr, en-->
-        <MaarchDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/</MaarchDirectory>
-        <TmpDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/tmp/</TmpDirectory>
-        <LogLevel>DEBUG</LogLevel>  <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <DisplayedLogLevel>DEBUG</DisplayedLogLevel> <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <StackSizeLimit>1000</StackSizeLimit>
-        <ApacheUserAndGroup>lgi:lgi</ApacheUserAndGroup>
-        <UnoconvPath>unoconv</UnoconvPath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <OpenOfficePath>soffice</OpenOfficePath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <UnoconvOptions>--port 8100</UnoconvOptions>
-        <RegExResId>false</RegExResId>
-        <StartDateRecovery>false</StartDateRecovery> <!-- false or date dd/mm/yyyy -->
-        <CurrentMonthOnly>false</CurrentMonthOnly> <!-- true or false -->
-    </CONFIG>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>pdf</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ott,odm,html,oth,ods,ots,odg,otg,odp,otp,odf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,tiff,tif,png,jpeg,jpg,gif</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>html</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>png</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-        <databaseserver></databaseserver>
-        <databaseserverport>5432</databaseserverport>
-        <databasetype>POSTGRESQL</databasetype>
-        <databasename>MaarchCourrierTest</databasename>
-        <databaseuser>maarch</databaseuser>
-        <databasepassword>maarch</databasepassword>
-        <Id>letterbox_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_letterbox</Table>
-        <View>res_view_letterbox</View>
-        <Adr>adr_letterbox</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/letterbox_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_view_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>version_attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_version_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_version_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments_version</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/version_attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-    <LOG4PHP>
-        <enabled>true</enabled>
-        <Log4PhpLogger>loggerTechnique</Log4PhpLogger>
-        <Log4PhpBusinessCode>Convert</Log4PhpBusinessCode>
-        <Log4PhpConfigPath>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/log4php.xml</Log4PhpConfigPath>
-    </LOG4PHP>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/config/config.xml.default b/modules/convert/batch/config/config.xml.default
deleted file mode 100755
index 7094b227dff..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/config/config.xml.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <CONFIG>
-        <Lang>fr</Lang> <!-- fr, en-->
-        <MaarchDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/</MaarchDirectory>
-        <TmpDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/tmp/</TmpDirectory>
-        <LogLevel>INFO</LogLevel>  <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <DisplayedLogLevel>INFO</DisplayedLogLevel> <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <StackSizeLimit>50</StackSizeLimit>
-        <ApacheUserAndGroup>lgi:lgi</ApacheUserAndGroup>
-        <UnoconvPath>unoconv</UnoconvPath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <OpenOfficePath>soffice</OpenOfficePath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <UnoconvOptions>--port 8100</UnoconvOptions>
-        <RegExResId>false</RegExResId>
-        <StartDateRecovery>false</StartDateRecovery> <!-- false or date dd/mm/yyyy -->
-        <CurrentMonthOnly>false</CurrentMonthOnly> <!-- true or false -->
-    </CONFIG>
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-        <OutputFormat>pdf</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ott,odm,html,oth,ods,ots,odg,otg,odp,otp,odf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,tiff,tif,png,jpeg,jpg,gif</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>html</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>png</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-        <databaseserver></databaseserver>
-        <databaseserverport>5432</databaseserverport>
-        <databasetype>POSTGRESQL</databasetype>
-        <databasename>MaarchCourrier</databasename>
-        <databaseuser>maarch</databaseuser>
-        <databasepassword>maarch</databasepassword>
-        <Id>letterbox_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_letterbox</Table>
-        <View>res_view_letterbox</View>
-        <Adr>adr_letterbox</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/letterbox_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_view_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>version_attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_version_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_version_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments_version</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/version_attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-    <LOG4PHP>
-        <enabled>true</enabled>
-        <Log4PhpLogger>loggerTechnique</Log4PhpLogger>
-        <Log4PhpBusinessCode>Convert</Log4PhpBusinessCode>
-        <Log4PhpConfigPath>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/log4php.xml</Log4PhpConfigPath>
-    </LOG4PHP>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/config/config_only_convert.xml.default b/modules/convert/batch/config/config_only_convert.xml.default
deleted file mode 100755
index 55549d7aa49..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/config/config_only_convert.xml.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <CONFIG>
-        <Lang>fr</Lang> <!-- fr, en-->
-        <MaarchDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/</MaarchDirectory>
-        <TmpDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/tmp/</TmpDirectory>
-        <LogLevel>INFO</LogLevel>  <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <DisplayedLogLevel>INFO</DisplayedLogLevel> <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <StackSizeLimit>1000</StackSizeLimit>
-        <ApacheUserAndGroup>lgi:lgi</ApacheUserAndGroup>
-        <UnoconvPath>unoconv</UnoconvPath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <OpenOfficePath>soffice</OpenOfficePath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <UnoconvOptions>--port 8100</UnoconvOptions>
-        <RegExResId>false</RegExResId>
-        <StartDateRecovery>false</StartDateRecovery> <!-- false or date dd/mm/yyyy -->
-        <CurrentMonthOnly>false</CurrentMonthOnly> <!-- true or false -->
-        <OnlyIndexes>false</OnlyIndexes>
-        <ProcessIndexesSize>50</ProcessIndexesSize>
-    </CONFIG>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>pdf</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ott,odm,html,oth,ods,ots,odg,otg,odp,otp,odf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,tiff,tif,png,jpeg,jpg,gif</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>html</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>png</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-        <databaseserver></databaseserver>
-        <databaseserverport>5432</databaseserverport>
-        <databasetype>POSTGRESQL</databasetype>
-        <databasename>MaarchCourrier</databasename>
-        <databaseuser>maarch</databaseuser>
-        <databasepassword>maarch</databasepassword>
-        <Id>letterbox_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_letterbox</Table>
-        <View>res_view_letterbox</View>
-        <Adr>adr_letterbox</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/letterbox_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_view_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>version_attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_version_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_version_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments_version</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/version_attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-    <LOG4PHP>
-        <enabled>true</enabled>
-        <Log4PhpLogger>loggerTechnique</Log4PhpLogger>
-        <Log4PhpBusinessCode>Convert</Log4PhpBusinessCode>
-        <Log4PhpConfigPath>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/log4php.xml</Log4PhpConfigPath>
-    </LOG4PHP>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/config/config_only_indexes.xml.default b/modules/convert/batch/config/config_only_indexes.xml.default
deleted file mode 100755
index 71c692441f1..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/config/config_only_indexes.xml.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <CONFIG>
-        <Lang>fr</Lang> <!-- fr, en-->
-        <MaarchDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/</MaarchDirectory>
-        <TmpDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/tmp/</TmpDirectory>
-        <LogLevel>INFO</LogLevel>  <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <DisplayedLogLevel>INFO</DisplayedLogLevel> <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <StackSizeLimit>1000</StackSizeLimit>
-        <ApacheUserAndGroup>lgi:lgi</ApacheUserAndGroup>
-        <UnoconvPath>unoconv</UnoconvPath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <OpenOfficePath>soffice</OpenOfficePath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <UnoconvOptions>--port 8100</UnoconvOptions>
-        <RegExResId>false</RegExResId>
-        <StartDateRecovery>false</StartDateRecovery> <!-- false or date dd/mm/yyyy -->
-        <CurrentMonthOnly>false</CurrentMonthOnly> <!-- true or false -->
-        <OnlyIndexes>true</OnlyIndexes>
-        <ProcessIndexesSize>50</ProcessIndexesSize>
-    </CONFIG>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>pdf</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ott,odm,html,oth,ods,ots,odg,otg,odp,otp,odf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,tiff,tif,png,jpeg,jpg,gif</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>html</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>png</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-        <databaseserver></databaseserver>
-        <databaseserverport>5432</databaseserverport>
-        <databasetype>POSTGRESQL</databasetype>
-        <databasename>MaarchCourrier</databasename>
-        <databaseuser>maarch</databaseuser>
-        <databasepassword>maarch</databasepassword>
-        <Id>letterbox_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_letterbox</Table>
-        <View>res_view_letterbox</View>
-        <Adr>adr_letterbox</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/letterbox_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_view_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>version_attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_version_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_version_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments_version</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/version_attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-    <LOG4PHP>
-        <enabled>true</enabled>
-        <Log4PhpLogger>loggerTechnique</Log4PhpLogger>
-        <Log4PhpBusinessCode>Convert</Log4PhpBusinessCode>
-        <Log4PhpConfigPath>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/log4php.xml</Log4PhpConfigPath>
-    </LOG4PHP>
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_0.xml.default b/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_0.xml.default
deleted file mode 100755
index 28a7ec2312c..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_0.xml.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <CONFIG>
-        <Lang>fr</Lang> <!-- fr, en-->
-        <MaarchDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/</MaarchDirectory>
-        <TmpDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/tmp/</TmpDirectory>
-        <LogLevel>INFO</LogLevel>  <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <DisplayedLogLevel>INFO</DisplayedLogLevel> <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <StackSizeLimit>50</StackSizeLimit>
-        <ApacheUserAndGroup>lgi:lgi</ApacheUserAndGroup>
-        <UnoconvPath>unoconv</UnoconvPath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <OpenOfficePath>soffice</OpenOfficePath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <UnoconvOptions>--port 8100</UnoconvOptions>
-        <RegExResId>(0|1)$</RegExResId>
-        <StartDateRecovery>false</StartDateRecovery> <!-- false or date dd/mm/yyyy -->
-        <CurrentMonthOnly>false</CurrentMonthOnly> <!-- true or false -->
-    </CONFIG>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>pdf</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ott,odm,html,oth,ods,ots,odg,otg,odp,otp,odf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,tiff,tif,png,jpeg,jpg,gif</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>html</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>png</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-        <databaseserver></databaseserver>
-        <databaseserverport>5432</databaseserverport>
-        <databasetype>POSTGRESQL</databasetype>
-        <databasename>MaarchCourrier</databasename>
-        <databaseuser>maarch</databaseuser>
-        <databasepassword>maarch</databasepassword>
-        <Id>letterbox_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_letterbox</Table>
-        <View>res_view_letterbox</View>
-        <Adr>adr_letterbox</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/letterbox_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_view_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>version_attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_version_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_version_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments_version</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/version_attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-    <LOG4PHP>
-        <enabled>true</enabled>
-        <Log4PhpLogger>loggerTechnique</Log4PhpLogger>
-        <Log4PhpBusinessCode>Convert</Log4PhpBusinessCode>
-        <Log4PhpConfigPath>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/log4php.xml</Log4PhpConfigPath>
-    </LOG4PHP>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_1.xml.default b/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_1.xml.default
deleted file mode 100755
index 123ed3ac145..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_1.xml.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <CONFIG>
-        <Lang>fr</Lang> <!-- fr, en-->
-        <MaarchDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/</MaarchDirectory>
-        <TmpDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/tmp/</TmpDirectory>
-        <LogLevel>INFO</LogLevel>  <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <DisplayedLogLevel>INFO</DisplayedLogLevel> <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <StackSizeLimit>50</StackSizeLimit>
-        <ApacheUserAndGroup>lgi:lgi</ApacheUserAndGroup>
-        <UnoconvPath>unoconv</UnoconvPath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <OpenOfficePath>soffice</OpenOfficePath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <UnoconvOptions>--port 8100</UnoconvOptions>
-        <RegExResId>(2|3)$</RegExResId>
-        <StartDateRecovery>false</StartDateRecovery> <!-- false or date dd/mm/yyyy -->
-        <CurrentMonthOnly>false</CurrentMonthOnly> <!-- true or false -->
-    </CONFIG>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>pdf</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ott,odm,html,oth,ods,ots,odg,otg,odp,otp,odf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,tiff,tif,png,jpeg,jpg,gif</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>html</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>png</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-        <databaseserver></databaseserver>
-        <databaseserverport>5432</databaseserverport>
-        <databasetype>POSTGRESQL</databasetype>
-        <databasename>MaarchCourrier</databasename>
-        <databaseuser>maarch</databaseuser>
-        <databasepassword>maarch</databasepassword>
-        <Id>letterbox_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_letterbox</Table>
-        <View>res_view_letterbox</View>
-        <Adr>adr_letterbox</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/letterbox_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_view_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>version_attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_version_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_version_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments_version</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/version_attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-    <LOG4PHP>
-        <enabled>true</enabled>
-        <Log4PhpLogger>loggerTechnique</Log4PhpLogger>
-        <Log4PhpBusinessCode>Convert</Log4PhpBusinessCode>
-        <Log4PhpConfigPath>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/log4php.xml</Log4PhpConfigPath>
-    </LOG4PHP>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_2.xml.default b/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_2.xml.default
deleted file mode 100755
index b30e3ba84c8..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_2.xml.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <CONFIG>
-        <Lang>fr</Lang> <!-- fr, en-->
-        <MaarchDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/</MaarchDirectory>
-        <TmpDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/tmp/</TmpDirectory>
-        <LogLevel>INFO</LogLevel>  <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <DisplayedLogLevel>INFO</DisplayedLogLevel> <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <StackSizeLimit>50</StackSizeLimit>
-        <ApacheUserAndGroup>lgi:lgi</ApacheUserAndGroup>
-        <UnoconvPath>unoconv</UnoconvPath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <OpenOfficePath>soffice</OpenOfficePath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <UnoconvOptions>--port 8100</UnoconvOptions>
-        <RegExResId>(4|5)$</RegExResId>
-        <StartDateRecovery>false</StartDateRecovery> <!-- false or date dd/mm/yyyy -->
-        <CurrentMonthOnly>false</CurrentMonthOnly> <!-- true or false -->
-    </CONFIG>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>pdf</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ott,odm,html,oth,ods,ots,odg,otg,odp,otp,odf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,tiff,tif,png,jpeg,jpg,gif</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>html</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>png</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-        <databaseserver></databaseserver>
-        <databaseserverport>5432</databaseserverport>
-        <databasetype>POSTGRESQL</databasetype>
-        <databasename>MaarchCourrier</databasename>
-        <databaseuser>maarch</databaseuser>
-        <databasepassword>maarch</databasepassword>
-        <Id>letterbox_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_letterbox</Table>
-        <View>res_view_letterbox</View>
-        <Adr>adr_letterbox</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/letterbox_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_view_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>version_attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_version_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_version_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments_version</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/version_attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-    <LOG4PHP>
-        <enabled>true</enabled>
-        <Log4PhpLogger>loggerTechnique</Log4PhpLogger>
-        <Log4PhpBusinessCode>Convert</Log4PhpBusinessCode>
-        <Log4PhpConfigPath>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/log4php.xml</Log4PhpConfigPath>
-    </LOG4PHP>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_3.xml.default b/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_3.xml.default
deleted file mode 100755
index aa851ceddb4..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_3.xml.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <CONFIG>
-        <Lang>fr</Lang> <!-- fr, en-->
-        <MaarchDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/</MaarchDirectory>
-        <TmpDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/tmp/</TmpDirectory>
-        <LogLevel>INFO</LogLevel>  <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <DisplayedLogLevel>INFO</DisplayedLogLevel> <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <StackSizeLimit>50</StackSizeLimit>
-        <ApacheUserAndGroup>lgi:lgi</ApacheUserAndGroup>
-        <UnoconvPath>unoconv</UnoconvPath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <OpenOfficePath>soffice</OpenOfficePath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <UnoconvOptions>--port 8100</UnoconvOptions>
-        <RegExResId>(6|7)$</RegExResId>
-        <StartDateRecovery>false</StartDateRecovery> <!-- false or date dd/mm/yyyy -->
-        <CurrentMonthOnly>false</CurrentMonthOnly> <!-- true or false -->
-    </CONFIG>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>pdf</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ott,odm,html,oth,ods,ots,odg,otg,odp,otp,odf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,tiff,tif,png,jpeg,jpg,gif</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>html</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>png</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-        <databaseserver></databaseserver>
-        <databaseserverport>5432</databaseserverport>
-        <databasetype>POSTGRESQL</databasetype>
-        <databasename>MaarchCourrier</databasename>
-        <databaseuser>maarch</databaseuser>
-        <databasepassword>maarch</databasepassword>
-        <Id>letterbox_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_letterbox</Table>
-        <View>res_view_letterbox</View>
-        <Adr>adr_letterbox</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/letterbox_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_view_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>version_attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_version_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_version_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments_version</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/version_attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-    <LOG4PHP>
-        <enabled>true</enabled>
-        <Log4PhpLogger>loggerTechnique</Log4PhpLogger>
-        <Log4PhpBusinessCode>Convert</Log4PhpBusinessCode>
-        <Log4PhpConfigPath>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/log4php.xml</Log4PhpConfigPath>
-    </LOG4PHP>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_4.xml.default b/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_4.xml.default
deleted file mode 100755
index 46d9f6993e0..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/config/parallel/config_4.xml.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <CONFIG>
-        <Lang>fr</Lang> <!-- fr, en-->
-        <MaarchDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/</MaarchDirectory>
-        <TmpDirectory>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/tmp/</TmpDirectory>
-        <LogLevel>INFO</LogLevel>  <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <DisplayedLogLevel>INFO</DisplayedLogLevel> <!-- DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR-->
-        <StackSizeLimit>50</StackSizeLimit>
-        <ApacheUserAndGroup>lgi:lgi</ApacheUserAndGroup>
-        <UnoconvPath>unoconv</UnoconvPath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <OpenOfficePath>soffice</OpenOfficePath> <!-- only for Windows -->
-        <UnoconvOptions>--port 8100</UnoconvOptions>
-        <RegExResId>(8|9)$</RegExResId>
-        <StartDateRecovery>false</StartDateRecovery> <!-- false or date dd/mm/yyyy -->
-        <CurrentMonthOnly>false</CurrentMonthOnly> <!-- true or false -->
-    </CONFIG>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>pdf</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ott,odm,html,oth,ods,ots,odg,otg,odp,otp,odf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,tiff,tif,png,jpeg,jpg,gif</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>html</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-    <CONVERT>
-        <OutputFormat>png</OutputFormat>
-        <InputFormat>odt,ods,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx</InputFormat>
-    </CONVERT>
-        <databaseserver></databaseserver>
-        <databaseserverport>5432</databaseserverport>
-        <databasetype>POSTGRESQL</databasetype>
-        <databasename>MaarchCourrier</databasename>
-        <databaseuser>maarch</databaseuser>
-        <databasepassword>maarch</databasepassword>
-        <Id>letterbox_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_letterbox</Table>
-        <View>res_view_letterbox</View>
-        <Adr>adr_letterbox</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/letterbox_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_view_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-        <Id>version_attachments_coll</Id>
-        <Table>res_version_attachments</Table>
-        <View>res_version_attachments</View>
-        <Adr>adr_attachments_version</Adr>
-        <path_to_lucene_index>/opt/maarch/docservers/indexes/version_attachments_coll/</path_to_lucene_index>
-    <LOG4PHP>
-        <enabled>true</enabled>
-        <Log4PhpLogger>loggerTechnique</Log4PhpLogger>
-        <Log4PhpBusinessCode>Convert</Log4PhpBusinessCode>
-        <Log4PhpConfigPath>/var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/log4php.xml</Log4PhpConfigPath>
-    </LOG4PHP>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/fill_stack.php b/modules/convert/batch/fill_stack.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 98c8930e405..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/fill_stack.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
- * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
- * This file is part of Maarch software.
- *
- */
- * @brief Batch to convert
- *
- * @file
- * @author  Laurent Giovannoni  <>
- * @date $date$
- * @version $Revision$
- * @ingroup convert
- */
- * *****   LIGHT PROBLEMS without an error semaphore
- *  101 : Configuration file missing
- *  102 : Configuration file does not exist
- *  103 : Error on loading config file
- *  104 : SQL Query Error
- *  105 : a parameter is missin
- *  106 : Maarch_CLITools is missing
- *  107 : Stack full for the policy and the cycle requested
- *  108 : Problem with the php include path
- *  109 : An instance of the batch for the required policy and cyle is already
- *        in progress
- *  110 : Problem with collection parameter
- *  111 : No resource found
- * ****   HEAVY PROBLEMS with an error semaphore
- *  11  : Cycle not found
- *  12  : Previous cycle not found
- *  13  : Error persists
- *  14  : Cycle step not found
- */
-// load the config and prepare to process
-// $query = "truncate table convert_stack";
-// $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-//     $GLOBALS['db'], 
-//     $query
-// );
-// $query = "truncate table adr_letterbox";
-// $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-//     $GLOBALS['db'], 
-//     $query
-// );
-// $query = "update res_letterbox set convert_result = 0";
-// $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-//     $GLOBALS['db'], 
-//     $query
-// );
-/* beginning */
-$state = 'CONTROL_STACK';
-while ($state <> 'END') {
-    if (isset($GLOBALS['logger'])) {
-        $GLOBALS['logger']->write('STATE:' . $state, 'INFO');
-    }
-    switch ($state) {
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        /*                          CONTROL_STACK                             */
-        /* Checking if the stack is full                                      */
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        case 'CONTROL_STACK' :
-            //ONLY FOR TEST
-            $query = "truncate table convert_stack";
-            $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-                $GLOBALS['db'], 
-                $query
-            );
-            $query = "select count(1) as cpt from convert_stack "
-                   . " where coll_id = ? and regex = ?";
-            $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-                $GLOBALS['db'], 
-                $query, 
-                array($GLOBALS['collection'], $GLOBALS['regExResId'])
-            );
-            $resultCpt = $stmt->fetchObject();
-            if ($resultCpt->cpt > 0) {
-                Bt_exitBatch(107, 'stack is full for collection:'
-                             . $GLOBALS['collection'] . ', regex:'
-                             . $GLOBALS['regExResId']
-                             , 'WARNING');
-                break;
-            }
-            $state = 'SELECT_RES';
-            break;
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        /*                          SELECT_RES                                */
-        /* Selects candidates                                                 */
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        case 'SELECT_RES' :
-            $orderBy = ' order by res_id ';
-            if ($GLOBALS['stackSizeLimit'] <> '') {
-                $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $GLOBALS['stackSizeLimit'];
-            }
-            if ($GLOBALS['OnlyIndexes']) {
-                $where_clause = " convert_result = '1' and ( (fulltext_result = '0' or fulltext_result = '' "
-                    . "or fulltext_result is null) or (fulltext_result= '-1' and (convert_attempts < 3))) ";
-                $where_clause .= $GLOBALS['creationDateClause'] 
-                    . $GLOBALS['whereRegex'];
-            } else {
-                $where_clause = " (convert_result = '0' or convert_result = '' " 
-                    . "or convert_result is null) or (convert_result= '-1' and (convert_attempts < 3)) "
-                    . $GLOBALS['creationDateClause']
-                    . $GLOBALS['whereRegex'];
-            }
-            $query = $GLOBALS['db']->limit_select(
-                0, 
-                $GLOBALS['stackSizeLimit'], 
-                'res_id', 
-                $GLOBALS['table'], 
-                $where_clause, 
-                $orderBy
-            );
-            $stmt = Bt_doQuery($GLOBALS['db'], $query);
-            $resourcesArray = array();
-            while ($resoucesRecordset = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-                array_push(
-                    $resourcesArray,
-                        array('res_id' => $resoucesRecordset->res_id)
-                );
-            }
-            if (count($resourcesArray) == 0) {
-                if ($GLOBALS['creationDateClause'] <> '') {
-                    $GLOBALS['logger']->write('No resource found for collection', 'INFO');
-                    // test if we have to change the current date
-                    if ($GLOBALS['currentMonthOnly'] == 'false') {
-                        if ($GLOBALS['OnlyIndexes']) {
-                            $queryTestDate = " convert_result = '1' and ( (fulltext_result = '0' or fulltext_result = '' "
-                                    . "or fulltext_result is null) or (fulltext_result= '-1' and (fulltext_attempts < 3))) ";
-                            $queryTestDate .= $GLOBALS['creationDateClause'];
-                        } else {
-                            $queryTestDate = " select count(res_id) as totalres from " 
-                                . $GLOBALS['table'] . " (convert_result = '0' or convert_result = '' " 
-                                . "or convert_result is null) or (convert_result= '-1' and (convert_attempts < 3)) "
-                                . $GLOBALS['creationDateClause'];
-                        }
-                        $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-                            $GLOBALS['db'], 
-                            $queryTestDate
-                        );
-                        $resultTotal = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                        if ($resultTotal->totalres == 0) {
-                            Bt_computeNextMonthCurrentDate();
-                            Bt_computeCreationDateClause();
-                            Bt_updateCurrentDateToProcess();
-                            if ($GLOBALS['OnlyIndexes']) {
-                                $where_clause = " convert_result = '1' and ( (fulltext_result = '0' or fulltext_result = '' "
-                                    . "or fulltext_result is null) or (fulltext_result= '-1' and (fulltext_attempts < 3))) ";
-                                $where_clause .= $GLOBALS['creationDateClause']
-                                    . $GLOBALS['whereRegex'];
-                            } else {
-                                $where_clause = " (convert_result = '0' or convert_result = '' " 
-                                    . "or convert_result is null) or (convert_result= '-1' and (convert_attempts < 3)) "
-                                    . $GLOBALS['creationDateClause']
-                                    . $GLOBALS['whereRegex'];
-                            }
-                            $query = $GLOBALS['db']->limit_select(
-                                0, 
-                                $GLOBALS['stackSizeLimit'], 
-                                'res_id', 
-                                $GLOBALS['table'], 
-                                $where_clause, 
-                                $orderBy
-                            );
-                            $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-                                $GLOBALS['db'], 
-                                $query
-                            );
-                            $resourcesArray = array();
-                            while ($resoucesRecordset = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-                                array_push(
-                                    $resourcesArray,
-                                        array('res_id' => $resoucesRecordset->res_id)
-                                    );
-                            }
-                            if (count($resourcesArray) == 0) {
-                                $GLOBALS['logger']->write('No resource found for collection', 'INFO');
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    $GLOBALS['logger']->write('No resource found for collection', 'INFO');
-                }
-            }
-            $state = 'FILL_STACK';
-            break;
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        /*                          FILL_STACK                                */
-        /* Fill the stack of candidates                                       */
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        case 'FILL_STACK' :
-            for ($cptRes = 0;$cptRes < count($resourcesArray);$cptRes++) {
-                $query = "insert into convert_stack"
-                       . " (coll_id, res_id, status, work_batch, regex) "
-                       . "values (?, ?, 'I', ?, ?)";
-                $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-                    $GLOBALS['db'], 
-                    $query, 
-                    array(
-                        $GLOBALS['collection'],
-                        $resourcesArray[$cptRes]["res_id"],
-                        $GLOBALS['wb'],
-                        $GLOBALS['regExResId']
-                    )
-                );
-                //history
-                $query = "insert into " . HISTORY_TABLE
-                       . " (table_name, record_id, event_type, user_id, "
-                       . "event_date, info, id_module) values (?, ?, 'ADD', 'CONVERT_BOT', "
-                       . $GLOBALS['db']->current_datetime()
-                       . ", ?, 'convert')";
-                $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-                    $GLOBALS['db'], 
-                    $query,
-                    array(
-                        $GLOBALS['table'],
-                        $resourcesArray[$cptRes]["res_id"],
-                        "convert fill stack for collection:" . $GLOBALS['collection']
-                    )
-                );
-                $GLOBALS['totalProcessedResources']++;
-            }
-            $state = 'END';
-            break;
-    }
-$GLOBALS['logger']->write('End of process fill stack', 'INFO');
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/load_fill_stack.php b/modules/convert/batch/load_fill_stack.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 3721e3515a0..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/load_fill_stack.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
- * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
- * This file is part of Maarch software.
- *
- */
- * @brief Library to convert
- *
- * @file
- * @author  Laurent Giovannoni  <>
- * @date $date$
- * @version $Revision$
- * @ingroup convert
- */
-* @brief Class to include the file error
-* @ingroup convert
-class IncludeFileError extends Exception
-    public function __construct($file) 
-    {
-        $this->file = $file;
-        parent :: __construct('Include File \'$file\' is missing!', 1);
-    }
-try {
-    include('Maarch_CLITools/ArgsParser.php');
-    include('LoggerLog4php.php');
-    include('Maarch_CLITools/FileHandler.php');
-    include('Maarch_CLITools/ConsoleHandler.php');
-} catch (IncludeFileError $e) {
-    echo 'Maarch_CLITools required ! \n (\n';
-    exit(106);
-// Globals variables definition
-$state = '';
-$configFile = '';
-$MaarchDirectory = '';
-$batchDirectory = '';
-$batchName = 'convert';
-$TmpDirectory = '';
-$table = '';
-$adrTable = '';
-$view = '';
-$coll = '';
-$creationDateClause = '';
-$currentStep = '';
-$docservers = Array();
-$docserverSourcePath = '';
-$docserverSourceFingerprint = '';
-$databasetype = '';
-$exitCode = 0;
-$running_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
-$func = '';
-$db = '';
-$db2 = '';
-$db3 = '';
-$docserverControler = '';
-$wb = '';
-$wbCompute = '';
-$stackSizeLimit = '';
-$docserversFeatures = array();
-$lckFile = '';
-$errorLckFile = '';
-$totalProcessedResources = 0;
-$apacheUserAndGroup =  '';
-$regExResId = 'false';
-$startDateRecovery = 'false';
-$currentDate = 'false';
-$endCurrentDate = 'false';
-$currentMonthOnly = 'false';
-$OnlyIndexes = 'false';
-$ProcessIndexesSize = 1000;
-$whereRegex = '';
-$log4PhpEnabled = false;
-// Defines scripts arguments
-$argsparser = new ArgsParser();
-// The config file
-    'config', 
-    array(
-        'short' => 'c',
-        'long' => 'config',
-        'mandatory' => true,
-        'help' => 'Config file path is mandatory.',
-    )
-// The res collection target
-    'collection', 
-    array(
-        'short' => 'coll',
-        'long' => 'collection',
-        'mandatory' => true,
-        'help' => 'Collection target is mandatory.',
-    )
-// The path of the log directory
-    'logs', 
-    array(
-        'short' => 'logs',
-        'long' => 'logs',
-        'mandatory' => false,
-        'help' => '',
-    )
-// Parsing script options
-try {
-    $options = $argsparser->parse_args($GLOBALS['argv']);
-    // If option = help then options = false and the script continues ...
-    if ($options == false) {
-        exit(0);
-    }
-} catch (MissingArgumentError $e) {
-    if ($e->arg_name == 'config') {
-        $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Configuration file missing', 'ERROR', 101);
-        exit(101);
-    }
-    if ($e->arg_name == 'collection') {
-        $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Collection missing', 'ERROR', 1);
-        exit(105);
-    }
-// Log management
-$GLOBALS['logger'] = new Logger4Php();
-$console = new ConsoleHandler();
-if (!empty($options['logs'])) {
-    $logFile = $options['logs'] . '/' . date('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . '.log';
-} else {
-    $logFile = 'logs' . '/' . date('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . '.log';
-$file = new FileHandler($logFile);
-$GLOBALS['logger']->write('STATE:INIT', 'INFO');
-$txt = '';
-foreach (array_keys($options) as $key) {
-    if (isset($options[$key]) && $options[$key] == false) {
-        $txt .= $key . '=false,';
-    } else {
-        $txt .= $key . '=' . $options[$key] . ',';
-    }
-$GLOBALS['logger']->write($txt, 'DEBUG');
-$GLOBALS['configFile'] = $options['config'];
-$GLOBALS['collection'] = $options['collection'];
-$GLOBALS['logger']->write($txt, 'INFO');
-// Tests existence of config file
-if (!file_exists($GLOBALS['configFile'])) {
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Configuration file ' . $GLOBALS['configFile'] 
-                              . ' does not exist', 'ERROR', 102);
-    exit(102);
-// Loading config file
-$GLOBALS['logger']->write('Load xml config file:' . $GLOBALS['configFile'], 
-                          'INFO');
-$xmlconfig = simplexml_load_file($GLOBALS['configFile']);
-if ($xmlconfig == FALSE) {
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Error on loading config file:' 
-                              . $GLOBALS['configFile'], 'ERROR', 103);
-    exit(103);
-// Load the config vars
-$CONFIG = $xmlconfig->CONFIG;
-$lang = (string) $CONFIG->Lang;
-$GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] = (string) $CONFIG->MaarchDirectory;
-$GLOBALS['batchDirectory'] = $GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'modules/convert/batch';
-$GLOBALS['tmpDirectoryRoot'] = (string) $CONFIG->TmpDirectory;
-$MaarchApps = (string) $CONFIG->MaarchApps;
-$logLevel = (string) $CONFIG->LogLevel;
-$DisplayedLogLevel = (string) $CONFIG->DisplayedLogLevel;
-$GLOBALS['apacheUserAndGroup'] = (string) $CONFIG->ApacheUserAndGroup;
-$GLOBALS['stackSizeLimit'] = (string) $CONFIG->StackSizeLimit;
-$GLOBALS['databasetype'] = (string) $xmlconfig->CONFIG_BASE->databasetype;
-$GLOBALS['unoconvPath'] = (string) $CONFIG->UnoconvPath;
-$GLOBALS['openOfficePath'] = (string) $CONFIG->OpenOfficePath;
-$GLOBALS['unoconvOptions'] = (string) $CONFIG->UnoconvOptions;
-$GLOBALS['regExResId'] = (string) $CONFIG->RegExResId;
-$GLOBALS['startDateRecovery'] = (string) $CONFIG->StartDateRecovery;
-$GLOBALS['currentMonthOnly'] = (string) $CONFIG->CurrentMonthOnly;
-$GLOBALS['OnlyIndexes'] = (string) $CONFIG->OnlyIndexes;
-if ($GLOBALS['OnlyIndexes'] == 'true') {
-    $GLOBALS['OnlyIndexes'] = true;
-} else {
-    $GLOBALS['OnlyIndexes'] = false;
-$GLOBALS['ProcessIndexesSize'] = (string) $CONFIG->ProcessIndexesSize;
-if ($GLOBALS['regExResId'] <> 'false') {
-    if ($GLOBALS['databasetype'] == 'POSTGRESQL') {
-        $GLOBALS['whereRegex'] = " and cast(res_id as character varying(255)) ~ '" 
-            . $GLOBALS['regExResId'] . "' ";
-    } elseif ($GLOBALS['databasetype'] == 'ORACLE') {
-        $GLOBALS['whereRegex'] = " and REGEXP_LIKE (to_char(res_id), '" 
-            . $GLOBALS['regExResId'] . "') ";
-    }
-$arrayOfInputs = array();
-$GLOBALS['convertFormats'] = array();
-$i = 0;
-foreach ($xmlconfig->CONVERT as $convert) {
-    $outputFormat = (string) $convert->OutputFormat;
-    $arrayOfInputs = explode(',', (string) $convert->InputFormat);
-    $cptInputs = count($arrayOfInputs);
-    for ($j=0;$j<$cptInputs;$j++) {
-        if (!empty($GLOBALS['convertFormats'][$arrayOfInputs[$j]])) {
-            $GLOBALS['convertFormats'][$arrayOfInputs[$j]] .= "_" . $outputFormat;
-        } else {
-            $GLOBALS['convertFormats'][$arrayOfInputs[$j]] .= $outputFormat;
-        }
-    }
-    $i++;
-$i = 0;
-foreach ($xmlconfig->COLLECTION as $col) {
-    $GLOBALS['collections'][$i] = array (
-        'id'             => (string) $col->Id, 
-        'table'          => (string) $col->Table, 
-        'view'           => (string) $col->View, 
-        'adr'            => (string) $col->Adr,
-        'path_to_lucene' => (string) $col->path_to_lucene_index
-    );
-    if ($GLOBALS['collections'][$i]['id'] == $GLOBALS['collection']) {
-        $GLOBALS['table']          = $GLOBALS['collections'][$i]['table'];
-        $GLOBALS['adrTable']       = $GLOBALS['collections'][$i]['adr'];
-        $GLOBALS['view']           = $GLOBALS['collections'][$i]['view'];
-        $GLOBALS['path_to_lucene'] = $GLOBALS['collections'][$i]['path_to_lucene'];
-    }
-    $i++;
-set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR 
-    . $GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory']);
-//log4php params
-$log4phpParams = $xmlconfig->LOG4PHP;
-if ((string) $log4phpParams->enabled == 'true') {
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->set_log4PhpLibrary(
-        $GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] 
-            . 'apps/maarch_entreprise/tools/log4php/Logger.php'
-    );
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->set_log4PhpLogger((string) $log4phpParams->Log4PhpLogger);
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->set_log4PhpBusinessCode((string) $log4phpParams->Log4PhpBusinessCode);
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->set_log4PhpConfigPath((string) $log4phpParams->Log4PhpConfigPath);
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->set_log4PhpBatchName('convert');
-if ($GLOBALS['table'] == '' 
-    || $GLOBALS['adrTable'] == '' 
-    || $GLOBALS['view'] == ''
-) {
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Collection:' . $GLOBALS['collection'].' unknow'
-                              , 'ERROR', 110);
-    exit(110);
-if (file_exists($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'modules/convert/lang/' . $lang . '.php')
-) {
-    include($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'modules/convert/lang/' . $lang . '.php');
-/*if ($logLevel == 'DEBUG') {
-    error_reporting(E_ALL);
-$GLOBALS['logger']->change_handler_log_level($file, $logLevel);
-$GLOBALS['logger']->change_handler_log_level($console, $DisplayedLogLevel);
-// Include library
-try {
-    Bt_myInclude($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'vendor/autoload.php');
-    Bt_myInclude($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'core/class/class_functions.php');
-    Bt_myInclude($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'core/class/class_db.php');
-    Bt_myInclude($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'core/class/class_db_pdo.php');
-    Bt_myInclude($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'core/class/class_core_tools.php');
-    Bt_myInclude($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'core/core_tables.php');
-    Bt_myInclude($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'core/class/docservers_controler.php');
-    Bt_myInclude($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'core/docservers_tools.php');
-    Bt_myInclude($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'core/class/docserver_types_controler.php');
-    //Bt_myInclude($GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'] . 'modules/convert/services/ManageConvert.php');
-} catch (IncludeFileError $e) {
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->write(
-        'Problem with the php include path:' 
-        . get_include_path(), 'ERROR', 111
-    );
-    exit(111);
-if (!is_dir($GLOBALS['tmpDirectoryRoot'])) {
-    mkdir($GLOBALS['tmpDirectoryRoot']);
-    // echo PHP_EOL.'tmpDirectoryRoot '.$GLOBALS['tmpDirectoryRoot'].PHP_EOL;
-    // $GLOBALS['logger']->write(
-    //     'Problem with the tmp dir:' . $GLOBALS['tmpDirectoryRoot'], 'ERROR', 17
-    // );
-    // exit(17);
-$coreTools = new core_tools();
-$coreTools->load_lang($lang, $GLOBALS['MaarchDirectory'], $MaarchApps);
-$_SESSION['modules_loaded']    = array();
-$_SESSION['user']['UserId']    = 'BOT_CONVERT';
-$GLOBALS['func']               = new functions();
-$GLOBALS['db']                 = new Database($GLOBALS['configFile']);
-$GLOBALS['db2']                = new Database($GLOBALS['configFile']);
-$GLOBALS['db3']                = new Database($GLOBALS['configFile']);
-$GLOBALS['dbLog']              = new Database($GLOBALS['configFile']);
-$GLOBALS['docserverControler'] = new docservers_controler();
-$GLOBALS['processConvert']     = new \Convert\Controllers\ProcessManageConvertController($GLOBALS['openOfficePath']);
-$GLOBALS['processIndexes']     = new \Convert\Controllers\ProcessFulltextController();
-$configFileName = basename($GLOBALS['configFile'], '.xml');
-$GLOBALS['errorLckFile'] = $GLOBALS['batchDirectory'] . '/' 
-                         . $GLOBALS['batchName'] . '_' . $GLOBALS['collection']  
-                         . '_' .  $configFileName
-                         . '_error.lck';
-$GLOBALS['lckFile'] = $GLOBALS['batchDirectory'] . '/' 
-                    . $GLOBALS['batchName'] . '_' . $GLOBALS['collection'] 
-                    . '_' . $configFileName
-                    . '.lck';
-if (file_exists($GLOBALS['errorLckFile'])) {
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->write(
-        'Error persists, please solve this before launching a new batch', 
-        'ERROR', 29
-    );
-    exit(29);
-if (file_exists($GLOBALS['lckFile'])) {
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->write(
-        'An instance of the batch :' . $GLOBALS['batchName'] . '_' 
-            . $GLOBALS['collection'] . '_' . $configFileName 
-            . ' is already in progress',
-        'ERROR', 109
-    );
-    exit(109);
-if ($GLOBALS['currentMonthOnly'] == 'true') {
-    $GLOBALS['currentDate'] = date(
-        "d/m/Y", 
-        mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), 1, date("Y"))
-    );
-    Bt_getEndCurrentDateToProcess();
-    Bt_computeCreationDateClause();
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->write('current begin date to process : ' 
-        . $GLOBALS['currentDate'], 'INFO');
-} elseif ($GLOBALS['startDateRecovery'] <> 'false') {
-    Bt_getCurrentDateToProcess();
-    Bt_updateCurrentDateToProcess();
-    Bt_getEndCurrentDateToProcess();
-    Bt_computeCreationDateClause();
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->write('current begin date to process : ' 
-        . $GLOBALS['currentDate'], 'INFO');
-$semaphore = fopen($GLOBALS['lckFile'], 'a');
-fwrite($semaphore, '1');
-$GLOBALS['wb'] = rand() . $GLOBALS['wbCompute'];
-$GLOBALS['logger']->write('Batch number:' . $GLOBALS['wb'], 'INFO');
-$GLOBALS['tmpDirectory'] = $GLOBALS['tmpDirectoryRoot'] . '/' 
-                         . $GLOBALS['wb'] . '/';
-if (!is_dir($GLOBALS['tmpDirectory'])) {
-    mkdir($GLOBALS['tmpDirectory'], 0777);
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/process_stack.php b/modules/convert/batch/process_stack.php
deleted file mode 100755
index c5d46ecbf45..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/process_stack.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
- * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
- * This file is part of Maarch software.
- *
- */
- * @brief Batch to process the stack
- *
- * @file
- * @author  Laurent Giovannoni  <>
- * @date $date$
- * @version $Revision$
- * @ingroup convert
- */
- * *****   LIGHT PROBLEMS without an error semaphore
- *  101 : Configuration file missing
- *  102 : Configuration file does not exist
- *  103 : Error on loading config file
- *  104 : SQL Query Error
- *  105 : a parameter is missing
- *  106 : Maarch_CLITools is missing
- *  107 : Stack empty for the request
- *  108 : There are still documents to be processed
- *  109 : An instance of the batch for the required collection already
- *        in progress
- *  110 : Problem with collection parameter
- *  111 : Problem with the php include path
- *  112 : Problem with the setup of esign
- * ****   HEAVY PROBLEMS with an error semaphore
- *  12  : Docserver type not found
- *  13  : Docserver not found
- *  14  : ...
- *  15  : Error to copy file on docserver
- *  16  : ...
- *  17  : Tmp dir not exists
- *  18  : Problem to create path on docserver, maybe batch number 
- *        already exists
- *  19  : Tmp dir not empty
- *  20  : ...
- *  21  : Problem to create directory on the docserver
- *  22  : Problem during transfert of file (fingerprint control)
- *  23  : Problem with compression
- *  24  : Problem with extract
- *  25  : Pb with fingerprint of the source
- *  26  : File deletion impossible
- *  27  : Resource not found
- *  28  : The docserver will be full at 95 percent
- *  29  : Error persists
- *  30  : Esign problem
- */
-/* beginning */
-while ($GLOBALS['state'] <> "END") {
-    if (isset($GLOBALS['logger'])) {
-        $GLOBALS['logger']->write("STATE:" . $GLOBALS['state'], 'DEBUG');
-    }
-    switch($GLOBALS['state']) {
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        /*                          CONTROL_STACK                             */
-        /* Checking the stack is empty for the required parameters            */
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        case "CONTROL_STACK" :
-            $query = "select * from convert_stack"
-                   . " where coll_id = ? and work_batch = ?";
-            $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-                $GLOBALS['db'], 
-                $query,
-                array(
-                    $GLOBALS['collection'],
-                    $GLOBALS['wb']
-                )
-            );
-            Bt_updateWorkBatch();
-            $GLOBALS['logger']->write("Batch number:" . $GLOBALS['wb'], 'INFO');
-            $query = "update convert_stack" 
-                   . " set status = 'I' where status = 'W'"
-                   . " and work_batch = ?";
-            $stmt = Bt_doQuery($GLOBALS['db'], $query, array($GLOBALS['wb']));
-            if ($GLOBALS['OnlyIndexes']) {
-                //echo 'avant createZendIndexObject : ' . $GLOBALS['ProcessIndexesSize'] . PHP_EOL;
-                $GLOBALS['zendIndex'] = 
-                    $GLOBALS['processIndexes']->createZendIndexObject(
-                        $GLOBALS['path_to_lucene'], $GLOBALS['ProcessIndexesSize']
-                    );
-                //$GLOBALS['zendIndex']->setMergeFactor(10);
-                //print_r($GLOBALS['zendIndex']);
-            }
-            $GLOBALS['state'] = "GET_DOCSERVERS";
-            break;
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        /*                          GET_DOCSERVERS                            */
-        /* Get the list of the docservers of the collection                   */
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        case "GET_DOCSERVERS" :
-            //retrieve docservers of the collection to process
-            $query = "select * from docservers " 
-                           . " where coll_id = ?";
-            $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-                $GLOBALS['db2'], 
-                $query, 
-                array($GLOBALS['collection'])
-            );
-            $stmtCpt = $stmt;
-            if ($stmtCpt->fetchObject()->docserver_id == '') {
-                 Bt_exitBatch(13, 'Docserver not found');
-                break;
-            } else {
-                while($docserversRecordset = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-                    $GLOBALS['docservers'][$docserversRecordset->docserver_id] 
-                        = $GLOBALS['func']->object2array($docserversRecordset);
-                }
-            }
-            $GLOBALS['state'] = "A_RECORD";
-            break;
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        /*                          A_RECORD                                  */
-        /* Process a record                                                   */
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        case "A_RECORD" :
-            $GLOBALS['totalProcessedResources']++;
-            $query = "select * from convert_stack "
-                   . " where coll_id = ? "
-                   . " and status = 'I' "
-                   . " and work_batch = ? limit 1";
-            $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-                $GLOBALS['db'], 
-                $query,
-                array(
-                    $GLOBALS['collection'],
-                    $GLOBALS['wb']
-                )
-            );
-            $stackRecordset = $stmt->fetchObject();
-            if (!($stackRecordset->res_id)) {
-                if ($GLOBALS['OnlyIndexes']) {
-                    $GLOBALS['processIndexes']->commitZendIndex($GLOBALS['zendIndex']);
-                }
-                $GLOBALS['state'] = "END";
-                $GLOBALS['logger']->write('No more records to process', 'INFO');
-                break;
-            } else {
-                $currentRecordInStack = array();
-                $currentRecordInStack = $GLOBALS['func']->object2array(
-                    $stackRecordset
-                );
-                $GLOBALS['logger']->write(
-                    "current record:" . $currentRecordInStack['res_id'],
-                    'DEBUG'
-                );
-                $GLOBALS['state'] = "CONVERT_IT";
-            }
-            break;
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        /*                          CONVERT_IT                                */
-        /* Removes the address of the resource in the database                */
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        case "CONVERT_IT" :
-            if ($GLOBALS['OnlyIndexes']) {
-                $resultConvert = $GLOBALS['processIndexes']->fulltext(
-                    array(
-                        'collId'         => $GLOBALS['collection'], 
-                        'resTable'       => $GLOBALS['table'], 
-                        'adrTable'       => $GLOBALS['adrTable'], 
-                        'resId'          => $currentRecordInStack['res_id'],
-                        'tmpDir'         => $GLOBALS['tmpDirectory'],
-                        'path_to_lucene' => $GLOBALS['path_to_lucene'],
-                        'zendIndex'      => $GLOBALS['zendIndex']
-                    )
-                );
-            } else {
-                $resultConvert = $GLOBALS['processConvert']->convertAll(
-                    array(
-                        'collId'         => $GLOBALS['collection'], 
-                        'resTable'       => $GLOBALS['table'], 
-                        'adrTable'       => $GLOBALS['adrTable'], 
-                        'resId'          => $currentRecordInStack['res_id'],
-                        'tmpDir'         => $GLOBALS['tmpDirectory'],
-                        'path_to_lucene' => $GLOBALS['path_to_lucene'],
-                        //'createZendIndex'      => false
-                    )
-                );
-            }
-            $logInfo = "Problem with the record:" . $currentRecordInStack['res_id']
-                    . " details " . $resultConvert['error'];
-            if ($resultConvert['status'] == '2') {
-                $GLOBALS['logger']->write($logInfo, 'WARNING');
-            } elseif ($resultConvert['status'] <> '0') {
-                $GLOBALS['logger']->write($logInfo, 'ERROR');
-            }
-            $GLOBALS['state'] = "UPDATE_DATABASE";
-            break;
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        /*                          UPDATE_DATABASE                           */
-        /* Updating the database                                              */
-        /**********************************************************************/
-        case "UPDATE_DATABASE" :
-            $query = "delete from convert_stack "
-                   . " where coll_id = ? "
-                   . " and res_id = ?";
-            $stmt = Bt_doQuery(
-                $GLOBALS['db'], 
-                $query,
-                array(
-                    $GLOBALS['collection'],
-                    $currentRecordInStack['res_id']
-                )
-            );
-            $GLOBALS['state'] = "A_RECORD";
-            break;
-    }
-$GLOBALS['logger']->write('End of process', 'INFO');
-    $GLOBALS['totalProcessedResources'], 0, 'process without error'
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index b729fa249c8..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-cd $Mypath
-#rm convert_letterbox_coll_config.lck
-#rm convert_letterbox_coll_config_error.lck
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config.xml -coll letterbox_coll
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config.xml -coll attachments_coll
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config.xml -coll attachments_version_coll
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config.xml -coll calendar_coll
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config.xml -coll folder_coll
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config.xml -coll chrono_coll
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config.xml -coll reprise_coll
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0969b997b16..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-cd $Mypath
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config.xml -coll attachments_coll
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index e9430237257..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-cd $Mypath
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config.xml -coll letterbox_coll
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4055fb238f9..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-cd $Mypath
-#rm convert_letterbox_coll_config_only_indexes.lck
-#rm convert_letterbox_coll_config_only_indexes_error.lck
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_only_indexes.xml -coll letterbox_coll
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_only_indexes.xml -coll attachments_coll
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_only_indexes.xml -coll attachments_version_coll
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_only_indexes.xml -coll calendar_coll
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_only_indexes.xml -coll folder_coll
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_only_indexes.xml -coll chrono_coll
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_only_indexes.xml -coll reprise_coll
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 897e3b5c720..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-cd $Mypath
-rm convert_attachments_coll_config_only_indexes.lck
-rm convert_attachments_coll_config_only_indexes_error.lck
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_only_indexes.xml -coll attachments_coll
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 11906732bbf..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-cd $Mypath
-rm convert_letterbox_coll_config_only_indexes.lck
-rm convert_letterbox_coll_config_only_indexes_error.lck
-php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_only_indexes.xml -coll letterbox_coll
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2be138daf9c..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-xvfb-run -a --server-args="-screen 0, 1024x768x24" /usr/bin/wkhtmltoimage -q $*
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 76c76e2c586..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-xvfb-run -a --server-args="-screen 0, 1024x768x24" /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf -q $*
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3ffef248dfc..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-cd $Mypath
-for (( i=0; i < 3; i++ ));
-    do php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_0.xml -coll letterbox_coll
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
deleted file mode 100755
index ccd8fb0406d..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-cd $Mypath
-for (( i=0; i < 3; i++ ));
-    do php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_1.xml -coll letterbox_coll
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4405d6e3a3a..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-cd $Mypath
-for (( i=0; i < 3; i++ ));
-    do php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_2.xml -coll letterbox_coll
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
deleted file mode 100755
index 45e28e9bdb4..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-cd $Mypath
-for (( i=0; i < 3; i++ ));
-    do php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_3.xml -coll letterbox_coll
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/ b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5e2d68f800d..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-cd $Mypath
-for (( i=0; i < 3; i++ ));
-    do php $Mypath/fill_stack.php -c $ConfigPath/config_4.xml -coll letterbox_coll
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/param_cron.txt b/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/param_cron.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index de6869a344b..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/param_cron.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# tous les jours toutes les 2 heures de 0h a 20h du lundi au samedi lancement des batchs de conversion
-0 0-20/2 * * 1-6 maarch /var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
-1 0-20/2 * * 1-6 maarch /var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
-2 0-20/2 * * 1-6 maarch /var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
-3 0-20/2 * * 1-6 maarch /var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
-4 0-20/2 * * 1-6 maarch /var/www/html/MaarchCourrier/modules/convert/batch/scripts/parallel/
diff --git a/modules/convert/batch/verif_index.php b/modules/convert/batch/verif_index.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 203f6be90d0..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/batch/verif_index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
- * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
- * This file is part of Maarch software.
- *
- */
-// load the config and prepare to process
-$GLOBALS['zendIndex'] =
-        $GLOBALS['processIndexes']->createZendIndexObject(
-                $GLOBALS['path_to_lucene'], $GLOBALS['ProcessIndexesSize']
-        );
diff --git a/modules/convert/class/class_modules_tools.php b/modules/convert/class/class_modules_tools.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 949f379d3a9..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/class/class_modules_tools.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-*   Copyright 2008-2016 Maarch
-*   This file is part of Maarch Framework.
-*   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-*   (at your option) any later version.
-*   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-*   along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
-* @defgroup convert convert Module
-* @brief   Module convert :  Module Tools Class
-* <ul>
-* <li>Set the session variables needed to run the convert module</li>
-* </ul>
-* @file
-* @author Laurent Giovannoni <>
-* @date $date$
-* @version $Revision$
-* @ingroup convert
-* @brief Module convert : Module Tools Class
-* <ul>
-* <li>Loads the tables used by the convert</li>
-* <li>Set the session variables needed to run the convert module</li>
-* </ul>
-* @ingroup convert
-class convert extends Database
-    function __construct()
-    {
-        parent::__construct();
-        $this->index = array();
-    }
-    /**
-    * Loads convert  tables into sessions vars from the
-    * convert/xml/config.xml
-    * Loads convert log setting into sessions vars from the
-    * convert/xml/config.xml
-    */
-    public function build_modules_tables()
-    {
-        if (file_exists($_SESSION['config']['corepath'].'custom'
-                        .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['custom_override_id']
-                        .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."modules".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
-                        ."convert".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
-                        ."xml".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."config.xml")
-        ) {
-            $path = $_SESSION['config']['corepath'].'custom'
-                .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['custom_override_id']
-                .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."modules".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."convert"
-                .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."xml".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."config.xml";
-        } else {
-            $path = "modules".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."convert"
-                .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."xml".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."config.xml";
-        }
-        $xmlconfig = simplexml_load_file($path);
-        //$CONFIG = $xmlconfig->CONFIG;
-        // Loads the tables of the module convert
-        // into session ($_SESSION['tablename'] array)
-        // Loads the log setting of the module convert
-        // into session ($_SESSION['history'] array)
-        $HISTORY = $xmlconfig->HISTORY;
-        $_SESSION['history']['convertadd'] = (string) $HISTORY->convertadd;
-        $_SESSION['history']['convertup'] = (string) $HISTORY->convertup;
-        $_SESSION['history']['convertdel'] = (string) $HISTORY->convertdel;
-    }
-    /**
-    * Load into session vars all the convert specific vars :
-    * calls private methods
-    */
-    public function load_module_var_session($userData)
-    {
-        //functions::show_array($_SESSION['convertFeatures']);
-    }
diff --git a/modules/convert/class/ws.php b/modules/convert/class/ws.php
deleted file mode 100755
index e9f0494bcda..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/class/ws.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-global $SOAP_dispatch_map;
-global $XMLRPC_dispatch_map;
-global $SOAP_typedef;
diff --git a/modules/convert/css/module.css b/modules/convert/css/module.css
deleted file mode 100755
index e69de29bb2d..00000000000
diff --git a/modules/convert/js/functions.js b/modules/convert/js/functions.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f7c77da42a..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/js/functions.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/modules/convert/lang/en.php b/modules/convert/lang/en.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 533aa85eecc..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/lang/en.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- *
- *   Copyright 2008-2016 Maarch
- *
- *   This file is part of Maarch Framework.
- *
- *   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- *   (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *   GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *   along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
- */
diff --git a/modules/convert/lang/fr.php b/modules/convert/lang/fr.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 533aa85eecc..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/lang/fr.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- *
- *   Copyright 2008-2016 Maarch
- *
- *   This file is part of Maarch Framework.
- *
- *   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- *   (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *   GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *   along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
- */
diff --git a/modules/convert/lang/nl.php b/modules/convert/lang/nl.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 33b0bef78c5..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/lang/nl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
- * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
- * This file is part of Maarch software.
- */
diff --git a/modules/convert/optimizeLuceneIndex.php b/modules/convert/optimizeLuceneIndex.php
deleted file mode 100755
index bb022b92bd6..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/optimizeLuceneIndex.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-*   Copyright 2016 Maarch
-*   This file is part of Maarch Framework.
-*   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-*   (at your option) any later version.
-*   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-*   along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
-* @brief process fulltext class
-* <ul>
-* <li>Services to process the fulltext of resources</li>
-* </ul>
-* @file
-* @author <>
-* @date $date$
-* @version $Revision$
-* @ingroup convert
-	if(strpos($_SERVER['argv'][1], '/indexes/') >= 0){
-		$_ENV['maarch_tools_path'] = $_SERVER['argv'][2].'/apps/maarch_entreprise/tools/';
-		// Storing text in lucene index
-		set_include_path('../../../apps/maarch_entreprise/tools/' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
-		if(!@include('Zend/Search/Lucene.php')) {
-		    set_include_path('apps/maarch_entreprise/tools/'. PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()
-		    );
-		    require_once("Zend/Search/Lucene.php");
-		}
-		require_once 'Zend/Search/Lucene/Storage/File/Filesystem.php';
-		require_once 'Zend/Search/Lucene/Storage/Directory/Filesystem.php';
-		$directory = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Storage_Directory_Filesystem((string) $_SERVER['argv'][1]);
-		$testDir = Zend_Search_Lucene::getActualGeneration($directory);
-		if ($testDir != -1) {
-			$index = Zend_Search_Lucene::open((string) $_SERVER['argv'][1]);
-			if (!empty($index)) {
-				$index->setFormatVersion(Zend_Search_Lucene::FORMAT_2_3);
-				Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer::setDefault(
-					new Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8Num_CaseInsensitive()
-				);
-				$index->optimize();
-			}
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/modules/convert/test_convert.php b/modules/convert/test_convert.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 25ec308b0e4..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/test_convert.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// sample for letterbox :
-// http:/urltomaarch/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php?page=test_convert&module=convert&id=1931&collId=letterbox_coll
-// sample for attachments :
-// http:/urltomaarch/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php?page=test_convert&module=convert&id=1&collId=attachments_coll
-// sample for thumbnails :
-// http:/urltomaarch//apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php?page=test_convert&module=convert&id=1939&collId=letterbox_coll&convertMode=thumbnails
-// sample for fulltext :
-// http:/urltomaarch//apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php?page=test_convert&module=convert&id=1989&collId=letterbox_coll&convertMode=fulltext
-// sample for letterbox in allMode :
-// http:/urltomaarch/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php?page=test_convert&module=convert&id=1931&collId=letterbox_coll&convertMode=allMode
-// sample for attachments in allMode :
-// http:/urltomaarch/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php?page=test_convert&module=convert&id=1&collId=attachments_coll&convertMode=allMode
-$func = new functions();
-for ($i=0;$i<count($_SESSION['collections']);$i++) {
-    if ($_SESSION['collections'][$i]['id'] == $_REQUEST['collId']) {
-        $resTable = $_SESSION['collections'][$i]['table'];
-        $adrTable = $_SESSION['collections'][$i]['adr'];
-    }
-if (empty($_REQUEST['convertMode'])) {
-    $convertMode = 'convert';
-} else {
-    $convertMode = $_REQUEST['convertMode'];
-echo $_REQUEST['convertMode'] . '<br />';
-echo $_REQUEST['collId'] . '<br />';
-echo $resTable . PHP_EOL . '<br />';
-echo $adrTable . PHP_EOL . '<br />';
-echo $_REQUEST['id'] . PHP_EOL . '<br />';
-$params = array(
-    'collId' => $_REQUEST['collId'], 
-    'resTable' => $resTable, 
-    'adrTable' => $adrTable, 
-    'resId' => $_REQUEST['id'],
-    'tmpDir' => $_SESSION['config']['tmppath']
-require_once 'core/services/ManageDocservers.php';
-$ManageDocservers = new Core_ManageDocservers_Service();
-if ($convertMode == 'allMode') {
-	require_once 'modules/convert/services/ManageConvert.php';
-    $ManageConvertService = new Convert_ManageConvert_Service();
-    $resultOfConversion = $ManageConvertService->convertAll($params);
-    $adrType = 'CONV';
-} elseif ($convertMode == 'thumbnails') {
-	$adrType = 'TNL';
-    require_once 'modules/convert/services/ProcessThumbnails.php';
-    $ProcessConvertService = new Convert_ProcessThumbnails_Service();
-    $resultOfConversion = $ProcessConvertService->thumbnails($params);
-    $resourcePath = $ManageDocservers->getSourceResourcePath(
-        $resTable, 
-        $adrTable, 
-        $_REQUEST['id'], 
-        $adrType
-    );
-} elseif ($convertMode == 'fulltext') {
-	$adrType = 'TXT';
-    require_once 'modules/convert/services/ProcessFulltext.php';
-    $ProcessConvertService = new Convert_ProcessFulltext_Service();
-    $resultOfConversion = $ProcessConvertService->fulltext($params);
-    $resourcePath = $ManageDocservers->getSourceResourcePath(
-        $resTable, 
-        $adrTable, 
-        $_REQUEST['id'], 
-        $adrType
-    );
-} else {
-	$adrType = 'CONV';
-    require_once 'modules/convert/services/ProcessConvert.php';
-    $ProcessConvertService = new Convert_ProcessConvert_Service();
-    $resultOfConversion = $ProcessConvertService->convert($params);
-    $resourcePath = $ManageDocservers->getSourceResourcePath(
-        $resTable, 
-        $adrTable, 
-        $_REQUEST['id'], 
-        $adrType
-    );
-echo $resourcePath . '<br />';
-$link .= $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-    . 'index.php?display=true'
-    . '&dir=indexing_searching'
-    . '&page=ViewRes'
-    . '&collId=' . $_REQUEST['collId']
-    . '&id=' . $_REQUEST['id']
-    . '&adrType=' . $adrType;
-$linkToRes = '<a href="' . $link . '" target="_blank">clic to view the new resource !</a>';
-echo '<br />' . $linkToRes;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/xml/IVS/data_types.xml b/modules/convert/xml/IVS/data_types.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index d182eb10092..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/xml/IVS/data_types.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml b/modules/convert/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index de13c79b153..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/xml/IVS/validation_rules.xml b/modules/convert/xml/IVS/validation_rules.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index bfc6f655dba..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/xml/IVS/validation_rules.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/convert/xml/config.xml b/modules/convert/xml/config.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 3837913ef90..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/xml/config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-		<name>convert</name>
-		<comment>_CONVERT_COMMENT</comment>
-		<file_prefix>convert</file_prefix>
-		<loaded>true</loaded>
-		<convertadd>true</convertadd>
-		<convertup>true</convertup>
-		<convertdel>true</convertdel>
diff --git a/modules/convert/xml/menu.xml b/modules/convert/xml/menu.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index d15cc8033fc..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/xml/menu.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
diff --git a/modules/convert/xml/services.xml b/modules/convert/xml/services.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index d15cc8033fc..00000000000
--- a/modules/convert/xml/services.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
diff --git a/modules/entities/admin_entities.php b/modules/entities/admin_entities.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 4d5da201f66..00000000000
--- a/modules/entities/admin_entities.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-*    Copyright 2008,2009 Maarch
-*  This file is part of Maarch Framework.
-*   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-*   (at your option) any later version.
-*   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-*    along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
- * File : admin_entities.php.
- *
- * @brief Entities Administration summary Page
- *
- * @version 1
- *
- * @since 03/2009
- *
- * @license GPL
- * @author  C�dric Ndoumba  <>
- */
-$admin = new core_tools();
-$admin->test_admin('manage_entities', 'entities');
-/****************Management of the location bar  ************/
-$init = false;
-if (isset($_REQUEST['reinit']) && $_REQUEST['reinit'] == 'true') {
-    $init = true;
-$level = '';
-if (isset($_REQUEST['level']) && ($_REQUEST['level'] == 2 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 3 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 4 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 1)) {
-    $level = $_REQUEST['level'];
-$page_path = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?page=admin_entities&module=entities';
-$page_label = _ENTITIES;
-$page_id = 'admin_entities';
-$admin->manage_location_bar($page_path, $page_label, $page_id, $init, $level);
-<h1><i class="fa fa-sitemap fa-2x"></i> <?php echo _ENTITIES; ?></h1>
-<div id="inner_content" class="clearfix">
-<div class="block">
-<h2 style="text-align:center;"><?php echo _ENTITIES; ?></h2>
-    <div class="admin_item" title="<?php echo _MANAGE_ENTITIES_DESC; ?>" onclick="'<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']; ?>index.php?page=manage_entities&amp;module=entities';">
-        <div><i class="fa fa-sitemap fa-4x"></i></div>
-        <div>
-                <strong><?php echo _MANAGE_ENTITIES; ?></strong>
-        </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="admin_item" title="<?php echo _ENTITY_TREE_DESC; ?>" onclick="'<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']; ?>index.php?page=view_tree_entities&amp;module=entities';">
-        <div><i class="fa fa-code-branch fa-4x"></i></div>
-        <div>
-                <strong><?php echo _ENTITY_TREE; ?></strong>
-         </div>
-    </div>
-    <?php if ($admin->test_admin('admin_difflist_types', 'entities', false)) {
-    ?>
-    <div class="admin_item" title="<?php echo _DIFFLIST_TYPES_DESC; ?>" onclick="'<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']; ?>index.php?page=admin_difflist_types&amp;module=entities';">
-        <div><i class="fa fa-share-alt fa-4x"></i></div>
-        <div>
-                <strong><?php echo _DIFFLIST_TYPES; ?></strong>
-         </div>
-    </div>
-    <?php
-} ?>
-    <?php if ($admin->test_admin('admin_listmodels', 'entities', false)) {
-        ?>
-    <div class="admin_item" title="<?php echo _LISTMODELS_DESC; ?>" onclick="'<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']; ?>index.php?page=admin_listmodels&amp;module=entities';">
-        <div><i class="fa fa-share-alt-square fa-4x"></i></div>
-        <div>
-                <strong><?php echo _LISTMODELS; ?></strong>
-         </div>
-    </div>
-    <?php
-    } ?>
-<div class="clearfix"></div>
-    </div>
diff --git a/modules/entities/choose_tree.php b/modules/entities/choose_tree.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 509a8614f4e..00000000000
--- a/modules/entities/choose_tree.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-$core_tools = new core_tools();
-$func = new functions();
-$core_tools->load_header('', true, false);
-$_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree'] = array();
-if(isset($_REQUEST['tree_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['tree_id']))
-	$_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree'] = $_REQUEST['tree_id'];
-	?>
-    <script type="text/javascript">['show_trees'].location.href='<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?display=true&module=entities&page=show_trees';?>';</script>
-    <?php
-	$_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree'] = "";
-<div class="block">
-    <h2>
-	<form name="frm_choose_tree" id="frm_choose_tree" method="get" action="<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'];?>index.php">
-    	<input type="hidden" name="display" value="true" />
-		<input type="hidden" name="module" value="entities" />
-		<input type="hidden" name="page" value="choose_tree" />
-    	<p align="left">
-        	<label><?php echo _ENTITY;?> :</label>
-            <select name="tree_id" id="tree_id" onchange="this.form.submit();">
-            	<option value=""><?php echo _CHOOSE_ENTITY;?></option>
-                <?php
-				for($i=0;$i<count($_SESSION['tree_entities']);$i++)
-				{
-					?>
-					<option value="<?php functions::xecho($_SESSION['tree_entities'][$i]['ID']);?>" <?php  if($_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree'] == $_SESSION['tree_entities'][$i]['ID'] ){ echo 'selected="selected"';}?>><?php echo $_SESSION['tree_entities'][$i]['LABEL'];?></option>
-					<?php
-				}
-				?>
-            </select>
-        </p>
-    </form>
-    </h2>
- <?php $core_tools->load_js();?>
diff --git a/modules/entities/redirect.php b/modules/entities/redirect.php
index 22fd398dea5..1463c742976 100755
--- a/modules/entities/redirect.php
+++ b/modules/entities/redirect.php
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ function manage_form($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $col
         $stmt = $db->query(
             "select u.user_id, u.firstname, u.lastname, e.entity_id, e.entity_label "
             . "FROM " . $_SESSION['tablename']['users'] . " u, " . ENT_ENTITIES . " e, "
-            . ENT_USERS_ENTITIES . " ue WHERE u.status <> 'DEL' and u.enabled = 'Y' and"
+            . ENT_USERS_ENTITIES . " ue WHERE u.status <> 'DEL' and u.status != 'SPD' and"
             . " e.entity_id = ue.entity_id and u.user_id = ue.user_id and"
             . " e.enabled = 'Y' and ue.primary_entity='Y' and u.user_id = ?",
diff --git a/modules/entities/show_trees.php b/modules/entities/show_trees.php
deleted file mode 100755
index de125c8462d..00000000000
--- a/modules/entities/show_trees.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-$core_tools = new core_tools();
-$func = new functions();
-if (count($_SESSION['tree_entities']) < 1) {
-    echo _NO_DEFINED_TREES;
-} else {
-    if (isset($_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree']) && !empty($_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree'])) {
-        $ent = new entity();
-        $db = new Database();
-        $_SESSION['EntitiesIdExclusion'] = array();
-        $whereExclusion = ' and (1=1)';
-        if ($_SESSION['user']['UserId'] != 'superadmin') {
-            require_once('modules/entities/class/class_manage_entities.php');
-            $ent = new entity();
-            $my_tab_entities_id = $ent->get_all_entities_id_user($_SESSION['user']['entities']);
-            $my_tab_entities_id = array_unique($my_tab_entities_id);
-            //var_dump($my_tab_entities_id);
-            if (count($my_tab_entities_id) > 0) {
-                $listOfMyEntities = implode(',', $my_tab_entities_id);
-                $stmt = $db->query(
-                    "select entity_id from "
-                    . ENT_ENTITIES . " where entity_id not in (" . $listOfMyEntities .") and enabled= 'Y' order by entity_id"
-                );
-                //$ent->show();
-                while ($res = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-                    array_push($_SESSION['EntitiesIdExclusion'], "'". $res->entity_id . "'");
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        ?>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'] . 'tools/tafelTree/';?>js/scriptaculous.js"></script>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'] . 'tools/tafelTree/';?>Tree.js"></script>
-        <?php
-        //$where = "";
-        $level1 = array();
-        $stmt = $db->query("select u.user_id, u.lastname, u.firstname from  " . ENT_USERS_ENTITIES . " ue, " 
-            . $_SESSION['tablename']['users'] . " u where ue.entity_id  = ? and ue.user_id = u.user_id and u.status <> 'DEL' " 
-            . $whereExclusionUE . " order by u.lastname, u.firstname",array($_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree']));
-        //$ent->show();
-        while ($res = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-            array_push(
-                $level1, array(
-                    'id' => $res->user_id, 
-                    'tree' => $_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree'], 
-                    'key_value' => $res->user_id, 
-                    'label_value' => functions::show_string($res->lastname.' '.$res->firstname, true), 
-                    'is_entity' => false
-                )
-            );
-        }
-        $stmt = $db->query("select entity_id, entity_label from " . ENT_ENTITIES . " where parent_entity_id = ? and enabled ='Y' order by entity_label",array($_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree']));
-        //$ent->show();
-        $level1 = array();
-        while ($res = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-            if (!is_integer(array_search("'" . $res->entity_id . "'", $_SESSION['EntitiesIdExclusion'])) || count($_SESSION['EntitiesIdExclusion']) == 0) {
-                $labelValue = '<span class="entity_tree_element_ok"><i class="fa"></i><a href="index.php?page=entity_up&module=entities&id=' 
-                            . $res->entity_id . '" target="_top">' . functions::show_string($res->entity_label, true) . '</a></span>';
-            } else {
-                $labelValue = '<small><i>' . functions::show_string($res->entity_label, true) . '</i></small>';
-            }
-            array_push(
-                $level1, 
-                array(
-                    'id' => $res->entity_id, 
-                    'tree' => $_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree'], 
-                    'key_value' => $res->entity_id, 
-                    'label_value' => $labelValue, 
-                    'script' => "", 
-                    'is_entity' => true
-                )
-            );
-        }
-        for ($i=0;$i<count($_SESSION['tree_entities']);$i++) {
-            if ($_SESSION['tree_entities'][$i]['ID'] == $_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree']) {
-                if (!is_integer(array_search("'" . $_SESSION['tree_entities'][$i]['ID'] . "'", $_SESSION['EntitiesIdExclusion'])) || count($_SESSION['EntitiesIdExclusion']) == 0) {
-                    $label = $_SESSION['tree_entities'][$i]['ID'] . ' - <a href="index.php?page=entity_up&module=entities&id=' 
-                                . $_SESSION['tree_entities'][$i]['ID'] . '" target="_top">' . $ent->show_string($_SESSION['tree_entities'][$i]['LABEL'], true) . '</a>';
-                } else {
-                    $label = "<b>" . $_SESSION['tree_entities'][$i]['ID'] . ' - '  
-                        . $_SESSION['tree_entities'][$i]['LABEL'] . "</b>";
-                }
-                $valId=$_SESSION['tree_entities'][$i]['ID'];
-            }
-        }
-        $stmt = $db->query("select u.user_id, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.enabled, ue.entity_id as entity_id from  " 
-            . ENT_USERS_ENTITIES . " ue, " . $_SESSION['tablename']['users'] 
-            . " u where ue.entity_id  = ? and ue.user_id = u.user_id and u.status <> 'DEL' order by u.lastname, u.firstname",array($_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree']));
-        while ($res = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-            if (!is_integer(array_search("'" . $res->entity_id . "'", $_SESSION['EntitiesIdExclusion'])) || count($_SESSION['EntitiesIdExclusion']) == 0) {
-                if($res->enabled == 'N'){
-                    $labelValue = '<span class="entity_tree_element_ok">' . functions::show_string('<a style="color:red;" href="index.php?page=users_management_controler&mode=up&admin=users&id='
-                            . $res->user_id . '" target="_top">' . $res->lastname . ' ' . $res->firstname . '</a>', true) . '</span>';
-                }else{
-                   $labelValue = '<span class="entity_tree_element_ok">' . functions::show_string('<a href="index.php?page=users_management_controler&mode=up&admin=users&id='
-                            . $res->user_id . '" target="_top">' . $res->lastname . ' ' . $res->firstname . '</a>', true) . '</span>'; 
-                }
-            } else {
-                $labelValue = '<small><i>' . functions::show_string($res->lastname . ' ' . $res->firstname, true) . '</i></small>';
-            }
-            array_push(
-                $level1, 
-                array(
-                    'id' => $res->user_id, 
-                    'tree' => $_SESSION['entities_chosen_tree'], 
-                    'key_value' => $res->user_id, 
-                    'label_value' => $labelValue, 
-                    'is_entity' => false
-                )
-            );
-        }
-        ?>
-        <div class="tree" id='divTree'>
-            <ul>
-                <li id=<?php echo "'".$valId."'"; ?> >
-                    <span class="root">
-                                <span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-plus-square" style='cursor:pointer' onClick=<?php echo "\"getChildrenHtml('".$valId."','divTree','index.php?display=true&module=entities&page=get_tree_childs','fa fa-minus-square','fa fa-plus-square')\""?>></i></span>                                
-                                <?php echo $label;?>
-                    </span>
-                </li>
-            </ul>
-        </div>
-                <script type="text/javascript">
-                    var tree = $j('#divTree');
-                    BootstrapTree.init(tree);                    
-                </script>   
-        <div id="trees_div"></div>
-        <?php
-    } else {
-        //echo "<div align='left'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"._CHOOSE_FOLDERTYPE."</div>";
-    }
diff --git a/modules/entities/view_tree_entities.php b/modules/entities/view_tree_entities.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 90c213b6960..00000000000
--- a/modules/entities/view_tree_entities.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-* File : view_tree_entities.php.
-* Entities Administration view tree
-* @version 1
-* @since 03/2009
-* @license GPL
-* @author  C�dric Ndoumba  <>
-require_once 'modules/entities/entities_tables.php';
-$admin = new core_tools();
-$admin->test_admin('manage_entities', 'entities');
-$db = new Database();
-/****************Management of the location bar  ************/
-$init = false;
-if (isset($_REQUEST['reinit']) && $_REQUEST['reinit'] == 'true') {
-    $init = true;
-$level = '';
-if (isset($_REQUEST['level']) && ($_REQUEST['level'] == 2
-    || $_REQUEST['level'] == 3 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 4
-    || $_REQUEST['level'] == 1)
-) {
-    $level = $_REQUEST['level'];
-$page_path = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?page=view_tree_entities&module=entities';
-$page_label = _ENTITY_TREE;
-$page_id = 'view_tree_entities';
-$admin->manage_location_bar($page_path, $page_label, $page_id, $init, $level);
-$_SESSION['tree_entities'] = array();
-$stmt = $db->query('select entity_id, entity_label from '.ENT_ENTITIES." where parent_entity_id = '' or parent_entity_id is null order by entity_label");
-while ($res = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-    array_push($_SESSION['tree_entities'], array('ID' => $res->entity_id, 'LABEL' => $res->entity_label));
-<h1><i class="fa fa-code-branch fa-2x"></i> <?php echo _ENTITY_TREE; ?></h1>
-<div id="inner_content" class="clearfix">
-    <table width="100%" border="0">
-        <tr>
-            <td>
-                <iframe name="choose_tree" id="choose_tree" width="550" height="40" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?display=true&module=entities&page=choose_tree'; ?>" style="width:100%;"></iframe>
-            </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-            <td>
-                <iframe name="show_trees" class="block" id="show_trees" width="550" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" src="<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?display=true&module=entities&page=show_trees';?>" style="width:99%;"></iframe>
-            </td>
-        </tr>
-    </table>
diff --git a/modules/entities/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml b/modules/entities/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml
index 20a539a16c8..b1de4c2066c 100755
--- a/modules/entities/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml
+++ b/modules/entities/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml
@@ -64,15 +64,6 @@
 		<parameter name="display" value="true"/>
 		<parameter name="module" value="entities"/>
-    <requestDefinition method="GET" path="/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php" validationRule="view_tree_entities" >
-		<parameter name="page" value="view_tree_entities"/>
-		<parameter name="module" value="entities"/>
-    </requestDefinition>
-    <requestDefinition method="GET" path="/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php" validationRule="choose_tree" >
-		<parameter name="page" value="choose_tree"/>
-		<parameter name="display" value="true"/>
-		<parameter name="module" value="entities"/>
-    </requestDefinition>
     <requestDefinition method="POST" path="/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php" validationRule="get_tree_childs" >
 		<parameter name="page" value="get_tree_childs"/>
diff --git a/modules/entities/xml/IVS/validation_rules.xml b/modules/entities/xml/IVS/validation_rules.xml
index e87c6a4a42f..28868cf4f5b 100755
--- a/modules/entities/xml/IVS/validation_rules.xml
+++ b/modules/entities/xml/IVS/validation_rules.xml
@@ -67,10 +67,6 @@
 		<parameter name="archival_agreement" type="string" />
 		<parameter name="archival_agency" type="string" />
-    <validationRule name="choose_tree" extends="standardForm" mode="error">
-		<parameter name="module" type="identifier" />
-		<parameter name="tree_id" type="identifier" />
-    </validationRule>
     <validationRule name="get_tree_childs" extends="standardForm" mode="error">
 		<parameter name="module" type="identifier" />
 		<parameter name="branch" type="string" />
diff --git a/modules/folder/get_folder_view_stats_val.php b/modules/folder/get_folder_view_stats_val.php
index 94e9c41e95e..0c69bde5438 100755
--- a/modules/folder/get_folder_view_stats_val.php
+++ b/modules/folder/get_folder_view_stats_val.php
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ elseif(isset($_REQUEST['type_report']) && $_REQUEST['type_report'] == 'user')
 			$stmt = $db->query("SELECT u.user_id, u.lastname ,u.firstname, (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT h.record_id) 
 								FROM ".$_SESSION['tablename']['history']." h INNER JOIN ".$_SESSION['tablename']['users']." u ON h.user_id = u.user_id 
 								WHERE h.event_type = 'VIEW' AND h.table_name = :foldFolder ".$whereUser.") AS nbr 
-								FROM ".$_SESSION['tablename']['users']." u WHERE u.enabled = 'Y' ".$whereUser, $arrayPDO);
+								FROM ".$_SESSION['tablename']['users']." u WHERE u.status != 'SPD' ".$whereUser, $arrayPDO);
 			while($line = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
diff --git a/src/app/convert/controllers/FullTextController.php b/src/app/convert/controllers/FullTextController.php
index bdbb1496eed..d77595a4477 100644
--- a/src/app/convert/controllers/FullTextController.php
+++ b/src/app/convert/controllers/FullTextController.php
@@ -55,19 +55,8 @@ class FullTextController
             return ['errors' => 'FullText docserver is not writable'];
-        if (FullTextController::isDirEmpty($fullTextDocserver['path_template'])) {
-            $index = \Zend_Search_Lucene::create($fullTextDocserver['path_template']);
-        } else {
-            $index = \Zend_Search_Lucene::open($fullTextDocserver['path_template']);
-        }
-        $index->setFormatVersion(\Zend_Search_Lucene::FORMAT_2_3);
-        \Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer::setDefault(new \Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8Num_CaseInsensitive());
-        $index->setMaxBufferedDocs(1000);
         $tmpFile = CoreConfigModel::getTmpPath() . basename($pathToDocument) . rand() . '.txt';
         $pdfToText = exec("pdftotext " . escapeshellarg($pathToDocument) . " " . escapeshellarg($tmpFile));
         if (!is_file($tmpFile)) {
             return ['errors' => 'Command pdftotext did not work : ' . $pdfToText];
@@ -78,14 +67,28 @@ class FullTextController
         $fileContent = FullTextController::cleanFileContent($fileContent);
-        $doc = new \Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
+        try {
+            if (FullTextController::isDirEmpty($fullTextDocserver['path_template'])) {
+                $index = \Zend_Search_Lucene::create($fullTextDocserver['path_template']);
+            } else {
+                $index = \Zend_Search_Lucene::open($fullTextDocserver['path_template']);
+            }
+            $index->setFormatVersion(\Zend_Search_Lucene::FORMAT_2_3);
+            \Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer::setDefault(new \Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8Num_CaseInsensitive());
+            $index->setMaxBufferedDocs(1000);
-        $doc->addField(\Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnIndexed('Id', (integer)$args['resId']));
-        $doc->addField(\Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnStored('contents', $fileContent));
+            $doc = new \Zend_Search_Lucene_Document();
-        $index->addDocument($doc);
-        $index->commit();
-        $index->optimize();
+            $doc->addField(\Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnIndexed('Id', (integer)$args['resId']));
+            $doc->addField(\Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnStored('contents', $fileContent));
+            $index->addDocument($doc);
+            $index->commit();
+            $index->optimize();
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return ['errors' => 'Full Text index failed : ' . $e];
+        }
@@ -110,8 +113,8 @@ class FullTextController
     private static function cleanFileContent($fileContent)
         $fileContent = TextFormatModel::normalize(['string' => $fileContent]);
-        $fileContent = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $fileContent);
         $fileContent = preg_replace('/[[:punct:]]/', ' ', $fileContent);
+        $fileContent = preg_replace('/[[:cntrl:]]/', ' ', $fileContent);
         $fileContent = trim($fileContent);
         $cleanArrayFile = [];