From 8975fcb45ea2e2bf53a3ac7aa94e49d11df8067f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alex Orluc <>
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2018 10:37:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] FIX #7558 save requested signature consistent with item_mode

 .../class/class_manage_listdiff_Abstract.php  | 970 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 495 insertions(+), 475 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/entities/class/class_manage_listdiff_Abstract.php b/modules/entities/class/class_manage_listdiff_Abstract.php
index c401457e0f1..41e2ac6b58f 100755
--- a/modules/entities/class/class_manage_listdiff_Abstract.php
+++ b/modules/entities/class/class_manage_listdiff_Abstract.php
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
 * See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
 * This file is part of Maarch software.
 * @brief   class_manage_listdiff_Abstract : Contains all the functions to manage diffusion list
 * @author  dev <>
 * @ingroup entities
@@ -13,162 +15,177 @@ require_once 'core/core_tables.php';
 abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
-    #**************************************************************************
-    # Administration and use of diffusion list templates
-    #**************************************************************************
+    //**************************************************************************
+    // Administration and use of diffusion list templates
+    //**************************************************************************
     public function select_listmodels(
-        $objectType='entity_id'
+        $objectType = 'entity_id'
     ) {
         $listmodels = array();
         $db = new Database();
-        $query = 
-            "SELECT distinct object_type, object_id, description, title"
-            . " FROM " . ENT_LISTMODELS
-            . " WHERE object_type = ?" 
-            . " GROUP BY object_type, object_id, description, title  " 
-            . " ORDER BY object_type ASC, object_id ASC";
-        $stmt = $db->query($query,array($objectType));
+        $query =
+            'SELECT distinct object_type, object_id, description, title'
+            .' FROM '.ENT_LISTMODELS
+            .' WHERE object_type = ?'
+            .' GROUP BY object_type, object_id, description, title  '
+            .' ORDER BY object_type ASC, object_id ASC';
+        $stmt = $db->query($query, array($objectType));
         while ($listmodel = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
-            if($listmodel['title'] == '')
+            if ($listmodel['title'] == '') {
                 $listmodel['title'] = $listmodel['object_id'];
+            }
             $listmodels[] = $listmodel;
         return $listmodels;
-    * Gets the diffusion list model for a given entity
-    *
-    * @param string $entityId Entity identifier
-    * @param array $collId Collection identifier ('letterbox_coll' by default)
-    * @return array $listmodel['dest] : Data of the dest_user
-    *                                ['user_id'] : identifier of the dest_user
-    *                                ['lastname'] : Lastname of the dest_user
-    *                                ['firstname'] : firstname of the dest_user
-    *                                ['entity_id'] : entity identifier of the dest_user
-    *                                ['entity_label'] : entity label of the dest_user
-    *                         ['copy'] : Data of the copies
-    *                                ['users'][$i] : Users in copy data
-    *                                       ['user_id'] : identifier of the user in copy
-    *                                       ['lastname'] : Lastname of the user in copy
-    *                                       ['firstname'] : firstname of the user in copy
-    *                                       ['entity_id'] : entity identifier of the user in copy
-    *                                       ['entity_label'] : entity label of the user in copy
-    *                                ['entities'][$i] : Entities in copy data
-    *                                       ['entity_id'] : entity identifier of the entity in copy
-    *                                       ['entity_label'] : entity label of the entity in copy
-    */
+     * Gets the diffusion list model for a given entity.
+     *
+     * @param string $entityId Entity identifier
+     * @param array  $collId   Collection identifier ('letterbox_coll' by default)
+     *
+     * @return array $listmodel['dest] : Data of the dest_user
+     *               ['user_id'] : identifier of the dest_user
+     *               ['lastname'] : Lastname of the dest_user
+     *               ['firstname'] : firstname of the dest_user
+     *               ['entity_id'] : entity identifier of the dest_user
+     *               ['entity_label'] : entity label of the dest_user
+     *               ['copy'] : Data of the copies
+     *               ['users'][$i] : Users in copy data
+     *               ['user_id'] : identifier of the user in copy
+     *               ['lastname'] : Lastname of the user in copy
+     *               ['firstname'] : firstname of the user in copy
+     *               ['entity_id'] : entity identifier of the user in copy
+     *               ['entity_label'] : entity label of the user in copy
+     *               ['entities'][$i] : Entities in copy data
+     *               ['entity_id'] : entity identifier of the entity in copy
+     *               ['entity_label'] : entity label of the entity in copy
+     */
     public function get_listmodel(
-        $objectType='entity_id', 
+        $objectType = 'entity_id',
     ) {
         $objectId = $objectId;
         $objectType = $objectType;
         $db = new Database();
         $roles = $this->list_difflist_roles();
         $listmodel = array();
-        if (empty($objectId) || empty($objectType)) 
+        if (empty($objectId) || empty($objectType)) {
             return $listmodel;
-        # Load header
-        $query = 
-            "SELECT distinct object_type, object_id,  description, title"
-            . " FROM " . ENT_LISTMODELS
-            . " WHERE object_type = ?" 
-                . "and object_id = ?"
-            . " GROUP BY object_type, object_id,  description, title";
-        $stmt = $db->query($query,array($objectType,$objectId));
+        }
+        // Load header
+        $query =
+            'SELECT distinct object_type, object_id,  description, title'
+            .' FROM '.ENT_LISTMODELS
+            .' WHERE object_type = ?'
+                .'and object_id = ?'
+            .' GROUP BY object_type, object_id,  description, title';
+        $stmt = $db->query($query, array($objectType, $objectId));
         $listmodel = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
-        # Load list
-        foreach($roles as $role_id => $role_label) {
-            if($role_id == 'copy')
+        // Load list
+        foreach ($roles as $role_id => $role_label) {
+            if ($role_id == 'copy') {
                 $item_mode = 'cc';
-            else 
+            } else {
                 $item_mode = $role_id;
-            # Users
+            }
+            // Users
             $stmt = $db->query(
-                "SELECT l.item_id, l.item_mode, u.firstname, u.lastname, e.entity_id, e.entity_label, l.visible, l.process_comment "
-                . " FROM " . ENT_LISTMODELS . " l "
-                    . " JOIN " . USERS_TABLE . " u ON l.item_id = u.user_id " 
-                    . " JOIN " . ENT_USERS_ENTITIES . " ue ON u.user_id = ue.user_id " 
-                    . " JOIN " . ENT_ENTITIES . " e ON ue.entity_id = e.entity_id"
-                . " WHERE "
-                    . "ue.primary_entity = 'Y' "
-                    . "and l.item_mode = ? "
-                    . "and l.item_type = 'user_id' " 
-                    . "and l.object_type = ? "
-                    . "and l.object_id = ? "
-                    . "and u.enabled = 'Y' "
-                . "ORDER BY l.sequence",array($item_mode,$objectType,$objectId));
+                'SELECT l.item_id, l.item_mode, u.firstname, u.lastname, e.entity_id, e.entity_label, l.visible, l.process_comment '
+                .' FROM '.ENT_LISTMODELS.' l '
+                    .' JOIN '.USERS_TABLE.' u ON l.item_id = u.user_id '
+                    .' JOIN '.ENT_USERS_ENTITIES.' ue ON u.user_id = ue.user_id '
+                    .' JOIN '.ENT_ENTITIES.' e ON ue.entity_id = e.entity_id'
+                .' WHERE '
+                    ."ue.primary_entity = 'Y' "
+                    .'and l.item_mode = ? '
+                    ."and l.item_type = 'user_id' "
+                    .'and l.object_type = ? '
+                    .'and l.object_id = ? '
+                    ."and u.enabled = 'Y' "
+                .'ORDER BY l.sequence', array($item_mode, $objectType, $objectId));
             while ($user = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-                if(!isset($listmodel[$role_id]))
+                if (!isset($listmodel[$role_id])) {
                     $listmodel[$role_id] = array();
-                if(!isset($listmodel[$role_id]['users']))
+                }
+                if (!isset($listmodel[$role_id]['users'])) {
                     $listmodel[$role_id]['users'] = array();
+                }
                 if ($user->process_comment === null) {
                     $user->process_comment = '';
+                if ($user->item_mode == 'sign') {
+                    $user->requested_signature = true;
+                } else {
+                    $user->requested_signature = false;
+                }
-                        'user_id'         => functions::show_string($user->item_id),
-                        'lastname'        => functions::show_string($user->lastname),
-                        'firstname'       => functions::show_string($user->firstname),
-                        'entity_id'       => functions::show_string($user->entity_id),
-                        'entity_label'    => functions::show_string($user->entity_label),
-                        'visible'         => $user->visible,
-                        'process_comment' => $user->process_comment
+                        'user_id' => functions::show_string($user->item_id),
+                        'lastname' => functions::show_string($user->lastname),
+                        'firstname' => functions::show_string($user->firstname),
+                        'entity_id' => functions::show_string($user->entity_id),
+                        'entity_label' => functions::show_string($user->entity_label),
+                        'visible' => $user->visible,
+                        'process_comment' => $user->process_comment,
+                        'requested_signature' => $user->requested_signature,
-            # Entities
+            // Entities
             $stmt = $db->query(
-                "SELECT l.item_id, e.entity_label, l.item_mode, l.visible "
-                . "FROM " . ENT_LISTMODELS . " l "
-                    . "JOIN " . ENT_ENTITIES . " e ON l.item_id = e.entity_id "
-                . "WHERE "
-                    . " l.item_mode = ? "
-                    . "and l.item_type = 'entity_id' "
-                    . "and l.object_type = ? "
-                    . "and l.object_id = ? "
-                . "ORDER BY l.sequence ",array($item_mode,$objectType,$objectId)
+                'SELECT l.item_id, e.entity_label, l.item_mode, l.visible '
+                .'FROM '.ENT_LISTMODELS.' l '
+                    .'JOIN '.ENT_ENTITIES.' e ON l.item_id = e.entity_id '
+                .'WHERE '
+                    .' l.item_mode = ? '
+                    ."and l.item_type = 'entity_id' "
+                    .'and l.object_type = ? '
+                    .'and l.object_id = ? '
+                .'ORDER BY l.sequence ', array($item_mode, $objectType, $objectId)
             while ($entity = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-                if(!isset($listmodel[$role_id]))
+                if (!isset($listmodel[$role_id])) {
                     $listmodel[$role_id] = array();
-                if(!isset($listmodel[$role_id]['entities']))
+                }
+                if (!isset($listmodel[$role_id]['entities'])) {
                     $listmodel[$role_id]['entities'] = array();
+                }
-                        'entity_id'    => functions::show_string($entity->item_id),
+                        'entity_id' => functions::show_string($entity->item_id),
                         'entity_label' => functions::show_string($entity->entity_label),
-                        'visible'      => $entity->visible
+                        'visible' => $entity->visible,
         return $listmodel;
     public function save_listmodel(
-        $diffList, 
+        $diffList,
         $objectType = 'entity_id',
         $title = false,
@@ -176,112 +193,112 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
     ) {
         $db = new Database();
         $roles = $this->list_difflist_roles();
         require_once 'core/class/class_history.php';
         $hist = new history();
         //echo "bug"; print_r($description); exit;
         $objectType = trim($objectType);
         $objectId = trim($objectId);
         $title = trim($title);
         $description = trim($description);
-        # Delete all and replace full list
-        #**********************************************************************
+        // Delete all and replace full list
+        //**********************************************************************
         $stmt = $db->query(
-            "delete from " . ENT_LISTMODELS 
-            . " where "
-                . "object_type = ? "
-                . "and object_id = ? ",array($objectType,$objectId)
+            'delete from '.ENT_LISTMODELS
+            .' where '
+                .'object_type = ? '
+                .'and object_id = ? ', array($objectType, $objectId)
-        foreach($roles as $role_id => $role_label) {
-            if($role_id == 'copy')
+        foreach ($roles as $role_id => $role_label) {
+            if ($role_id == 'copy') {
                 $item_mode = 'cc';
-            else 
+            } else {
                 $item_mode = $role_id;
-            # users
-            #**********************************************************************
-            for ($i=0, $l=count($diffList[$role_id]['users']);
-                $i<$l; 
-                $i++
+            }
+            // users
+            //**********************************************************************
+            for ($i = 0, $l = count($diffList[$role_id]['users']);
+                $i < $l;
+                ++$i
             ) {
                 $user = $diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i];
-            //print_r($description); exit;
+                //print_r($description); exit;
                 $stmt = $db->query(
-                    "insert into " . ENT_LISTMODELS
-                        . " (object_id, object_type, sequence, item_id, item_type, item_mode, description, title, visible, process_comment ) "
-                    . " values ("
-                        . "? , "
-                        . "?, ?, "
-                        . "?, "
-                        . "'user_id', "
-                        . "?, "
-                        . "?,"
-                        . "?,"
-                        . "?,"
-                        . "?"
-                    . ")",array($objectId,$objectType,$i,$user['user_id'],$item_mode,$description,$title,$user['visible'],$user['process_comment'])
+                    'insert into '.ENT_LISTMODELS
+                        .' (object_id, object_type, sequence, item_id, item_type, item_mode, description, title, visible, process_comment ) '
+                    .' values ('
+                        .'? , '
+                        .'?, ?, '
+                        .'?, '
+                        ."'user_id', "
+                        .'?, '
+                        .'?,'
+                        .'?,'
+                        .'?,'
+                        .'?'
+                    .')', array($objectId, $objectType, $i, $user['user_id'], $item_mode, $description, $title, $user['visible'], $user['process_comment'])
-            # Entities
-            #**********************************************************************
-            for ($i=0, $l=count($diffList[$role_id]['entities']); $i<$l ; $i++) {
+            // Entities
+            //**********************************************************************
+            for ($i = 0, $l = count($diffList[$role_id]['entities']); $i < $l; ++$i) {
                 $entity = $diffList[$role_id]['entities'][$i];
                 //print_r($description); exit;
                 $stmt = $db->query(
-                    "insert into " . ENT_LISTMODELS
-                        . " (object_id, object_type, sequence, item_id, item_type, item_mode, description, title, visible ) "
-                    . " values ("
-                        . "? , "
-                        . "?, ?, "
-                        . "?, "
-                        . "'entity_id', "
-                        . "?, "
-                        . "?, "
-                        . "?,"
-                        . "?"
-                    . ")",array($objectId,$objectType,$i,$entity['entity_id'],$item_mode,$description,$title,$entity['visible'])
+                    'insert into '.ENT_LISTMODELS
+                        .' (object_id, object_type, sequence, item_id, item_type, item_mode, description, title, visible ) '
+                    .' values ('
+                        .'? , '
+                        .'?, ?, '
+                        .'?, '
+                        ."'entity_id', "
+                        .'?, '
+                        .'?, '
+                        .'?,'
+                        .'?'
+                    .')', array($objectId, $objectType, $i, $entity['entity_id'], $item_mode, $description, $title, $entity['visible'])
     public function delete_listmodel(
         $objectType = 'entity_id',
     ) {
         $db = new Database();
         $objectType = trim($objectType);
         $objectId = trim($objectId);
-        # Delete all and replace full list
-        #**********************************************************************
+        // Delete all and replace full list
+        //**********************************************************************
         $stmt = $db->query(
-            "delete from " . ENT_LISTMODELS 
-            . " where "
-                . "object_type = ? "
-                . "and object_id = ? ",array($objectType,$objectId));
+            'delete from '.ENT_LISTMODELS
+            .' where '
+                .'object_type = ? '
+                .'and object_id = ? ', array($objectType, $objectId));
-    #**************************************************************************
-    # Management of diffusion lists for documents and folders
-    #**************************************************************************
-    # Legacy load_list_db (for custom calls)
-    function load_list_db(
-        $diffList, 
-        $params, 
-        $listType = 'DOC', 
+    //**************************************************************************
+    // Management of diffusion lists for documents and folders
+    //**************************************************************************
+    // Legacy load_list_db (for custom calls)
+    public function load_list_db(
+        $diffList,
+        $params,
+        $listType = 'DOC',
         $objectType = 'entity_id'
     ) {
         $collId = trim($params['coll_id']);
         $resId = $params['res_id'];
-        if (isset($params['user_id']) && ! empty($params['user_id'])) {
+        if (isset($params['user_id']) && !empty($params['user_id'])) {
             require_once 'modules/entities/class/class_manage_entities.php';
             $ent = new entity();
             $creatorUser = trim($params['user_id']);
@@ -291,9 +308,9 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
             $creatorUser = '';
             $creatorEntity = '';
         $objectType = trim($objectType);
         if (isset($params['fromQualif']) && $params['fromQualif'] == true) {
             $fromQualif = true;
         } else {
@@ -310,20 +327,19 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
-    function save_listinstance(
+    public function save_listinstance(
         $difflistType = 'entity_id',
-        $creatorUser = "",
-        $creatorEntity = "",
+        $creatorUser = '',
+        $creatorEntity = '',
         $fromQualif = false
     ) {
         // Fix : superadmin can edit visa workflow in detail
-        if ($creatorUser == "superadmin") {
-            $creatorEntity = "";
+        if ($creatorUser == 'superadmin') {
+            $creatorEntity = '';
         $oldListInst = $this->get_listinstance($resId, false, $collId, $difflistType);
@@ -337,17 +353,16 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
         $roles = $this->list_difflist_roles();
         $db = new Database();
-        $stmt = $db->query("SELECT listinstance_id FROM listinstance WHERE res_id = ? and coll_id = ? and difflist_type = ?", array($resId,$collId,$difflistType));
+        $stmt = $db->query('SELECT listinstance_id FROM listinstance WHERE res_id = ? and coll_id = ? and difflist_type = ?', array($resId, $collId, $difflistType));
         $diffUser = false;
         $diffCopyUsers = false;
         $diffCopyEntities = false;
         foreach ($roles as $role_id => $role_label) {
-            if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0 && (isset($oldListInst[$role_id]) || isset($diffList[$role_id]) )) {
+            if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0 && (isset($oldListInst[$role_id]) || isset($diffList[$role_id]))) {
                 //compare old and new difflist
-                for ($iOld=0; $iOld<count($oldListInst[$role_id]['users']); $iOld++) {
+                for ($iOld = 0; $iOld < count($oldListInst[$role_id]['users']); ++$iOld) {
                     if ($oldListInst[$role_id]['users'][$iOld]['user_id'] != $diffList[$role_id]['users'][$iOld]['user_id']) {
                         $diffUser = true;
@@ -356,16 +371,16 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
                 //USELESS ?
                 if (!$diffUser && isset($oldListInst[$role_id]['users'])) {
-                    if (count($oldListInst[$role_id]['users']) != count($diffList[$role_id]['users']) ) {
+                    if (count($oldListInst[$role_id]['users']) != count($diffList[$role_id]['users'])) {
                         $diffCopyUsers = true;
                 if (!$diffUser && !$diffCopyEntities && isset($oldListInst[$role_id]['entities'])) {
-                    if (count($oldListInst[$role_id]['entities']) != count($diffList[$role_id]['entities']) ) {
+                    if (count($oldListInst[$role_id]['entities']) != count($diffList[$role_id]['entities'])) {
                         $diffCopyEntities = true;
-                    for ($iOld=0; $iOld<count($oldListInst[$role_id]['entities']); $iOld++) {
+                    for ($iOld = 0; $iOld < count($oldListInst[$role_id]['entities']); ++$iOld) {
                         foreach ($oldListInst[$role_id]['entities'][$iOld] as $key => $value) {
                             if ($value != $diffList[$role_id]['entities'][$iOld][$key]) {
                                 $diffCopyEntities = true;
@@ -379,7 +394,6 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
                 if ((isset($diffList[$role_id]['entities']) && !isset($oldListInst[$role_id]['entities'])) || (!isset($diffList[$role_id]['entities']) && isset($oldListInst[$role_id]['entities']))) {
                     $diffCopyUsers = true;
@@ -389,34 +403,34 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
         //Delete previous listinstance
         $stmt = $db->query(
-            . " WHERE coll_id = ?"
-                . " AND res_id = ? AND difflist_type = ?", array($collId,$resId,$difflistType)
+            .' WHERE coll_id = ?'
+                .' AND res_id = ? AND difflist_type = ?', array($collId, $resId, $difflistType)
         $roles = $this->list_difflist_roles();
         foreach ($roles as $role_id => $role_label) {
             // Special value 'copy', item_mode = cc
-            if($role_id == 'copy')
+            if ($role_id == 'copy') {
                 $item_mode = 'cc';
-            else 
+            } else {
                 $item_mode = $role_id;
+            }
             $cptUsers = count($diffList[$role_id]['users']);
-            for ($i=0;$i<$cptUsers;$i++) {
-                $userFound              = false;
-                $userId                 = trim($diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i]['user_id']);
-                $processComment         = trim($diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i]['process_comment']);
-                $processDate            = trim($diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i]['process_date']);
-                $visible                = $diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i]['visible'];
-                $viewed                 = (integer)$diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i]['viewed'];
+            for ($i = 0; $i < $cptUsers; ++$i) {
+                $userFound = false;
+                $userId = trim($diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i]['user_id']);
+                $processComment = trim($diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i]['process_comment']);
+                $processDate = trim($diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i]['process_date']);
+                $visible = $diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i]['visible'];
+                $viewed = (int) $diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i]['viewed'];
                 $signatory = ($diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i]['signatory'] ? 'true' : 'false');
                 $requested_signature = ($diffList[$role_id]['users'][$i]['requested_signature'] ? 'true' : 'false');
-                $cptOldUsers            = count($oldListInst[$role_id]['users']);
-                for ($h=0;$h<$cptOldUsers;$h++) {
+                $cptOldUsers = count($oldListInst[$role_id]['users']);
+                for ($h = 0; $h < $cptOldUsers; ++$h) {
                     if ($userId == $oldListInst[$role_id]['users'][$h]['user_id']) {
                         $userFound = true;
@@ -425,50 +439,51 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
                 //Modification du dest_user dans la table res_letterbox
-                if($role_id == 'dest' && $collId == 'letterbox_coll')
-                    $stmt = $db->query("update ".RES_LETTERBOX." set dest_user = ? where res_id = ?", array($userId,$resId));
+                if ($role_id == 'dest' && $collId == 'letterbox_coll') {
+                    $stmt = $db->query('update '.RES_LETTERBOX.' set dest_user = ? where res_id = ?', array($userId, $resId));
+                }
                 if ($processDate != '') {
                     $stmt = $db->query(
-                        "insert into " . ENT_LISTINSTANCE
-                            . " (coll_id, res_id, listinstance_type, sequence, item_id, item_type, item_mode, added_by_user, added_by_entity, visible, viewed, difflist_type, process_comment, process_date, signatory, requested_signature) "
-                        . "values ("
-                            . "?, ?, "
-                            . "'DOC', ?, "
-                            . "?, " 
-                            . "'user_id' , "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?, ?, "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?"
-                        . " )", array($collId,$resId,$i,$userId,$item_mode,$creatorUser,$creatorEntity,$visible,$viewed,$difflistType,$processComment,$processDate,$signatory,$requested_signature)
+                        'insert into '.ENT_LISTINSTANCE
+                            .' (coll_id, res_id, listinstance_type, sequence, item_id, item_type, item_mode, added_by_user, added_by_entity, visible, viewed, difflist_type, process_comment, process_date, signatory, requested_signature) '
+                        .'values ('
+                            .'?, ?, '
+                            ."'DOC', ?, "
+                            .'?, '
+                            ."'user_id' , "
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?, ?, '
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?'
+                        .' )', array($collId, $resId, $i, $userId, $item_mode, $creatorUser, $creatorEntity, $visible, $viewed, $difflistType, $processComment, $processDate, $signatory, $requested_signature)
                 } else {
                     $stmt = $db->query(
-                        "insert into " . ENT_LISTINSTANCE
-                            . " (coll_id, res_id, listinstance_type, sequence, item_id, item_type, item_mode, added_by_user, added_by_entity, visible, viewed, difflist_type, process_comment, signatory, requested_signature) "
-                        . "values ("
-                            . "?, ?, "
-                            . "'DOC', ?, "
-                            . "?, " 
-                            . "'user_id' , "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?, ?, "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?, "
-                            . "?"
-                        . " )", array($collId,$resId,$i,$userId,$item_mode,$creatorUser,$creatorEntity,$visible,$viewed,$difflistType,$processComment,$signatory,$requested_signature)
+                        'insert into '.ENT_LISTINSTANCE
+                            .' (coll_id, res_id, listinstance_type, sequence, item_id, item_type, item_mode, added_by_user, added_by_entity, visible, viewed, difflist_type, process_comment, signatory, requested_signature) '
+                        .'values ('
+                            .'?, ?, '
+                            ."'DOC', ?, "
+                            .'?, '
+                            ."'user_id' , "
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?, ?, '
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?, '
+                            .'?'
+                        .' )', array($collId, $resId, $i, $userId, $item_mode, $creatorUser, $creatorEntity, $visible, $viewed, $difflistType, $processComment, $signatory, $requested_signature)
                 if (!$userFound || $fromQualif) {
                     $listinstance_id = $db->lastInsertId('listinstance_id_seq');
@@ -477,22 +492,22 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
-                        'Diffusion du document '.$resId.' à '. $userId . ' en tant que "' . $role_id .'"',
+                        'Diffusion du document '.$resId.' à '.$userId.' en tant que "'.$role_id.'"',
             //CUSTOM ENTITY ROLES
-            $cptEntities=count($diffList[$role_id]['entities']);
-            for ($j=0;$j<$cptEntities;$j++) {
+            $cptEntities = count($diffList[$role_id]['entities']);
+            for ($j = 0; $j < $cptEntities; ++$j) {
                 $entityFound = false;
                 $entityId = trim($diffList[$role_id]['entities'][$j]['entity_id']);
                 $visible = $diffList[$role_id]['entities'][$j]['visible'];
-                $viewed = (integer)$diffList[$role_id]['entities'][$j]['viewed'];
+                $viewed = (int) $diffList[$role_id]['entities'][$j]['viewed'];
                 $cptOldEntities = count($oldListInst[$role_id]['entities']);
-                for ($g=0;$g<$cptOldEntities;$g++) {
+                for ($g = 0; $g < $cptOldEntities; ++$g) {
                     if ($entityId == $oldListInst[$role_id]['entities'][$g]['entity_id']) {
                         $entityFound = true;
@@ -500,32 +515,32 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
                 $stmt = $db->query(
-                    "INSERT INTO " . ENT_LISTINSTANCE
-                        . " (coll_id, res_id, listinstance_type, sequence, item_id, item_type, item_mode, added_by_user, added_by_entity, visible, viewed, difflist_type) "
-                    . "VALUES ("
-                        . "?, ?, "
-                        . "'DOC', ?, "
-                        . "?, " 
-                        . "'entity_id' , "
-                        . "?, "
-                        . "?, "
-                        . "?, "
-                        . "?,?, "
-                        . "?"
-                    . " )", array($collId,$resId,$j,$entityId,$item_mode,$creatorUser,$creatorEntity,$visible,$viewed,$difflistType)
+                    'INSERT INTO '.ENT_LISTINSTANCE
+                        .' (coll_id, res_id, listinstance_type, sequence, item_id, item_type, item_mode, added_by_user, added_by_entity, visible, viewed, difflist_type) '
+                    .'VALUES ('
+                        .'?, ?, '
+                        ."'DOC', ?, "
+                        .'?, '
+                        ."'entity_id' , "
+                        .'?, '
+                        .'?, '
+                        .'?, '
+                        .'?,?, '
+                        .'?'
+                    .' )', array($collId, $resId, $j, $entityId, $item_mode, $creatorUser, $creatorEntity, $visible, $viewed, $difflistType)
                 if (!$entityFound || $fromQualif) {
-                    $listinstance_id = $db->lastInsertId('listinstance_id_seq');      
+                    $listinstance_id = $db->lastInsertId('listinstance_id_seq');
-                        'Diffusion of document '.$resId.' to '. $entityId . ' as ' . $role_id,
+                        'Diffusion of document '.$resId.' to '.$entityId.' as '.$role_id,
@@ -534,83 +549,85 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
-    function save_listinstance_history($coll_id, $res_id, $difflistType){
+    public function save_listinstance_history($coll_id, $res_id, $difflistType)
+    {
         $db = new Database();
-        $db->query("INSERT INTO listinstance_history (coll_id, res_id, updated_by_user, updated_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, current_timestamp)",array($coll_id,$res_id,$_SESSION['user']['UserId']));
-        $listinstance_history_id = $db->lastInsertId('listinstance_history_id_seq'); 
-        $stmt = $db->query("SELECT * FROM listinstance WHERE res_id = ? and coll_id = ? and difflist_type = ?",array($res_id,$coll_id,$difflistType));
-        while ($resListinstance = $stmt->fetchObject()){
+        $db->query('INSERT INTO listinstance_history (coll_id, res_id, updated_by_user, updated_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, current_timestamp)', array($coll_id, $res_id, $_SESSION['user']['UserId']));
+        $listinstance_history_id = $db->lastInsertId('listinstance_history_id_seq');
+        $stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM listinstance WHERE res_id = ? and coll_id = ? and difflist_type = ?', array($res_id, $coll_id, $difflistType));
+        while ($resListinstance = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
             $stmt2 = $db->query(
-                "INSERT INTO listinstance_history_details 
-                    (listinstance_history_id, coll_id, res_id, listinstance_type, sequence, item_id, item_type, item_mode, added_by_user, added_by_entity, visible, viewed, difflist_type, process_comment) "
-                . "VALUES (?,?, ?, "
-                    . "'DOC', ?, "
-                    . "?, " 
-                    . "? , "
-                    . "?, "
-                    . "?, "
-                    . "?, "
-                    . "?,?, "
-                    . "?, "
-                    . "?"
-                . " )",array($listinstance_history_id,$resListinstance->coll_id,$res_id,$resListinstance->sequence,$resListinstance->item_id,$resListinstance->item_type,$resListinstance->item_mode,$resListinstance->added_by_user,$resListinstance->added_by_entity,$resListinstance->visible,$resListinstance->viewed,$resListinstance->difflist_type,$resListinstance->process_comment)
+                'INSERT INTO listinstance_history_details 
+                    (listinstance_history_id, coll_id, res_id, listinstance_type, sequence, item_id, item_type, item_mode, added_by_user, added_by_entity, visible, viewed, difflist_type, process_comment) '
+                .'VALUES (?,?, ?, '
+                    ."'DOC', ?, "
+                    .'?, '
+                    .'? , '
+                    .'?, '
+                    .'?, '
+                    .'?, '
+                    .'?,?, '
+                    .'?, '
+                    .'?'
+                .' )', array($listinstance_history_id, $resListinstance->coll_id, $res_id, $resListinstance->sequence, $resListinstance->item_id, $resListinstance->item_type, $resListinstance->item_mode, $resListinstance->added_by_user, $resListinstance->added_by_entity, $resListinstance->visible, $resListinstance->viewed, $resListinstance->difflist_type, $resListinstance->process_comment)
-    * Gets a diffusion list for a given resource identifier
-    *
-    * @param string $resId Resource identifier
-    * @param string $collId Collection identifier, 'letterbox_coll' by default
-    * @return array $listinstance['dest] : Data of the dest_user
-    *                                ['user_id'] : identifier of the dest_user
-    *                                ['lastname'] : Lastname of the dest_user
-    *                                ['firstname'] : firstname of the dest_user
-    *                                ['entity_id'] : entity identifier of the dest_user
-    *                                ['entity_label'] : entity label of the dest_user
-    *                         ['copy'] : Data of the copies
-    *                                ['users'][$i] : Users in copy data
-    *                                       ['user_id'] : identifier of the user in copy
-    *                                       ['lastname'] : Lastname of the user in copy
-    *                                       ['firstname'] : firstname of the user in copy
-    *                                       ['entity_id'] : entity identifier of the user in copy
-    *                                       ['entity_label'] : entity label of the user in copy
-    *                                ['entities'][$i] : Entities in copy data
-    *                                       ['entity_id'] : entity identifier of the entity in copy
-    *                                       ['entity_label'] : entity label of the entity in copy
-    **/
+     * Gets a diffusion list for a given resource identifier.
+     *
+     * @param string $resId  Resource identifier
+     * @param string $collId Collection identifier, 'letterbox_coll' by default
+     *
+     * @return array $listinstance['dest] : Data of the dest_user
+     *               ['user_id'] : identifier of the dest_user
+     *               ['lastname'] : Lastname of the dest_user
+     *               ['firstname'] : firstname of the dest_user
+     *               ['entity_id'] : entity identifier of the dest_user
+     *               ['entity_label'] : entity label of the dest_user
+     *               ['copy'] : Data of the copies
+     *               ['users'][$i] : Users in copy data
+     *               ['user_id'] : identifier of the user in copy
+     *               ['lastname'] : Lastname of the user in copy
+     *               ['firstname'] : firstname of the user in copy
+     *               ['entity_id'] : entity identifier of the user in copy
+     *               ['entity_label'] : entity label of the user in copy
+     *               ['entities'][$i] : Entities in copy data
+     *               ['entity_id'] : entity identifier of the entity in copy
+     *               ['entity_label'] : entity label of the entity in copy
+     **/
     public function get_listinstance(
-        $resId, 
-        $modeCc = false, 
+        $resId,
+        $modeCc = false,
         $collId = 'letterbox_coll',
         $typeList = 'entity_id'
     ) {
         $db = new Database();
         $roles = $this->list_difflist_roles();
-        $listinstance = array();       
+        $listinstance = array();
         if (empty($resId) || empty($collId)) {
             return $listinstance;
-        # Load header
-        $query = 
-            "SELECT distinct coll_id, res_id, difflist_type"
-            . " FROM " . ENT_LISTINSTANCE
-            . " WHERE coll_id = ? "
-                . "and res_id = ? GROUP BY coll_id, res_id, difflist_type";
-                $stmt = $db->query($query,array($collId,$resId));
+        // Load header
+        $query =
+            'SELECT distinct coll_id, res_id, difflist_type'
+            .' FROM '.ENT_LISTINSTANCE
+            .' WHERE coll_id = ? '
+                .'and res_id = ? GROUP BY coll_id, res_id, difflist_type';
+        $stmt = $db->query($query, array($collId, $resId));
         $listinstance = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
-        if($listinstance['difflist_type'] == "")
+        if ($listinstance['difflist_type'] == '') {
             $listinstance['difflist_type'] = 'entity_id';
-        # DEST USER
+        }
+        // DEST USER
         /*if (! $modeCc) {
             $stmt = $db->query(
                 "select l.item_id, u.firstname, u.lastname, e.entity_id, "
@@ -626,7 +643,7 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
             $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
             $listinstance['dest'] = array(
                 'user_id' => $this->show_string($res->item_id),
                 'lastname' => $this->show_string($res->lastname),
@@ -637,192 +654,195 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
                 'viewed' => $this->show_string($res->viewed)
-        #**********************************************************************
+        //**********************************************************************
         $stmt = $db->query(
-            "select l.listinstance_id ,l.item_id, u.firstname, u.lastname, e.entity_id, e.entity_label,"
-            . " l.visible, l.viewed, l.item_mode, l.difflist_type, l.process_date, l.process_comment, l.signatory, l.requested_signature from "
-            . ENT_LISTINSTANCE . " l, " . USERS_TABLE
-            . " u, " . ENT_ENTITIES . " e, " . ENT_USERS_ENTITIES
-            . " ue where l.coll_id = '" . $collId . "' "
-            . " and l.item_type = 'user_id' and l.item_id = u.user_id "
-            . " and l.item_id = ue.user_id and ue.user_id=u.user_id "
-            . " and e.entity_id = ue.entity_id and l.difflist_type = ? and l.res_id = ? and ue.primary_entity = 'Y' order by l.sequence ",array($typeList,$resId)
+            'select l.listinstance_id ,l.item_id, u.firstname, u.lastname, e.entity_id, e.entity_label,'
+            .' l.visible, l.viewed, l.item_mode, l.difflist_type, l.process_date, l.process_comment, l.signatory, l.requested_signature from '
+            .' u, '.ENT_ENTITIES.' e, '.ENT_USERS_ENTITIES
+            ." ue where l.coll_id = '".$collId."' "
+            ." and l.item_type = 'user_id' and l.item_id = u.user_id "
+            .' and l.item_id = ue.user_id and ue.user_id=u.user_id '
+            ." and e.entity_id = ue.entity_id and l.difflist_type = ? and l.res_id = ? and ue.primary_entity = 'Y' order by l.sequence ", array($typeList, $resId)
         while ($res = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-            if($res->item_mode == 'cc') 
+            if ($res->item_mode == 'cc') {
                 $role_id = 'copy';
-            else 
+            } else {
                 $role_id = $res->item_mode;
-            if(!isset($listinstance[$role_id]['users'])) {
+            }
+            if (!isset($listinstance[$role_id]['users'])) {
                 $listinstance[$role_id]['users'] = [];
             $listinstance[$role_id]['users'][] = [
-                'listinstance_id'       => $res->listinstance_id,
-                'user_id'               => functions::show_string($res->item_id),
-                'lastname'              => functions::show_string($res->lastname),
-                'firstname'             => functions::show_string($res->firstname),
-                'entity_id'             => functions::show_string($res->entity_id),
-                'entity_label'          => functions::show_string($res->entity_label),
-                'visible'               => functions::show_string($res->visible),
-                'viewed'                => functions::show_string($res->viewed),
-                'difflist_type'         => functions::show_string($res->difflist_type),
-                'process_date'          => functions::show_string($res->process_date),
-                'process_comment'       => functions::show_string($res->process_comment),
-                'signatory'             => (empty($res->signatory) ? false : true),
-                'requested_signature'   => (empty($res->requested_signature) ? false : true)
+                'listinstance_id' => $res->listinstance_id,
+                'user_id' => functions::show_string($res->item_id),
+                'lastname' => functions::show_string($res->lastname),
+                'firstname' => functions::show_string($res->firstname),
+                'entity_id' => functions::show_string($res->entity_id),
+                'entity_label' => functions::show_string($res->entity_label),
+                'visible' => functions::show_string($res->visible),
+                'viewed' => functions::show_string($res->viewed),
+                'difflist_type' => functions::show_string($res->difflist_type),
+                'process_date' => functions::show_string($res->process_date),
+                'process_comment' => functions::show_string($res->process_comment),
+                'signatory' => (empty($res->signatory) ? false : true),
+                'requested_signature' => (empty($res->requested_signature) ? false : true),
-        #**********************************************************************
+        //**********************************************************************
         $stmt = $db->query(
-            "select l.item_id,  e.entity_label, l.visible, l.viewed, l.item_mode, l.difflist_type, l.process_date, l.process_comment  from " . ENT_LISTINSTANCE
-            . " l, " . ENT_ENTITIES . " e where l.difflist_type = ? and l.coll_id =  ? "
-            . "and l.item_type = 'entity_id' and l.item_id = e.entity_id "
-            . "and l.res_id = ? order by l.sequence ",array($typeList,$collId,$resId)
+            'select l.item_id,  e.entity_label, l.visible, l.viewed, l.item_mode, l.difflist_type, l.process_date, l.process_comment  from '.ENT_LISTINSTANCE
+            .' l, '.ENT_ENTITIES.' e where l.difflist_type = ? and l.coll_id =  ? '
+            ."and l.item_type = 'entity_id' and l.item_id = e.entity_id "
+            .'and l.res_id = ? order by l.sequence ', array($typeList, $collId, $resId)
         while ($res = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-            if($res->item_mode == 'cc') 
+            if ($res->item_mode == 'cc') {
                 $role_id = 'copy';
-            else 
+            } else {
                 $role_id = $res->item_mode;
-            if(!isset($listinstance[$role_id]['entities']))
+            }
+            if (!isset($listinstance[$role_id]['entities'])) {
                 $listinstance[$role_id]['entities'] = array();
+            }
-                     'entity_id'       => functions::show_string($res->item_id),
-                     'entity_label'    => functions::show_string($res->entity_label),
-                     'visible'         => functions::show_string($res->visible),
-                     'viewed'          => functions::show_string($res->viewed),
-                     'difflist_type'   => functions::show_string($res->difflist_type),
-                     'process_date'    => functions::show_string($res->process_date),
-                     'process_comment' => functions::show_string($res->process_comment)
+                     'entity_id' => functions::show_string($res->item_id),
+                     'entity_label' => functions::show_string($res->entity_label),
+                     'visible' => functions::show_string($res->visible),
+                     'viewed' => functions::show_string($res->viewed),
+                     'difflist_type' => functions::show_string($res->difflist_type),
+                     'process_date' => functions::show_string($res->process_date),
+                     'process_comment' => functions::show_string($res->process_comment),
         return $listinstance;
     public function set_main_dest(
-        $dest, 
-        $collId, 
+        $dest,
+        $collId,
-        $listinstanceType = 'DOC', 
-        $itemType = 'user_id', 
+        $listinstanceType = 'DOC',
+        $itemType = 'user_id',
     ) {
         $db = new Database();
         $stmt = $db->query(
-            "select item_id from " . ENT_LISTINSTANCE . " where res_id = ? and coll_id = ? and sequence = 0 and item_type = ? and item_mode = 'dest'",array($resId,$collId,$itemType)
+            'select item_id from '.ENT_LISTINSTANCE." where res_id = ? and coll_id = ? and sequence = 0 and item_type = ? and item_mode = 'dest'", array($resId, $collId, $itemType)
         if ($stmt->rowCount() == 1) {
             $stmt = $db->query(
-                "update " . ENT_LISTINSTANCE . " set item_id = ?, viewed = ? where res_id = ? and coll_id = ? and sequence = 0 and item_type = ? and item_mode = 'dest'",array($dest,$viewed,$resId,$collId,$itemType)
+                'update '.ENT_LISTINSTANCE." set item_id = ?, viewed = ? where res_id = ? and coll_id = ? and sequence = 0 and item_type = ? and item_mode = 'dest'", array($dest, $viewed, $resId, $collId, $itemType)
         } else {
             $stmt = $db->query(
-                "insert into " . ENT_LISTINSTANCE . " (coll_id, res_id, "
-                . "item_id, item_type, item_mode, sequence, "
-                . "added_by_user, added_by_entity, viewed) values (?, ?, ?, ?, 'dest', 0, ?,?, ?)",array($collId,$resId,$dest,$itemType,$_SESSION['user']['UserId'],$_SESSION['primaryentity']['id'],$viewed)
+                'insert into '.ENT_LISTINSTANCE.' (coll_id, res_id, '
+                .'item_id, item_type, item_mode, sequence, '
+                ."added_by_user, added_by_entity, viewed) values (?, ?, ?, ?, 'dest', 0, ?,?, ?)", array($collId, $resId, $dest, $itemType, $_SESSION['user']['UserId'], $_SESSION['primaryentity']['id'], $viewed)
-    #**************************************************************************
-    # Administration and management of roles
-    #************************************************************************** 
-    #  Get list of available roles for list models and diffusion lists definition
-    public function list_difflist_roles() 
+    //**************************************************************************
+    // Administration and management of roles
+    //**************************************************************************
+    //  Get list of available roles for list models and diffusion lists definition
+    public function list_difflist_roles()
         $roles = array();
         //load roles difflist
         if (file_exists(
-            $_SESSION['config']['corepath'] . 'custom' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
-            . $_SESSION['custom_override_id'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules'
-            . 'roles.xml'
+            $_SESSION['config']['corepath'].'custom'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
+            .$_SESSION['custom_override_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'modules'
+            .'roles.xml'
         ) {
-            $path = $_SESSION['config']['corepath'] . 'custom' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
-            . $_SESSION['custom_override_id'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules'
-            . 'roles.xml';
+            $path = $_SESSION['config']['corepath'].'custom'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
+            .$_SESSION['custom_override_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'modules'
+            .'roles.xml';
         } else {
-            $path = 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'entities'
-                  . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'xml'
-                  . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'roles.xml';
+            $path = 'modules'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'entities'
+                  .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'xml'
+                  .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'roles.xml';
         $xmlroles = simplexml_load_file($path);
         foreach ($xmlroles->ROLES as $value) {
             foreach ($value as $role) {
-                $id = (string)$role->id;
-                $label = (string)$role->label;
-                if (!empty($label) && defined($label) && constant($label) <> NULL) {
+                $id = (string) $role->id;
+                $label = (string) $role->label;
+                if (!empty($label) && defined($label) && constant($label) != null) {
                     $label = constant($label);
                 $roles[$id] = $label;
         return $roles;
-    public function list_difflist_roles_to_keep($resId, $collId, $objectType, $newDiffList) 
+    public function list_difflist_roles_to_keep($resId, $collId, $objectType, $newDiffList)
         $roles = array();
         //load roles difflist
         if (file_exists(
-            $_SESSION['config']['corepath'] . 'custom' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
-            . $_SESSION['custom_override_id'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules'
-            . 'roles.xml'
+            $_SESSION['config']['corepath'].'custom'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
+            .$_SESSION['custom_override_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'modules'
+            .'roles.xml'
         ) {
-            $path = $_SESSION['config']['corepath'] . 'custom' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
-            . $_SESSION['custom_override_id'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules'
-            . 'roles.xml';
+            $path = $_SESSION['config']['corepath'].'custom'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
+            .$_SESSION['custom_override_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'modules'
+            .'roles.xml';
         } else {
-            $path = 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'entities'
-                  . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'xml'
-                  . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'roles.xml';
+            $path = 'modules'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'entities'
+                  .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'xml'
+                  .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'roles.xml';
         $xmlroles = simplexml_load_file($path);
         foreach ($xmlroles->ROLES as $value) {
             foreach ($value as $role) {
-                $id          = (string)$role->id;
-                $keep_string = (string)$role->keep_in_diffusion_list;
-                $keep        = $keep_string === 'true' ? true: false;
-                $roles[$id]  = $keep;
+                $id = (string) $role->id;
+                $keep_string = (string) $role->keep_in_diffusion_list;
+                $keep = $keep_string === 'true' ? true : false;
+                $roles[$id] = $keep;
         $aCurrentDiffList = diffusion_list::get_listinstance($resId, false, $collId, $objectType);
-        if(!empty($aCurrentDiffList)){
+        if (!empty($aCurrentDiffList)) {
             // On regarde les roles a conserver
             foreach ($aCurrentDiffList as $roleId => $listDiffItemId) {
-                if($roles[$roleId]){
+                if ($roles[$roleId]) {
                     $aRolesToKeep[$roleId] = $listDiffItemId;
-            if(!empty($aRolesToKeep['dest']['users'][0]['user_id']) && !empty($newDiffList['dest']['users'][0]['user_id']) ){
-                if($newDiffList['dest']['users'][0]['user_id'] != $aRolesToKeep['dest']['users'][0]['user_id']) {
+            if (!empty($aRolesToKeep['dest']['users'][0]['user_id']) && !empty($newDiffList['dest']['users'][0]['user_id'])) {
+                if ($newDiffList['dest']['users'][0]['user_id'] != $aRolesToKeep['dest']['users'][0]['user_id']) {
                     // On passe le dest en copie car il ne peut y avoir qu'un dest.
                     $aRolesToKeep['copy']['users'][] = $aRolesToKeep['dest']['users'][0];
@@ -830,27 +850,27 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
             // Si c'est parametre, on reinjecte les anciens roles dans la nouvelle liste de diffusion
-            if(!empty($aRolesToKeep)){
+            if (!empty($aRolesToKeep)) {
                 foreach ($aRolesToKeep as $roleId => $listDiffItemId) {
                     // On injecte le user s il n'existe pas encore
-                    if(isset($listDiffItemId['users'])){
-                        if(!isset($newDiffList[$roleId]['users']) && isset($listDiffItemId['users'])){
+                    if (isset($listDiffItemId['users'])) {
+                        if (!isset($newDiffList[$roleId]['users']) && isset($listDiffItemId['users'])) {
                             $newDiffList[$roleId]['users'] = [];
                         foreach ($listDiffItemId['users'] as $value) {
-                            if(!diffusion_list::in_array_r($value['user_id'], $newDiffList[$roleId]['users'], true)){
+                            if (!diffusion_list::in_array_r($value['user_id'], $newDiffList[$roleId]['users'], true)) {
                                 $newDiffList[$roleId]['users'][] = $value;
                     // On injecte l entite si elle n'existe pas encore
-                    if(isset($listDiffItemId['entities'])){
-                        if(!isset($newDiffList[$roleId]['entities']) && isset($listDiffItemId['entities'])){
+                    if (isset($listDiffItemId['entities'])) {
+                        if (!isset($newDiffList[$roleId]['entities']) && isset($listDiffItemId['entities'])) {
                             $newDiffList[$roleId]['entities'] = [];
                         foreach ($listDiffItemId['entities'] as $value) {
-                            if(!diffusion_list::in_array_r($value['entity_id'], $newDiffList[$roleId]['entities'], true)){
+                            if (!diffusion_list::in_array_r($value['entity_id'], $newDiffList[$roleId]['entities'], true)) {
                                 $newDiffList[$roleId]['entities'][] = $value;
@@ -858,11 +878,12 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
         return $newDiffList;
-    public function in_array_r($needle, $haystack, $strict = false) {
+    public function in_array_r($needle, $haystack, $strict = false)
+    {
         foreach ($haystack as $item) {
             if (($strict ? $item === $needle : $item == $needle) || (is_array($item) && diffusion_list::in_array_r($needle, $item, $strict))) {
                 return true;
@@ -871,60 +892,60 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
         return false;
-    #**************************************************************************
-    # Administration and management of types of list
-    #**************************************************************************
-    #  Get list of available list types / labels
+    //**************************************************************************
+    // Administration and management of types of list
+    //**************************************************************************
+    //  Get list of available list types / labels
     public function list_difflist_types()
         $db = new Database();
-        $stmt = $db->query('select * from ' . ENT_DIFFLIST_TYPES);
+        $stmt = $db->query('select * from '.ENT_DIFFLIST_TYPES);
         $types = array();
-        while ($type = $stmt->fetchObject()) { 
+        while ($type = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
             $types[(string) $type->difflist_type_id] = $type->difflist_type_label;
         return $types;
-    # Get given listmodel type object
+    // Get given listmodel type object
     public function get_difflist_type(
-    ) {       
+    ) {
         $db = new Database();
         $stmt = $db->query(
-            . " WHERE difflist_type_id = ?",array($difflist_type_id) 
+            .' WHERE difflist_type_id = ?', array($difflist_type_id)
         $difflist_type = $stmt->fetchObject();
         return $difflist_type;
     public function get_difflist_type_roles(
     ) {
         $roles = array();
         $db = new Database();
-        $role_ids = explode(' ', $difflist_type->difflist_type_roles);
+        $role_ids = explode(' ', $difflist_type->difflist_type_roles);
-        for($i=0, $l=count($role_ids);
-            $i<$l;
-            $i++
+        for ($i = 0, $l = count($role_ids);
+            $i < $l;
+            ++$i
         ) {
             $role_id = $role_ids[$i];
             $role_label = diffusion_list::get_difflist_type_roles_label($role_id);
             $roles[$role_id] = $role_label;
         return $roles;
     public function get_difflist_type_roles_label(
@@ -933,14 +954,14 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
         $roles = diffusion_list::list_difflist_roles();
         foreach ($roles as $id => $label) {
-            if($role_id == $id)
+            if ($role_id == $id) {
                 $role_label = $label;
+            }
         return $role_label;
     public function insert_difflist_type(
@@ -949,17 +970,17 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
     ) {
         $db = new Database();
         $stmt = $db->query(
-            "insert into " . ENT_DIFFLIST_TYPES
-                . " (difflist_type_id, difflist_type_label, difflist_type_roles, allow_entities)"
-                . " values (" 
-                    . "?,"
-                    . "?,"
-                    . "?,"
-                    . "?"
-                    . ")",array($difflist_type_id,$difflist_type_label,$difflist_type_roles,$allow_entities)
+            'insert into '.ENT_DIFFLIST_TYPES
+                .' (difflist_type_id, difflist_type_label, difflist_type_roles, allow_entities)'
+                .' values ('
+                    .'?,'
+                    .'?,'
+                    .'?,'
+                    .'?'
+                    .')', array($difflist_type_id, $difflist_type_label, $difflist_type_roles, $allow_entities)
     public function update_difflist_type(
@@ -968,23 +989,22 @@ abstract class diffusion_list_Abstract extends functions
     ) {
         $db = new Database();
         $stmt = $db->query(
-            "update " . ENT_DIFFLIST_TYPES 
-                . " set "
-                    . " difflist_type_label = ?,"
-                    . " difflist_type_roles = ?,"
-                    . " allow_entities = ?"
-                . " where difflist_type_id = ?",array($difflist_type_label,$difflist_type_roles,$allow_entities,$difflist_type_id)
+            'update '.ENT_DIFFLIST_TYPES
+                .' set '
+                    .' difflist_type_label = ?,'
+                    .' difflist_type_roles = ?,'
+                    .' allow_entities = ?'
+                .' where difflist_type_id = ?', array($difflist_type_label, $difflist_type_roles, $allow_entities, $difflist_type_id)
     public function delete_difflist_type(
     ) {
         $db = new Database();
         $stmt = $db->query(
-            . " WHERE difflist_type_id = ?",array($difflist_type_id) 
+            .' WHERE difflist_type_id = ?', array($difflist_type_id)