From 59514376affa48c02eb1fd083052ef45edafb321 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Damien <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2019 11:59:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] FEAT #12510 TIME 1:10 Maileva fix + refactoring on view

 .../admin/contacts/admin_contacts.php         | 120 ----
 .../contact_addresses_list.php                | 295 --------
 .../contact_addresses_up_db.php               |   1 -
 .../contacts_v2/contacts_v2_confirm.php       | 226 ------
 .../contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_up.php   |   5 -
 .../contacts_v2/contacts_v2_up_db.php         |   1 -
 .../class/class_contacts_v2_Abstract.php      | 667 ------------------
 .../class/class_lists_Abstract.php            |   5 -
 .../class/class_multicontacts.php             |  34 -
 .../class/class_multicontacts_Abstract.php    |  72 --
 .../definition_mail_categories.php            | 498 -------------
 .../indexing_searching/add_multi_contacts.php | 165 -----
 .../indexing_searching/addresses_list.php     | 338 ---------
 .../indexing_searching/details.php            |  13 +-
 apps/maarch_entreprise/js/functions.js        |  20 -
 apps/maarch_entreprise/loadContactsList.php   | 127 ----
 .../my_contacts/get_last_contact_address.php  | 135 ----
 .../my_contacts/my_contact_up_db.php          |   1 -
 .../xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml          |  11 -
 core/class/LinkController.php                 |   2 +-
 core/class/PrintControler.php                 |   4 +-
 modules/attachments/attachments_content.php   |   2 +-
 modules/avis/send_to_avis.php                 |   2 +-
 .../ReceiveMessageExchangeController.php      |   2 +-
 .../SendMessageExchangeController.php         |   4 +-
 .../sendmail/acknowledgementReceiptsList.php  |   3 -
 modules/sendmail/mail_form.php                |   8 +-
 modules/sendmail/sendmail_ajax_content.php    |   6 +-
 .../PreProcessActionController.php            |  21 +-
 src/app/action/controllers/ShippingTrait.php  |  12 +-
 .../contact/controllers/ContactController.php |  70 +-
 src/app/contact/models/ContactModel.php       |  73 +-
 .../resource/models/ResourceContactModel.php  |  41 --
 .../contact/ContactGroupControllerTest.php    |  14 +-
 34 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 2922 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/admin_contacts.php
 delete mode 100755 apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contact_addresses/contact_addresses_list.php
 delete mode 100755 apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_confirm.php
 delete mode 100755 apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_multicontacts.php
 delete mode 100755 apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_multicontacts_Abstract.php
 delete mode 100755 apps/maarch_entreprise/indexing_searching/add_multi_contacts.php
 delete mode 100755 apps/maarch_entreprise/indexing_searching/addresses_list.php
 delete mode 100755 apps/maarch_entreprise/loadContactsList.php
 delete mode 100755 apps/maarch_entreprise/my_contacts/get_last_contact_address.php

diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/admin_contacts.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/admin_contacts.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 42449e8af12..00000000000
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/admin_contacts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-*    Copyright 2008,2009 Maarch
-*  This file is part of Maarch Framework.
-*   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-*   (at your option) any later version.
-*   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-*    along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
- * @brief   Architecture Administration summary Page
- *
- * Architecture Administration summary Page
- *
- * @file
- *
- * @author Claire Figueras <>
- * @date $date$
- *
- * @version $Revision$
- * @ingroup admin
- */
-$admin = new core_tools();
-$admin->test_admin('admin_contacts', 'apps');
-/****************Management of the location bar  ************/
-$init = false;
-if (isset($_REQUEST['reinit']) && $_REQUEST['reinit'] == 'true') {
-    $init = true;
-$level = '';
-if (isset($_REQUEST['level']) && ($_REQUEST['level'] == 2 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 3 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 4 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 1)) {
-    $level = $_REQUEST['level'];
-$page_path = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?page=admin_contacts&admin=contacts';
-$page_label = _ADMIN_CONTACTS;
-$page_id = 'admin_contacts';
-$admin->manage_location_bar($page_path, $page_label, $page_id, $init, $level);
-<h1><i class="fa fa-book fa-2x"></i> <?php echo _ADMIN_CONTACTS_DESC; ?></h1>
-<div id="inner_content" class="clearfix">
-<div class="block">
-    <h2><?php echo _ADMIN_CONTACTS; ?></h2>
-    <div class="admin_item" onclick="'<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']; ?>index.php?page=contact_types';">
-        <div>
-            <i class="fa fa-share-alt fa-4x" title="<?php echo _MANAGE_CONTACT_TYPES_DESC; ?>" ></i>
-        </div>
-        <div>
-                <strong><?php echo _MANAGE_CONTACT_TYPES; ?></strong>
-        </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="admin_item" onclick="'<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']; ?>index.php?page=contacts_v2';">
-        <div>
-            <i class="fa fa-address-book fa-4x" title="<?php echo _MANAGE_CONTACTS_DESC; ?>" ></i>
-        </div>
-        <div>
-                <strong><?php echo _MANAGE_CONTACTS; ?></strong>
-         </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="admin_item" onclick="'<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']; ?>index.php?page=contact_purposes';">
-        <div>
-            <i class="fa fa-tags fa-4x" title="<?php echo _MANAGE_CONTACT_PURPOSES_DESC; ?>" ></i>
-        </div>
-        <div>
-                <strong><?php echo _MANAGE_CONTACT_PURPOSES; ?></strong>
-         </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="admin_item" onclick="'<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']; ?>index.php?page=contact_addresses_list';">
-        <div>
-            <i class="fa fa-home fa-4x" title="<?php echo _MANAGE_CONTACT_ADDRESSES_LIST_DESC; ?>" ></i>
-        </div>
-        <div>
-                <strong><?php echo _MANAGE_CONTACT_ADDRESSES_LIST; ?></strong>
-         </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="admin_item" onclick="'<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']; ?>index.php?page=view_tree_contacts';">
-        <div>
-            <i class="fa fa-code-branch fa-4x" title="<?php echo _VIEW_TREE_CONTACTS_DESC; ?>" ></i>
-        </div>
-        <div>
-                <strong><?php echo _VIEW_TREE_CONTACTS; ?></strong>
-         </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="admin_item" onclick="triggerAngular('#/administration/contacts-groups')">
-        <div>
-            <i class="fa fa-users fa-4x" title="<?php echo _VIEW_CONTACTS_GROUPS_DESC; ?>" ></i>
-        </div>
-        <div>
-                <strong><?php echo _VIEW_CONTACTS_GROUPS;?></strong>
-         </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="admin_item" onclick="triggerAngular('#/administration/contacts-filling')">
-        <div>
-            <i class="fas fa-address-card fa-4x"></i>
-            <i class="far fa-question-circle" style="position: absolute;font-size: 26px;margin-left: 5px;"></i> 
-        </div>
-        <div>
-            <strong><?php echo _CONTACTS_FILLING;?></strong>
-         </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="clearfix"></div>
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contact_addresses/contact_addresses_list.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contact_addresses/contact_addresses_list.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 987666a424c..00000000000
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contact_addresses/contact_addresses_list.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-*    Copyright 2014 Maarch
-*  This file is part of Maarch Framework.
-*   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-*   (at your option) any later version.
-*   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-*    along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
- * @file
- *
- * @author <>
- * @date $date$
- *
- * @version $Revision$
- * @ingroup admin
- */
-require_once 'apps'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_contacts_v2.php';
-$core_tools = new core_tools();
-$func = new functions();
-$contact = new contacts_v2();
-require_once 'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_request.php';
-require_once 'apps'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_list_show.php';
-$func = new functions();
-$return = $core_tools->test_admin('admin_contacts', 'apps', false);
-if (!$return) {
-    $return = $core_tools->test_admin('search_contacts', 'apps', false);
-if (!$return) {
-    $return = $core_tools->test_admin('create_contacts', 'apps');
- /****************Management of the location bar  ************/
-$init = false;
-if (isset($_REQUEST['reinit']) && $_REQUEST['reinit'] == 'true') {
-    $init = true;
-$level = '';
-if (isset($_REQUEST['level']) && ($_REQUEST['level'] == 2 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 3 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 4 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 1)) {
-    $level = $_REQUEST['level'];
-$page_path = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?page=contact_addresses_list';
-$page_id = 'contact_addresses_list';
-$core_tools->manage_location_bar($page_path, $page_label, $page_id, $init, $level);
-$select['view_contacts'] = array();
-    $select['view_contacts'],
-    'ca_id', "contact_id
-    , case when view_contacts.is_corporate_person <> 'Y' then view_contacts.contact_id || ' - ' || view_contacts.contact_lastname || ' ' || view_contacts.contact_firstname|| ' - physique' else view_contacts.contact_id || ' - ' || view_contacts.society || ' - moral' end as \"society\"", 'contact_purpose_id', "departement
-    , case when view_contacts.contact_lastname <> '' then view_contacts.contact_lastname else view_contacts.lastname end as \"lastname\"
-    , case when view_contacts.contact_firstname <> '' then view_contacts.contact_firstname else view_contacts.firstname end as \"firstname\"
-    , case when view_contacts.contact_function <> '' then view_contacts.contact_function else view_contacts.function end as \"function\"", 'address_town', 'phone', 'email'
-$what = '';
-$where = '';
-$arrayPDO = array();
-if (isset($_REQUEST['selectedObject']) && !empty($_REQUEST['selectedObject'])) {
-    $where .= ' ca_id = ? ';
-    $arrayPDO = array($_REQUEST['selectedObject']);
-} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['what']) && !empty($_REQUEST['what'])) {
-    $what = str_replace('  ', '', $_REQUEST['what']);
-    $what_table = explode(' ', $what);
-    foreach ($what_table as $key => $what_a) {
-        $sql_lastname[] = ' lower(lastname) LIKE lower(:what_'.$key.')';
-        $sql_firstname[] = ' lower(firstname) LIKE lower(:what_'.$key.')';
-        $sql_society[] = ' lower(departement) LIKE lower(:what_'.$key.')';
-        $sql_contact_firstname[] = ' lower(contact_firstname) LIKE lower(:what_'.$key.')';
-        $sql_contact_lastname[] = ' lower(contact_lastname) LIKE lower(:what_'.$key.')';
-        $arrayPDO = array_merge($arrayPDO, array(':what_'.$key => $what_a.'%'));
-    }
-    $where .= ' ('.implode(' OR ', $sql_lastname).' ';
-    $where .= ' or '.implode(' OR ', $sql_firstname).' ';
-    $where .= ' or '.implode(' OR ', $sql_society).' ';
-    $where .= ' or '.implode(' OR ', $sql_contact_firstname).' ';
-    $where .= ' or '.implode(' OR ', $sql_contact_lastname).') ';
-// var_dump($arrayPDO);
-// var_dump($where);
-$list = new list_show();
-$order = 'asc';
-if (isset($_REQUEST['order']) && !empty($_REQUEST['order'])) {
-    $order = trim($_REQUEST['order']);
-//use to pass the next condition in order_field. Then we need to delete them.
-    $select['view_contacts'],
-    'lastname', 'firstname', 'function'
-$field = 'society';
-if (isset($_REQUEST['order_field']) && !empty($_REQUEST['order_field']) && in_array($_REQUEST['order_field'], $select['view_contacts'])) {
-    $field = trim($_REQUEST['order_field']);
-$orderstr = $list->define_order($order, $field);
-if (isset($_REQUEST['start']) && !empty($_REQUEST['start'])) {
-    $parameters .= '&start='.$_REQUEST['start'];
-} else {
-    $_REQUEST['start'] = 0;
-if (isset($_REQUEST['lines'])) {
-    $limit = $_REQUEST['lines'];
-} else {
-    $limit = 'default';
-$request = new request();
-$tab = $request->PDOselect(
-    $select, $where, $arrayPDO, $orderstr, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype'], $limit, false, '', '', '', true, false, false, $_REQUEST['start']
-// $request->show();
-if (!empty($tab)) {
-    for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab); ++$i ) {
-        for ($j = 0; $j < count($tab[$i]); ++$j ) {
-            foreach (array_keys($tab[$i][$j]) as $value) {
-                if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == 'ca_id') {
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['id'] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label'] = _ID;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['size'] = '30';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label_align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['valign'] = 'bottom';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['show'] = false;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['order'] = 'id';
-                }
-                if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == 'contact_id') {
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['contact_id'] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label'] = _CONTACT_ID;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['size'] = '30';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label_align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['valign'] = 'bottom';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['show'] = false;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['order'] = 'contact_id';
-                }
-                if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == 'society') {
-                    $show_string = explode(' - ', $tab[$i][$j]['value']);
-                    $show_string[2] = '<i style="font-size:10px;color:#135F7F;">'.$show_string[2].'</i>';
-                    $show_string = implode(' - ', $show_string);
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['value'] = $show_string;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['society'] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label'] = _LINKED_CONTACT;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['size'] = '30';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label_align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['valign'] = 'bottom';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['show'] = true;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['order'] = 'society';
-                }
-                if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == 'contact_purpose_id') {
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['value'] = $contact->get_label_contact($tab[$i][$j]['value'], $_SESSION['tablename']['contact_purposes']);
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['contact_purpose_id'] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label'] = _CONTACT_PURPOSE;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['size'] = '20';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label_align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['valign'] = 'bottom';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['show'] = true;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['order'] = 'contact_purpose_id';
-                }
-                if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == 'departement') {
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['value'] = $request->show_string(
-                        $tab[$i][$j]['value']
-                    );
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['departement'] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label'] = _SERVICE;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['size'] = '20';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label_align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['valign'] = 'bottom';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['show'] = true;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['order'] = 'departement';
-                }
-                if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == 'lastname') {
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['value'] = $request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['lastname'] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label'] = _LASTNAME;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['size'] = '15';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label_align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['valign'] = 'bottom';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['show'] = true;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['order'] = 'lastname';
-                }
-                if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == 'firstname') {
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['firstname'] = $request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label'] = _FIRSTNAME;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['size'] = '15';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label_align'] = 'center';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['align'] = 'center';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['valign'] = 'bottom';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['show'] = true;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['order'] = 'firstname';
-                }
-                if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == 'function') {
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['value'] = $request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['function'] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label'] = _FUNCTION;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['size'] = '15';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label_align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['valign'] = 'bottom';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['show'] = true;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['order'] = 'function';
-                }
-                if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == 'address_town') {
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['address_town'] = $request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label'] = _TOWN;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['size'] = '10';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label_align'] = 'center';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['align'] = 'center';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['valign'] = 'bottom';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['show'] = true;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['order'] = 'address_town';
-                }
-                if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == 'phone') {
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['value'] = $request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['phone'] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label'] = _PHONE;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['size'] = '15';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label_align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['align'] = 'left';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['valign'] = 'bottom';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['show'] = false;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['order'] = 'phone';
-                }
-                if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == 'email') {
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['email'] = $request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label'] = _MAIL;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['size'] = '15';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['label_align'] = 'center';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['align'] = 'center';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['valign'] = 'bottom';
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['show'] = false;
-                    $tab[$i][$j]['order'] = 'email';
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-$pageName = 'contact_addresses_list';
-$pageNameUp = 'contact_addresses_up&fromContactAddressesList';
-$pageNameAdd = '';
-$pageNameDel = '';
-$pageNameVal = '';
-$tableName = 'view_contacts';
-$pageNameBan = '';
-$addLabel = '';
-$autoCompletionArray = array();
-$autoCompletionArray['list_script_url'] = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-    .'index.php?display=true&page=contact_addresses_list_by_name';
-$autoCompletionArray['number_to_begin'] = 1;
-$autoCompletionArray['searchBoxAutoCompletionUpdate'] = true;
-$title = _ADDRESSES_LIST.' : '.$_SESSION['save_list']['full_count'].' '._ADDRESSES;
-    $tab, $_SESSION['save_list']['full_count'], $title,
-    'contact_id', 'contact_addresses_list', 'contact_addresses',
-    'id', true, $pageNameUp, $pageNameVal, $pageNameBan,
-    $pageNameDel, $pageNameAdd, $addLabel, false, false, _ALL_CONTACT_ADDRESSES,
-    _A_CONTACT_ADDRESS, 'home', false, true, true, true,
-    $what, true, $autoCompletionArray, false, true);
-$_SESSION['m_admin']['address'] = array();
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contact_addresses/contact_addresses_up_db.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contact_addresses/contact_addresses_up_db.php
index d235183c990..d83e74b0bd3 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contact_addresses/contact_addresses_up_db.php
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contact_addresses/contact_addresses_up_db.php
@@ -81,4 +81,3 @@ if (isset($_REQUEST['fromContactAddressesList'])) {
     $_SESSION['contact_address']['fromContactAddressesList'] = "yes";
-$contact->addupaddress($_POST['mode'], $admin, $iframe);
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_confirm.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_confirm.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 64b4d2852c3..00000000000
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_confirm.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-*    Copyright 2014 Maarch
-*  This file is part of Maarch Framework.
-*   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-*   (at your option) any later version.
-*   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-*    along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
-* @file
-* @author <>
-* @date $date$
-* @version $Revision$
-* @ingroup admin
-$admin = new core_tools();
-$return = $admin->test_admin('admin_contacts', 'apps', false);
-if (!$return) {
-    $return = $admin->test_admin('create_contacts', 'apps', false);
-if (!$return) {
-    $return = $admin->test_admin('my_contacts', 'apps', false);
-if (!$return) {
-    $return = $admin->test_admin('my_contacts_menu', 'apps', false);
-if (!$return) {
-    $_SESSION['error'] = _SERVICE . ' ' . _UNKNOWN;
-    ?>
-    <script type="text/javascript">'<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'];?>index.php';</script>
-    <?php
-    exit();
-$admin->load_header('', true, false);
-require_once 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'class' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'class_request.php';
-$contact = new contacts_v2();
-$db = new Database();
-if (isset($_REQUEST['popup'])) {
-	echo '<div class="error" id="main_error">';
-	functions::xecho($_SESSION['error']);
-	echo '</div>';
-echo '<div class="info" id="main_info">';
-echo '</div>';
-$_SESSION['error'] = '';
-$_SESSION['info'] = '';
-/****************Management of the location bar  ************/
-$init = false;
-if(isset($_REQUEST['reinit']) && $_REQUEST['reinit'] == "true")
-    $init = true;
-$level = "";
-if(isset($_REQUEST['level']) && ($_REQUEST['level'] == 2 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 3 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 4 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 1))
-    $level = $_REQUEST['level'];
-$page_path = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?page=contacts_v2_confirm';
-if($_GET['mode'] == 'up'){
-} else {
-$page_id = "contacts_v2_confirm";
-$admin->manage_location_bar($page_path, $page_label, $page_id, $init, $level);
-<h1><i class="fa fa-users fa-2x"></i>
-	<?php if($_GET['mode'] == 'up'){
-	} else {
-	}?>
-	<?php $contact->get_contact_form();?>
-$query = $contact->query_contact_exists($_GET['mode']);
-$stmt = $db->query($query['query'], $query['params']);
-$tab = array();
-while ($res = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
-    $temp= array();
-    foreach (array_keys($res) as $resval)
-    {
-        if (!is_int($resval))
-        {
-            array_push($temp,array('column'=>$resval,'value'=>$res[$resval]));
-        }
-    }
-	array_push($tab, $temp);
-$list = new list_show();
-	for ($i=0;$i<count($tab);$i++)
-	{
-		for ($j=0;$j<count($tab[$i]);$j++)
-		{
-			foreach(array_keys($tab[$i][$j]) as $value)
-			{
-				if($tab[$i][$j][$value] == "contact_id"){
-					$tab[$i][$j]["label"]=_ID;
-					$tab[$i][$j]["size"]="20";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["label_align"]="left";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["align"]="left";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["valign"]="bottom";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["show"]=true;
-					$tab[$i][$j]["value"]=$tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-				}
-				if($tab[$i][$j][$value] == "contact_type"){
-					$tab[$i][$j]["label"]=_CONTACT_TYPE;
-					$tab[$i][$j]["size"]="20";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["label_align"]="left";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["align"]="left";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["valign"]="bottom";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["show"]=true;
-					$tab[$i][$j]["value"]=$contact->get_label_contact($tab[$i][$j]['value'], $_SESSION['tablename']['contact_types']);
-				}
-				if($tab[$i][$j][$value] == "society"){
-					$tab[$i][$j]["label"]=_STRUCTURE_ORGANISM;
-					$tab[$i][$j]["size"]="20";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["label_align"]="left";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["align"]="left";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["valign"]="bottom";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["show"]=true;
-					$tab[$i][$j]["value"]=$tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-				}
-				if($tab[$i][$j][$value] == "contact_firstname"){
-					$tab[$i][$j]["label"]=_FIRSTNAME;
-					$tab[$i][$j]["size"]="20";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["label_align"]="left";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["align"]="left";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["valign"]="bottom";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["show"]=true;
-					$tab[$i][$j]["value"]=$tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-				}
-				if($tab[$i][$j][$value] == "contact_lastname"){
-					$tab[$i][$j]["label"]=_LASTNAME;
-					$tab[$i][$j]["size"]="20";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["label_align"]="left";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["align"]="left";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["valign"]="bottom";
-					$tab[$i][$j]["show"]=true;
-					$tab[$i][$j]["value"]=$tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-				}
-	            if($tab[$i][$j][$value]=="contact_enabled")
-	            {
-	            	if ($tab[$i][$j]['value'] == "Y") {
-	            		$tab[$i][$j]['value'] = _ENABLED;
-	            	} else {
-	            		$tab[$i][$j]['value'] = _DISABLED;
-	            	}
-	                $tab[$i][$j]["enabled"]= $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-	                $tab[$i][$j]["label"]=_STATUS;
-	                $tab[$i][$j]["size"]="5";
-	                $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"]="center";
-	                $tab[$i][$j]["align"]="center";
-	                $tab[$i][$j]["valign"]="bottom";
-	                $tab[$i][$j]["show"]=true;
-	                $tab[$i][$j]["order"]= "contact_enabled";
-	            }
-			}
-		}
-	}
-<div align="center">
-	<?php $list->list_simple($tab, $i, '', 'contact_id', 'contact_id', false, "", 'listing spec', '', 400, 500);?>
-	if($_GET['mode'] == 'up'){
-	} else {
-	}
-	if($_GET['mycontact'] == 'N'){ ?> 
-		&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<input class="button" type="button" value="<?php echo _YES;?>" name="Submit" onclick="javascript:window.location.href='<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'];?>index.php?display=true&page=contacts_v2_up_db&confirm=Y&mode=<?php functions::xecho($_GET['mode']);?>';"> 
-		&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<input class="button" type="button" value="<?php echo _NO;?>" name="Cancel" onclick="javascript:window.location.href='<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'];?>index.php?page=contacts_v2';">
-	} else if($_GET['mycontact'] == 'iframe'){?>
-		&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<input class="button" type="button" value="<?php echo _YES;?>" name="Submit" onclick="javascript:window.location.href='<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'];?>index.php?display=true&page=my_contact_up_db&dir=my_contacts&confirm=Y&mode=<?php functions::xecho($_GET['mode']);?>&mycontact=iframe';"> 
-		&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<input class="button" type="button" value="<?php echo _NO;?>" name="Cancel" onclick="javascript:window.location.href='<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'];?>index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=create_contact_iframe';new Effect.toggle(parent.document.getElementById('create_contact_div'), 'blind', {delay:0.2});return false;">
-	}	else { ?>
-		&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<input class="button" type="button" value="<?php echo _YES;?>" name="Submit" onclick="javascript:window.location.href='<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'];?>index.php?display=true&page=my_contact_up_db&dir=my_contacts&confirm=Y&mode=<?php functions::xecho($_GET['mode']);?>';"> 
-		&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<input class="button" type="button" value="<?php echo _NO;?>" name="Cancel" onclick="javascript:window.location.href='<?php echo $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'];?>index.php?page=my_contacts&dir=my_contacts&load';">
-	} ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_up.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_up.php
index f36bcbfc1e2..41a108cee58 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_up.php
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_up.php
@@ -84,11 +84,6 @@ require_once "core" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "class" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cla
 require_once "apps" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_SESSION['config']['app_id'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "class" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "class_list_show.php";
 $func = new functions();
-$select['view_contacts'] = array();
-    $select['view_contacts'],
-    "ca_id as id", "contact_id", "contact_purpose_id", "departement", "lastname", "firstname", "function", "address_num", "address_street", "address_postal_code", "address_town", "phone", "email", "enabled", "contact_purpose_label"
 $what = "";
 $where = "contact_id = :contactid ";
 $arrayPDO = array(":contactid" => $id);
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_up_db.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_up_db.php
index 92266b379c5..207f893c428 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_up_db.php
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/admin/contacts/contacts_v2/contacts_v2_up_db.php
@@ -53,5 +53,4 @@ if(isset($_GET['confirm']) &&  $_GET['confirm'] <> ''){
 } else {
 	$confirm = 'N';
-$contact->addupcontact($_POST['mode'], true, $confirm);
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_contacts_v2_Abstract.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_contacts_v2_Abstract.php
index 6baace7b671..63d648d9b89 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_contacts_v2_Abstract.php
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_contacts_v2_Abstract.php
@@ -151,345 +151,6 @@ abstract class contacts_v2_Abstract extends Database
         $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['start'] = $_REQUEST['start'];
-    public function is_exists($mode, $mycontact)
-    {
-        $query = $this->query_contact_exists($mode);
-        $db = new Database();
-        $stmt = $db->query($query['query'], $query['params']);
-        if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) {
-            if ($mode != 'up') {
-                $_SESSION['error'] = _THE_CONTACT.' '._ALREADY_EXISTS;
-            }
-            if ($mycontact == 'iframe') {
-                $path_contacts_confirm = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?display=false&page=contacts_v2_confirm&popup';
-            } else {
-                $path_contacts_confirm = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?page=contacts_v2_confirm';
-            }
-            header(
-                'location: '.$path_contacts_confirm.'&body_loaded&mode='.$mode.'&mycontact='.$mycontact
-            );
-            exit;
-        }
-    }
-    public function query_contact_exists($mode)
-    {
-        $query = '';
-        if ($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['IS_CORPORATE_PERSON'] == 'N') {
-            $query = 'SELECT contact_id, contact_type, society, contact_firstname, contact_lastname, contact_enabled FROM view_contacts 
-                WHERE lower(contact_firstname) = lower(?)
-                  and lower(contact_lastname) = lower(?)';
-            $arrayPDO = array($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['FIRSTNAME'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['LASTNAME']);
-        } elseif ($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['IS_CORPORATE_PERSON'] == 'Y') {
-            $query = 'SELECT contact_id, contact_type, society, contact_firstname, contact_lastname, contact_enabled FROM view_contacts 
-                WHERE lower(society) = lower(?)';
-            $arrayPDO = array($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['SOCIETY']);
-        }
-        if ($mode == 'up') {
-            $query .= ' and contact_id <> ?';
-            $arrayPDO = array_merge($arrayPDO, array($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['ID']));
-        }
-        return array('query' => $query, 'params' => $arrayPDO);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add ou modify contact in the database.
-     *
-     * @param string $mode up or add
-     */
-    public function addupcontact($mode, $admin = true, $confirm = 'N', $mycontact = 'N')
-    {
-        $db = new Database();
-        // add ou modify users in the database
-        if ($confirm == 'N') {
-            $this->contactinfo($mode);
-        }
-        if (empty($_SESSION['error']) && $confirm == 'N') {
-            $this->is_exists($mode, $mycontact);
-        }
-        $order = $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['order'];
-        $order_field = $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['order_field'];
-        $what = $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['what'];
-        $start = $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['start'];
-        if ($mode == 'add') {
-            $path_contacts = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                           .'index.php?page=contact_addresses_add&order='
-                           .$order.'&order_field='.$order_field.'&start='
-                           .$start.'&what='.$what;
-        } else {
-            $path_contacts = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                           .'index.php?page=contacts_v2&order='
-                           .$order.'&order_field='.$order_field.'&start='
-                           .$start.'&what='.$what;
-        }
-        $path_contacts_add_errors = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                  .'index.php?page=contacts_v2_add';
-        $path_contacts_up_errors = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                 .'index.php?page=contacts_v2_up';
-        if (!$admin) {
-            if ($mode == 'add') {
-                $path_contacts = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                               .'index.php?page=contact_addresses_add&mycontact=Y&order='
-                               .$order.'&order_field='.$order_field.'&start='
-                               .$start.'&what='.$what;
-            } else {
-                $path_contacts = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                               .'index.php?page=my_contacts&dir=my_contacts&load&order='
-                               .$order.'&order_field='.$order_field.'&start='
-                               .$start.'&what='.$what;
-            }
-            $path_contacts_add_errors = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                      .'index.php?page=my_contact_add&dir='
-                                      .'my_contacts&load';
-            $path_contacts_up_errors = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                     .'index.php?page=my_contact_up&dir='
-                                     .'my_contacts&load';
-        }
-        if ($mycontact == 'iframe') {
-            if ($mode == 'add') {
-                $path_contacts = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                          .'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=create_address_iframe';
-                $path_contacts_add_errors = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                          .'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=create_contact_iframe';
-            } elseif ($mode == 'up') {
-                $path_contacts = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                        .'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=info_contact_iframe&contactid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'].'&addressid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_address_id'].'&created=Y';
-                $path_contacts_up_errors = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                        .'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=info_contact_iframe&contactid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'].'&addressid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_address_id'];
-            }
-        }
-        if (!empty($_SESSION['error'])) {
-            if ($mode == 'up') {
-                if (!empty($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['ID'])) {
-                    header(
-                        'location: '.$path_contacts_up_errors.'&id='
-                        .$_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['ID']
-                    );
-                    exit;
-                } else {
-                    header('location: '.$path_contacts);
-                    exit;
-                }
-            }
-            if ($mode == 'add') {
-                header('location: '.$path_contacts_add_errors);
-                exit;
-            }
-        } else {
-            if ($mode == 'add') {
-                if ($_SESSION['user']['UserId'] == 'superadmin') {
-                    $entity_id = 'SUPERADMIN';
-                } else {
-                    $entity_id = $_SESSION['user']['primaryentity']['id'];
-                }
-                $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contacts_v2']
-                    .' ( contact_type, lastname , firstname , society , society_short, function , '
-                    .'other_data,'
-                    .' title, is_corporate_person, is_external_contact, user_id, entity_id, creation_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, current_timestamp)';
-                $db->query($query, array($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['CONTACT_TYPE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['LASTNAME'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['FIRSTNAME'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['SOCIETY'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['SOCIETY_SHORT'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['FUNCTION'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['OTHER_DATA'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['TITLE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['IS_CORPORATE_PERSON'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['IS_EXTERNAL_CONTACT'], $_SESSION['user']['UserId'], $entity_id));
-                if ($_SESSION['history']['contactadd']) {
-                    $stmt = $db->query('SELECT contact_id, creation_date FROM '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contacts_v2']
-                        .' WHERE lastname = ? and firstname = ? and society = ? and function = ? and is_corporate_person = ? order by creation_date desc', array($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['LASTNAME'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['FIRSTNAME'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['SOCIETY'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['FUNCTION'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['IS_CORPORATE_PERSON']));
-                    $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                    $id = $res->contact_id;
-                    if ($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['IS_CORPORATE_PERSON'] == 'Y') {
-                        $msg = _CONTACT_ADDED.' : '.functions::protect_string_db($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['SOCIETY']);
-                    } else {
-                        $msg = _CONTACT_ADDED.' : '.functions::protect_string_db($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['LASTNAME'].' '.$_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['FIRSTNAME']);
-                    }
-                    require_once 'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_history.php';
-                    $hist = new history();
-                    $hist->add($_SESSION['tablename']['contacts_v2'], $id, 'ADD', 'contacts_v2_add', $msg, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype']);
-                }
-                $sQueryString = '';
-                $aQueryValues = [];
-                foreach (['lastname' => $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['LASTNAME'],
-                            'firstname' => $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['FIRSTNAME'],
-                            'society' => $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['SOCIETY'],
-                            'function' => $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['FUNCTION'],
-                            'is_corporate_person' => $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['IS_CORPORATE_PERSON'], ] as $key => $value) {
-                    if ($key != 'lastname') {
-                        $sQueryString .= ' and ';
-                    }
-                    if (empty(trim($value))) {
-                        $sQueryString .= ' ('.$key.' = \'\' or '.$key.' is null) ';
-                    } else {
-                        $sQueryString .= $key.' = ? ';
-                        array_push($aQueryValues, $value);
-                    }
-                }
-                $stmt = $db->query('SELECT contact_id, creation_date FROM '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contacts_v2']
-                        .' WHERE '.$sQueryString.' order by creation_date desc', $aQueryValues);
-                $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                $id = $res->contact_id;
-                $_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'] = $id;
-                if (!empty($_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['TYPE']) && !empty($_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['VALUE'])) {
-                    $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contact_communication']
-                        .' ( contact_id, type, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)';
-                    $db->query($query, array($_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['TYPE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['VALUE']));
-                    if ($_SESSION['history']['contact_communication_add']) {
-                        $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id FROM '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contact_communication']
-                            .' WHERE contact_id = ? and type = ? and value = ?', array($_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['TYPE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['VALUE']));
-                        $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                        $id = $res->id;
-                        $msg = _COMMUNICATION_ADDED.' : '.functions::protect_string_db($_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['TYPE'].' '.$_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['VALUE']);
-                        require_once 'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_history.php';
-                        $hist = new history();
-                        $hist->add($_SESSION['tablename']['contact_communication'], $id, 'ADD', 'contacts_communication_add', $msg, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype']);
-                    }
-                }
-                $_SESSION['info'] = _CONTACT_ADDED;
-                header('location: '.$path_contacts);
-                exit;
-            } elseif ($mode == 'up') {
-                $query = 'UPDATE '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contacts_v2']
-                    .' SET update_date = current_timestamp, contact_type = ?, lastname = ?, firstname = ?,society = ?,society_short = ?,function = ?, other_data = ?, title = ?, is_corporate_person = ?, is_external_contact = ?';
-                $query .= ' WHERE contact_id = ?';
-                $arrayPDO = array($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['CONTACT_TYPE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['LASTNAME'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['FIRSTNAME'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['SOCIETY'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['SOCIETY_SHORT'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['FUNCTION'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['OTHER_DATA'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['TITLE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['IS_CORPORATE_PERSON'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['IS_EXTERNAL_CONTACT'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['ID']);
-                $db->query($query, $arrayPDO);
-                if ($_SESSION['history']['contactup']) {
-                    if ($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['IS_CORPORATE_PERSON'] == 'Y') {
-                        $msg = _CONTACT_MODIFIED.' : '.functions::protect_string_db($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['SOCIETY']);
-                    } else {
-                        $msg = _CONTACT_MODIFIED.' : '.functions::protect_string_db($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['LASTNAME'].' '.$_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['FIRSTNAME']);
-                    }
-                    require_once 'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_history.php';
-                    $hist = new history();
-                    $hist->add($_SESSION['tablename']['contacts_v2'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['ID'], 'UP', 'contacts_v2_up', $msg, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype']);
-                }
-                if (!empty($_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['TYPE']) && !empty($_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['VALUE'])) {
-                    $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id FROM '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contact_communication']
-                        .' WHERE contact_id = ?', array($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['ID']));
-                    $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                    if ($res) {
-                        $query = 'UPDATE '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contact_communication']
-                            .' SET type = ?, value = ? WHERE contact_id = ?';
-                        $db->query($query, array($_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['TYPE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['VALUE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['ID']));
-                        if ($_SESSION['history']['contact_communication_up']) {
-                            $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id FROM '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contact_communication']
-                                .' WHERE contact_id = ? AND type = ? AND value = ?', array($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['ID'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['TYPE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['VALUE']));
-                            $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                            $id = $res->id;
-                            $msg = _COMMUNICATION_MODIFIED.' : '.functions::protect_string_db($_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['TYPE'].' '.$_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['VALUE']);
-                            require_once 'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_history.php';
-                            $hist = new history();
-                            $hist->add($_SESSION['tablename']['contact_communication'], $id, 'UP', 'contacts_communication_up', $msg, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype']);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contact_communication']
-                            .' ( contact_id, type, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)';
-                        $db->query($query, array($_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['TYPE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['VALUE']));
-                        if ($_SESSION['history']['contact_communication_add']) {
-                            $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id FROM '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contact_communication']
-                                .' WHERE contact_id = ? and type = ? and value = ?', array($_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['TYPE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['VALUE']));
-                            $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                            $id = $res->id;
-                            $msg = _COMMUNICATION_ADDED.' : '.functions::protect_string_db($_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['TYPE'].' '.$_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['VALUE']);
-                            require_once 'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_history.php';
-                            $hist = new history();
-                            $hist->add($_SESSION['tablename']['contact_communication'], $id, 'ADD', 'contacts_communication_add', $msg, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype']);
-                        }
-                    }
-                } elseif (empty($_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['TYPE']) && empty($_SESSION['m_admin']['communication']['VALUE'])) {
-                    $query = 'DELETE FROM '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contact_communication']
-                        .' WHERE contact_id = ?';
-                    $db->query($query, array($_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['ID']));
-                    if ($_SESSION['history']['contact_communication_add']) {
-                        $msg = _COMMUNICATION_DELETED;
-                        require_once 'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_history.php';
-                        $hist = new history();
-                        $hist->add($_SESSION['tablename']['contact_communication'], '', 'DEL', 'contacts_communication_del', $msg, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype']);
-                    }
-                }
-                $contactToUpdate = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => ['external_id'], 'where' => ['contact_id = ?'], 'data' => [$_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['ID']]]);
-                $externalId = [];
-                if (count($contactToUpdate) == 1) {
-                    $externalId = json_decode($contactToUpdate[0]['external_id'], true);
-                }
-                if (\SrcCore\models\CurlModel::isEnabled(['curlCallId' => 'updateContactToExternalApplication']) && !empty($externalId['localeoId'])) {
-                    $bodyData = [];
-                    $config = \SrcCore\models\CurlModel::getConfigByCallId(['curlCallId' => 'updateContactToExternalApplication']);
-                    if (!empty($config['inObject'])) {
-                        foreach ($config['objects'] as $object) {
-                            $select = [];
-                            $tmpBodyData = [];
-                            foreach ($object['rawData'] as $value) {
-                                $select[] = $value;
-                            }
-                            $select[] = 'ca_id';
-                            $select[] = 'firstname';
-                            $select[] = 'lastname';
-                            $document = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => $select, 'where' => ['contact_id = ?'], 'data' => [$_SESSION['m_admin']['contact']['ID']]]);
-                            if (!empty($document[0])) {
-                                foreach ($object['rawData'] as $key => $value) {
-                                    if ($value == 'external_id') {
-                                        $tmpBodyData[$key] = $externalId['localeoId'];
-                                    } else {
-                                        if ($value == 'contact_firstname' && empty($document[0][$value])) {
-                                            $value = 'firstname';
-                                        } elseif ($value == 'contact_lastname' && empty($document[0][$value])) {
-                                            $value = 'lastname';
-                                        }
-                                        $tmpBodyData[$key] = $document[0][$value];
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                            if (!empty($object['data'])) {
-                                $tmpBodyData = array_merge($tmpBodyData, $object['data']);
-                            }
-                            $bodyData[$object['name']] = json_encode($tmpBodyData);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $response = \SrcCore\models\CurlModel::execSimple([
-                        'url'           => $config['url'],
-                        'headers'       => $config['header'],
-                        'method'        => $config['method'],
-                        'body'          => $bodyData,
-                    ]);
-                }
-                $this->clearcontactinfos();
-                $_SESSION['info'] = _CONTACT_MODIFIED;
-                if (isset($_SESSION['fromContactTree']) && $_SESSION['fromContactTree'] == 'yes') {
-                    unset($_SESSION['fromContactTree']);
-                    header('location: '.$_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?page=view_tree_contacts');
-                    exit();
-                } else {
-                    header('location: '.$path_contacts);
-                    exit();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
      * Form to modify a contact v2.
@@ -2177,334 +1838,6 @@ abstract class contacts_v2_Abstract extends Database
-    /**
-     * Add ou modify address in the database.
-     *
-     * @param string $mode up or add
-     */
-    public function addupaddress($mode, $admin = true, $iframe = false)
-    {
-        $db = new Database();
-        // add ou modify users in the database
-        $this->addressinfo($mode);
-        $order = $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['order'];
-        $order_field = $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['order_field'];
-        $what = $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['what'];
-        $start = $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['start'];
-        $path_contacts = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                       .'index.php?page=contacts_v2_up&order='
-                       .$order.'&order_field='.$order_field.'&start='
-                       .$start.'&what='.$what;
-        $path_contacts_add_errors = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                  .'index.php?page=contact_addresses_add';
-        $path_contacts_up_errors = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                 .'index.php?page=contact_addresses_up';
-        if (!$admin) {
-            $path_contacts = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                           .'index.php?dir=my_contacts&page=my_contact_up&load&order='
-                           .$order.'&order_field='.$order_field.'&start='
-                           .$start.'&what='.$what;
-            $path_contacts_add_errors = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                      .'index.php?page=contact_addresses_add&mycontact=Y';
-            $path_contacts_up_errors = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                     .'index.php?page=contact_addresses_up&mycontact=Y';
-        }
-        if ($iframe) {
-            if ($mode == 'add') {
-                if ($iframe == 1) {
-                    $path_contacts = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=create_contact_iframe&created=Y';
-                    $path_contacts_add_errors = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=create_address_iframe';
-                } elseif ($iframe == 2) {
-                    $path_contacts = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=info_contact_iframe&contactid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'].'&addressid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_address_id'];
-                    $path_contacts_add_errors = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=create_address_iframe&iframe=iframe_up_add';
-                } elseif ($iframe == 3) {
-                    $path_contacts = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=info_contact_iframe&created=add&contactid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'].'&addressid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_address_id'];
-                    $path_contacts_add_errors = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=create_address_iframe&iframe=iframe_up_add';
-                }
-            } elseif ($mode == 'up') {
-                if ($iframe == 3) {
-                    $path_contacts = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=info_contact_iframe&created=Y&contactid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'].'&addressid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_address_id'];
-                } else {
-                    $path_contacts = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=info_contact_iframe&created=Y&contactid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'].'&addressid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_address_id'];
-                }
-                $path_contacts_up_errors = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=update_address_iframe';
-                if ($iframe == 4) {
-                    $path_contacts = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=info_contact_iframe&created=editDetail&contactid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'].'&addressid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_address_id'];
-                    $path_contacts_up_errors = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=update_address_iframe&editDetail';
-                } elseif ($iframe == 5) {
-                    $path_contacts = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=info_contact_iframe&created=editDetailSender&contactid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'].'&addressid='.$_SESSION['contact']['current_address_id'];
-                    $path_contacts_up_errors = 'index.php?display=false&dir=my_contacts&page=update_address_iframe&editDetailSender';
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (isset($_SESSION['contact_address']['fromContactAddressesList']) && $_SESSION['contact_address']['fromContactAddressesList'] != '') {
-            $path_contacts = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?page=contact_addresses_list';
-            $path_contacts_up_errors = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?page=contact_addresses_up&fromContactAddressesList';
-            $_SESSION['contact_address']['fromContactAddressesList'] = '';
-        }
-        if (!empty($_SESSION['error'])) {
-            if ($mode == 'up') {
-                if (!empty($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ID'])) {
-                    $_SESSION['address_up_error'] = 'true';
-                    header(
-                        'location: '.$path_contacts_up_errors.'&id='
-                        .$_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ID']
-                    );
-                    exit;
-                } else {
-                    header('location: '.$path_contacts);
-                    exit;
-                }
-            }
-            if ($mode == 'add') {
-                header('location: '.$path_contacts_add_errors);
-                exit;
-            }
-        } else {
-            if ($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_ID'] == '') {
-                $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id FROM contact_purposes WHERE label = ?', array($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_NAME']));
-                if ($stmt->rowCount() == 0) {
-                    $db->query('INSERT INTO contact_purposes (label) VALUES (?)', array($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_NAME']));
-                    $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id FROM contact_purposes WHERE label = ?', array($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_NAME']));
-                }
-                $res_purpose = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_ID'] = $res_purpose->id;
-            } elseif ($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_ID'] != '' && $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_NAME'] != '') {
-                $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id FROM contact_purposes WHERE label = ?', array($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_NAME']));
-                $res_purpose = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                if ($res_purpose->id != $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_ID']) {
-                    $db->query('INSERT INTO contact_purposes (label) VALUES (?)', array($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_NAME']));
-                    $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id FROM contact_purposes WHERE label = ?', array($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_NAME']));
-                    $res_purpose = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                    $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_ID'] = $res_purpose->id;
-                }
-            }
-            if ($mode == 'add') {
-                if ($_SESSION['user']['UserId'] == 'superadmin') {
-                    $entity_id = 'SUPERADMIN';
-                } else {
-                    $entity_id = $_SESSION['user']['primaryentity']['id'];
-                }
-                $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contact_addresses']
-                        .' (  contact_id, contact_purpose_id, departement, lastname , firstname , function , '
-                        .'phone , email , address_num, address_street, '
-                        .'address_complement, address_town, '
-                        .'address_postal_code, address_country, other_data,'
-                        .' title, is_private, website, occupancy, user_id, entity_id, salutation_header, salutation_footer, external_id, ban_id) VALUES (?, ?, 
-                            ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
-                $arrayPDO = array($_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_ID'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['DEPARTEMENT'],
-                    $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['LASTNAME'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['FIRSTNAME'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['FUNCTION'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['PHONE'],
-                    $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['MAIL'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ADD_NUM'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ADD_STREET'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ADD_COMP'],
-                    $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ADD_TOWN'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ADD_CP'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ADD_COUNTRY'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['OTHER_DATA'],
-                    $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['TITLE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['IS_PRIVATE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['WEBSITE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['OCCUPANCY'],
-                    $_SESSION['user']['UserId'], $entity_id, $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['SALUTATION_HEADER'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['SALUTATION_FOOTER'], json_encode(['m2m' => $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['M2M_ID']]), $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['BAN_ID'], );
-                $db->query($query, $arrayPDO);
-                if ($_SESSION['history']['addressadd']) {
-                    $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id FROM '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contact_addresses'].' WHERE 
-                        lastname = ? and firstname = ? and society = ? and function = ? and is_corporate_person = ?',
-                        array($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['LASTNAME'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['FIRSTNAME'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['SOCIETY'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['FUNCTION'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['IS_CORPORATE_PERSON']));
-                    $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                    $id = $res->contact_id;
-                    if ($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['IS_CORPORATE_PERSON'] == 'Y') {
-                        $msg = _ADDRESS_ADDED.' : '.functions::protect_string_db($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['SOCIETY']);
-                    } else {
-                        $msg = _ADDRESS_ADDED.' : '.functions::protect_string_db($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['LASTNAME'].' '.$_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['FIRSTNAME']);
-                    }
-                    require_once 'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_history.php';
-                    $hist = new history();
-                    $hist->add($_SESSION['tablename']['contact_addresses'], $id, 'ADD', 'contact_addresses_add', $msg, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype']);
-                }
-                if (\SrcCore\models\CurlModel::isEnabled(['curlCallId' => 'sendContactToExternalApplication'])) {
-                    $bodyData = [];
-                    $config = \SrcCore\models\CurlModel::getConfigByCallId(['curlCallId' => 'sendContactToExternalApplication']);
-                    if (!empty($config['inObject'])) {
-                        $multipleObject = true;
-                        foreach ($config['objects'] as $object) {
-                            $select = [];
-                            $tmpBodyData = [];
-                            foreach ($object['rawData'] as $value) {
-                                $select[] = $value;
-                            }
-                            $select[] = 'ca_id';
-                            $select[] = 'firstname';
-                            $select[] = 'lastname';
-                            $select[] = 'title';
-                            $select[] = 'external_id';
-                            $document = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => $select, 'where' => ['contact_id = ?'], 'data' => [$_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id']]]);
-                            if (!empty($document[0])) {
-                                foreach ($object['rawData'] as $key => $value) {
-                                    if ($value == 'contact_firstname' && empty($document[0][$value])) {
-                                        $value = 'firstname';
-                                    } elseif ($value == 'contact_lastname' && empty($document[0][$value])) {
-                                        $value = 'lastname';
-                                    } elseif ($value == 'contact_title' && empty($document[0][$value])) {
-                                        $value = 'title';
-                                    }
-                                    $tmpBodyData[$key] = $document[0][$value];
-                                }
-                            }
-                            if (!empty($object['data'])) {
-                                $tmpBodyData = array_merge($tmpBodyData, $object['data']);
-                            }
-                            $bodyData[$object['name']] = $tmpBodyData;
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        $multipleObject = false;
-                        $select = [];
-                        foreach ($config['rawData'] as $value) {
-                            $select[] = $value;
-                        }
-                        $select[] = 'ca_id';
-                        $document = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => $select, 'where' => ['contact_id = ?'], 'data' => [$_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id']]]);
-                        if (!empty($document[0])) {
-                            foreach ($config['rawData'] as $key => $value) {
-                                $bodyData[$key] = $document[0][$value];
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (!empty($config['data'])) {
-                            $bodyData = array_merge($bodyData, $config['data']);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $response = \SrcCore\models\CurlModel::exec(['curlCallId' => 'sendContactToExternalApplication', 'bodyData' => $bodyData, 'multipleObject' => $multipleObject, 'noAuth' => true]);
-                    if (!empty($response[$config['return']['key']])) {
-                        $externalId = json_decode($document[0]['external_id'], true);
-                        $externalId['localeoId'] = $response[$config['return']['key']];
-                        \Contact\models\ContactModel::updateAddress(['set' => ['external_id' => json_encode($externalId)], 'where' => ['id = ?'], 'data' => [$document[0]['ca_id']]]);
-                    }
-                }
-                if ($iframe) {
-                    $this->clearcontactinfos();
-                }
-                $this->clearaddressinfos();
-                $_SESSION['info'] = _ADDRESS_ADDED;
-                header('location: '.$path_contacts);
-                exit;
-            } elseif ($mode == 'up') {
-                $contactToUpdate = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getByAddressId(['addressId' => $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ID'], 'select' => ['external_id']]);
-                $externalId = json_decode($contactToUpdate['external_id'], true);
-                $externalId['m2m'] = empty($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['M2M_ID']) ? null : $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['M2M_ID'];
-                $query = 'UPDATE '.$_SESSION['tablename']['contact_addresses'].' 
-                      SET contact_purpose_id = ?
-                        , departement = ?
-                        , firstname = ?
-                        , lastname = ?
-                        , title = ?
-                        , function = ?
-                        , phone = ?
-                        , email = ?
-                        , occupancy = ?
-                        , address_num = ?
-                        , address_street = ?
-                        , address_complement = ?
-                        , address_town = ?
-                        , address_postal_code = ?
-                        , address_country = ?
-                        , website = ?
-                        , other_data = ?
-                        , is_private = ?
-                        , salutation_header = ?
-                        , salutation_footer = ?
-                        , external_id = ?
-                        , ban_id = ?
-                        ';
-                $query .= ' WHERE id = ?';
-                $arrayPDO = array($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['CONTACT_PURPOSE_ID'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['DEPARTEMENT'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['FIRSTNAME'],
-                    $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['LASTNAME'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['TITLE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['FUNCTION'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['PHONE'],
-                    $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['MAIL'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['OCCUPANCY'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ADD_NUM'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ADD_STREET'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ADD_COMP'],
-                    $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ADD_TOWN'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ADD_CP'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ADD_COUNTRY'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['WEBSITE'],
-                    $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['OTHER_DATA'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['IS_PRIVATE'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['SALUTATION_HEADER'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['SALUTATION_FOOTER'], json_encode($externalId), $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['BAN_ID'],
-                    $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ID'], );
-                $db->query($query, $arrayPDO);
-                if ($_SESSION['history']['contactup']) {
-                    $msg = _ADDRESS_EDITED.' : '.functions::protect_string_db($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['SOCIETY']).' '.functions::protect_string_db($_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['LASTNAME'].' '.$_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['FIRSTNAME']);
-                    require_once 'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_history.php';
-                    $hist = new history();
-                    $hist->add($_SESSION['tablename']['contacts_v2'], $_SESSION['m_admin']['address']['ID'], 'UP', 'contacts_v2_up', $msg, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype']);
-                }
-                if (\SrcCore\models\CurlModel::isEnabled(['curlCallId' => 'updateContactToExternalApplication']) && !empty($externalId['localeoId'])) {
-                    $bodyData = [];
-                    $config = \SrcCore\models\CurlModel::getConfigByCallId(['curlCallId' => 'updateContactToExternalApplication']);
-                    if (!empty($config['inObject'])) {
-                        foreach ($config['objects'] as $object) {
-                            $select = [];
-                            $tmpBodyData = [];
-                            foreach ($object['rawData'] as $value) {
-                                $select[] = $value;
-                            }
-                            $select[] = 'ca_id';
-                            $select[] = 'firstname';
-                            $select[] = 'lastname';
-                            $select[] = 'title';
-                            $document = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => $select, 'where' => ['contact_id = ?'], 'data' => [$_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id']]]);
-                            if (!empty($document[0])) {
-                                foreach ($object['rawData'] as $key => $value) {
-                                    if ($value == 'external_id') {
-                                        $tmpBodyData[$key] = $externalId['localeoId'];
-                                    } else {
-                                        if ($value == 'contact_firstname' && empty($document[0][$value])) {
-                                            $value = 'firstname';
-                                        } elseif ($value == 'contact_lastname' && empty($document[0][$value])) {
-                                            $value = 'lastname';
-                                        } elseif ($value == 'contact_title' && empty($document[0][$value])) {
-                                            $value = 'title';
-                                        }
-                                        $tmpBodyData[$key] = $document[0][$value];
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                            if (!empty($object['data'])) {
-                                $tmpBodyData = array_merge($tmpBodyData, $object['data']);
-                            }
-                            $bodyData[$object['name']] = json_encode($tmpBodyData);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $response = \SrcCore\models\CurlModel::execSimple([
-                        'url'           => $config['url'],
-                        'headers'       => $config['header'],
-                        'method'        => $config['method'],
-                        'body'          => $bodyData,
-                    ]);
-                }
-                $this->clearcontactinfos();
-                $_SESSION['info'] = _ADDRESS_EDITED;
-                header('location: '.$path_contacts);
-                exit();
-            }
-        }
-    }
      * Return the address data in sessions vars.
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_lists_Abstract.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_lists_Abstract.php
index 571de453393..d14b0bc2db1 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_lists_Abstract.php
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_lists_Abstract.php
@@ -1582,11 +1582,6 @@ abstract class lists_Abstract extends Database
-        if ($isMultiContacts == 'Y') {
-            $return .= '<i class="fa fa-book fa-2x" style="cursor: pointer;" title="'
-                ._VIEW_CONTACTS.'"onclick="loadContactsList('.$resMultiContacts.');" ></i>';
-        }
         return $return;
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_multicontacts.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_multicontacts.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 9f02e4f2518..00000000000
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_multicontacts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-*   Copyright 2012-2015 Maarch
-*   This file is part of Maarch Framework.
-*   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-*   (at your option) any later version.
-*   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-*   along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
-* @file     class_modules_tools.php
-* @date     $date$
-* @version  $Revision$
-require_once 'apps/'. $_SESSION['config']['app_id'] .'/class/class_multicontacts_Abstract.php';
-class multicontacts extends multicontacts_Abstract
-    // custom
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_multicontacts_Abstract.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_multicontacts_Abstract.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 10383b996ab..00000000000
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/class/class_multicontacts_Abstract.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-*   Copyright 2012-2015 Maarch
-*   This file is part of Maarch Framework.
-*   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-*   (at your option) any later version.
-*   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-*   along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
-* @file     class_multicontacts_Abstract.php
-* @date     $date$
-* @version  $Revision$
-// Loads the required class
-try {
-    require_once("core/class/class_security.php");
-} catch (Exception $e) {
-    functions::xecho($e->getMessage()).' // ';
-abstract class multicontacts_Abstract extends Database
-    public function updateContactsInputField($ajaxPath, $contactsArray, $inputField, $readOnly = false)
-    {
-        $content = '<div style="max-height: 350px;overflow-x: hidden;overflow-y: auto">';
-        //Init with loading div
-        $content .= '<div id="loading_'.$inputField.'" style="display:none;"><img src="'
-            . $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-            . 'static.php?filename=loading.gif" width="12" '
-            . 'height="12" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt='
-            . '"loading..." title="loading..."></div>';
-        // $content .=  print_r($adressArray, true);
-        //Get info from session array and display tag
-        if (isset($contactsArray[$inputField]) && count($contactsArray[$inputField]) > 0) {
-            foreach ($contactsArray[$inputField] as $key => $contacts) {
-                if (!empty($contacts)) {
-                    $rate['color'] = 'LightYellow';
-                    if (!empty($contactsArray['addressid'][$key])) {
-                        $contactData = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => ['*'], 'where' => ['ca_id = ?'], 'data' => [$contactsArray['addressid'][$key]]]);
-                        $rate = \Contact\controllers\ContactController::getFillingRate(['contact' => (array)$contactData[0]]);
-                    }
-                    $content .= '<div style="width:200px; background-color:'.$rate['color'].';" class="multicontact_element" id="'.$key.'_'.$contacts.'"><div style="display:table-cell;width:100%;vertical-align:middle;">'.$contacts.'</div>';
-                    if ($readOnly === false) {
-                        $content .= '<div class="email_delete_button" style="display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle; background-color:'.$rate['color'].';" id="'.$key.'"'
-                            . 'onclick="updateMultiContacts(\''.$ajaxPath
-                            .'&mode=adress\', \'del\', \''.addslashes($contacts).'\', \''
-                            .$inputField.'\',, \''.$contactsArray['addressid'][$key].'\', \''.$contactsArray['contactid'][$key].'\');" alt="'._DELETE.'" title="'
-                            ._DELETE.'">x</div>';
-                    }
-                    $content .= '</div>';
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        $content .= "</div>";
-        return $content;
-    }
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/definition_mail_categories.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/definition_mail_categories.php
index ec3c9788977..75e1a468f65 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/definition_mail_categories.php
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/definition_mail_categories.php
@@ -786,504 +786,6 @@ if ($core->is_module_loaded('entities')) {
 /************************* END *************************************************************/
- * Gets the index of a given res_id in an array.
- *
- * @param $coll_id string  Collection identifier
- * @param $res_id string  Resource identifier
- * @param $mode string  'full' : fills the array with maximum data (id, value, show_value,etc...), 'minimal' the array contains only the value or 'form" the array contains the data to be displayed in a form
- * @param $params array optional parameters
- *           $params['img_'.field_id] = true (gets the img url in the 'full' mode array for the field_id), false (no img for the field_id )
- *
- * @return array Structure different in 'full' mode, 'form' and 'minimal' mode
- *               mode 'full' : $data[field_id] field_id exemple: 'priority'
- *               ['value'] : value of the field in the database
- *               ['show_value'] : value to display
- *               ['label'] : label to display
- *               ['display'] : type of display (only 'textinput' and 'textarea' for the moment)
- *               ['img'] : url of an icon to display (optional)
- *               mode 'minimal' : $data[field_id] = value of the field in the database
- *               mode 'form' : $data[field_id] field_id exemple: 'priority'
- *               ['value'] : value of the field in the database
- *               ['show_value'] : value to display
- *               ['label'] : label to display
- *               ['display'] : type of display (only 'textinput' and 'textarea' for the moment)
- *               ['img'] : url of an icon to display (optional)
- *               ['readonly'] : true or false
- *               ['field_type'] : keyword 'date' = date input field with calendar
- *               'textfield' = text input field
- *               'select' = select field
- *               ['select'] : array of options items (only if field_type = 'select')
- *               [$i]['id'] : option value
- *               ['label'] : option text
- */
-function get_general_data($coll_id, $res_id, $mode, $params = array())
-    require_once 'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_security.php';
-    $sec = new security();
-    $view = $sec->retrieve_view_from_coll_id($coll_id);
-    if (empty($view)) {
-        $view = $sec->retrieve_table_from_coll($coll_id);
-    }
-    $db = new Database();
-    $stmt = $db->query('SELECT category_id FROM '.$view.' WHERE res_id = ?', array($res_id));
-    $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
-    $cat_id = $res->category_id;
-    $fields = '';
-    $data = array();
-    $arr = array();
-    // First we load the category_id
-    if ($mode == 'full' || 'form') {
-        $data['category_id'] = array(
-            'value' => $res->category_id,
-            'show_value' => $_SESSION['coll_categories']['letterbox_coll'][$res->category_id],
-            'label' => _CATEGORY,
-            'display' => 'textinput',
-            'img' => 'arrows-alt',
-        );
-    } else {
-        $data['category_id'] = $res->category_id;
-    }
-    if (!isset($cat_id) || empty($cat_id)) {
-        $cat_id = 'empty';
-    }
-    //Then we browse the $_ENV['categories'] array to get the other indexes
-    foreach (array_keys($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]) as $field) {
-        // Normal cases : fields are put in a string to make a query
-        if ($field != 'process_limit_date_use' && $field != 'other_cases' && $field != 'type_contact' && $field != 'img_cat') {
-            $fields .= $field.',';
-            if (($mode == 'full' || $mode == 'form') && (!isset($params['show_'.$field]) || $params['show_'.$field] == true)) {
-                $data[$field] = array(
-                    'value' => '',
-                    'show_value' => '',
-                    'label' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id][$field]['label'],
-                    'display' => 'textinput',
-                    'img' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id][$field]['img'],
-                );
-                array_push($arr, $field);
-                if ($field == 'subject' || $field == 'description' || $field == 'destination') {
-                    $data[$field]['display'] = 'textarea';
-                }
-                $data[$field]['readonly'] = true;
-                if ($mode == 'form' && $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id][$field]['modify']) {
-                    $data[$field]['readonly'] = false;
-                    $data[$field]['field_type'] = $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id][$field]['form_show'];
-                    if ($data[$field]['field_type'] == 'select') {
-                        $data[$field]['select'] = array();
-                        if ($field == 'type_id') {
-                            require_once 'apps'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_types.php';
-                            $type = new types();
-                            if ($_SESSION['features']['show_types_tree'] == 'true') {
-                                $data[$field]['select'] = $type->getArrayStructTypes($coll_id);
-                            } else {
-                                $data[$field]['select'] = $type->getArrayTypes($coll_id);
-                            }
-                        } elseif ($field == 'destination') {
-                            //require_once("apps".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class_entities.php");
-                                // TO DO : get the entities list
-                        } elseif ($field == 'priority') {
-                            foreach (array_keys($_SESSION['mail_priorities']) as $prio) {
-                                $data[$field]['select'][] = [
-                                    'ID' => $_SESSION['mail_priorities_id'][$prio],
-                                    'LABEL' => $_SESSION['mail_priorities'][$prio],
-                                ];
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } elseif ($mode == 'minimal' && (!isset($params['show_'.$field]) || $params['show_'.$field] == true)) {
-                $data[$field] = '';
-                array_push($arr, $field);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Special cases :  fields are put in a string to make a query
-    // Special cases :  fields are put in a string to make a query
-    //confidentiality
-    if (isset($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['confidentiality']) && count($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['confidentiality']) > 0) {
-        $data['confidentiality'] = array(
-                    /*  'value' => '',
-                  'show_value' => '',
-                    'label' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['process_limit_date']['label'],
-                    'display' => 'textinput',*/
-                    'img' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['confidentiality']['img'],
-                    'modify' => true,
-                    'label' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['confidentiality']['label'],
-                    'form_show' => 'radio',
-                    'field_type' => 'radio',
-                    'readonly' => true,
-                );
-        // ajout du test suivant pour permettre de rendre le champs non modifiable
-        if ($mode == 'form' && $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['confidentiality']['modify']) {
-            $data['confidentiality']['readonly'] = false;
-        }
-        $data['confidentiality']['radio'] = array();
-        array_push($data['confidentiality']['radio'], array(
-                'ID' => 'Y',
-                'LABEL' => _YES,
-        ));
-        array_push($data['confidentiality']['radio'], array(
-                'ID' => 'N',
-                'LABEL' => _NO,
-        ));
-    }
-    // Process limit date
-    if (isset($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['process_limit_date']) && count($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['process_limit_date']) > 0 && (!isset($params['show_process_limit_date']) || $params['show_process_limit_date'] == true)) {
-        $fields .= 'process_limit_date,';
-        if ($mode == 'full' || 'form') {
-            $data['process_limit_date'] = array(
-                'value' => '',
-                'show_value' => '',
-                'label' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['process_limit_date']['label'],
-                'display' => 'textinput',
-                'img' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['process_limit_date']['img'],
-                'modify' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['process_limit_date']['modify'],
-                'form_show' => 'date',
-                'field_type' => 'date',
-            );
-            if (isset($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['process_limit_date']['modify'])
-                && $mode == 'form' && $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['process_limit_date']['modify']
-            ) {
-                $data['process_limit_date']['field_type'] = $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['process_limit_date']['form_show'];
-                $data['process_limit_date']['readonly'] = false;
-            }
-        } else {
-            $data['process_limit_date'] = '';
-            $data['process_limit_date_use'] = false;
-        }
-        array_push($arr, 'process_limit_date');
-    }
-    // Contact
-    if (isset($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['contact']) && count($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['contact']) > 0 && (!isset($params['show_contact']) || $params['show_contact'] == true)) {
-        $fields .= $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['contact']['special'].',';
-        if (preg_match('/,/', $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['contact']['special'])) {
-            $arr_tmp = preg_split('/,/', $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['contact']['special']);
-        } else {
-            $arr_tmp = array(
-                $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['contact']['special'],
-            );
-        }
-        for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_tmp); ++$i) {
-            if ($mode == 'full' || $mode == 'form') {
-                $data[$arr_tmp[$i]] = array(
-                    'value' => '',
-                    'show_value' => '',
-                    'label' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['contact']['label'],
-                    'display' => 'textarea',
-                    'img' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['contact']['img'],
-                    'field_type' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['contact']['form_show'],
-                );
-                if (isset($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['contact']['modify'])
-                    && $mode == 'form' && $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['contact']['modify']
-                ) {
-                    $data[$arr_tmp[$i]]['readonly'] = false;
-                }
-            }
-            array_push($arr, $arr_tmp[$i]);
-        }
-        if ($mode == 'minimal') {
-            $data['contact'] = '';
-        }
-    }
-    if (!empty($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['resourceContact'])) {
-        $data['resourceContact'] = array(
-            'value' => '',
-            'show_value' => '',
-            'label' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['resourceContact']['label'],
-            'display' => 'textarea',
-            'img' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['resourceContact']['img'],
-            'field_type' => $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['resourceContact']['form_show'],
-        );
-        if (isset($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['resourceContact']['modify'])
-            && $mode == 'form' && $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases']['resourceContact']['modify']
-        ) {
-            $data['resourceContact']['readonly'] = false;
-        }
-        $arr[] = 'resourceContact';
-    }
-    if ($mode == 'full' || $mode == 'form') {
-        $fields = preg_replace('/,$/', ',type_label', $fields);
-    } else {
-        $fields = preg_replace('/,$/', '', $fields);
-    }
-    // Query
-    $stmt = $db->query('SELECT category_id,'.$fields.' FROM '.$view.' WHERE res_id = ?', array($res_id));
-    $line = $stmt->fetchObject();
-    // We fill the array with the query result
-    for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); ++$i) {
-        if ($mode == 'full' || $mode == 'form') {
-            // Normal Cases
-            if (isset($line->{$arr[$i]})) {
-                $data[$arr[$i]]['value'] = $line->{$arr[$i]};
-            }
-            if ($arr[$i] <> 'description') {
-                $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = functions::show_string($data[$arr[$i]]['value']);
-            }
-            if (isset($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id][$arr[$i]]['type_field'])
-                && $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id][$arr[$i]]['type_field'] == 'date'
-            ) {
-                $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = functions::format_date_db($line->{$arr[$i]}, false);
-            } elseif (isset($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases'][$arr[$i]]['type_field'])
-                && $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases'][$arr[$i]]['type_field'] == 'date'
-            ) {
-                $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = functions::format_date_db($line->{$arr[$i]}, false);
-            } elseif (isset($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id][$arr[$i]]['type_field'])
-                && $_ENV['categories'][$cat_id][$arr[$i]]['type_field'] == 'string'
-            ) {
-                $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = functions::show_string($line->{$arr[$i]}, true, '', '', false);
-            }
-            // special cases :
-            if ($arr[$i] == 'priority') {
-                foreach ($_SESSION['mail_priorities_id'] as $key => $prioValue) {
-                    if ($prioValue == $line->priority) {
-                        $fakeId = $key;
-                    }
-                }
-                $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = $_SESSION['mail_priorities'][$fakeId];
-            } else if ($arr[$i] == 'department_number_id') {
-                require_once("apps".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."maarch_entreprise".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."department_list.php");
-                if (!empty($line->{$arr[$i]})) {
-                    $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = $line->{$arr[$i]} . ' - ' . $depts[$line->{$arr[$i]}];
-                }               
-            } else if ($arr[$i] == 'departure_date') {
-                if (!empty($line->{$arr[$i]})) {
-                    $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = functions::format_date_db($line->{$arr[$i]},false);
-                }               
-            } elseif ($arr[$i] == 'destination') {
-                $stmt2 = $db->query('SELECT entity_label FROM '.$_SESSION['tablename']['ent_entities'].' WHERE entity_id = ?', array($line->{$arr[$i]}));
-                if ($stmt2->rowCount() == 1) {
-                    $res2 = $stmt2->fetchObject();
-                    $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = functions::show_string($res2->entity_label, true);
-                }
-            } elseif ($arr[$i] == 'type_id') {
-                $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = functions::show_string($line->type_label);
-            }
-            // Contact
-            elseif ($arr[$i] == 'dest_user_id' || $arr[$i] == 'exp_user_id') {
-                if (!empty($line->{$arr[$i]})) {
-                    $stmt2 = $db->query('SELECT lastname, firstname FROM '.$_SESSION['tablename']['users'].' WHERE user_id = ?', array($line->{$arr[$i]}));
-                    $res = $stmt2->fetchObject();
-                    $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = $res->lastname.' '.$res->firstname;
-                    $pathScriptTab = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?display=true&page=user_info&id='.$line->{$arr[$i]};
-                    $preAddon = '<a href="#" id="contact_card" title="'._CONTACT_CARD.'" onclick="';
-                    $postAddon = ' ><i class="fa fa-book fa-2x" title="'._CONTACT_CARD.'"></i></a>';
-                    $data[$arr[$i]]['addon'] = $preAddon.'loadTab(\''.$res_id.'\',\''.$coll_id.'\',\''._CONTACT_CARD.'\',\''.$pathScriptTab.'\',\'contactInfo\');return false;"'.$postAddon;
-                } else {
-                    unset($data[$arr[$i]]);
-                }
-            } elseif ($arr[$i] == 'dest_contact_id' || $arr[$i] == 'exp_contact_id') {
-                if (!empty($line->{$arr[$i]})) {
-                    $stmt2 = $db->query('SELECT address_id FROM res_letterbox WHERE res_id = ?', array($res_id));
-                    $resAddress = $stmt2->fetchObject();
-                    $addressId = $resAddress->address_id;
-                    $data[$arr[$i]]['address_value'] = $addressId;
-                    $stmt2 = $db->query('SELECT is_corporate_person, is_private, contact_lastname, contact_firstname, society, society_short, contact_purpose_id, address_num, address_street, address_postal_code, address_town, lastname, firstname FROM view_contacts WHERE contact_id = ? and ca_id = ?', array($line->{$arr[$i]}, $addressId));
-                    $res = $stmt2->fetchObject();
-                    if ($res->is_corporate_person == 'Y') {
-                        $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = $res->society.' ';
-                        if (!empty($res->society_short)) {
-                            $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] .= '('.$res->society_short.') ';
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = $res->contact_lastname.' '.$res->contact_firstname.' ';
-                        if (!empty($res->society)) {
-                            $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] .= '('.$res->society.') ';
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if ($res->is_private == 'Y') {
-                        $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] .= '('._CONFIDENTIAL_ADDRESS.')';
-                    } else {
-                        require_once 'apps'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_contacts_v2.php';
-                        $contact = new contacts_v2();
-                        $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] .= '- '.$contact->get_label_contact($res->contact_purpose_id, $_SESSION['tablename']['contact_purposes']).' : ';
-                        if (!empty($res->lastname) || !empty($res->firstname)) {
-                            $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] .= $res->lastname.' '.$res->firstname.' ';
-                        }
-                        if (!empty($res->address_num) || !empty($res->address_street) || !empty($res->address_town) || !empty($res->address_postal_code)) {
-                            $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] .= ', '.$res->address_num.' '.$res->address_street.' '.$res->address_postal_code.' '.strtoupper($res->address_town);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $pathScriptTab = 'index.php?display=true&dir=my_contacts&page=info_contact_iframe&mode=editDetail&editDetail&popup&contactid='.$line->{$arr[$i]}.'&addressid='.$addressId;
-                    $preAddon = '<a href="#" id="contact_card" title="'._CONTACT_CARD.'" onclick="';
-                    $postAddon = ' ><i class="fa fa-book fa-2x" title="'._CONTACT_CARD.'"></i></a>';
-                    $data[$arr[$i]]['addon'] = $preAddon.'loadTab(\''.$res_id.'\',\''.$coll_id.'\',\''._CONTACT_CARD.'\',\''.$pathScriptTab.'\',\'contactInfo\');return false;"'.$postAddon;
-                } else {
-                    unset($data[$arr[$i]]);
-                }
-            } elseif ($arr[$i] == 'is_multicontacts') {
-                $stmt2 = $db->query('SELECT contact_id, address_id, mode FROM contacts_res WHERE res_id = ?', array($res_id));
-                $data[$arr[$i]]['multi']['contact_id'] = [];
-                $data[$arr[$i]]['multi']['address_id'] = [];
-                while ($contact_res = $stmt2->fetchObject()) {
-                    $display_contact = '';
-                    $data[$arr[$i]][$contact_res->mode]['contact_id'][] = $contact_res->contact_id;
-                    $data[$arr[$i]][$contact_res->mode]['address_id'][] = $contact_res->address_id;
-                    if (is_numeric($contact_res->contact_id)) {
-                        $stmt3 = $db->query('SELECT is_corporate_person, is_private, contact_lastname, contact_firstname, society, society_short, contact_purpose_id, address_num, address_street, address_postal_code, address_town, lastname, firstname FROM view_contacts WHERE contact_id = ? and ca_id = ?', array($contact_res->contact_id, $contact_res->address_id));
-                        $res = $stmt3->fetchObject();
-                        if ($res->is_corporate_person == 'Y') {
-                            $display_contact = $res->society.' ';
-                            if (!empty($res->society_short)) {
-                                $display_contact .= '('.$res->society_short.') ';
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            $display_contact = $res->contact_lastname.' '.$res->contact_firstname.' ';
-                            if (!empty($res->society)) {
-                                $display_contact .= '('.$res->society.') ';
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if ($res->is_private == 'Y') {
-                            $display_contact .= '('._CONFIDENTIAL_ADDRESS.')';
-                        } else {
-                            require_once 'apps'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_contacts_v2.php';
-                            $contact = new contacts_v2();
-                            $display_contact .= '- '.$contact->get_label_contact($res->contact_purpose_id, $_SESSION['tablename']['contact_purposes']).' : ';
-                            if (!empty($res->lastname) || !empty($res->firstname)) {
-                                $display_contact .= $res->lastname.' '.$res->firstname.' ';
-                            }
-                            if (!empty($res->address_num) || !empty($res->address_street) || !empty($res->address_town) || !empty($res->address_postal_code)) {
-                                $display_contact .= ', '.$res->address_num.' '.$res->address_street.' '.$res->address_postal_code.' '.strtoupper($res->address_town);
-                            }
-                        }
-                        $data[$arr[$i]][$contact_res->mode]['arr_values'][] = $display_contact;
-                    } else {
-                        $stmt3 = $db->query('SELECT firstname, lastname FROM users WHERE user_id = ?', array($contact_res->contact_id));
-                        $res = $stmt3->fetchObject();
-                        $data[$arr[$i]][$contact_res->mode]['arr_values'][] = "{$res->firstname} {$res->lastname}";
-                    }
-                }
-            } elseif ($arr[$i] == 'resourceContact') {
-                $resourceContacts = \Resource\models\ResourceContactModel::getFormattedByResId(['resId' => $res_id]);
-                foreach ($resourceContacts as $resourceContact) {
-                    if ($resourceContact['mode'] == 'recipient' && $cat_id == 'incoming') {
-                        $sr = $resourceContact;
-                    } elseif ($resourceContact['mode'] == 'sender' && $cat_id == 'outgoing') {
-                        $sr = $resourceContact;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (!empty($sr['format'])) {
-                    $data[$arr[$i]]['show_value'] = functions::show_string($sr['format']);
-                }
-                $resourceContacts = \Resource\models\ResourceContactModel::getByResId(['resId' => $res_id]);
-                foreach ($resourceContacts as $resourceContact) {
-                    if ($resourceContact['mode'] == 'recipient' && $cat_id == 'incoming') {
-                        $senderRecipientContact = $resourceContact;
-                    } elseif ($resourceContact['mode'] == 'sender' && $cat_id == 'outgoing') {
-                        $senderRecipientContact = $resourceContact;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (!empty($senderRecipientContact['type']) && $senderRecipientContact['type'] != 'entity') {
-                    $pathScriptTab = 'index.php?display=true&dir=my_contacts&page=info_contact_iframe&mode=editDetailSender&editDetailSender&popup&sender_recipient_id='.$senderRecipientContact['item_id'].'&sender_recipient_type='.$senderRecipientContact['type'];
-                    $preAddon = '<a href="#" id="contact_card" title="'._CONTACT_CARD.'" onclick="';
-                    $postAddon = ' ><i class="fa fa-book fa-2x" title="'._CONTACT_CARD.'"></i></a>';
-                    $data[$arr[$i]]['addon'] = $preAddon.'loadTab(\''.$res_id.'\',\''.$coll_id.'\',\''._CONTACT_CARD.'\',\''.$pathScriptTab.'\',\'contactInfo\');return false;"'.$postAddon;
-                    if ($senderRecipientContact['type'] == 'contact') {
-                        $data[$arr[$i]]['item_id'] = $senderRecipientContact['item_id'];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } else { // 'mimimal' mode
-            // Normal cases
-            $data[$arr[$i]] = $line->{$arr[$i]};
-            if ($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id][$arr[$i]]['type_field'] == 'date') {
-                $data[$arr[$i]] = functions::format_date_db($line->{$arr[$i]}, false);
-            } elseif ($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id]['other_cases'][$arr[$i]]['type_field'] == 'date') {
-                $data[$arr[$i]] = functions::format_date_db($line->{$arr[$i]}, false);
-            } elseif ($_ENV['categories'][$cat_id][$arr[$i]]['type_field'] == 'string') {
-                $data[$arr[$i]] = functions::show_string($line->{$arr[$i]}, true, '', '', false);
-            }
-            // special cases :
-            // Contact
-            if ($arr[$i] == 'dest_user_id' || $arr[$i] == 'exp_user_id') {
-                if (!empty($line->{$arr[$i]})) {
-                    $data['type_contact'] = 'internal';
-                    $stmt2 = $db->query('SELECT lastname, firstname FROM '.$_SESSION['tablename']['users'].' WHERE user_id = ?', array($line->{$arr[$i]}));
-                    $res = $stmt2->fetchObject();
-                    $data['contact'] = $res->lastname.' '.$res->firstname;
-                    $data['contactId'] = $line->{$arr[$i]};
-                }
-                unset($data[$arr[$i]]);
-            } elseif ($arr[$i] == 'dest_contact_id' || $arr[$i] == 'exp_contact_id') {
-                if (!empty($line->{$arr[$i]})) {
-                    $data['type_contact'] = 'external';
-                    $stmt2 = $db->query('SELECT address_id FROM res_letterbox WHERE res_id = ?', array($res_id));
-                    $resAddress = $stmt2->fetchObject();
-                    $addressId = $resAddress->address_id;
-                    $stmt2 = $db->query('SELECT is_corporate_person, is_private, contact_lastname, contact_firstname, society, society_short, contact_purpose_id, address_num, address_street, address_postal_code, address_town, lastname, firstname FROM view_contacts WHERE contact_id = ? and ca_id = ?', array($line->{$arr[$i]}, $addressId));
-                    $res = $stmt2->fetchObject();
-                    if ($res->is_corporate_person == 'Y') {
-                        $data['contact'] = $res->society.' ';
-                        if (!empty($res->society_short)) {
-                            $data['contact'] .= '('.$res->society_short.') ';
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        $data['contact'] = $res->contact_lastname.' '.$res->contact_firstname.' ';
-                        if (!empty($res->society)) {
-                            $data['contact'] .= '('.$res->society.') ';
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if ($res->is_private == 'Y') {
-                        $data['contact'] .= '('._CONFIDENTIAL_ADDRESS.')';
-                    } else {
-                        require_once 'apps'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class_contacts_v2.php';
-                        $contact = new contacts_v2();
-                        $data['contact'] .= '- '.$contact->get_label_contact($res->contact_purpose_id, $_SESSION['tablename']['contact_purposes']).' : ';
-                        if (!empty($res->lastname) || !empty($res->firstname)) {
-                            $data['contact'] .= $res->lastname.' '.$res->firstname.' ';
-                        }
-                        if (!empty($res->address_num) || !empty($res->address_street) || !empty($res->address_town) || !empty($res->address_postal_code)) {
-                            $data['contact'] .= ', '.$res->address_num.' '.$res->address_street.' '.$res->address_postal_code.' '.strtoupper($res->address_town);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $data['contactId'] = $line->{$arr[$i]};
-                    $data['addressId'] = $addressId;
-                }
-                unset($data[$arr[$i]]);
-            } elseif ($arr[$i] == 'is_multicontacts') {
-                if (!empty(trim($line->{$arr[$i]}))) {
-                    $data['type_contact'] = 'multi_external';
-                }
-                unset($data[$arr[$i]]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if ($mode == 'minimal' && isset($data['process_limit_date']) && !empty($data['process_limit_date'])) {
-        $data['process_limit_date_use'] = true;
-    }
-    //print_r($data);
-    foreach (array_keys($data) as $key) {
-        if (is_array($data[$key])) {
-            $data[$key]['value'] = functions::xssafe($data[$key]['value']);
-            $data[$key]['show_value'] = functions::xssafe($data[$key]['show_value']);
-        } else {
-            $data[$key] = functions::xssafe($data[$key]);
-        }
-    }
-    return $data;
  * Returns the icon for the given category or the default icon.
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/indexing_searching/add_multi_contacts.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/indexing_searching/add_multi_contacts.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 9d9f3e63037..00000000000
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/indexing_searching/add_multi_contacts.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-*    Copyright 2013 Maarch
-*  This file is part of Maarch Framework.
-*   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-*   (at your option) any later version.
-*   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-*    along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
-* @brief    Script to return ajax result
-* @author   Yves Christian Kpakpo <>
-* @date     $date$
-* @version  $Revision$
-require_once "core".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class_request.php";
-require_once "core".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class_security.php";
-require_once 'apps' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_SESSION['config']['app_id']
-    . 'class_indexing_searching_app.php';
-require_once 'apps' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_SESSION['config']['app_id']
-    . 'class_users.php';
-require_once 'modules/notifications/notifications_tables_definition.php';
-require_once "modules" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "sendmail" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
-    . "class" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "class_modules_tools.php";
-require_once "apps" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_SESSION['config']['app_id']
-    . "class_multicontacts.php";
-$core_tools     = new core_tools();
-$request        = new request();
-$sec            = new security();
-$is             = new indexing_searching_app();
-$users_tools    = new class_users();
-$sendmail_tools = new sendmail();
-$multicontacts  = new multicontacts();
-$db             = new Database();
-function _parse($text)
-    $text = str_replace("\r\n", PHP_EOL, $text);
-    $text = str_replace("\r", PHP_EOL, $text);
-    $text = str_replace(PHP_EOL, "\\n ", $text);
-    return $text;
-function _parse_error($text)
-    $text = str_replace("###", "\\n ", $text);
-    return $text;
-$status = 0;
-$error = $content = $js = $parameters = '';
-$labels_array = array();
-if (isset($_REQUEST['mode']) && !empty($_REQUEST['mode'])) {
-    $mode = $_REQUEST['mode'];
-} else {
-    $status = 1;
-//Path to actual script
-$path_to_script = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-        ."index.php?display=true&dir=indexing_searching&page=add_multi_contacts&coll_id=".$collId;
-switch ($mode) {
-    case 'adress':
-        if (isset($_REQUEST['for']) && isset($_REQUEST['field']) && isset($_REQUEST['contact'])) {
-            //
-            if (isset($_REQUEST['contactid']) && !empty($_REQUEST['contactid'])) {
-                //Clean up email
-                $email = trim($_REQUEST['contact']);
-                //Reset session adresses if necessary
-                if (!isset($_SESSION['adresses'][$_REQUEST['field']])) {
-                    $_SESSION['adresses'][$_REQUEST['field']] = array();
-                }
-                if (!isset($_SESSION['adresses']['contactid'])) {
-                    $_SESSION['adresses']['contactid'] = array();
-                }
-                if (!isset($_SESSION['adresses']['addressid'])) {
-                    $_SESSION['adresses']['addressid'] = array();
-                }
-                //For ADD
-                if ($_REQUEST['for'] == 'add') {
-                    if ($_REQUEST['addressid'] == '0' && is_numeric($_REQUEST['contactid'])) {
-                        $listContacts = \Contact\models\ContactGroupModel::getListById([
-                            'id' => $_REQUEST['contactid'],
-                            'select' => ['contact_addresses_id']
-                        ]);
-                        foreach ($listContacts as $contact) {
-                            $email = '';
-                            if (in_array($contact['contact_addresses_id'], $_SESSION['adresses']['addressid'])) {
-                                continue;
-                            }
-                            $contactInfos = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getByAddressId([
-                                'addressId' => $contact['contact_addresses_id'],
-                                'select' => ['contact_id', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'address_num', 'address_street', 'address_postal_code', 'address_town']
-                            ]);
-                            $contactSociety = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getById(['id' => $contactInfos['contact_id'], 'select' => ['society','firstname', 'lastname']]);
-                            if (empty($contactSociety['society'])) {
-                                $contactAddress = implode(' ', [$contactInfos['address_num'], $contactInfos['address_street'], $contactInfos['address_postal_code'], $contactInfos['address_town']]);
-                                $email = trim($contactSociety['firstname'].' '.$contactSociety['lastname'].' - '.$contactAddress);
-                            } else {
-                                $contactAddress = implode(' ', [$contactInfos['firstname'], $contactInfos['lastname'].',', $contactInfos['address_num'], $contactInfos['address_street'], $contactInfos['address_postal_code'], $contactInfos['address_town']]);
-                                $email = trim($contactSociety['society'].' - '.$contactAddress);
-                            }
-                            array_push($_SESSION['adresses'][$_REQUEST['field']], $email);
-                            array_push($_SESSION['adresses']['contactid'], $contactInfos['contact_id']);
-                            array_push($_SESSION['adresses']['addressid'], $contact['contact_addresses_id']);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        array_push($_SESSION['adresses'][$_REQUEST['field']], $email);
-                        array_push($_SESSION['adresses']['contactid'], $_REQUEST['contactid']);
-                        array_push($_SESSION['adresses']['addressid'], $_REQUEST['addressid']);
-                    }
-                    //For DEL
-                } elseif ($_REQUEST['for'] == 'del') {
-                    //unset adress in array
-                    //unset($_SESSION['adresses'][$_REQUEST['field']][$_REQUEST['index']]);
-                    array_splice($_SESSION['adresses'][$_REQUEST['field']], $_REQUEST['index'], 1);
-                    array_splice($_SESSION['adresses']['contactid'], $_REQUEST['index'], 1);
-                    array_splice($_SESSION['adresses']['addressid'], $_REQUEST['index'], 1);
-                    //If no adresse for field, unset the entire sub-array
-                    if (count($_SESSION['adresses'][$_REQUEST['field']]) == 0) {
-                        unset($_SESSION['adresses'][$_REQUEST['field']]);
-                        unset($_SESSION['adresses']['contactid']);
-                        unset($_SESSION['adresses']['addressid']);
-                        //array_splice($_SESSION['adresses'], 0);
-                    }
-                }
-                //Get content
-                $content = $multicontacts->updateContactsInputField($path_to_script, $_SESSION['adresses'], $_REQUEST['field']);
-            } else {
-                $error = $request->wash_html(_SENDER.' '._IS_EMPTY.'!', 'NONE');
-                $status = 1;
-            }
-        } else {
-            $error = $request->wash_html(_UNKNOW_ERROR.'!', 'NONE');
-            $status = 1;
-        }
-    break;
-echo "{status : " . $status . ", content : '" . addslashes(_parse($content)) . "', error : '" . addslashes(_parse_error($error)) . "', exec_js : '".addslashes($js)."'}";
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/indexing_searching/addresses_list.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/indexing_searching/addresses_list.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 03c4d4c6f46..00000000000
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/indexing_searching/addresses_list.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-*    Copyright 2008,2012 Maarch
-*  This file is part of Maarch Framework.
-*   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-*   (at your option) any later version.
-*   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-*    along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
-* @brief    Contacts list of the current user
-* @file     my_contacts.php
-* @author   Yves Christian Kpakpo <>
-* @date     $date$
-* @version  $Revision$
-* @ingroup  apps
-require_once "core".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class_request.php";
-require_once "apps".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
-            ."class".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class_lists.php";
-require_once "apps".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
-            ."class".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class_list_show.php";
-require_once "apps".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
-            ."class".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class_contacts_v2.php";
-$core_tools = new core_tools();
-$request    = new request();
-$list       = new lists();   
-$contact    = new contacts_v2();
-$db         = new Database();
- $parameters = '';
- if (isset($_REQUEST['order']) && !empty($_REQUEST['order'])) $parameters .= '&order='.$_REQUEST['order'];
- if (isset($_REQUEST['order_field']) && !empty($_REQUEST['order_field'])) $parameters .= '&order_field='.$_REQUEST['order_field'];
- if (isset($_REQUEST['what']) && !empty($_REQUEST['what'])) $parameters .= '&what='.$_REQUEST['what'];
- if (isset($_REQUEST['selectedObject']) && !empty($_REQUEST['selectedObject'])) $parameters .= '&selectedObject='.$_REQUEST['selectedObject'];
- if (isset($_REQUEST['start']) && !empty($_REQUEST['start'])) $parameters .= '&start='.$_REQUEST['start'];
- if (isset($_REQUEST['mode']) && !empty($_REQUEST['mode'])) $parameters .= '&mode='.$_REQUEST['mode'];
- $_SESSION['origin']="contacts_list";
-$return = $core_tools->test_admin('admin_contacts', 'apps', false);
-if (!$return) {
-    $return = $core_tools->test_admin('search_contacts', 'apps');
- if (isset($_REQUEST['load'])) {
-    $_SESSION['m_admin'] = array();
-    /****************Management of the location bar  ************/
-    $init = false;
-    if(isset($_REQUEST['reinit']) && $_REQUEST['reinit'] == "true")
-    {
-        $init = true;
-    }
-    $level = "";
-    if(isset($_REQUEST['level']) && ($_REQUEST['level'] == 2 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 3 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 4 || $_REQUEST['level'] == 1))
-    {
-        $level = $_REQUEST['level'];
-    }
-    $page_path = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?page=addresses_list&dir=indexing_searching&load';
-    $page_label = _ADDRESSES_LIST;
-    $page_id = "addresses_list";
-    $core_tools->manage_location_bar($page_path, $page_label, $page_id, $init, $level);
-    /***********************************************************/
-    ?>
-    <div id="inner_content">
-    <?php    
-    //Load list
-    $target = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?page=addresses_list&dir=indexing_searching'.$parameters;
-    $listContent = $list->loadList($target, true, 'divList', 'false');
-    echo $listContent;
-    ?>
-    </div>
-    <?php
-} else {
-    //Table
-    $select["view_contacts"] = array();
-    array_push(
-        $select["view_contacts"],
-        "ca_id", "contact_id", "society", "contact_purpose_id", "is_private", "departement
-    , case when view_contacts.contact_lastname <> '' then view_contacts.contact_lastname else view_contacts.lastname end as \"lastname\"
-    , case when view_contacts.contact_firstname <> '' then view_contacts.contact_firstname else view_contacts.firstname end as \"firstname\"
-    , case when view_contacts.contact_function <> '' then view_contacts.contact_function else view_contacts.function end as \"function\""
-    , "address_town", "phone", "email", "contact_purpose_label"
-    );
-    $what = "";
-    $where = "";
-    $arrayPDO = array();
-    if (isset($_REQUEST['selectedObject']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['selectedObject'])) {
-        $where .= " ca_id = ? ";
-        $arrayPDO = array_merge($arrayPDO, array($_REQUEST['selectedObject']));
-    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['what']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['what'])) {
-        $what = $_REQUEST['what'];
-        $what = str_replace("  ", "", $_REQUEST['what']);
-        $what_table = explode(" ", $what);
-        foreach($what_table as $key => $what_a){
-            $sql_lastname[] = " lower(lastname) LIKE lower(:what_".$key.")";
-            $sql_firstname[] = " lower(firstname) LIKE lower(:what_".$key.")";
-            $sql_society[] = " lower(departement) LIKE lower(:what_".$key.")";
-            $sql_contact_firstname[] = " lower(contact_firstname) LIKE lower(:what_".$key.")";
-            $sql_contact_lastname[] = " lower(contact_lastname) LIKE lower(:what_".$key.")";
-            $arrayPDO = array_merge($arrayPDO, array(":what_".$key => $what_a."%"));
-        }
-        $where .= " (" . implode(' OR ', $sql_lastname) . " ";
-        $where .= " or " . implode(' OR ', $sql_firstname) . " ";
-        $where .= " or " . implode(' OR ', $sql_society) . " ";
-        $where .= " or " . implode(' OR ', $sql_contact_firstname) . " ";
-        $where .= " or " . implode(' OR ', $sql_contact_lastname) . ") ";
-    }
-    $list_show = new list_show();
-    $order = 'asc';
-    if (isset($_REQUEST['order']) && !empty($_REQUEST['order'])) {
-        $order = trim($_REQUEST['order']);
-    }
-    //use to pass the next condition in order_field. Then we need to delete them.
-    array_push(
-        $select["view_contacts"],
-        "lastname", "firstname", "function"
-    );
-    $field = 'contact_purpose_id';
-    if (isset($_REQUEST['order_field']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['order_field']) && in_array($_REQUEST['order_field'], $select["view_contacts"])) {
-        $field = trim($_REQUEST['order_field']);
-    }
-    array_pop($select["view_contacts"]);
-    array_pop($select["view_contacts"]);
-    array_pop($select["view_contacts"]);
-    $orderstr = $list_show->define_order($order, $field);
-    $request = new request;
-    $tab = $request->PDOselect(
-        $select, $where, $arrayPDO, $orderstr, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype']
-    );
-    // $request->show();
-    if (!empty($tab)) {
-        for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab); $i ++) {
-            for ($j = 0; $j < count($tab[$i]); $j ++) {
-                foreach (array_keys($tab[$i][$j]) as $value) {
-                    if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == "ca_id") {
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["id"] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label"] = _ID;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["size"] = "30";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"] = "left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["align"] = "left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["valign"] = "bottom";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["show"] = false;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["order"] = 'id';
-                    }
-                    if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == "contact_id") {
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["contact_id"] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label"] = _CONTACT_ID;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["size"] = "30";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"] = "left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["align"] = "left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["valign"] = "bottom";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["show"] = false;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["order"] = 'contact_id';
-                    }
-                    if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == "society") {
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["society"] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label"] = _STRUCTURE_ORGANISM;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["size"] = "30";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"] = "left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["align"] = "left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["valign"] = "bottom";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["show"] = true;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["order"] = 'society';
-                    }
-                    if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == "contact_purpose_id") {
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["value"]= $contact->get_label_contact($tab[$i][$j]['value'], $_SESSION['tablename']['contact_purposes']);
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["contact_purpose_id"] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label"] = _CONTACT_PURPOSE;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["size"] = "20";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"] = "left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["align"] = "left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["valign"] = "bottom";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["show"] = true;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["order"] = 'contact_purpose_label';
-                    }
-                    if($tab[$i][$j][$value]=="is_private")
-                    {
-                        $is_private = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["show"]=false;
-                    }
-                    if ($tab[$i][$j][$value] == "departement") {
-                        if ($is_private == "Y") {
-                            $tab[$i][$j]['value'] = "Confidentiel";
-                        } else {
-                            $tab[$i][$j]['value'] = $request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);                   
-                        }
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["departement"] = $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label"] = _SERVICE;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["size"] = "20";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"] = "left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["align"] = "left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["valign"] = "bottom";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["show"] = true;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["order"] = 'departement';
-                    }
-                    if($tab[$i][$j][$value]=="lastname")
-                    {
-                        $tab[$i][$j]['value']=$request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["lastname"]=$tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label"]=_LASTNAME;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["size"]="15";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"]="left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["align"]="left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["valign"]="bottom";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["show"]=true;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["order"]= "lastname";
-                    }
-                    if($tab[$i][$j][$value]=="firstname")
-                    {
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["firstname"]= $request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label"]=_FIRSTNAME;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["size"]="15";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"]="center";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["align"]="center";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["valign"]="bottom";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["show"]=true;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["order"]= "firstname";
-                    }
-                    if($tab[$i][$j][$value]=="function")
-                    {
-                        $tab[$i][$j]['value']=$request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["function"]=$tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label"]=_FUNCTION;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["size"]="15";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"]="left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["align"]="left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["valign"]="bottom";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["show"]=true;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["order"]= "function";
-                    }
-                    if($tab[$i][$j][$value]=="address_town")
-                    {
-                        if ($is_private == "Y") {
-                            $tab[$i][$j]['value'] = "Confidentiel";
-                        } else {
-                            $tab[$i][$j]['value'] = $request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);                   
-                        }
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["address_town"]= $tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label"]=_TOWN;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["size"]="10";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"]="center";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["align"]="center";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["valign"]="bottom";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["show"]=true;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["order"]= "address_town";
-                    }
-                    if($tab[$i][$j][$value]=="phone")
-                    {
-                        $tab[$i][$j]['value']=$request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["phone"]=$tab[$i][$j]['value'];
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label"]=_PHONE;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["size"]="15";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"]="left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["align"]="left";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["valign"]="bottom";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["show"]=false;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["order"]= "phone";
-                    }
-                    if($tab[$i][$j][$value]=="email")
-                    {
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["email"]= $request->show_string($tab[$i][$j]['value']);
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label"]=_MAIL;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["size"]="15";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"]="center";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["align"]="center";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["valign"]="bottom";
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["show"]=false;
-                        $tab[$i][$j]["order"]= "email";
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    //List parameters
-    $paramsTab = array();
-    $paramsTab['bool_modeReturn'] = false;                                              //Desactivation du mode return (vs echo)
-    $paramsTab['pageTitle'] =  _ADDRESSES_LIST." : ".count($tab)." "._ADDRESSES;           //Titre de la page
-    $paramsTab['urlParameters'] = '&dir=indexing_searching';                                   //parametre d'url supplementaire
-    if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'search') {
-        $paramsTab['urlParameters'] .= "&mode=search";
-    } 
-    $paramsTab['pagePicto'] = 'street-view';                                //Image (pictogramme) de la page
-    $paramsTab['bool_sortColumn'] = true;                                               //Affichage Tri
-    $paramsTab['bool_showSearchTools'] = true;                                          //Afficle le filtre alphabetique et le champ de recherche
-    $paramsTab['searchBoxAutoCompletionUrl'] = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                    ."index.php?display=true&page=contact_addresses_list_by_name";            //Script pour l'autocompletion
-    $paramsTab['searchBoxAutoCompletionMinChars'] = 2;                                  //Nombre minimum de caractere pour activer l'autocompletion (1 par defaut)
-    $paramsTab['searchBoxAutoCompletionUpdate'] = true;
-    //Action icons array
-    $paramsTab['actionIcons'] = array();
-    //get start
-    $start = $list->getStart();
-    $view = array(
-            "script"        => "'".$_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                    ."index.php?page=contact_addresses_up&fromSearchContacts&id=@@ca_id@@&what=".$what."&start=".$start."'",
-            "class"         =>  "view",
-            "label"         =>  _VIEW,
-            "tooltip"       =>  _VIEW
-            );
-    array_push($paramsTab['actionIcons'], $view);
-    //Afficher la liste
-    echo '<br/>';
-    $list->showList($tab, $paramsTab, 'contact_id');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/indexing_searching/details.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/indexing_searching/details.php
index ae4206c33c9..9f63f3b868d 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/indexing_searching/details.php
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/indexing_searching/details.php
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ if ($stmt->rowCount() == 0) {
         $_SESSION['features']['further_informations'][$indexes[$key]['label']] = $indexes[$key]['value'];
-    $data = get_general_data($coll_id, $s_id, $mode_data, $param_data); ?>
+    $data = []; ?>
         <div class="block">
                 <p id="back_list">
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ if ($stmt->rowCount() == 0) {
                     $rate = [];
                     if ($key == 'exp_contact_id') {
                         if (!empty($data[$key]['address_value'])) {
-                            $contactData = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => ['*'], 'where' => ['ca_id = ?'], 'data' => [$data[$key]['address_value']]]);
+                            $contactData = [];
                             if (!empty($contactData[0])) {
                                 $rate = \Contact\controllers\ContactController::getFillingRate(['contact' => (array)$contactData[0]]);
                             } else {
@@ -663,9 +663,6 @@ if ($stmt->rowCount() == 0) {
                     $_SESSION['adresses']['addressid'] = array();
                     $_SESSION['adresses']['contactid'] = array();
-                    $path_to_script = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl']
-                                        .'index.php?display=true&dir=indexing_searching&page=add_multi_contacts&coll_id='.$collId;
                     if (empty($disabledAttr)) {
                         echo "<div id='input_multi_contact_add' style=''>";
                         echo "<input type='text' placeholder='"._CONTACTS_USERS_SEARCH."' name='{$key}' id='{$key}' value='' title='' alt='' size='40' style='width:140px;'/>";
@@ -689,7 +686,7 @@ if ($stmt->rowCount() == 0) {
                             $_SESSION['adresses']['addressid'][] = $data[$key]['multi']['address_id'][$icontacts];
                             $_SESSION['adresses']['contactid'][] = $data[$key]['multi']['contact_id'][$icontacts];
-                            $contactData = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => ['*'], 'where' => ['ca_id = ?'], 'data' => [$data[$key]['multi']['address_id'][$icontacts]]]);
+                            $contactData = [];
                             if (!empty($contactData[0])) {
                                 $rate = \Contact\controllers\ContactController::getFillingRate(['contact' => (array)$contactData[0]]);
                             } else {
@@ -716,7 +713,7 @@ if ($stmt->rowCount() == 0) {
                     echo "<input type='hidden' name='contactid' id='contactid' value='' title='' alt='' size='40' />";
                     echo "<input type='hidden' name='addressid' id='addressid' value='' title='' alt='' size='40' />";
                 } elseif ($key == 'resourceContact') {
-                    $resourceContacts = \Resource\models\ResourceContactModel::getFormattedByResId(['resId' => $s_id]);
+                    $resourceContacts = [];
                     foreach ($resourceContacts as $resourceContact) {
                         if ($resourceContact['mode'] == 'recipient' && ($data['category_id']['value'] == 'incoming' || $data['category_id']['value'] == 'internal')) {
                             $sr = $resourceContact;
@@ -726,7 +723,7 @@ if ($stmt->rowCount() == 0) {
                     $rate = [];
                     if (!empty($sr['type']) && $sr['type'] == 'contact') {
-                        $contactData = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => ['*'], 'where' => ['ca_id = ?'], 'data' => [$sr['item_id']]]);
+                        $contactData = [];
                         if (!empty($contactData[0])) {
                             $rate = \Contact\controllers\ContactController::getFillingRate(['contact' => (array)$contactData[0]]);
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/js/functions.js b/apps/maarch_entreprise/js/functions.js
index 20e68a8036a..9e1b4155011 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/js/functions.js
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/js/functions.js
@@ -2724,26 +2724,6 @@ function loadDiffList(id) {
-function loadContactsList(id) {
-    new Effect.toggle('contactsList_' + id, 'appear', {
-        delay: 0.2
-    });
-    var path_manage_script = 'index.php?page=loadContactsList&display=true';
-    new Ajax.Request(path_manage_script, {
-        method: 'post',
-        parameters: {
-            res_id: id
-        },
-        onSuccess: function (answer) {
-            eval("response = " + answer.responseText);
-            $('divContactsList_' + id).innerHTML = response.toShow;
-        }
-    });
 function loadNoteList(id) {
     new Effect.toggle('noteList_' + id, 'appear', {
         delay: 0.2
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/loadContactsList.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/loadContactsList.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 415fa329d9b..00000000000
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/loadContactsList.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-*   Copyright 2008-2015 Maarch
-*  This file is part of Maarch Framework.
-*   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-*   (at your option) any later version.
-*   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-*    along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
-require_once 'core/class/class_core_tools.php';
-$Core_Tools = new core_tools();
-$return = '';
-if (isset($_REQUEST['res_id'])) {
-    $status = 0;
-    $return .= '<td>';
-    $return .= '<div align="center">';
-    $return .= '<table width="100%">';
-    $db = new Database();
-    $query = 'SELECT c.is_corporate_person, c.is_private, c.contact_firstname, c.contact_lastname, c.firstname, c.lastname, c.society, c.society_short, c.contact_purpose_label, c.address_num, c.address_street, c.address_complement, c.address_town, c.address_postal_code, c.address_country, cres.mode ';
-    $query .= 'FROM view_contacts c, contacts_res cres  ';
-    $query .= "WHERE cres.coll_id = 'letterbox_coll' AND cres.res_id = ? AND cast (c.contact_id as varchar(128)) = cres.contact_id AND c.ca_id = cres.address_id ORDER BY cres.mode ASC";
-    $arrayPDO = array($_REQUEST['res_id']);
-    $stmt = $db->query($query, $arrayPDO);
-    $fetch = '';
-    while ($res = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-        $return .= '<tr>';
-        $return .= '<td style="background: transparent; border: 0px dashed rgb(200, 200, 200);">';
-        $return .= '<div style="text-align: left; background-color: rgb(230, 230, 230); padding: 3px; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: -6px;">';
-        if ($res->mode == 'third') {
-            $return .= '<span style="font-size:10px;color:#135F7F;">'._THIRD_DEST.'</span> - ';
-        } else {
-            $return .= '<span style="font-size:10px;color:#135F7F;">'._CONTACT.'</span> - ';
-        }
-        if ($res->is_corporate_person == 'Y') {
-            $return .= functions::xssafe($res->society).' ';
-            if (!empty($res->society_short)) {
-                $return .= '('.functions::xssafe($res->society_short).') ';
-            }
-        } else {
-            $return .= functions::xssafe($res->contact_lastname)
-                                            .' '.functions::xssafe($res->contact_firstname).' ';
-            if (!empty($res->society)) {
-                $return .= '('.functions::xssafe($res->society).') ';
-            }
-        }
-        if ($res->is_private == 'Y') {
-            $return .= '('._CONFIDENTIAL_ADDRESS.')';
-        } else {
-            $return .= '- '.functions::xssafe($res->contact_purpose_label).' : ';
-            if (!empty($res->lastname) || !empty($res->firstname)) {
-                $return .= functions::xssafe($res->lastname)
-                                                .' '.functions::xssafe($res->firstname);
-            }
-            if (!empty($res->address_num) || !empty($res->address_street) || !empty($res->address_town) || !empty($res->address_postal_code)) {
-                $return .= ', '.functions::xssafe($res->address_num).' '
-                                                .functions::xssafe($res->address_street).' '
-                                                .functions::xssafe($res->address_postal_code).' '
-                                                .functions::xssafe(strtoupper($res->address_town));
-            }
-        }
-        $return .= '</div>';
-        $return .= '</td>';
-        $return .= '</tr>';
-    }
-    $query = 'SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname, u.user_id, cres.mode ';
-    $query .= 'FROM users u, contacts_res cres  ';
-    $query .= "WHERE cres.coll_id = 'letterbox_coll' AND cres.res_id = ? AND cast (u.user_id as varchar(128)) = cres.contact_id";
-    $arrayPDO = array($_REQUEST['res_id']);
-    $stmt = $db->query($query, $arrayPDO);
-    $fetch = '';
-    while ($res = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
-        $return .= '<tr>';
-        $return .= '<td style="background: transparent; border: 0px dashed rgb(200, 200, 200);">';
-        $return .= '<div style="text-align: left; background-color: rgb(230, 230, 230); padding: 3px; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: -6px;">';
-        if ($res->mode == 'third') {
-            $return .= '<span style="font-size:10px;color:#135F7F;">'._THIRD_DEST.' (interne)</span> - ';
-        } else {
-            $return .= '<span style="font-size:10px;color:#135F7F;">'._CONTACT.' (interne)</span> - ';
-        }
-        $return .= functions::xssafe($res->firstname).' '.functions::xssafe($res->lastname);
-        $return .= '</div>';
-        //$return .= '<br />';
-        $return .= '</td>';
-        $return .= '</tr>';
-    }
-    $return .= '</table>';
-    $return .= '<br />';
-    $return .= '</div>';
-    $return .= '</td>';
-} else {
-    $status = 1;
-    $return .= '<td colspan="6" style="background-color: red;">';
-    $return .= '<p style="padding: 10px; color: black;">';
-    $return .= 'Erreur lors du chargement des notes';
-    $return .= '</p>';
-    $return .= '</td>';
-echo '{status : '.$status.", toShow : '".addslashes($return)."'}";
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/my_contacts/get_last_contact_address.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/my_contacts/get_last_contact_address.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 97ac05f07f5..00000000000
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/my_contacts/get_last_contact_address.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-*    Copyright 2014-2015 Maarch
-*  This file is part of Maarch Framework.
-*   Maarch Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-*   (at your option) any later version.
-*   Maarch Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-*    along with Maarch Framework.  If not, see <>.
-* @file
-* @author <>
-* @date $date$
-* @version $Revision$
-* @ingroup admin
-require_once 'core/class/class_request.php';
-$db = new Database();
-if (isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode'] == 'up') {
-	$extra = ' AND contact_id = ? and ca_id = ? ';
-	$arrayPDO = array($_SESSION['contact']['current_contact_id'], $_SESSION['contact']['current_address_id']);
-} else if (isset($_GET['contactid']) && $_GET['contactid'] <> '' && isset($_GET['addressid']) && $_GET['addressid'] <> ''){
-	$extra = ' AND contact_id = ? and ca_id = ? ';
-	$arrayPDO = array($_GET['contactid'], $_GET['addressid']);
-} else {
-	$orderBy = "ORDER BY ca_id DESC";
-	$arrayPDO = array();
-	$specific = true;
-if ($specific) {
-	$select = "is_corporate_person, 
-					contact_lastname, 
-					contact_firstname, 
-					society, 
-					society_short, 
-					contact_id, 
-					ca_id, 
-					lastname,
-					firstname,
-					address_num,
-					address_street,
-					address_town,
-					address_postal_code,
-					creation_date,
-					contact_purpose_label,
-					departement,
-					update_date";
-    $query = $db->limit_select(0, 1, $select, 'view_contacts', '', '', '', $orderBy);
-    $stmt = $db->query($query);
-} else {
-	$stmt = $db->query("SELECT is_corporate_person, 
-					contact_lastname, 
-					contact_firstname, 
-					society, 
-					society_short, 
-					contact_id, 
-					ca_id, 
-					lastname,
-					firstname,
-					address_num,
-					address_street,
-					address_town,
-					address_postal_code,
-					creation_date,
-					contact_purpose_label,
-					departement,
-					update_date 
-			FROM view_contacts 
-			WHERE 1=1 " . $extra, $arrayPDO);
-// $stmt->DebugDumpParams();
-$res = $stmt->fetchObject();
-$address = '';
-$address = $res->address_num . ' ' . $res->address_street . ' ' . $res->address_postal_code . ' ' . strtoupper($res->address_town);
-if($res->is_corporate_person == 'N') {
-	$contact = $res->contact_lastname . ' ' . $res->contact_firstname;
-	if($res->society_short <> '') {
-		$contact .= ' (' . $res->society_short . ')';
-	} else if($res->society <> '') {
-		$contact .= ' (' . $res->society . ')';
-	}
-} else {
-	$contact = $res->society;
-	if($res->society_short <> '') {
-		$contact .= ' (' . $res->society_short . ')';
-	}
-$contact .= ' - '. $res->contact_purpose_label ;
-if ($res->departement <> '' || $res->lastname <> '' || $res->firstname <> '' || !empty($trimed)) {
-	$contact .= ' :';
-if ($res->departement <> '') {
-	$contact .= ' ' . $res->departement . ' -';
-if ($res->lastname <> '' || $res->firstname <> '') {
-	$contact .= ' ' . $res->lastname . ' ' . $res->firstname;
-$trimed = trim($address);
-if (!empty($trimed)) {
-	$contact .= ', ' . $address;
-$contactId = $res->contact_id;
-$addressId = $res->ca_id;
-$contactData = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => ['*'], 'where' => ['ca_id = ?'], 'data' => [$addressId]]);
-$rate = \Contact\controllers\ContactController::getFillingRate(['contact' => (array)$contactData[0]]);
-echo "{ status: 1, contactName: '" . addslashes($contact) . "', contactId: '" . $contactId . "', addressId: '" . $addressId . "', rateColor: '". $rate['color']."'}";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/my_contacts/my_contact_up_db.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/my_contacts/my_contact_up_db.php
index 041cd22b361..c2df97e2512 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/my_contacts/my_contact_up_db.php
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/my_contacts/my_contact_up_db.php
@@ -36,5 +36,4 @@ if(isset($_GET['mycontact']) &&  $_GET['mycontact'] <> ''){
 	$mycontact = 'Y';
-$contact->addupcontact($_POST['mode'], false, $confirm, $mycontact);
diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml b/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml
index 6fd08e78f3e..7d9633187a9 100755
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml
+++ b/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml
@@ -177,12 +177,6 @@
     <!-- indexing_searching  -->
-    <requestDefinition method="POST" path="/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php" validationRule="multi_contacts" >
-      <parameter name="dir" value="indexing_searching"/>
-      <parameter name="page" value="add_multi_contacts"/>
-      <parameter name="display" value="true"/>
-      <parameter name="coll_id"/>
-    </requestDefinition>
     <requestDefinition method="POST" path="/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php" validationRule="addresses_list" >
       <parameter name="dir" value="indexing_searching"/>
       <parameter name="page" value="addresses_list"/>
@@ -445,11 +439,6 @@
       <parameter name="display" value="true"/>
-    <requestDefinition method="POST" path="/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php" validationRule="res_id_integer" >
-      <parameter name="page" value="loadContactsList"/>
-      <parameter name="display" value="true"/>
-    </requestDefinition>
     <requestDefinition method="GET" path="/apps/maarch_entreprise/index.php" validationRule="id_identifier" >
       <parameter name="page" value="user_info"/>
       <parameter name="display" value="true"/>
diff --git a/core/class/LinkController.php b/core/class/LinkController.php
index 5e1e4ba9066..acc1f6a16a6 100755
--- a/core/class/LinkController.php
+++ b/core/class/LinkController.php
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class LinkController
         foreach ($arrayToFormat as $key => $value) {
             //GET RES INFOS
-            $infos = get_general_data('letterbox_coll', $key, 'full');
+            $infos = [];
             $stmt = $db->query('SELECT dest_user, status FROM res_letterbox WHERE res_id = ?', array($key));
             $otherInfos = $stmt->fetchObject();
             $chronoNumber = $this->getAltIdentifier($key);
diff --git a/core/class/PrintControler.php b/core/class/PrintControler.php
index 702fc23b79e..02798586807 100644
--- a/core/class/PrintControler.php
+++ b/core/class/PrintControler.php
@@ -604,8 +604,8 @@ class PrintFunctions
 		$db = new Database();
-		$query = "select * from view_contacts where contact_id = ? AND ca_id = ?";
-		$stmt = $db->query($query, array($contactId, $addressId));
+		$query = "select * from contacts where id = ?";
+		$stmt = $db->query($query, array($contactId));
         while($result = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
         	if ($result->society <> '' || $result->society_short <> '') {
 				if ($result->society <> '') {
diff --git a/modules/attachments/attachments_content.php b/modules/attachments/attachments_content.php
index 09bffa10520..56c89c3a845 100755
--- a/modules/attachments/attachments_content.php
+++ b/modules/attachments/attachments_content.php
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ if (isset($_POST['add']) && $_POST['add']) {
                                                         $document = \Attachment\models\AttachmentModel::get(['select' => $select, 'where' => ['res_id = ?'], 'data' => [$id]]);
                                                     if ($object['name'] == 'citoyen') {
-                                                        $contact = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => ['external_id', 'ca_id'], 'where' => ['ca_id = ?'], 'data' => [$resource[0]['address_id']]]);
+                                                        $contact = \Contact\models\ContactModel::get(['select' => ['external_id', 'ca_id'], 'where' => ['ca_id = ?'], 'data' => [$resource[0]['address_id']]]);
                                                         $externalId = json_decode($contact[0]['external_id'], true);
                                                     foreach ($object['rawData'] as $key => $value) {
diff --git a/modules/avis/send_to_avis.php b/modules/avis/send_to_avis.php
index f9a5e8094af..4837ead3985 100755
--- a/modules/avis/send_to_avis.php
+++ b/modules/avis/send_to_avis.php
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ function get_form_txt($values, $path_manage_action, $id_action, $table, $module,
     $res_id = $values[0];
-    $data = get_general_data($coll_id, $res_id, 'minimal');
+//    $data = get_general_data($coll_id, $res_id, 'minimal');
     $avis = new avis_controler();
     $ent = new entity();
diff --git a/modules/sendmail/Controllers/ReceiveMessageExchangeController.php b/modules/sendmail/Controllers/ReceiveMessageExchangeController.php
index 515f16dc769..1db6a681752 100755
--- a/modules/sendmail/Controllers/ReceiveMessageExchangeController.php
+++ b/modules/sendmail/Controllers/ReceiveMessageExchangeController.php
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ class ReceiveMessageExchangeController
         array_push($aDataContact, ['column' => 'external_id', 'value' => $transferringAgency->Identifier->value,           'type' => 'string',  'table' => 'contact_addresses']);
         array_push($aDataContact, ['column' => 'departement',         'value' => $transferringAgencyMetadata->Name,                'type' => 'string',  'table' => 'contact_addresses']);
-        $contactAlreadyCreated = ContactModel::getOnView([
+        $contactAlreadyCreated = ContactModel::get([
             'select'    => ['contact_id', 'ca_id'],
             'where'     => ["external_id->>'m2m' = ?"],
             'data'      => [$transferringAgency->Identifier->value],
diff --git a/modules/sendmail/Controllers/SendMessageExchangeController.php b/modules/sendmail/Controllers/SendMessageExchangeController.php
index 9d34815ffb3..1952ea1abf6 100755
--- a/modules/sendmail/Controllers/SendMessageExchangeController.php
+++ b/modules/sendmail/Controllers/SendMessageExchangeController.php
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ class SendMessageExchangeController
         foreach ($_SESSION['adresses']['to'] as $key => $value) {
             /******** GET ARCHIVAl INFORMATIONs **************/
-            $contactInfo                       = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getFullAddressById(['addressId' => $key]);
+//            $contactInfo                       = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getFullAddressById(['addressId' => $key]); //TODO
             $ArchivalAgencyCommunicationType   = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getContactCommunication(['contactId' => $contactInfo[0]['contact_id']]);
-            $ArchivalAgencyContactInformations = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getFullAddressById(['addressId' => $key]);
+//            $ArchivalAgencyContactInformations = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getFullAddressById(['addressId' => $key]); //TODO
             /******** GENERATE MESSAGE EXCHANGE OBJECT *********/
             $dataObject = self::generateMessageObject([
diff --git a/modules/sendmail/acknowledgementReceiptsList.php b/modules/sendmail/acknowledgementReceiptsList.php
index 6b05563853a..5bb4a09959a 100644
--- a/modules/sendmail/acknowledgementReceiptsList.php
+++ b/modules/sendmail/acknowledgementReceiptsList.php
@@ -87,9 +87,6 @@ if (!empty($tab)) {
                 if ($tab[$i][$j][$value]=="contact_address_id") {
                     $tab[$i][$j]["label"]       = _CONTACT;
                     $contactInfo = _UNDEFINED;
-                    if (!empty($tab[$i][$j]["value"])) {
-                        $contactInfo = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getContactFullLabel(['addressId' => $tab[$i][$j]["value"]]);
-                    }
                     $tab[$i][$j]["value"]       = $contactInfo;
                     $tab[$i][$j]["size"]        = "4";
                     $tab[$i][$j]["label_align"] = "left";
diff --git a/modules/sendmail/mail_form.php b/modules/sendmail/mail_form.php
index 858fd52a089..4f29c2df44a 100755
--- a/modules/sendmail/mail_form.php
+++ b/modules/sendmail/mail_form.php
@@ -252,8 +252,8 @@ if ($mode == 'add') {
     if ($formContent != 'messageExchange') {
         if ($address_id != null) {
-            $adr = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getFullAddressById(['select' => ['email'], 'addressId' => $address_id]);
-            $adress_mail = $adr[0]['email'];
+            $adr = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getById(['select' => ['email'], 'id' => $address_id]);
+            $adress_mail = $adr['email'];
         } elseif ($exp_user_id != null) {
             $stmt = $db->query('SELECT mail FROM users WHERE user_id = ?', array($exp_user_id));
             $adr = $stmt->fetchObject();
@@ -273,10 +273,6 @@ if ($mode == 'add') {
             $communicationTypeModel = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getContactCommunication(['contactId' => $contact_id]);
             $contactInfo = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getByAddressId(['select' => ['external_id'], 'addressId' => $address_id]);
             $externalId = (array)json_decode($contactInfo['external_id']);
-            if (!empty($communicationTypeModel) && !empty($externalId['m2m'])) {
-                $adress_mail = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getContactFullLabel(['addressId' => $address_id]);
-                $adress_mail .= '. ('._COMMUNICATION_TYPE.' : '.$communicationTypeModel['value'].')';
-            }
     if ($adress_mail != null and $_SESSION['user']['UserId'] != $exp_user_id and $_SESSION['user']['UserId'] != $dest_user_id) {
diff --git a/modules/sendmail/sendmail_ajax_content.php b/modules/sendmail/sendmail_ajax_content.php
index 8be3b8327eb..059d6a3aafa 100755
--- a/modules/sendmail/sendmail_ajax_content.php
+++ b/modules/sendmail/sendmail_ajax_content.php
@@ -550,9 +550,9 @@ switch ($mode) {
                 if ($_REQUEST['for'] == 'add') {
-                    $contactLabel         = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getContactFullLabel(['addressId' => $contactAddress]);
-                    $contactInfo          = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getFullAddressById(['addressId' => $contactAddress]);
-                    $contactCommunication = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getContactCommunication(['contactId' => $contactInfo[0]['contact_id']]);
+//                    $contactLabel         = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getContactFullLabel(['addressId' => $contactAddress]); //TODO
+//                    $contactInfo          = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getFullAddressById(['addressId' => $contactAddress]);
+//                    $contactCommunication = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getContactCommunication(['contactId' => $contactInfo[0]['contact_id']]);
                     $_SESSION['adresses'][$_REQUEST['field']][$contactAddress] = $contactLabel.'. ('._COMMUNICATION_TYPE.' : '.$contactCommunication['value'].'))';
                 } elseif ($_REQUEST['for'] == 'del') {
diff --git a/src/app/action/controllers/PreProcessActionController.php b/src/app/action/controllers/PreProcessActionController.php
index 5f119b76b44..a07e2c7dcef 100755
--- a/src/app/action/controllers/PreProcessActionController.php
+++ b/src/app/action/controllers/PreProcessActionController.php
@@ -709,18 +709,23 @@ class PreProcessActionController
         if (!empty($aTemplates)) {
-            $aAttachments = AttachmentModel::getAttachmentToSend(['ids' => $data['resources']]);
+            $aAttachments = AttachmentModel::get([
+                'select'    => ['max(relation) as relation', 'res_id_master', 'title', 'res_id', 'identifier', 'recipient_id', 'recipient_type'],
+                'where'     => ['res_id_master in (?)', 'status not in (?)', 'attachment_type not in (?)', 'in_send_attach = ?'],
+                'data'      => [$data['resources'], ['OBS', 'DEL', 'TMP', 'FRZ'], ['print_folder'], true],
+                'groupBy'   => ['res_id_master', 'title', 'res_id', 'identifier', 'dest_address_id']
+            ]);
             foreach ($data['resources'] as $valueResId) {
                 $resIdFound = false;
                 foreach ($aAttachments as $key => $attachment) {
                     if ($attachment['res_id_master'] == $valueResId) {
                         $resIdFound = true;
                         $attachmentId = $attachment['res_id'];
-                        $collId       = 'attachments_coll';
                         $convertedDocument = ConvertPdfController::getConvertedPdfById([
                             'select'    => ['docserver_id','path', 'filename', 'fingerprint'],
                             'resId'     => $attachmentId,
-                            'collId'    => $collId,
+                            'collId'    => 'attachments_coll',
                             'type'      => 'PDF'
                         if (empty($convertedDocument['docserver_id'])) {
@@ -729,26 +734,26 @@ class PreProcessActionController
-                        if (empty($attachment['dest_address_id'])) {
+                        if (empty($attachment['recipient_id']) || $attachment['recipient_type'] != 'contact') {
                             $resInfo = ResModel::getById(['select' => ['alt_identifier'], 'resId' => $valueResId]);
                             $canNotSend[] = ['resId' => $valueResId, 'chrono' => $resInfo['alt_identifier'], 'reason' => 'noAttachmentContact', 'attachmentIdentifier' => $attachment['identifier']];
-                        $contact = ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => ['*'], 'where' => ['ca_id = ?'], 'data' => [$attachment['dest_address_id']]]);
-                        if (empty($contact[0])) {
+                        $contact = ContactModel::getById(['select' => ['*'], 'id' => $attachment['recipient_id']]);
+                        if (empty($contact)) {
                             $resInfo = ResModel::getById(['select' => ['alt_identifier'], 'resId' => $valueResId]);
                             $canNotSend[] = ['resId' => $valueResId, 'chrono' => $resInfo['alt_identifier'], 'reason' => 'noAttachmentContact', 'attachmentIdentifier' => $attachment['identifier']];
-                        if (!empty($contact[0]['address_country']) && strtoupper(trim($contact[0]['address_country'])) != 'FRANCE') {
+                        if (!empty($contact['address_country']) && strtoupper(trim($contact['address_country'])) != 'FRANCE') {
                             $resInfo = ResModel::getById(['select' => ['alt_identifier'], 'resId' => $valueResId]);
                             $canNotSend[] = ['resId' => $valueResId, 'chrono' => $resInfo['alt_identifier'], 'reason' => 'noFranceContact', 'attachmentIdentifier' => $attachment['identifier']];
-                        $afnorAddress = ContactController::getContactAfnor($contact[0]);
+                        $afnorAddress = ContactController::getContactAfnor($contact);
                         if ((empty($afnorAddress[1]) && empty($afnorAddress[2])) || empty($afnorAddress[6]) || !preg_match("/^\d{5}\s/", $afnorAddress[6])) {
                             $resInfo = ResModel::getById(['select' => ['alt_identifier'], 'resId' => $valueResId]);
                             $canNotSend[] = ['resId' => $valueResId, 'chrono' => $resInfo['alt_identifier'], 'reason' => 'incompleteAddressForPostal', 'attachmentIdentifier' => $attachment['identifier']];
diff --git a/src/app/action/controllers/ShippingTrait.php b/src/app/action/controllers/ShippingTrait.php
index 0121e87701d..01839cc28c6 100644
--- a/src/app/action/controllers/ShippingTrait.php
+++ b/src/app/action/controllers/ShippingTrait.php
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ trait ShippingTrait
         $shippingTemplate['fee'] = json_decode($shippingTemplate['fee'], true);
         $attachments = AttachmentModel::get([
-            'select'    => ['res_id', 'title', 'dest_address_id', 'external_id'],
+            'select'    => ['res_id', 'title', 'recipient_id', 'recipient_type', 'external_id'],
             'where'     => ['res_id_master = ?', 'in_send_attach = ?', 'status not in (?)', 'attachment_type not in (?)'],
             'data'      => [$args['resId'], true, ['OBS', 'DEL', 'TMP', 'FRZ'], ['print_folder']]
@@ -76,17 +76,17 @@ trait ShippingTrait
             if (empty($convertedDocument)) {
                 return ['errors' => ['No conversion for attachment']];
-            if (empty($attachment['dest_address_id'])) {
+            if (empty($attachment['recipient_id']) || $attachment['recipient_type'] != 'contact') {
                 return ['errors' => ['Contact is empty for attachment']];
-            $contact = ContactModel::getOnView(['select' => ['*'], 'where' => ['ca_id = ?'], 'data' => [$attachment['dest_address_id']]]);
-            if (empty($contact[0])) {
+            $contact = ContactModel::getById(['select' => ['*'], 'id' => $attachment['recipient_id']]);
+            if (empty($contact)) {
                 return ['errors' => ['Contact does not exist for attachment']];
-            if (!empty($contact[0]['address_country']) && strtoupper(trim($contact[0]['address_country'])) != 'FRANCE') {
+            if (!empty($contact['address_country']) && strtoupper(trim($contact['address_country'])) != 'FRANCE') {
                 return ['errors' => ['Contact country is not France']];
-            $afnorAddress = ContactController::getContactAfnor($contact[0]);
+            $afnorAddress = ContactController::getContactAfnor($contact);
             if ((empty($afnorAddress[1]) && empty($afnorAddress[2])) || empty($afnorAddress[6]) || !preg_match("/^\d{5}\s/", $afnorAddress[6])) {
                 return ['errors' => ['Contact is not fill enough for attachment']];
diff --git a/src/app/contact/controllers/ContactController.php b/src/app/contact/controllers/ContactController.php
index a88d70347d5..149c95d6eb8 100755
--- a/src/app/contact/controllers/ContactController.php
+++ b/src/app/contact/controllers/ContactController.php
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ class ContactController
         return $formattedAddress;
-    public static function getContactAfnor(array $aArgs)
+    public static function getContactAfnor(array $args)
         $afnorAddress = ['Afnor',
@@ -507,67 +507,59 @@ class ContactController
-        if ($aArgs['is_corporate_person'] == 'Y') {
+        if (!empty($args['company'])) {
             // Ligne 1
-            $afnorAddress[1] = substr($aArgs['society'], 0, 38);
+            $afnorAddress[1] = substr($args['company'], 0, 38);
+        }
-            // Ligne 2
-            if (!empty($aArgs['title']) || !empty($aArgs['firstname']) || !empty($aArgs['lastname'])) {
-                $afnorAddress[2] = ContactController::controlLengthNameAfnor([
-                    'title'         => $aArgs['title'],
-                    'fullName'      => $aArgs['firstname'].' '.$aArgs['lastname'],
-                    'strMaxLength'  => 38
-                ]);
-            }
-        } else {
-            // Ligne 2
-            if (!empty($aArgs['contact_title']) || !empty($aArgs['contact_firstname']) || !empty($aArgs['contact_lastname'])) {
-                $afnorAddress[2] = ContactController::controlLengthNameAfnor([
-                    'title'         => $aArgs['contact_title'],
-                    'fullName'      => $aArgs['contact_firstname'].' '.$aArgs['contact_lastname'],
-                    'strMaxLength'  => 38
-                ]);
-            }
+        // Ligne 2
+        if (!empty($args['civility']) || !empty($args['firstname']) || !empty($args['lastname'])) {
+            $afnorAddress[2] = ContactController::controlLengthNameAfnor([
+                'civility'      => $args['civility'],
+                'fullName'      => $args['firstname'].' '.$args['lastname'],
+                'strMaxLength'  => 38
+            ]);
         // Ligne 3
-        if (!empty($aArgs['address_complement'])) {
-            $afnorAddress[3] = substr($aArgs['address_complement'], 0, 38);
+        if (!empty($args['address_additional1'])) {
+            $afnorAddress[3] = substr($args['address_additional1'], 0, 38);
         // Ligne 4
-        if (!empty($aArgs['address_num'])) {
-            $aArgs['address_num'] = TextFormatModel::normalize(['string' => $aArgs['address_num']]);
-            $aArgs['address_num'] = preg_replace('/[^\w]/s', ' ', $aArgs['address_num']);
-            $aArgs['address_num'] = strtoupper($aArgs['address_num']);
+        if (!empty($args['address_number'])) {
+            $args['address_number'] = TextFormatModel::normalize(['string' => $args['address_number']]);
+            $args['address_number'] = preg_replace('/[^\w]/s', ' ', $args['address_number']);
+            $args['address_number'] = strtoupper($args['address_number']);
-        if (!empty($aArgs['address_street'])) {
-            $aArgs['address_street'] = TextFormatModel::normalize(['string' => $aArgs['address_street']]);
-            $aArgs['address_street'] = preg_replace('/[^\w]/s', ' ', $aArgs['address_street']);
-            $aArgs['address_street'] = strtoupper($aArgs['address_street']);
+        if (!empty($args['address_street'])) {
+            $args['address_street'] = TextFormatModel::normalize(['string' => $args['address_street']]);
+            $args['address_street'] = preg_replace('/[^\w]/s', ' ', $args['address_street']);
+            $args['address_street'] = strtoupper($args['address_street']);
-        $afnorAddress[4] = substr($aArgs['address_num'].' '.$aArgs['address_street'], 0, 38);
+        $afnorAddress[4] = substr($args['address_number'].' '.$args['address_street'], 0, 38);
         // Ligne 5
         $afnorAddress[5] = '';
         // Ligne 6
-        $aArgs['address_postal_code'] = strtoupper($aArgs['address_postal_code']);
-        $aArgs['address_town'] = strtoupper($aArgs['address_town']);
-        $afnorAddress[6] = substr($aArgs['address_postal_code'].' '.$aArgs['address_town'], 0, 38);
+        $args['address_postcode'] = strtoupper($args['address_postcode']);
+        $args['address_town'] = strtoupper($args['address_town']);
+        $afnorAddress[6] = substr($args['address_postcode'].' '.$args['address_town'], 0, 38);
         return $afnorAddress;
-    public static function controlLengthNameAfnor(array $aArgs)
+    public static function controlLengthNameAfnor(array $args)
         $aCivility = ContactModel::getCivilities();
-        if (strlen($aArgs['title'].' '.$aArgs['fullName']) > $aArgs['strMaxLength']) {
-            $aArgs['title'] = $aCivility[$aArgs['title']]['abbreviation'];
+        if (strlen($args['civility'].' '.$args['fullName']) > $args['strMaxLength']) {
+            $args['civility'] = $aCivility[$args['civility']]['abbreviation'];
         } else {
-            $aArgs['title'] = $aCivility[$aArgs['title']]['label'];
+            $args['civility'] = $aCivility[$args['civility']]['label'];
-        return substr($aArgs['title'].' '.$aArgs['fullName'], 0, $aArgs['strMaxLength']);
+        return substr($args['civility'].' '.$args['fullName'], 0, $args['strMaxLength']);
     public function availableReferential()
diff --git a/src/app/contact/models/ContactModel.php b/src/app/contact/models/ContactModel.php
index 49326cde961..57e1eb073fb 100755
--- a/src/app/contact/models/ContactModel.php
+++ b/src/app/contact/models/ContactModel.php
@@ -21,24 +21,6 @@ use SrcCore\models\ValidatorModel;
 class ContactModel
-    public static function getOnView(array $aArgs)
-    {
-        ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['select']);
-        ValidatorModel::arrayType($aArgs, ['select', 'where', 'data', 'orderBy']);
-        ValidatorModel::intType($aArgs, ['limit']);
-        $aContacts = DatabaseModel::select([
-            'select'    => $aArgs['select'],
-            'table'     => ['view_contacts'],
-            'where'     => empty($aArgs['where']) ? [] : $aArgs['where'],
-            'data'      => empty($aArgs['data']) ? [] : $aArgs['data'],
-            'order_by'  => empty($aArgs['orderBy']) ? [] : $aArgs['orderBy'],
-            'limit'     => empty($aArgs['limit']) ? 0 : $aArgs['limit']
-        ]);
-        return $aContacts;
-    }
     public static function get(array $args)
         ValidatorModel::notEmpty($args, ['select']);
@@ -122,59 +104,6 @@ class ContactModel
         return true;
-    public static function getFullAddressById(array $aArgs)
-    {
-        ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['addressId']);
-        ValidatorModel::intVal($aArgs, ['addressId']);
-        $aReturn = DatabaseModel::select([
-            'select'    => empty($aArgs['select']) ? ['*'] : $aArgs['select'],
-            'table'     => ['view_contacts'],
-            'where'     => ['ca_id = ?'],
-            'data'      => [$aArgs['addressId']],
-        ]);
-        return $aReturn;
-    }
-    public static function getContactFullLabel(array $aArgs)
-    {
-        ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['addressId']);
-        ValidatorModel::intVal($aArgs, ['addressId']);
-        $fullAddress = ContactModel::getFullAddressById($aArgs);
-        $fullAddress = $fullAddress[0];
-        $fullAddress['external_id'] = (array)json_decode($fullAddress['external_id']);
-        if ($fullAddress['is_corporate_person'] == 'Y') {
-            $contactName = strtoupper($fullAddress['society']) . ' ' ;
-            if (!empty($fullAddress['society_short'])) {
-                $contactName .= '('.$fullAddress['society_short'].') ';
-            }
-        } else {
-            $contactName = strtoupper($fullAddress['contact_lastname']) . ' ' . $fullAddress['contact_firstname'] . ' ';
-            if (!empty($fullAddress['society'])) {
-                $contactName .= '(' . $fullAddress['society'] . ') ';
-            }
-        }
-        if (!empty($fullAddress['external_id']['m2m'])) {
-            $contactName .= ' - <b>' . $fullAddress['external_id']['m2m'] . '</b> ';
-        }
-        if ($fullAddress['is_private'] == 'Y') {
-            $contactName .= '('._CONFIDENTIAL_ADDRESS.')';
-        } else {
-            $contactName .= '- ' . $fullAddress['contact_purpose_label'] . ' : ';
-            if (!empty($fullAddress['lastname']) || !empty($fullAddress['firstname'])) {
-                $contactName .= $fullAddress['lastname'] . ' ' . $fullAddress['firstname'] . ' ';
-            }
-            if (!empty($fullAddress['address_num']) || !empty($fullAddress['address_street']) || !empty($fullAddress['address_postal_code']) || !empty($fullAddress['address_town'])) {
-                $contactName .= ', '.$fullAddress['address_num'] .' ' . $fullAddress['address_street'] .' ' . $fullAddress['address_postal_code'] .' ' . strtoupper($fullAddress['address_town']);
-            }
-        }
-        return $contactName;
-    }
     public static function getContactCommunication(array $aArgs)
         ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['contactId']);
@@ -353,7 +282,7 @@ class ContactModel
                 try {
                     $res = DatabaseModel::select([
                         'select' => ['contact_id', 'ca_id'],
-                        'table'  => ['view_contacts'],
+                        'table'  => ['contacts'],
                         'where'  => ["external_id->>'m2m' = ?", 'enabled = ?'],
                         'data'   => [$value['value'], 'Y'],
diff --git a/src/app/resource/models/ResourceContactModel.php b/src/app/resource/models/ResourceContactModel.php
index 5732d2c701f..75abaa8a76e 100755
--- a/src/app/resource/models/ResourceContactModel.php
+++ b/src/app/resource/models/ResourceContactModel.php
@@ -55,47 +55,6 @@ class ResourceContactModel
         return $contacts;
-    public static function getFormattedByResId(array $aArgs)
-    {
-        ValidatorModel::notEmpty($aArgs, ['resId']);
-        ValidatorModel::intVal($aArgs, ['resId']);
-        $aContacts = DatabaseModel::select([
-            'select'    => ['*'],
-            'table'     => ['resource_contacts'],
-            'where'     => ['res_id = ?'],
-            'data'      => [$aArgs['resId']],
-        ]);
-        foreach ($aContacts as $key => $aContact) {
-            if ($aContact['type'] == 'user') {
-                $user = UserModel::getLabelledUserById(['id' => $aContact['item_id']]);
-                $aContacts[$key]['format'] = $user;
-                $aContacts[$key]['restrictedFormat'] = $user;
-            } elseif ($aContact['type'] == 'contact') {
-                $contact = ContactModel::getOnView([
-                    'select' => [
-                        'is_corporate_person', 'lastname', 'firstname', 'address_num', 'address_street', 'address_town', 'address_postal_code',
-                        'ca_id', 'society', 'contact_firstname', 'contact_lastname', 'address_country'
-                    ],
-                    'where' => ['ca_id = ?'],
-                    'data' => [$aContact['item_id']]
-                ]);
-                if (isset($contact[0])) {
-                    $contact = AutoCompleteController::getFormattedContact(['contact' => $contact[0]]);
-                    $aContacts[$key]['format'] = $contact['contact']['otherInfo'];
-                    $aContacts[$key]['restrictedFormat'] = $contact['contact']['contact'];
-                }
-            } elseif ($aContact['type'] == 'entity') {
-                $entity = EntityModel::getById(['id' => $aContact['item_id'], 'select' => ['entity_label']]);
-                $aContacts[$key]['format'] = $entity['entity_label'];
-                $aContacts[$key]['restrictedFormat'] = $entity['entity_label'];
-            }
-        }
-        return $aContacts;
-    }
     public static function create(array $args)
         ValidatorModel::notEmpty($args, ['res_id', 'item_id', 'type', 'mode']);
diff --git a/test/unitTests/app/contact/ContactGroupControllerTest.php b/test/unitTests/app/contact/ContactGroupControllerTest.php
index ff86140e357..903995a35c8 100755
--- a/test/unitTests/app/contact/ContactGroupControllerTest.php
+++ b/test/unitTests/app/contact/ContactGroupControllerTest.php
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ class ContactGroupControllerTest extends TestCase
         $contactGroupController = new \Contact\controllers\ContactGroupController();
-        $contacts = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView([
-            'select'    => ['ca_id'],
+        $contacts = \Contact\models\ContactModel::get([
+            'select'    => ['id'],
             'limit'     => 1
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class ContactGroupControllerTest extends TestCase
             $request        = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
             $aArgs = [
-                'contacts'  => [$contacts[0]['ca_id']]
+                'contacts'  => [$contacts[0]['id']]
             $fullRequest = \httpRequestCustom::addContentInBody($aArgs, $request);
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class ContactGroupControllerTest extends TestCase
             $this->assertSame(self::$id, $responseBody->contactsGroup->id);
-            $this->assertSame($contacts[0]['ca_id'], $responseBody->contactsGroup->contacts[0]->addressId);
+            $this->assertSame($contacts[0]['id'], $responseBody->contactsGroup->contacts[0]->addressId);
             $this->assertSame(0, $responseBody->contactsGroup->contacts[0]->position);
             $this->assertInternalType('string', $responseBody->contactsGroup->contacts[0]->contact);
             $this->assertInternalType('string', $responseBody->contactsGroup->contacts[0]->address);
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ class ContactGroupControllerTest extends TestCase
         $contactGroupController = new \Contact\controllers\ContactGroupController();
-        $contacts = \Contact\models\ContactModel::getOnView([
-            'select'    => ['ca_id'],
+        $contacts = \Contact\models\ContactModel::get([
+            'select'    => ['id'],
             'limit'     => 1
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class ContactGroupControllerTest extends TestCase
             $environment    = \Slim\Http\Environment::mock(['REQUEST_METHOD' => 'DELETE']);
             $request        = \Slim\Http\Request::createFromEnvironment($environment);
-            $response     = $contactGroupController->deleteContact($request, new \Slim\Http\Response(), ['id' => self::$id, 'addressId' => $contacts[0]['ca_id']]);
+            $response     = $contactGroupController->deleteContact($request, new \Slim\Http\Response(), ['id' => self::$id, 'addressId' => $contacts[0]['id']]);
             $responseBody = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());
             $this->assertSame('success', $responseBody->success);