From 56f577c3da31db74ee771c4ba47e6310c8ccf9e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alex Orluc <>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 10:22:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] FEAT #6630 merge from 17_06_project_develop

 modules/entities/redirect.php | 496 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 243 insertions(+), 253 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/entities/redirect.php b/modules/entities/redirect.php
index eb0544c5e7d..c6fc989b7c2 100755
--- a/modules/entities/redirect.php
+++ b/modules/entities/redirect.php
@@ -1,18 +1,30 @@
+* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
+* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
+* This file is part of Maarch software.
+* @brief   redirect
+* @author  dev <>
+* @ingroup entities
 $confirm = false;
 $etapes = array('form');
 $frm_height = '90%';
-require_once('apps/' . $_SESSION['config']['app_id'] . '/class/class_chrono.php');
-require_once "apps".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
-        ."class".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class_lists.php";
- function get_form_txt($values, $path_manage_action,  $id_action, $table, $module, $coll_id, $mode )
- {
+$destination = '';
+require "modules/entities/entities_tables.php";
+require_once "modules/entities/class/EntityControler.php";
+require_once 'modules/entities/class/class_manage_entities.php';
+require_once 'apps/' . $_SESSION['config']['app_id'] . '/class/class_chrono.php';
+require_once "apps".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ."class".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."class_lists.php";
+function get_form_txt($values, $path_manage_action,  $id_action, $table, $module, $coll_id, $mode )
     $ent = new entity();
     $entity_ctrl = new EntityControler();
     $services = array();
@@ -22,32 +34,30 @@ require_once "apps".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_
     $sec = new security();
     $labelAction = '';
     if ($id_action <> '') {
-        $stmt = $db->query("select label_action from actions where id = ?",array($id_action));
+        $stmt = $db->query("select label_action from actions where id = ?", array($id_action));
         $resAction = $stmt->fetchObject();
         $labelAction = functions::show_string($resAction->label_action);
-    //print_r($_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['entities']);
-    preg_match("'^ ,'",$_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['entities'], $out);
-    if(count($out[0]) == 1) {
+    preg_match("'^ ,'", $_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['entities'], $out);
+    if (count($out[0]) == 1) {
         $_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['entities'] = substr($_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['entities'], 2, strlen($_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['entities']));
-    //print_r($_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['entities']);
-    if(!empty($_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['entities']))
-    {
+    if (!empty($_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['entities'])) {
         $stmt = $db->query("select entity_id, entity_label from ".ENT_ENTITIES." where entity_id in (".$_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['entities'].") and enabled= 'Y' order by entity_label");
-        while($res = $stmt->fetchObject())
-        {
+        while ($res = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
             array_push($services, array( 'ID' => $res->entity_id, 'LABEL' => $db->show_string($res->entity_label)));
             array_push($servicesCompare, $res->entity_id);
     $users = array();
-    if(!empty($_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['users_entities']) )
-    {
+    if (!empty($_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['users_entities']) ) {
         $stmt = $db->query("select distinct ue.user_id, u.lastname, u.firstname from ".ENT_USERS_ENTITIES." ue, ".$_SESSION['tablename']['users']." u where ue.entity_id in (".$_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['users_entities'].") and u.user_id = ue.user_id and (u.status = 'OK' or u.status = 'ABS') and enabled = 'Y' order by u.lastname asc");
-        while($res = $stmt->fetchObject())
-        {
+        while ($res = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
             array_push($users, array( 'ID' => $res->user_id, 'NOM' => functions::show_string($res->lastname), "PRENOM" => functions::show_string($res->firstname)));
@@ -59,50 +69,48 @@ require_once "apps".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_
         $frm_str .= '<h2 class="title">'._REDIRECT_MAIL.' '._NUM;
     $values_str = '';
-    if(empty($_SESSION['stockCheckbox'])){
+    if (empty($_SESSION['stockCheckbox'])) {
-   		for($i=0; $i < count($values);$i++)
-        {
-        	if(_ID_TO_DISPLAY == 'res_id'){
-            	$values_str .= $values[$i].', ';
+        for ($i=0; $i < count($values);$i++) {
-		    } else if (_ID_TO_DISPLAY == 'chrono_number'){
+            if (_ID_TO_DISPLAY == 'res_id') {
+                $values_str .= $values[$i].', ';
+            } else if (_ID_TO_DISPLAY == 'chrono_number') {
                 $values_str      .= $values[$i].', ';
                 $chrono_number   = $cr7->get_chrono_number($values[$i], 'res_view_letterbox');
                 $values_str_chrn .= $chrono_number.', ';
-		    }
+            }
-    }else{ 
+    } else { 
-    	for($i=0; $i < count($_SESSION['stockCheckbox']);$i++)
-        {
-            if(_ID_TO_DISPLAY == 'res_id'){
-            	$values_str .= $_SESSION['stockCheckbox'][$i].', ';
+        for ($i=0; $i < count($_SESSION['stockCheckbox']);$i++) {
+            if (_ID_TO_DISPLAY == 'res_id') {
+                $values_str .= $_SESSION['stockCheckbox'][$i].', ';
-		    } else if (_ID_TO_DISPLAY == 'chrono_number'){
-		    	$values_str .= $_SESSION['stockCheckbox'][$i].', ';
+            } else if (_ID_TO_DISPLAY == 'chrono_number') {
+                $values_str .= $_SESSION['stockCheckbox'][$i].', ';
-		         $chrono_number = $cr7->get_chrono_number($_SESSION['stockCheckbox'][$i], 'res_view_letterbox');
-		         $values_str_chrn .= $chrono_number.', ';
-		    }
+                $chrono_number = $cr7->get_chrono_number($_SESSION['stockCheckbox'][$i], 'res_view_letterbox');
+                $values_str_chrn .= $chrono_number.', ';
+            }
-	$values_str = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $values_str);
+    $values_str = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $values_str);
-    if(_ID_TO_DISPLAY == 'res_id'){
-		$frm_str .= $values_str;
-    } else if (_ID_TO_DISPLAY == 'chrono_number'){
-    	$values_str_chrn = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $values_str_chrn);
-		$frm_str .= $values_str_chrn;
+    if (_ID_TO_DISPLAY == 'res_id') {
+        $frm_str .= $values_str;
+    } else if (_ID_TO_DISPLAY == 'chrono_number') {
+        $values_str_chrn = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $values_str_chrn);
+        $frm_str .= $values_str_chrn;
     $frm_str .= '</h2><br/><br/>';
-    require 'modules/templates/class/templates_controler.php';
+    include 'modules/templates/class/templates_controler.php';
     $templatesControler = new templates_controler();
     $templates = array();
-    if(!empty($_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['entities']))
-    {
+    if (!empty($_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['entities'])) {
         $EntitiesIdExclusion = array();
         $entities            = $entity_ctrl->getAllEntities();
@@ -118,6 +126,7 @@ require_once "apps".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_
         $allEntitiesTree = $ent->getShortEntityTreeAdvanced(
             $allEntitiesTree, 'all', '', $EntitiesIdExclusion, 'all'
+        //Collection
         if (isset($_REQUEST['coll_id']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['coll_id'])) {
             $collId = trim($_REQUEST['coll_id']);
             $parameters .= '&coll_id='.$_REQUEST['coll_id'];
@@ -142,124 +151,112 @@ require_once "apps".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$_SESSION['config']['app_id'].DIRECTORY_
                     . $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'] . 'index.php?display=true'
                     . '&module=templates&page=templates_ajax_content_for_notes\');document.getElementById(\'notes\').focus();">';
         $frm_str .= '<option value="">' . _SELECT_NOTE_TEMPLATE . '</option>';
-            for ($i=0;$i<count($templates);$i++) {
-                if ($templates[$i]['TYPE'] == 'TXT' && ($templates[$i]['TARGET'] == 'notes' || $templates[$i]['TARGET'] == '')) {
-                    $frm_str .= '<option value="';
-                    $frm_str .= $templates[$i]['ID'];
-                    $frm_str .= '">';
-                    $frm_str .= $templates[$i]['LABEL'];
-                }
-                $frm_str .= '</option>';
+        for ($i=0;$i<count($templates);$i++) {
+            if ($templates[$i]['TYPE'] == 'TXT' && ($templates[$i]['TARGET'] == 'notes' || $templates[$i]['TARGET'] == '')) {
+                $frm_str .= '<option value="';
+                $frm_str .= $templates[$i]['ID'];
+                $frm_str .= '">';
+                $frm_str .= $templates[$i]['LABEL'];
+            $frm_str .= '</option>';
+        }
         $frm_str .= '</select><br />';
         $frm_str .= '<textarea style="width:98%;height:60px;resize:none;" name="notes"  id="notes" onblur="setNoteRedirect()"></textarea>';
-        //var_dump($allEntitiesTree);
         $frm_str .= '<hr />';
         $frm_str .='<div id="form2" style="border:none;">';
         $frm_str .= '<form name="frm_redirect_dep" id="frm_redirect_dep" method="post" class="forms" action="#">';
         $frm_str .= '<input type="hidden" name="chosen_action" id="chosen_action" value="end_action" />';
         $frm_str .= '<input type="hidden" name="note_content_to_dep" id="note_content_to_dep" />';
-                $frm_str .='<p>';
-                    $frm_str .= '<b>'._REDIRECT_TO_OTHER_DEP.' :</b><br/>';
-                    $frm_str .= '<select name="department" id="department" data-placeholder="'._CHOOSE_DEPARTMENT.'" onchange="change_entity(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, \''.$_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?display=true&module=entities&page=load_listinstance'.'\', \'diff_list_div_redirect\', \'redirect\');" style="float:left;">';
-                        $frm_str .='<option value=""></option>';
-                       /*for($i=0; $i < count($services); $i++)
-                       {
-                            $frm_str .='<option value="'.$services[$i]['ID'].'" >'.$db->show_string($services[$i]['LABEL']).'</option>';
-                       }*/
-                       $countAllEntities = count($allEntitiesTree);
-                        for ($cptEntities = 0;$cptEntities < $countAllEntities;$cptEntities++) {
-                            if (!$allEntitiesTree[$cptEntities]['KEYWORD']) {
-                                $frm_str .= '<option data-object_type="entity_id" value="' . $allEntitiesTree[$cptEntities]['ID'] . '"';
-                                if ($allEntitiesTree[$cptEntities]['DISABLED']) {
-                                    $frm_str .= ' disabled="disabled" class="disabled_entity"';
-                                }
-                                $frm_str .=  '>' 
-                                    .  $ent->show_string($allEntitiesTree[$cptEntities]['SHORT_LABEL']) 
-                                    . '</option>';
-                            }
-                        }
-                    $frm_str .='</select>';
-                    $frm_str .='<script>$j("#department").chosen({width: "80%", disable_search_threshold: 10, search_contains: true,allow_single_deselect: true});</script>';
-                    $frm_str .=' <input type="button" style="float:right;margin:0px;" name="redirect_dep" value="'._REDIRECT.'" id="redirect_dep" class="button" onclick="valid_action_form( \'frm_redirect_dep\', \''.$path_manage_action.'\', \''. $id_action.'\', \''.$values_str.'\', \''.$table.'\', \''.$module.'\', \''.$coll_id.'\', \''.$mode.'\');" />';
-                    $frm_str .='<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
-                $frm_str .= '<div id="diff_list_div_redirect" class="scroll_div" style="height:auto;"></div>';
-                $frm_str .='</p>';
-            $frm_str .='</form>';
+        $frm_str .='<p>';
+        $frm_str .= '<b>'._REDIRECT_TO_OTHER_DEP.' :</b><br/>';
+        $frm_str .= '<select name="department" id="department" data-placeholder="'._CHOOSE_DEPARTMENT.'" onchange="change_entity(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, \''.$_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?display=true&module=entities&page=load_listinstance'.'\', \'diff_list_div_redirect\', \'redirect\');" style="float:left;">';
+        $frm_str .='<option value=""></option>';
+        $countAllEntities = count($allEntitiesTree);
+        for ($cptEntities = 0;$cptEntities < $countAllEntities;$cptEntities++) {
+            if (!$allEntitiesTree[$cptEntities]['KEYWORD']) {
+                $frm_str .= '<option data-object_type="entity_id" value="' . $allEntitiesTree[$cptEntities]['ID'] . '"';
+                if ($allEntitiesTree[$cptEntities]['ID'] == $_SESSION['user']['primaryentity']['id']) {
+                    $frm_str .= ' selected="selected"';
+                }
+                if ($allEntitiesTree[$cptEntities]['DISABLED']) {
+                    $frm_str .= ' disabled="disabled" class="disabled_entity"';
+                }
+                $frm_str .=  '>' 
+                    .  $ent->show_string($allEntitiesTree[$cptEntities]['SHORT_LABEL']) 
+                    . '</option>';
+            }
+        }
+        $frm_str .='</select>';
+        $frm_str .='<script>$j("#department").chosen({width: "80%", disable_search_threshold: 10, search_contains: true,allow_single_deselect: true});document.getElementById("department").onchange();$j("#department").trigger("chosen:updated");</script>';
+        $frm_str .=' <input type="button" style="float:right;margin:0px;" name="redirect_dep" value="'._REDIRECT.'" id="redirect_dep" class="button" onclick="valid_action_form( \'frm_redirect_dep\', \''.$path_manage_action.'\', \''. $id_action.'\', \''.$values_str.'\', \''.$table.'\', \''.$module.'\', \''.$coll_id.'\', \''.$mode.'\');" />';
+        $frm_str .='<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
+        $frm_str .= '<div id="diff_list_div_redirect" class="scroll_div" style="height:auto;"></div>';
+        $frm_str .='</p>';
+        $frm_str .='</form>';
         $frm_str .='</div>';
-    if(!empty($_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['users_entities']))
-    {
+    if (!empty($_SESSION['user']['redirect_groupbasket'][$_SESSION['current_basket']['id']][$id_action]['users_entities'])) {
         $frm_str .='<hr />';
-            $frm_str .='<div id="form3">';
-                $frm_str .= '<form name="frm_redirect_user" id="frm_redirect_user" method="post" class="forms" action="#">';
-                $frm_str .= '<input type="hidden" name="chosen_action" id="chosen_action" value="end_action" />';
-                $frm_str .= '<input type="hidden" name="note_content_to_user" id="note_content_to_user" value="" />';
-                $frm_str .='<p>';
-                    $frm_str .='<label><b>'._REDIRECT_TO_USER.' :</b></label>';
-                    $frm_str .='<select name="user" id="user" style="float:left;" data-placeholder="'._CHOOSE_USER2.'">';
-                        $frm_str .='<option value=""></option>';
-                        for($i=0; $i < count($users); $i++)
-                       {
-                        $frm_str .='<option value="'.$users[$i]['ID'].'">'.$users[$i]['NOM'].' '.$users[$i]['PRENOM'].'</option>';
-                       }
-                    $frm_str .='</select>';
-                    $frm_str .='<script>$j("#user").chosen({width: "80%", disable_search_threshold: 10, search_contains: true,allow_single_deselect: true});</script>';
-                    $frm_str .=' <input type="button" style="float:right;margin:0px;" name="redirect_user" id="redirect_user" value="'
-                        ._REDIRECT
-                        . '" class="button" onclick="valid_action_form( \'frm_redirect_user\', \''
-                        . $path_manage_action . '\', \'' . $id_action . '\', \'' . $values_str . '\', \'' . $table . '\', \'' . $module . '\', \'' . $coll_id . '\', \'' . $mode . '\');"  />';
-                $frm_str .='</p>';
-                $frm_str .='<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
-            $frm_str .='</form>';
+        $frm_str .='<div id="form3">';
+        $frm_str .= '<form name="frm_redirect_user" id="frm_redirect_user" method="post" class="forms" action="#">';
+        $frm_str .= '<input type="hidden" name="chosen_action" id="chosen_action" value="end_action" />';
+        $frm_str .= '<input type="hidden" name="note_content_to_user" id="note_content_to_user" value="" />';
+        $frm_str .='<p>';
+        $frm_str .='<label><b>'._REDIRECT_TO_USER.' :</b></label>';
+        $frm_str .='<select name="user" id="user" style="float:left;" data-placeholder="'._CHOOSE_USER2.'">';
+        $frm_str .='<option value=""></option>';
+        for ($i=0; $i < count($users); $i++) {
+            $frm_str .='<option value="'.$users[$i]['ID'].'">'.$users[$i]['NOM'].' '.$users[$i]['PRENOM'].'</option>';
+        }
+        $frm_str .='</select>';
+        $frm_str .='<script>$j("#user").chosen({width: "80%", disable_search_threshold: 10, search_contains: true,allow_single_deselect: true});</script>';
+        $frm_str .=' <input type="button" style="float:right;margin:0px;" name="redirect_user" id="redirect_user" value="'
+        ._REDIRECT
+        . '" class="button" onclick="valid_action_form( \'frm_redirect_user\', \''
+        . $path_manage_action . '\', \'' . $id_action . '\', \'' . $values_str . '\', \'' . $table . '\', \'' . $module . '\', \'' . $coll_id . '\', \'' . $mode . '\');"  />';
+        $frm_str .='</p>';
+        $frm_str .='<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
+        $frm_str .='</form>';
         $frm_str .='</div>';
-    /** Note add **/
-    //$frm_str .='<iframe src="'.$_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'].'index.php?display=true&module=notes&page=note_add&mode=add&identifier=' . $values_str . '&origin=document&coll_id=' . $coll_id . '&redirect" style="width:100%;border:none;height:65%;" scrolling="no"></iframe>';
     $frm_str .='<hr />';
     $frm_str .='<div align="center">';
             $frm_str .='<input type="button" name="cancel" id="cancel" class="button"  value="'._CANCEL.'" onclick="pile_actions.action_pop();destroyModal(\'modal_'.$id_action.'\');"/>';
     $frm_str .='</div>';
     return addslashes($frm_str);
- }
- function check_form($form_id,$values)
- {
-    if($form_id == 'frm_redirect_dep') {
+function check_form($form_id,$values)
+    if ($form_id == 'frm_redirect_dep') {
         $dep = get_value_fields($values, 'department');
-        if($dep == '') {
+        if ($dep == '') {
             $_SESSION['action_error'] = _MUST_CHOOSE_DEP;
             return false;
-        } else if (empty($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0])
-                || ! isset($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0])
-            ) {
-                $_SESSION['action_error'] = _DEST
-                    . " " . _MANDATORY;
-                return false;
+        } else if (empty($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0]) || ! isset($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0])) {
+            $_SESSION['action_error'] = _DEST . " " . _MANDATORY;
+            return false;
         } else {
             return true;
-    } else if($form_id == 'frm_redirect_user') {
+    } else if ($form_id == 'frm_redirect_user') {
         $user = get_value_fields($values, 'user');
-        if($user == '')
-        {
+        if ($user == '') {
             $_SESSION['action_error'] = _MUST_CHOOSE_USER;
             return false;
-        }
-        else
-        {
+        } else {
             return true;
     } else {
         $_SESSION['action_error'] = _FORM_ERROR;
         return false;
- }
 function manage_form($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $coll_id, $table, $values_form )
@@ -299,54 +296,53 @@ function manage_form($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $col
     if(empty($values_form) || count($arr_id) < 1) 
         return false;
-    require_once('modules/entities/class/class_manage_listdiff.php');
+    include_once 'modules/entities/class/class_manage_listdiff.php';
     $diffList = new diffusion_list();
     $db = new Database();
     $formValues = array();
-    for($i=0; $i<count($values_form); $i++) {
+    for ($i=0; $i<count($values_form); $i++) {
         $formValue = $values_form[$i];
         $id = $formValue['ID'];
         $value = $formValue['VALUE'];
         $formValues[$id] = $value;
-    # 1 : Redirect to user :
-    #   - create new listinstance from scratch with only dest user
-    #   - do not change destination
-    if(isset($formValues['redirect_user'])) {
+    // 1 : Redirect to user :
+    //   - create new listinstance from scratch with only dest user
+    //   - do not change destination
+    if (isset($formValues['redirect_user'])) {
         $userId = $formValues['user'];
-        # Select new_dest user info
+        // Select new_dest user info
         $stmt = $db->query(
             "select u.user_id, u.firstname, u.lastname, e.entity_id, e.entity_label "
             . "FROM " . $_SESSION['tablename']['users'] . " u, " . ENT_ENTITIES . " e, "
             . ENT_USERS_ENTITIES . " ue WHERE u.status <> 'DEL' and u.enabled = 'Y' and"
             . " e.entity_id = ue.entity_id and u.user_id = ue.user_id and"
-            . " e.enabled = 'Y' and ue.primary_entity='Y' and u.user_id = ?",array($userId)
+            . " e.enabled = 'Y' and ue.primary_entity='Y' and u.user_id = ?", array($userId)
         $user = $stmt->fetchObject();
-        # Create new listinstance
+        // Create new listinstance
         $_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list'] = array();
         $_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['difflist_type'] = 'entity_id';
-        $_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0] =    
-            array(
-                'user_id' => $userId,
-                'lastname' => $user->lastname,
-                'firstname' => $user->firstname,
-                'entity_id' => $user->entity_id,
-                'viewed' => 0,
-                'visible' => 'Y',
-                'difflist_type' => 'entity_id'
-            );
+        $_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0] = array(
+            'user_id' => $userId,
+            'lastname' => $user->lastname,
+            'firstname' => $user->firstname,
+            'entity_id' => $user->entity_id,
+            'viewed' => 0,
+            'visible' => 'Y',
+            'difflist_type' => 'entity_id'
+        );
         $message = ' (' . _REDIRECT_TO_USER_OK . ': ' . $userId . ')';
-    }
-    # 2 : Redirect to departement (+ dest user)
-    #   - listinstance has laready been loaded when selecting entity
-    #   - get entity_id that will update destination
-    elseif(isset($formValues['redirect_dep'])) {
+    } elseif (isset($formValues['redirect_dep'])) {
+        // 2 : Redirect to departement (+ dest user)
+        //   - listinstance has laready been loaded when selecting entity
+        //   - get entity_id that will update destination
         $entityId = $formValues['department'];
         $stmt = $db->query("SELECT entity_label FROM entities WHERE entity_id = ?", array($entityId));
@@ -356,24 +352,24 @@ function manage_form($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $col
-    # 1 + 2 :
-    #   - update dest_user
-    #   - move former dest user to copy if requested
-    #   - finally save listinstance 
-    for($i=0; $i<count($arr_id); $i++) {
+    // 1 + 2 :
+    //   - update dest_user
+    //   - move former dest user to copy if requested
+    //   - finally save listinstance 
+    for ($i=0; $i<count($arr_id); $i++) {
-    	$new_difflist = $_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list'];
+        $new_difflist = $_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list'];
         // Fix lorsque l'on redirige vers une entité qui n'a pas de liste de diffusion par défaut
-        if(empty($new_difflist['difflist_type'])){
+        if (empty($new_difflist['difflist_type'])) {
             $new_difflist['difflist_type'] = 'entity_id';
         $res_id = $arr_id[$i];
-        # update dest_user
+        // update dest_user
         $new_dest = $new_difflist['dest']['users'][0]['user_id'];
-        if($new_dest) {
-            if($formValues['note_content_to_user'] != ''){
+        if ($new_dest) {
+            if ($formValues['note_content_to_user'] != '') {
                 //Add notes
                 $userIdTypist = $_SESSION['user']['UserId'];
                 $content_note = $formValues['note_content_to_user'];
@@ -383,25 +379,25 @@ function manage_form($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $col
                 $stmt = $db->query(
                     "INSERT INTO notes (identifier, tablename, user_id, "
-                            . "date_note, note_text, coll_id ) VALUES (?,?,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,?,?)",array($res_id,$table,$userIdTypist,$content_note,$coll_id)
+                            . "date_note, note_text, coll_id ) VALUES (?,?,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,?,?)", array($res_id,$table,$userIdTypist,$content_note,$coll_id)
-            $stmt = $db->query("update ".$table." set dest_user = ? where res_id = ?",array($new_dest,$res_id));
-            # If new dest was in other roles, get number of views
+            $stmt = $db->query("update ".$table." set dest_user = ? where res_id = ?", array($new_dest,$res_id));
+            // If new dest was in other roles, get number of views
             $stmt = $db->query(
                 "select viewed"
                 . " from " . $_SESSION['tablename']['ent_listinstance'] 
-                . " where coll_id = ? and res_id = ? and item_type = 'user_id' and item_id = ?",array($coll_id,$res_id,$new_dest)
+                . " where coll_id = ? and res_id = ? and item_type = 'user_id' and item_id = ?", array($coll_id,$res_id,$new_dest)
             $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
             $viewed = $res->viewed;
             $new_difflist['dest']['users'][0]['viewed'] = (integer)$viewed;
-        # Update destination if needed
-        if($entityId){
-            if($formValues['note_content_to_dep'] != ''){
+        // Update destination if needed
+        if ($entityId) {
+            if ($formValues['note_content_to_dep'] != '') {
                 //Add notes
                 $userIdTypist = $_SESSION['user']['UserId'];
                 $content_note = $formValues['note_content_to_dep'];
@@ -411,60 +407,59 @@ function manage_form($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $col
                 $stmt = $db->query(
                     "INSERT INTO notes (identifier, tablename, user_id, "
-                            . "date_note, note_text, coll_id ) VALUES (?,?,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,?,?)",array($res_id, $table, $userIdTypist, $content_note, $coll_id)
+                            . "date_note, note_text, coll_id ) VALUES (?,?,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,?,?)", array($res_id, $table, $userIdTypist, $content_note, $coll_id)
-            $stmt = $db->query("update ".$table." set destination = ? where res_id = ?",array($entityId, $res_id)); 
+            $stmt = $db->query("update ".$table." set destination = ? where res_id = ?", array($entityId, $res_id)); 
         // Si on redirige en masse plusieurs courriers, on récupère automatiquement les roles persistent
-        if(count($arr_id) > 1){
+        if (count($arr_id) > 1) {
             $new_difflist = $diffList->list_difflist_roles_to_keep($res_id, $coll_id, $new_difflist['difflist_type'], $new_difflist);
-        # If feature activated, put old dest in copy
-        if($_SESSION['features']['dest_to_copy_during_redirection'] == 'true') {
-            # Get old dest
+        // If feature activated, put old dest in copy
+        if ($_SESSION['features']['dest_to_copy_during_redirection'] == 'true') {
+            // Get old dest
             $stmt = $db->query(
                 "select * "
                 . " from " . $_SESSION['tablename']['ent_listinstance'] 
-                . " where coll_id = ? and res_id = ? and item_type = 'user_id' and item_mode = 'dest'",array($coll_id, $res_id)
+                . " where coll_id = ? and res_id = ? and item_type = 'user_id' and item_mode = 'dest'", array($coll_id, $res_id)
             $old_dest = $stmt->fetchObject();
-            if($old_dest && isset($new_difflist['copy']['users'])) {
-                # try to find old dest in copies already
+            if ($old_dest && isset($new_difflist['copy']['users'])) {
+                // try to find old dest in copies already
                 $found = false;
-                for($ci=0; $ci<count($new_difflist['copy']['users']);$ci++) {
+                for ($ci=0; $ci<count($new_difflist['copy']['users']);$ci++) {
-                    # If in copies before, add number of views as dest to number of views as copy
-					if($new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['user_id'] == $old_dest->item_id) {
+                    // If in copies before, add number of views as dest to number of views as copy
+                    if ($new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['user_id'] == $old_dest->item_id) {
                         $found = true;
-                        $new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['viewed'] = 
-                            $new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['viewed'] + (integer)$old_dest->viewed;
+                        $new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['viewed'] = $new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['viewed'] + (integer)$old_dest->viewed;
                 //re-built session without dest in copy
-                for($ci=0; $ci<count($new_difflist['copy']['users']);$ci++) {
-                    if($new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['user_id'] != $new_dest){
-                    array_push(
-                        $tab, 
-                        array(
-						'user_id' => $new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['user_id'], 
-						'viewed' => (integer)$new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['viewed'],
-						'visible' => 'Y',
-						'difflist_type' => $new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['viewed']
-                        )
-                    );
+                for ($ci=0; $ci<count($new_difflist['copy']['users']);$ci++) {
+                    if ($new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['user_id'] != $new_dest) {
+                        array_push(
+                            $tab, 
+                            array(
+                                'user_id' => $new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['user_id'], 
+                                'viewed' => (integer)$new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['viewed'],
+                                'visible' => 'Y',
+                                'difflist_type' => $new_difflist['copy']['users'][$ci]['viewed']
+                            )
+                        );
-                if(!$found) {
+                if (!$found) {
@@ -477,9 +472,8 @@ function manage_form($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $col
-        //print_r($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['copy']['entities']);exit();
-        # Save listinstance
+        // Save listinstance
@@ -490,79 +484,75 @@ function manage_form($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $col
-    # Pb with action chain : main action page is saved after this. 
-    #   if process, $_SESSION['process']['diff_list'] will override this one
+    // Pb with action chain : main action page is saved after this. 
+    //   if process, $_SESSION['process']['diff_list'] will override this one
     $_SESSION['ListDiffFromRedirect'] = true;
     $_SESSION['process']['diff_list'] = $new_difflist;
     $_SESSION['action_error'] = $message;
     return array('result' => implode('#', $arr_id), 'history_msg' => $message);
-    #
-    #
+    // OLD SCRIPT
     $list = new diffusion_list();
     $arr_list = '';
-    for($j=0; $j<count($values_form); $j++)
-    {
+    for ($j=0; $j<count($values_form); $j++) {
         $queryEntityLabel = "SELECT entity_label FROM entities WHERE entity_id=?";
-        $stmt = $db->query($queryEntityLabel,array($values_form[$j]['VALUE']));
+        $stmt = $db->query($queryEntityLabel, array($values_form[$j]['VALUE']));
         while ($entityLabel = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
             $zeEntityLabel = $entityLabel->entity_label;
         $msg = _TO." : ".$zeEntityLabel." (".$values_form[$j]['VALUE'].")";
-        if($values_form[$j]['ID'] == "department")
-        {
-            for($i=0; $i < count($arr_id); $i++)
-            {
+        if ($values_form[$j]['ID'] == "department") {
+            for ($i=0; $i < count($arr_id); $i++) {
                 $arr_list .= $arr_id[$i].'#';
-                $stmt = $db->query("update ".$table." set destination = ? where res_id = ?",array($values_form[$j]['VALUE'],$arr_id[$i]));
-                if(isset($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0]['user_id']) && !empty($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0]['user_id']))
-                {
-                    $stmt = $db->query("update ".$table." set dest_user = ? where res_id = ?",array($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['user_id'],$arr_id[$i]));
+                $stmt = $db->query("update ".$table." set destination = ? where res_id = ?", array($values_form[$j]['VALUE'],$arr_id[$i]));
+                if (isset($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0]['user_id']) && !empty($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0]['user_id'])) {
+                    $stmt = $db->query("update ".$table." set dest_user = ? where res_id = ?", array($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['user_id'],$arr_id[$i]));
                 $newDestViewed = 0;
                 // Récupère le nombre de fois où le futur destinataire principal a vu le document
-                $stmt = $db->query("select viewed from ".$_SESSION['tablename']['ent_listinstance']." where coll_id = ? and res_id = ? and item_type = 'user_id' and item_id = ?",array($coll_id,$arr_id[$i],$_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0]['user_id']));
+                $stmt = $db->query("select viewed from ".$_SESSION['tablename']['ent_listinstance']." where coll_id = ? and res_id = ? and item_type = 'user_id' and item_id = ?", array($coll_id,$arr_id[$i],$_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0]['user_id']));
                 $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                if($res->viewed <> "")
-                {
+                if ($res->viewed <> "") {
                     $_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['dest']['users'][0]['viewed'] = $res->viewed;
                     $newDestViewed = $res->viewed;
-                if($_SESSION['features']['dest_to_copy_during_redirection'] == 'true')
-                {
+                if ($_SESSION['features']['dest_to_copy_during_redirection'] == 'true') {
                     $lastDestViewed = 0;
                     // Récupère le nombre de fois où l'ancien destinataire principal a vu le document
-                    $stmt = $db->query("select viewed from ".$_SESSION['tablename']['ent_listinstance']." where coll_id = ? and res_id = ? and item_type = 'user_id' and item_mode = 'dest'",array($coll_id,$arr_id[$i]));
+                    $stmt = $db->query("select viewed from ".$_SESSION['tablename']['ent_listinstance']." where coll_id = ? and res_id = ? and item_type = 'user_id' and item_mode = 'dest'", array($coll_id,$arr_id[$i]));
                     $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
-                    if($res->viewed <> "")
-                    {
+                    if ($res->viewed <> "") {
                         $lastDestViewed = $res->viewed;
-                    for($cptCopy=0;$cptCopy<count($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['copy']['users']);$cptCopy++)
-                    {
-                        if($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['copy']['users'][$cptCopy]['user_id'] == $_SESSION['user']['UserId'])
-                        {
+                    for ($cptCopy=0;$cptCopy<count($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['copy']['users']);$cptCopy++) {
+                        if ($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['copy']['users'][$cptCopy]['user_id'] == $_SESSION['user']['UserId']) {
                             $_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['copy']['users'][$cptCopy]['viewed'] = $lastDestViewed;
                     array_push($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']['copy']['users'], array('user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['UserId'], 'lastname' => $_SESSION['user']['LastName'], 'firstname' => $_SESSION['user']['FirstName'], 'entity_id' => $_SESSION['user']['primaryentity']['id'], 'viewed' => $lastDestViewed));
                 $params = array('mode'=> 'listinstance', 'table' => $_SESSION['tablename']['ent_listinstance'], 'coll_id' => $coll_id, 'res_id' => $arr_id[$i], 'user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['UserId'], 'concat_list' => true);
-                //print_r($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list']);exit();
                 $list->load_list_db($_SESSION['redirect']['diff_list'], $params);
             $_SESSION['action_error'] = _REDIRECT_TO_DEP_OK;
             return array('result' => $arr_list, 'history_msg' => $msg );
-        }
-        elseif($values_form[$j]['ID'] == "user")
-        {
-            for($i=0;$i<count($arr_id);$i++)
-            {
+        } elseif ($values_form[$j]['ID'] == "user") {
+            for ($i=0;$i<count($arr_id);$i++) {
                 // Update listinstance
                 $difflist['dest'] = array();
                 $difflist['copy'] = array();
@@ -571,30 +561,30 @@ function manage_form($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $col
                 $difflist['dest']['users'][0]['user_id'] = $values_form[$j]['VALUE'];
                 $arr_list .= $arr_id[$i].'#';
                 // Récupère le nombre de fois où le futur destinataire principal a vu le document
-                $stmt = $db->query("select viewed from ".$_SESSION['tablename']['ent_listinstance']." where coll_id = ? and res_id = ? and item_type = 'user_id' and item_id = ?",array($coll_id,$arr_id[$i],$difflist['dest']['users'][0]['user_id']));
+                $stmt = $db->query("select viewed from ".$_SESSION['tablename']['ent_listinstance']." where coll_id = ? and res_id = ? and item_type = 'user_id' and item_id = ?", array($coll_id,$arr_id[$i],$difflist['dest']['users'][0]['user_id']));
                 $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
                 $newDestViewed = 0;
-                if($res->viewed <> "")
-                {
+                if ($res->viewed <> "") {
                     $difflist['dest']['users'][0]['viewed'] = $res->viewed;
                     $newDestViewed = $res->viewed;
                 // Récupère le nombre de fois où l'ancien destinataire principal a vu le document
-                $stmt = $db->query("select viewed from ".$_SESSION['tablename']['ent_listinstance']." where coll_id = ? and res_id = ? and item_type = 'user_id' and item_mode = 'dest'",array($coll_id,$arr_id[$i]));
+                $stmt = $db->query("select viewed from ".$_SESSION['tablename']['ent_listinstance']." where coll_id = ? and res_id = ? and item_type = 'user_id' and item_mode = 'dest'", array($coll_id,$arr_id[$i]));
                 $res = $stmt->fetchObject();
                 $lastDestViewed = 0;
-                if($res->viewed <> "")
-                {
+                if ($res->viewed <> "") {
                     $lastDestViewed = $res->viewed;
                 // Update dest_user in res table
-                $stmt = $db->query("update ".$table." set dest_user = ? where res_id = ?",array($values_form[$j]['VALUE'],$arr_id[$i]));
+                $stmt = $db->query("update ".$table." set dest_user = ? where res_id = ?", array($values_form[$j]['VALUE'],$arr_id[$i]));
                 $list->set_main_dest($values_form[$j]['VALUE'], $coll_id, $arr_id[$i], 'DOC', 'user_id', $newDestViewed);
-                if($_SESSION['features']['dest_to_copy_during_redirection'] == 'true')
-                {
-                    array_push($difflist['copy']['users'],array('user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['UserId'], 'lastname' => $_SESSION['user']['LastName'], 'firstname' => $_SESSION['user']['FirstName'], 'entity_id' => $_SESSION['user']['primaryentity']['id'], 'viewed' => $lastDestViewed));
+                if ($_SESSION['features']['dest_to_copy_during_redirection'] == 'true') {
+                    array_push($difflist['copy']['users'], array('user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['UserId'], 'lastname' => $_SESSION['user']['LastName'], 'firstname' => $_SESSION['user']['FirstName'], 'entity_id' => $_SESSION['user']['primaryentity']['id'], 'viewed' => $lastDestViewed));
                 $params = array('mode'=> 'listinstance', 'table' => $_SESSION['tablename']['ent_listinstance'], 'coll_id' => $coll_id, 'res_id' => $arr_id[$i], 'user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['UserId'], 'concat_list' => true);
                 $list->load_list_db($difflist, $params);
@@ -609,18 +599,18 @@ function manage_form($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $col
 function manage_unlock($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $coll_id, $table)
     $db = new Database();
-    for($i=0; $i<count($arr_id );$i++)
-    {
-        $req = $db->query("update ".$table. " set video_user = '', video_time = 0 where res_id = ?",array($arr_id[$i]));
+    for ($i=0; $i<count($arr_id);$i++) {
+        $req = $db->query("update ".$table. " set video_user = '', video_time = 0 where res_id = ?", array($arr_id[$i]));
+        if (!$req) {
-        if(!$req)
-        {
             $_SESSION['action_error'] = _SQL_ERROR;
             return false;
     return true;
- }
  * Get the value of a given field in the values returned by the form
@@ -631,10 +621,10 @@ function manage_unlock($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $c
 function get_value_fields($values, $field)
-    for($i=0; $i<count($values);$i++)
-    {
-        if($values[$i]['ID'] == $field)
-        {
+    for ($i=0; $i<count($values);$i++) {
+        if ($values[$i]['ID'] == $field) {
             return  $values[$i]['VALUE'];