From 524daa895234a276ce2dfaf3103719786b1240b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "florian.azizian" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2020 10:28:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] FEAT #15350 TIME 0:25 update sql for new version

---                                     |  8 ++---
 sql/data_fr.sql                               |  4 ---
 sql/delete_all_ressources.sql                 | 16 +++++++++
 sql/m2m_contacts_samples.sql                  | 36 +++++--------------
 sql/reinit_sequences.sql                      |  5 ++-
 src/app/group/controllers/GroupController.php |  1 -
 src/app/user/controllers/UserController.php   |  2 +-
 7 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index b3229a378e7..9afb845ce7e 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # Maarch Courrier
 Gestionnaire Électronique de Correspondances – Libre et Open Source –
-**Dernière version stable V20.03** 
+**Dernière version stable V20.10** 
 Démonstration :
@@ -24,19 +24,19 @@ Documentation :
 * Apache2.x
 * PostgreSQL >= 9.6
-* PHP 7.2. 7.3, 7.4
+* PHP 7.3, 7.4
    * Extensions PHP (adaptées à votre version de PHP) : PHP-[XSL](, PHP-[XML-RPC](, PHP-[Gettext]($
 * [ImageMagick](, avec PHP-[ImageMagick](
 * [Ghostscript](
 * [wkhtmltopdf et wkhtmltoimage](
 * [LibreOffice]( pour la conversion de documents
 * [unoconv]( pour la conversion de documents
-* Java Runtime Environment >= 7
+* Java Runtime Environment >= 8
 ###  Recommandations pour le php.ini
-error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
+error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE  
 display_errors = On
 ## Le coin des developpeurs
diff --git a/sql/data_fr.sql b/sql/data_fr.sql
index c4d09f0a32e..34a8f54ba94 100755
--- a/sql/data_fr.sql
+++ b/sql/data_fr.sql
@@ -1004,11 +1004,7 @@ INSERT INTO status_images (image_name) VALUES ('fa-lightbulb');
 TRUNCATE TABLE parameters;
-INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('apa_reservation_batch', NULL, 1, NULL);
-INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('workbatch_rec', '', 1, NULL);
-INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('folder_id_increment', '', 200, NULL);
 INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('work_batch_autoimport_id', NULL, 1, NULL);
-INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('postindexing_workbatch', NULL, 1, NULL);
 INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('database_version', '20.10.1', NULL, NULL);
 INSERT INTO parameters (id, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('user_quota', '', 0, NULL);
 INSERT INTO parameters (id, description, param_value_string, param_value_int, param_value_date) VALUES ('defaultDepartment', 'Département par défaut sélectionné dans les autocomplétions de la Base Adresse Nationale', NULL, 75, NULL);
diff --git a/sql/delete_all_ressources.sql b/sql/delete_all_ressources.sql
index 40ebb80266b..6730adc7737 100755
--- a/sql/delete_all_ressources.sql
+++ b/sql/delete_all_ressources.sql
@@ -58,6 +58,22 @@ ALTER SEQUENCE acknowledgement_receipts_id_seq restart WITH 1;
 ALTER SEQUENCE emails_id_seq restart WITH 1;
+TRUNCATE TABLE registered_mail_resources;
+ALTER SEQUENCE registered_mail_resources_id_seq restart WITH 1;
+TRUNCATE TABLE resource_contacts;
+ALTER SEQUENCE resource_contacts_id_seq restart WITH 1;
+TRUNCATE TABLE resources_folders;
+ALTER SEQUENCE resources_folders_id_seq restart WITH 1;
+TRUNCATE TABLE unit_identifier;
+TRUNCATE TABLE users_followed_resources;
+ALTER SEQUENCE users_followed_resources_id_seq restart WITH 1;
+TRUNCATE TABLE message_exchange;
 TRUNCATE TABLE shippings;
 ALTER SEQUENCE shippings_id_seq restart WITH 1;
diff --git a/sql/m2m_contacts_samples.sql b/sql/m2m_contacts_samples.sql
index 9e41c07cbc0..fa465f3a371 100644
--- a/sql/m2m_contacts_samples.sql
+++ b/sql/m2m_contacts_samples.sql
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 DELETE FROM usergroups WHERE group_id = 'MAARCHTOGEC';
-INSERT INTO usergroups (group_id,group_desc,enabled) VALUES ('MAARCHTOGEC', 'Envoi dématérialisé','Y');
+INSERT INTO usergroups (group_id,group_desc) VALUES ('MAARCHTOGEC', 'Envoi dématérialisé');
 DELETE FROM usergroups_services WHERE group_id = 'MAARCHTOGEC';
 INSERT INTO usergroups_services (group_id, service_id) VALUES ('MAARCHTOGEC', 'manage_numeric_package');
@@ -7,34 +7,16 @@ DELETE FROM security WHERE group_id = 'MAARCHTOGEC';
 INSERT INTO security (group_id, coll_id, where_clause, maarch_comment) VALUES ('MAARCHTOGEC', 'letterbox_coll', '1=0', 'Aucun courrier');
 DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id = 'cchaplin';
-INSERT INTO users (user_id, password, firstname, lastname, mail, enabled, status, mode) VALUES ('cchaplin', '$2y$10$C.QSslBKD3yNMfRPuZfcaubFwPKiCkqqOUyAdOr5FSGKPaePwuEjG', 'Jean', 'WEBSERVICE', '', 'Y', 'OK', 'rest');
-DELETE FROM usergroup_content WHERE user_id = 'cchaplin';
-INSERT INTO usergroup_content (user_id, group_id, role) VALUES ('cchaplin', 'MAARCHTOGEC', '');
+INSERT INTO users (user_id, password, firstname, lastname, mail, status, mode) VALUES ('cchaplin', '$2y$10$C.QSslBKD3yNMfRPuZfcaubFwPKiCkqqOUyAdOr5FSGKPaePwuEjG', 'Jean', 'WEBSERVICE', '', 'OK', 'rest');
+DELETE FROM usergroup_content WHERE user_id = 24;
+INSERT INTO usergroup_content (user_id, group_id, role) VALUES (24, 11, '');
+DELETE FROM contacts where id >= 1000000;
-DELETE FROM contacts_v2 where contact_id >= 1000000;
-DELETE FROM contact_addresses where id >= 1000000;
-DELETE FROM contact_communication where contact_id >= 1000000;
-INSERT INTO contacts_v2 (contact_id, contact_type, is_corporate_person, is_external_contact, society, user_id, entity_id, creation_date) VALUES 
-(1000000, 102, 'Y', 'Y', 'Custom 1', 'cchaplin', 'COU', '2019-03-28 21:43:54.97424');
-INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, user_id, entity_id, external_id) 
-VALUES (1000000, 1000000, 1, 'cchaplin', 'COU', '{"m2m": "org_custom_1"}');
-INSERT INTO contact_communication (contact_id, type, value) 
-VALUES (1000000, 'url', 'http://cchaplin:maarch@');
-INSERT INTO contacts_v2 (contact_id, contact_type, is_corporate_person, is_external_contact, society, user_id, entity_id, creation_date) VALUES 
-(1000001, 102, 'Y', 'Y', 'Custom 2', 'cchaplin', 'COU', '2019-03-28 21:43:54.97424');
-INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, user_id, entity_id, external_id) 
-VALUES (1000001, 1000001, 1, 'cchaplin', 'COU', '{"m2m": "org_custom_2"}');
-INSERT INTO contact_communication (contact_id, type, value) 
-VALUES (1000001, 'url', 'http://cchaplin:maarch@');
-INSERT INTO contacts_v2 (contact_id, contact_type, is_corporate_person, is_external_contact, society, user_id, entity_id, creation_date) VALUES 
-(1000002, 102, 'Y', 'Y', 'Custom 3', 'cchaplin', 'COU', '2019-03-28 21:43:54.97424');
-INSERT INTO contact_addresses (id, contact_id, contact_purpose_id, user_id, entity_id, external_id) 
-VALUES (1000002, 1000002, 1, 'cchaplin', 'COU', '{"m2m": "org_custom_2"}');
-INSERT INTO contact_communication (contact_id, type, value) 
-VALUES (1000002, 'url', 'http://cchaplin:maarch@');
+INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (1000000, 'title1', 'Custom 1', 'Custom 1', 'Custom 1', NULL, NULL, '13', 'RUE LA PREFECTURE', NULL, NULL, '99000', 'MAARCH LES BAINS', NULL, NULL, NULL, '{"url": "http://cchaplin:maarch@"}', NULL, 21, '2018-04-18 12:43:54.97424', '2020-03-24 15:06:58.16582', true, NULL, '{"m2m": "org_custom_1"}');
+INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (1000001, 'title1', 'Custom 2', 'Custom 2', 'Custom 2', NULL, NULL, '13', 'RUE LA PREFECTURE', NULL, NULL, '99000', 'MAARCH LES BAINS', NULL, NULL, NULL, '{"url": "http://cchaplin:maarch@"}', NULL, 21, '2018-04-18 12:43:54.97424', '2020-03-24 15:06:58.16582', true, NULL, '{"m2m": "org_custom_2"}');
+INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (1000002, 'title1', 'Custom 3', 'Custom 3', 'Custom 3', NULL, NULL, '13', 'RUE LA PREFECTURE', NULL, NULL, '99000', 'MAARCH LES BAINS', NULL, NULL, NULL, '{"url": "http://cchaplin:maarch@"}', NULL, 21, '2018-04-18 12:43:54.97424', '2020-03-24 15:06:58.16582', true, NULL, '{"m2m": "org_custom_3"}');
 DO $$
diff --git a/sql/reinit_sequences.sql b/sql/reinit_sequences.sql
index e64c417d1bd..af7ad90cd09 100755
--- a/sql/reinit_sequences.sql
+++ b/sql/reinit_sequences.sql
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
 Select setval('notifications_seq', (select max(notification_sid)+1 from notifications), false);
 Select setval('res_id_mlb_seq', (select max(res_id)+1 from res_letterbox), false);
-Select setval('user_signatures_seq', (select max(id)+1 from user_signatures), false);
+Select setval('user_signatures_id_seq', (select max(id)+1 from user_signatures), false);
 Select setval('templates_seq', (select max(template_id)+1 from templates), false);
 Select setval('groupbasket_redirect_system_id_seq', (select max(system_id)+1 from groupbasket_redirect), false);
 Select setval('actions_id_seq', (select max(id)+1 from actions), false);
-Select setval('contacts_id_seq', (select max(contact_id)+1 from contacts), false);
+Select setval('contacts_id_seq', (select max(id)+1 from contacts), false);
 select setval('doctypes_type_id_seq', (select max(type_id)+1 from doctypes), false);
 select setval('doctypes_first_level_id_seq', (select max(doctypes_first_level_id)+1 from doctypes_first_level), false);
 select setval('doctypes_second_level_id_seq', (select max(doctypes_second_level_id)+1 from doctypes_second_level), false);
 select setval('res_attachment_res_id_seq', (select max(res_id)+1 from res_attachments), false);
-select setval('res_linked_mlb_seq', (select max(id)+1 from res_linked), false);
 select setval('notif_email_stack_seq', (select max(email_stack_sid)+1 from notif_email_stack), false);
 select setval('notif_event_stack_seq', (select max(event_stack_sid)+1 from notif_event_stack), false);
 select setval('notes_id_seq', (select max(id)+1 from notes), false);
diff --git a/src/app/group/controllers/GroupController.php b/src/app/group/controllers/GroupController.php
index e8dff3dea04..cc1f790cb18 100755
--- a/src/app/group/controllers/GroupController.php
+++ b/src/app/group/controllers/GroupController.php
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ use Respect\Validation\Validator;
 use Slim\Http\Request;
 use Slim\Http\Response;
 use SrcCore\controllers\PreparedClauseController;
-use SrcCore\models\CoreConfigModel;
 use SrcCore\models\ValidatorModel;
 use User\controllers\UserController;
 use User\models\UserEntityModel;
diff --git a/src/app/user/controllers/UserController.php b/src/app/user/controllers/UserController.php
index 0245eda4839..53f412a86eb 100755
--- a/src/app/user/controllers/UserController.php
+++ b/src/app/user/controllers/UserController.php
@@ -1306,7 +1306,7 @@ class UserController
         if (!$this->checkNeededParameters(['data' => $data, 'needed' => ['entityId']])) {
             return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Bad Request']);
-        if (empty(Entitymodel::getByEntityId(['entityId' => $data['entityId']]))) {
+        if (empty(EntityModel::getByEntityId(['entityId' => $data['entityId']]))) {
             return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => 'Entity not found']);
         } elseif (UserModel::hasEntity(['id' => $aArgs['id'], 'entityId' => $data['entityId']])) {
             return $response->withStatus(400)->withJson(['errors' => _USER_ALREADY_LINK_ENTITY]);