diff --git a/apps/maarch_entreprise/actions/sendToExternalNoteBook.php b/apps/maarch_entreprise/actions/sendToExternalNoteBook.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 2af24b3428edd749125ccb25b1edb248f39d0007..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/apps/maarch_entreprise/actions/sendToExternalNoteBook.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright Maarch since 2008 under licence GPLv3.
-* See LICENCE.txt file at the root folder for more details.
-* This file is part of Maarch software.
-* @brief   sendToExternalNote
-* @author  dev <dev@maarch.org>
-* @ingroup visa
-$confirm    = true;
-$frm_width  = '400px';
-$frm_height = 'auto';
-$warnMsg    = '';
-$etapes = ['form'];
-function get_form_txt($values, $path_manage_action, $id_action, $table, $module, $coll_id, $mode)
-    $db = new Database();
-    $values_str = '';
-    if (empty($_SESSION['stockCheckbox'])) {
-        for ($i=0; $i<count($values); $i++) {
-            $values_str .= $values[$i].', ';
-        }
-    } else {
-        for ($i=0; $i<count($_SESSION['stockCheckbox']); $i++) {
-            $values_str .= $_SESSION['stockCheckbox'][$i].', ';
-        }
-    }
-    $values_str = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $values_str);
-    $config = getXml();
-    $labelAction = '';
-    if ($id_action <> '') {
-        $stmt = $db->query("SELECT label_action FROM actions WHERE id = ?", array($id_action));
-        $resAction = $stmt->fetchObject();
-        $labelAction = functions::show_string($resAction->label_action);
-    }
-    $html = '<div id="frm_error_'.$id_action.'" class="error"></div>';
-    $html .= '<h2 class="title">' . $labelAction . '</h2>';
-    $html .= '<form name="sendToExternalSB" id="sendToExternalSB" method="post" class="forms" action="#">';
-    $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="chosen_action" id="chosen_action" value="end_action" />';
-    if (!empty($config)) {
-        include_once 'modules/visa/class/MaarchParapheurController.php';
-        $initializeDatas = MaarchParapheurController::getInitializeDatas($config);
-        if (!empty($initializeDatas['error'])) {
-            $error = $initializeDatas['error'];
-        } else {
-            $html .= '<label for="processingUser">' . _USER_MAARCH_PARAPHEUR . '</label><select name="processingUser" id="processingUser">';
-            if (!empty($initializeDatas['users'])) {
-                foreach ($initializeDatas['users'] as $value) {
-                    $html .= '<option value="';
-                    $html .= $value['id'];
-                    $html .= '">';
-                    $html .= $value['firstname'] . ' ' . $value['lastname'];
-                    $html .= '</option>';
-                }
-            }
-            $html .= '</select><br /><br /><br /><br />';
-        }
-    } else {
-        $error = _FILE . ' modules/visa/xml/remoteSignatoryBooks.xml' . ' ' . _NOT_EXISTS;
-    }
-    $html .='<div align="center">';
-    if (empty($error)) {
-        $html .=' <input type="button" name="validate" id="validate" value="'._VALIDATE.'" class="button" ' .
-                'onclick="valid_action_form(\'sendToExternalSB\', \'' . $path_manage_action .
-                '\', \'' . $id_action . '\', \'' . $values_str . '\', \'res_letterbox\', \'null\', \'letterbox_coll\', \'' .
-                $mode . '\');" />&nbsp;';
-    } else {
-        $html .= '<br>' . $error . '<br><br>';
-    }
-    $html .='<input type="button" name="cancel" id="cancel" class="button" value="'._CANCEL.'" onclick="pile_actions.action_pop();destroyModal(\'modal_'.$id_action.'\');"/>';
-    $html .='</div>';
-    $html .='</form>';
-    return addslashes($html);
-function check_form($form_id, $values)
-    $_SESSION['action_error'] = '';
-    if (!empty($_SESSION['stockCheckbox'])) {
-        $aResources = $_SESSION['stockCheckbox'];
-    } else {
-        $aResources = [$_SESSION['doc_id']];
-    }
-    foreach ($aResources as $resId) {
-        $adrMainInfo = \Convert\controllers\ConvertPdfController::getConvertedPdfById(['resId' => $resId, 'collId' => 'letterbox_coll']);
-        $docserverMainInfo = \Docserver\models\DocserverModel::getByDocserverId(['docserverId' => $adrMainInfo['docserver_id']]);
-        $filePath = $docserverMainInfo['path_template'] . str_replace('#', '/', $adrMainInfo['path']) . $adrMainInfo['filename'];
-        if (!is_file($filePath)) {
-            $_SESSION['action_error'] = _FILE_MISSING . ' : ' . $filePath;
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    return true;
-function manage_form($arr_id, $history, $id_action, $label_action, $status, $coll_id, $table, $values_form)
-    $result = '';
-    $config = getXml();
-    $coll_id = $_SESSION['current_basket']['coll_id'];
-    $message = '';
-    foreach ($arr_id as $res_id) {
-        $result .= $res_id.'#';
-        if (!empty($config)) {
-            $processingUser     = get_value_fields($values_form, 'processingUser');
-            $processingUserInfo = \ExternalSignatoryBook\controllers\MaarchParapheurController::getUserById(['config' => $config, 'id' => $processingUser]);
-            $sendedInfo         = \ExternalSignatoryBook\controllers\MaarchParapheurController::sendDatas([
-                'config'             => $config,
-                'resIdMaster'        => $res_id,
-                'processingUser'     => $processingUser,
-                'objectSent'         => 'mail',
-                'userId'             => $_SESSION['user']['UserId']
-            ]);
-            if (!empty($sendedInfo['error'])) {
-                var_dump($sendedInfo['error']);
-                exit;
-            } else {
-                $attachmentToFreeze = $sendedInfo['sended'];
-            }
-            $message = ' (à ' . $processingUserInfo['firstname'] . ' ' . $processingUserInfo['lastname'] . ')';
-        }
-        if (!empty($attachmentToFreeze)) {
-            if (!empty($attachmentToFreeze['letterbox_coll'])) {
-                \Resource\models\ResModel::update([
-                    'set' => ['external_signatory_book_id' => $attachmentToFreeze['letterbox_coll'][$res_id]],
-                    'where' => ['res_id = ?'],
-                    'data' => [$res_id]
-                ]);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return ['result' => $result, 'history_msg' => $message];
-function getXml()
-    if (file_exists("custom/{$_SESSION['custom_override_id']}/modules/visa/xml/remoteSignatoryBooks.xml")) {
-        $path = "custom/{$_SESSION['custom_override_id']}/modules/visa/xml/remoteSignatoryBooks.xml";
-    } else {
-        $path = 'modules/visa/xml/remoteSignatoryBooks.xml';
-    }
-    $config = [];
-    if (file_exists($path)) {
-        $loadedXml = simplexml_load_file($path);
-        if ($loadedXml) {
-            $config['id'] = 'maarchParapheur';
-            foreach ($loadedXml->signatoryBook as $value) {
-                if ($value->id == $config['id']) {
-                    $config['data'] = (array)$value;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return $config;
- /**
- * Get the value of a given field in the values returned by the form
- *
- * @param $values Array Values of the form to check
- * @param $field String the field
- * @return String the value, false if the field is not found
- **/
-function get_value_fields($values, $field)
-    for ($i=0; $i<count($values); $i++) {
-        if ($values[$i]['ID'] == $field) {
-            return  $values[$i]['VALUE'];
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
diff --git a/migration/20.03/2003-postScript.sql b/migration/20.03/2003-postScript.sql
index 530f0e61b3b2a293cc8acba0e22627d59f5d36ac..a8eda48478ac59ded2da39af1334bf2ec79b92cd 100644
--- a/migration/20.03/2003-postScript.sql
+++ b/migration/20.03/2003-postScript.sql
@@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ SELECT r.res_id,
-       r.external_signatory_book_id,
diff --git a/migration/20.03/2003.sql b/migration/20.03/2003.sql
index 63e3fb87a1d42488a0d6499b7124810af968f001..862204d5b37f54a917aa53810185fe8ad100bc21 100644
--- a/migration/20.03/2003.sql
+++ b/migration/20.03/2003.sql
@@ -356,6 +356,12 @@ DO $$ BEGIN
     END IF;
+    IF (SELECT count(attname) FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'res_letterbox') AND attname = 'external_signatory_book_id') = 0 THEN
+      UPDATE res_letterbox SET external_id = jsonb_set(external_id, '{signatureBookId}', external_signatory_book_id::text::jsonb) WHERE external_signatory_book_id IS NOT NULL;
+      ALTER TABLE res_letterbox DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS external_signatory_book_id;
+    END IF;
 ALTER TABLE res_letterbox DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS model_id;
diff --git a/migration/20.03/migrateOutgoingAttachments.php b/migration/20.03/migrateOutgoingAttachments.php
index 6d84d0ee48c1e53da78b0508e81915b354de3044..f66d5e6f4f9b4842da057a4d7c611cd6421d1003 100644
--- a/migration/20.03/migrateOutgoingAttachments.php
+++ b/migration/20.03/migrateOutgoingAttachments.php
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ foreach ($customs as $custom) {
     $migrated = 0;
     $attachmentsInfo = \SrcCore\models\DatabaseModel::select([
         'select' => ['l.category_id', 'a.res_id', 'a.relation', 'a.docserver_id', 'a.path', 'a.filename', 'a.filesize', 'a.format', 'a.res_id_master', 'a.in_signature_book',
-                        'a.in_send_attach', 'a.external_id', 'a.origin_id', 'a.external_id', 'l.external_id as letterbox_external_id'],
+                        'a.in_send_attach', 'a.external_id->>\'signatureBookId\' as signaturebookid', 'a.origin_id'],
         'table'  => ['res_attachments a, res_letterbox l'],
         'where'  => ['attachment_type = ?', 'a.status not in (?)', 'a.res_id_master = l.res_id', 'category_id = ?'],
         'data'   => ['outgoing_mail', ['DEL', 'TMP', 'OBS'], 'outgoing'],
@@ -57,12 +57,7 @@ foreach ($customs as $custom) {
         $integration = [];
         $integration['inSignatureBook'] = empty($attachmentInfo['in_signature_book']) ?  'false' : 'true';
         $integration['inShipping']      = empty($attachmentInfo['in_send_attach']) ?  'false' : 'true';
-        $attachmentExternalId = json_decode($attachmentInfo['external_id'], true);
-        $externalId           = json_decode($attachmentInfo['letterbox_external_id'], true);
-        $attachmentExternalId = empty($attachmentExternalId) ? [] : $attachmentExternalId;
-        $externalId           = empty($externalId) ? [] : $externalId;
-        $externalId           = array_merge($externalId, $attachmentExternalId);
             'set' => [
                 'docserver_id' => $attachmentInfo['docserver_id'],
@@ -71,9 +66,9 @@ foreach ($customs as $custom) {
                 'fingerprint'  => $attachmentInfo['fingerprint'],
                 'filesize'     => $attachmentInfo['filesize'],
                 'version'      => $attachmentInfo['relation'],
-                'integrations' => json_encode($integration),
-                'external_id'  => json_encode($externalId)
+                'integrations' => json_encode($integration)
+            'postSet' => ['external_id' => "jsonb_set(external_id, '{signatureBookId}', '{$attachmentInfo['signaturebookid']}'::text::jsonb)"],
             'where' => ['res_id = ?'],
             'data'  => [$attachmentInfo['res_id_master']]
diff --git a/modules/visa/batch/batch_tools.php b/modules/visa/batch/batch_tools.php
index d3ec70618ae93b995a12023165d685f1a9cc5864..926b7ebccaf81c174847d7e6d7a728343132ba8a 100755
--- a/modules/visa/batch/batch_tools.php
+++ b/modules/visa/batch/batch_tools.php
@@ -161,7 +161,10 @@ function Bt_createAttachment($aArgs = [])
         if (!empty($aArgs['noteCreatorId'])) {
             $creatorId = $aArgs['noteCreatorId'];
         } else {
-            $creatorId = 'superadmin';
+            $req = "SELECT id FROM users ORDER BY user_id='superadmin' desc limit 1";
+            $stmt = $GLOBALS['db']->query($req, array([]));
+            $reqResult = $stmt->fetchObject();
+            $creatorId = $reqResult->id;
             $creatorName = $aArgs['noteCreatorName'] . ' : ';
@@ -170,65 +173,22 @@ function Bt_createAttachment($aArgs = [])
-    if (!empty($aArgs['attachment_type'])) {
-        $attachmentType = $aArgs['attachment_type'];
-    } else {
-        $attachmentType = 'signed_response';
-    }
-    if (!empty($aArgs['in_signature_book'])) {
-        $inSignatureBook = $aArgs['in_signature_book'];
-    } else {
-        $inSignatureBook = 'true';
-    }
-    if (!empty($aArgs['table'])) {
-        $table = $aArgs['table'];
-    } else {
-        $table = 'res_attachments';
-    }
-    if (!empty($aArgs['relation'])) {
-        $relation = $aArgs['relation'];
-    } else {
-        $relation = 1;
-    }
-    if (!empty($aArgs['status'])) {
-        $status = $aArgs['status'];
-    } else {
-        $status = 'TRA';
-    }
     $dataValue = [];
-    array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'res_id_master',    'value' => $aArgs['res_id_master'],   'type' => 'integer']);
-    array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'title',            'value' => $aArgs['title'],           'type' => 'string']);
-    array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'identifier',       'value' => $aArgs['identifier'],      'type' => 'string']);
-    array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'type_id',          'value' => 1,                         'type' => 'integer']);
-    array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'dest_contact_id',  'value' => $aArgs['dest_contact_id'], 'type' => 'integer']);
-    array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'dest_address_id',  'value' => $aArgs['dest_address_id'], 'type' => 'integer']);
-    array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'dest_user',        'value' => $aArgs['dest_user'],       'type' => 'string']);
-    array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'typist',           'value' => $aArgs['typist'],          'type' => 'string']);
-    array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'attachment_type',  'value' => $attachmentType,           'type' => 'string']);
-    array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'coll_id',          'value' => 'letterbox_coll',          'type' => 'string']);
-    array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'relation',         'value' => $relation,                 'type' => 'integer']);
-    array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'in_signature_book','value' => $inSignatureBook,          'type' => 'bool']);
-    if (!empty($aArgs['origin_id'])) {
-        array_push($dataValue, ['column' => 'origin_id','value' => $aArgs['origin_id'], 'type' => 'integer']);
-    }
-    $allDatas = [
-        "encodedFile" => $aArgs['encodedFile'],
-        "data"        => $dataValue,
-        "collId"      => "letterbox_coll",
-        "table"       => $table,
-        "fileFormat"  => $aArgs['format'],
-        "status"      => $status
-    ];
+    $dataValue['resIdMaster']     = $aArgs['res_id_master'];
+    $dataValue['title']           = $aArgs['title'];
+    $dataValue['recipientId']     = $aArgs['recipient_id'];
+    $dataValue['recipientType']   = $aArgs['recipient_type'];
+    $dataValue['typist']          = $aArgs['typist'];
+    $dataValue['chrono']          = $aArgs['identifier'];
+    $dataValue['type']            = $aArgs['attachment_type'];
+    $dataValue['inSignatureBook'] = $aArgs['in_signature_book'];
+    $dataValue['encodedFile']     = $aArgs['encodedFile'];
+    $dataValue['format']          = $aArgs['format'];
+    $dataValue['status']          = $aArgs['status'];
+    $dataValue['originId']        = $aArgs['origin_id'];
     $opts = [
-        CURLOPT_URL => $GLOBALS['applicationUrl'] . 'rest/res',
+        CURLOPT_URL => $GLOBALS['applicationUrl'] . 'rest/attachments',
@@ -236,7 +196,7 @@ function Bt_createAttachment($aArgs = [])
         CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false,
-        CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode($allDatas),
+        CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode($dataValue),
         CURLOPT_POST => true
diff --git a/modules/visa/batch/process_mailsFromSignatoryBook.php b/modules/visa/batch/process_mailsFromSignatoryBook.php
index 4aa1410247baf2a093e8e4a9f04e1c78223be264..7045ed50b31a818515ef5b7f5970172c831da3bb 100755
--- a/modules/visa/batch/process_mailsFromSignatoryBook.php
+++ b/modules/visa/batch/process_mailsFromSignatoryBook.php
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ if (file_exists($GLOBALS['errorLckFile'])) {
 $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Retrieve attachments sent to remote signatory book', 'INFO');
-$query = "SELECT res_id, external_id->>'signatureBookId' as external_id, external_id->>'xparaphDepot' as xparaphdepot, format, res_id_master, title, identifier, type_id, attachment_type, dest_contact_id, dest_address_id, dest_user, typist, origin_id, relation 
+$query = "SELECT res_id, external_id->>'signatureBookId' as external_id, external_id->>'xparaphDepot' as xparaphdepot, format, res_id_master, title, identifier, attachment_type, recipient_id, recipient_type, typist, origin_id, relation 
         FROM res_attachments WHERE status = 'FRZ' AND external_id->>'signatureBookId' IS NOT NULL AND external_id->>'signatureBookId' <> ''";
 $stmt = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query, []);
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ if ($configRemoteSignatoryBook['id'] == 'ixbus') {
 $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Retrieve mails sent to remote signatory book', 'INFO');
-$query = "SELECT res_id, external_signatory_book_id as external_id, subject, typist 
-        FROM res_letterbox WHERE external_signatory_book_id IS NOT NULL";
+$query = "SELECT res_id, external_id->>'signatureBookId' as external_id, subject, typist, version 
+        FROM res_letterbox WHERE external_id->>'signatureBookId' IS NOT NULL";
 $stmt = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query, []);
 while ($reqResult = $stmt->fetchObject()) {
@@ -286,18 +286,14 @@ foreach ($retrievedMails['noVersion'] as $resId => $value) {
             'res_id_master'     => $value->res_id_master,
             'title'             => '[xParaph Log] ' . $value->title,
             'identifier'        => $value->identifier,
-            'type_id'           => $value->type_id,
-            'dest_contact_id'   => $value->dest_contact_id,
-            'dest_address_id'   => $value->dest_address_id,
-            'dest_user'         => $value->dest_user,
+            'recipient_id'      => $value->recipient_id,
+            'recipient_type'    => $value->recipient_type,
             'typist'            => $value->typist,
             'format'            => 'xml',
             'attachment_type'   => $value->attachment_type,
-            'relation'          => 1,
-            'status'            => 'TRA',
-            'encodedFile'       => $value->log,
             'in_signature_book' => 'false',
-            'table'             => 'res_attachments'
+            'encodedFile'       => $value->log,
+            'status'            => 'TRA'
     $additionalHistoryInfo = '';
@@ -307,23 +303,26 @@ foreach ($retrievedMails['noVersion'] as $resId => $value) {
     if ($value->status == 'validated') {
         if (!empty($value->encodedFile)) {
+            \SrcCore\models\DatabaseModel::delete([
+                'table' => 'res_attachments',
+                'where' => ['res_id_master = ?', 'status = ?', 'relation = ?'],
+                'data'  => [$value->res_id_master, 'SIGN', $value->relation]
+            ]);
             $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Create validated Attachment', 'INFO');
                 'res_id_master'   => $value->res_id_master,
                 'title'           => $value->title,
                 'identifier'      => $value->identifier,
-                'type_id'         => $value->type_id,
-                'dest_contact_id' => $value->dest_contact_id,
-                'dest_address_id' => $value->dest_address_id,
-                'dest_user'       => $value->dest_user,
+                'recipient_id'    => $value->recipient_id,
+                'recipient_type'  => $value->recipient_type,
                 'typist'          => $value->typist,
                 'format'          => $value->format,
                 'attachment_type' => $value->attachment_type,
-                'relation'        => $value->relation + 1,
-                'origin_id'       => $resId,
-                'status'          => 'TRA',
+                'in_signature_book' => 'true',
+                'originId'       => $resId,
+                'status'          => 'SIGN',
                 'encodedFile'     => $value->encodedFile,
-                'table'           => 'res_attachments',
                 'noteContent'     => $value->noteContent,
                 'noteCreatorId'   => $value->noteCreatorId,
                 'noteCreatorName' => $value->noteCreatorName
@@ -361,17 +360,14 @@ foreach ($retrievedMails['noVersion'] as $resId => $value) {
                 'res_id_master'   => $value->res_id_master,
                 'title'           => '[REFUSE] ' . $value->title,
                 'identifier'      => $value->identifier,
-                'type_id'         => $value->type_id,
-                'dest_contact_id' => $value->dest_contact_id,
-                'dest_address_id' => $value->dest_address_id,
-                'dest_user'       => $value->dest_user,
+                'recipient_id'    => $value->recipient_id,
+                'recipient_type'  => $value->recipient_type,
                 'typist'          => $value->typist,
                 'format'          => $value->format,
                 'attachment_type' => $value->attachment_type,
                 'status'          => 'A_TRA',
                 'encodedFile'     => $value->encodedFile,
                 'in_signature_book' => 'false',
-                'table'           => 'res_attachments',
                 'noteContent'     => $value->noteContent,
                 'noteCreatorId'   => $value->noteCreatorId,
                 'noteCreatorName' => $value->noteCreatorName
@@ -393,42 +389,72 @@ foreach ($retrievedMails['noVersion'] as $resId => $value) {
 foreach ($retrievedMails['resLetterbox'] as $resId => $value) {
-    $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Update res_letterbox : ' . $resId . '. ExternalSignatoryBookId : ' . $value->external_id, 'INFO');
+    $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Update res_letterbox : ' . $resId . '. SignatoryBookId : ' . $value->external_id, 'INFO');
     if (!empty($value->encodedFile)) {
-        $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Create Attachment', 'INFO');
-        Bt_createAttachment([
-            'res_id_master'     => $value->res_id,
-            'title'             => $value->subject,
-            'typist'            => $value->typist,
-            'format'            => $value->format,
-            'encodedFile'       => $value->encodedFile,
-            'noteContent'       => $value->noteContent,
-            'noteCreatorId'     => $value->noteCreatorId,
-            'noteCreatorName'   => $value->noteCreatorName,
-            'in_signature_book' => 'false',
-            'attachment_type'   => 'document_with_notes'
+        $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Create document in res_letterbox', 'INFO');
+        if ($value->status =='validated') {
+            \SrcCore\models\DatabaseModel::delete([
+                'table' => 'adr_letterbox',
+                'where' => ['res_id = ?', 'type in (?)', 'version = ?'],
+                'data'  => [$resId, ['SIGN', 'TNL'], $value->version]
+            ]);
+        } else {
+            \SrcCore\models\DatabaseModel::delete([
+                'table' => 'adr_letterbox',
+                'where' => ['res_id = ?', 'type in (?)', 'version = ?'],
+                'data'  => [$resId, ['NOTE'], $value->version]
+            ]);
+        }
+        $adrType = 'SIGN';
+        if (in_array($value->status, ['refused', 'refusedNote', 'validatedNote'])) {
+            $adrType = 'NOTE';
+        }
+        $storeResult = \Docserver\controllers\DocserverController::storeResourceOnDocServer([
+            'collId'          => 'letterbox_coll',
+            'docserverTypeId' => 'DOC',
+            'encodedResource' => $value->encodedFile,
+            'format'          => 'pdf'
+        ]);
+        \SrcCore\models\DatabaseModel::insert([
+            'table'         => 'adr_letterbox',
+            'columnsValues' => [
+                'res_id'       => $resId,
+                'type'         => $adrType,
+                'docserver_id' => $storeResult['docserver_id'],
+                'path'         => $storeResult['destination_dir'],
+                'filename'     => $storeResult['file_destination_name'],
+                'version'      => $value->version,
+                'fingerprint'  => empty($storeResult['fingerPrint']) ? null : $storeResult['fingerPrint']
+            ]
     $additionalHistoryInfo = '';
     if (!empty($value->workflowInfo)) {
         $additionalHistoryInfo =  ' : ' . $value->workflowInfo;
-    if ($value->status == 'validatedNote') {
+    if (in_array($value->status, ['validatedNote', 'validated'])) {
         $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Document validated', 'INFO');
-        Bt_validatedMail(['status' => $validatedStatusAnnot, 'resId' => $value->res_id]);
+        $status = $validatedStatus;
+        if ($value->status == 'validatedNote') {
+            $status = $validatedStatusAnnot;
+        }
+        $GLOBALS['db']->query('UPDATE res_letterbox SET status = ? WHERE res_id = ? ', [$status, $resId]);
             'table_name' => 'res_letterbox',
-            'record_id'  => $value->res_id,
+            'record_id'  => $resId,
             'info'       => 'Le document '.$resId.' (res_letterbox) a été validé dans le parapheur externe' . $additionalHistoryInfo,
             'event_type' => 'ACTION#1',
             'event_id'   => '1'
-    } elseif ($value->status == 'refusedNote') {
+    } elseif (in_array($value->status, ['refusedNote', 'refused'])) {
         $GLOBALS['logger']->write('Document refused', 'INFO');
-        $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE res_letterbox SET status = '" . $refusedStatusAnnot . "' WHERE res_id = ?", [$resId]);
+        $status = $refusedStatus;
+        if ($value->status == 'refusedNote') {
+            $status = $refusedStatusAnnot;
+        }
+        $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE res_letterbox SET status = ? WHERE res_id = ?", [$status, $resId]);
             'table_name' => 'res_letterbox',
             'record_id'  => $resId,
@@ -437,7 +463,7 @@ foreach ($retrievedMails['resLetterbox'] as $resId => $value) {
             'event_id'   => '1'
-    $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE res_letterbox SET external_signatory_book_id = null WHERE res_id = ?", [$resId]);
+    $GLOBALS['db']->query("UPDATE res_letterbox SET external_id = external_id - 'signatureBookId' WHERE res_id = ?", [$resId]);
 $GLOBALS['logger']->write('End of process', 'INFO');
diff --git a/sql/index_creation.sql b/sql/index_creation.sql
index edce9ca7dbcc91561a6ea29f40f3ca2ae2f1ceeb..2541f40f1848ad8d5cadad012a0f71ab326307cd 100755
--- a/sql/index_creation.sql
+++ b/sql/index_creation.sql
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ CREATE INDEX res_letterbox_docserver_id_idx ON res_letterbox (docserver_id);
 CREATE INDEX res_letterbox_filename_idx ON res_letterbox (filename);
 CREATE INDEX res_departure_date_idx ON res_letterbox (departure_date);
 CREATE INDEX res_barcode_idx ON res_letterbox (barcode);
-CREATE INDEX external_signatory_book_id_idx ON res_letterbox (external_signatory_book_id);
 CREATE INDEX category_id_idx ON res_letterbox (category_id);
 -- res_attachments
diff --git a/sql/sample.sql b/sql/sample.sql
index 0ca9a83d189ee055c4bc9f6460cabffa42e357f8..b03d23e96bbe280980a30d7bdad479e5c621ef69 100644
--- a/sql/sample.sql
+++ b/sql/sample.sql
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_da
 VALUES (6, 'Relance place en creche', 307, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'relance_place_creche.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'PE', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'ssaporta', 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/5', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
 -- to annotate documents
-INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_signatory_book_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
-VALUES (7, 'Pétition pour la survie du square Carré', 201, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'petition_square_carre.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'DGS', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'rrenaud', 7, 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/6', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
-INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_signatory_book_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
-VALUES (8, 'Félicitations élections', 205, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'felicitations.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'DGS', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'rrenaud', 8, 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/7', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
-INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_signatory_book_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
-VALUES (9, 'Demande place creche', 307, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'formulaire_place_creche.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'PE', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'ssaporta', 9, 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/8', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
-INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_signatory_book_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
-VALUES (10, 'Demande subvention jokkolabs', 406, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'demande_subvention.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'DGS', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'rrenaud', 10, 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/9', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
-INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_signatory_book_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
-VALUES (11, 'Facture Maarch', 407, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'facture.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'FIN', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'sstar', 11, 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/10', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
-INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_signatory_book_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
-VALUES (12, 'Demande état civil', 602, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'etat_civil.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'DGS', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'rrenaud', 12, 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/11', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
-INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_signatory_book_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
-VALUES (13, 'Arret maladie vide', 701, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'arret_maladie.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'DRH', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'ppruvost', 13, 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/12', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
-INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_signatory_book_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
-VALUES (14, 'Inscription école', 307, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'inscription_ecole.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'PE', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'ssaporta', 14, 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/13', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
+INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
+VALUES (7, 'Pétition pour la survie du square Carré', 201, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'petition_square_carre.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'DGS', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'rrenaud', '{"signatureBookId": "7"}', 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/6', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
+INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
+VALUES (8, 'Félicitations élections', 205, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'felicitations.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'DGS', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'rrenaud', '{"signatureBookId": "8"}', 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/7', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
+INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
+VALUES (9, 'Demande place creche', 307, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'formulaire_place_creche.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'PE', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'ssaporta', '{"signatureBookId": "9"}', 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/8', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
+INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
+VALUES (10, 'Demande subvention jokkolabs', 406, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'demande_subvention.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'DGS', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'rrenaud', '{"signatureBookId": "10"}', 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/9', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
+INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
+VALUES (11, 'Facture Maarch', 407, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'facture.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'FIN', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'sstar', '{"signatureBookId": "11"}', 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/10', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
+INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
+VALUES (12, 'Demande état civil', 602, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'etat_civil.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'DGS', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'rrenaud', '{"signatureBookId": "12"}', 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/11', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
+INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
+VALUES (13, 'Arret maladie vide', 701, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'arret_maladie.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'DRH', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'ppruvost', '{"signatureBookId": "13"}', 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/12', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
+INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, external_id, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
+VALUES (14, 'Inscription école', 307, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'inscription_ecole.pdf', '0', 24877, 'ATT_MP', 'PE', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'ssaporta', '{"signatureBookId": "14"}', 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/13', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
 -- to qualify document
 INSERT INTO res_letterbox (res_id, subject, type_id, format, typist, creation_date, modification_date, doc_date, docserver_id, path, filename, fingerprint, filesize, status, destination, work_batch, origin, priority, policy_id, cycle_id, initiator, dest_user, category_id, alt_identifier, admission_date, process_limit_date, closing_date, alarm1_date, alarm2_date, flag_alarm1, flag_alarm2, model_id)
 VALUES (15, 'Demande intervention à qualifier', 505, 'pdf', 21, NOW(), NOW(), CURRENT_DATE, 'FASTHD_MAN', 'tests#', 'demande_intervention.pdf', '0', 24877, 'INIT', 'PTE', NULL, NULL, 'poiuytre1357nbvc', NULL, NULL, 'COU', 'ccharles', 'incoming', 'MAARCH/2019A/14', CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_DATE + 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', 1);
diff --git a/sql/structure.sql b/sql/structure.sql
index 7c2d7999f933ecc06e91d28e37ca3a5ff17fa65e..741a560d485e69fe3d528af687c96acd7e114cb2 100755
--- a/sql/structure.sql
+++ b/sql/structure.sql
@@ -956,7 +956,6 @@ CREATE TABLE res_letterbox
   opinion_limit_date timestamp without time zone default NULL,
   department_number_id text,
   barcode text,
-  external_signatory_book_id integer,
   category_id character varying(32)  NOT NULL,
   alt_identifier character varying(255),
   admission_date timestamp without time zone,
@@ -1142,7 +1141,6 @@ SELECT r.res_id,
-       r.external_signatory_book_id,
diff --git a/src/app/action/controllers/ActionMethodController.php b/src/app/action/controllers/ActionMethodController.php
index bbfdaf74460270f77d7172311387d298704b1be1..eeedcd0430f6c70a18afc66ce52e644a8c5570a8 100644
--- a/src/app/action/controllers/ActionMethodController.php
+++ b/src/app/action/controllers/ActionMethodController.php
@@ -406,9 +406,9 @@ class ActionMethodController
         if (!empty($attachmentToFreeze)) {
-                'set'   => ['external_signatory_book_id' => $attachmentToFreeze['letterbox_coll'][$args['resId']]],
-                'where' => ['res_id = ?'],
-                'data'  => [$args['resId']]
+                'postSet' => ['external_id' => "jsonb_set(external_id, '{signatureBookId}', '{$attachmentToFreeze['letterbox_coll'][$args['resId']]}'::text::jsonb)"],
+                'where'   => ['res_id = ?'],
+                'data'    => [$args['resId']]
diff --git a/src/app/action/controllers/ExternalSignatoryBookTrait.php b/src/app/action/controllers/ExternalSignatoryBookTrait.php
index 73c55b9ff760366ea8cbb40b59bbdd8dc25d4b9b..4027cec45320b18e62cbbf760bfe816102e6e1a3 100644
--- a/src/app/action/controllers/ExternalSignatoryBookTrait.php
+++ b/src/app/action/controllers/ExternalSignatoryBookTrait.php
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ trait ExternalSignatoryBookTrait
                 $integratedResource = ResModel::get([
                     'select' => [1],
-                    'where'  => ['integrations->>\'inSignatureBook\' = \'true\'', 'external_signatory_book_id is null', 'res_id = ?'],
+                    'where'  => ['integrations->>\'inSignatureBook\' = \'true\'', 'external_id->>\'signatureBookId\' is null', 'res_id = ?'],
                     'data'   => [$args['resId']]
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ trait ExternalSignatoryBookTrait
         if (!empty($attachmentToFreeze)) {
             if (!empty($attachmentToFreeze['letterbox_coll'])) {
-                    'set' => ['external_signatory_book_id' => $attachmentToFreeze['letterbox_coll'][$args['resId']]],
-                    'where' => ['res_id = ?'],
-                    'data' => [$args['resId']]
+                    'postSet' => ['external_id' => "jsonb_set(external_id, '{signatureBookId}', '{$attachmentToFreeze['letterbox_coll'][$args['resId']]}'::text::jsonb)"],
+                    'where'   => ['res_id = ?'],
+                    'data'    => [$args['resId']]
             } else {
                 if (!empty($attachmentToFreeze['attachments_coll'])) {
diff --git a/src/app/action/controllers/PreProcessActionController.php b/src/app/action/controllers/PreProcessActionController.php
index eeaf856948291d03ea1cf70122730b72ce97ecf0..bf09b61f12687c71cb2d284fe7b5ed720bf2d45a 100755
--- a/src/app/action/controllers/PreProcessActionController.php
+++ b/src/app/action/controllers/PreProcessActionController.php
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ class PreProcessActionController
                     $integratedResource = ResModel::get([
                         'select' => [1],
-                        'where'  => ['integrations->>\'inSignatureBook\' = \'true\'', 'external_signatory_book_id is null', 'res_id = ?'],
+                        'where'  => ['integrations->>\'inSignatureBook\' = \'true\'', 'external_id->>\'signatureBookId\' is null', 'res_id = ?'],
                         'data'   => [$resId]
@@ -628,13 +628,13 @@ class PreProcessActionController
             foreach ($data['resources'] as $resId) {
-                $noAttachmentsResource = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $resId, 'select' => ['alt_identifier', 'filename']]);
+                $noAttachmentsResource = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $resId, 'select' => ['alt_identifier', 'filename', 'external_id->>\'signatureBookId\' as signaturebookid']]);
                 if (empty($noAttachmentsResource['alt_identifier'])) {
                     $noAttachmentsResource['alt_identifier'] = _UNDEFINED;
                 if (empty($noAttachmentsResource['filename'])) {
-                    $additionalsInfos['noMail'][] = ['alt_identifier' => $noAttachmentsResource['alt_identifier'], 'res_id' => $resId, 'reason' => 'noDocument'];
+                    $additionalsInfos['noMail'][] = ['alt_identifier' => $noAttachmentsResource['alt_identifier'], 'res_id' => $resId, 'reason' => 'noDocumentToSend'];
                 $adrMainInfo = ConvertPdfController::getConvertedPdfById(['resId' => $resId, 'collId' => 'letterbox_coll']);
@@ -652,6 +652,10 @@ class PreProcessActionController
                     $additionalsInfos['noMail'][] = ['alt_identifier' => $noAttachmentsResource['alt_identifier'], 'res_id' => $resId, 'reason' => 'fileDoesNotExists'];
+                if (!empty($noAttachmentsResource['signaturebookid'])) {
+                    $additionalsInfos['noMail'][] = ['alt_identifier' => $noAttachmentsResource['alt_identifier'], 'res_id' => $resId, 'reason' => 'fileAlreadySendToSignatureBook'];
+                    continue;
+                }
                 $additionalsInfos['mails'][] = ['res_id' => $resId];
diff --git a/src/app/external/externalSignatoryBook/controllers/MaarchParapheurController.php b/src/app/external/externalSignatoryBook/controllers/MaarchParapheurController.php
index 735f1530061a24080cf9a30edd374bc0fb47a849..0704b1c4717e61ece0e9cb4e7cc3343665b01960 100755
--- a/src/app/external/externalSignatoryBook/controllers/MaarchParapheurController.php
+++ b/src/app/external/externalSignatoryBook/controllers/MaarchParapheurController.php
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ class MaarchParapheurController
             $integratedResource = ResModel::get([
                 'select' => ['res_id', 'docserver_id', 'path', 'filename'],
-                'where'  => ['integrations->>\'inSignatureBook\' = \'true\'', 'external_signatory_book_id is null', 'res_id = ?'],
+                'where'  => ['integrations->>\'inSignatureBook\' = \'true\'', 'external_id->>\'signatureBookId\' is null', 'res_id = ?'],
                 'data'   => [$aArgs['resIdMaster']]
@@ -493,12 +493,12 @@ class MaarchParapheurController
                     if (!empty($state['note'])) {
                         $aArgs['idsToRetrieve'][$version][$resId]->noteContent = $state['note'];
                         $userInfos = UserModel::getByExternalId([
-                            'select'            => ['user_id'],
+                            'select'            => ['id'],
                             'externalId'        => $state['noteCreatorId'],
                             'externalName'      => 'maarchParapheur'
                         if (!empty($userInfos)) {
-                            $aArgs['idsToRetrieve'][$version][$resId]->noteCreatorId = $userInfos['user_id'];
+                            $aArgs['idsToRetrieve'][$version][$resId]->noteCreatorId = $userInfos['id'];
                         } else {
                             $aArgs['idsToRetrieve'][$version][$resId]->noteCreatorName = $state['noteCreatorName'];
diff --git a/src/app/resource/controllers/ResController.php b/src/app/resource/controllers/ResController.php
index 64aa6bacc0065987913651b34149e5113ddf6cbe..665f1f528d48ef3d44896baa6b930908283644f2 100755
--- a/src/app/resource/controllers/ResController.php
+++ b/src/app/resource/controllers/ResController.php
@@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ class ResController
         $body = $args['body'];
-        $resource = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $args['resId'], 'select' => ['status', 'model_id', 'external_signatory_book_id']]);
+        $resource = ResModel::getById(['resId' => $args['resId'], 'select' => ['status', 'model_id', 'external_id->>\'signatureBookId\' as signaturebookid']]);
         if (empty($resource['status'])) {
             return ['errors' => 'Resource status is empty. It can not be modified'];
@@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ class ResController
             return ['errors' => 'Body is not set or empty'];
         } elseif (!Validator::intVal()->notEmpty()->validate($body['doctype'])) {
             return ['errors' => 'Body doctype is empty or not an integer'];
-        } elseif (!empty($body['encodedFile']) && !empty($resource['external_signatory_book_id'])) {
+        } elseif (!empty($body['encodedFile']) && !empty($resource['signaturebookid'])) {
             return ['errors' => 'Resource is in external signature book, file can not be modified'];
diff --git a/src/frontend/lang/lang-en.ts b/src/frontend/lang/lang-en.ts
index 7bafb362f747e04980ecd4bd8ebafaf8ceba8a67..63a664ab1d381e83284f7c2466ff489687ad7bb2 100755
--- a/src/frontend/lang/lang-en.ts
+++ b/src/frontend/lang/lang-en.ts
@@ -1449,6 +1449,7 @@ export const LANG_EN = {
     "PRE": "Back absence",
     "RESETPSW": "Password reset",
     "ERROR": "Error",
+    "fileAlreadySentToSignatureBook": "File already send to signature book",
     "systemActions": "System action(s)",
     "viewAllHistory": "View all history",
     "viewActionsHistory": "View only actions in history",
diff --git a/src/frontend/lang/lang-fr.ts b/src/frontend/lang/lang-fr.ts
index 48de7b6793152d9c947aab9cff487667e7884cdf..2d72728f40d56178d38cc0756bb92728f3fe2155 100755
--- a/src/frontend/lang/lang-fr.ts
+++ b/src/frontend/lang/lang-fr.ts
@@ -1488,6 +1488,7 @@ export const LANG_FR = {
     "PRE": "Retour d'absence",
     "RESETPSW": "Réinitialisation de mot de passe",
     "ERROR": "Erreur",
+    "fileAlreadySentToSignatureBook": "Fichier déjà envoyé au parapheur",
     "systemActions": "Événement(s) système",
     "viewAllHistory": "Afficher tout l'historique",
     "viewActionsHistory": "Afficher l'historique des actions",
diff --git a/src/frontend/lang/lang-nl.ts b/src/frontend/lang/lang-nl.ts
index de53ba6406de7f0b3941a0a85ac2a69a4162f364..7597b8d180deb0001ce1605882b2cd5439d49288 100755
--- a/src/frontend/lang/lang-nl.ts
+++ b/src/frontend/lang/lang-nl.ts
@@ -1474,6 +1474,7 @@ export const LANG_NL = {
     "PRE": "Back absence",//_TO_TRANSLATE
     "RESETPSW": "Password reset",//_TO_TRANSLATE
     "ERROR": "Error", //_TO_TRANSLATE
+    "fileAlreadySentToSignatureBook": "File already send to signature book", //_TO_TRANSLATE
     "systemActions": "System action(s)", //_TO_TRANSLATE
     "viewAllHistory": "View all history", //_TO_TRANSLATE
     "viewActionsHistory": "View only actions in history", //_TO_TRANSLATE