diff --git a/core/trunk/core/class/ExportControler.php b/core/trunk/core/class/ExportControler.php
index a48142cbcc64f4643b920699341dcde8e597a45b..d80eacfe8c264ecf510caba4e970f9df2eafb3d4 100755
--- a/core/trunk/core/class/ExportControler.php
+++ b/core/trunk/core/class/ExportControler.php
@@ -31,160 +31,160 @@
 //Loads the require class
 try {
-	require_once('core/class/class_functions.php');
-	require_once('core/class/class_db.php');
-	require_once('core/class/class_history.php');
-	//require_once('');
+    require_once('core/class/class_functions.php');
+    require_once('core/class/class_db.php');
+    require_once('core/class/class_history.php');
+    //require_once('');
 } catch (Exception $e) {
-	echo $e->getMessage() . ' // ';
+    echo $e->getMessage() . ' // ';
 class ExportControler
-	private static $db;
-	private static $db2;
-	private static $db3;
-	private static $coll;
-	private static $functions;
-	private static $return_loadXMLConf;
-	function __construct() 
-	{
-		$this->coll = $_SESSION['collection_id_choice'];
-		$this->functions = new functions();
-		$this->return_loadXMLConf = $this->functions->object2array($this->loadXMLConf());
-		$this->db = new dbquery();
-		$this->db->connect();
-		$this->db2 = new dbquery();
-		$this->db2->connect();
-		$this->db3 = new dbquery();
-		$this->db3->connect();
-		$this->export();
-	}
-	private function export() 
-	{
-		$return_createQuery = $this->createQuery();
-		//echo $return_createQuery;exit;
-		if (!$this->db->query($return_createQuery, true)) {
-			$_SESSION['error'] = 'Erreur SQL 1';
-		}
-		$resultQuery[0] = $this->getHeaderOfCsv();
-		$cpt = 1;
-		while ($return_dbQuery = $this->db->fetch_object()) {
-			$return_dbQuery->subject = utf8_decode($return_dbQuery->subject);
-			$resultQuery[$cpt] = $this->functions->object2array($return_dbQuery);
-			if (   isset($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FUNCTIONS']['COPIES']) 
-				&& !empty($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FUNCTIONS']['COPIES'])) {
-				$resultQuery[$cpt][$this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FUNCTIONS']['COPIES']] = substr($this->functions_copies($return_dbQuery->res_id), 0, -2);
-			}
-			$resultQuery[$cpt]['commentaire'] = '';
-			$cpt++;
-		}
-		$return_array2CSV = $this->array2CSV($resultQuery);
-		$_SESSION['export']['filename'] = $return_array2CSV;
-	}
-	private function createQuery() 
-	{	
-		$query = 'SELECT ';
-		for ($i=0; $i<count($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD']); $i++) {
-			$query .= $this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD'][$i]['DATABASE_FIELD'];
-			if ($i <> (count($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD']) - 1)) {
-				$query .= ', ';
-			}
-		}
-		$query .= ' '.substr($_SESSION['last_select_query'], stripos($_SESSION['last_select_query'], 'FROM'));
-		return $query;
-	}
-	private function array2CSV($resultQuery) 
-	{
-		do {
-			$csvName = $_SESSION['user']['UserId'] . '-' . md5(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . '.csv';
-			if (isset($pathToCsv) && !empty($pathToCsv)) {
-				$csvName = $_SESSION['user']['UserId'] . '-' . md5($pathToCsv) . '.csv';
-			}
-			$pathToCsv = $_SESSION['config']['tmppath'] . $csvName;
-		} while (file_exists($pathToCsv));
-		$csvFile = fopen($pathToCsv, 'a+');
-		foreach ($resultQuery as $fields) {
-			fputcsv($csvFile, $fields, ';');
-		}
-		fclose($csvFile);
-		return $csvName;
-	}
-	private function getHeaderOfCsv()
-	{
-		//echo '<pre>'.print_r($loadXMLConf, true).'</pre>';exit;
-		for($i=0; $i < count($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD']); $i++) {
-			if (!empty($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD'][$i]['LIBELLE'])) {
-				$tabToReturn[$i] = $this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD'][$i]['LIBELLE'];
-			} else {
-				$tabToReturn[$i] = $this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD'][$i]['DATABASE_FIELD'];
-			}
-		}
-		$temp = array_keys($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FUNCTIONS']);
-		for ($k=0; $k<count($temp); $k++) {
-			$j = $i+$k;
-			$tabToReturn[$j] = $this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FUNCTIONS'][$temp[$k]];
-		}
-		if ($k == 0) {
-			$j = $i;
-		}
-		$tabToReturn[$j+1] = $this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIXE'];
-		return $tabToReturn;
-	}
-	private function loadXMLConf()
-	{
-		$path = 'apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/export.xml';
-		if (file_exists('custom/'.$_SESSION['custom_override_id'].'/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/export.xml')) {
-			$path = 'custom/'.$_SESSION['custom_override_id'].'/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/export.xml';
-		}
-		$exportConf = simplexml_load_file($path);
-		return $exportConf;
-	}
-	private function functions_copies($res_id)
-	{
-		$return_functionsCopies = '';
-		$queryListinstance = "SELECT item_id, item_type FROM listinstance WHERE res_id = ".$res_id." AND coll_id = '".$this->coll."' AND item_mode = 'cc'";
-		if (!$this->db2->query($queryListinstance, true)) {
-			$_SESSION['error'] = 'Erreur SQL 2';
-		}
-		$j = 0;
-		while ($return_dbQueryListinstance = $this->db2->fetch_object()) {
-			if ($return_dbQueryListinstance->item_type == 'user_id') {
-				$queryUsersEntities = "SELECT entity_id FROM users_entities WHERE user_id = '".$return_dbQueryListinstance->item_id."' AND primary_entity = 'Y'";
-				if (!$this->db3->query($queryUsersEntities, true)) {
-					$_SESSION['error'] = 'Erreur SQL 3';
-				}
-				while ($return_dbQueryUsersEntities = $this->db3->fetch_object()) {
-					$usersEntities = $return_dbQueryListinstance->item_id.' : '.$return_dbQueryUsersEntities->entity_id;
-				}
-			} else {
-				$usersEntities = $return_dbQueryListinstance->item_id;
-			}
-			$return_functionsCopies .= $usersEntities . ' | ';
-			$j++;
-		}
-		return $return_functionsCopies;
-	}
+    private static $db;
+    private static $db2;
+    private static $db3;
+    private static $coll;
+    private static $functions;
+    private static $return_loadXMLConf;
+    function __construct() 
+    {
+        $this->coll = $_SESSION['collection_id_choice'];
+        $this->functions = new functions();
+        $this->return_loadXMLConf = $this->functions->object2array($this->loadXMLConf());
+        $this->db = new dbquery();
+        $this->db->connect();
+        $this->db2 = new dbquery();
+        $this->db2->connect();
+        $this->db3 = new dbquery();
+        $this->db3->connect();
+        $this->export();
+    }
+    private function export() 
+    {
+        $return_createQuery = $this->createQuery();
+        //echo $return_createQuery;exit;
+        if (!$this->db->query($return_createQuery, true)) {
+            $_SESSION['error'] = 'Erreur SQL 1';
+        }
+        $resultQuery[0] = $this->getHeaderOfCsv();
+        $cpt = 1;
+        while ($return_dbQuery = $this->db->fetch_object()) {
+            $return_dbQuery->subject = utf8_decode($return_dbQuery->subject);
+            $resultQuery[$cpt] = $this->functions->object2array($return_dbQuery);
+            if (   isset($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FUNCTIONS']['COPIES']) 
+                && !empty($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FUNCTIONS']['COPIES'])) {
+                $resultQuery[$cpt][$this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FUNCTIONS']['COPIES']] = substr($this->functions_copies($return_dbQuery->res_id), 0, -2);
+            }
+            $resultQuery[$cpt]['commentaire'] = '';
+            $cpt++;
+        }
+        $return_array2CSV = $this->array2CSV($resultQuery);
+        $_SESSION['export']['filename'] = $return_array2CSV;
+    }
+    private function createQuery() 
+    {   
+        $query = 'SELECT ';
+        for ($i=0; $i<count($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD']); $i++) {
+            $query .= $this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD'][$i]['DATABASE_FIELD'];
+            if ($i <> (count($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD']) - 1)) {
+                $query .= ', ';
+            }
+        }
+        $query .= ' '.substr($_SESSION['last_select_query'], stripos($_SESSION['last_select_query'], 'FROM'));
+        return $query;
+    }
+    private function array2CSV($resultQuery) 
+    {
+        do {
+            $csvName = $_SESSION['user']['UserId'] . '-' . md5(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . '.csv';
+            if (isset($pathToCsv) && !empty($pathToCsv)) {
+                $csvName = $_SESSION['user']['UserId'] . '-' . md5($pathToCsv) . '.csv';
+            }
+            $pathToCsv = $_SESSION['config']['tmppath'] . $csvName;
+        } while (file_exists($pathToCsv));
+        $csvFile = fopen($pathToCsv, 'a+');
+        foreach ($resultQuery as $fields) {
+            fputcsv($csvFile, $fields, ';');
+        }
+        fclose($csvFile);
+        return $csvName;
+    }
+    private function getHeaderOfCsv()
+    {
+        //echo '<pre>'.print_r($loadXMLConf, true).'</pre>';exit;
+        for($i=0; $i < count($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD']); $i++) {
+            if (!empty($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD'][$i]['LIBELLE'])) {
+                $tabToReturn[$i] = $this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD'][$i]['LIBELLE'];
+            } else {
+                $tabToReturn[$i] = $this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIELD'][$i]['DATABASE_FIELD'];
+            }
+        }
+        $temp = array_keys($this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FUNCTIONS']);
+        for ($k=0; $k<count($temp); $k++) {
+            $j = $i+$k;
+            $tabToReturn[$j] = $this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FUNCTIONS'][$temp[$k]];
+        }
+        if ($k == 0) {
+            $j = $i;
+        }
+        $tabToReturn[$j+1] = $this->return_loadXMLConf[$this->coll]['FIXE'];
+        return $tabToReturn;
+    }
+    private function loadXMLConf()
+    {
+        $path = 'apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/export.xml';
+        if (file_exists('custom/'.$_SESSION['custom_override_id'].'/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/export.xml')) {
+            $path = 'custom/'.$_SESSION['custom_override_id'].'/apps/maarch_entreprise/xml/export.xml';
+        }
+        $exportConf = simplexml_load_file($path);
+        return $exportConf;
+    }
+    private function functions_copies($res_id)
+    {
+        $return_functionsCopies = '';
+        $queryListinstance = "SELECT item_id, item_type FROM listinstance WHERE res_id = ".$res_id." AND coll_id = '".$this->coll."' AND item_mode = 'cc'";
+        if (!$this->db2->query($queryListinstance, true)) {
+            $_SESSION['error'] = 'Erreur SQL 2';
+        }
+        $j = 0;
+        while ($return_dbQueryListinstance = $this->db2->fetch_object()) {
+            if ($return_dbQueryListinstance->item_type == 'user_id') {
+                $queryUsersEntities = "SELECT entity_id FROM users_entities WHERE user_id = '".$return_dbQueryListinstance->item_id."' AND primary_entity = 'Y'";
+                if (!$this->db3->query($queryUsersEntities, true)) {
+                    $_SESSION['error'] = 'Erreur SQL 3';
+                }
+                while ($return_dbQueryUsersEntities = $this->db3->fetch_object()) {
+                    $usersEntities = $return_dbQueryListinstance->item_id.' : '.$return_dbQueryUsersEntities->entity_id;
+                }
+            } else {
+                $usersEntities = $return_dbQueryListinstance->item_id;
+            }
+            $return_functionsCopies .= $usersEntities . ' | ';
+            $j++;
+        }
+        return $return_functionsCopies;
+    }
diff --git a/core/trunk/core/class/class_request.php b/core/trunk/core/class/class_request.php
index 12bea0bdd0c79e5eea89f086365c49aa7fee0cc8..43e5ffdd970f3915baa4cfa2463580d1c1d43bdd 100644
--- a/core/trunk/core/class/class_request.php
+++ b/core/trunk/core/class/class_request.php
@@ -160,7 +160,11 @@ class request extends dbquery
 		$query = $this->limit_select(0, $limit, $field_string, $table_string." ".$join, $where_string, $other, $dist);
+        if (preg_match('/res_view/i', $query)) {
+            $_SESSION['last_select_query'] = $query;
+        }
         $res_query = $this->query($query, $catch_error);